Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • kayok
    kayok Member Posts: 40
    edited January 2010

    O how I wish everyone going through BC had access to these sites.   Just got back from rads and while there, got to talking with a lady that was so scared, she had a Mx, chemo and was now getting set up for radiation.   Not sure of her age but maybe even older than me.   Anyway she didnt know what to expect next and her granddaughter that had brought her had no patience with her.  We talked in the changing room and hugged and when she ask me to pray for her , I almost bundled her up and brought her home with me.    Hope you all know how much you mean to me, just having someone to talk with that is in the same boat keeps it from rocking so much;


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,289
    edited January 2010

    Kayok -- definitely why we are here and so many of us stay here-- we were all just as afraid as that lady you met -- and I would imagine had many around us who just could NOT actually relate.  Then we come here and it is like coming home after some harrowing ordeal where we were tossed and battered about with no way to find solace and care.....until we walk right into the arms of all these ladies who offer complete comfort.  It becomes simply home and represents everything good and positive.  I'm sure the rest of these ladies, just as I will, will pray for that lady as well. 

    After being here awhile we start to lose our fear, and actually gain some confidence that we are meant to be and that life with all its ups and downs will go on. 

    Jo, I started logging out up top as well -- something I generally did not do.  I don't say much of anything I'd worry about, but guess it is the idea that I do place a big value on privacy and though in my heart I don't think we have near as much as we should -- I'd like to think I'm at least slowing them way down. are way too funny.  Sometimes I think -- wow !!!! what would I say if someone had a tape recorder going when I do certain things.  Even I would probably be surprised at the amt. of grunts and groans and un-intelligible noises and words that are probably being released into the universe at large. 

    Snow is coming -- just have no idea how much.  Dh's adult children who all still live in S. Dakota got 19 inches and then the temps went below zero.  All we have had so far is the arctic air.  That by the way is usually when your snow blower goes kaput. 

    Hope you all stay warm inside if you can. 

    See you later.

    Warm hugs, Jackie

  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited January 2010

    melissa1518 This is DAR  I dont think you have met many nurses. I am a retired R.N. and have never learned to put myself first.  I got a 2nd opinion from a surgeon and she recommended i see a radiologist this week.  I am now very confused as to what o do.  I had myself psyched for a mastectomy but maybe I dont have to have one now.  This Dr. is supposed to be the best in the tri state area.  But boy she has no personality.  My daughter went with me(she is in business and has to be assertive) and this woman intimidated her.  Trying to be patient DAR

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited January 2010

    oh DAR here is a laugh- I AM A  NURSE- and I whole heartedly agree BUT the reason I said 'THIS IS YOUR TIME", is because I have learned from this website that YOU must be first at this time. I NEVER put me 1st- I do understand and  my surgery (my 1st- never more than cold) landed me on my ASS and it was 3 weeks before I came up for air. We can't take care of anyone if we don't do this right the first time we will never take care of others again if don't get it right. No lecture but- just one nurse to another- the way IT IS.OK you other nurses need to weigh in here!

    I am so much lighter after having cancer- you know- used to worry about skin spots- what a gas!!! Can you even imagine??? Now -just bring it on- if it isn't cancer -well just keep moving. I have more laughs and smile almost all the time- which I did not before as I was very serious. I think Jackie or Pam said how strange it was that cancer made them better and at that point in my life I absolutely had the Scoobydo look on my face!

    Love ya all- Dar practice saying "its' all about me, Its' all about me" say this until you are hypnotized. nightie night. XXOO, M

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited January 2010

    Good morning!

    Melissa - you truly are funny.  Its one thing to say you are going to take it easy and make it all about you but its another to get others to feel that way too!  Sort of like Carolyn's lady.  As to the groans and moans, I asked my family "remember when you got in or out of a car silently."

