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Exchange City



  • suzdtoflois
    suzdtoflois Member Posts: 16
    edited February 2010

    Thanks Collen & Val

    I go for another fill tomorrow, I will ask PS what his thoughts are and will let you know.

    To all you ladies that has just had exchanges - congrats! I am so looking forward to that. After my MX's last October, seems like I have trouble feeling like a woman - I know that is silly, but I'm sure some of you have been there.

    Thanks again for your support and comments. 


  • Kristinka
    Kristinka Member Posts: 223
    edited February 2010

    Best wishes with your recovery, badmamajama! I like that you are already back at your computer, despite the fog. I hope that you feel better with each passing day and that you take it easy!

    Val, good to hear you are up and about, and that you are pleased with the surgery results. Now where is that cabana boy when you need to get that laundry done???

  • val61
    val61 Member Posts: 969
    edited February 2010

    Lovely thought.....especially If the cabana boy comes carrying a fruity little drink with a cute umbrella along with my laundry......Smile  I finally had my first night without narcotics, and I'm back to my old tamoxifen-induced sleeplessness.......  oh well......

    Just posted new pics from 10 days post-revision on the pic forum...... I'm interested to see if y'all can see the difference......

  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited February 2010

    Hello my dears, I hope you all are doing OK...Yes, my little Laura, I'm baaaaacccckkk (said like Jack Nicholson in the Shining) :)...but I missed you all too darn much.

    For bobbie:  Girl, PM me!! I had rads and every complication in the book!  I had a purplish reddish bruisey type look to the top of my foob for a year.  And yes, PS could have told you, foobies stay chilly :). They don't have the blood supply that the other girl has.

    The good news: my bruise looking discoloration has faded with time (I am two years out) and the weird, baseball shape, dropped in about 6 months or so and has just kept on getting better til now it looks really natural.

    I do think the discoloration and pain warrants a phone call, because first of all, you shouldn't be worrying about it.  Second, if it's not warm to the touch, it's most likely OK, but with rads skin, it's always good to be on the lookout.  You are seven weeks out, and probably fine now, but what's a phone call?  Don't be scared, it's what you paid him for!

    Should you need revisions, they don't like to do them until you are at least 3 months out from initial surgery, because the foobies continue to change.  But do call about the pain and the bruise, please.

    Kew, sweetie, hope you are feeling OK these days.

    Little Lovely Lady Laura, how are you sweetie pie?



  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited February 2010

    ...and to the courageous and beautiful Suzanne.  Honey, you are now twice the woman!!

    You aren't your boobs, nor are you your hair.  You are the essence of what's inside, and now you have been thru this war, we vets will pull you thru the recon.  (I like to call it "restore" because that's more what it is.  "Reconstruction" sounds to me like Atlanta after the fall.)  This is actually a fun part, you watch miraculous changes occur, you get yourself back (and better, cuz at the age I am, 54, I figure why shouldn't I look like a stripper now if I want to).   You'll be very happy with the changes that are coming....and like all of us, enjoy the boobie greed and lingerie shopping. 

    You are a valkyrie, a warrior goddess, and we don't take anything from anyone, least of all the "C" word. 



  • cnemeth
    cnemeth Member Posts: 136
    edited February 2010

    Geena ~  Must confess I was in Maui with girlfriends.  One had to fly back to Baltimore to 4" of snow and it has only gotten worse.  She said that four families on their street have been rotating the kids to each others houses.  What a great idea when you are snowed in!!  You only have kids and go crazy every 4 days!!


  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631
    edited February 2010

    LOL Colleen -- that is a great plan (rotating kids).  Those ladies are brilliant!

    Val -- saw your pics and you look fantastic!  The revision was definitely worth it.  It can only get better from here :)  And so glad you're off the painkillers (which means no pain).


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited February 2010

    Hi Suzanne:

    You have the full height, variable projection tissue expanders and they are 14.0 cm in width.  So you would be a candidate for the standard silicone 650 cc Allergan Natrelle high profile Style 20 - which would have a width of 14.2 cm.  I would think you also could use the Allergan Natrelle Style 15, which is a moderate plus profile implant - in the same approximate volume. I think you would probably prefer the high profile style.  If your PS uses Mentor implants, they have similar dimensions in high profile and moderate plus profile styles.  At this juncture, it might be good to let your PS know what volume you would like to achieve with reconstruction. 

