Exchange City
Hey Mary, 4 weeks ago I had a full abdominal hysterectomy and ooph. I also had another exchange of my left implant. My ps also lipo-ed both sides (the side fat; fat under my armpits) all at the same time. I was able to drive after 2 weeks and I feel fine! The hysterectomy was a very quick recovery for me, although I like to play it up at home so my family will do things for me...shhhh. My exchange has been fine too except I developed cellulitis in the breast that was exchanged. I seem to be prone to it since it was the 3rd time. Anyway I am 4 weeks out and I don't even feel like I had a hysterctomy/ooph. Of course we all heal differently. My gyn says to wait the full 6 weeks, no lifting 15 pounds or more and no sex and all that good stuff. My conscience is clear knowing I won't get uterine or ovarian cancer!
Good luck!!
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lenelle: Lots of people have 3D nips.. You can see pictures of them under scar camouflage, areola tattooing, or paramedical work,,, (me) Earleen Bennett Melany Whitney
All of these are good examples of what the 3D tattooing looks like. JUDY
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Texan... yes.. this rads side is an issue for you. If you an not happy with the size difference. You are going to need another exchange if you are up for it. There is a chance that the rads breast would NOT stretch anymore.. and you PS did not accommodate that in the Other implant..
If you like the larger size.. I would first have PS put a bigger implant in the rads side... IF it will stretch.. and it just might NOT. So you will also have to go into exchange knowing that you might have to go smaller on the other side to get symmetry.
Make a decision on what you want to do.. then go talk with PS. You can look almost 100% the same... you will just have to go up or down and be ok with whatever can be done..:)
Rads skin is a pistol.. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... but there are things to try.....
Let me know sister...
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blessedby4 ~ I had a unilat.MX & just saw my PS yesterday for my pre-op for my scheduled exchange & also augmentation of my healthy foob. My PS is exchanging my TE with a silicone & will use a saline implant with a port in the other breast for volume. The saline w/port allows the volume of the implant to be adjusted so that symmetry can be achieved between the two foobs. At first I was unsure about the whole thing but she explaned the reason for the smaller implant compared to the other side is because our healthy side still has breast tissue over the muscle. The MX does not of course. She's using a Allergan Style 20 w/ 500cc in my MX. Whereas, in the other she said something abouta 250 cc??? Not too sure on the exact volume. Anyway, she will adjust my healthy side as needed until both are symmetrical. I received great advice from other on the thread & from the pic forum. Rockwell_girl was very helpful to me. There's someone else that has the same as us on the pic forum but can't recall off hand...
Annie7216 ~ Yea!!! I cannot wait for next week but getting nervous as well. My PS said it will be an outpatient procedure. This is what makes me anxious because I am having both foobs worked on & yet I am going home right after the surgery???!! I stayed one night when I had the MX surgery & was grateful to have spent the one night! She also said typically a pain pump is not placed with this surgery. Hmmm....I am not sure if I like that idea especially when she did emphasize how painful my augmented breast will be compared to the exchange side. I know my PS does not like her patients staying in the hospital longer than necessary due to all the possibilities of getting an infection..."Afterall," she says, "The hospital is full of sick people". Are you staying overnight? I will be thinking of you as well as for the rest!!! God bless!
Jean ~ Oh my!!! I am sure this has to be so painful for your son!. A neighbor of mine lost a finger when his motorbike fell over when he was working on it in his garage. His wife took him to emerg. & she returned to retrieve the severed digit. My husband, along with another neighbor, had to lift the bike to look for the missing digit. It was found but too late to reattach. May God give him comfort as he recovers...
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blessedby4 ~ I had a unilat.MX & just saw my PS yesterday for my pre-op for my scheduled exchange & also augmentation of my healthy foob. My PS is exchanging my TE with a silicone & will use a saline implant with a port in the other breast for volume. The saline w/port allows the volume of the implant to be adjusted so that symmetry can be achieved between the two foobs. At first I was unsure about the whole thing but she explaned the reason for the smaller implant compared to the other side is because our healthy side still has breast tissue over the muscle. The MX does not of course. She's using a Allergan Style 20 w/ 500cc in my MX. Whereas, in the other she said something abouta 250 cc??? Not too sure on the exact volume. Anyway, she will adjust my healthy side as needed until both are symmetrical. I received great advice from other on the thread & from the pic forum. Rockwell_girl was very helpful to me. There's someone else that has the same as us on the pic forum but can't recall off hand...
