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Exchange City



  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,398
    edited October 2017

    Dafne - I wrote all along my arms with a black magic market - no shots - no BP. My son thought I was nuts. Most hospitals have a plastic band they will give you for your arms (s) to alert the nurses & tecs not to use arms. But presumably you'll need anesthesia. I made sure I arranged with anesthesia before hand to access in my foot - not my arms.

    The following link is a great resource about lymphadema. Many of our BCO women contributed. I found a place to buy my own plastic arm bands. And there are good references about how to find a certified & trained LE therapist.

  • bbwithbc45
    bbwithbc45 Member Posts: 367
    edited November 2017

    MinusTwo, would you mind sharing where you found the place to buy your own bands?

    Thank you,


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,398
    edited November 2017

    I got them from Peninsula BioMedical, Inc. at the recommendation of someone on one of the LE threads on BCO 5 or 6 years ago. Looks like their website still offers a "free alert band". They have a snap and are re-usable. They say:

    ALERT:LYMPHEDEMA; No Blood Tests, Blood Pressure, No IV or Injections into this arm

    I have since saved several from different times I was in the hospital. Those say only LIMB ALERT but are very visable. Tell the nurses you want them.

  • LettyF
    LettyF Member Posts: 39
    edited November 2017

    Good Afternoon Minustwo,

    You said your scars were almost gone. What did you use if anything on them. For now I'm using organic coconut oil. Any suggestions? Thank you

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited November 2017


    Mine are looking good as well. Lymph node scar you can almost not see (Feb). My derm recommended BioCorneum. She said lots of cosmetic derms use it (personally). Silicon based.

    Got it on Amazon. Not super cheap but seems to go a long way.

  • sitti
    sitti Member Posts: 89
    edited November 2017

    LettyF, my PS recommended BioCorneum as well. I've only just started using it within the last couple weeks so can't give any results yet. As EastcoastTS said, it's pricey but seems to go a long way.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,398
    edited November 2017

    I didn't use anything special. Just the regular thick CeraVe cream. My BMX & exchange surgery were both in 2011 right across the front of my breasts from side to side - so 6 years ago. You have to really look hard to see any lines at all. The only scar still visible is from my port removal just one year ago. I think a practicing intern or resident did that removal.

    My son recommended Mederma & I did use that occasionally when I remembered.

  • lynae23
    lynae23 Member Posts: 39
    edited November 2017

    Hello ladies... I had my surgery today & went well. I am at home resting. Got implants & he did fat grafting from my hips and a little bit from my stomach instead of using my thighs. So I am very sore from that other than that I am doing OK. Breasts feel much better getting those tissue expanders out !! Much much better!! You girls will be happy!! Lots of bruising already on hips but thats to be exoected! Breasts look a bit smaller and not very swollen so that is good too! Overall I am happy with results so far 😎👍

  • bbwithbc45
    bbwithbc45 Member Posts: 367
    edited November 2017

    Many thanks, MinusTwo!

  • scrafgal
    scrafgal Member Posts: 413
    edited November 2017

    Thanks!  Glad it went well.  I need to check in at 5:30AM tomorrow!  Watching my Houston Astros now!!!!

    I am having fat grafting from my hip area too.  They told me to wear Spanx for a few weeks...

    Will check in with you gals tomorrow night!

  • lynae23
    lynae23 Member Posts: 39
    edited November 2017

    good luck scrafgal! I too am watching my astros WIN!! WOOHOO! Are you from Houston? I live in Woodlands! I hope all goes well! It was so much easier than the BMX surgery!! Hugs & Best wishes

  • scrafgal
    scrafgal Member Posts: 413
    edited November 2017

    Thanks Lynae!  Yes, I live in Houston (for the past 6 years) the Montrose area! Getting treated at MD Anderson...

  • scrafgal
    scrafgal Member Posts: 413
    edited November 2017


    I had my surgery this morning and all went well. I am at home resting. I stayed up too late watching Astros celebrationso on TV!

    I got plenty of pain meds via IV and they sent me home with a painkiller prescription that is filling now. So, far the pain is much less than the mastectomy/tissue expander, so that is good. I have to wear a compression bra and spanx for several weeks. Right now, I can't tell how it feels without the bra since I've not taken i ttotally off since coming home. However, I know that the surgical pain is a LOT less than for the other surgery even with the bra on. However, I DID open the front-velcro bra at the hopsital and thinks look pretty good with both breasts, although there is some swelling. I got recontruction on the right and a lift on the left. The donor sight for fat grafting was my outer hip/upper thigh. There is managable pain there.