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited February 2010

    Thanks Ladies... and ANNIE...:) :)

    My pain is gone today... SO HAPPY for me...:)

    The pharmacist told me that the meds they gave me are really week..  She did not feel I would get relief.... I went home... bummed.... WELL... SHE WAS WRONG!! WAHOOOOOOOOOOO.... for me at least... it works... I am in no pain and I'll take it.. AND the pills are not narcotic and non habit forming... I can DO THAT!


    ANnie.... good to see always...

    KEW... hoe are you sweetheart. If I do not see a post from you soon here.. I am calling... God Loves you MUCHO!

  • val61
    val61 Member Posts: 969
    edited February 2010
    Estepp - Yippeeeeee for you, girl!!!  We love you and want you to feel good!!
  • Mykidsmom
    Mykidsmom Member Posts: 448
    edited February 2010

    Laura - So cool!!!!!!

  • cnemeth
    cnemeth Member Posts: 136
    edited February 2010

    Laura ~ Please remind me what rx you are taking (chemo brain and there are soooo many pages for me to look through to find it).

    Val ~ You look incredible and they appear to be PERFECT!


  • KEW
    KEW Member Posts: 450
    edited February 2010

    Hi!!!!  Thank you for all your love and support regarding my "run in."  I'm sorry I've been offline, but our yearly site review from the National Science Foundation began yesterday, and I've been working since Sunday.  Right now we are waiting for the them to write up questions about our center that we have to answer by 8AM tomorrow morning--could be a long night.

    You all give me strength, when I feel weak, or overwhelmed and I appreciate it so much.

    I hope all is well with every one, trying to catch up on pages.


  • wabiwoman
    wabiwoman Member Posts: 151
    edited February 2010

    Love that pic, KEW!  Just checking in.  Sooooo behind on the thread after just two days!  Argh!  Glad support is going out to the newbies and oldies (???) seem to be doing well - Val!  Annie!  Lilah - how are YOU? 

    I've been at work two days.  Hiding all these scars is sort of funny.  Because of the scar on my neck I'm ascot girl.  Look ever the proper therapist!  Sooooo not how I am when I work!  The neck scar still has a thread coming out of it, but when the doc removes that on Friday, I'll go naked.  My clients can deal.  We all have scars of one kind or another.

    We're expecting a big snowstorm tomorrow which means no work for me.  I just got groceries and probably carried a bit too much.  I'm too independent and prideful for my own good.  Well, all still seems to be in place - the foobs are obeying.

    (((((Hugs to all you beautiful, TRULY beautiful! women!)))


  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631
    edited February 2010

    Geena -- Aw thanks for asking!  I am just peachy :)  I'm seeing my PS on Monday after a two week break from fills -- am currently filled to capacity at 600 cc's and the nurse last week said I was looking "tight" which bothered me because I DO want to be bigger than I am currently (a little).  We'll see what PS says next week.  I'm glad to have a week off from not only the fills but the trip to the city, the expensive parking garage, and the long wait in the office :)  I'll find out then exactly how much less she would put in vis a vis the TE (she over expands).  Since my exchange surgery can't happen til May, I'm sort of relaxed at the moment and happy that it's easy to hide the disparity in my breast size (L vs R). 

    I didn't know you were a therapist?  Physical or psychological?

    Glad to hear your spirits are still up. 

    Karen -- sounds like a lot on your plate!  Hope things ease up soon and that you pass that review with flying colors!

    Laura -- how wonderful to be pain free!  I look forward to that :)  Though I really can't complain much... most of my pain is discomfort and it is fleeting at the moment.

    Hope all of you in surgery this week are resting comfortably!


  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited February 2010

    Colleen, the docs have me on Tramadol during the day... and a flexural at bed time... I feel so much better... I could pinch myself..:) I am getting so much done... Painted the Salon.. t be finsihed Friday... make all the new " Hair" menu's... got the new business cards worked up.. etc.... I feel 30 again...WAHOOOOOOOOOO

  • Nedeza
    Nedeza Member Posts: 351
    edited February 2010


    What fun you must have had in Hawaii!!!  I've been trying to make plans to go this summer.  I just can't decide how long to stay...I really need a vacation!!!!  I'll be going to Oahu.  I'm partial to Honolulu since I grew up there & want to revisit my ol' alma mater with my boys.


