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Exchange City



  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 876
    edited August 2017

    I'll be exchanging to smooth round under the a zip up sports bra seems like the right kind. My PS said "go to the mastectomy bra shop, they will know" I'll push him again to get his preference.

  • Elkay7
    Elkay7 Member Posts: 95
    edited August 2017

    Thank you all for your kindness and reassurance. I will do my best to stay patient and let my implants settle.


  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923
    edited August 2017


    I am new to this thread, so I hope my post is relevant to the topic.

    I'm 3 years out from my surgery with Natrelle 410 "gummy bears," which were placed over the muscle. I also had fat grafting. Both the BMX and the exchange surgery was very painful for me and it seemed like I had a lot more problems than the average bear. The up side was that I had nothing but compliments from various providers and fitters - right from the start. But it seemed like forever for the swelling to go down. So yes ladies, be very very patient.

    After things settled down, I tried to get used to my new foobs. But to me they have always felt too heavy unless I wear a bra. Also, they are bigger than what I had hoped to be. I thought I would get used to them over time, but haven't. Compared to my natural boobs, these feel very wide and somewhat droopy, although I have to admit they have a very natural look and feel.

    Problem is, I've had a lot of pain in my cancer side. It comes and goes, depending on what position I'm in or if I'm under stress. The best way I can describe it is that it feels like the one foob is "stitched on too tight." I feel ripples in the other and they both feel different from one another in various spots. I've had MRIs and PET scans show there is nothing wrong medically.

    Just recently I tried sleeping without a bra and doing self exams. Yes, I know - I should have been doing that all along. Anyhoo, one night I felt a large lump in my armpit on the cancer side. I went in to my local clinic and had an ultrasound. The radiologist there said it was probably scar tissue. I decided to go to my cancer clinic for a second opinion. He said the same thing. Nothing bad showed up. It does bother me, though, as sometimes that area hurts, so my MO suggested I see my PS (who I've not seen in years).

    THEN I just happened to see on this site the concerns about ALCL with the implants I have. Needless to say, I am worried. I'm seriously considering a revision although the thought of another surgery makes me sick. At the very least I plan on discussing my concerns with my original PS. He's since left my clinic to go into private practice.

    Long story, I know. I just wanted to get some feedback and see if anyone has had a similar experience?

    Thank you,


  • LettyF
    LettyF Member Posts: 39
    edited August 2017

    Woohoo! Its almost here, 8/30/2017. It's not an ideal situation but I will take it. We discovered last Tuesday that I had a small leak in my left expander and had 180 ccs in the left and nothing in the right. Measurements/pictures were taken and Friday when I went back after measuring they decided to finish the right breast fill and put in another 120ccs in the left. I go back today for an additional 150-180 ccs and then will go back on 8/21 and 8/28 for additional large fills to keep the muscle stretched and will have exchange surgery Wednesday the 30th. Perfect as I'll be off Monday for the Labor Day Holiday giving me an extra day at home. My right breast is expanded to 685 ccs and the plan is to try either the Inspira 700cc or the 685cc anatomical. I'm just ready for this part to be finished. Best wishes to everyone doing this. It hasn't been easy but I think it will be worth it.

  • LettyF
    LettyF Member Posts: 39
    edited August 2017

    Dear Elkay7,

    I was told that an 800cc implant was the largest available but an implant along with some type of flap surgery could be done in conjunction. I'm hoping to loose some weight (I've gained about 17lbs since my diagnoses) and hopefully my new 685cc anatomicals/700cc Inspiras (he's taking both in for surgery so I'm not sure what I'll end up with as I'm leaving up to his judgement) will get me around a 34C which I was previously. I just want to feel normal with clothes on. I hope you become more satisfied as time goes on. My PS says it will take months till I see the final result. He anticipates some fat grafting later but I'm hoping I don't have too and have opted for the 3D nipples as I hope not to have to wear a bra again. I threw them all away the morning I left to have the mastectomy. Best of luck to you!!!!

  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338
    edited August 2017

    Hi BC101, sorry to hear of your difficulties. I too am not comfortable with my implants, although only 3 1/2 months post exchange. They are bigger than I wanted, heavy (pre-pec as well) and both have flipped over backwards at different times, one still backwards. I don't know if you saw my previous posts, but my PS suggested going in and removing mine and replacing with the anatomicals (gummy bears), even though there is the slight ALCL risk. I am in no way interested in doing that. He was originally going to put anatomicals in, then found out about the risk, and put smooth rounds in. So why on earth would he suggest them now, after he had backed away from them a few months ago? I am looking into replacing them with my own tissue, have my consult with a new PS on 8/21 as my current PS only does DIEP or Lat flaps and I can't have those. I am sick at the thought of more surgery too, but am slowly making peace with it.