    My experience was not so good.  I figured if I wanted to eat I had better get the food myself.  Since I had DCIS everyone pretty much thought it was "nothing."  When I had my bilateral mastectomy, before I could leave the recovery room, I had a "bleed" that required another trip to the OR to reopen both breasts.  I was anemic and had to have 2 units of blood transfused.  My sister spent the night in my room (she is a doctor at the same hospital).  She slept so soundly that had I needed her I could not have awaken her.  She slept there  from exhaustion - it had nothing to do with me!  My younger sister compared my bimx to her breast augmentation.

    When I got home my aunt came over to "take care" of me.  Between my aunt and my sister asking me where things were, telling me they couldn't find it, having to get up and find it for them their "help" was wearing me out.  Then exactly one month postsurgically I had to be re-admitted to the hospital to have my tissue expanders removed due to infection.  Didn't get much sympathy then either.

    One of the things I have learned from this is something I felt since a child, if I was going to be taken care of, I'd better learn to do it myself.  I'm really not complaining - its just the way things are.

    Jackie - you said it best - coming here is like coming home.  Thank God for each and every one of you.  If it hadn't been for this site I would now be sitting in a padded room.

    Dar - you will do just fine - keep coming back.  You have a wealth of actual experience here and women who are always there to help.

    JO - happy birthday to dh.  Hope all is well with you.

    Patoo - I can certainly relate to you - I always thought that if I ever went on a web site to meet men, with my luck I would get a serial killer!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2010

    Morning gals!  Okay, I'm going to take my "first" Tamoxifen this morning! Cool  And I read somewhere that you will know if they are working, just by noticing little side effects....meaning you can tell if your body is metabolizing them, even without taking the swab test! 

    And I've just decided not to go back to that "Oncologist" that scared the wits out of me by saying "You should be on chemo!"  He hadn't even read my final pathological report...I brought it, & showed him, & told him neither my Surgeon nor Radiologist thought I needed chemo!  What the hell?  I felt that I was starting all over with this cancer thing, with all the questions, exam, blood test, and advice from someone I had never met!   I'm calling my Primary Care Doc today, & asking her, if she could PLEASE take over here, & just be like my Oncologist, because SHE has all of my records from 35 years ago! 

    What have you gals done?  I got my prescription for Tamoxifen anyway...But I...WE sure didn't like this "new" guy...especially when just seeing me, said I should be taking chemo!   What does an Oncologist do that my Primary Care can't do?  I'll ask her, I know that's what you will say.

    Is it Okay to "ditch" one of your "team" members?    And before this post, I typed in "Can we have a forum for older people with bc?"  And sure enough, we were all there...Oh well...I'm going to "log out" from now on, & see if this one makes it!  Thanks "my family" are always here even when I can't show all my worries here at home!.....Jeannette

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited January 2010

    Yes all is true- all of it - that is WHY GOD MADE US CAPABLE OF GIVING BIRTH. ( no one else would do the long haul of care-taking) This was the one time I really did not do anything but care for myself when I had to (no one home) and when others were there they took care of me- I was lucky. OK DAR after these reports We need to hypnotize your entire family! " It is all about DAR, Its' all; about Dar...."or we could put something in their food?

    Kathleen- (tounge in cheek) I am so glad your sister was there for you- that is too funny- another nurse spent the night with me and whipped the "working nurses into shape).

    Hang in DAR- you will make it we all do because we are TOB! Yes Jackie- this site is just as comforting as coming home.

    Have a great day-

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2010

    Okay, guess what?  I logged out a few minutes ago, & my post still made it to Google!  Oh well, I won't ever give up posting, on here, because you have been my guardian angels....And if these posts DO help someone else, looking for comfort, they most surely will find it here!  Jeannette