  • kjbell
    kjbell Member Posts: 454
    edited February 2010

    Hey Nedeza! I was a military brat and my dad did 2 tours of duty in Hawaii.  I lived there from '74 to'81. I graduated from Pearl CityHigh School. Hawaii is beautiful!

  • kittycat
    kittycat Member Posts: 1,155
    edited February 2010

    I'm trying to read through everyone's posts here.  Any recommendations on bras after exchange surgery?  I'm still wearing sports bras from Walmart - just the plain kind. I bought a couple wireless bras with molded cups from Kohl's, but they hurt after a while.  I'm a 34D, so there's not a lot of choices out there for me either!  Help!!!

  • Adnerb
    Adnerb Member Posts: 727
    edited February 2010

    Bobbi, so glad to hear you're feeling better.

    You too, Laura!

    Colleen, I knew you were in Hawaii when you took that picture.  San Diego is paradise, but at this time of the year, you would not be able to lie around like that on the beach because it gets cold!

    Kitticat:  I don't know when my exchange is yet, but I also want the bra information.  I was still wearing my mastectomy bras after surgery 24/7 (it's been 6 months), when I discovered a bra that I bought from Target a few years ago which I never wore.  I fit my TE's (540 cc's) perfectly.  That thing that worked so well was that there is this adjustable thingy in between the cups!  I could almost cover my whole chest area with without pulling in my foobs.  It was a 36 C and a lot bigger than all my other bras.   

    badmamajama:  Nice to hear you are recovering well!

    Now that chemo is finally over, I am going to pay attention to my foobs.  I am so stoked about not having any more infusions.  On the last day my veins just all closed up and it took five painful pokes.  The nurse had to call someone else to take over.  It's over for that part of the journey, girls, and I am so happy about it!!



  • Alitman
    Alitman Member Posts: 95
    edited February 2010

    Navy - the tuck is not covered and it will cost me $6,000.   I tried to talk my PS into a discount since he needed belly skin for the nips and I would already be under general anesthesia - he just smiled and said that IS the discounted price!!! 

    I am not a small woman but I still want the tuck - I am hopeful it will jump start my desire to start taking better care of myself.  The worst (or best part) is that my PS says he will NOT do the surgery if I am still smoking.  I keep quitting only to start back up after a week or so...  My MX was prophy so I have to keep asking myself - If I went through so much to avoid bc why am I still smoking - do I think lung cancer would be more fun???  Anyway - that's the skinny on the tuck.


  • Katey
    Katey Member Posts: 496
    edited February 2010

    Hawaii!!  Now that sounds just a bit better than the northeast today!!

    Lilah, and any other nyc travelers, you can google nyc parking coupons and it will bring you to central parking for incredible discounts!  I pay $8 compare to 27 at hospital garage!

    Alitman!!  Please stop smoking!  We just lost my MIL to it in Nov, and my dad had a horrible case of bladder cancer from smoking!  Plus you will heal so much better without it, and feel so much better!  I know someone that found chewing on stirsticks helped to quit. You can do it!

    My dh went out into the storm to work, reminded him I can't come rescue if he gets stuck.  Might be a long day!  I'm feeling better each day, having to take percocet in afternoon for very sore side, but ok at night with tylenol pm.  Funny how the te's hurt at night laying down, but these new babies feel best then!

    Brenda, so great that chemo is over!! Laughing

    Kittycat, I wore VS nonwire bras for last years when I had just one foob, they had padding which disguised uneveness, now am in surgical bra for at least a week, will try on my  old ones next week and let you know, but I probably won't need one.  Unless I'm wearing white:)  Couldn't wear any for long without discomfort during TE process.

  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631
    edited February 2010

    Katey -- wow I never heard of the parking coupons!  I am so ON it.

    Brenda -- I forgot to say this on the other thread: WOOOO HOOOO FOR FINISHING CHEMO!  It only gets better from here :)


    Edit: Katey OMG I just checked that site... now i can get 6 hours for less than what I was paying for ONE hour at the SAME garage!  (And often I was ending up paying almost twice the coupon amount because of the wait).  THANK YOU!

  • navymom
    navymom Member Posts: 842
    edited February 2010

    Thanks for the info Allison.  I will still ask my PS about it.  At least now I am prepared for the answer.  I was thinking along the same line as you......being under anesthesia and using tissue.....Oh well, it was a nice dream while it lasted

    My appointment with the PS is next week.  I hope to have a surgery date for the exchange in March.  Getting my port out Too!


