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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2009

    Dar, I think you will be suprised at what little post op pain there is....discomfort from the flaming drains popping out of your sides, but NOT pain where mastectomy was. I woke up with a morphine pain pump in my arm, and then was told by the nurses I wasn't using it enough !!

    I had double mast. I really only wanted that from the start, and was very lucky to be able to get my surgeon to agree. I don't know what I would have done if he'd not agreed, as we don't have the choice of surgeons that you do....I think I would have had to have paid for private treatment.

    I really did not want to be lopsided, I would have had a much worse time psychologically if I 'd woken up with just one breast there, always a terrible reminder. I have the option now to have a symetrical reconstruction, if I want, but I don't ! Were I 40 then yes, I would have have definitely had it, but am used to being flat now. I put prostheses on if I am going out, so...what the Hell !!

    The choice is personal, whatever suits your circumstances, but if I were to go thru this again I would go double mast. without hesitation. When is your op ??


  • kayok
    kayok Member Posts: 40
    edited December 2009

    Boy, have you all given me a lift today.  Yesterday when I told my quilt bunch I couldn't have them meet at my house this week, I was feeling so bad because I was short with them and feeling very angry that they didn't seem to understand there is more to life than fixing lunch for a bunch of (caring) friends and threading needles.  I was just that grumpy.   Why couldn't they understand that I wanted things to be like they use too.   Thank heavens the meaness passed and I feel sure they will all forgive my outburst.   That was the first time I have really felt sorry for myself about bc and it was not fun,  Hope not to go into the new year with any more melt downs.   thanks for telling me others have been there.

    Rita, here is an easy do ahead appititizer  that is always a hit

    2pkg. of 12 Hawaiian Rolls, or small dinner rolls, just the heat and serve kind, not brown and serve

    1/2 lb thin sliced honey ham,1/2 lb Monterey Jack Cheese shredded, 1 stick butter,1 1/2 tsp dry mustard, 3 1/2 tsp Worchestershire     Cut rolls in half and put in bottom of 9x13 pan, put ham and cheese and then top of rolls.   Melt butter, and mix in mustard,and Worchestershire, pour over the top of the rolls, cover with saran wrap and let set overnight or 8 hrs.  Bake at 350 for 10-15 or until cheese is melted nicely.    

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2009

    OK OK ....I have been going around all day thinking it was Wednesday ! I am completely in a mix up over the days since Christmas. I have 2 programes I like to watch on a Wednesday, went off to watch them, and, not on. Just getting going with a major mutter about altering schedules because its Christmas, and DH calmly informs me it is Tuesday.gggggrrrrhhhh. I think I am loosing it.


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2009

    Thanks kayok!  I'm going to go out tomorrow and get the things for the ham appetizers.  That really sounds good and something that even I can whip up!

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited December 2009

    Hi everyone.  It has been busy for me the past couple of days - on the telephone mostly.  LONG story but I have not resolved one single problem as of 6 pm tonight.   My 96 yr old Mother, my insurance, my brother, etc, etc.   I am the one everyone runs to with a problem, but there is no one for me to run to with MY problems.   This too will pass.   Hugs,   Nancy

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited December 2009

    Ok this is how it goes;

    My DMIL never quite cared for me and you know how that goes- you get what you give. As I tell you this please remember that I work for the largest Fire Department in the state of Nevada. Our Christmas was lovely, my DS and DBIL came over from Lake Powell ( the sis that came after my surgery), my DMIL , myself and my DH. Every thing went beautifully- the prime rib was great the shrimp were big, all food cooked and completed at the same time and the pecan pie won accolades all around.

    Then we opened gifts, and this is usually where we have some problems but NOT this year as DMIL has requested a denim jacket in dark blue and I found and bought 2 so that she could have her choice- as luck would have it she liked them both! Believe me this is a FIRST as I have been told in the past "Do not by me clothes!". OK, I am on a lucky streak here.

    We have a grand time and take the little woman home. She lives in an assisted living and is determined not to be told what to do or anything of the like. 4 years ago when I moved her in I went through and collected all candles- her protest was reasonable and was over the concern of the utilities going out- so I brought over many flashlights, all with new batteries. Also, I replaced her candles with the tea light fake candles so that it appeared that she had candles- she promptly threw them out!

