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Exchange City



  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261
    edited September 2017

    Not TrmTab, but I had an extensive revision with fat grafting on 9/8, including drains that I still have. I've been independent with everything except driving and lifting since I came home. In my opinion, you should be fine.

    Good luck with your exchange!

  • sitti
    sitti Member Posts: 89
    edited September 2017

    VegGal, Thank you! I forgot that my PS may do fat grafting, also add extra Alloderm and possibly one other procedure so it good to know that you had extensive work done and still were able to be independent. I feel pretty confident that it should be fine. The stripping the drains, should I end up with them, now that will be a challenge but I'll figure it out.

    Wishing you continued healing!

  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261
    edited September 2017

    Thank you, Sitti. Looking forward to your post op update! Stripping the drains are remarkably easy this time. You'll be fine.

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 873
    edited September 2017


    I actually had thought I would be in a similar situation, had planned for surgery on Friday and husband was to leave for a week of business travel on Monday...I was okay with that plan given how I did after MX. Because of Irma, husband's travel was pushed out two weeks, so in fact had his help, but was okay with the idea of it.

    For the exchange surgery, had surgery Friday, went to my office desk job with private office so I can moderate how active I actually am...or am not...but with 82 y.o. mother at home, better to be out of the house and slow moving than in the house and having to take care of someone else...but I only took Tylenol once I left the hospital, so didn't have restrictions based on taking meds.

    I didn't have drains, but did go into my office with drains after MX, just covered them up with loose tops.

    All that said, I am a L-MX and have insisted at every step just to do one thing at a time so that I have a "good" side. My PS has wanted to do lifts and other adjustments to R...and I have said not now. I have been happy with that decision as in a bra I look fine...also don't want a reduction on native breast when I am loosing weight as then I will need an implant to even out and to me that seems insane...just get a smaller implant on L.

    I am 11 days post exchange...what else? TT

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited September 2017


    I'm 12 days out. I think you'll be fine, too. I would just move items you may need to the kitchen counter or lower shelves. That is one I've needed help with. I had a lot of pocket work and some pain (moderate, nothing major) and have really had to fight with myself not to do more, you know? I think that is the challenge.

    GOOD luck!!!

  • meg2016
    meg2016 Member Posts: 188
    edited September 2017

    (Also posted in TE thread)

    Finally after a year of TE's heading into my exchange surgery in a few weeks. I am making my packing list (I am traveling for my surgery.) I used the list from the mastectomy page for my surgery last time and have it all sitting in a bag for this one. Anything unique to the exchange that I should be thinking about that is different that I should bring along? I am totally confused on bras and what to take, my surgeon has just said "sports bras" but will take a lot of options and then still probably be grateful for Amazon Prime.

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 873
    edited September 2017

    Yes, a variety of front closing bras...but versus the cotton, not compression or stretchy bra I got at MX, needed a stretchy or compression bra to head off swelling. Beyond that the only other thing different for me was a lot of bruising, so I am now taking Arnica 30x a homeopathic remedy suggestion on this board and my PS's RN said might help/might not but wouldn't hurt.

    11 days post-op. TT

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377
    edited September 2017

    Thank you Sitti, and RobinBlesse no not like that whatsoever I tried those too LOL these are actually microdermal So It Goes Under the Skin just barely and then a little post comes out and then the nipple is stuck onto the post it can come off by a doctor if necessary but it's not for us to you know pop on and off ourselves they're really quite beautiful I'm going to try to copy and paste that over to the nipple reconstruction part.

  • meg2016
    meg2016 Member Posts: 188
    edited September 2017

    TrmTab Thanks! That helps!

  • sitti
    sitti Member Posts: 89
    edited September 2017

    TrmTab & EastcoastTS, thank you both so much for your responses, it's very encouraging to hear from several that it's doable and the recovery is much easier. Glad you are both doing well and healing.

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited September 2017

    Another tip, Sitti, open all medicine bottles. For some reason, that little twist to open is a killer. Do that beforehand.

