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Exchange City



  • LettyF
    LettyF Member Posts: 39
    edited August 2017

    Good Morning Sitti,

    I hope you're doing well. Your PS was probably serious. My PS does surgeries at my hospital on Wednesdays and he said I could totally come back to work the following Monday. He said it won't be much more than what he did last Thursday. He does any lipo and fat grafting at a later time (about 6 weeks) after implants if needed. Although the lipo sounds great (but its just a small amount they harvest) I'm hoping that I don't have to have that and will just have the 3D nipple tattoos left next Spring. Have a great day!

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 874
    edited August 2017


    read your post while I was at the PS for my pre-op appointment with my deflated and rolled up beach ball TE in my chest...they put in over 500cc (had been at 800 before deflation) and I now have a very oddly shaped mound after 3 weeks of rolled up beach ball...Exchange in two weeks, I hope. I had planned on 800 Inspira...he asked if I was okay if he can only get 600..I said NO, put in another TE and we will expand again to 800...did say I would accept 750.

    After they put in the 500, the pressure was so great I was leaking out from the needle is bandaged up, put hopefully that stops and I can keep some in me.

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited August 2017

    Experienced Exchangers:

    I was just on the photo site looking at implants as I prepare for Exchange two weeks from today! ;) Someone mentioned prepping for surgery and I thought: oh yes, gotta do all this again.

    Any tips? I have Hibiclens, planning for clean sheets/towels, hand sanitizer and soaps all over the house (I have a 10 year old boy -- ha ha), extra pillows. Anything else I should plan for? I must have put BMX out of my mind because feel like I'm starting again.

    I had a post-op infection the first time around so may be a bit more cautious.


  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited August 2017

    I should say I'm set to have a lot of pocket work and possibly expecting drains. Hoping not but maybe. (ugh)

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 874
    edited August 2017

    Eastcoast - what is Hibiclens?

  • LettyF
    LettyF Member Posts: 39
    edited August 2017

    Hibiclens is a topical antibacterial liquid soap product that is used prior to and after surgery to reduce the risk of infection.

  • LettyF
    LettyF Member Posts: 39
    edited August 2017

    Hello TrmTab,

    My faulty expander leaked saline when the needle was removed too, I guess from the pressure??? Anyway, I had my TE replacement follow-up this past Tuesday afternoon and everything looks good. I will start back with fills 9/5 and it should only take 2 fills to reach the 685ccs and then the change out to implant surgery 4 weeks after. I'm glad to be back on track and I won't miss bow season after all!!! Best wishes and have a great day!

  • Leslienva
    Leslienva Member Posts: 343
    edited August 2017

    EastcoastTS, remember to have larger size button- down shirts if you're expecting drains. The larger size shirts help cover them so theydon't poke out!

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377
    edited August 2017

    Elkay, I have 800cc Silicone high profile, and at first I cried and thought they looked very odd a very square flat looking implant. However 4 months later they are actually rounding out and have more projection. I have managed to lose 22 lbs and so my belly isn't as big as it was right underneath my breast so I can tell that with every significant weight loss they're going to project more and look bigger and it is exactly the motivation I needed I was 5 foot 5 + 187 lb my goal is 140 then I will have really big TaTa's. Wait for it and try to loose some weight it made a big difference. My PS explained that us bodacious women have a much more difficult time having good projection from our implants due to the fact that they have to take so much more tissue away during our mastectomies. Good luck and I hope like me you will like yours soon!!

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited August 2017

    Thanks, Leslienva!

    Button-downs/check! Guessing we also go back to the not being able to put on T-shirts and stuff like that for a bit. Maybe it's a good thing that I've almost forgotten the BMX limitations. ;)

  • Elkay7
    Elkay7 Member Posts: 95
    edited August 2017

    Linda (OG56) - you just made my day!!! I can see changes now but I suspected that in order to truly see results I needed to lose some weight!!! You just gave me the motivation I needed! Thank you so much for reaching out and I hope to stay in touch with everyone as I continue on this journey.

