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Exchange City



  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited September 2009

    Have fun in Vegas my dears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Laura, what is a closet hottie?  I have no "hot" outfits.)  Usually wear whatever is clean (o dear).

    Jan, what a great attitude you have.  This has also happened to me.  They insisted that I scan both boobs.  I said "well, you are NOT squishing the foobie, period".  They seemed somewhat puzzled by this.  You can let it hurt you, or you can laugh.  Good and brave for you to laugh!!!!!

    The outside world does not get us, does it.

  • TXBadboob
    TXBadboob Member Posts: 109
    edited September 2009

    Just reading back on everything.  A lot's happened!

    Laura, congrats on your psychic PS!  I wish mine was, it would be a lot less stressful!:)  My PS also said going bigger would take care of my rippling, but mine are heavy already and I don't want to go bigger. 

      So far I am happy with the fat grafting, although I am still a little sore in both places, so I don't know if it is swollen still.

    Jan, lol!  It's probably written down 20 times with all of the paperwork they make us fill out, and they STILL get it wrong!:)

    annie, they really don't get us, but I know I didn't either before this, so I laugh too!

    Cheri, hope you're feeling better

    Dani, what's going on with you now?  Are you getting another PS?

    Hope you Vegas ladies have a great time!  Wish I could be there:(


  • Jan1
    Jan1 Member Posts: 281
    edited September 2009

    ((Annie))  What was funny is that both orders were for 1 breast each.  The one I got from the PCP was correct.  The one that the oncologist monitoring my health was for the wrong breast.  I was amused, I am only doing the left breast.  Annie,  BTW,  why would they do a mammo on a foob?  It seems to me that the squishing of the foob might cause a leak.  I have a small prosthesis in the natural breast and I do get concerned about a leak there.

    ((Deen))  I did get a laugh reading the Onc's order.  I only saw my PCP once after dx and she got the order right, and she doesn't even have all of my records.  I saw the oncologist several times over the past 6 months and they wrote the order in great detail with a different code from the PCP for a mammo on the FOOB.   Needless to say I wasn't impressed with this ONC and will not go back to her for a variety of reasons (never gave concrete answers, very wishy washy), and DH states she never offered an opinion, just "whatever you want to do is OK with me"  Needless to say I did the mx and no follow-up drug therapy.  I hope I made the right choice. 

    ((Deborah))  Do you know anything about breakage in augmented breasts from mammography?  Just another thing to think about.  

  • my560sel
    my560sel Member Posts: 399
    edited September 2009

    Congratulations Laura! I guess your PS is a mind reader! You didn't ask for it, but you got it anyway! I think it's just wonderful that you will finally get what makes you happy and what you deserve. Bigger boobs, new eyes - there'll be no stopping you now !!!!!!!!!!!!  YOU GO GIRL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • my560sel
    my560sel Member Posts: 399
    edited September 2009

    Congratulations Laura! I guess your PS is a mind reader! You didn't ask for it, but you got it anyway! I think it's just wonderful that you will finally get what makes you happy and what you deserve. Bigger boobs, new eyes - there'll be no stopping you now !!!!!!!!!!!!  YOU GO GIRL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • firstmate
    firstmate Member Posts: 153
    edited September 2009

    Cherie2 - I had fat flaps under both arms.  One seems to have subsided, the other is still there.  I asked the PS about them and he discouraged surgery for it at this point. He says it is very painful and then your bra strap rubs over it all the time.  He wants to wait to see if it subsides as well.

    Now for the nipples -one has shrunk nicely, the other is still swollen and much larger.  For anyone that has had these done.  Is there still a cahnce that the larger one will shrink some more?  I hope the smaller one won't shrink any more.  How long do they adjust in size?  It would be nice to have them  close to the same size.