  • kayok
    kayok Member Posts: 40
    edited January 2010

    Good morning, Gals

    When we speak of nurses, must tell you that I really wanted to go into training back in 1955, but the fellow I was dating did not want to wait 3 years to marry, and , I after all, was 17 and might have been an old maid if I waited too long.   I had worked as an aid all thorough high school and even in surgery part of the time.   I only circulated there but had a great start on knowing what I wanted to be.   Well, since I didn't go into training, I decided to take my Mom up on her offer to go to beauty school so I could take over one of her 2 beauty salons.   Went to Beauty school 3 days, the last day was saturday before Decoration Day, now they call it Memorial Day.  Anyway the school was very busy and they were really pushing ladies through.   Most folks that go to beauty school have messed with hair.   Not me, I couldn't even do my own, but I thought I had to learn some way to support myself.   The school sat a lady down in front of me with hair half way down her back and told me to pin curl her up.   Well, after an hour and a half, I got her under the dryer and walked out.   Never went back and always wondered what happened to the poor lady.  My only hope is that she is not one of YOU reading this true confession.  Married the love of my life at 18 and we have taken care of lots of family and folks along the 53 years and now as we all know it is time to take care of ourselves.  Don't feel bad about collecting on any princess points you have coming and let others know you need them now, so time for them to stand up.  Love knowing you are all out there to help us take care of one another.

    Hugs, Carolyn 

  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited January 2010

    This is (ITS ALL ABOUT ME DAR) OK MELISSA, I have been hypnotized.  As I sit here thinking what I am going to fix for everyones dinner.  JEANETTE I know how you feel with your oncologist.  I had a 2nd opinion with a surgeon, supposed to be the best in the tri state area.  She was so condescending but very good at her profession, I dont think I will go back to her.  I am going back to my compassonate surgeon.  MELISSA I too am a TOB.  Had a nephrectomy in July, renal cell carcinoma and 2 lumpectomies.  With the nephrectomy I landed in ICU didnt want to breath.  Had O2 sats of 33 %.  Two weeks home I went to the casino, had to get out of the house.  Love to all.  We are supposed to get a big snow storm on Thursday.  Dar.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited January 2010


    It is true that "cookies" save places you have been on your computer and you should clean them out once in a while.  But doing that only erases your history on your own computer.  So if you have posted on a site like this, it is still floating around out there.  Just like if you go to eBay to shop... you can erase your activity off of your machine but if you go back to eBay it remembers you were there before.  Difference is that is a public forum.  eBay is structured such that other people can't see what I am looking at but here, we want others to read our posts here.

    I don't know if could structure this site so only logged in members could see messages but what is the point anyway... anyone can be a member.

    Big brother is watching :)


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2010

    Pam is right this is a public forum so anyone can look but you have to be logged in before you can comment. I think one just has to be a little careful about what is put up on the net but with this site its not going to stop me talking with my friends.

    Isabella - how is the snow? UK is getting a real dump of snow at present even in Guernsey where my son is.

    I see it is also extremely cold in parts of the States.

    I must get moving and get out for my walk before it gets too warm.

    Have a great day


    PS I wouldn't have come to this site if I hadn't found it one night just as I was starting chemo and looking for information.  Came in through google and then found a group that was starting their chemo. It has been the best place and support I could ever have found.I wouldn't like to turn people away by making access restricted.

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited January 2010

    I put a cookie cutter program on my laptop as I wanted to blog on some topics that I did not want to haunt me and maybe that is why I can't find my "stuff" out there-Jo, Jeannette what are you googling?

     DAR- YOU are a TOB- I never want to be as tough as you, that is just TOO MUCH_ please take care-Love ya M

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2010

    GEEZ!  I tried to post an article I read, but I lost the whole thing!  So I'll try & post the site... again.  Also Melissa...just go to google, type in any thread on this "can we have a forum for "older" people with bc" and it is there, like all of them...which is good in a way, because that's how I found this site!  And if it helps other women like us, who are so terrified of this cancer stuff!   

    My SIL was telling me about how Suzanne Somers cured her own that is only 1/2 true...She advocates her alternative treatment, which is her choice...but she DID have the lumpectomy followed by traditional that might have 'cured' her cancer, without doing anything else...just like this article says.... This is the article..... dated April 2005.

