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Exchange City



  • Erika09
    Erika09 Member Posts: 87
    edited February 2010

    Hello wonderful ladies! -  I don't post much but follow all of you like a stalker! Hope everyone is doing great and hanging in there.

    Deborah - You outthought to write a book on implants! I went to my PS yesterday and reviewed your suggestion of Allergan high profile style 20 450cc. She liked it and said it is possible but wants to fill up TE fully prior to surgery.  I got 300 at surgery and now I am at 400cc, and 50cc more to go! She said that style 45 is also great with the best projection and it may be an option for me. What do you think?

    I   should have my last fill on February 24 and my exchange surgery on March 26 (date to be confirmed still). She told me she'll try to do the nipple recon during exchange surgery and that in some patients it is possible. I am worried about it because the implants will drop and fluff later and nipples will be crossed eye!  I mentioned it to her and she said she'd have to evaluate and measure things well during surgery. What is your opinion? Thank you!  Erika

  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631
    edited February 2010

    OK Annie -- I just want to say that "wholeboobily" is officially my favorite word of the month!

  • 2Xsenough
    2Xsenough Member Posts: 48
    edited February 2010

    Hi ladies--Thanks for all the well wishes. Thank goodness I'm out of my funk. The doc wasn't alarmed with the redness on my rad side. Just wants to watch it. Actually, it is at its reddest just after a shower and by the end of the day looks nearly normal in color.

    My PS didn't care what kind of bra I wear just so it's comfortable which at this point, seven weeks post exchange, I can only wear something binding, even a sports bra which is all I have, about half a day then I'm yanking it off. Like Kitty, I'm wondering what to look for in a bra. Especially if a more structured bra will stop my rad side implant from moving lateraly which it is doing. Any ideas? I finally get to head to the city on Sat to SHOP!!!

    Breanda, I'm so glad you are through with Chemo. Good on you. Now comes the fun part and soon to get squishy foobs.

    Estepp--from one hair cutter to another, glad you are doing so great. I am retired (after three attempts to do so) but still get itchy fingers sometimes, especially if I see a really baaad cut on a friend. But I force myself to stay mumm about it. I actually had to move to another town before the old clients gave up on me. 

    Lilah--I'm just wondering why you have to wait so long to have your exchange. I think that is possibly a good thing and that mine was hurried up too much. I was only three weeks from having my last fill and maybe this is why my rad foob isn't setteling in right. It didn't have time to stretch enough. Just my theory. I'm hoping it is still stretching with the implant in rather than the TE.

     Best of luck to all the ladies about to have their exchange. It's a walk in the park compared to what you have already done.


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited February 2010

    Erika:  Style 45 is a great style and as long as you have sufficient width - this would be another great choice for you.  You might need more volume with Style 45 - check the numbers.  Click on one of the links above at the top of the page and look at the Style 45 dimensions.  You might need around 500 ccs in that style.  I like the way your PS thinks!!

    EDITED TO STATE:  It all depends on the width of your want to stay at or above the TE width... 

  • Erika09
    Erika09 Member Posts: 87
    edited February 2010

    Thanks Deborah! What's your take on the nipple recon during exchange surgery?

  • cnemeth
    cnemeth Member Posts: 136
    edited February 2010

    Laura ~ I want what you are taking!!  The only thing feeling 30 again on me is the foobs!!

    Kitticat ~ Am living a bra nightmare right now.  Have tried about 7 so far and I was advised to not wear underwire.  That really limits the selection.  Only three of them can get me through the day and they are the "bralette" type by Cosobella and Wacoal.  Tried the Donna Karan wireless and it looks like my mother's bras (not that there is anything wrong with that . . .).  A couple with the stays in the sides had me fidgiting and swearing by 3pm.  Gave some of them to my daughter and will take the rest to Vegas for anyone that wants them.

    Actually have 4 bras that should be delivered today from Bare Necessities so am checking them out this afternoon.  It is a tough one for sure since everyone's 34DD's or 36D's are totally different!!!  Plus the "drop & fluff" thing is real and makes the bras fit differently after awhile.  Not to mention I need a little "sexy & sassy" (as someone described theirs earlier in the thread) in my life.  Will keep you posted on my success.

    Take care,  Colleen

  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631
    edited February 2010

    Hmmm... I don't know, Colleen... that bathing suit in that pic of yours is "sexy and sassy"!

    Or wait -- it's that hot bod!

  • crusader1
    crusader1 Member Posts: 114
    edited February 2010

    Here is a great parking site for NYC parking..

    All should investigate this before going into NYC.



  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631
    edited February 2010

    Thanks Francine!

