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Exchange City



  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 874
    edited August 2017

    I was allowed to drive with drains at MX and that was good as I had them for 3 weeks!

    My only restriction is no driving until 48 hrs after last narcotic pain MX I was only at Tylenol at home so had MX on Friday and drove on Tuesday, the first time I needed to go somewhere.

    My BS put me on nothing over 5 lbs for a month at MX, but the PS with my exchange says nothing over 15lbs for 4 weeks...I think I will stay at the lower number, 15 seems too high.

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited August 2017


    15lbs sounds high to me, too. (From what I've read here from other PSs.) I believe mine is more conservative, though I don't talk to her again until next Tuesday and I forgot exactly what she told me before! LOL

    Wow - you got through MX with only Tylenol? You are one tough cookie. I am not a pill-popper AT ALL, but I required meds for a bit. Gently decreasing them as days went by. Of course, I had BMX but're tough!

    I still have a little trouble pulling into tight parking places, where it takes torque, 6 months after BMX. It's in the Alloderm (IMF) area. I have no idea why that's still so tight. I'm hoping Exchange loosens this up. It's not painful as much as pulling. Odd.

    Take care and keep us updated!

  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338
    edited August 2017

    I will chime in and say I was told no vacuuming for 3 months. It really uses your pec muscles. I WISH I could have got away with that one!! ;)

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited August 2017

    I think I'm going to lie and tell my husband my PS said no scooping of cat litter for one year!!!!!!!

  • dizzygirl01
    dizzygirl01 Member Posts: 45
    edited August 2017

    EastCoast TS- Well, hopefully it is a good day then!

    I am only planning to take 2 weeks off of work. It sounds like that is about average. The PS said it is unlikely that I will have drains. I was hoping to have some excess skin removed (side boobs basically) but I forgot to mention it at my last appointment (chemo brain I swear). I called them the next day and her nurse said to ask her about it at my pre-op appt. I was disappointed at that answer because I knew they would request the insurance pre-auth before I had a chance to talk to her. It may be too late to get that added. In my defense I did talk to her about this when i was having fills and she agreed to do it.

    In regard to the current conversation..I will have to ask about restrictions on driving and lifting. Thanks ladies!


  • dancingelizabeth
    dancingelizabeth Member Posts: 305
    edited August 2017

    Hi All - I have another question...I wish I had asked for C cup size. Instead, I asked for a large B cup. (Thinking that would be big enough because I was originally a small B size).

    Anyway, I took a look at them and WOW do they look flat!!! My right one looks smaller than my left one. (Maybe it's because I had radiation to the right side).

    I feel sad about this (but, I know this isn't something to feel sad about - it's just cosmetic).

    My question they fluff up a bit after the exchange or do they just stay this way?

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited August 2017

    scared67, If you were sent home in a surgical bra, it was for a good reason. I had one as well as a tight ace bandage that I had to leave on for a week until post op. I had gummies that have to adhere to skin/muscle to avoid rotating. If you have regular silicone smooth they wdrop and fluff. Cup size doesn't really match reconstruction. It takes a good 6 months to see a result. Walk away from the mirror, I know it's hard.


  • sitti
    sitti Member Posts: 89
    edited August 2017

    Scared67, I haven't had exchange yet but from everything I've read they do change and look better as time goes on. I keep reading from those that have had their exchange a good while ago that we should step away from the mirror and give it a few months so I'm trying to remember that as my exchange date approaches. Hopefully others can come along and encourage you.

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited August 2017

    Dizzygirl, I took off 2 weeks and it was plenty. Driving when off pain meds. Lifting restrictions were not over 10 pounds for 6 weeks. If you have a lot of pocket work you don't want to pull any internal stitches. Remember, "just because you can, doesn't mean you should ".


  • dancingelizabeth
    dancingelizabeth Member Posts: 305
    edited August 2017

    Thanks Everyone...that really helps!! I will stop looking in the mirror!!

  • dizzygirl01
    dizzygirl01 Member Posts: 45
    edited August 2017

    Thanks RobinBlessed! I know my work will let me come back even with a lifting restriction because I work a desk job. It is something to keep in mind at home though. I think I blocked out my BMX instructions once it was over.


  • noodlesmom
    noodlesmom Member Posts: 36
    edited August 2017

    Hi Eastcoast--I've been off the site for a bit but I know your surgery date is approaching. Thanks for asking such great questions because I have many of the same. :). I think you said it in one of your replies, but are you getting the "gummy bear rounds? And if so, have you read many reviews here as to how they feel? Someone told me they can feel quite heavy (though not sure my little ones will). Kinda curious.

