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Exchange City



  • Mykidsmom
    Mykidsmom Member Posts: 448
    edited February 2009

    Suzie - Thanks for the upbeat post - hamburger buns or not, I am glad that the surgery is much easier.

    Baxter - I would second what Kathie said. I cannot imagine going through that worry on a regular basis, especially w/ your other worries. In my case, in addition to the bc thing, my family has a strong hx of colon cancer. I have to go in for regular colonoscopies. I didn't think I could be testing every part of my body all the time and not go completely crazy! Best wishes and know that we care! - Jean

  • Baxter
    Baxter Member Posts: 91
    edited February 2009

    Kathie - First of all your picture is beautiful. I could have had a BM but I don't think I could have handled it. I really wanted to keep one of my breasts. I asked my BS about genetic testing and they said my chance of it was low as neither my Mom or sister had BC. My aunt did though.Did you have reconstruction? I had so much pain and difficulty getting around with just one TE I don't know how women have BM with TE I really admire them.

    Jean - I can't tell very well from your picture...are you a skier? Where was it taken, it looks incredible. I think so much happened last fall that my emotions haven't had time to take a breath and catch up my mind to deal with more testing.  I'm hoping that this first year will be my biggest hurdle and I will have a less fearful perspective next year.

    Thanks for the support!


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited February 2009

    psalmist:  Thank you for the compliment!  It is a little longer now but sort of a bobbed cut - the back is shorter [stacked] than the sides.  Laura and Linda know what I mean.  But you know, I have to blow dry the patootie out of it to get it straight, as I have naturally curly hair. 

    baxter: Okay......fess up....what is your Las Vegas showgirl name?

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited February 2009

    (((Candi!))))..from what I hear.. every gal who does the one mast.. fears the mamos for some time. You are totally normal sister.... I read your words and felt your fear! The fear is normal and never feel like you are wrong in feeling all you feel.

    Kathie.. why would your lose me in Vegas.. ?? Maybe I should change my pic AGAIN!! LOL.. shoot... I just LOOK LIKE THAT.... maybe I will put a picture of my cat...LOL

    Again Deb.. I love the beauty of your picture..!

    Southportis doing ok... wahooooo

    Ladies.. love and miss ya...

    Sandy.. hope the race was great! WHERE IS LINDA???????

    Diana.. we still want you to hang with us sister.... !!!! You have a fix coming up to... we are here!

    Laura<---------------- tired from work.... but it was nice to be back!

  • sam1991
    sam1991 Member Posts: 137
    edited February 2009

    Laura....I'd lose you to one of those high end girlie shows....your beauty and new ta ta's....Woo mama!!!!! No changing the pic...we'll take the cat with us! It's Beautiful!! best friend has played guitar with Barry Manilow for over 10 years. Maybe Barry needs another back up singer...LOL. Just hung out with him when they were in Providence on the 11th. First one could tell...kept my shirt on of course.  

     Baxter...I did have reconstruction. I'm a lady in waiting...LOL. Will get my exchange date at my PS appt on the 24th. I'm filled like a tick to 660cc's!!!! On the back of a dog you'd pull me off with tweezers & pop me...ha ha. The expanders have annoyed, aggrevated and pained me since my BM. I sound much brighter because I know I'm nearing the exchange. I had many a lonely 3am mornings and found comfort from my TE pain thread sisters. I can understand you wanting to keep one breast if you could. I miss my nipples! Funny....didn't really think about it but they were a great part of intimacy...but then again, so is my life. And you're right....Candi is a great show girl name...heehee.

    xxoo Kathie 

  • PinkyLee
    PinkyLee Member Posts: 427
    edited February 2009

    I can't remember who asked, but I did set off the detectors when I flew.  I set them off at Dulles in Virginia and at the airport in Atlanta.  I didn't have a note and I had to be searched.  I think a note from the doctor is a good idea.  I didn't have the pressure problems that were mentioned earlier.

    Well, I have four days before surgery and tonight I am all nerves.  I have cleaned out all of the dresser draws and placed scented liner in the drawers.  I haven't gotten all the clothes back yet, but I am getting there.  I find that I am short tempered tonight and SO doesn't seem to get it. 

