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Exchange City



  • val61
    val61 Member Posts: 969
    edited November 2009

    samiam  - congrats on your exchange date - it absolutely will be here before you know it!  Some here on EC have had nips done at exchange, if I'm remembering correctly.  Hopefully someone will chime in soon... My ps said his ideal window is 2-4 months, but they all have their own special system..... Mine are scheduled in December - 12 weeks post-exchange.  Although I personally haven't experienced much "drop and fluff," it's probably occurred, so I wouldn't want the nips ending up in the wrong place.....

     typhoon - not sure if you were the one concerned about pocket work....someone was a couple days ago.....I think I'm the recent posterchild for pocket work, 2nd only the Cheri2 who had more......the recovery time is longer, but it's really not so bad - the postive results were most definitely worth it.

  • val61
    val61 Member Posts: 969
    edited November 2009 you think there's less "drop and fluff" with low-height TE's?  Just pondering if the pecs have anything to do with it.......

  • RisingPhoenix
    RisingPhoenix Member Posts: 4
    edited November 2009

    val61 - Hello

    I'm somewhat new to posting on the Exchange City Forum.  The women on this thread exhibit such endearing support and knowledge.  Whippetmom has been exceptionally instrumental in helping me with implant sizing.

    I see from your post that you have had pocket work done. It is not for a lack of discretion, but may I inquire if your pocket work was done due to choice of implant sizing?  Did you choose an implant that was wider or narrower than your original expander if, indeed, you did have an expander?

    Thanking you, in advance, for your response.

  • val61
    val61 Member Posts: 969
    edited November 2009

    Risingphoenix - Welcome!  Yes, whippetmom is our fabulous "breast whisperer" and always has thoughtful and educated advice for us!    As for the pocket work, mine was for a couple issues.  First, my right expander had gravitated north a bit, so the two TEs were quite uneven.  So, he had to completely revise the pocket on that side.  Secondly, both TE's had gravitated laterally, so had to be moved more to the center, so that required a good bit of tissue release in the center.  I don't think the implant sizing had anything to do with it, though.  My TE's were 11.4cm wide and my implants are 12.0cm - pretty close - and since he had to move the pockets anyway, it really wasn't an issue.  My ps did take in 7 different sizes - 4 sizes of style 20 & 3 sizes of style 45 - and put in the largest he could get in without compromising my skin integrity and that were "cosmetically compatible" with my physique.  Although by volume my implants are 70% larger than my TE's, that's because I had low-height TE's which really only expand the lower pole of the "breast," so there's essentially another "half" of a foob to fill.   Amazing, really...........I did have drains - but my ps ALWAYS uses drains - but only one each side this time.  My ps allowed me to resume exercise about 4 weeks post-op, though I'm still limited on weight-bearing arm work.  I am back to teaching my aerobics class and taking pilates, though admittedly not doing everything yet.  He said yoga and pilates are the hardest type of exercise on the implants..... 

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited November 2009
    Val:  Well, you have complete submusculars, right?  You "complete" gals will slowly fluff over an extended period of time.  I think Peg is six months out and she said she has just recently seen changes and when I saw her last week, she did look fuller than she did two months prior.  I do think it possible that since the pectorals were not expanded with the low height TEs, that there will be more appreciable fluffing than there would be for those of us with the moderate and full height TEs. It could take up to a year.  I do see that as the skin stretches, even with partial submusculars, the implants become softer over time.  Mine are much softer than they were four months ago. 
  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited November 2009

    JUDY:  Just finally saw your response.  Thank you so much!  I will talk to my dermatologist about the laser treatment....

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited November 2009

    Deborah.. yes.. it separates... because the under wire also comes up the front... strange huh?

    KAREN!!! WELCOME to the other side....

    JANET... I am getting over to the picture site right now because .. and I say this slowly...

    A RADIATED BREAST IS 100% DIFFERENT!!!!!!!!!!  I am off to check....there is NOTHING in common with a rads the other "exchanged side"...

    Ladies... I have finished my pictures in the picture site... unless something changes....I have finished the 14 page saga of the Mast....TE.....Rads....Exchange one....Exchange two..:)

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited November 2009

    Laura - AMAZING!!!!  You look fabulous!  I am just so excited.....cannot wait to see you in your bathing suit and tube tops next summer!!!!

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited November 2009

    Awe, thank you Deborah...:)... I hope they stay.. ok... I always worry a little about the rads side.

