Exchange City
I just posted pic's of my nipple surgery. All went well but man I'm sore. I have feeling and today I tried to go with out gauze on them and they just hurt too bad. Can't stand to have a even a light weight shirt touch them. Found myself with my shoulders forward all day. Now I'm paying for it with a sore back, Ha!
I'm in shock over this breast mammograms change in the news. I know several women that thier BC was found when they were young 20's and 30's. The early detection saved thier lives. I have had mammo's every year since I was in my 30's. This has really bummed me out today for some reason. I hope this isn't the start of rationing preventive care in this country.
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This board was in place when Obama took office..It was appointed by the Bush administration.
It isn't political, it's stupid. And stupidity runs rampant in all politics at one time or another...or most of the time...Deborah, I met with the BS today, for a routine followup and we talked about fat grafts..She mentioned about them forming little or not so little hard lumps at times. I neglected to ask if they resolve on their own, but she said the slurry that is made to inject the fat, can create a lump even 3 to 6 months after the surgery. It feels like a cancer..needs to be ultrasounded to be sure. Sorry you have one. JUDY
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Mary, what a coincidence! I may PM you to compare notes sometime.
I was more sore after the exchange surgery than I was from either mastectomy but today I'm doing okay. My only concern: my radiated breast is still smaller than the other one. I had expected the size issue to be corrected during the exchange. I'll need to talk that over with my PS next week during the follow up. It's about a 1/2" difference in projection so it's pretty noticeable. Did this happen to anyone else? Can it be corrected during nipple surgery?
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Texas, I didn't have radiation so I can't comment on that. I'm sure Laura will be along to address that. But my right side was smaller than my left side after the exchange. PS wouldn't do a revision and nipples at the same time. He wanted the implant to settle first after the revision. I'm sorry the exchange made you so sore, but glad you're feeling better now!
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Hey everyone! I have not posted in awhile but tried to catch up on all the posts and that is a job in itself. Well,,, no nips until after first of the year! I do understand about the drop and fluff and the settling, but knida wanted this ordeal over with by the end of the year. I am really interested the more I read on 3D nips! Anyone had them done here? I only found one example on Timtams site. I had my exchange on October 21, 2009, a little over 4 weeks ago and I can finally almost sleep on my side again! Still kinda hard but trying! A question for someone - has anyone had issues with thier underarm area? My underarm (pits) are so sensitive that I cannot hardly shave! It really feels weird. I am going to assume that it is still having to do with nerves. I had three nodes removed from right side and two from the left.
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Interesting article which came out last month in Australia regarding a new device which will be used in mastectomy patients. It is a device which will be inserted [rather than a tissue expander] - to which a woman's own fat will be added or harvested to build breasts. No implant would be needed. More information can be found here:
I am not sure of that development of Myogel though. That sounds like a scary product to develop. A substance which can build fat in the human body. Wow, in the wrong hands - this could become a dangerous weapon. Just kidding a bit here.....but what a fascinating clinical trial.
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I heard about the Australian thing - wish I could have done it!
I had my first fill today. 80ccs. The doctor said he often does 200 ccs the first time! Wow, if that's the case this is going to be a long process. I am uncomfortable but it's not agonizing. I was just getting to the point where I could sleep comfortably too - oh well.
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WOW, Ann, I can't imagine 200ccs at one time, glad you didn't get that!
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I haven't been on this thread for a while 'cause I was waiting for an exchange date. Finally, Dec.15 is the big day. My PS said he wants to keep me under a 23 hour watch which is still out patient. Is this usual? He also is bringing a selection of implants so he can make the best choice at surgery. My old radiated side is 540cc, or will be tomorrow, and the prophy side is 480. He said that side could end up a D cup. Yikes! I hope not. I wouldn't know what to do with a set that large. the old me was barely an A. I hope a nicely shaped B cup is in my future.
He has me pushing the TE's, quite forcefully, to the center to enhance cleavage several times a day. He also approved of my sleeping on my side and pressing the expander inwards with my body weight at the same time. I'm glad he okayed that because I can not sleep on my back.
Well, I'm now getting very excited and looking forward to the next stage of life. I know my DH will be glad when it's not all BC all the time. He deserves a medal, driving me to Reno and back to Idaho all the times he's had do it. I'm sure he's glad to be winding this up.
Take care ladies,
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Yikes my exchange date is almost here (Wednesday, 11/25). Like NAE, I chose 11/25 so that I would have the long weekend to recuperate. I do not have to go back to work until the Tuesday after my surgery. Although I'm excited about removing these TES, I'm also nervous about being in the hospital again. I guess we all feel that way. I meet with my PS tomorrow and I'm trying to formulate a list of questions for him.
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I wondered about his statement about 200 ccs. His nurse came in and told me first fill was usually 80 to 100 cc. Then he said 200!
I don't understand halff of what that man says. He pointed out my breast to me, and told me that I had lower breasts than normal - not saggy but just lower on the body, you know? Apparently, that means something but I don't know what. I am quite aware that the reconstructed side will be higher than the real side, but I assume that can be fixed with a lift and an implant on my real breast.