  • Cheri2
    Cheri2 Member Posts: 185
    edited September 2009

    Hi Robin!!!!  My PS and I talked at length about this- can I tell you I love this Doc?????  He is amazing with his time!!!  Anyway,  he also said- it is very very painful!! He said have you ever been pinched there- it hurts- this surgery will hurt bad and I think based on your pain tolerance (yes I am a wimp- cracks me up when people tell me I am brave because I am NOT) anyway- he said he would recommend putting me to sleep (again!!!) BUT he said he can take excess skin from there for my nips and he saved some skin on my scar line too so he can open that back up (very small cut on the scar line) and take some skin there too at the same time he removes my 'bat flaps" (my word) anyway- I told him I want to do a tri in April so I would like to do it the end of April (I need out of the OR for a break!) and he said he thought that was a great idea.  So, if it goes away great- if not I will be on the books for my nips in April!

    Deen- thanks sweetie! :)  feeling much better but not running yet and I can't wait!!! 

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited September 2009

    ANNIE;  You are beautiful!  Inside and now we know OUTSIDE too!

    LAURA:  I'll buy the tickets this week to PINK.  I need to get the name tags printed up this week....its coming fast and furious - this Vegas trip. 

  • YvonneB
    YvonneB Member Posts: 149
    edited September 2009

    Laura - Glad that your PS is a mind reader!!! Sometimes it just pays to put it in the Lord's hands and hope for the best!

    Cheri - My PS suggested a series of 4 fat grafts to get rid of the cave I now have under my arm and across the top of my foob.  I told him I really didn't want 4 more surgerys under general anesthesia and he said he could do it with local freezing but that it would be painful.  When I told him that I didn't have any feeling he said that I would certainly feel that!  Scared me off!  I think I have had enough surgery and healing for now and I told him that I probably won't go ahead with it.  Now that I am 3 days post fipple surgery, I am sure that I'm not going to ask for more pain any time soon.  I'll just live with the cave!  I have a cave and you have bat wings!!  Too bad we couldn't share!!

  • YvonneB
    YvonneB Member Posts: 149
    edited September 2009

    Jean - I hope you feel better soon!  You surely deserve to have a holiday without feeling crappy!!

  • MooreTennis
    MooreTennis Member Posts: 90
    edited September 2009

    Cheri - I had the excess skin and fat removed from my sides under my arms and I can tell you it is painful (plus I have the lovely drains again). Tuesday's exchange would have been a breeze had I decided against this procedure. But, hopefully, it will be worth it in the end - definitely wouldn't want to go back under to remove it. Just my two cents.

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited September 2009

    Yvonne.. so great to see you posting and visiting again sister!!!! How is the fipple looking? I am with you and the 4 more surgery's.. Man...if my boob had not been falling south... LOL... I would not be having surgery. I decided no fat graphs.. ( then found out that would not be the fix for me anyway)...good to see you sweety!

    ANNIE... a " closest" anything is a hider... I meant you were hiding the real you in your past pictures... cause we could not see you.. not we can better.. and you are HOT HOT HOT... on the outside too...:).. we all knew the inside....

    Denise.. I forgot your were having all that.. are you doing ok? OUCH... YUK... I HATE all we have to go through.. THANK GOD FOR DEMEROL ...LOL

    Deborah...good about your buying your ticket next is coming fast.. I am getting cards laminated with our name and #'s this week.. and I have the airport sign ready to go.. ( this does not involve you and Peg.) I am also bringing items to help us in our hotel room with 4 women..there is NO way I can bring just one suitcase.. not gonna happen.. so I am only packing things that can stay in my suitcase and not need a drawer or hung. I will hang about three items and will bring my own hangers... :)... things like that...:)...

    Anywhoo.. that is for the Vegas thread huh.....LOL

    Val.. you are Monday... How wonderful for you! GO GET THOSE new big boobies... :).. I cannot wait to see the pics...:).....

    Ladies.. I will not have any kind of surgery until after Vegas.. no way...LOL.. I will set something up for October I am sure...... I am not rushing..

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited September 2009

    Jean... ENJOY YOUR VACATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    EVEN THOUGH... you should be in Vegas that weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    hehehehehehe..... get well sister!

  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited September 2009

    Hello dears: I hope everyone is well today and getting ready for Vegas!

    Jean: enjoy your vacation and good to see you posting again!

    Cheri:I am glad you are doing so well!

    Val : good luck on monday!