    So, I can relate to you about the discomfort, but the lump is obviously even more concerning. You mentioned an MRI, was that before finding the lump or after? I know the ultrasound was after. I would absolutely go see the PS and address all of your concerns. Do keep us posted!


  • 2FUN
    2FUN Member Posts: 789
    edited August 2017

    Shoregirl, what kind of proceedure are you looking into that will use your own tissue?

    BC101. Sorry things are not going well. Hang in there!

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited August 2017

    BC101, I am curious about 410's being pre pec?? They need a nice snug pocket to adhere and stay put. Did your PS use a lot of alloderm? They don't usually ripple either. I have them 2 1/2 years out but under pecs. They haven't caused me any trouble and not a sign of a ripple. I had never heard of the ALCL connection, but did look it up. The occurrence of it seems very small and it sounds like they aren't completely sure if it is connected.

    Hope you can find a solution that works for you.


  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited August 2017

    Lettyf, congratulations on your EX date!! I am a bit concerned you are planning to return to work after a long weekend. Be careful! Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

    If you are planning to have anatomical implants, you have to wear a snug front open sports bra a while. I had to 24/7 for a minimum of 6 weeks. I wore one for a year because I felt more comfortable. They must have a chance to adhere to the muscle to avoid rotating. Now I can go braless whenever I want! I have the 3D nipples and they are amazing!


  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923
    edited August 2017

    Shoregirl - I found the lump after the MRI, but since I had 2 radiologists and 2 ultrasounds, I was reassured. That is, until now....mainly because I'm going through a lot of stress in my life and my anxiety is through the roof right now. Hmmmm....that is very strange that your PS would give you a different story on the ALCL concern. Besides, I think the gummy bears are heavier due to the cohesive gel, so it wouldn't be an improvement. The nice thing about a flap is that you won't have cold foobs. Still can't get used to that!

    Robin - yes, my PS used LOTS of alloderm. I didn't think these were supposed to ripple either. It'll be interesting to see what my PS says. I know that the risk for ALCL is low, but it's just another thing on my worry list. Good on you - you have 3D nips AND you can go bra-less. NICE!


  • LettyF
    LettyF Member Posts: 39
    edited August 2017

    Good Morning Robinblessed54,

    Thank you for the information. I was afraid of that but I want to make sure I do everything correctly. I went yesterday and my PS said we were in a losing battle with the left expander. Since last Tuesday 480ccs have been put in and its less than 1/3 my right. He said there was no need to keep putting myself thru the pain so he's doing surgery this Thursday morning at 9:30 to replace the expander. He said he will fill it to 500ccs at time of surgery and then I will wait a month an have only two fills to complete the process. It's bad that it sets the process back but I am still very fortunate in my treatment since diagnoses so I'm not complaining. Do you like the anatomical implants? Do they look/feel natural? He plans to go with the 685ccs. He said its the largest ones and will get me closest to where I was before surgery. I hope so. Have a great day!

  • sitti
    sitti Member Posts: 89
    edited August 2017

    LettyF, can you tell how you discovered/figured out you had a small leak? Was it very obvious or did you suspect a leak and it slowly became evident? I think I may have one but not sure since there's not a drastic difference and my foobs look different from each other w/TE's. Thanks.

  • LettyF
    LettyF Member Posts: 39
    edited August 2017

    During my 3rd fill the PS made the comment that he was going to stop at 70 ccs in the right (he had just put 100ccs in the left) because the breast appeared larger and said that I may just have to have two different implant sizes. He made it sound as if it could be something to do with my chest wall. Well, I thought nothing of it and went on vacation. I had no injuries nor pain but my daughter who hadn't seen me since my mastectomy commented on the size difference. So I measured (w/measuring tape - as scientific as it got :0) from center of my chest over the breast mound on both sides and noticed the left just slowly got smaller as the week progressed. When I returned for my next fill (last Tuesday), the PS put in 180ccs in the left and nothing in the right and I went back last Friday and he said well it looks like its a very slow leak and put in 120 in my left and 80 in my right and they looked about even. I went back yesterday and he just finished my right and said the fluid loss was too significant that there's no way we could stay on top of the leak to stretch the muscle enough to wait till exchange. I would have had to go every day and have 100-200ccs and he said he wasn't going to put me through that pain so he scheduled to replace it. Thank God he had a surgery cancellation that he could squeeze me into the only drawback is it's not my hospital that he had the cancellation at. He is a very good/popular PS and does surgeries at 3 different hospitals. I'll take what I can get so I can get back on track. Although its gonna set me back a month, I'm just thankful I'm healthy and have the opportunity to have reconstruction. Hopefully, minus 3-D nipple tattoos, we may still be able to finish before the end of the year as he's putting in 500ccs at the time of surgery and I'll only have two remaining fills on the left breast to get to 685ccs. I hope you don't have a leak. Good thoughts your way.

