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  • Bigapple09
    Bigapple09 Member Posts: 247
    edited September 2009

    Hi SamIAm

    I also have the gummies (for now). When I was going through p/s consults, the surgeons all discussed implant rotaition of the gummies, and they all spoke about the possibility of external manipulation of the implant to correct the rotation as a first plan of attack. Dr. Lloyd Gail (SP?) at Cornell Weill NY Presb in NYC told me that he has used manual rotation to move the implant back in place many times. He said it is not a comfortable process for the patient but it certainly beats surgery.


    FACECRAFTER Member Posts: 433
    edited September 2009

    Laura and Deborah:

    So I was thinking, (a dangerous thing)   I have heard the radiated breast skin does not 'settle' like a non-radiated breast.  It stays more 'stiff'....
    If that is the case, sice I have a radiated breast on one side only, I could easily wind up eneven..
    So I was thinking, 
    1) I do not have the need for them to look natural.
    2) It is OK with me if the inframarry fold is not there, as long as I look good in clothes and have nice cleavage.

    Should I go for an implant that matches or is only slightly smaller than my TE's?  Right now, my TE's are 540  should I go to 640 (ouch!) and have a 550 implant (as the surgeon says)?  or should I go 600 and get a 550 implant?  

    I know I will go thru another surgery if I have to, that is not the issue, I just would like to get it right the first time!!   JUDY

  • dani42
    dani42 Member Posts: 206
    edited September 2009

    Regarding the discharge:

    Ok just got back from my ps and am pretty upset.  He looked at them and said with an attitude: I don't think it's anything serious.  If you don't have a discharge right now then there is nothing I can do.

    He did say that there is still a milk duct behind the nipple and some tissue remaining because he can't get all of it but he doesn't think its anything serious. End of visit.  His physicians assistant said if it starts again come right back.  I said better yet, I'll put the discharge in a cup and bring it in. 

    I left a message for my primary care physician letting them know the outcome of the visit and said apparently I still have tissue and milk ducts so I guess I have to wait for something bad to happen unless anyone would like to see me. 

    I have to tell you he did not speak with compassion but was dismissive instead.  I went through all of this and can still get breast cancer?  Are you kidding?   

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited September 2009

    Dani.. that sounds messed up.. let us know what your PCP says.... geeezzzzzzz

    Judy... personally.. I would check out the dimensions of your TE expanded to the 540 you are now. and stop expanding. Then... put in a bigger implant than what your TE are right now. That is, if you like your size right now. If you do not... keep expanding until you do.. and then put a slightly larger implant in.

  • samiam40
    samiam40 Member Posts: 93
    edited September 2009

    ((Dani)) Is he always like that or was he maybe just having a bad day?  Either way, I would not be happy either if I were you.  Is there another ps near you that you could have a consult with?

  • Jazzygem
    Jazzygem Member Posts: 125
    edited September 2009

    Dani...what about going to your GYN?? 

  • 4greatkids
    4greatkids Member Posts: 89
    edited September 2009

    Hi ladies,

    I've been away from my computer for about as I was away for three days and just fot busy with life in general. I did skim over the pages I missed though.

    Kew and Jazzy- Love, love, love the pics! Looks like it was a beautiful day for a fantastic event.

    Laura- That's great news for you about getting the bigger implants that you wanted, especially if it takes care of the rippling. I don't think I have any rippling, but I'm not sure what it looks like.

    ((Sam)) That is strange about your implant. I am by no means an expert, but I have never heard for feeling an edge of the implant. I know what you mean though about not wanting to go to the doctor for any additional visits. I have had a sore area under my arm for about three weeks now. I'm 6 weeks post exchange today. I see him next week so it can just wait until then to address.Let us know how you make out next week. By the way, I looked at your pictures and I think you look great.

    ((Val)) So glad that you are done with your exchange. Rest up and let us know how the unveiling goes.

    (((((Dani))))) What the heck is that all about? I Pm'd you this morning and somehow I deleted the whole thing before it got posted. I was so mad!! I can only imagine how you are feeling. I'll PM you again.