Annie7216 ~ Yea!!! I cannot wait for next week but getting nervous as well. My PS said it will be an outpatient procedure. This is what makes me anxious because I am having both foobs worked on & yet I am going home right after the surgery???!! I stayed one night when I had the MX surgery & was grateful to have spent the one night! She also said typically a pain pump is not placed with this surgery. Hmmm....I am not sure if I like that idea especially when she did emphasize how painful my augmented breast will be compared to the exchange side. I know my PS does not like her patients staying in the hospital longer than necessary due to all the possibilities of getting an infection..."Afterall," she says, "The hospital is full of sick people". Are you staying overnight? I will be thinking of you as well as for the rest!!! God bless!
Jean ~ Oh my!!! I am sure this has to be so painful for your son!. A neighbor of mine lost a finger when his motorbike fell over when he was working on it in his garage. His wife took him to emerg. & she returned to retrieve the severed digit. My husband, along with another neighbor, had to lift the bike to look for the missing digit. It was found but too late to reattach. May God give him comfort as he recovers...
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Nice to see you visiting EC again Bobbi... here is to hoping your upcoming exchange goes well!
Kathy...glad to see you doing well.. wahoooooooooooooooo
Deborah.. very interesting read.... growing fat.... you think.. if they can GROW it in our bodies... they could find a healthy way to MELT it OUT of our bodies..... now.. THANK would be cool!..)
Seriously... to have fat grow in the breasts.. to have a mastectomy patient.. have their own real breasts again... with or without nipple... sound heart warming.. it really does. We'll see..
JEAN... I see you give me credit all the time for EC... you know... at that point in my life... I was REALLY pushing a few of yu to start threads...:)... I was just ending Chemo and did not know my road ahead... Did not even know if I was really going to live yet...:(... but anyway...
I remember Traceytalking about getting together.. I told HER she should start a thread called.. " Ta Ta Sisterhood in Vegas... and I told you that your name.." Exchange City" was a WONDERFUL name and YOU should start a thread called... " Exchange City"...LOL
BUT... it is US AS A WHOLE.. that KEEP it going... it was not me or Tracey that got 25 women in Vegas... it was ALL OF US... and to Keep the WONDERFUL idea going... for EC.. took a gal named Jean to think of it... and a gal named Laura to encourage Jean to start a thread. and a gad named Deborah.. to run with it... ... but it took a whole village to help... ( Sandy and the coolwhip... how can we EVER forget that........EC is an enigma... it just is...:)
Anyway... I find it so sweet dear Jean brings my name up so much... ( JEAN this better not mean you are LEAVING US>.....:) Love you!
AND JEAN... OMGOSH.. your dear son... why is it... your kids and their hardships sound like my kids and theirs.... I hope he will heal well...
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Hey Karen... the coolwhip container... knowing Sunshine a little now... I SO see her doing this...LOL... I smile soooooooooooooooo big EVER DARN time I remember her pictures of this.. ( it is still on TimTam site)... The cocoa butter is what I use to massage. I am not sure that your rads side will loosen to look like what you showed me of the non rads lift side...
I say it ALL the time.. radiated tissue.. muscle.. etc.. SO SO DIFFERENT.
If I wrote a darn book on this.. It would say...
" Do the exchange on the rads breast.. and whatever it looks like in surgery... make the other breast... no matter what you do to the other breast.... look JUST like the rads breast IN SURGERY.."
The rads breast can be massaged to keep scar tissue under wraps.... you will need to do this daliy the rest of your life... BUT BUT BUT... and If someone can say different... I would LOVE to see pictures..... massaging the rads breast will not make it drop and fluff like the non rads breast...
The rads breast will stay firmer... higher.. and look like a " perfect fake breast" ..:)...
Our job is to keep it from getting CC...
anyway.... I look forward to hearing Karen, if massaging the rads breast will help it get bigger and look like your other side...:)
Let us know...and also.. what you choose to do.
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Aw my kids... sorry to hear about your son.
Um knitting -- if he takes it up -- tell him to keep the needles away from his eyes
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Judy... I was hoping you saw that post on the 3D"s.... THANK YOU FOR POSTING!!!!!!
Night ladies.. love to you all!