    Regardless of my fears, I know that implant have to be better than these rock hard things in my chest.  I bought a new blouse for the choir tomorrow.  We sing in black skirts and various colored tops.  This one is knit and fits a little snug.  This is the first time I have dared to wear something fitting since the surgery.  I hope this means I am getting better with the new look of my chest.

    I have been constantly rubbing shea butter into my foobs hoping that it helps to get the color more uniform.  My left side that received radiation is not the same color as the right.  I can also see the marks from each of my lumpectomies.  Over the years I have had a total of four lumpectomies prior to the bilateral.  It wasn't until the expanders were totally blown up that I could see all of the incision marks from each surgery. 

  • looper
    looper Member Posts: 61
    edited February 2009

    Hey there, Miss PinkyLee!  The days before my surgery were also very stressful.  My DH of 40 years and I each said something unkind to the other, and we didn't speak until the end of the next day, three days before the surgery.  Our disagreements are so seldom I can count them on one hand, but now I have this one to add.  There were lots of apologies later, and our behavior vastly improved.  It was hard to even talk about it, as he's known to everyone as the husband every woman wants.

    I kept very busy that weekend, getting the guest room ready for my daughter who came to stay with me, and working at our local Navy Reserve Center--I'm their tailor!  My surgery was at 7 am, which required us to be at the hospital by 5 am.  That helped so much, since my PS has the reputation of being so meticulous that his surgeries run 2-3 hours late, as my mast. did.  I was first, so no waiting this time!

     I still need the nipple reconstruction and possibly som fill-in and the tattoo, which I'll find out about at my appointment on Thursday.  By the way, someone mentioned they didn't want the tattoo, maybe a couple of you, and I was wondering if there's a reason for that.

    It's discouraging to see all the scarring and dents, but we just need to remember we can show or not show, as we decide, and know that it will all get better in time.  I really just want my cleavage back--I'm kind of famous for my necklines!  So hang in there--it's all gonna be good!   Suzie

  • rockwell_girl
    rockwell_girl Member Posts: 517
    edited February 2009

    hi ladies I only had a chance to glace at a few thing but just to tired to read now.  I just wanted to let you know I survived todays race.  It's nice to know I can get my body to go for over 5 hours again.  I'm totally wiped because after we were done with the race we helped pick up the flags so went almost non stop from 9am to 6pm.  We stopped for pizza afterward so just got home a little while ago.  Early this morning we got about 5 inches of fresh snow which almost stopped me from getting to the snowgaines race.  My knee is sore from all the downhill other wise I'm good just real tired.  I'll try and catch up tomorrow...night all

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited February 2009

    Great job Sandy! I am proud of you ! Tell us about it after you get some rest! Wahooooo Sandy!

  • sam1991
    sam1991 Member Posts: 137
    edited February 2009

    Wow Sandy....I definitely admire you. I'm not even back to work yet and just a little biking at the gym. Congrats to you and get some well deserved rest!!!

  • Cathee
    Cathee Member Posts: 62
    edited February 2009


    I am not getting nipples. At my age I think I'm finished with them.   I don't have any tattoos but was thinking of two beautiful flowers or  uplifting flowers under each foob.  Something that would make people say "those are pretty"  Not that I will be showing many people.  But I would like to hear that again. 

     I been so "up" thru all this but can't seem to get there again.  Well, tomorrow is a better day. 

  • psalmist
    psalmist Member Posts: 61
    edited February 2009

    Cathee, I wonder if after all the build up to the exchange surgery if you aren't experiencing a temporary let down.   That happens to me sometimes after a much anticipated event has taken place.  Sometimes we just get blue. I hope your sunny outlook returns as you get more rest and start feeling stronger.   

     Sandy, that's amazing - congrats and good for you!!!  I quit running a year ago and haven't started back in earnest - just doing some speedwalking.  My daughter has been running long distances to get ready for her upcoming marathon.  She did 13 miles the other day and I was stunned that she could do it!  She was overweight for 10 years having babies and now is SO slim and trim!  What an inspiration people like you are to the rest of us.

    PinkyLee, I'm right behind you - my exchange is a week from Tuesday.  I'm trying not to be nervous, but I know that next weekend I'll be cleaning house like a madman.  That's how I handle times when I feel out of control.   Hope you feel much better before going in to surgery.  My PS  keeps reassuring me that this one will be a "piece of cake" compared to the BPM.   Take care - and I hope you get LOTS of rest.

