Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    Jackie and Kathleen - I agree.  They would sure be trying to find me a life after watching me.  Cold here too; I think they said with wind chill it was around zero degrees.

    Welcome kk69z!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,598
    edited January 2010

    I can't stay, but did want to welcome kk69Z.  This is a great place with all understanding people who dearly love to help each other.  Hope you will pull up a chair, relax and get to know us.  Try to stay warm everyone -- if that is really possible for a lot of us.  I'll be checking in tomorrow morning as usual.  See you then.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • claude1944
    claude1944 Member Posts: 47
    edited January 2010

    Was supposed to go for labs tomorrow but came down with a terrible sinus infection this week-end after my family all left after the holidays....I am going to postpone it until the end of the week as I am sure my counts would be off due to the infection...I have been taking over the counter meds for it and I know they don' want you to even take your supplements for a week before labs as even that can throw your numbers off.  I usually get pretty anxious waiting for lab results so now I will have to wait a few more days... Speaking of weather actual temp. has been 15- 20 degrees below zero the past nights so it has been BRRRRR....I am supposed to be going to Ixtapa in 6 weeks but that seems like a long time from now in this bitter cold....I'll sign off for now....hope everyone has a great week....Claudia

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited January 2010

    Claudia- don't we all get ANXIOUS waiting for labs- It can send me into a tail spin and I can easily say you and I are not the only ones!

    Welcome KK69z, we are fine old ( only in number) group and I am a newbie here having joined in Sept.09.and everyone has helped and been kind, supportive and loving. I have had many a laugh here too and heard a few outstanding stories and Jackie has the best quotes! they are great teachers and BREAST friends too.

    Everyone who has winter upon them- throw another log on the fire, have a hot coco and as usual I will advise making snow angles- I personality will have to find a hill side that is at the right angel so that I too, would not get stuck!

    LOVE YA!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2010

    Of course kk69Z You can join in!  We are just plain fun on this site!  And the women here have supported me so much!  You can ask us ANYthing, & we will try & help!   I am rather a "Senior Partner" here, I think..(meaning a little older than the average "girl!") Wink  But we're all in this together...and that means when the fam just doesn't want to hear it anymore, we'll be here waiting for you with open arms...That was good...."breast friends!" 

    You guys, it sounds like we are ALL in the deep freeze!  Man, it just makes my recovering breast tingle & hurt when I get the chills!   Does it you!  Oh to be warm again!  Or even have a little warm wind from Vegas or Florida, Ha!   And Mexico?  Wow!  How fun to look forward to! 

    And since I now know that whatever we say here, can be found on the Internet, I'll try & behave!

    Undecided  sort of....But at MY age, who really listens, Ha!  Jeannette 

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2010

    Welcome kk69z!  There's always room on here for another sister!  This is one awesome group of ladies who really care.  I'm so glad that you found us!

    Oh Claudia...I'm the queen of worry so I completely understand the anxiety that you feel while waiting for lab results.  Everyone says it gets better as the years go by but with my Type A personality, that will be a real challenge.  If you get tired of worrying, just let me know.  I'm a pro at it and I can worry for you!   LOL   Hang in there.

    Pam, I smiled when I read about your "colder than normal" temps in FL.  It reminded me of last year when we headed to Florida the last week in January.  The temps were pretty cool that week, too.  The Floridians could not believe that we put on windbreakers and headed for the golf courses.  Hey, they were freezing and all bundled up and we thought we were just experiencing nice "Fall" weather!  I think it's all what your body gets used to, but I don't think this old body will EVER get used to the sub-zero temps that hit Illinois in the winter!   LOL  I'm hoping to head your way the end of the month for about a 16-day reprieve!

    Jeannette, you've been a very pleasant addition to this thread.  I'm so glad you found us! Laughing

    Well, I am going to see my friendly chiropractor this morning.  He has helped me immensely with my back problems and I've begun to tighten up a bit lately.  I need to be able to swing that golf club when I head south later this month so need to get ready for a chiro visit.

    Then I think I'll make some ham and bean soup for dinner tonight.  Something warm will taste pretty good and I have a ham bone and a few pieces of ham left that I need to do something with.

    Hope everyone is doing well today.


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited January 2010

    Jeanette et al,

    We will not be sending any warm air up from Florida.  It is so cold here!  Woke up to 28F but the sun is bright now and temps have risen to mid 30s.  You all would probably be wearing shorts but we are layered up with everything we own.  Good Grief... we had ice in our birdbath :(

    Stay warm.  We could all get jobs as weather forecasters with all our body part warning pains!  for me, it's the knees.


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited January 2010

    Pam - are you sure you're in Flordia?  28 degrees?  What happened to global warming?

    KK - welcome to the group.  If you have to join a bc group - this is the one!