    At any rate it turns out that DMIL was up all night with vomiting and number 2 down her legs and the placed smelled badly. Some how in her 92 y/o brain she had collected candles and matches from the caniso's and propped one of the candles up in an empty toilet paper roll- which burnt almost immediately! Then the dresser and towel caught on fire and the nurses aid came to the rescue pushing DMIL out of the apartment in a very thin nightie, one slipper and her depends, protesting all the way and trying to fight her way back into the apartment. Now keep in mind that 76 others live in the apartment building, which all had to be evacuated also, most of them in their night clothes and barely awake as it is like 7 AM on the 26th.

    I am at home fixing breakfast for my sis and the phone rings- it is one of the fire captains who is speaking in a very low voice asking if Angela is my mother. "Yes" I reply , already knowing what lies ahead as the only reason a  captain would call me through dispatch is a fire at Angelas'. He explains that "There was a small fire and she is OK, Very little damage and no you can't speak to her as she got quite upset when I told her I was going to call YOU"- I jump into some sweats and my DBIL drives me over as my DS has had the trots all night too- without the vomiting. NOW I am feeling as if MY FOOD WAS BAD!

    We walk in and she is so upset that she introduces me correctly and my 6ft 6 in BIL as my husband (DH is NOT that tall- nor does he have a curly white beard), and begins to explain the whole nasty mess, stating "that the candle fell over and a "tiny little spark" holding her little fingers together until they touch, "must have been left because when I got back to bed I smelled smoke and you know the rest"   NOT!

    The next morning when I phoned her to see how she was doing,  she tells me the REST of the story: It seems that when she was standing outside with all the other evacuated residents in their depends, she had an explosive number 2 all over the place and that the NURSE had made apartment calls on DEC 22  to tell each and every resident which apartment (only 3 ) had a GI bug of diarrhea and vomiting and instructed her NOT to go in to any of these 3 places- She went next door (1 of the 3) as "I can't imagine NOT wishing my neighbors Merry Christmas so I went over and visited"

    So the mystery of the "bad" food was solved, no one was hurt and Angela gave up her candles and matches for REAL! I am not sure how long her embarrassment will keep her from the dining room. Time will tell.

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited December 2009

    must have been posting at the same time Nancy, anything we can help with?

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited December 2009

    Thanks melissa.   You sure had a day/night of it with DMIL.   There is nothing anyone can do at this time except figure out how some people who answer the phone should listen to what is being asked of them.   No one is ill, no one is on the brink of bankruptcy - yet, and all have food, water and a roof overhead.   

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited December 2009


    So glad you learned the source of the illness and it was not you!  What a night!


  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited December 2009

    ISABELLA4  After much thought I got the courage I needed  to get a 2nd opinion.  My surgeon is not a specialst.  She is good but there are 2 that are thought of as specialists.  I just need a 2nd opinion.  I know it will probably be the same but will feel better by getting another opinion.  You have given me the courage to even think of a bilateral mastectomy.  I will probbly be having surgery in January sometime.  I am feeling better about this every day just by going to this board.  I feel I really have found women who care.  HUGS DAR

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited December 2009

    Hang in there Ernie- we have all been there and you will make it to the other side!

    Yes Pam I was so relieved that the illness was not my cooking!

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited December 2009

    kayok, I am nearly 6 years out and still have meltdowns, so your doing good girl.  Friends always forgive each other is they are real friends.

    Melissa, sounds like you had quite the drama but alls well that ends well.

    Ernie, glad you got the courage for a 2nd opinion.  If I had it to do again I would have went with a double max and after all healing had implants put in.  Hindsight huh?

    Lefty can any of us help with the problems, sorry your going through this.

    Rita, thank you thats all I can do, one day at a time.  Tomorrow is the bone density test if we make it, it is snowing here again today and we are suppose to get sleet over night.  If i had a wheelchair ramp it would be so much easier.  It is a pain to get down the stairs on my butt. DH said something about pulling me down on a tarp.  Ha,he always says you'll be fine then bump boom bang. something happens.