He really tries to explain things to me, but he's one of those people who is so knowledgeable that he doesn't understand how people who aren't don't understand the details he wants to point out.
Apparently, some of my inframmamary fold is gone due to where they had to take the cancer and that'll affect things to. I guess I better sit and think about what I don't understand and have him explain to me in simple terms WTF he's talking about.
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Hi everyone, I'm back from my surgery today. Been home about two hours and I feel great. For some reason I was not as groggy and sleepy as I have been in the past. That's a good thing!! Thank you all for your good wishes about the IV. The nurse got it in on the first try!! I was so cannot imagine!!! For now all the pain I have is where the tissue from the dog ears was trimmed away, BUT, NO DRAINS!!! YEAH!! Right now, no pain from the lipo, but it is anticipated. Will take pain meds before bed tonight. One more step toward the finish line. Thanks for all the good wishes and prayers and I hope all surgeries went well today. Will check in again soone. Sleep in the future for me and pain meds!!
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Econmon.........hope all is well.
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Deborah - You are welcome, but, I believe Laura deserves the credit for starting EC. We started talking about it on the December 2008 surgery thread. And, you, of course, take the credit w/ your knowledge and expert advice! I believe it was you that suggested we add surgery dates to the thread too.
I have had a little rough time this week, or, actually my son has. On Monday night he was working on a car and cut off the top digit of his pinkie finger. It could not be saved in the ED. He is 25 and this has been tough for him. Not only does he have to deal w/ the missing digit of a finger, but it hurts quite a bit. And he gets sick to his stomach if he takes anything stronger than tylenol w/ codeine. This is the same son that broke his neck in two places three years ago, thank god he was able to recover from that after six months.
I am going to tell him to take up knitting!!!!
Hugs to all recovering from surgery this week.
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Texas357-Same thing has happened to me. Had the swap on rads side and lift on real side Nov. 10. As the swelling goes down, the rads side seems to be drawing in and up more and more. Saw the PS and he told me to massage the rads side with cocoa butter or aloe 3x a day to try to help loosen everything up. I see him again 12/31. I am not expecting perfection, but want symmetry. Mykidsmom-sorry to hear about your son. Ouch! I hope he recovers quickly.
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Mykidsmom - Your poor son! So much to have endured in his young life! Knitting is an excellent idea, though....
Coolbreeze - congrats on your first fill - a very big day, indeed! I'm with you - couldn't begin to imagine 200cc at one time - in fact, my final volume before exchange was only 250cc! As for the height issue, you'd be amazed at what the ps can do at exchange time. Just don't be afraid to ask questions, even if he seems a bit impatient about it.
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Have exchange surgery next Friday. Having left implant put in and a lift and tuck on right side but PS has recommended a small implant on that side to help give volume to match the left. Has anyone done this? Do you think you would notice a difference in clothes if I did not have the small implant put in on the right? I am fine with the lift and tuck but not sure on the small implant and not even sure why I am questioning this except I think I question all doctors now. I don't know if any one knows of any pictures out there to see the difference in one way or the other.
Any help would be appreciated, the day is quickly approaching and wish I knew for sure what I was going to do.
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MyKidsMom: I am so sorry to hear about your son's accident. Your post actually tore at my heart strings more than all of us ladies fighting cancer. If you are anything like me, you just want everything to be right in the world for your kids. I am definitely more that way now post BC diagnosis than I was before. I will say a prayer for him.
Glad to hear everyone is healing well and best of luck to all who have surgeries coming up. Thanks for all the knowledge shared. As I said before, I wish I would have studied more before my surgery but lucky for me I was blessed with a wonderful surgeon. I plan to post TE and post exchange photos next week.
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Blessed - Is your surgery scheduled for 11/27? Do you want me to add you to the list?
I know several ladies on this thread have had a unilateral BMx and then did procedures on their healthy side. Hopefully some will post on your question. I can't help much myself.
Best wishes. - Jean
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blessedby4: Yes, let the PS do what he needs to do to gain symmetry and it nearly always includes using a small implant on that healthy breast.
Coolbreeze: Well, your PS needs to repair the IMF - make sure you ride herd on him about repairing it and ask how he intends to do so.
Karen: I would do just as your PS suggests and in fact, grease up that puppy and massage, massage and then use Sandy's empty Cool Whip tub method, whereby you place the empty tub over the breast and then put on a snug sweatshirt and let that foob cook under the tub for a few hours. Sandy posted some photos of herself with the tub on her chest.....maybe she will come here and post how it is done. You can also use saran wrap over the breast - tape it on somehow. If a Cool Whip container is too large, something else might work - some other tupperware-type container.