    Looper - thanks for being transparent.  I've had moments like that with my DH, but we're all human, and we have bad days sometimes.  Stress comes out of us one way or another, doesn't it?  

    Hoping everyone had a great weekend.  God bless,

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited February 2009

    Just thought I would share a great commercial which airs in Kaiser Permanente territory, for all of those who might not have seen it.  One which encourages gotta love the song too!


  • Cathee
    Cathee Member Posts: 62
    edited February 2009


    I love that commericial.  Especially the cheerleader.


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited February 2009

    Cath - the cheerleeder is my favorite too!  She must be a hoot!

  • Vinogal
    Vinogal Member Posts: 114
    edited February 2009

    Hey's wishing all the ladies this week good luck with their exchanges......really wish it was my turn.......but I know my time will come......I get to make pancakes all morning ath the kid's school on Tuesday........have Herceptin Wednesday and pre op with PS on this week should zip by and I will get my TE reinserted on Monday the that feels good........

    Sandy...... congrats on the race

    and I'm always up for Vegas........Cath...... you will be "up" again soon......fingerscrossed.........Southport.......glad to hear things went well.......

    Cheers to all for a good week!


  • PinkyLee
    PinkyLee Member Posts: 427
    edited February 2009

    Thanks for all the encouragement.  During church this morning I stood up during worship to give thanks for the Lord has done for me and ask for prayer during my surgery this week.  Half way thought talking, I started talking about my sister who just started chemo and my sister who didn't make the battle, and broke down crying.  I know I should be happy that I am moving one step closer to being done, but at the same time, my sister is starting chemo and my baby sister had reconstruction and then mast. to the liver.  I am so afraid that one of the remaining of us will not make it either.

    I told my sister that I don't want to be the last one here, but I know I am not ready to die.  Cancer really sucks.

    I do look forward with anxiety to my surgery on Thursday morning.  I hope my exchange peps me up.

  • psalmist
    psalmist Member Posts: 61
    edited February 2009

    Dearest Pinky Lee -

    You have my prayers and my thoughts.  So sorry about your sisters; my sisters are my best friends, so my heart was really touched by your post.   We're pulling for you and your sister.

  • Mykidsmom
    Mykidsmom Member Posts: 448
    edited February 2009

    Candi - My picture is hiking. My dh and I love to hike, especially in the winter! Though we haven't done nearly as much this winter.

    Kathie - I am with you on the missing the nipple thing. I had to go to my GP the other day and undress and I found it very strange, even though she was a doctor. The thing that really seemed strange was the nipple-less look. Though I have gotten used to is, sort of.

    Pinkylee - We are there w/ you and all of our sisters having surgery this week! Warm hugs are floating in your direction!

    Sandy - I am tickled that you did your race and had fun! I know you were tired, but isn't that exhausted feeling kind of nice. Like you really worked your body! Congratulations!

    Cathee - I am sending you a a little lifting to help you get up again. Take care and know that we all care!

    Best wishes to all of our exchange sisters who are scheduled this week. There are a lot of you!

    2/24 - NVDiane - Exchange

    2/25 - Ladyredlocks - Exchange to 480 to 500cc saline implants

    2/26 - PinkyLee - Exchange to Mentor MemoryGel Silicone Gel-filled implants

    2/26 - Hood1980 - Exchange to anatomical saline implant

    2/26 - PattyS - Exchange to Allergan Inamed Corp. style 410 silicone-filled

  • psalmist
    psalmist Member Posts: 61
    edited February 2009

    Best wishes to NVDiane, Ladyredlocks, PinkyLee, Hood1980, and Patty S.  My prayers and thoughts are with you this week.  God bless!

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited February 2009

    Pinky Lee... Bless you honey... I am sorry... I hate cancer too.. it is the worst.. and when it hits families... really hard. Love to you!

    All ladies doing the exchanges this week...LOVE and BLESSINGS!... I am so happy you have made it!


  • traceyz
    traceyz Member Posts: 98
    edited February 2009


    YAY!! I am happy to take that as good news!! I hope you can rest your pretty little head now, you deserve it!!

    Laura you are so precious to me. Just know that I am thinking about you as you start rads tomorrow!! I am so proud of you for making the smart decision!! God bless you!!