    I love coming here and seeing what is going on with all my friends.  I love you guys and please keep on keeping me sane.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,288
    edited December 2009

    Melissa -- forgive me, but part of me was getting quietly hysterical and on the other side was humor.  Especially for hearing that Dmil ignored the medical warning to stay out of certain apts.  I was already thinking -- that would be me, feeling impenetrable and way stronger than any little stray germ could be.  Glad it all came out ok, and hope Angela's chair in the dining room is not vacant too long.

    Nancy, I think it is the pits sometimes to be the strong one don't you ???  I guess I am thought of that way often here and now and then I'd just like to say....can I be weak and defenseless and in-capable if I promise to only do it for a short while.  I don't envy people who really are that way, but sometimes I'd like to just take five while somebody else handles life for a bit.  Ok....I feel better I'm going to jump into some jammies, make some coffee -- hope the dog from next door doesn't bark all night like he did last night because I'm very tired and curl up and watch some t.v..  Friends....I'll be back in the morning.  Have a wonderful evening.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited December 2009

    Hugs back Jackie Enjoy your hopefully quite evening. See ya tomorrow

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2009

    Spar...your snow is heading our way.  It is supposed to hit in Illinois later this afternoon or early evening.  I hope you make it out for your bone density test. That's about the only test anymore that I DON'T dread.

    Oh Melissa.....what a nightmare with DMIL.  She must be a "tough ol' gal" though to be living in an assisted living facility at the age of 92 instead of a nursing home.  I had a MIL once that was just like her.  You couldn't please that woman, no matter how you tried and gift-giving was a real treat.  I'm so glad that you found two jackets that pleased her!  You did good, gal!  I must admit that I always bought mine nice gifts but I really gave up trying to please over the years and developed a tough skin as I waited for her comments about the gifts. 

    I have purchased the ingredients for your appetizer Kayok.  It really sounds good and I can't wait to make it up tomorrow!  I'll let you know how it goes with my golfing gang!

    I'm off to check a few more things on the Internet and then to start my day.  I hope everyone has a good one!


  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited December 2009

    Good morning friends.   Yesterday I was on the phone so long trying to find  a new health insurance policy since mine is discontinued Feb 1 that both my phone batteries ran out.   One (stupid) agent told me any pre existing condition has to be listed on the application, including pregnancy.  That just about sent me off the deep end - The terminology and restrictions - gotta read all the fine print.

    I found out the Commonwealth of Virginia does NOT have a high risk pool for health insurance, but if I move to Maryland, I can get in on theirs.   OR I have to be insured for a year, pay all the premiums, but they will not pay one cent towards any pre existing condition.  

    I know this is not the end of the world, and I am able to afford insurance for another year without too much financial distress.   I have made arrangements to pay off my $7000 debt for my first chemo over a 2 year period.  They do not charge interest, so I figured making payments is good.   This is after zillions of appeal letters and faxes, from me and my dr.

    Thanks for letting me vent a bit.  Yes, I am the "strong" one who always has the time and energy to solve everyone else's problems.   I hop in my car and drive 300 miles to help my brother, I make zillions of phone calls and write letters and send faxes.   I am retired and have all the time in the world for others.   Yes, jackie, 5 minutes of not being the one who takes charge would be nice.  

    I also found out some Series I bonds I have stopped paying interest, although not "matured".  So I cashed them in and have to find some other place to put that money as a back up - that is besides paying off my medical debt.  

    And should I move to another apartment?   There have been problems here from day one and I do not use the fitness center or the swimming pool.  Could not use it during chemo, then with the port, I was advised not to use it (the pool) also. It was a good place to move after I sold the house, but now my "life style" is changed.   The location is ok but not the best.   

    Maybe I should go on the hunt for a man and get hitched.  But then I lose my pension since it was my husband's.   A pre nup that says I will be guaranteed a large amount of $$ per month to live "like I would like to"....   OK, time to get my butt in gear.   Hugs and Thanks for being yourselves.    Prayers go up for each and everyone of you.   Nancy 