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I am sorry I haven't checked in the last couple of days - things here have been somewhat tense. My pre-surgery appt with my regular Dr went well and I asked for the white blood cell count to take to the PS on Wednesday. The white blood count is NORMAL so they don't know if there is an infection or not - they drained 300ccs of fluid off on wed and sent it off to a lab - so far the cultures are showing nothing and no weird micro-organisms - I had to go back today to drain off an additional 240ccs because it keeps filling up. I already know it is filling up again and I'll call the PS in the morning for another set of needle pokes to draw off the fluid. At first the fluid was mostly clear and yellowy - today it was all bloody. My PS doesn't know what is causing it. We are scheduled to go forward with the exchange and if nothing weird shows up when I am open, he will replace them both.... Ps said it could be caused by lymph (which would be infection) cancer, trauma or some weird heriditary thing - he is discounting all but the trauma. I have been so good about not lifting anything so I can't imagine what trauma there could have been. I no longer walk into things since I got used to the size of the expanders.... I wish he would just put in a drain to hold me over til tuesday - these pokes and pulling fluid off really make my body hurt.... but no advil - too close to surgery date.... Please keep good thoughts for me and hope with me that I get to have both exchanged on Tuesday....
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Hi Ladies. I had to catch up with all the entries. I love this site. I've learned so much. I finally have an exchange date -- JANUARY 18, 2010. My TE's (hubcaps) are 720 ccs. PS is putting in 700 high profile gummy bears. He says I probably won't need drains. I'm scheduled for a D&C and biopsy of uterus on 12/7 because of excessive bleeding. They're concerned because of the Temox. Will this ever end???
Alison: My prayers and thoughts are with you... Good Luck on Tuesday.
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Hi kerkle, I have my exchange on 11/30. I convinced my PS and the gyn doc to do the exchange and oopherectomy at the same time. I do not plan to have my uterus out, but the gyn doc said he would look around and if anything did not look right, he would remove the uterus. I've been told if I don't need the full hysterectomy, I I only need to be out 2 weeks. I've been told to be prepared to wake up with pain from the oopherectomy, but not so much from the excahnge. I'm doing this because I don't want to be put under one more time than I have too and I am BRAC II positive. It seems harder and harder to recover from the effects of anesthesia than anything else. They plan to give me something for nausea this time because I really have to hurl after I wake up. Because it is planned later in the afternoon, I've been told I very likely may have to spend the night. I'm going to do EVERYTHING I can to go home.
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I am so sorry to hear of your son. I know what it is like to have a son who is accident prone. My son broke his left femur when he was 2 -8 weeks in a body cast and scoliosis as a result, broke his shoulder, broke his front teeth to the root, name it. Now he is going to be 17 and wants to join the Marines. He even took the entrance exam yesterday. The idea of my son in the line of fire is chilling!
As far as pain meds for your son, has he tried taking pepcid for his stomach? That is one of the drugs they gave me prior to surgery to keep me from getting sick.
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mbtlcsw01: Thank you for letting me know that you too are doing the 2 surgeries at the same time. I started to get worried that it is not done. Exactly as you have said: I have been told it is best to be put under as few times as possible. I do not have the gene, but my oncologists feel I have "a" gene and if I want my ovaries out, then they will do the whole surgery at once. I was told there there is a strong correlation with BC and ovarian as well as a rare uterine cancer. Good luck with your surgery and get lots of Gravol! Also, I hope everyone is feeling well and recovering speedily from their surgeries and good luck to all those upcoming. I still don't have a date, but am getting so much information from lurking here every night. Thank you!
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Allison-I will say a prayer that everything works out for you. Good luck.
Whippetmom-I will try the cool whip thing. Never heard of it. Is the heat supposed to help soften things up?
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Kidsmom, I'm sorry about your son too. I work in a school and one of our students was playing after school on a gate where he wasn't supposed to and cut the tip of his finger off. He is fine now and believe it or not the kids love to see it! It's kind of made him popular.
I have two boys and I know how horrible it is to see them hurt, but he'll get over it, probably faster than you will.
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(((Allison))) sorry...I hope this all resolves quickly...
mykidsmom...ouch for your son!
Hope today's surgeries went well....
God Bless!
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Allison--I'm so sorry you are going through this trial so close to your exchange. Prayers that it will all turn out well on Tuesday. Thank you for keeping us posted.
Mary--I had an abdominal hyster/ooph and appendix for the heck of it when I had my exhcange. I was in more pain below the belt for sure, and it lasted longer than I expected, but now 6 months later, it wasn't so horrible. Take stool softener because even if you are having your ovaries removed you will still find it hard to push--sorry ladies. I think you'll be fine to go back to work in two weeks, but if you are not, don't push it. We don't heal well when we push oursevles.
Jean--So sorry about your boy!
Deborah--You are a class act and I'm proud to know you.
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Allison--I'm so sorry you are going through this trial so close to your exchange. Prayers that it will all turn out well on Tuesday. Thank you for keeping us posted.
Mary--I had an abdominal hyster/ooph and appendix for the heck of it when I had my exhcange. I was in more pain below the belt for sure, and it lasted longer than I expected, but now 6 months later, it wasn't so horrible. Take stool softener because even if you are having your ovaries removed you will still find it hard to push--sorry ladies. I think you'll be fine to go back to work in two weeks, but if you are not, don't push it. We don't heal well when we push oursevles.
Jean--So sorry about your boy!
Deborah--You are a class act and I'm proud to know you.