    My post-op with the PS is in about three weeks, just after Thanksgiving holiday.

    Let's keep each other posted!

  • T-Sue
    T-Sue Member Posts: 207
    edited November 2017

    Lynae and Scrafgal, So glad your surgeries went well! I so surprised that you both wrote coherent posts the day of your surgery! I remember so doped up after my BMX. What a relief to hear that you are feeling well and that the implants are comfy. You give me lots of hope for my exchange surgery tomorrow! Thank you for checking in. Rest up!!!

    Good luck to you too Minuteatatime - let's do this!

  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338
    edited November 2017

    Scrafgal & Lynae, you are amazing! Your bubbly, upbeat posts the day of surgery are very positive and encouraging to those that are waiting for their procedures. Thank you for sharing!! Scrafgal, I am confused though, I had read other posts saying compression to newly fat grafted areas was a no-no as it could inhibit the blood supply but that compression for the areas the fat was taken from was definitley a good thing. I am having quite a bit of fg at the end of the month, will have to research some more!!

    T-Sue and Minute, best wishes today!! I am praying for a great outcome!! AsT-Sue said, rest up ladies...don't do to much just because you feel like you can!

  • grandma3X
    grandma3X Member Posts: 297
    edited November 2017
    Shore girl - I have had 2 FG procedures by the same PS. They were done about 6 months apart. The first time I was put in a compression bra. I was surprised since I did not have any kind of compression or wrap after my MX or after my exchange surgery. I was told to wear it for a few weeks. My second FG was just a few weeks ago and this time , nothing. I asked the PA at my postop why the difference and she said it depends on the OR nursing team. Some do compression and some don’t. But in her opinion, compression after FG doesn’t make much difference. Anyway, this time I’m trying to avoid compression by wearing a loose bra during the day and no bra at night. We’ll see if I retain more of the fat.
  • sitti
    sitti Member Posts: 89
    edited November 2017

    Shoregirl, I had fat grafting with my exchange and was told by PS nurse not to wear compression bra so as to give the grafted fat opportunity to create blood supply. I didn't have a lot of fat graphed but I do think I've retained a good amount so far (6 weeks post exchange). Seems there are different schools of thought.

    Glad everyone seems to be doing good after their exchange. I'm six weeks post exchange and feeling really good. The implants are starting to soften up some as well.

    Thoughts and prayers to those having their exchange today.

  • LettyF
    LettyF Member Posts: 39
    edited November 2017

    Congrats to all you ladies who had your surgeries. My hats off to you all too for posting and sharing your day of surgery. Glad everything went well for everyone. I have less than 2 weeks now!!! Thank you all for the information for the cream to help with scaring. I hope everyone has a great weekend.

  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338
    edited November 2017

    Thanks Grandma3x and Sitti. I feel like no compression to the grafted area makes sense. Congrats Sitti on the fat surviving! Grandma3x, did you do more fg after 6 months because fat didn't survive or just needed more?

    LettyF, I know you are counting down the days!! :)

  • grandma3X
    grandma3X Member Posts: 297
    edited November 2017

    shoregirl - it was a combination of both - I needed more on one side and I would guess that I lost about 50% after the first round. I read somewhere that the second round has a better chance of surviving but not sure if that's really true

  • minuteatatime
    minuteatatime Member Posts: 68
    edited November 2017

    Scrafgal & Lynae, you amaze me that you posted on the day of your surgeries! I was so dopey from the anesthesia that I pretty much slept the entire day when I got home!

    T-Sue---looking forward to hearing your update and I'm trusting that everything went well with your exchange.

    My surgery went well, no drains and I am feeling good--I'm off the prescription painkillers except for one Oxycodone at night. I may not take it tonight.

    Instead of putting me in a bra, my PS wrapped my chest up with yards of ace bandage compressed pretty tightly. I am supposed to leave it that way until tomorrow (day 3) so I have no idea what I look like!!! As I said, I'm not having much pain at all at this point but the bandaging/tape is feeling itchy so I can't wait to take it off tomorrow.

    My PS didn't say anything about exercises like they did for the BMX. But I'm going to start taking walks today. Yesterday I was still a little too dizzy.

