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In Honor of Alaska Deb, an idea



  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Member Posts: 765
    edited January 2009

    I am not going to just email the president, I am also going to email my congressman and senators.But I will have to do it on Friday 13th while I am at work. I checked on the website of my congressman and on the contact him page there is a drop-down list of topics to pick from for the subject line and I will pick health care. There is no limit on his site to the number of characters.


  • Deb-from-Ohio
    Deb-from-Ohio Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2009

    Jenniferz, I think you would be hard pressed to  find someone who doesnt know someone with cancer or who had cancer....everyone I talk to knows someone as believe me, and I know Renee will agree with me, we've heard all about every case of cancer from here to the other side of the earth in those "well they mean well" messages we all get..........If in the rare case there is someone who doesn't know someone, they could use different titles, such as "Cure Breast Cancer Now" or Please find a cure.........leave it up to them I guess...........


    p.s. Ladies I would forever be in your debt if you could post about this in the other forums you're in on here........... We need to have everyone on aware of this, more people, more emails!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291
    edited January 2009


    Are we just going to email Obama?  What about Gov. Palin? She is in Deb's beloved state of Alaska.  Just an idea.


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2009

    ok...Really super idea to use your name and dx date in the subject line.  I think we should go with it!

    Now to come up with a letter of 500 characters of less...I'm thinking on it...feel free to jump in with something if you are a better letter  writer than I am LOL. 

    Maybe your short story...followed by..."help us wipe out cancer for your kid and ours."  Makes it personal with but with a "group" sentiment at the end so it is known that we stand together in this effort.  (not necessarily that for suggestions).

    Another wonderful thought from Jennifer...wanted to contact John Edwards and Elizabeth.  (Ewww to John Edwards..cheating jerk)...anyhoo...I know that Elizabeth has a Myspace page that the bulletin can be sent to.  I am fairly sure that many of the senators etc of each state have a Myspace page as well...with a little searching we could find them all. 



  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2009

    heehee...some of you are ahead of me.

    We are emailing President Obama and Governor Palin...

    Deb...can you edit your original post to include their email addresses so we have them in one place?

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467
    edited January 2009

    I'm in. Do I email to the whitehouse?

  • Deb-from-Ohio
    Deb-from-Ohio Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2009

    There you go Vickie, all edited, date, email addresses, subject headers since so many liked that idea.......and a link to the myspace page........I guess I could make a facebook page too....shoooooey! LOL



  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2009

    shooooey is right Deb LOL! 

    Remember everyone...if you are emailing through the websites listed you have to keep it under 500 characters...if you are sending the message through their Myspace page you can write as much as you like.

    I will resend the Myspace bulletin on February 12 and I will give the White House and Gov. Palin a heads up the day before the "deluge" or the morning of the "deluge"...this should be grand...a tribute to everyone who suffers from this dreaded disease.

    thank you Deb for starting this project

    Hugs all


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited January 2009

    I'm in.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited January 2009

    OK, so for example:

    Subject line is: Colleen C, dx with cancer 5/05

    Opening statement is: my story, including mentioning anyone else in my life living with cancer (e.g., my Dad) or that has died from cancer (e.g., Deb) Should we all mention Deb?

    Closing statement is: we decide on a "tag line" that isn't too long (so we don't have to worry about the 500 character limit) but is universal, so they know that the e-mails are a united effort. Or maybe this is where we mention Deb?

  • Deb-from-Ohio
    Deb-from-Ohio Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2009

    How about "We just lost Alaska Deb, Help us to not lose anymore lives" ?

    And face book is up...... angels    wanted it all one word but they said I had to have a last name......LOL............already got friends on there, and have like over a dozen on myspace, so the word is spreading! woooo hooooooooooooooo


  • Deb-from-Ohio
    Deb-from-Ohio Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2009

    Vickie, I thought something had to be done.....Everyday there are more and more newly diagnosed....and after Deb, I just lost just breaks  my heart...I know God have to give me this disease to spread the word about it since he knew I had a big mouth.......and it's helping me too, kinda of like a cause, I even forgot for awhile I even had cancer today, well ceptin when i was at chemo.....It just makes me feel like I'm at least trying to make a difference......

    luv, hugs and prayers


    Everyone, please spread the word in the other forums for them to come check this out......

