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Exchange City



  • babs6287
    babs6287 Posts: 1,619
    edited February 2014

    PS sometimes think they're g-ds.  But the really good ones listen to their patients to give the patient what they want-unless it's unrealistic.  If my PS didn't listen to me I would be out the door.  When I was interviewing recon PS one told me what he was going to do and didn't listen to my feelings, so I never went back.  Remember, we pay them and while we should listen to their advice because they have more experience, we should be the ones who ultimately decide what's best for us  emotionally. 

    Our wishes matter!!!!!


  • julieped
    julieped Posts: 42
    edited February 2014

    I had my exchange on Monday.  Now when I lift my left arm above my shoulder I hear a squishy water sound.  I suppose if it part of the healing process.  Has anyone else had this happen?

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Posts: 864
    edited February 2014

    Yes, Julie!!! Odd sounds...gurgling, crackling,...

    It DOES go away!! My PS told me it happens.  :-)

    Never a dull moment!

  • julieped
    julieped Posts: 42
    edited February 2014

    Dulcgirl - thanks so much.  It is a strange sound! I agree with you, never a dull moment.  My PS wants to do a few revisions so I guess I am not done yet.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Posts: 1,750
    edited February 2014

    Purple, in my experience, the implants are a good bit smaller than the full TE. Check on Breast Implants 101 at the top. There is a link toward the end of Whippetmom's header that will take you to the manufacturers info. I have Allergan 410 anatomical silicone cohesive gel gummy bears and the Allergan link at the end of the links will take you to the actual dimensions of each implant. Convert centimeters to inches & grams to ounces (several free web conversion charts...Google it) and you'll know what you are dealing with.

    I have Style FF (full height, full projection) in the largest size they make, 740 grams are equivalent to 740 cc's. They only project out at the fullest bottom part two and a half inches! I had a 740 cc TE and you could seriously put a full Solo cup on the "shelf" on the top. My 740 implant looks to me like it is about half that. It's fine, just a different shape than I thought it would be. I wanted to be smaller and I am, so that goal was met. I didn't realize that they wouldn't be cone shaped like a natural breast. Instead I have a mound that is kind of flat. It looks like I'm wearing an invisible minimizer bra. A D cup fits around the implant but it only fills out the cup about half way. No big deal since I'm not an underwear model, Playboy isn't going to knock on my door anytime soon, and I don't wear a bra anymore anyway. Plus I look great in clothes.

  • LoriWNY
    LoriWNY Posts: 178
    edited February 2014

    Purple--if you like your current size, you need to express that to your PS NOW.  Everybody is different.  A certain style 500cc implant will look one way on a petite thin woman and another way on a tall large-framed woman.  No matter how it looks, you need to be comfortable with the end result.  I my own experience, I had 650cc expanders filled to 450/460cc's and I received 500cc Mentor Round Moderate Plus silicone implants which made me a little bigger (but softer!) than I was with the TE.  I wanted to be smaller or the same size that I was with the TE so I am not so thirilled with my PS.  I do have pectoral tightness issues and feel the implants are two wide or spaced too far apart as well so it is not just a size issue in my situation.

    It has been explained here before and I wish I knew this prior to my BMX that the back of the tissue expander is rather rigid (think plastic milk jug material) while the permanent implant is squishy and soft on all sides.  The squishy implant will mold itself to your ribcage and therefore, some if the implant's projection is kind of "lost" unlike the tissue expander which will only push outward.  I did not have fat grafting but from what I have read, it doesn't really add overall volume but can be used to fill in divots.

    My PS seems to have the same personality as yours--he doesn't really listen to what I am saying so I got a second opinion.  I am not totally done with the first PS, however, and will be giving him "another chance" when I see him for a consult at the end of March which will be about 9 months post exchange.  If I don't feel comfortable with his "next step" for me, I will be switching to a different PS for a revision.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938
    edited February 2014

    I just wanted to mention I have Mentor Saline medium projection. 750 filled to 850 cc. And that my bra size is 42 C. I am a large woman and the foobs look good. I never quite filled a C cup before and actually fill it a bit better now. 