    Has anyone had their implants through a cold winter yet? I was away at a hockey tournament and it was very cold in the rink. Boy, my pec muscles were going nuts. It was very uncomfortable(painful). Is that a normal thing. It was kind of like the dancing pec thing that you get when you scoop icecream, only it never stopped. This is a big problem for me as both of my sons play hockey and I spend so much time being cold!!

    ((HUGS))) to everyone else that I missed. I hope that all is well with you guys.

    FACECRAFTER Member Posts: 433
    edited September 2009

    Laura:  i don't have the option of putting in an implant = to the TE size.  At least my current surgeon won't do it.  I think a 550 in a 590-600 size pocket should do it.  Especially with the radiated skin the way it is.  I'll have to talk with him...It is his nurse that is saying he won't do it.

    The more I think on it, the more I think I'm right.

  • Jazzygem
    Jazzygem Member Posts: 125
    edited September 2009

    I have lived with my capsular c for about 4 months now...It has loosened up a LOT since my sweet ps has squeezed the heck out of it and I have been going through physical therapy...but my ps says he is gonna put in a new implant and he might need to make the pocket bigger...that might be the reason why it isn't moving as much as my other breast.  My surgery is Oct 20th and I will be READY!!  it's so funny I went for my pre op Monday and I layed down on the table and he I gave you some big implants!!!!  lol  I just cracked up. 

  • Cheri2
    Cheri2 Member Posts: 185
    edited September 2009

    ((((((Val))))))  Yay you!!!!  So glad it is over for you.  Just rest up and heal!!!!  Soon you will be sleeping on your side like a baby!!! Yay!!!

    KEW and Janet- awesome guys!!!  Love the photo's and the fact that you two got together!!!  

  • Jan1
    Jan1 Member Posts: 281
    edited September 2009

    ((Dani))  I wouldn't be thrilled with the PS handling of your very serious concern.  Is this his usual bedside manner?  I would consider calling the Onc as a resource.  Have you googled discharge after nipple sparing mx?  I am wondering is this has happened to someone else?  I think you deserved a better response from this Dr.  Jan

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited September 2009

    Dani:  This shoddy bedside manner is exactly why I am glad you are going elsewhere to further your reconstruction.  To leave you hanging like that - with these thoughts of recurrence and no explanation - it is inexcusable.  Okay, now I have done a lot of research on nipple sparing mastectomies - b/c my sister had one - prophylactically.  Your chances of recurrence are no greater than mine or any other woman who has had a non-nipple sparing mastectomy.  There are studies which have been performed in this regard and everything I have read suggests that nipple sparing procedures will be the "rule" rather than the exception, in the next decade. 

    This study I have linked below featured 123 women who had undergone either prophylactic nipple-sparing mastectomies or nipple sparing mastectomy after cancer.  Of the 123 cases, two of the status-post bc women had a local recurrence.  Two of the women who had prophylactic mastectomies got breast cancer.  They were followed for two and a half years.  NO ONE HAD A RECURRENCE OR TUMOR INVOLVING THE NIPPLE AREOLA COMPLEX! The tumors found some other particle of tissue to attach to - but not the nipple.....



  • dani42
    dani42 Member Posts: 206
    edited September 2009


    He was very nice until I questioned his treatment.  He dug his heals in and became arrogant.  Today was the absolute worse he has been but it will be the last time I see him.


     my PCP told his nurse he has no idea what the discharge could be and that I needed to see my surgeon.  I left a hyterically psychotic message on his nurses answering machine when I got home from my ps's office today.  The nurse called me back and was very compassionate but the doctor is off until Monday.  I told her that I don't have anyone managing my care.


    My obgyn never followed up after my mammos, which she ordered. She knew I was referred for biopsies, sonograms and MRI's but I never heard from her office.  The radiologist referred me for the biopsy and then off to the surgeon.  I don't even know if she is aware that I had a mastectomy. 

    This is what I mean by no one managing my care but me.  There is no connecting the dots here,

    Laura, I can't find your pictures on the picture forum.  


    Oh dear, dancing pecs?  Like spasms?  That has to be awful.  What about putting hand warmers in your bra?  You would just have to be careful not to burn your skin, since you can't feel it.