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited January 2009

    Can someone contact the White House and see what to put in the subject line ?   The day before may be too late, since it is a weekend.  Feb 14 is a Saturday...   

    May I suggest hand written or typed letters send via the postal system?   You/we can then put as many words as we want and maybe a photo ???    Make it personal with the photo??   

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2009


    Subject:Vickie DX'd 12/15/05 Breast Cancer

    I am a breast cancer survivor hoping to make a difference. In my life I have lost my mother, grandfather, aunt and several friends to various forms of cancer.  Leaving behind, husbands, wives, sisters, brothers, children.  Children...left without mothers or fathers...left behind for relatives or social service agencies to take care of...children with broken hearts regardless of their age. 

    We are a group of women battling Breast Cancer on Breastcancer. org.
    We recently lost a dear friend, one of the most encouraging, loving, upbeat people you could ever talk to. Alaska Deb......So this email will honor her, along with the millions of others whom this disease has taken from us.

    We're fed up with losing people to this disease. We're tired of hearing that one day there will be a cure, we want a cure now.....Too many wonderful people have passed away from cancer. Enough studies, clinical trials, new chemo's....a cure is what we want...a cure is what we need.


    your name and address

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited January 2009

    I hope the above example is ok...use the first paragraph to explain your reason for writing and simply copy and paste the rest to show our solidarity.

    The word should spread quickly on Facebook and Myspace.

    Remember to email family, friends, coworkers, neighbors...everyone you can think of to include.  I would also send another email to everyone and post another bulletin on or around February 12th so it is not forgotten.

    Make it personal...

    Pray that it helps...

    Just maybe someone will listen!

  • bluesue
    bluesue Member Posts: 5
    edited January 2009

    Just some more ideas and we can pull a bit of everyone's and create our essence. Let's keep improving it.

    We LOVE LIVING We would LOVE a CURE ...Sue stage 1V METS survivor (or friend of ....etc)

    Dear President (or whomever),

    This is just one of many email's you will receive from us today. All of the senders have one thing in common. They are themselves a breast cancer survivor, or know and love someone battling this horrid disease.

    We are sending this email in honor of Alaskan Deb another wonderful breast cancer warrior who died before she was ready. Deb was one of the most encouraging loving, upbeat women you could know.  Deb and so many wonderful precious individuals who have so much to give and share are taken from us... and we have had enough!

    Families are shattered. Children lose mothers (and fathers too). Each one of us here knows a loss or lives with the uncertanity of losing someone they love and care for. We are  losing  sisters, friends, brothers, mothers, aunts, grandparents...etc... We want, need and demand a cure!

    We write to you, because you inspire belief, and hope. We stand tall and are not afraid to do all that it takes to reach this goal. What is being done is not enough. We can not do it alone.

    The message is a unity of people which has no barriers for age, education, status, race, politics,  sex etc.

    Please help us, we all count, we all matter, and we don't want to lose another friend...LOVE is not enough LET'S FIND A CURE   

  • bluesue
    bluesue Member Posts: 5
    edited January 2009

    When we email if we all use the same agreed title with our own name and diagnosis alongside

    Some of could send the main letter to make sure it is openend And others could add a few words of their own....

  • bluesue
    bluesue Member Posts: 5
    edited January 2009

    should include daughter's in that list as he has two

  • Deb-from-Ohio
    Deb-from-Ohio Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2009

    I think the name and date of our own diagnosis is will show just how many of us there are suffering from might cause them to think...........and remember ladies, it can only be 500 characters long.........that's it. Yeah I know it sucks but that's their rules..........

    As for spreading the word I just spent about an hour on myspace and facebook sending out invites.....slower on facebook, so far there, two, but these women are christians and want to help so I'm sure they will spread it around........Myspace were up to 29 friends and I'm sure by tomorrow that number will double........I'm going to Melissa Etheridges page next and maybe Christina Applegate, and Suzanne Sommers if they have them, won't hurt to have some heavy hitters on there......