    Robin: glad the fipps are doing well.  I haven't done it yet, but someone will chime in with something helpful, I know.

    Laura and Deborah: thanks for the compliments!  You two should know, you are both Hot Mamas!

    I haven't been hiding, just computer impaired a lil bit.

    love you all:


  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited September 2009

    oops: Jan, yes, they shouldn't mammo a foob.  Somehow some practices do, and firmly believe that if the tech is trained enough, it can happen.  My PS declined on my behalf. 

    I declined as well, I certainly would not do that!  An MRI will catch any local if there is one, and that is a low percentage.


  • Alitman
    Alitman Member Posts: 95
    edited September 2009

    I am so happy for the successes posted here and I send warm thoughts and soft hugs to those that are having difficulties.  I am in a weird place.  I didn't have bc but I did have a bilat mx to avoid getting it.  Here is my dilemma - I just haven't felt like myself since 6/16 (the surgery date).  I will have  my exchange on 11/24.  I hope that at some point, I start feeling like myself again.  I am so very consumed with this process and I wasn't even sick!!! I don't feel brave - I feel like a fraud - I feel like (and I do) pretend that everything is okay and that I am happy - I am not - I am tired of hurting, I am tired of pretending.  I am coming up on yet another anniversary of my Mom's death (BC) and all I want to do is talk to her about how I feel.    I know I'll get through this - I always do.  I just have a question for the universe - Does it ever get easier??

  • Cheri2
    Cheri2 Member Posts: 185
    edited September 2009

    Denise, did he tell you how long it will take to recover from your "bat flap" procedure?!!!  I know It will stink to go back under  but feel like by April I will be able to handle it, especially if he does the nip procedure that the same time.  It took me only a couple weeks to recover from the TE.  He told me he wouldn't do it at the same time because more than half his patients go back to normal skin after a few months.  (I am hoping that is the case!)  He said it will take a full 6 weeks to recover - he said out of your whole body- that area it the most sensitive for lipo!  

    Yvonne- you are too funny- bat wings and cave!!! I don't want to live with it.  My PS doesn't like to do fat graphing at all.  He did warn me it would hurt, though!

  • YvonneB
    YvonneB Member Posts: 149
    edited September 2009

    ((((Alitman)))) Lots of us are still in a weird place and probably will be for awhile!  For me is seems kind of cyclical...I forget about it and get on with life for a week or two and then I have a couple of crappy days/weeks where I feel so uncontent with the new me.  I can't tell you how many people have told me how brave and strong I am, when I am feeling at my lowest.  I think we are all masters of deception and that is why this board is so very important.  We can say how we feel without hurting/disappointing anybody else. Even when I don't have the fortitude to share my thoughts here, I still make time to read what everyone else is feeling.  It just confirms that after a year of dealing with this and not getting "over" it, that I am not alone.  It has to get easier one day, doesn't it??????

  • Alitman
    Alitman Member Posts: 95
    edited September 2009

    Yvonne- thank you.  You have written exactly what I needed to hear.

  • dani42
    dani42 Member Posts: 206
    edited September 2009

    Deen, I posted a response to you last night but can't seem to find it.  I hope this is not a repeat.  I have an appointment with a new ps on Oct 14.  She read all of my records and agreed to see me. 

    The discharge is back, which has me nervous.  I did find that hypothyroidism can cause nipple discharge so I will call my primary care giver tomorrow to see if I can have a blood test.   

    I am glad that your fat graphing was a success.  Thanks for thinking of me.


  • Jazzygem
    Jazzygem Member Posts: 125
    edited September 2009

    I just had to come over and sharE with you....I got to meet up with KEW(Karen) today!!!  We had our team, The TaTa Sisterhood and did the 5k Portland OR Komen Race for the Cure!!!  This was our first meeting and I have got to tell you...I WAS NOT PREPARED for the emotions when we saw eachother!!  It was wonderful!!  We bawled and couldn't stop hugging eachother!  It was priceless!!  Vegas is going to be so emotional I just know it!  All of us on this board has SO MUCH LOVE for one another and meeting in person is such a release of that love.  All of the feelings of everything we have gone through and how we feel that connection is SO AMAZING!!!