    Val, hope today was a better day. You probably slept through most of it!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited September 2009

    JUDY:  There is no reason you cannot fit a 550 cc implant in a pocket expanded to 600 cc's.  You don't want a HUGE capsule to be subjected to wrinkling and rippling.  You want it nice and snug in there.  Push for it and tell your PS you want 550 cc's and no excuses because you want to get it right the first time.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited September 2009

    4greatkids:  Oh I have not been through a winter yet with implants, but in So. Cal I doubt this will be a problem.  It makes me think twice about buying a mountain cabin though.  That is a nasty feeling - those dancing pecs. 

    Laura's photos are under "Well Burnt" - but under her secret name only known to the CIA.  I am going there right now to take a look....

  • KEW
    KEW Member Posts: 450
    edited September 2009

    Denise--I have had that dancing pec thing a few times when I've been really cold, I recommend a good giggle and warmer clothesSmile I couldn't believe it was happening, but heck, when I open a jar I'm afraid they will end up on my forehead.  I'v actually had it happen a little over the last two days since we seem to have the flu in the house I've had some chills that send the girls a rockin'

    Deborah---Thank you so much for your post re: nipple sparing, puts me a little more at ease

    Dani--I'm so sorry that you are going through this. Camp out in front of your surgeon office if you have too, or see your onc like Jan suggested, or go to the ER if you can't get any of your docs to pay attention.  Not ideal, but better than what you are going through. 


  • Alitman
    Alitman Member Posts: 95
    edited September 2009

    Dani - I hope you get your answers from someone - I would change PS if possible - he doesn't sound very supportive.  I wonder how he would feel if he had his "stuff" removed???  My whole process started because of nipple discharges - it wasn't BC but it scared the crap out of me... I didn' t get to keep my nips because of it.

    Denise & KEW - I still have the TEs but I know what you mean about the jumping around thing.  Even when I vaccuum the floor - mine feel like they are dancing around.  It scared me so much that I refused to vaccuum - I am now making my son do ALL the vaccuuming (nice play dontcha think??)


  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited September 2009

    Judy.. I agree with Deborah... You know. if you stay with this PS, I would let him know, that is you get ripples.. you will be back for bigger implants., and you SHOULD NOT have to do this...:(

    Deborah ... you are funny...I bet you are a closet funny person......:)... I look forward to seeing that side of you!

    Yes Dani.. I am secret there.... CIA and all...bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... you can find me... go look again..

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited September 2009

    Jean,. I hope your vacation goes GREAT!

    Yvonne.. I miss your smile....

    Greymom... I will be gone Friday... so I want you to know.. I pray for your surgery tonight... I hope your outcome is great and your recovery.. smooth..

    Val... you doing ok? You are worrying me.. I was posting the day of exchange.... and you seem like you are struggling a little... those stupid drains!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))) I am thinking about you sister!

  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited September 2009

    Hi all:

    SamIam: It seemed to me that I had a hard corner too, as the skin on my foob is really thin.  It sort of settled itself away after a few weeks, but I called anyway.  I think you should call, they most probably not do a thing right now anyway.  Most of the PSs seem to have a "wait and see" mantra, but if there is an issue going on, they perhaps could fix it manually also.  They flip babies in utero, don't see why they couldn't squeeze or push around an implant.  They also might have some suggestions for massages, or bras to wear to correct the issue at this early stage.

    Good luck! (Karen: w hat a beautiful post on love and loss and healing....)

    I had some fun yesterday....went for the regular appt. to oncologist, who is 1. a sweetie pie and very smart and 2. the most nerve wracking, anxiety inducing man I have ever met.  Everything is rapid fire and warp speed.  He can throw so much at you so very fast....I have an anxiety attack just walking into the office!  At any rate, all went well, but I checked my bp at home and got 158/89!!!! Yikes!!!  I have lost weight, exercise, etc., and I know I was stressed out of my brain along with just having aquired a new job, etc., etc.,

    My GP said I have something called "white coat fever" anxiety and small wonder...I don't get it with her, I get a nice 120/80.  So I will give this a week or so, keep taking it and cool down.  Those 6 months check ins what they do to a girl...........also the fact that yet again,,,,another non fan of a prophy on my remaining hoot.  My onc. says he will support me in this decision if I am determined on it, but he doesn't really see the need, and is AOK with mammo and MRI yearly.  I am now going to go to Sloane in NYC and see another breast surgeon who specializes in BC.  Then I will proceed accordingly.  Which will be a prophy. 