    Deb.. send me your e-mail... I will send you a picture of me in the bra I am talking about... I  just put it on for bed.. and thought of you... so I took a picture...:)

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited November 2009

    Laura...PM'ing you right now.

  • Tinkerbell99
    Tinkerbell99 Member Posts: 193
    edited November 2009

    i finally was able to acess the site !!! Wow u women are truly amazing & inspiriang..nomatter what kind of implant i get..i will never ever forget all of u..u r so brave & so wonderful..tears have come to my eyes looking at the pix & reading abt ur journies along the way!!! Thank u all for posting these pix!!!! u all ROCK!!! THANK U FUMI for letting me have acess to this wonderful site!!! wow!!

  • firstmate
    firstmate Member Posts: 153
    edited November 2009

    kjbell - Karen, 

    I am so happy that you are doing well after surgery.  Don't do too much because you feel good.  Rest and heal!   Hugs!

  • VolleyGirl
    VolleyGirl Member Posts: 19
    edited November 2009

    Hi ladies,

    I wanted to post an update for my exchange surgery today and thank all of you for the kind thoughts and prayers you sent my way. They must have helped because all went well and I am feeling great. I had 2 Mentor 500 high profiles put in. I forgot to ask if they were round, teardrop, smooth or textured. I have no drains (yeah!) and have to wear the surgical bra night and day for 2 weeks then just during the day for 2 more weeks.

    I have to say this surgery was a piece of cake compared to BLM. I feel great. No more headache, no nausea, no pain really.) I took 2 Vicoden earlier and just switched to Advil tonight. I took 2 short naps today and I am definately not tired now since I am still here readling posts trying to catch up but I promise I will not overdo it. I am off of work for the rest of the week plus the weekend. I have an office job with no lifting or stretching. The only real pain I have is the occasional sharp stabbing pain below the right breast from some minor pocket work because my TE was a smidgen lower than the left side. They look well-shaped now and even. And they are sooooo SOFT they feel real. My PS told my DH that they will be large B/small C with nice cleavage. Just what I ordered and I can't wait to see.

    O2BHealthy - Good luck tomorrow (today actually)  with your exchange. My (and fellow TaTa Sisters') thoughts and prayers will be with you. Hope all goes as well as mine did today.

     Athena, Judy56 and Kjbell - hope your surgeries went well and are recovering nicely.

    Nedeza - My surgery went well and I can't wait to take the bandages and surgical bra off on Friday to shower. I had 100cc put in about 10 days ago and the left side was a lot larger than the right so they wanted me to come back last Friday for an additional 50cc on the right side, except I got busy at work and forgot the appointment. I called but it was too late to come in that day so they said to come in on Tuesday, the day before my exchange. Then on Monday they cancelled the appointment since it would not have been worth it to try to stretch the skin for 1 day. As it turned out, my TEs kind of evened themselves out because they ended up being about the same size without the extra 50cc. So, in my case it seems like both of my TEs expanded, just at different times. BTW - you mentioned Prevident toothpaste. Do you recommend that for all dental patients or just those who have chemo? Just wondering.

    I gotta get to bed. I will check in tomorrow. 



  • janloy
    janloy Member Posts: 32
    edited November 2009

    Athena: Glad you are feeling well. We must have more in common than our surgery date. My new girls are small too but I describe them as "small and perky". When are you getting your nips? My husband coaches in the winter so I'm thinking mid March when the season is over. He isn't that helpful but he is all I have.

    VolleyGirl: Glad you are healing well. I must be a wuss about work because I'm not going back until after T-day.

    Love and prayers to all,


  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited November 2009

    O2bHealthy... GOOD LUCK TODAY !!!!!! I hope you do GREAT!

    Jeana... I am very happy for you.. I hate when one of our girls have pain.. so it is great to see you have very little! Soft they are huh?? WONDERFUL!

    Ladies.. off to work for me... Hoping your day is spent full of HOPE!

  • Nedeza
    Nedeza Member Posts: 351
    edited November 2009

    Volleygirl & to everyone ~  The Prevident is recommended in cases where there is a high risk of decay due to lack of good oral dental hygiene/ lack of saliva (dry mouth)/ or during the tx o f chemo/rad.  The latter because chemo/rads does slow the production of saliva.  When this occurs, the plaque &/or food debris sticks to the teeth and weakens the enamel.  This sets the patient up for rampant decay if their oral hygiene is not clean.  There is not enough Fluoride in OTC products so an Rx is needed.  Prevident (a brand) can come in a toothpaste or gel.  There are other similar productts  Thus, I recommend such products to the patient who shows he/she are prone to decay  whether it be because of their oral care or from compromising conditions which effect the oral health such as chemo/rads & certain medications. 