  • stepmic
    stepmic Posts: 67
    edited February 2014

    sorry mnmbeck, I have nothing to help, I went as big as I could to 850cc as I have a large frame.

    KimberlyAnn, I had the exact surgery as you are having Monday on Janury 9th. I feel so good now and love the results! Back for my 6 week check up on Thursday! Good luck tou you! Inbox me if you have any questions.


  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Posts: 2,618
    edited February 2014

    hi ladies. I have a question about massaging the implants. When? My ps hasn't mentioned it, it was brought up on another thread. I have 115 textured rounds, almost 2 weeks ago.  Thanks

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Posts: 1,750
    edited February 2014


    It has never been mentioned to me by my PS. I don't think many of us have been told to do it, although I've read that some have. I do use Bio-Oil but don't consider rubbing it in to be massage. I think of massage as a vigorous manipulation of tissue. Surely that's not what your PS recommends. ??

  • Dulcigirl
    Dulcigirl Posts: 864
    edited February 2014


    My PS said massage depends on type of implant and type of recon. I was told (and shown) how to push/squeeze mine up and in several times a day for a certain period of time. (Can't remember exactly, but after incisions were safely closed and probably just a few weeks.) Once again, PS preference based on beliefs, experience, etc. 

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Posts: 1,669
    edited February 2014

    My daily massage with BioOil is a little like a breast exam.  I rub the oil all over and do a firm palpation over and around the entire breast.  Firm enough to be more than just rubbing the oil in but not so firm that I'm going to accidentally rupture anything.  I also like the thought that I'm massaging my pectoral muscles.  I sometimes do a lot of upper body work in my morning workouts but my pecs never get sore anymore, I assume because I can't feel anything there anyway.  I figure as sore as the rest of my body gets sometimes the pecs MUST be sore so a little daily massage is a good thing.

  • cjc1961
    cjc1961 Posts: 54
    edited February 2014

    My PS told me to gently massage my implants from side to side (not top or bottom) to minimize the rippling that I have when I raise my arms. She said this will often help them settle in and lessen the appearance of the ripples.  

  • cjc1961
    cjc1961 Posts: 54
    edited February 2014

    BTW, I posted pics yesterday on the picture forum of my implants if anyone is interested. Same user name - cjc1961.  

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Posts: 836
    edited February 2014

    mine said massage to loosen them and the pocket... Started around a month.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,480
    edited February 2014

    My PS said no massage, but I have Allergan 410 anatomicals so that makes a difference.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Posts: 2,618
    edited February 2014

    I'll have to email my ps and see what he says. I need to find out when I can drive.

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Posts: 836
    edited February 2014

    theyre so different, its stupid. I have 410s also

  • az85048
    az85048 Posts: 1,467
    edited February 2014

    My instructions were the same as Ducligirl's - but I wasn't allowed to start until about three weeks post exchange when everything was healed.  The purpose was to 'encourage' the foobs to drop and prevent capsular contracture.  I was also encouraged to massage when I had TEs in so that the skin stayed pliant, since the area where I'd had the excisional biopsy had scar tissue internally, was rigid, and pulled during the whole expansion process.  Massage helped to break up the scar tissue and ease the tightness in that area.

    Like sweetandspecial, I use Bio Oil every day and if you've seen my thread on the picture forum, it did wonders for my scars and seems to keep the skin soft and supple.  

    It still amazes me every time something like this comes up - that the protocols plastic surgeons use seem to be as varied as their patients. 

  • myers421
    myers421 Posts: 145
    edited February 2014

    I read this thread every day but do not post often, forgive me for posting with my problems (seems to be the only time I write on here).  My 1st exchange was Oct. 2013, unfortunately  due to thin skin  a sore formed on my left breast (3" sore) it scabbed but then cracked and implant became visible.  I switched to a different PS and had a 2nd exchange Jan. 2014, new PS removed dead scabbed skin sutured it up and replaced both right and left implants.  Left side was healing fairly well until this past week.  An eraser size sore started, then scabbed.. and today I can see my implant (about pin size).  Anyone else have this happen or know of anyone that has had this problem.  I am hoping my PS can just suture it up and not take it out.  It has been a long and often frustrating time since October I still feel blessed with no rads or chemo needed and to be honest I often felt guilty knowing how hard some of you had to fight.  So, part of me thinks well, this is the dues I have to pay.  