    But what a few days.........I could use a vacation.


  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited September 2009

    You know where the vacation is miss ANNIE..... and it is a CHEAP trip....

  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited September 2009

    Oh Laura, I wish hon.  I am starting a new job next week.  But you guys had better come back with some great stories!!! I'm counting on it!

    Did Tracey make the boob hats?

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited September 2009

    I rarely hear from Tracey...:( .. I have no idea...

  • Bigapple09
    Bigapple09 Member Posts: 247
    edited September 2009


    My PS was cold when I was unhappy with my recon, but when I was still unhappy at 6 months and started crying he went back to being the great guy he was at the beginning. I told him how I felt and explained its not vanity, I am uncomfortable and in pain and how it was impacting the way I felt about myself. Once I stopped having a stoic front and was the person I am, and it made a big difference inn the way the p/s spoke with me, he must have spent nearly an hour with me.

    Its hard not to react strongly after being through so much, and its even harder when people don't listen to us when we think there is something wrong with our bodies.

    You should talk to your onc or onco surgeon about the discharge, odds are it is nothing, nipple discharge can follow tissue trauma, head injury or even surgery, ask the onc if they can do a ductal lavage on you.

  • dani42
    dani42 Member Posts: 206
    edited September 2009

    Deborah, thank you for the research info.  You are an amazing woman!  It does make me feel more relaxed abut keeping the nipples.

    Altiman, how funny you are about the ps having his "stuff" removed.  My husband commented once, and only once, about my buying another bra after the exchange.  Yes, I do have more bras now then I have ever had but that isn't the point.  I told him "let me cut off your testicles, sew them on backward and then complain when you want new underwear!"      Funny, he never complained again.  LOL

    Thank you everyone for your support.  I am calmer now and will see my new ps on Oct. 15th.

  • dani42
    dani42 Member Posts: 206
    edited September 2009

    Deborah, thank you for the research info.  You are an amazing woman!  It does make me feel more relaxed abut keeping the nipples.

    Altiman, how funny you are about the ps having his "stuff" removed.  My husband commented once, and only once, about my buying another bra after the exchange.  Yes, I do have more bras now then I have ever had but that isn't the point.  I told him "let me cut off your testicles, sew them on backward and then complain when you want new underwear!"      Funny, he never complained again.  LOL

    Thank you everyone for your support.  I am calmer now and will see my new ps on Oct. 15th.

    FACECRAFTER Member Posts: 433
    edited September 2009

    Deborah and Laura:  Just as I thought.  I know you are right.  I will make an appointment with my PS, and see what he says.   I don't see why a 550 would not fit into a 590 or 600 pocket. 

    thanks for the confidence booster...JUDY

    FACECRAFTER Member Posts: 433
    edited September 2009

    Alitman:  the testicles on backwards is just so funny.  I pictured them sewn on to his a$$...
    .I'm laughing out loud.  What an image!!  JUDY

  • Jazzygem
    Jazzygem Member Posts: 125
    edited September 2009

    Dani I am CRACKIN UP over the testicle comment...LOL  I had to read it to my dh and my 23 yr old son....for some reason they didn't think it was funny...haha

  • KEW
    KEW Member Posts: 450
    edited September 2009

    Janet and Dani---Lucas wanted to know what I was laughing at, he didn't think it was so funny either, boys have no sense of humor. 

    Thank you, Annie.

    Vegas gals you are nearly out the door...seriously Vegas is not ready for you gals, what a time you are going to have!!!!

    Kathie--I hope you are doing well and loving Seattle.

     Also, has anyone heard from Geena, it has been a long while since she's posted :-(

     What's flushed, sweaty, cranky, and hot?  A woman with hotflashes, 101 temp, and 90 degrees with no AC!

    Val, thinking of you. 

    Hugs to all,