  • lynae23
    lynae23 Member Posts: 39
    edited November 2017

    Hello ladies,

    Sorry I was MIA for a few days. Still feeling pretty good, just sore in my lower stomach and some in my breasts but again it is soooo much easier than how I felt after my BMX. I have a lot of bruising in my hips. The tops of my breasts close to my chest and neck are very sensitive. I still feel like the implants are small but they have definitely changed a bit already just in the last 4 days. I am wearing my compression bandage around my hips and stomach and continue to wear a bra. Although I am not quite sure whey I am wearing a bra as I do not seem to need one since my breasts look almost similar to how they looked with my TE's ha. I see my PS in 2 days and he will let me know what I need to do going forward. I have not done any excercises either but have noticed my range of motion is not near as restricted as it was after BMX.

    Scrafgal-that is crazy you live in Houston too. I also go to MD Anderson but in the Woodlands since I live over here. They have been great! Do you go to the med center? I only had to go there once for my MRI biopsy and it was crazy town lol. I am so excited about our Astros winning the world series..very awesome :) I stayed up watching the game and after parties as I could not sleep anyways.

    I look forward to hearing from you all how your exchanges are going. I really feel like I am doing well and am so happy to have this part now behind me. I took another shower today and really looked at myself and while my breasts are not near like the old ones they are the new ladies so I just need to get used to them and be happy with them and happy I had the chance to be alive and reconstruct when others do not. I try to always be positive and upbeat through this entire process as it helps me get through it. I have an 8 year old son & great hubby that I love so much and want our lives to be as normal as possible with little worry about me. :)

    Wish you all the best and please keep posted as I read these blogs usually on a daily basis :) Hugs to you all!!

  • lynae23
    lynae23 Member Posts: 39
    edited November 2017

    oh and I did want to ask you ladies who had your exchange already if your breasts were round and full in the front around the old nipple/new scar area or still a bit flat? Mine are still a bit flat there...they haven’t filled out and never did with the TEs either. I also have a nice size gab between breasts so not much cleavage going on there. My PS told me he would fix & fill in during the exchange but it doesn’t seem to look much different. How are yalls? Is this normal for a time period

  • Herculesmulligan
    Herculesmulligan Member Posts: 61
    edited November 2017

    Lynae, I had my exchange in may. They do look full around the nipple, yes, but then there's a divot/ flat spot at the top of each implant. I'm a very long person and it seems like the implant isn't long enough top to bottom. So I'm having some fat grafting to try and fill in those divots.

    As far as the wide cleavage, yes that happened too. My TEs were crazy wide apart, but my first PS fixed that at the exchange. However, since then they seem to be on the move toward my armpits which is less comfortable. I can push them closer with a bra but it pulls under my armpit. As an aside, my first PS was technically adept but did not want to hear any of my concerns so I've found another.

    Every pair of implants seems to settle differently. I wish you good luck in getting used to the new you. Remember the only thing that matters is whether you are comfortable and happy.

  • scrafgal
    scrafgal Member Posts: 413
    edited November 2017

    Greetings all!

    So, I am feeling pretty good this morning!  I only needed regular Tylenol for the first couple of days.  I only took one dose yesterday and haven't felt that I needed any more since.  So, my pain level is very low.  I think I would describe it as mild discomfort but not painful.

    Lynae, I would say that I look round and full around the nipple area.  Since I had a unilateral mastectomy, I compared the implant side(which had fat infused on top of the implant) to my natural side (which was lifted and infused with fat during my surgery). As they say, I would describe them as "sisters but not twins."  

    As far as the gap, pre-cancer, I had a larger than average gap. As with Hercules, my PS said he would fix during this surgery.  Indeed, I noticed the difference immediately post-op. I don't know whether I will have major cleavage but this is more cleavage than I've ever had given that I had no cleavage beforehand.  My PS said that the gap between them is often hereditary so he was used to fixing this "deformity" during the final exchange surgery.  Having the natural side lifted and fat infused also allowed him to fix that gap during this surgery.  I don't know how things will look in a few months, but I am hoping not to have to have any more work done.

    In general, I am pleased with the results so far.  My implant side sits slightly higher than my natural side and my natural side is a bit fuller than the implant size.  However, this makes sense given that there is a certain amount of fat that get absorbed, so the fullness on the natural side likely will reduce to match the implant side.  Likewise, the implant side will likely lose some fat to absorption and the implant will do that drop and fluff thing, such that both breasts should end up pretty even--at least that is the hope!

    Lynae, I stayed up late on the night that we won the World Series too!  I figured that the surgery would knock me right out anyway, so what difference would it make if I arrived tired at 5:30AM that morning! I am getting treated at the TMC location and really love my team. Yes, the complex is massive, but I feel that I've have been taken care of quite well.  I hope that the same is true for you.