  • MrsB88
    MrsB88 Member Posts: 77
    edited August 2017

    LettyF - I'm sure Robin will respond to your post but I'm chiming in because I have the 685cc Mentor anatomicals. My native breasts were a DD on the right & a D on the left. When my first set of 420 cc round, smooth Allergan moderate height profile implants were placed in 2010, I looked like I had flat pancakes on my chest. Didn't go back for revision. Six years later, I developed capsular contracture on the right & the left implant had developed a crease in the center (most unattractive). Went to a new PS who removed the old implants, fixed the cap. contracture & put expanders in again. She said the only way to go larger & back toward my native size was to start from scratch. She was pro anatomical so I went with her advice. She expanded me to 550cc on both sides & 3 mos. later put in the 685's. Sept. 15th it will be a year. I am very pleased with the implant size & shape. I wear a 36 C or D bra depending on the manufacturer & cut of the bra. I fill out my clothes again & have nice projection. Wishing you all the best & I hope this info. helps!

  • LettyF
    LettyF Member Posts: 39
    edited August 2017

    Good Morning MrsB88,

    Thank you for the post. If you don't mind my asking, what is your build? I'm 5'5" and weigh 147 with a fairly broad chest and hope this will get me back around where I was. I used to wear a 34C bra. I'm sorry you had the problems and had to start over (its a bummer when you have the set backs) but I'm glad your happy and hopefully finished now for good. Best wishes and thanks again.

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited August 2017

    LettyF, I sent you a PM but didn't tell you my size. You and I are like identical twins!! Ha ha! I am 5' 5" and 147 pounds too! So my previous size was 36B and I am about a small C. Very close so that all of my clothes still fit me. I am also broad shouldered and I guess broad chest too.

    Are you going with under the muscle? I think that is important with gummie bear implants. They need a nice tight pocket. So sorry to hear that you have to have an expander redo, but better to know now and get it right before the implants go in. Where do you live?


  • Candyapple17
    Candyapple17 Member Posts: 18
    edited August 2017

    Hi ladies, I just got my first post mastectomy fill. PS put in 150 CC at time of TE placement and I got 50 CC on Monday. A couple of questions for my online Friends-

    1) Is it normal to feel nothing when they fill them and then a couple hours later to be in intense pain? Does this happen every time?

    2) PS said he would continue to fill me until I was happy with the size and look but how do I figure out how many CC's would be a full C Cup? I was a 38 DD prior to mastectomy and don't want to go larger than a C with the reconstruction. I am 5'5 and weigh 150.

    3) What is the recovery time for the exchange surgery? Will the dreaded drains be involved again?

    Thanks friends

  • LettyF
    LettyF Member Posts: 39
    edited August 2017

    Hey there Robinblessed54,

    We are twins and if 54 is your age, I'm 52! I live right outside Mobile, Alabama in Semmes. It's good to hear from someone who's about the same size to get some idea of where I'll end up at. And yes, my implants are going under the muscle. I think that is the only way my PC will do them. Thank you for getting back with me. Have a great HUMP DAY :0)

  • Elkay7
    Elkay7 Member Posts: 95
    edited August 2017

    Hi ladies,

    I need your help. This whole process is causing me to get very depressed. I still feel overwhelming FLAT Scared

    Is it really possible that these implants will perk up and make me feel whole again when I am in clothes?

    My PS has reassured me that I can have another exchange in a few months if I am still unhappy.

    As always, thank you for "being there" when I have questions and concerns.


  • LettyF
    LettyF Member Posts: 39
    edited August 2017

    I am 5'5" and weigh 147 lbs and my PS seems to think 685ccs will get me close to the 34C that I was before and that's what Robinblessed54 said was the case with her, so I feel good about it. My PS says no drains with the exchange or my expander change out tomorrow (my left one is leaking and has to be replaced). From all I've read and gathered here and there is every 150-180ccs is equivalent to a cup size but that depends upon the chest. My PS doesn't talk in cup size and I think that is the consensus with other PSs as well. A wider chested woman would have to have more ccs than a narrower chested woman. I hope you find something useful in my rambling.

    I had 200ccs when expanders were put in and then 100cc fills every two weeks a month out. I never had pain per se with the expansions just a really tight feeling as he neared the 100cc mark. But the next day I was sore. With me it got better with the fills, not necessarily less soreness but I guess less apprehension about the process. I hope you feel better & best wishes.

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited August 2017

    LettyF, that is the year I was born so I am 63! MrsB88 had the 685cc. Mine are only 475cc. But got similar results as you are looking for. 685 seems like a lot for the size you want.