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Help Please! I live in Alaska and my choices for reconstruction are very limited. Had a bilateral Mx. The only choices for reconstruction for me are Lattisimus Dorsi Flap or Expanders with Alloderm. I want a normal, symetrical looking breasts. Which option is best? I am overwelmed with information. I'd appreciate advice. I am 48 years old and don't want boobs that look like cupcakes. My homegrown breasts were Ds and I like to have something similiar. I just don't have the option to travel for an extended period of time to find a DIEP surgeon in the lower 48. So, please let me know your experiences with Lattisimus Dorsi Flap and Expanders/Alloderm and implants. I REALLY appreciate your imput.
Thank you!
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Hi Ladies,
I am lurking here, reading when I can. keeping you all in great thoughts and praying for those that are having surgeries or other concerns. A lot of stuff keeping my computer time at an all time low, but I do read and care.
Judy I am so glad that there are pictures of good 3-D tattoo's, it makes a difference. Is it common for the color to fade? Just curious.
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LaceyK - Both options appear to work well. Diep is not the only reconstruction answer out there. Most of us here had expanders and implants. You will find a wealth of information here.
Thanks for all your love ladies. I agree, my son would probably make knitting needles dangerous. Groan.
Dani - I know exactly what you mean about your son and the marines. Hugs are going out to you.
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Good morning...checking in again on the day after revision and fat grafting surgery. Now I know the reason why I felt so good and was so alert and not groggy yesterday. Obviously I was given someting in the OR to wake me up quickly because i was AWAKE and ALERT until 3 am this morning!! Even the pain meds didn't help me go to sleep. Oh well, I have nothing to do but sleep today!! Anyway, even with the lack of sleep, I feel pretty good today, but lots of soreness and some pain. All in all, very manageable. Happy healing to everyone who had surgery and good wishes for those scheduled soon.
Mykidsmon.....poor son, but I know how you feel. A couple of years ago my college age son broke his elbow in a baseball game and it was nasty, had surgery and a long recovery and PT. Hang in there, it can only get better!!
Hugs to all, Kathy
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Hi ladies,
Mykidsmom, I'm so sorry about your son. My husband had this happen also working on a motor. It was very traumatic for him.
mbtlc and kerkle, I also had an oopher/hysterectomy at my exchange. Mine was laproscopic, not bad at all, and I returned to work in about 5 days. I did have to stay in the hospital two nights because of bad reaction to anesthesia. Take KEW's advice on the laxatives!:) Pain for me =sore abs from working out hard. Not too bad.
Deborah, glad the lipo/fat grafts worked for your ripples at least. Is your tummy lumpy at all from the lipo? Mine still is, and I wore compression girdles for 3 weeks after. This has been since Sept and I even still have a little soreness where my jeans button. Just wondering if this is normal.
KEW, congrats on your one year anniversary! You did it right! Can I ask about your shoulder injury? Was it both? Did you notice it right after your surgery and it got progressively worse? I seem to feel my pain at my muscles on my upper arms on the front, and I can't find any info on this. I'm not sure what Dr. to see to address this. Any advice appreciated.
Jan, nice to see you, was wondering where you were.
LaceyK, welcome to the site, you will find such great info and support here. My recon was TE and implants, very little problems. Hope yours will go as easy. Linda54 can give you more info on the Lat flap procedure.
Ilovehorses, hope your pain gets better soon. My foobs are numb, so I was wondering where your pain was coming from? Do you have feeling in yours?
MillieD, I'm sorry you're having to go through so much. Hope your surgery will go easily for you. Congrats on your exchange date.
Hope everyone is feeling better and have a great weekend,
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TXBadboob........I just had lipo and fat grafting yesterday and was told nothing about a compression girdle to wear. I only have a bandage over the navel. I have post op appt next week, should I ask PS about it? Your thoughts are appreaciated.
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LaceyK: The latissimus dorsi flap procedure, coupled with an implant of the proper dimensions, would give you a very nice outcome. One of the most natural outcomes, in my estimation. You will want to read a bit more about the latissimus dorsi, and I am sure when Linda54 sees this she will PM you with further information.0
KEW: My sentiments exactly for you as well!
Deen: I still have some knots on the sides around by my ribs - not in the belly area - and yes, still quite a bit of soreness. My PS said to massage the stomach as soon as I was comfortable doing so. Try doing this - with some massage oil.
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Thanks for the info, I had been wondering about the blood donation rules after breast cancer.
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I don't have the skin sensitivity under my arms but under both breasts. It just plain hurts to touch the skin at all. The tops and sides are fine. I have no feeling at all on the mounds. I did not have radiation or chemo and had no nodes removed so I can only guess that it is from damaged nerve endings. Anyone else have this issue?