    I would love to get updates on your continued success!! I will be thinking about youHappy


  • Campbellx5
    Campbellx5 Member Posts: 4
    edited August 2017

    8/15 - Campbellx5

  • kingster
    kingster Member Posts: 289
    edited August 2017

    TrmTab, I would also leak out of the needle hole because the pressure was so great. The fluid could only go so far. I would get filled on Thursday, and be deflated over the weekend. Replacement surgery was fine though. My PS wanted to wait a full 6 months after max fill prior to exchange. I'm glad we did because I haven't had any troubles since;)

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited August 2017

    My Exchange is next week -- and during Post-Op call, they said they don't need to do lab work beforehand because of my age. (49, which I guess is on the young-ish side -- but only in the BC world!!!). ;)

    Is this typical? I've had so much blood work this year that I'm cool with this I think. Had chest x-ray etc before BMX.


  • LettyF
    LettyF Member Posts: 39
    edited August 2017

    Good Morning EastcoastTS,

    When I had my tissue expanders placed originally on May 3rd they did not do any blood work or an EKG as they did prior to the Mastectomy because they said they could use the previous since it had been recent. The morning of the exchange of a faulty expander they did an EKG in pre-op but no blood work while I was awake at least. I guess the time between surgeries, age, and hospital preference plays into protocol/procedures. Congratulations on getting your expanders changed out. Best wishes your way!!!!!

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited August 2017


    Thanks! I'm feeling it's a fine decision -- just always want to check in with my crew. :) I learn more here than I ever have from my doctors!!! LOL

    I'm not really nervous, however, am prepping for a little downtown/pain. I'm set to have lots of pocket work. My TEs are far/far/far apart times...the cancer side one has also dropped recently. Kinda nudging down into the IMF fold area. Ugh. So guessing that will add to the experience.

    I am a little excited, too, to get rid of the TEs!!!!!! Joy to release of Iron Bra/turtle shells/baseballs. Pick your term.

  • 2FUN
    2FUN Member Posts: 789
    edited August 2017

    good luck east coast!

  • sitti
    sitti Member Posts: 89
    edited August 2017

    EastcoastTS, Yay for exchange surgery! On the question regarding blood work, I realized that I never did have any pre-op bloodwork done, not even before the BMX! I've been wondering if that's normal but it was after surgery before I even thought about it and of course it wasn't on my mind to ask the question when I went in for follow up with BS. I find that intersesting since I've always had blood work previously before surgeries. I'm wondering if that is a newer philosophy. No EKG either, nothing...maybe I seem healthy? lol. Wishing you the very best with your surgery next week. Keep us posted. (We still need to do a Charlotte meet up)

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 874
    edited August 2017

    I have exchange on Sept 8...they used my Aug 7th blood work from the MO and I separately did an I guess it is Dr's choice?

  • LettyF
    LettyF Member Posts: 39
    edited August 2017

    Hello EastcoastTS,

    I started to say the surgery itself shouldn't be too bad as my PS said I can expect the same pain level as I experienced during the TE changeout. It was a piece of cake, I didn't even fill the pain meds/valium. I think I took two advil that night and its because I had a horrible sore throat (this was the only time - not impressed with that hospitals anesthesia group) from the intubation tube I guess. I had coughing for like 3 days/nights afterwards and the outside of my neck was really tender and red (it didn't bruise though). I'm sure with all the pocket work you're expecting their will probably be more discomfort and pain. I'm glad that you're nearing this journey. I'm excited myself for November. You're description of TEs was hilarious.

    As far as learning more on this site; I think we get to combine the information from many doctors and even procedural practices by different hospitals according to geography. You think that with medicine, the plan would be the same for everyone with a like diagnoses and situation but I guess they adapt with the differences everyone presents with??? Who knows. I do appreciate everyone's willingness to offer a shoulder, kind words, and share their stories and offer advice. Have a great evening, a great surgery, and a speedy (limited pain) recovery. Best wishes your way.

  • dizzygirl01
    dizzygirl01 Member Posts: 45
    edited August 2017

    Hello wonderful ladies! I currently have tissue expanders and I am scheduled for my exchange surgery on 9/21. WhooHoo!!! I will also be having some pocket work done and a lot of fat grafting. (I had fat grafting with my mastectomy/expander placement too) Pain at the donor site was minimal however I looked really bruised, hoping for the same thing as this time they are taking from stomach. I had decided on Inspira silicone smooth round implants but my PS wanted to check into some other brands to see if any of them had more projection. I will find out at pre-op next week which she recommends.