    Did you get the PM I sent you

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 876
    edited August 2017

    I would feel nothing at time of fill, but then it took 2-3 days for me to get used to the new fill amount. This was standard for me. I only had one cramp/spasm it was like a charlie-horse in the chest. Not something I wanted again and gratefully it never repeated.

  • 2FUN
    2FUN Member Posts: 789
    edited August 2017

    I had no pain or discomfort with my fills, but I was really uncomfortable after my exchange. Just goes to show how different we all are.

  • Memyself17
    Memyself17 Member Posts: 8
    edited August 2017

    Good evening all - I had my exchange surgery on May 12. Feeling great but have two questions that I'm hoping you can help me with. First, what are you using that works for minimizing mastectomy scars; and even though I feel sooooo much better now that the expanders are gone and my implants are in (Allergan SCFs), I still feel a little tight - like even when I have no bra on it feels like I have a bra on! Does that feeling ever go away? Thanks much.

  • MrsB88
    MrsB88 Member Posts: 77
    edited August 2017

    LettyF - I sent you a private message with further details. I hope it helps!

  • sitti
    sitti Member Posts: 89
    edited August 2017

    LettyF, thank you for the response. Maybe I don't have a leak, as there hasn't been any further change, and nothing to degree you described. I won't see my PS until pre op for my exchange and that had me concerned if there was a leak, I'd want to make him aware but don't want to make an unnecessary appt. My TE's aren't filled to capacity (due to skin being thin) and I'm guessing the saline must have shifted. I'm sorry you are needing to replace TE and exchange had to be set back a little but it sounds like you have a plan in place to move forward.

    I always felt a little better after a fill. It seemed like the pressure of the TE's was lifted a little bit. I have pre pectoral TE's so that may make a difference too.

  • LettyF
    LettyF Member Posts: 39
    edited August 2017

    Good Morning Sitti,

    I'm glad you don't have a leak. I had my TE replacement surgery last Thursday morning and was out and back home a couple hours later with no drains and felt so much better. I could have totally returned to work Friday morning but took the day off and came back Monday morning. He was able to expand the left expander to 490ccs and get good closure and withdrew saline outta my right expander so now it has 550ccs as he said this will reduce pulling and things will be more symmetrical. I guess if I'm getting a couple fills on the left I can get a couple small ones on the right to get me back to the 685ccs. All went well, and I thank everyone for the well wishes. Just glad again that you don't have a leak and will have the real exchange soon. Best of wishes to you.

  • sitti
    sitti Member Posts: 89
    edited August 2017


    Thanks for the update, I'm glad your surgery went so well and that you'll be back on track soon. I hope all of our exchanges will be as seamless (no pun intended ;) ) as your TE replacement sounds, that would be wonderful. My PS said I could go back to work 2 days after exchange, I don't know if he was serious or not but maybe it will be similar to what you just had. Take care.

  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338
    edited August 2017

    Hi all, sorry I missed a few questions, I was on vacation with my daughter and granddaughters. 2Fun, i was looking into SGAP or LGAP, the tissue comes from the butt or love handles. I can't have the DIEP (abdominal) due to prior abdominal surgery. BC101, I get what you are saying about the anatomicals being heavy as they are cohesive. My Inspiras are also cohesive, I think they are supposed to be the mose cohesive of all. They are heavy and very firm. When I hug people I feel self concious because it feels like they are hugging 2 rocks. I haven't asked if it feels like that to them, but it does to me.

    Anyhow, the consult went well, the Hopkins ps was an absolute DOLL! So sweet. He looked at my implants, said he had never seen one flip before, grasped it in his hand and flipped it back right (Sunny side) up!! I told him my ps tried that but I made a noise of discomfort so he stopped. He actually was very complimentary of my ps, who trained at Uinv of MD and they had a combined program with Hopkins. He knows him and said my results were very very good. He advised I go back to my ps and have him just tighten the skin, keep the same implants, remove an internal stitch granuloma and do some fat grafting. He said the flap surgery I was considering is 10-12 hours in the OR, 3-4 days in the hospital, leaves a dent in your butt, and I would have much smaller boobs as I am not gifted with much in the butt to begin with lol.

    I tell you, I was so relieved to have that implant flipped back over. And I left Hopkins with the biggest weight off my back. I don't have a surgery date for the revision yet, but have talked with my ps and he will do the fg at the same time as the pocket work. Now to find some ladies to talk with that have had revisions, possible downsizing, pocket tightening, fg so I have an idea what to expect!!

  • kingster
    kingster Member Posts: 289
    edited August 2017

    Letty, I also had to have a TE replaced due to leaking. It wasn't bad. Actually felt better afterward, cuz my TE coiled up inside my chest. Felt like a deflated beach ball on my ribs. I had mine replaced at 6 weeks post op from bmx and TE placement. Just another bump in the road.