  • kjbell
    kjbell Member Posts: 454
    edited November 2009

    Ahhhh! I took off the bandage today and the stinkin rads boob doesnt look like the real boob! Not that I expected it too, but I thought they would be more similar. I know it is early, but I am freaking out! I want a matching set. lol!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited November 2009

    Karen:  Can you post pics on the forum?  Maybe we have some suggestions....while you are waiting for things to settle....

  • kjbell
    kjbell Member Posts: 454
    edited November 2009

    Whippetmom-I will try to put something up this weekend. I am not really sure how to do it, but hopefully I will be able to get some help this w/e.

  • VolleyGirl
    VolleyGirl Member Posts: 19
    edited November 2009

    Good evening everyone.

    Day 2 and the pain is about a 1 until I get out of bed. Then the shooting pain under my right breast reaches a 10. Yikes! I am staying in bed. The hubby can get dinner and take care of the kids.

    Janloy-Unfortunately I have to go back to work on Monday because I have an employee off for deer hunting. No, you aren't a wuss. Take the time you need if you can.

    Estepp and Athena - Yes, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the softness. Thanks for all of the good thoughts and prayers.

    Nedeza - Thanks for the info. on Prevident. I Googled the Biotene products at Walmart and will check them out as soon as I can get over there. Sometimes I wake up with really dry mouth.

     O2BHealthy - I hope all went well with your exchange and you are in very little pain.

     Thanks for posting the address for BettiLou. I will send a card soon. Many good thoughts are going out to her.

    KEW - Wow! All 3? How is that possible? Sounds like you might need surgery for the torn rotator cuff. I think you can deal with the tendonitis with PT. I once had tendonitis in my wrist and PT worked for me. Not sure about bursitis. Weird that you just woke up with it. Do you have any thyroid issues? 

    Baxter - That is so not fair to get more cancer. There are no words. We will just pray harder for you.

    Don23 - How did your exchange turn out? Were they too big? Is that question even allowed? Hah! Any pain from the extra stitching? Are you back to work yet?


  • Tinkerbell99
    Tinkerbell99 Member Posts: 193
    edited November 2009

     OK r a list of questions i am planning on asking my ps 2morrow would luv ur input if u have any..thx!! My appt is in the morning..i'll try & sign on here thru my BB in the afternoon to let everyone know what he said!!

     1-What kind of implants will be used?

    2- Will u also use Alloderm?

    3- How do u exactly do all this? Step by step ...

    where will the  stitches be ? I have read that surgeons are cutting under the crease of the breast now to help w/ scarring especially with preventative this something u r familiar with?

    5- What kind of bandages will I have right after the surgery? Fow how long? (NO STERI_STRIPS).

    6- Will I wear a special bra or cami?  My insurance covers all this for medically necessary garments.

    7- How many drains will I have on each side & for approx how long? What is the fluid level that it can come out?

    8- Can u make sure u order beforehand the On Q pump & have it inserted into me during surgery?

    8A- How much will the On-Q pump numbing agent be expected to take the place of pain medicine?  Will the nurses be familiar with the difference between the numbing pump and the pain medicine?

    9-What pain meds will I be given in the hospital & at home? I take Percoset 10/325 & 1 does zilch..i need 2 for it to help. How abt sleeping meds in the hospital? Can u have them ordered for me b4hand so the nurses don't have to call u up? Will I be in a lot of pain after surgery?

    9A-  If the pain becomes severe during the night, will orders have been left for something stonger, or should the nurse call you directly?  I will be asked to rate my pain on a scale of 1-10

    ..what level on that scale do you expect my pain medicine should place me ideally...and what level do you feel warrants a phone call? If the pain becomes severe during the night, will orders have been left for something stronger, or should the nurse call you directly?  I will be asked to rate my pain on a scale of 1-10...what level on that scale do you expect my pain medicine should place me ideally...and what level do you feel warrants a phone call?

    9B- I have two surgeons--you and my Breast surgeon-First Dr Bahl does her thing & then u.  Are u in the operating room or do they call you when she is done?  Which one of you will be leaving the medication orders after surgery?  Have you communicated with each other about what the reconstructive surgery entails and how much that may contribute to post-op pain?


    11- How much help will I need when I come home?  Will I be able to get out of bed or recliner without help?

       12- What type of supplies will I need when I get home?  Can I sleep on my side once the drains are out if I am comfortable?