  • kjbell
    kjbell Member Posts: 454
    edited February 2010

    Nedeza-We lived in the Pearl City Peninsula and then moved to Halsey Terrace. Did you live there or in Catlin Park? I loved Hawaii!!! Although I was a haoli (sp?), my long black hair and italian skin that kept me brown, let me fit right in!! I have not been back, but will get there someday. I recently went to utube and put in Celcilio and Kapono and actually watched a song clip. What memories! I worked at a truck rental place that was right behind the navy xchange.

  • Nedeza
    Nedeza Member Posts: 351
    edited February 2010


    OMGosh!  What a small world!  I lived in Catlin Park!!!  I was going to mention it on my last posting & should have known you probably had heard of it.  I blended in with no problem of course.  It was a trip to go from a school on the mainland where there were only a handful of Asians at my school to a school where the Haoli's were the minoritie!  Cecillio & Kapono...what memories!    We used to go to Hickam Base a, movies, etc.  Do you remember "Magoo's Pizza" at the Pearl Harbor Exchange?  I used to think they had the best pizza...until I went back as an adult & found it to be horrible!!  Radford High is also Bette Midler's alma mater too in her day.


    Hall & Oates!!!  What about John Travolta?!!  I got to meet him when I went to see a taping of "Welcome Back Kotter".  Ran into Vinnie Barbarino in the hallways of the studio!


    Yeah...the 70's rule!!!  Disco, funk & all!!!


  • crusader1
    crusader1 Member Posts: 114
    edited February 2010



    See you on the 13 at Neary's .( Irish Pub)

    Yes I am part of that group. Maybe you realized that already.



  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited February 2010
    Estepp - Really glad to know that you are feeling better. It sounds like you're on the right track, ready and rearin' to go. In your own words, "WAHOOOOOO!" Chris
  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited February 2010

    Thank you ladies!

    Hey.. I am going to post some rads breast pics right now... but am on another PC and for the life of my cannot remember

    1. the site http:?

    2 the screen name

    3 the pass word...

    PLEASE do not post it here... but could SOMEONE PM it to me... I am a retard... BIG ONE!

  • Jazzygem
    Jazzygem Member Posts: 125
    edited February 2010


  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited February 2010
    Cats out........Kiss
  • cnemeth
    cnemeth Member Posts: 136
    edited February 2010

    Laura ~ Only a addict would spend their birthday posting breast pics.  God bless you!!!


  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited February 2010

    LOL . Colleen.. the link to the site did not work... but I do remember the password being ok

    Could you send me the link again please...

    I KNOW... I am sitting here taking pictures  of my boobs..LOL... actually... ready to retire to the bedroom for the night. but want to get these up...

  • CTGirl
    CTGirl Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2010

    Hello, everyone!  I'm new to this forum.  Have a couple of open questions, I'd like to ask everyone:

     Ques 1) I presently have minor symmastia (breasts too close or almost touching) with my TE's.  My PS says not a problem to fix -- will just create a new pocket and close that portion of the old pocket.  No need for pressure sutures or a "thong" bra, etc, and no additional alloderm.  (I did have an alloderm sling created during my Bi-MSX.

    Went for a 2nd opinion (because I inherited the worry gene and because I'm a research freak) with a reputable PS in same geographical vicinity whose 2nd opinion was a 180 degree opposite to my PS's......He stated that he would use alloderm to create the separation when he does the exchange with perm implants and would put me in a thong bra.......Now, I feel the need to get a 3rd and 4th opinion w/o driving myself crazy......Geez, I made it this far and I still can't "relax"yet.....always have to get those 2nd, and 3rd opinions

    Ques 2)  I would be most appreciative if you can all kindly tell me what your preference is in terms of permanent implants:  saline vs. silicone    ---  as my PS is steering me to saline but is open minded and leaving it up to me if I end up choosing silicone.   He stated that there is the possibility that the silicone could have minute "cracks" that will not show up on an MRI, etc.   Thank you all for any information you choose to share with me.  I am most grateful!

  • cnemeth
    cnemeth Member Posts: 136
    edited February 2010

    Laura ~ So sorry!! I had dinner, a couple of glasses of wine and just checked in.  It is on the way!


  • Lilah
    Lilah Member Posts: 2,631
    edited February 2010

    Laura - Happy Birthday!!!

    Francine - Of course I know it's you :)  Can't wait to meet ya on the 13th!

    Nedeza -- OMG of course how I forget John Travolta? 

    Colleen -- you are too funny!  (OK you are perfectly funny :) 


  • Alo123
    Alo123 Member Posts: 72
    edited February 2010

    I think I messed up!!!! It's been forever since I posted....I had my  exchange in nipples yet.  I was gardening yesterday and was cutting some thick branches.  Well I felt a muscle pull in my chest.  I didn't think much of it at the time.  Today I can really feel the pull and it looks like me implant is for lack of a better word....funky looking.  Is it possible I messed it up with a simple pull of the muscle? 