    UPDATE: Well left Chrstina Applegate a message on her webpage asking her for her support and all.......she has a page where you can leave support comments for her that she reads, so left one there asking for support....she also heads up a org called "Right Action for Women" I left a message there.....and Melissa Etheridge is now on our myspace page, I also left her a message, have to wait to see if she does anything.....Suzanne Somers I couldn't find.................we also have on myspace, The SusaN G Komen for the cure page, Breast Impressions, Brittney Spears and Jessica simpson, and finally "Pink Together".Matt Iseman from Clean House who btw, is really a doctor...great start!!!!!!

    hugs and prayers


  • bluesue
    bluesue Member Posts: 5
    edited January 2009

    Okay trying shorter

    Sue CT dx 12/05 stage1V METS : We LOVE Living... We'd LOVE a CURE

    (or Deb CT sister of cancer survivor)

    This is just one of many email's you will receive from us today. All have one thing in common, they are from a cancer survivor, or someone who knows and loves someone battling this horrid disease.

    These emails are in honor of Alaskan Deb a  loving, wonderful breast cancer warrior who died too soon. Deb and so many precious individuals who have so much to give and share are taken from us... and we have had enough!

    Families are shattered, children lose mothers (and fathers too). Each one of us knows a loss or lives with the fear of losing someone they love. We are  losing  sisters, friends, brothers, mothers, aunts, daughters.... We want, need and demand a cure!

    We write to you, because you inspire belief, and hope.  Please help us. We do not want to lose another friend!    LET'S FIND A CURE   

  • Deb-from-Ohio
    Deb-from-Ohio Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2009

    Ladies, I really need for you to get into the other forums on here and spread the word about this...I'm busy enough with the myspace and facebook pages.......I even got one PM last nite from someone who knew nothing about this thread..........sooooooooo pllllllleassseee?????????????? I really think  with all the following we're getting both on here and off of here, we can do this......



  • julz4
    julz4 Member Posts: 1,373
    edited January 2009


  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291
    edited January 2009


    This is part of a post Gina wrot about Deb on the Moving Beyond thread -

    Her last days were blissfully without any pain. She didn't even require Tylenol. Her bed was set in the living room in the middle of all the action. On Saturday, the night before she died, she was sitting up in bed laughing watching her girls play with their wii. Sunday morning came and the cold Alaska landscape was shimmering with sunlight. It was a beautiful day. The girls went to church early and John left a little later. When he returned he kissed Deb's forehead and said "Hi, I'm back." Her parents and cousin were there with her as well as her best friend. After a while her friend called him over to her bedside and the time was growing near. He held her hand and talked to her and kissed her. Deb was in no pain, bathed in sunlight, with her family around her when she took her last breath.

    And at the very moment she passed her dogs went absolutely nuts. They were barking like mad and began deliberately running to the South-South West field all the while they were looking up at the sky, clearly following something. John and the family watched them because they knew they were watching Deb break free of the chains of cancer and she was free to be outside and flying high to her loving God who awaited her. When John looked back at the bed, he saw that the body there was not Deb, what was there was just the body that housed her. Deb's spirit could not be contained, she soared free. And she is with her family and with all of us. And she is Deb again. Cancer can never touch her ever again. Deb is free.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2009

    OMG...that is moving, and a great testament to Deb's spirit! Thank you so much for sharing that, it gives me goosebumps.

  • Deb-from-Ohio
    Deb-from-Ohio Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2009

    Just wanting to keep this on the first page of the Active postings so more women see it........ :)

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited January 2009

    What a touching post.  count me In 100%.  Feb 14th.

  • Deb-from-Ohio
    Deb-from-Ohio Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2009


  • Deb-from-Ohio
    Deb-from-Ohio Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2009

    Bumping it to the top

  • jenni__ca
    jenni__ca Member Posts: 77
    edited January 2009

    from another thread

    55 minutes ago EskimoDoll wrote:

    Hi Ladies,

    I work for KTUU News in Anchorage, Alaska and was made aware of AlaskaDeb in a roundabout way.  But even before that, one of our reporters is already in Soldotna working on this story.  If you live in Alaska, it will be in our 6pm newscast.  If you don't live here, you'll be able to find the story at sometime this evening.  I'll post a link later when I find out what it is.

     Peggy McCormack

  • Deb-from-Ohio
    Deb-from-Ohio Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2009

    WOW Jenni, Thanks for posting that, will have to watch online.........I guess that will be sometime around 10 tonite est since I'm in Ohio.........but can't wait to see it!!!!!!
