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Exchange City



  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited December 2013

    Aviva - my PS would have given me a work release at 6 weeks post-BMX but I took 8. It was the entire months of November and December last year and I had vacation time I needed to use anyway. Post-exchange my PS requires 2 weeks off work but I felt great, no pain, and could easily have gone back after a week (desk job). I did have an additional 4 weeks of weight and workout restrictions though, for a total of 6 weeks recovery time.

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836
    edited December 2013

    So maybe not that far off an estimate. Or will do a week or two of half days again, there is leeway- I can tell them at any point, as long ad ps gives me the note for work.

  • Jtapp9
    Jtapp9 Member Posts: 34
    edited December 2013

    I'm taking off only next week (desk job) but the week after is Christmas and then New Years so they will be slow weeks with some extra time off.

    Had my pre-op appointment today and blood draw. Talked about removing a chunk of scar tissue on right side and going in at a different place because of the scar I have on that side from necrotic skin. He doesn't want to mess with that area and risk another necrosis. Also discussed more lift on the left because of how high the right side sits due to excising necrotic skin. I felt so much better today because he used the terms pocket work and revisions. Even though I know what what they are he has never used them so I was getting I wasn't sure if HE even did revisions because he only does reconstruction. And the mouse in me was too nervous to ask. However, when I asked about lifting the left a little more he started explaining that he would have to go in and make the pocket he created in the first surgery a little tighter too and not just the skin. I could feel the tension leave me when he said that, and that I should be aware that there may be revisions down the road. Seriously, I never heard anything so beautiful to my ears....hahaha. ( I know, I'm crazy!)

    Already got my scripts to get filled in advance so we won't have to fool with it on Monday!

    Good luck tomorrow Moon! Prayers for a safe surgery and easy recovery! THREE CHEERS to the new girls! :)

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited December 2013

    Best of luck to you Moonflwr - we'll be thinking of you! Let us know how things go when you're able, k?

    Jtapp - yeah, who'da ever thunk we could be excited about the possibility of more surgery? Just knowing that your PS realizes he needs to get it right even if it takes more than one surgery is a relief, huh? I know I'm looking forward a nip-tuck in 2014 to remove my 'mud-flaps' and have the girls look just a touch more like a masterpiece. They're in great position, have great symmetry, great cleavage and are just the right size, but those mud-flaps kind of spoil the look. Underarm fluff - yuck!

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited December 2013

    How long you will be off will probably depend on what they are going to do. If it's a straight exchange you should be feeling good quickly if you are like many on this thread. If you have fat grafting along with the exchange, it will be more difficult. The fat could be taken from your thighs or abdomen and the women who've had it done lately report that the donor site was the most painful part of the whole experience. The bruising apparently takes a long time to go away. 

    I'm 6 days out from my exchange and did not have fat grafting, but I can tell you there is no way I could go to work anytime soon. The plastic surgeon had to do revision pocket work on both sides to make the new anatomical implants fit right and that's the source of the significant pain I'm having. Today I had my first follow up and complained that my ribs feel like he took a Louisville Slugger to them. (That's a baseball bat to those who don't follow the game.) I've been home from the hospital 4 days now and it's not much better than it was right after surgery. Since I can't take anything stronger than Tylenol and Tylenol is limited to 4 grams a day, he couldn't offer a solution other than patience and time.

    I have figured out what makes it hurt worse so I avoid those movements when I can. Sleeping in the bed, even propped up with pillows is not good yet. Putting on my underwear or a pair of socks requires assistance. I can't believe my husband has not kicked me to the curb after three surgeries in three months. I'm sure he dreams of getting away to a desert island - ALONE - where he doesn't have to be an unpaid home health nurse.

    So those of you who are trying to figure out if you will need help and how long you will be off work, there is no magic formula. It depends on the procedures you will be getting.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited December 2013

    Moon, I'll be there in your pocket tomorrow, watching and making sure they do everything right.Winking Hope to hear your recovery is a walk in the park.