    Ecxited for you--and all of us--to be one step farther along in this process!

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited August 2017


    I'm getting Inspira cohesive silicon smooth rounds. My PS used the term gummy bear at the beginning and I asked for more info.

    I have read that they can feel heavy...but they seem the better option over anatomical. And I did not want textured, with some of the latest info, though issues are rare. That's about as much as I know!!! ;)

    Aren't you going small, too? I was only filled to 270cc in the TEs (I know, people, it's very tiny!) and am expecting 300cc or so implants. But I'm really petite -- 5.2" and about 95lbs right now. I'm hoping for nice modest B cup because I was AA cup before! Really, I think I'll be happy to have any boob/foob for the first time ever. Too, I'm expecting them to look like hamburger buns at first. Maybe you and I will not have the total heavy feeling with smaller implants.

    Only negative is my TEs are really far apart and one has dropped some as well. Hello, pocket work! Lateral capselectomy (sp) I think is what was on the insurance approval. If I was having simple Exchange, I'd be really looking forward to it. As it is, I'm still looking forward to it because TEs suck.

    ;) Excited for you, too!!!

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited August 2017

    I have gummy bear anatomical. They feel very natural but are more static than the smooth rounds. They also look natural. I don't feel that they are heavy. Kingster might want to join in on this conversation. She has 800ml smooth rounds and I know she says they are quite heavy. Mine are only 475cc. I don't get that pectoral twitching that occurs with the smooth rounds. Mine are sub pectoral but don't move that much. I have had them for 2 1/2 years. I would make the same choice again.


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,403
    edited August 2017

    I have had Allergan 410's cohesive gel anatomicals for 4+ years. I am very happy with the shape. I would be OK if they were a little smaller. They are below the muscle & like Robin, I don't find them heavy. But I had dense breasts to start so... Good luck.

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377
    edited September 2017

    I had my exchange surgery the end of May and I had 800 CC high profile round smooth silicone. I don't find them to be heavy at all but I did have large breasts before that and they were probably heavier than the implants. I was told to expect a moderate amount of pain afterwards and I had dog years on the sides underneath my arms so they needed to liposuction that area and when I woke up from surgery I had zero zilch no pain I didn't even need Tylenol I was shocked and so was my Dr. When I had my BMX I would say on a scale of 1 to 10 my pain was 30 so I really didn't know what to expect. Of course I couldn't totally stay away from the mirror and at my left breast which was prophylactic looked a little bit like SpongeBob SquarePants and a little flatter and the right side which was the Cancer sign and had previously been radiated looks great nice round good projection and finally Lefty caught up after several months. I kept my own skin but I wasn't able to keep my nipples. Interesting my plastic surgeon never has asked me if I like them so I mentioned that to him the last time I was in and he just smiled at me and he said you had very nice breasts and so I knew that you were not going to love these and I said no I don't and I don't think I ever will but I am happy that they look great in clothing and I have great cleavage and I do have projection. Someone on here said they think they look flat it's very interesting when I look down at my new breasts they look flat to me I actually have to look in the mirror and turn sideways to see how much projection I actually have it's some kind of weird phenomena my daughter kept telling me Mom your new boobs are really big and I kept saying no they're really small and they're flat and she would just laugh at me and then one day I just happened to turn sideways and look in the mirror and I said to myself well those look so much better.

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited September 2017

    Hey, guys:

    Another question for experienced Exchangers. I was reading about Exchange surgery and one doctor mentioned sending capsule tissue to pathology. (This with pocket work.)

    Is that typical? I want them to send it for my cancer side for sure. Why not?


  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 874
    edited September 2017

    my understanding is any tissue excised will be sent to pathology

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited September 2017

    Thanks, TrmTab.

    I don't know why -- but this is seriously something I never considered. (duh)

    Thank goodness for advance research. Doctors do not tell us these things. And I don't feel quite secure enough to leave everything to them. That may mean I'm a control freak. Ha ha.

  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261
    edited September 2017

    Yesterday I had my pre-op visit for my revision next week. I was asked to sign a paper saying whether or not I wanted to donate any bits removed to research after pathology finishes with them. Heck, I've already signed up to donate my body to a medical school when I die, so why not?

  • dizzygirl01
    dizzygirl01 Member Posts: 45
    edited September 2017

    I had my pre-op visit yesterday with the PS. It went okay but she is going with a different brand than we originally talked about. I will be getting Mentor UHP silicone rounds. We looked at the dimensions and think these are less wide than the Inspira for my volume. I trust her so but I am still kind of nervous about it. She explained that there is no perfect answer and I will likely be happy with either one. I appreciate the fact that she took the time to explain it to me and didn't just make the decision herself. I will also be getting a lot of fat grafting. She says this helps smooth things out and improves the tissue that was radiated. She will also be removing some of the tissue on my sides. Overall seems like a good plan.

