Exchange City
Isn't it weird how were are so used to touching ourselves and have no modesty anymore? I don't consider my foobs as breasts and it doesn't occur to me that it might be odd for the doctor to keep talking to me while I am hanging out there. More than once he has had to hand me the gown. Just doesn't enter my mind to cover up the minute he finishes looking.
I've had several bathroom "show and tell" sessions with my group of "besties" during this journey. We usually meet at restaurants once or twice a month and of course most everyone wants to know how the whole process is going. Like me, they had never seen what a real BMX looked like, much less the reconstruction process. Two of them have had breast augmentation, but realize now that there is no comparison. Sometimes other people walk into the ladies room while they are standing around me, looking at my chest. I have no shame and don't really care who sees. It's the same skin that was on the top of my chest before when I had droopy FFF boobs. They removed those and pulled down the skin on top to cover the new MUCH higher C/D implants & stitched it down so the implants wouldn't fall out the bottom. Can't even say, "Same couch, different stuffing" because everything I considered "breasts" is gone, skin and all. What's left is the same skin that was showing all those years above my breasts in low cut clothes. It's just got some stuff stuck under it now.
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I went to my PS and he said everything is fine PHEW!!!!!!!!!!! one day at a time. Thanks for encouraging me NOT to be negative I was not negative at all after my BMX and no problems hmmm.
Anyway after my 1st exchange my implants were for sure cold they felt "chilled" it was the strangest thing this started the day of the exchange they were not even in 24 hours. This exchange they do not feel chilled at all completely different, same implant but different size so who knows why?!?
I am with you Sandra, I would show anybody my foobs I always say they aren't real anyway (not in a bad way) HA my husband would not like that though Im sure. I catch myself touching them all the time whenever... where ever.. it is just so nonchalant to me now, kind of like blowing your nose I don't even think twice.
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Hi everyone. This is the first time I have visited the Exchange City forum. What a great group. I had a bilateral mastectomy in October. I had tissue expanders and have had my last fill a couple of weeks ago. I have some questions for those who have high profile Allergan 20 silicone implants. I'm wondering if you're happy with them. I want projection and that's why my PS recommended this. Also, is silicone cold? I saw some comments here the coldness here and I wanted to confirm this to be prepared. Also, the smooth is better than textured, correct? I've heard that silicone doesn't require textured since it doesn't slide as saline would. My PS didn't mention anything about changing pockets that he created for my tissue expanders. Is it normal to move these for positioning? My tissue expanders are filled to 600 ml at this time and he plans to put a 500 or 550 implant in. He overexpanded a bit to get my skin stretched (of course the chest muscle) too. I was a B before the surgery and going (hopefully) to a full C. Does anyone have an experience with this (real implant being 50-100 ml smaller than tissue expander fill? I don't want the implant to shift and want a natural look. Thanks so much.
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Welcome Pinklotus,
In my experience, the "real" foob is smaller than the fully expanded TE of the same cc size, about 2/3rd's the size. The difference is the TE is like a half coconut stuck on your chest. It sticks out everywhere all the way around. The implant is the same width but projects out about half that much at the bottom and very little, if any, at the top. Even with anatomicals, the slope down is very gentle. TE's have a hard back that pushes all the saline out. Implants are soft and move back to conform to your chest.
Due to an infection, I lost one implant and after fills, had one 740cc TE and one 800cc saline implant. The TE stuck out so much further even though I stopped the fills 60 cc's short. It looked like it was nearly double the size of the implant.
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I had my tissue expanders removed and implants put in on Monday. I also have one drain on my right side. PS had to remove my nipple and some more skin on the right side. My left foob has projection but my right foob has none. I am wondering if I can get a bra that will help to make me look the same on both sides. Also on my right side I have under arm boobs. I do not know if this is swelling or not. Any suggestions?
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In the interest of science I just reached in my shirt.
Yep. Cold.
I've always noticed it most in the shower after a bike ride. Maybe the rest of me warms up during exercise and the girls don't. It would sure be nice if they acted as personal cooling devices. And I wear a bra 24/7, so that may be why I haven't noticed during everyday moments.