    Meg: I can't think of anything you'll need in addition to what you had at BMX (you likely won't need all of that). Front button shirts for the first few days, sports bras/zip front in various sizes, maybe a guaze pad or two if the bra is rubbing an incision. Stool softener, etc. That's about all I needed. I did have drain holders but ended up with no drains at Exchange.

  • dizzygirl01
    dizzygirl01 Member Posts: 45
    edited September 2017

    Good Luck today Sitti!

    Thanks for all the good wishes for my ex tomorrow! I am so nervous. I am also glad the wait is almost over.

    I have family staying with me through Sunday night and someone on call to drive me to my post op appt on Tuesday. I am also prepared for drains just in case. I would have loved to have gotten my port out tomorrow but I still have 5 months of Herceptin, Sigh.


  • meg2016
    meg2016 Member Posts: 188
    edited September 2017

    EastcoastTS Awesome, thanks! I expect drains due to radiation and expecting quite a bit of pocket work. But it would be like Christmas has come early (for me and my husband who has to empty them) if I come out without drains.

  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261
    edited September 2017

    My drains are coming out tomorrow and I'll be partying like it's 1999! It's been a long week this week and my skin is tired of the dressings!

  • 2FUN
    2FUN Member Posts: 789
    edited September 2017

    hang in there ladies! I'm thinking of all of you !

  • buffyjc
    buffyjc Member Posts: 9
    edited September 2017

    Hi ladies! Checking in after my exchange and fat grafting 2 days ago. As we had discussed, PS placed a 800 cc Mentor HP silicone implant in the mastectomy side along with some fat grafting. He wasn't sure if I would need 500, 550 or 600 cc implant inthe native breast. He told DH he ended up going with the 500 cc. Unfortunately, I can see a difference in size and projection in the non-MX side. I know I'm not supposed to look in mirrors right now but I couldn't help it. Im telling myself that *maybe* the size difference is due to having breast tissue in the left side (more natural tissue to swell???). My rib cage, stomach and sides are SO sore due to the fat grafting from those areas and I loathe this compression binder they put on me. I'm looking forward to showering today!

    I hope all the other recent exchangers are healing well and lots of luck to those who are approaching their dates!

  • sitti
    sitti Member Posts: 89
    edited September 2017

    buffyjc, I also had exchange and fat grafting 2 days ago. Can you tell me if you were sent home with any instructions regarding donor site (abdomen for me)? I'm pretty sore and have noticed I'm swollen.... I wish I would have asked my PS regarding after care but it never occured to me. I keep reading where others were to wear compression clothing but I wasn't given those instructions. I do have a pair of spanx so I may wear those but just curious what you (or anyone else who had fat grafting, VegGal?) were told. And yes, a shower, it's a beautiful thing!

    DizzyGirl, how are you doing? you exchange was yesterday right? Update when you can.

    VegGal, bet you are glad to say good bye to the drains!

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 873
    edited September 2017

    In looking for another PS to do my next exchange, found a PS who had her discharge instructions online. They included this:

    "For two years after you have had an implant placed, you will need to take
    antibiotics just prior to dental work to prevent infection. We can call these into
    your pharmacy for you."

    Does anyone take antibiotics to go to the Dentist???


  • sitti
    sitti Member Posts: 89
    edited September 2017

    I've only heard of taking antibiotics before dental work if you have a heart murmur, or heart problems.

  • veggal
    veggal Member Posts: 261
    edited September 2017

    Sitti, I was put in a crotchless "medical spanx" garment. I only had to wear it 48 hours and the surgeon only harvested fat from my inner and outer thighs. It made using the toilet SO easy.

    I wore it an extra day and then switched to some bike shorts. My surgeon also recommended that I massage the donor areas twice a day for 5 minutes using Bio Oil or coconut oil. At one week I also began the massage of the implants/graft areas. My bruising is rapidly resolving.

    Getting the drains removed was wonderful. My poor skin didn't like the Tegaderm and I have itching and some blisters. They will heal soon enough.

    Hope this helps.