    I found this surgery to be more of a challenge mentally...emotions were harder to handle than before the first two surgeries. I was in tears just before we went into the OR. Whippetmom talks about that in the top of the Implants 101 thread so I guess it's common.  I hope you are doing ok today and find some inner peace to get you through these last few hours of waiting. Love you girl.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited December 2013

    JTapp, you go girl! You are ready and feel confident. That's wonderful. Can't wait to hear how it goes for you. xxoo

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836
    edited December 2013

    He thinks no pocket work and scoffs at fat grafting. Well almost scoffs. But has said several times when Ive asked that he doesnt think its necessary- not quite saying he doesnt do it. Im taking a wait and see attitude about how they look later. If anything, hopefully only a little fix up work.

  • MBLizzy
    MBLizzy Member Posts: 18
    edited December 2013

    I had my exchange on Dec. 6 (last Friday) and am back at work today (desk job w/hour commute by car). I had a little pocket work done, and only have taken 1 Norco the first night to sleep, nothing else so far (no Tylenol, etc). Saw the PS yesterday and he said I could drive and go back to work. I am very lucky, basically no pain from the exchange. I took my dog for a 3 mile walk this am (at a slow pace). I am small though (5'7" 122lbs), and only had 325cc implants - Mentor smooth, round HP. My TE were only filled to 300cc. I was barely a B-cup before BC and that is where I am now (I think). I perfer being on the small side and so far I am happy with the results. Good luck to all.

  • clwhetstone
    clwhetstone Member Posts: 19
    edited December 2013

    K the exchange was a breeze. Surgery started an hour late got to the hospital at 1 and didn't go back till 4 but was home in time for survivor LOL Restless night since anesthesia always makes me sick but wasn't too bad this time. Came home with no bandage or bra and other than feeling a bit like a paper cut day 2 hasn't been so bad. DH woke up with chest pains at 3:30 so I drove to the hospital. The are keeping him overnight and will do a stress test tomorrow. So it's interesting the different PS instructions. I am allowed to do whatever I want or what I can tolerate. Hope everyone is doing well :)

  • friendships
    friendships Member Posts: 37
    edited December 2013

    I just recently discovered this site and appreciate everyone very much and wish you the very best! Briefly, my PS placed a TE after a MX on one side and another TE replaced a saline implant (with capsular contracture) that I had for several years on the other side. My exchange was three weeks ago to Natrelle 410 FF. A lot of pocket work was done. My drains were in for 8 days. I'm pretty comfortable now and only take on average one Advil a day. I'm already happy with the implants and have confidence that with the revision my PS plans in March, I will be very pleased.

    Right now, the side that had the saline implant is slightly higher than the other side and has a divot at the top. (A divot was there with the saline implant.) Both sides were straight across after my last fill but then the “new” side gradually dropped. Apparently there is more skin on the “new” side than the “old” side so the revision will remove some skin on the “new” side, basically, like a breast lift as I understand it. Does anyone have any experience or info regarding this issue?

    My best advice regarding exchange surgery, is to put a pillow of some kind in the car to go between your chest and the seat belt for the ride home, drink plenty of water and eat a lot of protein to help you heal. My very best wishes to everyone!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited December 2013

    Thank you all. Had a Christmas party tonight. My friends and I were all Girl Scout Leaders when our kids were in school. About 15 years ago. And most of us were leaders for about 12 years so 25-27 years. We have been having these get together at xmas time since our kids graduated High School. It was fun took my mind off things.

    Still conflicted over the port. My GP thinks I should leave it in. So do the infusion nurses. BTW, I needed ANOTHER mag infusion today. So for over a year I have needed magnesium infusions on the average of every 4-6 weeks. It will be 7 ops and 2 nodes gone on left. 2 ops and 1 node on right. So don't really want to use left arm for draws and IV lines. On the other hand, MO said it could come out. One nurse said it's been 2 years. That's all I'm saying. LOL. I don't think I will have it removed. Really conflicted....