"Cold butt cheeks" made me laugh....but it is quite accurate! I do not feel like they make me chilled overall, though. I don't notice that they are colder unless I touch them.
And here is an old thread on this topic:
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mine are warm, but maybe cause its so soon after the exchange? I also have said to some people when they asked what the te felt like-- go ahead and touch it, cmon, touch it! Cause its like its not me right now.
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Sandra thanks so much for telling me your story. What was your number of ccs that your implants are. It is nice to hear that someone can relate as I have read many of you can. After looking into DEIP and Tram flap I think I will go the TE and implants again. The others look so painful, but I like the idea of using your own skin to create the breast but that would be opening me up for another place to get an infection. I would need to gain weight to do those procedures. PS looked and said he could not take it from my back or belly with my current weight. I had the 410 gummies as well which were the 595ccs. I liked them but may go up to the 650 ccs. I was filled to 550ccs. They were starting to settle and looked smaller than I thought they would be. I took lots of pics so I could remember what they looked like. Just in a lot of pain still this evening. He did a lot of scraping... Ugh. I was blubbering as I went into the OR this surgery. Thank goodness I have a very carrying PS. He sometimes doesnt know what to say because I have cried so much with him. I will be getting some prosthetics for sure. Just need to go to on another forum to see what is recommended. So much good information on these boards. I have the reveal tomorrow a little anxiuos. Thanks again!!
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Myers very good news. I would not wish what I am going through on anyone!!!
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Hi pinklotus - I have Allergan Style 20 smooth silicone and I have plenty of projection. I had nipple sparing surgery, incisions under the breasts, and no history of radiation to either breast. So many factors come into play. It's difficult to know why the same implants can look so different from one woman to the next. My best advice is to keep asking questions and make sure your PS really hears what your expectations are. If your goals are not realistic he/she should make an effort to tell you why.
Sometimes mine feel cold to the touch, but not often and they don't feel cold on the "inside", if that makes sense. Some round silicone implants are textured and I believe most of the anatomical (shaped) silicone implants are textured to prevent the implant from rotating. It isn't a given that the pocket will be altered during the exchange surgery, but it's not uncommon to make adjustments to accommodate the implant that is ultimately used. Whippetmom is very knowledgeable about this and much of this info is on the Breast Implant Sizing 101 thread.
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I also have Style 20. I am happy with them. Mine look pretty natural, though different from my natural breasts. My implants are larger than my TE's were expanded to. Be sure you visit the Breast Implant Sizing 101 thread. Loads of invaluable info there!
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Togetherness, my new implants are Allergan 410 anatomical (gummy bears) style FF for full projection, full height, in the largest size they make, cc equivalent 740. The manufacturer makes two other styles with a little bit bigger cc equivalent, but they were not available to my PS. The specifications on them showed they are only a fraction of an inch more projection anyway. The implants are wide and would fit a D cup except for the projection. They only fill about half of the cup so projection wise, I'd guess they are more like a C or maybe a full B. The 800cc saline round implants looked the same. Don't think the 60 cc difference made much difference.
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Thanks Together but I would have GLADLY gone thru it with you. You will get thru this BIG HUGS!!!
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Hi PL! My saline implants are Mentor 700 . My P'S filled them in sx to 850. Which is what I was at before sx. I don't know if they do the same with silicone though. Hope someone can help you. Much love.
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Amy- Glad to hear everything is good!!!! And I am just like you, hah sometimes I find myself massaging them while Im out delivering the mail. LOL
Pinklotus, I do have the allergan smooth round high profile style 20 in 550cc after being expanded to 650ccs. For the most part I really do like them, the only issue I have is a small crease from where some skin was removed at time of bmx because of cancer location.
Any yes they do feel cooler to the touch, lets just say when Im working out in the cold ( I deliver mail on a walking route) I do have cold butt cheeks with foobs to match!!
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Exchange in the morning - 7:30. Prayers appreciated. Will report when I'm back home.