      13-What will the surgery, and my stay in the hospital, be like?

        14- How long will the surgery last?

      15- How soon will I be getting up and moving around

    16- What will my wound be like? How do I take care of it? When may I shower or bathe?

      17-When can I start using my arm? Are there exercises I should do?

      18-When will I be able to drive?

      19-When will I be able to return to work?

      20-Can you show me pictures of other reconstructions you have done?

       21- How often have you done this type of surgery?

      22-In your experience, how often do complications occur?

      23-Which complications are most common?

       24- if we plan on the 1 step do u bring into the ER several different kinds just in case 1 doesn't fit as well?  Will u also have TE just in case if the 1 step wont work for me?

    25- What r ur thoughts about Nipple sparing?



  • Firni
    Firni Member Posts: 521
    edited November 2009

    Impressive list of questions, Shoshi.  While many surgeons Rx the Q-Pump and muscle relaxers along with pain pills, mine did not.  All I got was Percocet.  I was able to take 2 every 4 hours if I needed it and it kept my pain under good control. If your PS does not Rx these meds, it isn't unusual.  I think it will be difficult for your PS to tell you what kind of pain to expect.  If you read thru the threads here, we've all had such different levels of pain with our MXs.  If your PS doesn't do nipple sparing, ask what type of nipple reconstruction he/she does.  If PS says we'll go over that when we get there, at least get a general idea of the procedure.  Ask if he does a flap, graphs or if he uses a small prosthesis.  You don't want to get to that point and find out he does a procedure you don't want.  Good luck tomorrow.

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited November 2009

    Volleygirl, Angel & Estepp – Thank you for the kind words!

    Athena - I am with you LOVE LOVE LOVE the soft feeling and cannot resist touching them.  


    Exchange surgery was this morning at 7:30am and was home resting by 12:45pm (after stopping for breakfast at IHOP). I can take a shower (and peek!) Sunday morning but I am already LOVING the new cleavage and softness. I had Allergan 133LV-14 350 cc TE’s and PS put in 650 cc’s high profile implants? (forgot to get all the details this am).


    My pain has decreased by 80% or more and I am so HAPPY about that. DH move the recliner into our bedroom but I have found that reclining fully stretches out the chest muscles too much so I will be sleeping sitting up for a few days.  


    I am very bummed because my lap top with all my foobie pic’s crashed! I have a techie friend who is trying to retrieve the pic’s since photobucket deleted them for ‘improper content’ before I could figure out how to download to Pic Forum. If I can get my pic's back, can someone help me post them?


    Healing Hugs!  


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited November 2009

    Shoshi - Your PS is going to need to cancel all other patients for the rest of the day to answer these questions.  LOL!

    Just a forewarning....I have this little premise about plastic surgeons:  You need to save up the REALLY, REALLY important questions for HIM [or HER] and get all of the other ones answered by staff or by researching on your own. Or, if he is standing there looking like he has nothing else to do, you can THEN ask all of the other questions.  But that is not going to happen in your lifetime or mine, so stick with the meaty stuff.  You don't want to have them fear you, as a patient, from the get go. His eyes will start darting back and forth and he will be looking for the nearest exit.  If he thinks you are going to bombard him with tons of questions which could be answered elsewhere - everytime he sees you - your relationship will go south in a New York minute.  They LOVE technical questions - and I see a LOT of good technical questions.  I know you are considering the one-step with Alloderm.  Spend nearly ALL of your time asking questions relative to the surgery he is going to perform and all of the nuances relative thereto.  So you want to know:


    So you get the idea?  Ask the PS issues which pertain to breast reconstruction.  A lot of these questions you listed above could be directed to the patient care coordinator, the doctor's nurse and a number of them are questions more appropriate for the breast surgeon.  Forget number 9B.  What do you care if the PS is there the entire time or playing chinese checkers at the nursing station and will come in when called?  You will be out cold! He will be there.   

    You know, I think a good thing to do IS to make a list, as you did, but simplify it into one or two line bullet points and then give a copy to the nurse. Especially regarding pain meds - what works for you - wanting to make sure there are standing orders for pain meds as needed.  Give it to the nurse tomorrow or at the time of pre-op.  Give it to the BS' nurse as well.  Keep a copy. This way it goes in your chart and nothing is left to memory.   Your BS will be the one most likely to discuss pain meds and most of this is discussed at the pre-op.  I did throw in the On-Q question, just in case they need to get insurance approval.  But don't ask if they know where it goes....they know where it goes. Just know that not every surgeon uses it....some do not like sister had a prophy by an excellent surgeon at a teaching hospital and she and her colleagues do not favor or use them....She actually had less pain than I did post mastectomies, and I had the On-Q. Go figure.