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938
    edited February 2014

    Go see your doc before it becomes infected. You should be able to save it. 

  • myers421
    myers421 Posts: 145
    edited February 2014

    Thanks Moon! I am going to call him today

  • andrea623
    andrea623 Posts: 572
    edited February 2014

    Myers, I hope your PS can just suture it up. Please don't feel guilty that you didn't need chemo or rads. I'm happy that you didn't! All our journeys are different, but we are all sisters in the same battle. Please report back after you talk to your PS. Hugs to you!

    As for massage, my PS has me push the implants up too. I use emu oil on my breasts, the Bio-Oil made me itch terribly! 

    Since my revision, I've been having a lot of problems with nerve pain. My skin is so sensitive it feels awful to have a bra or clothing touch it. I can't tell you the number of times I've caught myself at work with my hand down my shirt between my bra and breast. Good thing my desk is not in a traffic zone! I had this problem after my BMX, but not after my exchange. Weird that I'd have it again after my revision. I'm back on neurontin, which makes me really ditzy. Sigh.

  • myers421
    myers421 Posts: 145
    edited February 2014

    PS is out of town all week, went and saw his nurse she said it was a suture and she took it out.  She said it is open, I need to flw up with him on Monday I am on antibiotics until then and she said she has seen it go both ways meaning... it will either close up itself or he might have to take the implant out. Thx 'ya all for listening.

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Posts: 836
    edited February 2014

    He is on vacation this week myers! But they probably have someone you can see- Jeannie if nothing else, Im sure. Good plan to follow up right away.

  • myers421
    myers421 Posts: 145
    edited February 2014

    Thanks Aviva! I did see Jeannie and I have an apt for next Monday to see him! How are you doing since exchange? OMGSH the roads are horrible, do not go out if you don't' need to, I have not seen them this bad all season.

  • lala1
    lala1 Posts: 974
    edited February 2014

    Smaarty---I may be mistaken but I was told that you do not massage textured implants. I have the smooth rounds so I was told to push them side to side once a day maybe 25-30 times to help prevent capsular contracture. But from what I understand, they want the textured to adhere to your body. Definitely check with your doc before massaging!!

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Posts: 836
    edited February 2014

    Im feeling really well. Saw him last Thu and again in a month. We agree that things arent as planned, tho healing well. Will swap them out in a few months for round silicone, Allergan 15 or 20s maybe. And do a good amount of lipo at the same time. So that should get me more to where I want to end up. Projection wise Im a good size for my shape, but not for as small as Id wanted to be. And I just have a ton of extra tissue on the sides that need fixing up, to make them less wide.  But in general the exchange was easy!  Glad you got in today- Im staying home today, lucky its my day off work. Just shoveled the sidewalk to patio, then my bird feeder grass paths. Leaving everything else for hubby when he gets home from work tonite!

  • andrea623
    andrea623 Posts: 572
    edited February 2014

    I've also read that textured and anatomical implants, such as the 410, should not be massaged.

  • Not-Me
    Not-Me Posts: 50
    edited February 2014

    Wow...I am surprised at some of your PSs!!!  Mine did not even talk about size or shape, he just said that he would make that decision based on my body type, etc.  I ended up a C instead of an A, but my shoulders are broad and it looks normal/great.

    But I do trust him.  Before my BMX, he was the person that came in and talked with me for about an hour while I lost it and cried my eyes out.  I did not know that I would react that way that morning, but I did.  

    I think I ended up with the 450 ccs.  Now regarding the placement, my PS places them under the muscle.  Maybe not all do this?  I am 8 months out post exchange, and can say that I still feel that tightness and muscle weirdness.  