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CJC.....I' ll be in your pocket tomorrow, with special thoughts and a happy outcome.....try to sleep tonight.........yeah right
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cj. That pocket is gonna be REALLY heavy with all of us in there! Good results and fast healing! Much love.
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Praying for you Cheryl.
I go back to my PS tomorrow and hope I get this drain out.
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CJC1961 - Good luck tomorrow, but I have every faith you won't need any luck; you're going to do JUST FINE. Just a walk in the park, right? Let us know how you're doing... It's going to be real crowded in that pocket of yours - move over, Di!
Dulcigirl - "In the interest of science I just reached in my shirt"... OMG, I'm still laughing about that one!
cateyz2 - I now have a new respect for the postal worker. "lets just say when Im working out in the cold ( I deliver mail on a walking route) I do have cold butt cheeks with foobs to match!!" Love it!
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I'm starting to feel like we're a bunch of little girls standing in a circle with our shirts up comparing our 'assets'! Show and tell is alive and well in this forum!
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algranna - Drains are such a drag, but serve a very good purpose. I hope you get it out tomorrow, but if not, it's because you still need it. You'll be freed from it soon enough - I know, just not soon enough for you... I swear my 'drain pain' trumped everything else the first few days after my BMX.
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Has anyone heard from Elsie? Haven't seen her in a couple of days and was wondering if the rash has subsided. I sure hope so...
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AZ85048 – anytime, glad to give you a laugh!
Sandra – I’m the same way.No modesty whatsoever, but then again I wasn’t the most modest person inthe world even before BMX.I’ve had show and tell with several co-workers and other friends and family too.I have embraced the implants and do consider them my breasts.I would tweak the ‘same couch, different stuffing’ comment to be ‘same couch, just different stuffing and upholstery’ because you’re right, the container has changed too.Most of the old upholstery is gone and what was left has been stretched to recover the new stuffing.It’s all good.Our feelings about this topic are probably as varied as each snowflake is from another
Myers421 – so glad all is well!
Pinklotus – welcome to a great group!I have Allergan HP20 implants in 750cc size and they look pretty darn good.They don’thave the same type of projection as my native breasts but in bras and fully clothed my figure looks very, very much like it did before BMX.It all depends on your height, weight and frame.Your best bet is going to be to go on the Breast Implant Sizing 101 thread and hook up with Whippetmom. She’s our implant sizing guru goddess.I exchanged from 600cc expanders that were overexpanded to 750cc to the 750cc highprofile implants and am very happy with them.
Cjc1961 – good luck with the surgery today!
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I have always been extremely modest!!! But this bc stuff?? Sunday night my daughter's church small group leader asked how I was doing and I said, "I'm getting nipples in three weeks!!"
Oh dear.
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Dulci, LOL!
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Love it Dulci!
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Dulci - Hilarious!
I met an old friend for dinner last night (hadn't seen her in almost a year because she lives in Portland), but she was in town on business and was sweet enough to call and invite me out. So she hadn't seen any of the aftermath from BMX and was very concerned that I was doing OK. Well, one thing led to another and seeing IS believing, right? Went into the ladies room for 'show and tell' and got busted by a very surprised lady in her 40s, who after the initial shock wore off, joined right in on our conversation! It was great!
I'm like most of you, these foobs aren't part of me, so modesty went right out the window months ago....
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My exchange isn't till April due to chemo program. I'm in flux between saline or silicone implants. My PS went over the pro and cons of both with me. What has been your experience with either implant? Has anyone had any problems with the saline or silicone implants?
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BigT16 - Welcome to Exchange City! I can only speak for myself, but given the pros and cons of saline versus silicone, I went with silicone. My PS swears by Mentor, so I ended up with Mentor Smooth Round High Profile. She chose the size and style and I have 450 ccs on each side. I told her I didn't want too big or too small, so I relied on her experience to use a size proportionate to my body. My exchange surgery was three weeks ago today and so far, so good. I have a ways to go, but so far they're OK - I was just so glad to be done with TEs!