    Just get ALL of your questions answered regarding WHAT this PS can do for you in terms of building new breasts.  Like most plastic surgeons, he will be trying to skedaddle out of that room and then he is gone and the important stuff is left hanging. They all dread patients who come in with a list of questions,unfurling on the floor like the dead sea scrolls.  You see what I mean? So throw him off guard by asking him some very important questions.  You will do just fine! 

    Let us know what happens tomorrow!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited November 2009

    FIRNI - Good question for Shoshi - about HOW he constructs the nipple and areola if he does NOT do nipple sparing....

    See are going to get some great heads putting together some great questions for you tonight....

  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited November 2009

    Hi sugarbeets:  I've been MIA for so long, just spent a lot of time catching up on the posts...good thoughts to all facing new challenges and good vibes and prayers to all my girls.

    I've started a new job and it is quite challenging, so I've been , uh, falling asleep in the eves on the couch.  Pair that with my annual mammo on my "original" girl next wednesday and a colonoscopy on the friday, and I' am just a treat to be around.  Oh my.  Think good thoughts for the old gal on the right not to get up to any tricks for me, please.  I could sure use some prayers too.  I'm praying for all of you to have everything turn out perfectly, for Karens' bone scan to be AOK, ( Karen I had the lung thing too, still do).  Someone wonderful on the boards (and I should remember who, shame on me) shared with me that they are 99% of the time benign stuff but that they follow them for a period of two years to make sure.  Mine comes up in Jan.  Oh that one is quick, but it's hard, that waiting.  I'll be praying for you as well.

    Everyone stay WELL and piggy flu free.  Glad to see all are keeping that old ta ta spirit alive.

    Laura, sweetie, I am so sorry.  Virtual hugs.  I hate that you did not have numbers with you and were alone and crying.  That makes me cry.  You give your spirit and love so freely, you ought always to be surrounded by love and support. 

    xoxoxoxoto all my beautiful girls.


  • don23
    don23 Member Posts: 213
    edited November 2009

    Jeana - My exchange went well. I am not as big as I thought I would be though with the 650cc implants. I was a 38C before all of this and it looks like that is what I am now or pretty close. The stitches are  healing great and I went back to work this past Tuesday. Just saw my PS today and he asked me what I thought about the way they look and I told him I'm not sure how I like them. One looks a little different than the other one but I have to be patient and wait and see what happens with the drop and fluff thing. He thought they looked great (what else would he say?).  Hopefully I will grow to like them better!

  • Tinkerbell99
    Tinkerbell99 Member Posts: 193
    edited November 2009

    ok, i am going to c if i can post this..i may be out of posts LOl..

    Deborah & Firni..i already know abt the nipples. He does grafting.  Then there is only 1 plave in my area that does the tatto part.  He doies not have the machine.

    Deborah..thank u..u gave me great questions to ask.  i will try & get on 2morow afternoon thru my bb...i probably wont be able to post b/c it wont b 24 hrs, but i can send u a PM & u can tell everyone....

    If anyonbe has any more ideas please let me appt is for 10:45 & i get all these responses via e-mail directly to my BB!!!

    You guys r fantastic!!!!

    thank u fromt he bottom of my heart!!!

  • rockwell_girl
    rockwell_girl Member Posts: 517
    edited November 2009

    wow just caught up on about 3 pages

    Great seeing Annie again

    Laura I must have missed a post from you, sounds like u could have used a (((HUG))), luv u girl

    Karen I hope everything goes well and things fluff and stay perky : )

    well before the end of the year I want to get my tattoo done, going to try and get to the pix forum and see if I can learn anything.  If the expects here have any advise please PM me...thanks

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Member Posts: 509
    edited November 2009

    Good to see you are back ANNIE!!!!

    I was thinking of you today because I was looking over the list of stretches you sent to me.  The ones for the tight bra feeling.  I just finished up 9 sessions with a PT and she admitted that she has done all she knows to do and advised me to continue with the stretches they showed me.  It did not help, at least not yet.  Today I started adding the ones you sent to me.  So maybe with this full time job of stretching (LOL) I will start to loosen up. I also started adding some heat to my back and my boobs.....I am very careful not to burn my boobs....

    I will be praying that your tests will be great news.......