Exchange City
Thanks so much for your responses!
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Linda, congratulations on getting your date! That is fantastic news!
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I am having my exchange in just three days and am struggling today with it. I really didn't miss my boobs after the BMX because I was mad at them for causing it and I was able to save my nipples but now I feel like since I am unsure of how they will look after that I am going to miss my TE after. I hate how they interfere with my arms and how they hit thins without me knowing it but I feel like i am used to them now and after adjusting now I have to adjust again.
It's like I cried so much before BMX but not as much after because I was dealing with pain and trying to just rest but dealing with other peoe helping me when usually I don't like it. Now I feel like After the next step it will be behind me so I feel a lot of emotions. I am worried that I won't like my new girls and that I won't feel like me again in many ways but I know this changes a person.
Just felt like sharing as when I thought about who I can talk to about this you all came to mind. I don't have too many close friends I can talk to about this who have been through this. There is one but guess I just need to make they effort.
Just seems that now I have to adjust to my chest looking and feeling different so kind of overwhelmed by that. Whether bigger or smaller it will be different and I guess I dread that waiting period to see what they will look like after all the settling occurs. That's another step we have until we can put some of this behind us. Rambling but still trying to figure out what I want to tell My PS I want to get me to where I am happy with my new boobs. I don't like to call them fake because they still are mine because it's still my skin, my nipples, my chest, it's part of my body so they are still boobs to me. Like having a tattoo. It's an add on.
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Baby020 - We all go through all kinds of emotions with this process - everything we do is all part of the journey. I think you just need to focus on looking forward and don't worry about things that haven't happened yet. You can just as easily LOVE the implants - so don't worry about that now. Every thing takes time to adjust to - we have been through alot and we are all a bit shell shocked - just be patient with yourself.
And I agree - here is where you can share these thoughts and feelings - it is hard to try to talk about these things with people who haven't been here. They try - but they can quite get it.
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Sandra, perfect!!:)
Linda505, you go girl!!!!
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all the emotions are so normal- embrace them and then move on. Dont try to hide them or feel bad that you are feeling them. We have earned every tear and down moment. But we are warrior women and are going to go on. The not knowing how it will be after each type of surgery is scarier than the after part! Having the te you know its a process to go thru the fills and then eventually get to exchange, so you go with it. The exchange is hard too because its how you will be supposedly from now on. But remember it takes MONTHS to settle, drop and fluff, swelling to go down. Then see how they are. Then have revision if you are not happy! It isnt the end of the world or a failure. Its a work in progress.
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Babyo, it's hard to not let the anxiety in. I was nervous and excited about the exchange surgery as well. Esthetically, I can't tell you if I love the new girls yet or not. I'll give them time to settle before I make any final judgment. I have no nipples so they still look very foreign to me. What I can tell you is I'm so happy to not be in pain from the expanders anymore. I'm so happy to put the BMX and expanders behind me. I sleep through the night without pain. I wake up without pain. It's a beautiful thing. Have faith that it will all work out.
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babyo - linda505 is right on the money here. Lots of emotions on this journey. However, these few days prior to exchange should be happy and excited anticipation, girl! Don't be afraid of something that may not even occur. I had a certain level of uncertainty, too, prior to exchange (how could we not with this entire journey??). I had worked with Whippetmom, though, and my PS was on board with the plan, so I was content with the decision we had made together. My implants looked awesome right outa the chute! After minor swelling went away and a few more months went by I realized I had some extra skin flap at the sides (AKA mud flaps) which made the bottoms look a little squared off at the outsides. So, I had a revision this past April for that little nip-tuck.
The point is, you can have things fixed if something turns out not quite right. This is plastic surgery, after all . Your PS will do the best he/she can but please realize that revision surgery after exchange to implants is very, very common. The glass is half full, girlfriend - not half empty......YAY! When you consider the choices available to mastecomy patients 20, 30, 40 and more years ago, what you're having done is simply awesome and amazing!
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Babyo, going through emotions around exchange time is completely normal. I had been staying very positive and thinking how lucky I was all these months. I was counting the days before my exchange and was totally happy. I had my exchange on 8/8 with good results. A few days after, I had a total meltdown. It was a surprise to me because I rarely cry and I'm good at "staying positive." I think everything finally caught up with me. I was still tired from the anesthesia, had a neck kink, was on my period, and gained weight over the last 6 months. My body image took a big hit and I had thoughts that I'll never be "normal" again. I feel better now but I am sure there are more meltdowns in my future. Good luck with you surgery. I really don't think you'll miss your TEs once you feel your new squishy ones!
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Babyo - I'm just over a year out from exchange and still had the occasional melt-down until this past June when I started taking an anti-depressant (Lexapro) after several consecutive weeks of issues. Not melt-downs about the exchange results, just sudden weepiness and the need to have a good cry, sometimes associated with a period of fatigue. Totally unlike me.
