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Exchange City



  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261
    edited September 2017

    I think in gemeral you'll be fine and how lucky you are! I am 20 days post revision and grafting from my thighs and was walking 3 miles by day 14 and would have LOVED a vacation---minus any heavy lifting of luggage. Not sure about snow mobiling, so others will need to chime in there. If it's any help, I was just cleared to ride my bike yesterday.

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 871
    edited September 2017

    Hi Lynae, tomorrow I am 3 weeks post exchange and on Monday I take my first business trip and I do feel fine to do that. I would have been okay taking a trip at 2.5 weeks post exchange, but would have wanted family help for carrying luggage. I don't think I would have felt like doing activities like snow mobile, the shaking around, no. I am being released to go back to exercise classes after 4 weeks with self moderation to start rebuilding strength and flexibility. I am okay to go to my Yin Yoga class immediately, but will probably take a week or two of more basic classes before returning to a Vinyasa or pilates point of reference.

  • 2FUN
    2FUN Member Posts: 789
    edited September 2017

    shoregirl, how do you reach your incisions? Mine goes under my shoulder blade and I have short arms!

  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338
    edited September 2017

    I 2nd Trmtab, lynae...the trip sounds lovely but the snowmobiling might be a bit much. Maybe as a passenger behind a driver going slow. I just worry about your arms out in front of you and being a rough ride.

    2Fun, you crack me up!! I happen to have long arms and hypermobile jointsWinking

  • LettyF
    LettyF Member Posts: 39
    edited September 2017

    Good Morning Ladies,

    I was wondering if those among you with anatomicals could give me some advice as to the time you were limited in lifting your arms above your heads or weight restrictions. I know there is a time that most doctors want you to limit movement so the area/tissues around the implants can adhere to it and sort of close the pocket off to reduce the chances of rotation. I have one more small fill next Tuesday then wait 30 days and finally surgery! The reason that I ask is I'm a deer hunter and climb (a ladder) into a 26' stand and was wondering how much of the season I will have to miss before getting back at it. I will watch for your responses and thank all of you in advance who take the time to respond. Have a great day and weekend!


  • sitti
    sitti Member Posts: 89
    edited September 2017


    I think that you could get many different answers, as it seems every PS had his/her own preferences. I had anatomicals placed and my PS says its fine to increase activities as tolerated, including raising arms above head. (There was no interval of not being allowed to raise them) I've read where others were restricted for several weeks or more. You will probably need to ask your PS.

    Edited to say mine are textured so I don't know if that makes a difference or not. (Or maybe all anatomical are textured?)

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,400
    edited September 2017

    Letty - my restrictions for exchange to Allergan 410 anatomical implants were the same as for BMX. No heavy lifting - a gallon of milk was off limits. No arms above shoulder height. If I remember correctly, I could gradually start the 'walking up the wall' exercises after 3 weeks. I think the restrictions are for the interior stitches & not specific to the type of implant, but Sitti is right, you should ask your PS.

  • Herculesmulligan
    Herculesmulligan Member Posts: 61
    edited September 2017

    my exchange was may17 to textured anatomicals. I had a no heavier than a gallon of milk restriction for 2 weeks. No over my head restrictions but it wouldn't have felt good.

  • sitti
    sitti Member Posts: 89
    edited September 2017

    The weight restriction (didn't see that), was 10lbs for a week but I tried to be conservative and keep at 5 lbs.

  • LettyF
    LettyF Member Posts: 39
    edited September 2017

    Thank you to all you ladies. I will definitely be asking my PS but wanted to get the advice of others who had this done. My PS isn't particularly impressed to begin with that I would be climbing 26' up into a stand so I think he may put harsher restrictions on me. Thank you again and have a great weekend.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,400
    edited September 2017

    Letty - remember, it's not worth pulling something and having to start over. Safer to follow the restrictions even if you have to miss out on some plans. I had to miss a cruise to Alaska.

    Oh forgot's Moon's mantra - just because you can doesn't mean you should.

  • lynae23
    lynae23 Member Posts: 39
    edited September 2017

    Thank you ladies for the info & advice!! I think I will probably take my chances & have the exchange & hope 17 days is enough time to be ready for vac! My family really needs it & I would like to enjoy it without having these "boulders" of expanders in lol! I will be happy to get rid of them for sure. They just feel so un natural! Thanks & Hugs

  • noodlesmom
    noodlesmom Member Posts: 36
    edited September 2017

    Hi lynae23-

    I know you've already received a bunch of responses, but figured 1 more couldn't hurt! I am exactly 7 days post-op exchange with fat grafting from thighs. Everyone is completely different, but I had no need for prescription painkillers after the 2nd day (and only 1/2 at night). I was also able to fast walk about 2.5 miles by day 5. For me, moving felt far better than sitting since my thighs were the part giving me far more pain than the implants. Sitting or laying down meant needing a pile of pillows to build a cocoon and cushion sore spots. Walking was so much easier! I was also so happy to walk without feeling the TE in my armpit, rubbing against my arm, so it was freeing!