    Suzanne Somers is well

     Suzanne Somers was on Larry King this week to declare she is free of breast cancer. This was news partly because of the alternative cancer medication she was taking - Iscador, an extract of mistletoe. And Somers certainly believes she is cured, as she told Larry:

    And you get an inner intelligence. You know, you have now been diagnosed, you know what I mean. You get a sense of it in your body. And I just have this sense that it's gone. I don't know how else to explain that.

    (Full transcript.)

    I certainly hope it is true that she is free of cancer, and I wish her well. But is Iscador really a help in the fight against cancer? Well, it's possible. The website lists some studies they claim support that view. Without going into those studies in detail, I have three points:

    First, a large, if not the main part of her recovery, can be assigned to conventional medicine. Due to the latest screening techniques, Somers discovered early on that she had cancer, and if cancer is discovered early the chances of recovery are much higher than if discovered late. Following this discovery, she was treated by surgery (removal of the tumor) followed by radiation. Without these conventional treatments she wouldn't have survived. To her credit, Somers did attribute much of her recovery to the conventional treatments she took, and does not appear to be against conventional medicine in general.

    Second, no conclusions can be drawn from one case like this, no matter what the outcome (good or bad). We can only draw conclusions from the results of a much larger clinical trial, with double-blinding and placebo controls.

    And third, despite what Somers believes personally, her own belief in this treatment means nothing. Trials have to be double-blind for a reason - people can easily fool themselves. So her personal view that her "inner intelligence" tells her she is free of cancer counts for little, as does her view that the Iscador injections have kept her free of all other illnesses while she has been taking them.

    Iscador may help fight cancer. Or it may not. But we can learn very little or probably nothing about it just from Suzanne Somers' experience.


    At the risk of plugging myself too blatantly, I addressed this very issue in great detail four months ago in one of the first big posts I made when I started my blog. I even mentioned Suzanne Somers.

    Let me expand on what you said briefly. What people don't understand is that surgery alone can "cure" most early stage breast cancers. Radiation, hormonal therapy, and chemotherapy can all decrease the chances that the cancer will recur (which is why they are given), but it is surgery that "cures" the cancer. In fact, for early stage cancers, the additional benefit of chemotherapy can be surprisingly small on an absolute scale. (When a patient with an 90% chance of cure with surgery alone has an improvement in her chances of 40% with chemotherapy, that only works out to a 4% improvement in absolute numbers.) That is why randomized clinical trials with large numbers of patients are necessary to detect true treatment effects, particularly in early stage cancers.

    If Suzanne Somers underwent surgery to treat her cancer, it was almost certainly the surgery, not the Iscador, that was responsible for her "cure." Unfortunately, patients who undergo surgery and then eschew radiation and chemotherapy for some "alternative" treatment often attribute their survival to the "alternative" treatment, not good old-fashioned surgery. They become testimonials. You don't hear from those who make the same choice but recur. They don't make it.

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited January 2010

    There were a few threads on this site when Suzanne Sommers was on the Larry King show. It certainly caused a great deal of controversy.

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited January 2010
    We will see- I plan to out live her although I wish her well- I don't buy it for one second! And where is her research? Where did she get her MD, DO, or even RN degree? Why do "stars" think they know about other areas of this world considering they don't live in "Our" world? Why are their lives "News"- this creates lots of talk at our house and we watch the BBC World News as they don't tend to report on trivia. (Of course she is entitled to her opinion but I mean REALLY?, I think she should put all her hair in a onesided ponytail and go do thigh busters until she drops)Yell
  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited January 2010

    Alyson...we are 'snowed in'... well I am, and I like it that way. I always watch the weather and saw this lot coming, so did a 'big' shop, then holed up !! Of course I can use DHs 4WD, but I don't like 4WDs, my car just will not travel on snow, being so low to the ground, it just spins and goes sideways, totally unsafe. I see that Guernsey has not escaped the snow.