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,430
    edited December 2013

    Oh Moon - you're still up. I left good wishes & prayers for you on another thread but will leave some here too.

    My vote is to leave in the port. It's easy to take out anytime. I'm so grateful for mine every time I see the nurses doing veins or patients struggling with a pict line. Or when I need MRI's w/contrast or a PET/CT from the nuclear people. Now looks like I may be using it for a transfusion since my hemoglobin has dropped so low.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited December 2013

    Oh Minus. I am sorry about needing the tx. I had two of them during chemo. Time sucker. But i felt so much better. Hope if you need them that it goes well.

    I think I will keep it a while. I just have to knock on wood.... lol

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084
    edited December 2013

    ladies looking forward to exchange surgery: please do NOT judge implants right away. They take time to "drop and fluff". They will look flat but they will change. Good luck to all!

    Merry Christmas to you -early gift to yourself

  • cjc1961
    cjc1961 Member Posts: 54
    edited December 2013

    I am pretty upset - just spoke with a friend who has same PS as I do. Her exchange is next Thursday the 19th. At her preop, PS apparently told her she would have drains. What???? This is the first I've heard this and am NOT happy at all!!! Actually, I am about ready to cry!!!! My preop is Jan 6 so I guess I will find out then. Not a great start to my weekend!!!!!

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited December 2013

    Moonflower, I would love to still have my port but it was removed on mx last March. The anesthesiologist used my only good tiny hand vein that I could get labs to use for blood draws and when I woke up that was blown, another in my hand was blown and the IV was on the inside of my arm. All are still black and blue and I dread now going for blood work. Arrggghhh!

    cjc, do you think that maybe there is a difference in the surgery he will have to do for her thus drains? I did not have drains and BTW, a week ago was my surgery and I have been taking only plain Tylenol for several days and even slept on my sides last night. Fat grafting abdominal site is almost pain free. I am not saying everything feels wonderful~~far from it as it all feels tight and not just due to surgical compression bra. I assume this will take time to diminish but hey, all new to me!

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited December 2013

    cjc - my PS always does one drain tube on each side for exchange surgery, even for a simple swap without additional pocket work. Mine were both removed on the 3rd day post-surgery. Try not to let worries about silly old drain tubes get you down, stay excited about getting rid of the damn expanders! The way I looked at it was 2 drain tubes for 3 days was WAAAAYYYYYY better than the 6 drain tubes I had after BMX (3 came out at 1 week and the other 3 after 2 weeks). And if draining that yucky stuff from my body aids the healing process I can live with that.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited December 2013

    CJC, I was told I would have a drain on each side after my exchange surgery last week, but when I woke up, there were no drains. That was a surprise. I had them after both prior surgeries with this PS. The surgeon explained that he decided at the end of the operation that I could do without them. It was a toss up because the main concern was fear of a bad infection like I had last time so he wanted to keep incisions to only what was absolutely necessary. He is monitoring the fluid build up and will drain it if it doesn't continue to be absorbed quickly. So far, so good.

    So there might be a reason why one person would have drains and another person wouldn't or why the same person would have them one time and not the next. Drains are annoying but they are necessary in most cases. Drains are a good thing and shouldn't be feared or avoided at all costs. 

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235
    edited December 2013

    cheryl - My PS always flat out uses drains if he is placing Alloderm, either for first surgery or exchange.  The body reacts to Alloderm by creating extra fluid and it needs somewhere to go.  I didn't have Alloderm at exchange, but I was still told to expect drains and that it would be a happy surprise if I didn't need them.  The decision to use drains also depends on how much pocket work needs to be done (resizing of pocket, removal of scar tissue, etc).  Drains are a major annoyance and can be uncomfortable, but so much better to deal with them for a few days or a week rather than develop a seroma.  If the PS thinks they're needed, drains will help you heal much faster.

    Hang in there!