    I am trying to put together a list of questions I should ask at my pre-op. Anyone have any suggestions?



  • dancingelizabeth
    dancingelizabeth Member Posts: 305
    edited August 2017

    Hi All,

    I had exchange surgery, yesterday. And, woke up from surgery with a very uncomfortable surgical camisole on.

    I guess I'm supposed to keep wearing it until the PS says ok to take off. But I feel like it is pushing into my breasts, especially where the Velcro attaches down the middle. I feel like my breast area is very tender! Of course my kitty decided to walk across it! Ouch!!

    I couldn't take it anymore and put on a surgical bra (from my mastectomy days).

    Does anybody have experience with extreme tenderness and very uncomfortable cami?? I put a call into my PS's office and hopefully the RN calls back soon...

    Also, how soon can you shower after the exchange surgery? And, when is it OK to raise your arms up? I didn't get very much info before they discharged me (or maybe they did tell me but I can't remember it!!)


  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261
    edited August 2017

    Did you get sent home with any info? My PS sent me a 90 page (yes 90) packet of info via email.

    Every surgeons recommendations are different. I would suggest calling your surgeon's office and getting everything answered before the end of the day today.

    Happy healing!

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited August 2017

    2Fun: THANKS!

    Sitti and TrmTab: This whole shebang is "doctor's choice". Look at the wide variety of advice (or not!) that we're given.

    I agree, LettyF, that we learn so much here because we're sharing medical information. I feel like I have more than one MO with you guys. ;) Some doctors communicate very well. Some do not. And many of us benefit from the group "pool" of BC info. I know I have. Another patient/friend often explains it better than a doctor. Sad but true.

  • dancingelizabeth
    dancingelizabeth Member Posts: 305
    edited August 2017

    I was sent home with very little info... Mainly just told to sleep on my back for 5 days and watch out for a fever. I

    The RN called back. She answered my questions but didn't volunteer new information. I feel like I don't know what to ask...because I don't have enough knowledge about the recovery. If that makes any sense!!!

  • dancingelizabeth
    dancingelizabeth Member Posts: 305
    edited August 2017

    Also, (for those who are further into recovery) how soon were you all able to drive? I forgot to ask my RN that...but then why didn't she tell me

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited August 2017

    Scared67: Call your doctor. My PS apparently provides a detailed sheet of some sort that she'll either give me at pre-op appt or after to my spouse. Each doctor has their own way of doing everything. Mine, for instance, said no showers until large bandage (or maybe it will be a bra) is removed at first post-op, which I'm expecting will be a few days later since my surgery is on Thursday.

    Extreme tenderness may be very normal depending upon what you had done. And raising arms -- I wouldn't until I talked to my PS. Go slowly and call your doctor! I believe many here advise T-rex arms by your side, but again, talk to you PS. And good luck to you!

    DizzyGirl: You're getting new boobs on my 50th birthday! That's a SUPER lucky day. (And the start of the great 70s Earth, Wind and Fire hit, September: Do you remember the 21st of Sept? Well, you will!)

    I'm also getting Inspira smooth rounds. ;) I plan to talk to my PS about the implants again, projection she is looking at, estimated size (though I know this is determined at surgery), activities to avoid, what I'll go home in. The basics. Hope yours goes well!

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited August 2017


    My advice since you didn't get a ton of information from your doctor -- go back and read a bunch of past posts on Exchange City. I did this to prepare myself and see what others shared post-surgery.

    On driving I will only say that more experienced Exchangers have said to wait until after you're off pain meds -- for sure. And until you can drive comfortably. I plan to not drive for a week or so. I waited 3 weeks with BMX.

    Sorry you feel left in the dark with your PS.

  • dancingelizabeth
    dancingelizabeth Member Posts: 305
    edited August 2017

    Thanks Eastcoast!

  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261
    edited August 2017

    My new PS said no driving until drains were removed and I was off pain meds 24 hours. Who knew? I drove with drains the first time around.