Are you on Tamoxifen or one of the aromatase inhibitors (arimidex, femara, etc)? I know that depression, mood changes and sleep problems are all possible SEs of Arimidex. Extended fatigue alone can throw me into an emotional funk that's hard to get out of. I haven't had a truly good night's sleep since the menopause process started about 8 years ago!! Now that I think about it, it's a true wonder that I continued to be a happy, upbeat person these past years without decent sleep......hahaha!
If I need it, I'll continue to take the Lexapro until I'm done with Arimidex (3.25 years from now) because life is too short to put up with that sh*t.
So, the occasional period of weepiness, anxiety, etc is totally acceptable and expected on this journey. You never know when it might hit. If it gets to be the norm and you can't shake out of it, it's time to see your PCP. See how you feel after the exchange. My bet is that you'll feel much, much better .
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thanks everyone! Not on anything now . Only had to have the BMX so that is good. Maybe it's because I am pms now plus the fact that our area had major flooding so basement is totally ruined so maybe I am just a ball of emotions right now but that's okay. The flooding actually put my obsession with size on hold since that is way more important than anything. Lol
I have just been so obsessed with size haven't had time to think about emotions relating to this. Just want to stop thinking about this so much but can't for three days then however long after until they settle. It has been my focal point for months and interrupted sleep that I just want to stop being reminded of it. There are moments where I am not and those are good but since I am still dealing with this it will be awhile until I can be back to normal again.
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Bethq and Babyo, this is your week to cross over to the squishy side!!! It is awesome to be so soft and be done with the TEs!! This is the next step in this journey and you are there in just a couple more days!! Hugs and prayers for both of you.....during you exchange!! In your pocket.......move over ladiess so I can climb in too......
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Thanks simplelife2. I think its good I have to work today and tomorrow so I don't sit around and worry! I'll be glad to get it over with and to have a few weeks of rest!
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Beth and babyo, I'm super excited for you gals this week! Beth, my surgery was last Wed and I also worked on Monday and Tuesday. I'm glad I did because it helped my sanity by staying busy. :-) It's going to feel so wonderful getting those rock hard coconuts out and to be soft again!
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Beth and babyo I'll be thinking of you during your sx. May they go well and mag you feel better fast! Much love
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Thanks Moon! Off to the hospital!
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Beth, I'm thinking of you! Have an easy day and report back when you can! Babyo, good luck tomorrow.
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Good luck today Beth and tomorrow Babyo!!
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on my way home! She actually managed to get a 425 on the right and 375 in left. A little sore but not bad. Thanks for thinking of me
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YAY, Beth! Welcome to the Squishie Side!!!!!
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Woohoo Beth! That was quick! Rest up. Just as AZ said, welcome to the squishy side. It's a great place to be!
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Ok, lots of gurgling going on in my right implant when bending over to standing up. Exchange was last Wednesday. What the heck is that? I have my post op this afternoon and will definitely ask about it. Just wondering what you all think? I feel great! I'm just making some really awkward noises.
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Iwanna - I didn't have that but I think I've read here that it's nothing to worry about and will go away after a while. Others will chime in but always a good idea to let your PS know when your boobs are gurgling
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Lisa, thanks for the response. I just got back from my post op appointment. The gurgling/burping/faring noise is from the air injected during surgery. She said fluids from my body will eventually replace the air pockets and sounds should go away. What a strange thing! All good stuff. Sutures come out next Wednesday. I'm thrilled with how awesome I feel!
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Susan, a couple of times one boob has made a noise that sounded like my stomach was growling. Good to hear it is nothing to worry about. So weird. I get stitches out tomorrow.
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I just found out today that my exchange surgery will be September 23rd. I can't wait to get these tissue expanders out.
What is the recovery like for the first few days to a week? I have heard it is a pretty easy recovery but will I be able to go back to office work after a couple of days?
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Turtle - depends on your PS's practices and how much pocket work might be needed and so on. My PS required me to be off work for two full weeks with no driving and no lifting over 5 lbs during that period, then other weight and workout restrictions for an additional four weeks. There's a lot of internal healing to be done with this surgery too, even though it may not seem or feel as traumatic as a mastectomy.
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Thanks Lisa. I might have to rethink the time off from work. I also babysit my two grandsons daily, ages 3 and 18 months. I will be taking a week off from that but its going to be hard to get someone to fill in any longer than that. Do you think I will be able to watch them?
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Does anyone think it matter if the surgical bra they put me in today is a little (one inch) off center? It will hurt to move it but I don't want anything to go wrong under there!
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so glad it went good today Beth give me your stats again so I can get a visual