    I took the advice of Eastcoast and used Arnica regularly. I really feel like it helps with the bruising and healing.

    After everything you've been through, time away with your family will definitely be the very best part of healing--in more ways than one--for all of you.

    Enjoy it!!

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377
    edited October 2017

    Embrace Active Scar defender (Amazon ) expensive but awesome Mfg recommends that you can keep them on for 10 days my plastic surgeon said I could keep them on longer because that's just how they make money and as long as they didn't get wet underneath or get a key looking to keep them on longer and I think I kept him on three weeks so that made him worth the money and my scars flattened out and the redness started to go away and I love how my scars look now. Exchange surgery was May 17th and I want to say I was able to start using them at 3 weeks post-op.

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited October 2017

    Embrace is recommended by a lot of PS on It's a good site for PS stuff.

    Crazy question but did it hurt when you took the strips off? Like it does with tape? I think I'm ready to try something for scars later this week. At 3.5 weeks post now. And scars look good. Not red but not flat, either. Different than BMX. Lumpy in areas, I do not know how to explain. Not large just not flat. I guess they take more care with these, since they're (praying) final ones.

    Thanks for advice!!!

  • Herculesmulligan
    Herculesmulligan Member Posts: 61
    edited October 2017

    East coast:my steri strips didn't hurt at all when they came off.

  • motheroftwins
    motheroftwins Member Posts: 14
    edited October 2017

    One week to Exchange with fat graphing.. Getting very nervous!!

  • lynae23
    lynae23 Member Posts: 39
    edited October 2017

    Noodlesmom thank you so much for the info! Yes we are all different but I am hopeful my recovery will be much easier than it was with the BMX & I am so excited about my family vacation! It is definitely much needed & long overdue! If you do not mind me asking, where are the incisions in your thighs at? My PS is not very good with providing Sometimes he forgets I do not do this on a daily basis like he does lol!

    I cannot wait to get these expanders aka hard boulders out !! I just want to be able to lay on my sides again & cuddle with my hubby or my pillows lol!

    Motheroftwins best of luck to you!! I know you are excited!! My surgery is Nov 1st & I cannot wait!! Are you doing the fat grafting from your thighs

  • LettyF
    LettyF Member Posts: 39
    edited October 2017

    Hello All,

    Congratulations to all of you who have had surgery and good luck to those of you getting ready for it. Finally, both TEs are expanded to 685cc(s) and my exchange to implant surgery with lipo and fat grafting is scheduled for 11/15/17 at 10:00. I'm very excited to get this done and behind me. I had a great appointment with my PS this past Monday and was told the lipo/fat would be taken from the area in the bend of my armpit nearest my chest and side, arm boob area so everything should be localized. I'm getting the 685cc anatomicals and holding out good thoughts. Thank all of you for the posts and I will definitely let everyone know how things go.

    Best wishes to everyone!!!!

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 871
    edited October 2017

    just left my 4 week post-op...while still quite bruised and swollen, PS said I looked good and he was happy with my progress.

    He is already talking next surgery. Given I am still bruised and swollen, I really want to heal from this before more....for those who are "done", how long was it for you to be 90% recovered from the TE exchange to implant? 3 months, 6 months, longer?

    I gather minor changes will continue up to a year or more after exchange, but assume there is a point where you are nearly done and thus would have a perspective on next steps and choices for a revision. For me, the issue is that I am a DDD with current TCX 800 implant and am a D in my native breast (which he has always said he wants to lift and reduce...can't reduce now!). So next surgery is potentially to a smaller implant, but as I am still swollen, can not gauge how much smaller I need to be.

  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338
    edited October 2017

    TrmTab, I felt like my internal stitches were pretty well healed up at 4 months post-op, and that is when my ps said we could schedule my FG. I am now just over 5 months, and continue to feel better w/the implants. The pulling sensation when I stretch is much less, I am getting more comfortable when I lay down etc. Some people may feel good at 3 months, I suppose it all has to do with the extent of pocket work that was done (I had a lot). I did notice a slight reduction in swelling even from month 3 to month 4. A lot more rippling became evident, and more of a pronounced step off from chest wall to implant, showing my need for FG. I am downsizing and FG end of Nov which will be 7 months post exchange.