  • Katey
    Katey Member Posts: 496
    edited February 2010

    Welcome CT girl!  I've had both saline and silicone.  To be honest, never felt much of a difference, the saline leaked out, the silicone encapsulated and looked pretty squished but didn't leak.  Only problem I had with saline was at the time (90's) I was into skiing, had to be careful of temp changes with freezing cold or hot tubs.  My newest are both silicone, and love them:)  PS moved pockets during exchange, will find out Tuesday whether he added more alloderm or how it was all done.  My first time I interviewed 4 BS, go for it, can't hurt and you'll only learn more.

     Alo, I sure hope nothing happened!!  Over the 20 years I've had an implant I have done tons of things with arm, including impinging my shoulder joint, my implant had moved up but have been told that was due to scar tissue, not anything I could have done. Hope it unfunkisizes soon!  Let us know what happens.

    As far as 70's, well I graduated college in 78, ah, fun years:)

    Happy Birthday Laura!! 

  • jizogarden
    jizogarden Member Posts: 139
    edited February 2010

    Dear Estepp

    Could you please share the non-narcotic pain med you received?  I've been having bad reactions to the meds that have been offered to me - percocet - vicodin - tylenol w/codeine - all give me crazy itchies.  I am now surviving on advil and tylenol with some valium...   I'm hoping what your taking may help me....even if your docs thought it would be too little to help :)

    I am 18 days out from a double mastectomy with TE in place..... 

    Thanks so much for your help,



  • CDB
    CDB Member Posts: 34
    edited February 2010


    I'm new here too.  Having exchange 3/26/10.

    I had to laugh when I read you had the "worry gene"!  Now I know the reason for my condition!!  Not only am I a chronic worrier, I'm also a visual learner.  I wish there was an app for my pics showing me what I'd look like down the road with silicone and saline in different sizes.  I can't picture ccs, projections, etc. in my head.  My PS would not recommend either type.  When I said I was worried about rippling she said if I went with saline and had ripples I'd feel like I should have gone with silicone.  I know someone who has saline (augmentation) and is unhappy with rippling. I'm leaning toward silicone, but don't like having to have MRIs every couple years.

    Did you use a breast surgeon?  Did they recommend the plastic surgeon?  Can they recommend anyone else?


  • Nedeza
    Nedeza Member Posts: 351
    edited February 2010


    I have silicone & have some rippling in mine....

  • kittycat
    kittycat Member Posts: 1,155
    edited February 2010

    Grakenmom - I have 550 cc's and I'm a  34D.  so, you might be bigger than a B cup.  Personally, I like wearing a bra.  It makes me feel more comfortable.  I've always been that way, even when I was a B cup before my augmentation (yes, I've had lots of fake boobs)!  LOL!!  Right now I'm still in a sports bra, which pushes the foobs together and can irritate my skin.  I found the VS wireless bras online in a 34D, so I ordered them.  I'll keep you guys posted on how it all works out! :)

  • kittycat
    kittycat Member Posts: 1,155
    edited February 2010

    Happy Birthday Laura!!!

  • Texas357
    Texas357 Member Posts: 332
    edited February 2010

    I had my 2nd exchange surgery December 16th, and my PS says I'll have my final bra size around February 24th. Seems like I've been waiting FOREVER to get new bras and from everyone's recommendations, I plan to start my search at VS.

    But I'm wondering if nipples affect how the bra will fit/feel? I have my nipple surgery on March 24th. Should I hold off buying bras until I'm fully healed from that surgery?

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited February 2010

    Grakenmom:  Did you ever post your height, weight, ribcage info?  Your TE info?  I cannot recall.

    Erika:  Boy,  they are trying to give you the all-in-one breast reconstruction package eh?  I do not agree with nipples at the time of exchange.  You need time for them to settle and do what they are going to do.  What if you need revisions after the exchange which will impact nipple positioning?  Yes, I know some have done this - very, very few gals that I know of - but in theory - why not wait a few months.  What is the rush?  No rush. 

    CTmom: Symmastia is difficult to correct.  Don't let any PS tell you it is simple.  You need a new PS.  I like the second surgeon's plan of using Alloderm to correct the defect.  Also - permanent sutures - everything I have read suggests permanent sutures to repair the overdissected pocket is mandatory.  When it comes to implants, 90% of us choose silicone. The primary reason the 10% of women here use saline is beccause they desire or need need implants larger than 800 cc's - and 800 ccs is the largest one can go with silicone presently. Because of your symmastia, it would be better to choose a narrower profile implant - and not go any larger and preferably a little smaller than your TEs, so as to not put pressure on the repair.  If you want me to help you with this further, go to the Breast Implant Sizing 101 thread and read through and provide further information.