    WE ARE STRONG!!  WE ARE THE TATA SISTERHOOD!!!!! (Thanks Laura! :-))

    HUGS TO ALL!!!

  • KEW
    KEW Member Posts: 450
    edited September 2009

    Hi All

    I'm with Janet, the minute I saw her beautiful face I was in tears, but good ones.  We were in a sea of 50,000 people the 3rd largest Race for the Cure in the WORLD. We were separated at points, but we crossed the finish line together.  I was so happy to meet Janet, her wonderful family, and her friends.  Pictures to follow. It was such an emotional release to see her, almost relief.  She is really fun, you will enjoy her company.

    You will all have a wonderful time in Vegas, if this little meeting today is representative of what Vegas will be like.

     We are the TaTa Sisterhood, we are strong, Laura perfect name.  My son ran the timed race and was crying at the end, I thought he was unhappy about his time because he was a minute off his race pace, but he ran 14 miles yesterday and is sick.  He later told one of my friends he was crying because of the emotion of all the people, what we've been through this year.  He told me later that instead of thinking about kicking the butt of some team he was running thinking about kicking cancer's butt.

    To top the day off I ran into the woman who used to do my hair when I lived in another town, 50,000 people and we ran into eachother, I didn't know she was going to be there, she had my name on her back.  We touch more people than we know in life. 

    Love to all 


  • renee-tattoos
    renee-tattoos Member Posts: 14
    edited September 2009

    I also provide free 3d nipple/areola tattooing..

    I live in South Florida..I am going to So. Cal around Thanksgiving to do a few people if anyone else is interested PM me. Kiss 

  • val61
    val61 Member Posts: 969
    edited September 2009

    Okay, ladies, my time has come! I'm the first case tomorrow - 7:30 - show up at 6am for my bloodwork, etc.  Had a beautiful service for f-i-l yesterday.  DH actually doing well, though seems emotionally spent.  I will make him promise to not take me home until he has the exact implants that my ps has used on me, though! 

    Thank you, thank you, thank you to EVERYBODY here - Love you all!!!

    I'll check back in as soon as I can............


  • firstmate
    firstmate Member Posts: 153
    edited September 2009

    Val -- How exciting for you.  Good luck!!!   Hope all goes well.

  • dani42
    dani42 Member Posts: 206
    edited September 2009

    Karen, you have me in tears!  What a beautiful son you have and beautiful friends.  It is a testimony to who you are and what you bring to others.  So happy that you two ladies were able to meet and share such a special experience. 

  • dani42
    dani42 Member Posts: 206
    edited September 2009

    Val, you should be given cards before you go home with your implant information.  If they don't give them to you, ask for them. 

  • Cheri2
    Cheri2 Member Posts: 185
    edited September 2009

    (((((((((VAL))))))))))  You will be and do great!!!!  I was more nervous with this one (don't know why) but it went well and yours will too!!!  I was 3 weeks post op Friday and feel great!  I think I am even going to attempt running this week!!!  Good Luck and please post soon so we know how you did!!!

     KEW and Jazzy- so happy for you 2 and so glad you had such a moving experience.  Our Susan Komen race is in October and for some odd reason I don't want to do it.  (I think I am still too raw with emotion) I think next year will be the one for me- so I can run it - not walk it.  What a beautiful moment for you and your son.  My boys have shown very little emotion about everything- at 9 and 13, I do know it does resonate.  I am happy for you that your son is able to share his feelings with you on it! 

    Hi first mate!!! ;) 

  • cejjmom
    cejjmom Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2009

    Good Luck Val...I'll be joining you on Wednesday.  I am so looking forward to haveing this over.

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited September 2009

    Alt... Yvonne said it all! You are not a fraud... you poor dear... I give you my hug!!!

    Val... you got gettem girl... I pray for you tonight.!  Go Val.. Go Val.. Go Val.. Go Val... Go Val...

    Janet and Karen... you two represented today. ALL my heart, thanks you! Love you sisters! I am so proud of you!

    Ladies... I hope your week is full of wonder and love...