  • kayok
    kayok Member Posts: 40
    edited December 2009

    Good Gravy Grannie Girls,    Do some of you wonder what you would do with all the spare time if your didn't have to deal with other folks problems???   Don't we wish we could turn some folks over our knee and give them a swat???   Or set them down at the other end of the line and tell them they are going to set there in time out until they are ready to listen and help.  (Never believed in time out)   Sorry about your trials with DMIL Melissa, but had to grin at her grit.   I remember taking my Dad out of the nursing home, to take him shopping for a new pair of walking shoes.   He had to find a pair just like the ones he had, they were Rebok's and they had some blue on them and he wanted some just like them because all the "girls" at the  home really liked his neat shoes.   Well, we went to very store in KC and couldn't find them and he would not give up until he wet his pants in the store.   I was so frustrated when I finally got him back to his room, got myself back home.    I drove in the garage at home and realized I was not in far enough so I got back in the car, left the car door open, with one leg out the door, started it up, stepped on the gas, put it in gear, the door hit the pole that was in the middle of the gargage, the door bounced back and did a number on my leg, the  front of the car hit the railing and DH was standing at the doorway.   I just backed the car out, drove to the repairman and told him to fix it and not ask how it happened.   And I know I will never cause my children trouble because I look just like my Dad.


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited December 2009

    My mom passed ten years ago but I well remember her last few years and my involvement in her care.  Bless all of you who are taking care of a parent.  No matter how good the facility it is essential for family to be involved.  I used to wonder what happened to people who did not have family to look in and after them.  It is easier to look back now and smile about things that happened. At the time it seemed very stressful.  I used to stop at the mall on the way home to just walk and unwind so as not to bombard my husband with all the details of the latest disaster.

    Wishing all you caregivers strength.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,288
    edited December 2009

    Pam...I think you have made a lot of ladies/people feel better with your wish.  In the years beforehand I doubt anyone thinks that much of " when I have to take care of ", but then the time actually comes -- and who among us would not want to do what they could.  Even though I did not have to see my Mom in a nursing facility/home as she was able to stay home, it was sometimes difficult -- trying to decide how much to do for her and when to save some jobs for her.  I always worried ( my mother was extremely independent ) that it would bother her watching me live so much of her life for her.  We both made discoveries during that period. 

    You are all fantastic who have or will watch over a parent when the times comes.  I hope some day in the not too distant future, nursing facilities ( some are not so bad now ) get better and better so that calls like Jo just received become almost nil.....and that those who do work in these places see each person there as a beautiful being who deserves the utmost care and respect until they pass on to the next life. 

    Nancy, hope it is a good day for you today.  I'll be thinking about you.  I'll be going out this afternoon to clean cat rooms at the House of Hope no kill shelter we have here in Centralia. can add me to the list of people who will be copying down your recipe.  Since I have some left over ham I may take it so my friends house for nibbles tomorrow night.  Or, my resolve to take something may fly right out the window if my day gets messy today. 

    Ernie -- glad you are going to get a second opinion for your peace of mind.  You won't have to look back then and wonder if you might have done something different from what you ultimately decide.  Glad as well that you are calmer and able to think in a broad scope a bit.  This really isn't the end of the world -- just something all of us wish had not happened to us.  Still, were I allowed or had I been to give my Bc away --- there is no one I know that I could have done so.  It was and is my cross and I will carry it -- not feeling that I could do it better and easier than anyone else, but only that it was meant for me. 

    Hope you all Maire,Carole, Jo, Rita, Kayok,Kathleen, Spar,Melissa,Pam,Nancy, Isabella, Alyson and anyone I have missed....have a fruitful great day.  I'll be checking in later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited December 2009

    Good morning and what the heck is going on?  My goodness, Murphy's law indeed!

    Kayok - Isabella IS wonder woman.  You, at least, have good times planned with the kids.  Those little "meltdowns" are well deserved.  I have a pity party once a month - whether I need it or not.

    Isabella - I have the same problem - I kept thinking Thursday and Friday were the weekend.  Now I don't know what day it is!  As to dog walking, I had just moved back to Maryland from Pennsylvania and decided to walk my uncle's dog - a rather large golden retriever - without knowing the dog - took him out not knowing he goes crazy if he sees another dog.  Instead of dropping his leash when I started pulling me in the direction of the other dog, I held on until he dragged me to the road.  My uncle heard me scream and he came out and rescued me and the dog.  Needless to say my face was skinned straight down the middle - nose looked like I had been on a drinking binge, eyes were black, purple, blue.  I dislocated one of my fingers - then the movers that loaded up my furniture in Pennsylvania came to deliver it in Maryland and there I was looking like the poster child for abuse!