  • Layla2525
    Layla2525 Member Posts: 465
    edited December 2013

    Di2012, just went thru getting fat grafting revisions and nipples on the 11th.  I am bruised like I just played football with the super bowl teams and hurts like  no tomorrow.  However, these are so gorgeous after the revisions.  Good luck and speedy recovery to you.

    Catey, you are so right.  I had the patch for the first time on Wed.  After all these F...g surgeries and they just now give me the patch!  Its a good patch tho, no nausea.  Felt great afterwards, a little tired and hefrom the bruises from the fat grafting hurt. But at least we didn't get the dry heaves after surg. When can we get the new work showered? This is Fri so I am gonna get in there so I don't smell like my dog. Did anyone suddenly weigh a lot more right after surgery?  But the clothes fit like we lost weight? Whats up with that?

  • cocok
    cocok Member Posts: 12
    edited December 2013

    I had a skin & nipple sparing unilateral mastectomy in Feb 2013; TE exchange is scheduled for Jan 2014. Since we're trying to match the native (left) breast & nipple, PS said that he might have to move the right nipple during the exchange surgery. There is also a chance he won't have to, but he mentioned he might if it doesn't drop when he puts the silicone implant in. I'm leaning toward just telling him that if the right nipple doesn't line up to the left, then just cut it off altogether. I just don't want another incision and scar, nor do I want the risk of necrosis and infection, just to have another surgery to remove the nipple. I haven't had radiation, and I don't smoke, so maybe the complication risks are slim. I just don't know enough about it. Has anyone been in the same situation?

  • Elsiecow
    Elsiecow Member Posts: 30
    edited December 2013


    I vote for keeping the port. My sister has had her 14yrs without any problems. Like soemone said earlier it can be taken out at a later date. It is also removed in the office with local numbing. Quick in and out.

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited December 2013

    Hey guys, I am about to run out the door, but I am upset. How much of this fat grafting usually takes? I think my surgeon gave me way too much in upper pole, and I am hoping some of it doesn't take, or there is still some swelling to go down.

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited December 2013

    Goldie, I am celebrating New Years eve in the operating room getting my fat grafting and I can't say if it is going to go away for you or not....I just know after my first revision.....I thought things looked perfect a few days after surgery and a week out.....and two weeks out and even three weeks out and by FOUR weeks out I knew I would need another disappointed.....swelling can last a long time.Sad


  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited December 2013

    I'm a week out today from my exchange. It is fascinating to see how each foob changes shape independently, sometimes several times a day. When I look down, one might look flat on part of it. Later when I look, it's rounded again. One has more swelling than the other. Sometimes both feel tight, then only one does.

    I had permanent saline implants placed at my first surgery, the BMX, but since one side got infected right away, there was a significant difference between them for the two weeks I had both. After the second surgery when one implant was replaced with a TE, I couldn't compare one flat side and one implant. As the fills progressed, I could really see a difference between them. The TE side was shiny and funny looking! The implant was happy and soft.

    Now with this 3rd surgery, both the TE and the original implant were replaced with Allergan 410 FF's, so I can finally see that each side has it's own way of settling in and healing. I can also compare them to what a saline implant feels and looks like. I don't think too many other people have had so many kinds of foobs in only 3 months!  

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited December 2013

    Hello all. Just checking to let you know I'm home. Surgery was at 3:30. In ER at 5. P'S said textbook. Starting to hurt so taking my first narc pill. Decided and left the port IN. LOL. Since they gave mag 2 times in the past 2 weeks. It made rethink. So i kept iy. Still liking the dh shape of them. What I cs n see. Also no PONV but. Um TMI. The big D did make an appearance. Ugh. Tired now talk tomorrow. Good nite..

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited December 2013

    Moon! You made it! SO happy for you. Can't believe you are home already! Superwoman!

  • mjsgumbas
    mjsgumbas Member Posts: 323
    edited December 2013

    congrats moon! Hope u heal quickly!!

  • Jtapp9
    Jtapp9 Member Posts: 34
    edited December 2013

    restful sleep tonight Moon!