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Jan: All tattoos fade, but the 3D tattoos are never (?) exposed to the sun, and therefore have very little environmental reasons to fade (sunshine is the enemy of all permanent makeup). They will generally last for many years, (I have seen 5-10 years before they need a touch up.) Mine were as good as new after about 3 years (yes I mine were tattooed before I had a mastectomy--to make them darker--- they had very little color) I am sure it would have lasted a long time.... Still another reason to use a good person, who knows how to 'get the color in.'
Jean: So sorry to hear about your son. So glad it was just his finger!! JUDY
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Do you have to stay overnight? Aren't exchanges usually outpatient?
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So glad things went well for you. Just try to rest and repair. I was in bed for 3 days just trying not to overdo it.
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Exchange happened yesterday. I am just a litte sore, but mostly where the port was removed, since my chest area is pretty numb anyway. Send vibes for perky and symmetry!
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Okay ladies I have a question for you experts:
I had my exchange surgery 11/16. PS put it 800cc's on the left and 700cc's on the right and did the nipple reconstruction on the right. I know it is very soon, five days post-op, but I am extremely unhappy with how they look. It is ridiculous, one is a D cup and the other is a B cup. The nipples are in different locations on the foobs by at least two inches. I have not had my follow up appt. yet, I go see PS on Tuesday.
I am already prepared to request another exchange for a matching set & fix the nipple issue.
Am I being crazy? Will the insurance cover the procedure again?????????????
I called BCBS & the rep I spoke to said if I wait to redo the procedure, the DR has to resubmit my medical history with new photos to see the outcome of the implants. She said then the medical review will either approve it or not. Is that true?
Any input would be so appreciated! My DH who has been my biggest supporter during this recon process even is in shock that they look so bad! He was going to lie & say that they looked great, but I knew by the look on his face that it was BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I should mention that the 800cc's is the final size I wanted and the size looks perfect on me.
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hi Ladies,
my internet is down @ appears a truck might of ripped the line & took it w/ them..cable company is coming tomorrow, so hopefully i'll be on line. Right now i have 5 min to post @ library b/c they r abt to close. :-)
Had my appt w/ my NEW PS!! He rocks!!! he really knows his stuff & no camera phone either!! very professional. for now we r thinking abt heading for the 1 step, buthe wants time to really look over my records & my pix he took & my reduction reports. We may decide that it is better to do the surgery date has changed b/c the only time they can coordinate their schedules is Jan 5!! i have another follow up appt with him b4 the surgery on Dec 24.
Thanks everyone!! Have a greatw eeeknd.
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Glad to hear you are pleased with him. That's the larger part of the battle.. And no camera about that? You're on your way. YAY. JUDY
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Deen, thanks for asking, I am trying to get all medical procedures done before the end of the year to avoid paying another huge deductible. I just got home from the Colonoscopy. I am just glad that it is done!!! and I got an all clear.
KEW, waiting to hear about your test today. Thanks for answering my PM
Judy, I PM'd you, thanks for all the information you give on the site.
Deborah, I am keeping you in thought and hope that the grafts are going to take and that you will be onto the next procedure.
2new1s, It is very new since the exchange and there will be settling from my experience, BUT!!! The nipples should not be 2 inches off in any direction, that is why I thought most nipple reconstruction was done after the implants settled just to avoid misalignment when the breasts settled into their fully glory. If you need to see another PS to get a second opinion I would definitely do this. Keep us posted
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Nae and Volleygirl
No I will not be staying overnight. My surgery is at 7:30 am and my ps feels I should be out of there at around noon. Pretty crazy. I'm getting 500 cc allergan style 45. My ps says he thought that 500 was too large for me but since I like it so much (I'm filled to 500 now) he is happy to use that size implant. He says he really likes using the style 45 and that his patients have been very happy with their results. I hate to say it, but I'm beginning to look forward to this surgery.From what I've read, it is painful the first 24 hours but gets significantly better after that. I'll just be happy to have it over with.
Best of luck to you NAE! You go one day befoe me and I know you will do great.
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annie7216 ~ Best of luck to you too!!! My surgery is at 9:30am...will take 2 hrs. for surgery per PS. It will be nice to have that softness...again!
I, myself, would rather spend the night just to have a restful night. My husband owns 2 restaurants...I have young boys, etc. I think my DH would rather I get round the clock care at least for the first night. Oh well...we will see.
God bless!