    Jackie - I swear we were sisters separated at birth ... I think the day I was born I had "sucker" written across my forehead.  My family and friends dropped all appearances other than limp dishrags, incompetent to do anything on their own.  I would run around like a whirlwind trying to get things straightened out and they would do whatever they want and ignore my assistance!  And you are certainly right - just once, for five minutes, I wish someone would take care of me.

    When I had my bimx, people came to see me but if I wanted anything I usually got it myself (I did have a lot of pain the first couple days because I had two surgeries that day - one for the bimx and one to reopen the wounds the same day to fix a "bleed."  I was told this was extremely rare - lucky me!  My aunt and sister were here but asked me where to find something every 5 minutes, then complained they could'n' find it so that I had to get up to show them - their "help" was killing me!  The ONLY one who was sympathetic was my 8 year old cousin's son.  He saw me lay down on the couch and quietly came over and whispered "Kathleen, are you okay?"

    Melissa - what a night you had - good govrenor!  If it is not one thing, its another.  Glad your MIL is okay.

    Nancy - I was having the same problems as you last October.  My insurance was going to end November 30th (it was COBRA).  Every health insurance I looked at had me paying a fortune and them not so much.  You can go onto a private policy and have pre-existing conditions covered but it is not only expensive but you have to pay the deductibe first before they cover anything and prescription drugs are going to cost  you more.  This would be through HIPAA conversion.  That is the so-called "high risk" pool for Virginia.  I wrote a letter to my former employer and asked for an additional 18 months and he agreed (God bless him!).

    Jo - sorry to hear about your Dad ... I swear nursing homes have to be watched every second!  Dealing with insurance companies is pure hell.

    Sherry - delay that scan if you can until it is safe for you to walk without snow or ice to worry about.

    To the rest of my sistahs, hugs and much lover!

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited December 2009

    One very helpful lady has told me of a policy I can get thru HIPPA, at half what  I pay now, with same copay, but bit more out of pocket until 100% coverage.  Weighing the cost, it is better than I have now and I only need it to bridge the one year gap before Medicare kicks in.   Scratch that off my list.

    I was on a bit of a "high" with this news, till email from friend who has lung cancer, with brain mets.   They cannot do any further surgery, chemo and rads are done, so she is "in limbo" to discuss with doctor next week.   Prayers are needed by Amy and family.    

    Thank each and every one of you again.    Hugs,   nancy 

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited December 2009

    Good Morning! .... morning, hah!  It's still morning to those out west!   I love reading all of your issues. Aging parents, insurance, all this stuff that we never gave a second thought about when we were just  (JUST) raising kids and working full-time jobs.

    I remember my folks having to deal with dad's alcoholic father who would binge for weeks then come home all angry and difficult... he passed early at 62, but by then my dad thought that he was going in his 60's so he sort of gave up on living after that.. how sad. He lived to be 79 and died 4 years ago next month.... My mother is 79 now, and she's 4-6 HANDFULLS. None of us really want to help her because she has a very sharp tongue. She's plenty nice to the caregivers, and if you get her out in public, she's the Charm of the South. So it's multi-facted, rather, SHE is multi-faced.

    My dear cousins kept their mom at home til she was sleeping 16 hours a day and the daughter that was living with her met a man and wanted to marry. So, they took her to lunch one day and took her home to the facility that she had never seen and boy was she pissed. But she's been there for a couple of years now and has been moved to their nursing side, but she's NICE.

    I hope that should I ever need to be cared for by others that I'm nice to them. Nice to all. It's really hard when your parent is a bitch to all the family members and so all they want when they visit is a gift check. Mom's angry cause her life wasn't what she expected. She is HIGH maintenance.

    I've, too, been the strong one. Not any more. When I go to do a task for mom, I go, do, leave. She groans about being lonely, but I turn that off and just don't listen cause she's brought it all on herself, and if that sounds cold, so be it. I'm also usually the target of her "venom" and it took 50+ years but I've learned how to duck and dodge so I don't get stabbed in the heart anymore.  (I wish).


    It's also nice to know that alllllllllllll of you are dealing with the exact same sort of crap. Not nice for you, but makes me feel normal knowing that.


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited December 2009

    Nancy - I am so sorry about your friend, Amy and will pray for her.