  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited February 2009

    Thanks Tracey.. I start them Thursday.. you know how sad it makes me... but I am letting that leave me.. slowly.. but it is leaving... You are precious to me too and helped me so much coming to my choice. I thank you for that. Keep my heart health in your prayers...:)... And also.. my exchange will work out someday...:)

  • hood1980
    hood1980 Member Posts: 168
    edited February 2009

    Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers.  Cancer DOES SUCK but it's not going to beat me!  No way!  No How!

  • fairy49
    fairy49 Member Posts: 536
    edited February 2009

    Traceyz! where have you been! Just wanted to say it was lovely to see you when I logged on this evening! :) I hope all is well!


  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509
    edited February 2009

    WOW  5 sisters getting relief this week.  The best to all of you....

    Hood,  This is what I have changed my quote to:  "I can be changed by what happens to me.  I refuse to be reduced by it."         so you go girl, fight fight fight

    Sandy, congrats on your race...for me when I finished my first marathon, oh the pain in my legs and trying to get out of bed was badddd.  But it was the most wonderful pain in the world because you had accomplished something you had worked so hard for.  Kinda like labor pains, when you see that precious baby, forget all about the pain you had.....LOL

    I am feeling better except for this head cold....everyone have a great week

  • YvonneB
    YvonneB Member Posts: 149
    edited February 2009

    Good luck to NVDiane, Ladyredlocks, PinkyLee, Hood1980, and Patty S - I'll be praying for you all this week and hoping for the best for you all.

    Hang in there Cathee...I think it might just be anticlimactic as Psalmist said.  You have gone through so much mental stress worrying about the exchange that maybe it is your bodies way of releasing some of it.  And...personally I always get kind of down after I have anesthesia, even if it is just from dental work...maybe it is just a chemical thing??? Who knows! 

    Sandy - congrats on your race!  I feel so guilty now because I spent the weekend cooking and eating way too much!  I really need to get active again but don't seem to have much desire to. 

  • rockwell_girl
    rockwell_girl Member Posts: 517
    edited February 2009

    wow where did the night go again, with being gone yesterday I had to get a lot done around the house and tonight I went to Kelsey dance cheer thing which was so much fun to watch.  One of the teams did a special dance for cancer survivors.  All the girls had pink ribbons on their shirt.  It brought a few tears to my eyes.  Sorry to say at break time I heard another gal from my small town of 2400 just found out she has breast cancer.  All I heard is they caught it early so I don't know what type of surgery or treatment she will need.  I want to give her a call and tell her about this awesome site.  It helped me so much.  I will try to read though all the post and reply more but now I need some rest and tomorrow I have to work than afterward have to go pick stuff up for our bathroom we are in the middle of re-doing, so it might be a couple of days before I get to it...

    I do want to wish all the ladies with their exchange this week the best of look.  I'm sure you'll all be happy : - )

  • Mykidsmom
    Mykidsmom Member Posts: 448
    edited February 2009

    Linda - I hope you are feeling better. I got a cold just after my BM and it really knocked me for a loop. Fortunately I haven't had another this winter.

    Laura - I will be thinking of you on Thursday. I know it will be tough for you, but we will all be there w/ you.

    Diana - I think Thursday is your day as well. We will be all surrounding you with love. Take care.

    Ladies have exchanges this week - best wishes. Just think, no more rocks on your chests! As Psalmist said on another thread - you can go out and purchase a new bra. Something besides these post-surgical soft, stretchy, fit any size things... not that I am complaining or anything.

    Take care and best wishes ladies! - Jean

  • PinkyLee
    PinkyLee Member Posts: 427
    edited February 2009

    Well, the week is here and I am as nervous as Mexican jumping beans. I hope that is not offensive to anyone, I use to have them when I was a kid.)  I had anyother cry last night while explaining to SO that he needs to get up and out of the house and start doing things.  He is more depressed than I am, and it is driving me crazy.  I came up when he finally got out of bed after two days and look in the mirror.  He asked me why hadn't I told him what he looked like and I reminded him of all the days that I have.  While it is good that he may be recognizing the fact, this is not the week.  I need all his support to get throught his and I don't have time for his pity party.  I want to have my own before Thursday. 

    Shortly I am going in the bedroom, insist that he get his lazy ass up and go make a fire.  I want to enjoy these days before surgery as much as possible without any grife.  I know this won't be as bad as the last one, but for me surgery is surgery...everyone running around with a knife except me and I am unconscienous.  Not a good picture.