    I haven't been out for 8 days, quite content just pottering along, doing a bit of painting, a bit of sewing, and, of course getting the water thawed every morning to feed all our animals. I have even baked a cake, which was a minor miracle for me, I just hate cooking. We have about 8" of snow on the ground, its drifted along the drive down to the farm, so our postman hasn't made it down yet. Our drive is almost a mile long, then we are out onto a very minor road, and another 2 miles before we hit a major road. DH has been out most days to get newspapers. My DD and DS haven't even rung to see if we need thoughtful !! We could be laid out frozen and they'd not know !!! To be fair I haven't rung them either, but I just assume, as they're early 40s, have teens around all the time, they'll be OK.

    My 17 yr old g/son, who passed his driving test 6 months ago, crashed head-on into a 6' wall, wrecking his car, shaking himself and g/f badly, just after Christmas. They ended up being ambulanced to hospital, bruised and shaken. No-one thought to inform me for 3 days, so things between DD and I are a little strained !! I read her the riot act...once again...and also G/son, who just laughed at me ! I wonder if I will be STILL reading the riot act to DD when she is 60 !!! She called to see me 10 days ago, and looked like a clown. I cannot understand the way she dresses.

    She has had her hair crew cut on the top, and long at the sides, onto her shoulders, it is streaked with red normally, but she has added green now to the mix ! She had on thick red tights, a grey skirt that was only just decent, a tight black bomber jacket, and tartan scarf. I was just glad no-one I knew saw her ....her and her DH have a very busy garage business, she is a social worker, has 2 teenagers, and a 21 yr old, and is never short of money, but she will haunt second hand shops ! I wish she would dress a bit more for her age...NOT old fashioned...but just decent would do. In summer I am regularly treated to a good view of her undies, as I am sure are everyone else who sees her buzzing around, hauling herself in and out of her 4WD. !!! I have learnt to keep my mouth firmly shut, or she will turn up in something even more outrageous next time she calls.....just easier to pretend I am half blind !

    DH has been starting with siatica for a week, its been coming on slowly. Yesterday and today he was in a lot of pain. ...he admitted it.... and that doesn't happen often. He looks pale and sort of hunched up. He WILL NOT take painkillers, nor see a doctor, so I easily lose patience when he starts to complain. I have had siatica, a lot of years ago, and its pretty painful, and will last for weeks when it gets going. I don't think the doctor can do much, only hand out painkillers. We are a bright pair at the moment., my slipped discs are driving me up the wall, but at least I take painkillers to get relief for a few hours. I get to see a neurosurgeon on 21 Jan. to discuss an op....can't see what else they can do, my physio tells me that is my only option.

    I am now off for a long warm shower, I love to feel the shower on my spine, gives me a bit of relief from my slipped discs, I have to do something , as I sure as Hell can't sleep. I am usually rattling around the house at 3 4 or 5 o'clock, either making myself a drink, or pottering...then I can't get myself out of bed before 9am.

    Hope all are well, and keeping warm, as most of us seem to have got the snow.


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited January 2010

    Hi y'all,

    Greetings from icy NE Florida!  Low this AM: 26F!!!  Fourth day in a row that the little fountain outside my kitchen window was frozen.  The fish are so cold and sluggish that the seagulls are having a feast.  Weird thing is that the grass is still bright green, usually it browns with a cold snap less than this.  And still have pink blooms on my big hibiscus.  Strange.  It's going to be this cold for several more days.   Never happens.  Global cooling now?

     I am trying to get back to walking 3 miles to fight the Arimidexitis but it is hard to do with it so cold.  Wind off the ocean makes it seem even colder.  At least the sun is shining brightly.

    I spent the day cleaning our little guest cottage.  A neighbor child died in a tragic accident on New Year's Day so we are all taking in relatives who are coming for the funeral this weekend. Just heartbreaking. I don't know how the parents are surviving.  Sad days.

    We are doing a big bed shift around.  DH wants to bring a beautiful bed he built from another house to our master bedroom here.  I had a shock... tried to help him move the kingsize mattress off so he can disassemble the bed.  WOW!   I know I could have moved it before but took all I had to just slide it over the footboard and lean it against the wall.  It is a very heavy mattress but still.  Where has all my strength gone?  I had to admit he would have to hire movers and that was disheartening to me.  He can't do it by himself and I just can't help :(

    Off, like Isabella, to shower and enjoy the hot steamy atmosphere.  Not used to this dry air from running the heat.   Then jump into the flannel jammies and snuggle under the covers.  Stay warm dear sisters!


