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Exchange City



  • dizzygirl01
    dizzygirl01 Member Posts: 45
    edited September 2017

    Good Luck VegGal and TrmTab!

  • sitti
    sitti Member Posts: 89
    edited September 2017

    Trmtab & VegGal, so happy for you that your exchange day is approaching. I'll be thinking about both of you tomorrow and praying the procedure is smooth and the recovery quick and easy. My exchange is in 2 weeks, I'm both very ready and also very nervous at the same time.

    Scare67, sorry you are experiencing a good deal of pain. I hope it resolves quickly for you and you are able to get some rest and sleep.

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited September 2017

    Had exchange surgery yesterday. 10:25am surgery, a little delayed. I think she spent three hours on me, then recovery and home by 4:30 or so. NO food or drink after midnight which I agee is being so conservative but what are we going to do.

    I had a lot of pocket work, as I've mentioned, to bring the implants closer and one had dropped as well. So, I do have pain (mostly along the incision and more on the "lift" side) but it's SO much easier than BMX. I'm in a tight surgical bra that I think is contributing to the pain but also doing something beneficial. My instructions are not to touch until post-op next Tuesday. I've not been so curious about looking because I know they aren't what they will be. I can totally tell that the TEs are GONE!!!!! Bye-bye.

    Trying to follow the mantra: just because can...

    Good luck to all with recent/upcoming Exchange surgeries.

  • noodlesmom
    noodlesmom Member Posts: 36
    edited September 2017

    YAY!! You did it! And no more uncomfortable TE's!! Hope the pain subsides sooner rather than later. Do you have the wear the bra 24/7 until your next visit? Did you also have one after your BMX? No drains? Just think, you are almost to the finish line. :)

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited September 2017


    Yeah, no TEs! And I could tell that immediately. I owe you a response to our PM. Will get to that too.

    NO drains, though the PS did consider them. I have to wear this lovely surgical bra 24/7 until next post-Op appt. I'm not sure what her recommendations will be then. I'm guessing the surgical bra may go and advice to wear sports bra. PSs seems to differ so much on these aspects.

    I'm trying to be compliant about not lifting and stuff...but that's hard to do in total. I'm going to try and be careful. ;)

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 874
    edited September 2017

    in pre-op. Already on IV. One hour and counting to scheduled surgery time..

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited September 2017

    GOOD luck, Trmtab!!!

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 874
    edited September 2017

    In post op....they put the wrong implant in me..., a textured versus smooth...what happened..???, Dr already left the building...going crazy

  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261
    edited September 2017

    So sorry TrmTab! I went through the same thing. Try and just rest now as you will have plenty of time to address it. I know...easier said than done.

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 874
    edited September 2017

    The Dr said he is having the SRX FedExed from CA and it will be at the hospital tomorrow at 2pm...that he can swap this TCX for the SRX  with local anesthesia tomorrow.

    So confused, is that safe, will it make a mess of the pocket and placement work that was so meticulously done...unfortunately with the "wrong" implant.

    From the little research I have been able to do with my iPhone while in post -op, it appears to be a "SRX" made with the gummy bear cohesive gel, just approved for use this year???

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 874
    edited September 2017

    so a round gummy all gummy bears have a textured surface, do they feel heavy?

    I guess the higher cohesive than the SRX will maintain more projection?

    More sad than anything else and they want me to change tomorrow...

  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261
    edited September 2017

    Trm Tab, you have a valid reason to be sad. What happened was terrible.

    As for the safety of replacing the implant, I would like to think he wouldn't do anything that was risky. That said, just having a second surgery does raise the risks no matter where it is done. He will likely just remove enough sutures to remove the implant and replace with the new. All the basic work should remain the same.

    Keep us posted and try to rest!