  • buffyjc
    buffyjc Member Posts: 9
    edited September 2017

    Sitti-I wasn't given any special instructions regarding the donor site but, like you, I've been trying to find some info online and see that most wear some kind of compression garment 24/7 (aside from showers) for quite some time following the procedure. As soon as I take a shower, I'm planning of ditching this torture device they gave me and just wearing my high waisted Spanx. I'll let that serve as my binder until I have my follow up appointment with my PS on Monday. If he instructs me to put the torture device back on, I will (reluctantly).

    VegGal-I do recall reading somewhere, possibly on a plastic surgeon's website about antibiotics and dental work. If I can find it again, I'll share it.

  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338
    edited September 2017

    Sitti I haven't had fg yet but my original ps was going to do it prior to my implant flipping and he gave me instructions to wear compression on donor site for 6 weeks. My new ps said Spanx are fine. I have read from other's experience on these boards to be sure NOT to have compression on your reconstruction as it can kill the newly grafted fat. I hope you are feeling better :)

    VegGal, I also read something recently about implant surgery and dental work. I can't recall exactly what it was. In doing a Google search for recent (2017) data supporting antibiotic prophylaxis and implants, I came across this article. Apparently on this subject, just like recommendations for wearing bras, compression garments, etc the ps advice is all over the place.

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited September 2017


    YES, I've heard of taking an antibiotic prior to dental (even cleaning) with TEs and implants. If you search, you will see I asked this question a couple of months ago on some list, I can't recall which one. I also called my dentist a bit ago -- and they stated that this did occur with some patients but they would not call in the antibiotic (I think that's a liability issue). In any case, doctors are all over the place about this. I'm going to ask my PS next week at my two week post-op appt. Why not take it? I believe it's only one dose prior to the appt.

  • Herculesmulligan
    Herculesmulligan Member Posts: 61
    edited September 2017 oncologist addressed that prophylactic antibiotic question .....he said that's outmoded thinking and isn't done anymore.

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited September 2017

    Did anyone wait a certain amount of time after Exchange to get their teeth cleaned? ;) I'm due for mine and 2 weeks out. I had a post-op infection after BMX, so I'm more cautious. Once you have one of those puppies, having to deal with it sticks with you.

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 873
    edited September 2017

    Wow, never thought about this with my TE...and as I had that for over a year, there were a couple of dental appts.

    Why this come up for me now is that my exchange was moved up due to TE failure. So exchange on 9/8 and I had an already scheduled 6 month cleaning scheduled for 9/19.  I asked the nurse if that was okay, she asked the PS and he said move it out a few weeks...a one month post surgery.  Now scheduled for the first available which was Halloween! So with fresh clean teeth will feel less like eating the candy! bonus for all...but agree all advice is all over the place.

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 873
    edited September 2017

    new question...had surgery on a Friday, saw the PS Saturday morning in his office to remove bandages and into compression bra.  Saw him 3 days post surgery (Monday) for check up...

    next appt three weeks later...given his schedule, three weeks Monday didn't work so I will see him on Friday of that week -- the 4 week post surgery day.

    That seems like a lot of gap between visits...thoughts?  Should I see him the previous Friday if possible, so at three weeks?

  • Leslienva
    Leslienva Member Posts: 343
    edited September 2017

    Sitti, I had fat grafted from my stomach and my PS told me not to wear a compression garment. It hurt for awhile so I wore mainly pants with stretchy waists

  • noodlesmom
    noodlesmom Member Posts: 36
    edited September 2017

    exchange sirgeey completed today!! And no drains so all in all, not too bad.

  • noodlesmom
    noodlesmom Member Posts: 36
    edited September 2017

    I had exchange with fat grafting today. Not enough fat in stomach area( (not to worry, botttom half has plenty!) so he took from my thighs. I was not sent home with any compression garments or instructions. Guess I could wear work out pants? If it wasn't specified, can it help or hurt? I'm guessing he didn't take a lot since I am very small on top (implants are 210cc) so maybe less need for compression?