  • kayok
    kayok Member Posts: 40
    edited January 2010

    Pam, I once was down your way when you were having such a cold spell and I kept hearing it was the "d---- yankee weather".   Whatever it is, I wish it would move on out, from the midwest too.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,289
    edited January 2010

    Absolutely Pam.  BB has been with us a long time and I still say we would be amazed at the amt. of info that is out there in the great beyond.  My only comfort is that much of it is mundane and totally un-interesting to all but a few here and there who are so bored it seems much better than it is.  Hey -- I am pretty much an open book.  It has saved me ( I think anyway ) from ANYONE who needs to GET something on me -- because I put it all out ahead of time. 

    Have had a long day today....8:50 and I'm still going so I am going to go have a shower soon and just hope I don't wake up to too much snow as I have to go to work tomorrow. 

    See ya later.

    Warm hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,289
    edited January 2010

    Oh my -- have to make this quick.  I was on page 125 and responded to Pam and then realized there was another page. 

    I am with anyone who would like to shake Suzanne Sommers until her teeth rattle.  I don't down alternative therapies --- for many years ago when people could not afford to go to Dr's too often that is about all one had -- and there is a place for them now.  I just don't get too excited about them where REAL killer diseases can do you in if you don't know what your cancer will really respond too and why.  Also -- one life incident does not an expert make -- even so-called experts if they are really smart, don't have all the answers and say so. 

    Isabella and keep me howling with laughter at times.  Isabella -- your description of your daughters' hair sounds like what my daughter Kate calls a mullet.  Oh to be young  -- like them I use to know everything -- now I'm lucky to find my way back home after a hard day at work. 

    Speaking of work -  tomorrow morn will come to soon.  Better run.  Love you all.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited January 2010

    Pam my heart goes out to the family of the lost child- my eldest sister passed at 31 y/o just 11onths before my mom and mother was never the same- long prayers going up for that family and for all that help them.

    Susan Sommers is an idiot! and NOT talented.

    Isabella, you are a scream and I love  that just put it right out there- so much easier to deal with the real stuff.

    Jackie I just got off the phone from a friend who is visiting in Canada- 20 below with 45 below wind chill factor! Forget it. We were in FL. one year for Christmas when the oranges froze- too bad for all the farmers.

    Has anyone heard from Spar? I am concerned.

    well off to bed- nightie-night.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2010

    Hey Pam......we need to get that warm FL weather back before the end of the month!  LOL  I'm pretty snowed in, too.  Dave made it out in the truck to go to work but the lane isn't in good enough condition to get my convertible down it yet.  That's fine.  I have all I need and hit the library yesterday so I have plenty of books.

    I'll be back later.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2010

    Geez I love you gals!  We have EVERYthing on this thread!  I know...Suzanne Somers is of course selling her book...The only time I thought she was cute was on "Three's Company!"  But the point is....she WAS operated on for a lumpectomy AND partial reconstruction, AND she had radiation, so the article, credits THAT to her beating breast cancer...and she shouldn't be on her high horse spouting against "our" traditional cancer treatments because she had the same!  She can "continue" to fight her cancer, any way she wants to, but she is NOT the "chosen one" for preaching her "new found" ways of fighting cancer without drugs!

    Man o' man!  Okay, I'm done with her. thoughts made me laugh, because I know just how you feel!  I see those "little girls" with their multi-color hair, & "almost" dressing, & it just makes you shake your head!  I know I try & keep my mouth shut too, when it comes to my DD...She LOOKS normal, but her ideas of marriage & mine, & etc. etc. just drive me nuts! But I know, like you, that if we say too much,  I'm afraid she won't call....So I've just told her I "won't talk about it anymore" & "it's her life!"