    Jeannette - you are not old!  If anything, you are well seasoned and now just perfect.

    Rita - Hope its warm in Florida when you arrive and the whole time you're there.   I envy you - can I stow away in the luggage?

    Melissa - you have been a great addition to the club - Love you!

    Claudia - here's to great results on your labs.  When you have a cold or sinus infection you become too sick to see the doctor!  Its such an oxymoron.  Hope you feel better soon.  If I can't catch up with Rita in Flordia, can I stow away in your luggage?  Blue water, clear skies, white sand, warm weather - heavenly.

    Jackie - hi girfriend!

    Patoo - sad but so true!

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited January 2010

    For you Melissa!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,598
    edited January 2010

    Kathleen -- Hi sis.  Melissa -- I really liked the Breast Friends too.   Jeaneatte & Melissa, to me it seems you have been here as long as I have and I don't remember how long that is now. 

    By the way...loved the snow angel and Melissa -- I doubt you could look any worse than I do trying to get up.  After stroke, and foot neuropathy I first have to find a way to get on my knees and most of the time I can....bu once in a while have to try and scoot to where something may be that I can hold onto.  Otherwise from my knees I reach my hands out to steady myself and just sort of keep a sort of lifting -- heaving effort going until I am actually up-right again.  It's not a pretty sight -- guaranteed, but it does get the job done and I have learned to laugh at myself and the EFFORTS I have to use.  Thank God I can -- get up first, and laugh about it second.  I was given the blessing of persistence -- and I will do what I have to do to accomplish -- even if I look the buffoon for a short while. 

    We are quite cold here right now.  No snow though.  Feels funny to have only a heavy frost to show for all the cold.  I'm more accepting of it if there is snow, but it would make life more difficult for some.  Wind chill is making it 4 or 5 below -- not all that bad, but just glad there is sun which helps with the illusion that it is warmer than it really is.  When driving I try not to look at the gage that tells the outside temperature.

    Well, great sisters -- time for me to get un-lazy if possible.  I'll be checking back in later on.  See you all then.  Stay warm in the meantime, please.  Claudia -- hope you find a good sinus relief med so you can get to the other side of your infection asap.

    Warm hugs, Jackie

    P.S.  Forgot to say Pam, you are so funny with your descriptions of bundling up -- yet I do recall living for all those years in California -- and the near constant warmth thins out your blood so that you no longer tolerate cool/cold weather very well.  Makes someone like Rita look like she is a participant in the Polar Bear Club.    What a lucky duck -- going to Fla. for 16 days.  She better have a big suitcase or five for all the stow-aways.  Count me in, please.

  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited January 2010
    Hi everyone this is DAR.  Have been reading everyones  posts daily.  Tomorrow I see a new surgeon.  Supposed to be the best.  Trying  to get myself prepared for a bilateral mastectomy.  Usually  after a mastectomy chemo and rad dont follow., is this true?  I have learned so much just from everyone here.  I love all of you  DAR
  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited January 2010

    Hi everyone this is DAR.  Have been reading everyones  posts daily.  Tomorrow I see a new surgeon.  Supposed to be the best.  Trying  to get myself prepared for a bilateral mastectomy. There is so much I dont know but am trying to learn fast.  Thanks everyone for your help.  Hugs to all DAR

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited January 2010

    DAR - please let us know how it goes tomorrow.

    JO - that's a good tip.  I, too, don't write anything here that I wouldn't want seen - I am afraid to post pics of the kids - pedophiles prowl web sites.

    Jackie - hi sis - I try not to get down as I am afraid I won't get back up - your method sounds very much like mine!  I can't carry anything up or down the steps because I need both hands to steady me!

    For all my BREAST friends - I love each and every one of you and than the Lord every day that I found you.

    Bless my friends

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited January 2010

    Hi Dar,

    Your question is complicated.  You need to discuss it with your doctor.  While having BMX makes it more likely you would not have radiation, it is not guaranteed.  Chemo is dictated by your stage and node involvement so again, BMX does not ensure you would not need chemo. BMX does not eliminate the risk of metastasis, it does not even insure you can't have a recurrence. I think we all have a knee jerk reaction to have BMX because we think it will be the end of breast cancer and sometimes it is.  Sometimes it is totally the right way to go.  In my case, my surgeon talked me out of it.  You need to be fully informed before making your decision.

    I know the women here will share their stories but keep in mind that we don't know your details so we are only telling you what we did in our unique situation.


  • kayok
    kayok Member Posts: 40
    edited January 2010

    Hey kk69z, happy to have you aboard, even if you are the same age as my oldest son.   Maybe I can learn something new from you.   You will find this is a very warm, funny, caring bunch.