  • 2FUN
    2FUN Member Posts: 789
    edited September 2017

    I'm not sure who asked about pain. I have a pre pectoral implant. After my UMX. With TE placement I had no pain and full range. When I had my exchange I had much more pain both at reSt and with movement. It too about 4 weeks to disipate.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,403
    edited September 2017

    TrmTab - gummy is a misnomer. The original cohesive gel implants were Allergan 410 anatomicals, and they were textured. That is what I have. Then Mentor made an anatomical implant. Then several of the 'rounds' were made of cohesive gel. I believe there are some that are textured & some not - but both can be cohesive gel.

    Cohesive gel is the way to go in my opinion. They can't leak into your system & it's unlikely that pieces would break off. I don't find my cohesive gel implants any heavier than my native breasts. And they are a HUGE relief after any kind of TE. Hope you get fixed up tomorrow

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 874
    edited September 2017

    Thanks Minus understanding is that the Inspira line uses cohesive...but this newest line used the most cohesive type that has been being using in the shaped implants....for a "more cohesive" cohesive that what is in the SRX.  This new line of options is so new that I haven't been able to find anyone that has them in the round shape, plus my concern about the textured implant...not even counting my concern that the doctor just decided to do what he wanted and not what we discussed!

    Off to a 9am post-po/pre-op at the PS office.


  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261
    edited September 2017

    I just got the new SCX implants yesterday. Lots of projection compared to my old 410's. The squishiness is comparable to the 410's based on what I felt on sample implants in the PS office. I'm too sore and swollen to squeeze my actual implanted ones yet.

    Good luck!

  • noodlesmom
    noodlesmom Member Posts: 36
    edited September 2017

    TimTab- I've been following your posts and am so, so sorry that things did not go as expected yesterday. Very frustrating, to say the least. I hope everything gets worked out today and that you are home resting in your own bed before too long. Hang in there!! It's almost over!

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 874
    edited September 2017

    if only a SCX had been put in

    Why Tcx???

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 874
    edited September 2017

    no more surgery for me today...will be letting this heal and making a revision surgery decision Nov/Dec 

  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261
    edited September 2017

    Big hugs. Try to push this snafu aside and concentrate on healing. Not rushing into this is probably a very good idea.

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited September 2017


    SO sorry that this happened -- but I agree with your decision to hold on surgery for a little bit. Maybe too much stress on your body to jump right back into an OR.

    Take care!

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 874
    edited September 2017

    Sorry for my meltdown this past was just moving too fast.

    I finally did leave the hospital and am now recovering from this implant exchange. The Inspira TCX is a higher cohesive ratio than the SRX, so I guess that means this will be firmer and ???perhaps??? have more projection than the SRX? So those would be considerations to include in the potential exchange in Nov/Dec to the SRX?

    Plus have concerns about the Textured surface vs smooth given recent data, so before this was put into me was firmly set against textured/wanted smooth round...but, if I wind up happy with the size/firmness I wonder if the risk of another surgery is higher than the risk of ALCL?

    Currently very swollen, sore and as of today quite bruised along the medial line and on my native R breast that I assume was being pushed out of the way as they worked on my left.

    Thank you all for putting up with my meltdown...TT

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited September 2017

    It's okay to have a meltdown. That is such a disappointment when you get something different than what you talked about. But you just might like the textured. I have the Natrelle 410's that are textured anatomicals. I really love them. They are quite natural looking and feeling. Did you have a lift on the other side? Try to heal and take some stress away from your body. You will heal better with less stress. :)


  • LettyF
    LettyF Member Posts: 39
    edited September 2017

    I totally agree with Robin, we're all entitled to a melt-down. We are trying to get back to the best degree something we've forever lost and in our minds we're hoping for the best outcomes and want to be included in the process. I have driven my poor PS crazy I'm sure. I've looked at his before and after photos and I have to admit, many "afters" were better than the "befores". I know this doesn't diminish the affects of the emotional loss and the stress we've been under mentally and physically so I hope that statement isn't offensive to anyone. My PS comes highly recommended and I've talked at length about what I want and don't want and shown him pictures and given him a world of advice to which here lately he just looks at me with arms crossed, smile on his face, and shakes his head. I've had to resolve myself to the fact that he is the professional, is aware of my wants and expectations, and with that in mind, will try his best to give me the best silicone implants for my situation to achieve the best outcome for me.