    Your back trouble, & DH's...I so know what you mean...I finally gave in to a double laminectomy about 20 years ago, cause I couldn't take the pain of sciatica any longer...It even hurts your brain, I swear!  The pain just grinds you to a halt, and  you rock back & forth in the chair till the Ibuprofen kicks in!  I hope you guys the best with that...Mine went away with the surgery, but it isn't for everybody...I was operated on by a neo-surgeon also!  Not an Orthopedic surgeon!  Would he try physical therapy?   My DH won't go to a Doctor EITHER unless it is almost an emergency!   Let us know! is so heartbreaking to hear about losing a child....I don't know how people survive this. It just makes our hearts hurt too!  We will be thinking about you...I'm sorry.

    And it is so darn COLD here!  It snowed yesterday, but only about 6 inches in the city.  It is now 2 degrees!!!   And supposed to stay cold!  This is one hard, cold winter so far! 

    I took my first Tamoxifen...All those worries for nothing! Wink  Don't tell Suzanne!  Ha!  And I'm also taken a few supplements & drinking a smoothie with Aloe Vera in it!  THAT smoothie stuff is what really helped me once when I had an ulcer!   I might get so healthy I can't stand it!   Talk to you later!  Jeannette

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited January 2010

    GoodAM, Jo,

    I remember 20 years ago someone said the 21st Century would be the Information Age and I did not understand what that meant.  I am certainly not moving ahead like some people our age but my sister, 4 yrs older than I, lives and breathes Facebook.  I thought I was doing well to be here!  Did your relatives who posted your picture identify you by full name?  If so, it might be fair to ask them to change it to "Aunt Jo."  You know how some of the forums here can get pretty heated... well, I read one thread where they talked about a hostile member who sought out in real life someone who disagreed with her and caused all kinds of trouble, tried to get her fired, etc.  So I guess you do have to be careful.

    Worst happened to me was that I went to CA to visit my daughter and did not tell my sister who lives 80 miles away.  A short trip and I just did not want to go the extra mile to see her that trip. Well, she saw I was there due to DD facebook page :(   Caught!

    It brings me to the thought that how in the world do politicians think they can hide anything?  And they always seem shocked when the latest affair or bribe or whatever is exposed.  

    Have you seen the thread here that ask how old were you when diagnosed?  SOOOOO many young women!  Someone suggested it is because not as many of us oldies are using the computer-web-this site.  But I think we are out here, chatting away.  

    Stay warm.  Only 29F this AM in NE Florida.  My DH is picking a lot of our fruit to give away.  Once it gets this cold the fruit does not last long.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    Hi all, yes my niece put up pictures on FB where I was the most prominent but there were 1 or 2 others in the picture.  But I'm like IllinoisLady in that I've always been open so anything someone finds on me would be old news and boring at that.   But if they post a pic of you alone, that's definitely wrong.  But then, could be they are soooooooo proud of you they want to share you with the world?

    Melissa, I had an email from Spar.  She's a little down and needs our prayers.  Also foot is not healing as well as it should (I don't think she would mind my sharing that).  We've got to get her back up on that mountain!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited January 2010

    My niece put my pic up on Facebook, I asked her to remove, she did so. I have an on/off affair with Facebook, don't really get too involved, unless I get wind there is something afoot in the family...who don't speak to me since I became a bc leper.....I can get into all of their accounts, see all their goings on and latest gossip, but it doesn't happen the other way, because I never post. It is amazing what goes on on Facebook !