  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261
    edited October 2017

    Hi! I am also 4 weeks post revision and most of my swelling and bruising is gone. I can tell that a good bit of the grafted fat did not make it either. Righty looks great but Lefty looks bigger and kind of clunky. Amazing what a difference 35 cc's makes. Not sure how we will resolve this one...

    TrmTab, perhaps you don't need a smaller implant, but rather a more compact one. My new ones are more narrow but project much more. They are more cc's than the first ones, yet are "front and center" rather than globbed all over my chest.

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 871
    edited October 2017

    Yes, perhaps not smaller projection but smaller around...The TE measured 15 x 13.8 with a projection of 6.4. The implant is a circle of 15.5 with projection of is very wide from cleavage/breastbone way into my armpit! a 750 is a 15cc round with the same projection, the 700 is a 14.5 round with the projection of the TE...

    At next surgery he plans to tightens up the side, so a smaller one round wise would move more to front and center and perhaps more of a D than DDD!

    Overall, I think I need to heal before more "elective" surgery. Elective in that I don't have an infection, I do have an implant, although not perfect...I think my PS wants to do the surgery asap as he doesn't want an unhappy patient walking around town talking about my discontent and negatively effecting his business. But as a very private person, I'm not telling anyone but my friends here!

    Shoregirl, I like 7+ months much better than 3.5 month revision he proposes the week between Christmas and New Years...also don't like messing up the holidays.

    VegGal how long between first implant and revision of Sept 8th, I don't see that on your signature block.


  • minuteatatime
    minuteatatime Member Posts: 68
    edited October 2017

    Hi All,

    As I'm reading through the posts I'm seeing that many of you are having revisions after the Exchange Surgery. I wasn't expecting that and am a bit nervous because I'm moving across country within a few month of my exchange surgery (scheduled for 11/3). Did anyone here NOT have/need revisions after their exchange?

    Thanks everyone,

  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261
    edited October 2017

    TrmTab, my exchange was 6/16. I would have done the revision much sooner but I had to see my mom and both of my dogs through hospice and then my PS vacations a lot in the summers so I requested a date when she was done with that. Ideally I would have preferred to have done the revision after about 6 mos. I was well healed and could clearly see all the issues then.

    15.5 is really wide. Have you checked out Natrelle Inspiras?

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited October 2017

    I'm also 4 weeks post (as of yesterday) and no bruising but still some swelling (I think). I had a lot of pocket work done -- to bring them closer together, stitch sides where TEs had migrated and lift one -- so I expected longer recovery. It has not been bad at all (compared to BMX) but I've felt it for sure the past 4 weeks. Think all is finally starting to calm down. But the implants look odd to me still. They look good -- but I don't think they look "normal" and I'm not even sure what that is. I guess by normal I mean: natural. I got very small implants -- 275cc as I'm super-petite -- but I like them and like the size. Even if it decreases a little. They look fake boob to me -- and I didn't have boobs before really so I have no idea what fake or even real looks like on my body. LOL

    Hey -- when did you guys who had pocket work start back with yoga -- light weights?

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 871
    edited October 2017

    I have the Natrelle Inspira TCX 800...yes 15.5 is wide and compared to the TE measurements, wider than either dimension...which is why the math teacher in me is thinking the 15 or 14.5 sizes might be a better match...

    I had pocket work and the PS says that is why I have so much bruising...

    I have been released to go back to yoga/pilates classes as of next week, with the idea that I need to build up to more and more weight bearing postures. So I plan to go to one class next Wed, two classes the week after and if all progresses, go back to my 3 (sometimes 4) classes the weeks that follow...

  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261
    edited October 2017

    TrmTab, you (or someone) will definitely need to do some investigating as the Inspira you got is supposed to be less wide. I guess with 800 cc's they have to maintain some type of proportion so it will work. I have SCX's 615 and 650 cc's. I'm currently upset as to why the PS used two sizes as the diameters even vary and it's very noticeable to me. She swears it will even out but color me doubtful.

    Sigh! I was ready to switch out the 650 one when she told me in recovery! Ha! I see her again in December.

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 871
    edited October 2017

    SRX-700 14.25 6.6
    SRX-750 14.50 6.7
    SRX-800 15.50 6.7

    I can't find a TCX size chart but my PS said the dimensions were the same as the SRX

  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261
    edited October 2017

    TT, I thought the SRX and SCX were the same as well, but I got SCX in 615 and 650 cc's, neither of which are listed for SRX. I sure wish they'd make a size chart so we could really see what they've got.