  • Katey
    Katey Member Posts: 496
    edited February 2010

    You're welcome Lilah!!  I know I couldn't believe it when I found that!

  • Nedeza
    Nedeza Member Posts: 351
    edited February 2010


    I'm Class of 79.  I graduated from Radford High School near the Aloha Stadium.   My Navy.  He worked in Wahiawa NAVCAM station.  We lived right across from the airport.  I have heard it has become very crowded with all the development.  I suppose we must have lived there at the right time?!!  I worked at McDonald's on Fort Street...near the Palace?  We were the only McDonald's that closed at 6pm because it was located in the redlight district!! LOL!!!  What memories!!!


  • val61
    val61 Member Posts: 969
    edited February 2010

    Geena - so glad you made it through the initial back-to-work days.  Please be careful with the lifting, though!  Enjoy your snow day!  I always loved those...Smile...I grew up in Indiana......  Thanks for asking about me - I'm doing much better.  Monday was the "turnaround day" for me....still taking my 600mg motrin, but only q12 now....looking forward to driving for the first time today.....could be a bit challenging since I'm still not supposed to lift my left parallel parking for me!

    Kittycat and Brenda - It's hard to recommend one particular bra style because our ps's differ so much with their requirements - some say no bra (I personally can't figure that one out, but I'm sure there's some reason), some say unstructured, some say underwire.  It also depends, in some part, on the size of your implants.  In my opinion, a c-cup or larger should definitely be supported, from the sides and from the bottom (IMF-inframammary fold). That being said, I think a bra may slow down the process of "drop & fluff," but it definitely reduces the risk of lateral displacement, which is fairly common......just my thoughts on the matter.......I've learned a lot about the bra thing since my ps is such a "bra nazi"........

    NAE - I was in the class of "79, too - "the last and the best of the 70's!"

  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631
    edited February 2010

    NAE and Val -- I was class of 78!  Wow we are all so close in age.  I'm having weird 70s flashbacks now -- help!  Mood rings, POW bracelets, Hall and Oats "Rich Girl"... (WHY are these the first 3 things I think of?!)


  • Grakenmom
    Grakenmom Member Posts: 137
    edited February 2010

    Hi ladies - so much to catch up, but it's nice to see everyone. Kids are out of school today, so I have a little time to be here with friends.

    Val and Kittycat - thanks for the info on post-exchange bras. My PS said that I won't need one, but that he is planning on suturing the outsides of the pockets to keep the implants centered. In this case (te's are filled to 600, implants should be 550's, so hopefully a B cup?) should I wear one anyway?  And might the sutures cause some dimpling in the skin?  I have my consult with PS next week so hope to clarify, but would like opinions from everyone as to what's worked for them.  Do I remember something about a Chicshaper from Walgreen that some of you used post-exchange?

    suzdtoflois - sorry to hear you're feeling differently, but it's absolutely NOT silly - none of us is defined by her breasts, but let's face it, they've been part of us since puberty :)  The way I look at it, losing my breasts only makes my other attributes more worthwhile (like if you lose one sense, the others become more acute) - anyway, that's what I'm telling my husband! lol

    Anniealso - LOVE your attitude! Thank you for your inspirational words.

    Estepp - very happy to hear you're not in pain. Great news!!

    Brenda - congratulations on being done with chemo!! Wonderful news!

    And I'm sorry I can't recall who posted info about PT and yoga for me, but I really appreciate the info! Had my first PT visit yesterday and confirmed that I should not fully extend my arms (especially with weights) until we get the shoulder loosened up.

    Have a wonderful day ladies - I"m off to do my shoulder exercises, xo E

  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited February 2010

    Hi ladies!

    Well, snowed in here in CT, and I am sure most of you are as well.....Laura, gal, why are you on painkillers sweetie?  Serves me right for not keeping up with my girls (you girls, not the "girls" on the lakefront property)

    Re: bras....I had a lot of luck with Champion sport bras, wirefree.  I am now a c and a double D (38, due to back issues from lat flap) and I am very very comfy in a VS wirefree Angels.  They took them off the market last year, due to concerns re: formaldehyde, but have reformulated and they really are v comfy and hide the size difference completely.

    Got a big uh "thumbs" up from hubby  ; )....  I endorse this bra wholeheartedly (or wholeboobily)

    love you all