    Patoo, how do you think anyone could keep up with you long enough to get you on film.   Go, girl, go.

    Dar, that's what we want for you, THE BEST.

    You know I use to wish I could see the mountains, all snow packed and looking beautiful in their winter coats, but how in the heck did the Rockies cross flat old Kansas and get here outside my window.   My family tells me it is only a snow drift but I am beginning to wonder.

    Went for my first Rad. this morning and will go back this afternoon, the streets are not too bad right now but they are forecasting another snow storm Wed. into Thurs so don't know if I will get it all done this week or not.   My Rad. Doc is on vacation this week, so Dr. Ready got replaced wtih Dr. Deer and when the nurse called my name, I just said "Ready Deer" and the whole place broke up, so I had a good start to a cold day.  Warm Hugs to all.


  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited January 2010

    Hi Ladies; Welcome to all the new ladies on here!

    For those of you wanting some warm weather from Florida, it's cold here right now. Suppose to be 17 degrees Thursday morning, and possibly snow flurries, and I have to go out in that cold weather Thursday morning to get my blood checked, and my heart checked.

    I just want to comment on the medicare drug plan for Arimidex, when you get in the doughnut hole, you have to pay full price, and it's expensive around $340. At least, that's what happened to me in November. DH doesn't know it, but I have been just taking one every other day to make them last longer. It seems we just have to do the best we can with whatever we have.

    Hope you ladies have a great and blessed day.

    has anyone heard from Gramof3?

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2010

    Morning all

    Thinking about going for a walk before it gets too humid. It is a beautiful day again today though yesterday was cooler, or at least we thought it as the temperature dropped to the high 60s. Today is going to be very warm and humid.

    Hope all those having tests and making decisions have a good day. Its just a couple of weeks until  I have to go through all that again and it certainly puts butterflies in the stomach. Its hard to believe it is three years.

    Talking of tests I must get DH up as he has to go for bloods this morning. He's doing well now just gets very tired easily.

    Stay warm


  • grama5
    grama5 Member Posts: 29
    edited January 2010

    I don't post much but keep up with all of you on a daily basis. I went in today for my first rads and got postponed again. I was supposed to start right after xmas and postponed me until the 4th now again until the12th and back to my surgeon on wed. My incision is at the bottom of my breast and pulled apart in the middle and is still not healed. the node one no problem.It has been healed for a couple of weeks. Also a hard painful knot on the inside of my breast above the incision. Rads onco thinks it is a blood clot. They won't do rads until I'm healed. The way its going I'm never going to get this behind me. Any one with similar problems and if so what did you do?


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited January 2010


    I did not have your experience but certainly feel  for you.  How frustrating!  But you have to be healed to start radiation.  Hang in there and good luck.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    Flo, sorry it's so frustrating but Pam is right and you must be healed.  Perhaps your BS will put something over it (steri-strip?) to enable it to heal since it's in such a bad spot.  Remember, patience is something we are forced to learn on this journey!

  • kk69Z
    kk69Z Member Posts: 38
    edited January 2010

    Wow, thanks for all the welcomes. It is still cold on the east coast (PA) and windy. Heating up to 32 tomorrow. I would love to be in the warm. SC sounds nice. Anyway, had to go back to work today after a long holiday. Kind of nice to get back to my old routine.

    Flo:. Hope you get straightened out so you can start your rads. I'm sure the waiting is rough. Just want to get on with it. Good luck

    Alyson: I would love to have humidity right now. The only place I get that anymore is in the bathroom with the door shut and heater on. Its like a sauna when I get out of there. Of course then I open the door and step out in the hall and I'm cold again. Just can't win.

    Mother of 7: I'm still on tamoxifen for another 1.5 years. Then the last 2.5 on arimidex. I heard it is expensive. Hopefully with my insurance at work, I'll be able to afford it. How much do it cost for a month? Wow it sure is cold where you live. When my husband drove truck he used to go to FL everyweek and pick up produce/veggies.

  • kayok
    kayok Member Posts: 40
    edited January 2010

    Flo,   Yes, I had the very same experience and yes my breast incision was also at the bottom.    My surgery was 10/8 and    On the Monday before  Thanksgiving my surgeon put a couple of stitches in and waited 2 1/2 weeks before removing them.  They had to do the simulator over again and today I began rads.   You too will heal, but I know how frustrated you are, and  I know this is not a whole lot of comfort while you are just waiting to heal, but it will get better.  

    Now that I have started rads we are in for one heck of a week for snow and cold but we will do everything we can to make it to the radiation office.   I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as you heal. 


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,598
    edited January 2010

    Jo -- Happy Birthday to your favorite fella.  He is going to enjoy dinner today. 