    I am not in the best of tempers today. I had booked a firm to come lay me a new kitchen floor at 1 o'clock. DH and I had been going round like demented monkeys, shifting everything that moved up onto counters, and into other rooms. The place sounded hollow when we had cleared out, and looked as if we were about to move house. All the dogs had been locked up for the afternoon, then at nearly 2 along comes the call 'we can't make it' I had a go at the man who was actually going to lay the floor, then on to the shop to get the man who sold me the flooring, then, with still nothing shifting, I asked for the manager...and I just could not get these guys to listen to me and come and do as they were booked to, no matter how I argued with them.  I now have to wait until Tuesday.....Tuesday is 5 days away, and I still haven't mustered the strength to start and TRY and make some order out of the mess that is my kitchen. DH keeps asking 'where is' this that or the other...I lost it with him at teatime and swore at him !! Boy, did it echo, such a good job we don't have neighbours ! But, as I pointed out, I am in the same boat as him, and have absolutely no idea where things have been piled up. (we had to empty some big cupboards, and the tinned food from them is all piled 3 and 4 high, among crockery, pans, tools, tins of paint and anything else you can think of. I have lost my watch in the mess, and don't hope to see it for another week !! )

    One day, I shall be all done, but I think it is going to take another 2 or 3 months, and quite a few more shouts before its finished. One example today... I had measured up, very roughly, for counters, and I got approx 33 yards, DH estimated we would need 7 yards, and couldn't understand why I got mad at him. 7 yards won't even do 1 side of the room.....the 2 short sides of the room are 9 yards each !!! He hates to be wrong, and is still insisting he is right. He could easily be running around with no head before this kitchen is finished. I am giving him a bit of leeway at the moment, because of his siatica, and the extra work he is having to do on the farm, everything being frozen up, and vehicles not starting etc., but I have a very short fuse when I am trying to do something, know I am right, and DH comes strolling in giving me his 'advice'

    We are still locked into freezing weather, it is snowing again right now. There will be no let up for another 2 weeks so the meteorological office say. I was going to a 21st birthday party Saturday night, but don't think I will venture out. It is a girls night out. DH is itching to know what is going on, why its girls only. I can't tell him because I really don't know. He is offering to take me, but no way !! I have a feeling there is a  boy stripper group on, or some such entertainment. DD is in the thick of the organisation, so anything could be happening....but I think I will have to give it a miss, and behave myself ! 

    Spar, sorry you're not very well, please post and let us know how you are when you are able.


  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited January 2010

    oh my FB is quite the place. Many of the firefighters post and invite me in- but I have resisted as I need my professional space. Maybe after I move I will let a few in to keep in touch as I am fond of them but still there is a mind set that I am in management-which I am NOT. And then there is all the ridiculous stuff the youngsters in the family have to post- I don't get that- my niece had 1/2 her head shaved and there was her smiling face- I did not even say one word as I did not want the real explanation as it might be "This is my new hair daily" urgggg. I would not like named pictures on FB that I wasn't asked about - but I do see families that have entire albums posted.

    Isabella you and that house! I would want my floor also and you and DH must be worn out! Try not to stress too much but having things all misplaced is a drag.

    Patoo thanks for letting me know about Spar- I may call her if I can get the number.

     My sis had pelvic floor repair today- in surgery 2 hours and did fine. She looked good and her husband was so dear to her. I am very happy as she was single until she was 46- and they are perfect for each other.

    night girls-love ya.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2010

    Hi everyone..sending all some nice warm S. California weather...

    but I have been sick with a sore throat, etc...shucks...watching the BCS game

    now..too bad the quarterback for Tx was hurt

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited January 2010

    Hi All, First welcome to the newest gals. Second, I love you all. I don't post a lot, but I read and keep up with all of you. Most recently I had to wait over the Christmas weekend on results of a punch biopsy on the bc side. Results were negative, thank the Lord. I've got a necrotic cyst amongst scar tissue, but I still have most of my breasts. 

    Now, it's a new year and i've resolved to lose 20 pounds and make some positive changes in my activity level by joining the county swimming pool and going to do my own therapy for the overwhelming damage in my spine. I've read so many articles and stories about people who have constant back pain and there is apparently not a lot of hope to get relief from pain management (they push chemicals and return visits). Chiro's want the same. Injections are hugely expensive, largely a waste of time and money. Surgery would be my last choice. Physical Therapy provided temporary relief, but I wanted "back school" and in two different rounds of PT I never got it.

    WISH: I wish there was a Doctor that considered me a whole being. Amongst all the physicians that I've supported and received services from, not one