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited December 2009

    Thank you kathleen.

    Happy New Year to all.   Click this link for a special message:,,16961_rs,00.swf 

  • kayok
    kayok Member Posts: 40
    edited December 2009

    Alyson, If I have my geography right you wouldn't be making snow angels at Christmas unless you where up in the mountains.   We were there once in Oct. and there was still lots of snow up high.  You have a very beautiful and varied country.  Tell me a little more about boxing day as I am celebrating my own boxing today,  boxing up all the Christmas decorations for another year.  Want to get it done before I start rads next week.   We had another 3 inches of snow last night and just hoping the roads are clear so I can go in for the scan tomorrow.    

    O Nancy, how your heart must ache for your friend.   We will keep her in our prayers.

    Love to all,  Carolyn

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited December 2009

    yes we have to laugh and PRAY that we don't repeat all of their shenanigans- we probably will. DMIL and I have known one another 50 years and she and I are both  fiercely independent- three weeks ago  druggie picked her up at the mall and I just happened to go over with a hot meal and interrupt that little incident-

    Yes I have wondered many, many times who looks over the ones with no family- it may be a challenging job BUT it is a job we just do and are thankful for the times when anyone listens. Angela will not listen to me and I know that much- BTW one jacket came home with DH yesterday :return it".- no surprise. OH well.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2009

    Melissa.....divine retribution for Angela he he he, shouldn't laugh, but what the heck, we ladies have earned the right to laugh at what we like !! Comes a certain age and you really don't care what anyone thinks, its your life, and you live it as you want. One day they may get to be friends with this feeling !!

    Was at the shops just before Christmas, and as usual I had 'borrowed' a cart....well, no I hadn't borrowed the cart, I was in the shop that owned the cart. I go into this particular store, pick up a cart, go right the way up and down the main street, around all the other stores, me and my slipped discs, doing my shopping, then take it back to my car, and leave it back outside the store it belongs to ! Well, I was trying to look at some baby clothes, and a great big woman zooms in on me, barges my cart sideways, pushes me out of the way, and proceeds to root thru the baby clothes. I just looked at her and said ' did you realise you nearly knocked me over ? She just looked straight thru me and ignored me. I thought  'wait 'til you want to get out of here Madam' Two mins. later she turned, and tried to extricate herself, she couldn't. I pretended to carry on browsing,standing quietly in one place, she said EXCUSE ME, again I ignored her, she barged past me as best she could, caught one of her bags on my cart, and out popped lottsa shopping. She started giving me a right old mouthful. I just looked at her vacantly, pointed to my ear and said 'Pardon, don't hear very well, have forgotten my hearing aid' I nearly wet myself laughing as she huffed and puffed away !!!!!  I wouldn't have done this 5 or 6 years ago, but the bc experience certainly makes you see life from a very different angle.

    Kathleen I can just see you all injured !!! Things like that make me want to laugh. DD has taken after me. We often laugh quietly at things we shouldn't. We got a fit of the giggles some years ago, at a funeral. We were at the back. We had tears streaming down our faces....VERY luckily for us, We were only reminiscing about that incident over Christmas dinner, and neither of us could remember who's funeral we were at, nor what we were laughing about., but we had the whole Christmas dinner table in uproar retelling that one!!!  

    Again, thinking back, we, DD and I , very rarely managed to attend a wedding, funeral or just a family dinner, without having some tiny animal with us, in need of bottle feeding, or on its last legs, all wrapped up in furry blankets, in a little box or basket, and one of us would have to keep popping outside, to either feed, or say the last rites !! My youngest brother got married , and I just could NOT leave a very tiny lamb I had been keeping alive. I didn't want to miss the wedding, so I put plastic pants on the flipping lamb, full of cotton wool, going back years here to the days before disposables. It was prancing about along the back seat of the car, yelling for its feed, I think most all the wedding party were collected on the car park !! ( must ask my ex SIL if she remembers a lamb sharing her limelight !!) 