    We won't get snow until tomorrow night they say.  I think we just get what we get when we get it and no one is really sure what it will be or how much.  At least if we get snow I'll feel better about the bitter cold air ---- or will I.  Well, whatever comes -- a gift from the sky.

    Hope you are all going to have a productive day.  I am going to work on my bedroom today and do some arranging -- and then probably put it all back the way it was.  That is what usually happens when I start my re-arranging projects.  See you all later.

    Warm hugs, Jackie

  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited January 2010


    My insurance pays pretty good until I get in the doughnut hole. I usally pay about $45 month for my Arimidex, but when I get in the doughnut hole it cost around $342 or a little more. Hopefully you have good insurance and yours won't be that bad.

  • kayok
    kayok Member Posts: 40
    edited January 2010

    Top 'o the mornin to all,

    Jo, dinner sounds good.   Seems like everything we are eating is associated with leftovers for some of the holidays.   But I am not complaining as it makes cooking easy.   DH use to invite folks over just so I would cook.   It's not so much that I don't like to cook but as we know it is so hard to cook something really exciting for just the 2 of us.   The bright sun was making my house look dusty a while ago so I just shut the drapes.  Thinking about cleaning a closet but maybe my head will clear and I will have new thoughts,

    Just got back from rads and while we were driving home we kept hearing a funny squeaking noise in the back seat.   It sounded like a mouse of something,  sure was glad to get home and find we were only transporting a zuzu pet that one of the grands left in the car.  

    Flo, I forgot to mention, they thought the reason my incision didn't heal was because I was having a reaction to the adhesive they used so I wouldn't have too much of a scar.   After all don't all big breasted 73 year old women run around in bikinis at the beach?????

    Since we are suppose to have another storm tomorrow afternoon and our street is already pretty difficult to get out on,  we made a motel reservation for tomorrow night very close to the rad location.   So us two old kids are looking forward to a night out.  Should I go shopping for a new nighty??

    Talk with you all later, and warm hugs till then.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    Carolyn - thanks for a hilarious laugh.  (and, yes, go for the nighty if only to reminisce - or, you never know what tricks your other half may come up with).  Wink

    Now, I really am going back to work.

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited January 2010

    OK you guys that is pretty much how I get up too unless DH is standing by and can loan me an arm for stabilization- I laugh at my self and indeed at the world more than I ever did BF (before ) BC! I am a much lighter person and have FINALLY learned to live more in the moment- someone here said worrying was borrowed trouble and I have be a worry wart my entire life, so it feels heavenly to be light hearted!- and I love the snow angel Kathleenand will make some next winter, maybe a row as I might have to roll my way out to a place where I can get up, LOL.

    My sister who is one year older than me, 57 and DBIL are staying from 1/2/10- 1/11/10 as she is having surgery here- she needs a pelvis floor lift and in AZ they were planning on the old hip to hip incision- I had a fit and got her into my GYN who does this repair by laproscope- she also had a bunion removed on the 28th so we all look like Grandpa on the Real McCoys when we get up after a long sit- pretty funny- we should tape it for U tube- the 4 of us in sync.

    Carolyn- good luck with RADS "Dear" Be careful out there!

    Jackie and Pamyou guy are so smart and comforting- DAR you will make it- hang in there and BE KIND TO YOURSELF AND PATIENT with healing etc. Let everyone wait on you for 3 weeks- I mean that- 3 weeks! This is your time- take it.

    JOI always try to log out and will be diligent about it! That stinks that folks can get out discussions w/o being on can they get to the BIO's?- I will go modify that now- how about PM? any one seen those "out there"- meaning cyberspace.

    Kathleen- did you make that snow angel? I love it and am determine to sled, make snow angels and MAYBE ice skate again IF there are enough elbow and knee pads in the world to protect me, LOL - MY DH has surprises in his future- last night he told my DBIL that his "29 year training program was just about finished"- HA HA! My sis and I just looked at one another.

    be safe- Prayer to keep one and all safe, pain free and will positive results!  Will Keep Dar on my mind today.....LOVE you all!

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited January 2010

    I just did an experiment copying and pasting comments from various people in my Yahoo search bar. None of the comments came up in the search. One was mine and I know I don't log out each time. Then I tried the same thing with a few comments from this page on the Google search engine. Again, the search did not take me to these pages. Nevertheless, I agree that anyone can come to these pages and see what is posted so that it is still sensible to be careful about what we post.

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited January 2010

    you are right JO- I think that is the way to go.Jo I did wonder about the Raggie Ann once.  Nice experiment Leslie! I will try it too.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    Ohhhhh, put some of my comments out there.  I need people to think I have a life - maybe that will get me one.  Okay, okay, just kidding; probably not the "life" I would want, huh? 

    On my way out.  Enjoy your evening ladies.