    I hope I'm not sounding irresponsible for giving up so much control but the more I read the more I'm confused and now its nice to know its outta my hands. I wish everyone whose taken this journey the best and much happiness. Everyone deserves it.

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 874
    edited September 2017

    Yes, I will take the time to see if this may be is sub-pec 800 round, right now I am very swollen and somewhat bruised. Saw the PS at 1pm today and he said I "looked good" despite swelling and see him in 3 weeks.

    The textured freak me out due to the ACLC, but I have been hearing better outcomes if the pocket is flushed before inserting and if there is not genetic link. I believe my PS flushes and I don't have any genetic link, so maybe I shouldn't freak. Also recognize there is risk with another surgery, so is the risk of another surgery greater then the risk of ACLC??? Probably yes.

    At this point, following advice on bra 24/7, sleeping on my back, and hope swelling starts to subside (or at least not grow) in the next few days. Currently at 3 days post-op, so hopefully the shock to my system has happened and the next week can steer toward recovery.

  • buffyjc
    buffyjc Member Posts: 9
    edited September 2017

    Hi ladies! I'm scheduled for exchange and fat grafting on 9/20...just 1 week away...ACK!!! I'm nervous because it's surgery but I'm excited because I want this expander out! The general consensus, from what I've read, is that recovery should be much smoother and quicker than mastectomy (I had SMX). So, I'm looking forward to that! However, I'd like to know if anyone could offer any tips or suggestions for supplies I should have on hand, any items for comfort or even "do this, not that" type of info. I'm also having my left breast augmented at the same time.

    Any info would be appreciated!

  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261
    edited September 2017

    Ice packs have been the "item of the year" for me. I had revision/grafting last Friday and they not only ease the pain, but also the intense itching I've had on the bruised areas.

    Otherwise I just used everything else I used previously for the BMX and exchanges. While it definitely hasn't been fun, it hasn't been as painful as I was anticipating.

  • buffyjc
    buffyjc Member Posts: 9
    edited September 2017

    VegGal-Thanks for that info!

    When does the swelling begin to subside? For now, I'm scheduled to return to work on Monday, 9/25 unless I'm just not feeling up to it.

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited September 2017


    Exchange (9/7) for me has been incredibly easy compared to BMX. Brings home how much that surgery was. And I had a fair to middling amount of pocket work, too. Pain so manageable that I was off pain meds after a couple of days. I could have continued on them -- but they cause other issues, you know? On Alleve now.

    Just bring items you may need out of shelves to counter level. I'm trying to be very careful because you keep range of motion (I think) for the most part. Nothing like MX. So you can do too much too quickly. Pillows because back to sleeping on your back. Perhaps some gauze strips or pads in the event your surgical bra, if your PS uses one, scratches your skin.

    I took Arnica a few days before and still taking. I have almost no bruising but did not have fat grafting.

    Also, implants are immediately more comfortable than TEs, IMHO.

    GOOD luck!

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 874
    edited September 2017

    Yes, ice packs. I wasn't expecting to be so bruised...but I am really bruised breastbone and under breast on L-MX side that had implant put in on Friday (I'm 5 days post-op) and on the medial side of my native breast -- that was really a surprise. I hadn't expected this to be a big blood surgery but as the pocket needed to be "scored" to remove scar tissue, this created blood/bruising.

    As of this morning, my swelling is going down but I am still really swollen...on Monday and Tuesday I measured around my chest...45", today 44" which would make me a DDD and my native is a D, so hoping swelling will continue to go down.

    My MX side is starting to go into the yellow range of bruise, so that is also progress.

    Had surgery Friday, went to my office desk job with private office so I can moderate how active I actually am...or am not...but with 82 y.o. mother at home, better to be out of the house and slow moving than in the house and having to take care of someone else...but I only took Tylenol once I left the hospital, so didn't have restrictions based on taking meds.