    All set for exchange on 9/21/17.

  • sitti
    sitti Member Posts: 89
    edited September 2017


    Your on the final stretch (hopefully). I'm thinking about you as you prepare to head to your exchange tomorrow. Praying that your exchange goes well with no problems and a quick recovery.

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 874
    edited September 2017

    Exchange tomorrow!!! Just back from final pre-op visit to PS...and another 500 fill to my leaky TE.

    Got a report time to the hospital of 11am, ugh, a long time to wait with no water...when I had the LXs and MX I had 6 or 6:30 reports to the hospital and nothing to drink/eat after midnight...reporting 5 hrs later but still nothing after midnight. The amateur scientist in me says that doesn't make sense...

    Think of me, I will report back when able tomorrow or Saturday.


  • kingster
    kingster Member Posts: 289
    edited September 2017

    Good luck to everyone on their upcoming exchanges. To answer the question about heaviness...I have 700 ml mentor memory gels, smooth rounds, high profile. They weigh 1.5 pounds each. (I calculated after I called the implant company). My natural breasts weighed 1 pound each, so they felt heavier to me...but much more used to them now. I am a cup size C or D, depending on the bra.

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited September 2017

    All the best to you ex gals. Remember "just because you can doesn't mean you should ". Take care


  • dancingelizabeth
    dancingelizabeth Member Posts: 305
    edited September 2017

    Hi All,

    I had my exchange surgery on Tuesday of last week.

    My left side feels great. But, my right side (the previous cancer side that, also, had rads and axilary dissection), HURTS when I try to lay on it at night or if I pull my arm back.

    I had my post-op visit today and PS seems surprised that I'm having this pain. Which makes me worry more that I have it.

    Anyone else that has had this experience? I feel sort-of alone in this and like it's not "supposed to hurt" - that makes me feel like maybe something got torn somehow?

    Just really confused and tired from not sleeping too well. And, worried that this will always hurt - because PS made it sound like it's unusual for it to still be hurting.

    And, I'm not happy with how they look - also. I wish I had never had this done. 😑

  • LettyF
    LettyF Member Posts: 39
    edited September 2017

    Congratulations TrmTab!!!!!!! I'll be thinking of you and you're right doing without something to drink is the hardest part for me too and you'd think if you report at 6 and do without something since midnight you should just be able to back six hours up from the report time but I know they are adamant about nothing after midnight and it could really mess you up with anesthesia so best to safe than sorry.

    Best Wishes

  • LettyF
    LettyF Member Posts: 39
    edited September 2017

    Scared67 I'm sorry that you're in pain and not pleased with your implants. I'm sure once you receive confirmation that nothing is wrong and get some good sleep you will feel better about the decision for reconstruction. I myself will have to take all the advice not to judge the outcome so quickly after surgery. I'm told it could take 4-6 months to be able to really see the finished product as intended. I have one more big fill or he may split it between two as he doesn't plan to do my exchange now until Nov. because of recently having to change out the faulty TE on my left side. I've gotten to where I can sleep comfortably on my left side now so things are better and they don't hurt me anymore. I guess we just get used to them.

    Does your PS have any plans to check on things if the pain persists? I'm hoping maybe since it's the side where you had rads and dissection that things are just a little more upset for now. I wish you the best.

  • dancingelizabeth
    dancingelizabeth Member Posts: 305
    edited September 2017

    Thanks Lefty!! Yeah...I have an appointment in 3 weeks. I'm hoping it's better by then. But, so far, it seems like it will never get better. It feels like something is torn...

    If I can't get better answers from my PS guy, I might get a second opinion.

    But, maybe he did say more in the appointment, but I can't remember it. I'm very sleep deprived and not a good listener when I'm tired. Can't remember stuff and get things mixed up. I should have written down what he's all a blur... 😦

  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261
    edited September 2017

    Yay TrmTab! I hope you're really pleased with your implants. As for the no fluids's kind of BS! Apparently all over the world people are simply told to stop drinking fluids 2 hours before surgery. However, in the US it's felt that we as patients are incapable of counting backwards accurately. It's a shame, as being properly hydrated makes IV access easier and reduces nausea and headaches.

    I lucked out with my BMX and exchange, as they allowed drinking unsweetened clear beverages, including 8 oz of black tea or coffee, right up to the 2 hour cut off. It was something I really appreciated.

    Again, good luck! Tomorrow is my revision day as well.