    Well, I think that we still need to hear from T-Sue?  Wishing the best for her.

    Hope everyone is well!

  • scrafgal
    scrafgal Member Posts: 413
    edited November 2017

    Oh, and Minute, glad that your surgery went well! I didn't have drains either and was really happy about that! I am not looking forward to wearing this suirgical bra and spanx for 6 weeks, 24/7, but I rather do that than deal with drains!

  • minuteatatime
    minuteatatime Member Posts: 68
    edited November 2017

    Today is my day3 post-surgery so I was allowed to take off my dressings and see what it looks like. Was very nervous. Generally I think it looks good and pretty natural, but like my TEs, the left one points a bit more down and sits a bit higher than the right, so I'm a little disappointed about that. But like Lynae said, I'm grateful to have this done and be healthy and alive.

    In terms of your question about how flat it is around the nipple, they don't project as much as my TEs, which I'm actually glad about. My right side looks a bit more rounded out at the nipple than the left. Sigh. Wonder how or if either of them will settle much after healing.

    My right incision is still itchy. But looks to be healing fine.

    Still hoping to get an update from T-Sue! Hope everyone is doing well.

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited November 2017

    all ladies that recently had exchange: your results will take several months to become what they will be. There is swelling and stitches and pockets that have to settle. Be patient and walk away from the mirror. It takes a minimum of 6 months and I don’t think mine were done for a year. I have had mine since March 2015. They are gummies and take a different kind of healing than rounds. But all types of implants go through changes. And also, “just because you can, doesn’t mean you should “! Please be careful and follow your PS advice.


  • Dafne
    Dafne Member Posts: 35
    edited November 2017

    Girls, as I wrote a few weeks back, my exchange surgery from TE to implants is in two weeks. I'm nervous to say the least. Any insight, info, advice would be much welcomed. How was this procedure comparing to bmx, pain related and all? I just wish I could control my stress levels and be more relaxed about it. I mean I've been through lumpectomy and bilateral mastectomy with sentinel node biopsy, and now I'm being scared about the exchange, when I should probably feel relieved, but I am. I'm trying hard not to overthink about it, but it's in the back of my mind all the time. Saying yes to a new job offer did not really help. I took on a project of translation material, I know I have time to complete it (till end of February), but even so I get stressed over it. Plus, it's only a month or so that I'm actually feeling great, being able to go out for long walks and do many things I enjoy and have some activities I thought would take me much more time to accomplish, and all I can think of is "why need I go all over this again, when I just starting feeling like myself?" I know it might sounds like bitching and complaining but believe me, it's not. (Not entirely at least). I'm just stressed, worried and scared, so please bear with me. Hugs.

  • T-Sue
    T-Sue Member Posts: 207
    edited November 2017

    Hi BC sisters! I was really looking forward to checking in with you all but have stayed offline since Friday's surgery. I was pretty groggy and headachy all weekend but feeling much more coherent today. The pain is SO minimal, really no comparison to the BMX at all. No drains either which is a huge relief. I've only used Tylenol since day 2 post op and the incision sites are itchy, but manageable.

    Lynae, Scarfgal, and Minute, I'm so happy to hear that you all are also recovering well. We made it! For me, this feels like the last really tough hurdle in my cancer tango (BMX and chemo were the other biggies). While I still have 7 months of herceptin infusions, and Tamoxofin for a few years (both bring some unpleasant SEs to the party), I feel like the toughest parts are behind me.

    Amazingly, I don't have any bruising! I'm shocked because my PS did a little pocket work at my sternum to bring the implants in. My NP attributes it to me starting their recommended arnica supplement 2 days before surgery.

    Lynae, I hear you about getting used to version 2.0 boobs. I was checking myself out in the shower last night and I thought, you know, when I look down, they seem like my 21-year-old boobs - not too bad! I too have a son at home (9yo) and am so glad that his worry seems to be dissipating. Also, you posted about two issues that I also have: 1. more cleavage: my PS did a little bit of pocket work to bring the implants closer to my sternum, I don't notice a huge difference but it does seem to more gradually slope out from my sternum rather than the TEs which went straight out like torpedoes! 2. One of my nipples never really popped back out after the BMX. My PS said that at a later point we could pull some fat from my belly and inject it into that nipple to 'fix' it. I'm not sure if I'll even bother.

    Thanks to everyone on this board for your advice and encouragement! What a wonderful community!

    Cheers - Tera