    Today I have been shopping. AGAIN as DH says pointedly, ordered some floor covering for my extended kitchen, and picked up a few tools at the DIY store. My flooring is being laid next Tuesday, tho how the heck we shall get all the junk thats now been parked on the floor so the flooring can be laid I dread to think. Shall have to see if I can bribe G/son no 2 to get out of bed, and come and lift for his old granny !!!!! I love to go to the DIY store (and they have VERY comfortable carts for me to lean on !!) I have more tools than DH, or at least I KNOW where all my tools are. His are splurged about on the farm, in the mud, under hedges, under old tractors, you can usually tell where he's been working, there are little piles of rusting tools, like molehills all around the place. I make him sign for my tools, if ever I let him take anything outside, its the only way I would ever see them again. I have 2 big toolboxes, and a cupboard, all with padlocks on in case he tries to take anything when I am not in !!!!!!!  

    Just thinking about the funeral laughing episode, the animals at most all family gatherings, the keeping all my tools under lock and key, and making DH sign them in and out. Those few incidents alone would get me locked up, if my sanity were in question !!!!!! My family don't have to look too far for an unbelievable happening to get me put away ! 

    I am going for a nice hot shower now, and bed. Its already New Years Eve here 1.20am, We have 3 invites to parties, but all will be a no show, cannot do with all that kissing....and besides, my boobs might slip by midnight, particularly if I've been on the white wine, then they'll all be coming over to hug me ! Happy New Year One and All.


  • kayok
    kayok Member Posts: 40
    edited December 2009

    Happy New Year to all our friends Down Under,  just saw them celebrating in Sydney.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,288
    edited December 2009

    I hope I can get this in here without a bunch of strange marks as sometimes happens when you copy and paste.  This is something I feel an identity with as I have some Cherokee indian blood in me.  My Aunt once told me we were related to the Indian woman on the coin ( which coin ?? ) who was called ( sp? ) Sachajewaha,   In truth, we are all related to eveyone -- one way or other and it doesn't much matter if we are "famous" for something or not.  If we are famous for anything I hope it is basically because we had strong, good standards and did our best not to waver too far from them. 

    Guess this isn't a New Year's resolution as much as a Life Resolution list.  I'll be checking back in later as time permits.

    Native American
    Code of Ethics:

    1. Rise with the sun to pray. Pray alone. Pray often. The Great Spirit will listen, if you only speak.

    2. Be tolerant of those who are lost on their path. Ignorance, conceit, anger, jealousy and greed stem from a lost soul. Pray that they will find guidance.

    3. Search for yourself, by yourself. Do not allow others to make your path for you. It is your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.

    4. Treat the guests in your home with much consideration. Serve them the best food, give them the best bed and treat them with respect and honor.

    5. Do not take what is not yours whether from a person, a community, the wilderness or from a culture. It was not earned nor given. It is not yours.

    6. Respect all things that are placed upon this earth-whether it be people, animal or plant. Honor the Spirit in all things.

    7. Honor other people's thoughts, wishes and words. Never interrupt another or mock or rudely mimic them. Allow each person the right to personal expression.

    8. Never speak of others in a bad way. The negative energy that you put out into the universe will multiply when it returns to you. All persons make mistakes. And all mistakes can be forgiven. Bad thoughts cause illness of the mind, body and spirit. Practice optimism.

    9. Nature is not for us, it is a part of us. They are part of your worldly family.

    10. Children are the seeds of our future. Plant love in their hearts and water them with wisdom and life's lessons. When they are grown, give them space to grow.

    11. Avoid hurting the hearts of others. The poison of your pain will return to you.

    12. Be truthful at all times. Honesty is the test of ones will within this universe.

    13. Keep yourself balanced. Your mental self, spiritual self, emotional self, and physical self-all need to be strong, pure and healthy. Work out the body to strengthen the mind. Grow rich in spirit to cure emotional ails.

    14. Make conscious decisions as to who you will be and how you will react. Be responsible for your own actions.

    15. Respect the privacy and personal space of others. Do not touch the personal property of others-especially sacred and religious objects. This is forbidden.

    16. Be true to yourself first. You cannot nurture and help others if you cannot nurture and help yourself first.

    17. Respect others religious beliefs. Do not force your belief on others.

    18. Share your good fortune with others. Participate in charity. Be willing to give back to the people, so that People will live.

    Terri Jean

    © The Good Red Road
    The Turquoise Butterfly Press

    I did end up with something down here, but hope you will enjoy.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited December 2009
    HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!  Animation