Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,303
    edited January 2010

    Probably mentioned it some time before but my one consolation as far as doing chemo was going to be the chance I would have for my hair to come back ( there was some already in the family so the gene material was available ) thick, curly and red.  I had loads of anticipation going for months and the wait for my hair I can tell you was agonizingly slow.  But finally I knew at last it was on the way.

    No kidding -- I got exactly what I had before -- only the brown was just a tiny bit darker.  Thin, fine, straighter than straight mousy brown hair.  TRIPLE sighs!!!!  Well, it is ok -- at least I do have hair.  I know there are situations ( not aware of what they all are ) where the hair does not come back so I really can't complain over much.  If I couldn't get what I wanted -- at least I could have what I did previously.  Still a bonus -- I am not blessed with "looks" and it was all the more obvious while I was bald -- so I am just fine with my hair -- and just thrilled it is there.

    Onward for the day though I do expect to be back later checking in.  I'll see you all then.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited January 2010

    I have exciting news or at least MY kind of exciting news--I plan to play golf tomorrow!!  Yeah!!!  Since Thanksgiving, I've played only one round of golf.  Dh and I will take our push golf carts and walk.  The high tomorrow is forecast to be in the 50's and sunny, so that's warm enough for me.  Our tee time is 11:30 so it should be nice by then. 

    Today is a new beginning on losing some extra pounds.  Yesterday I fell off the wagon big time when Dh and I went to IHOP for brunch.  I ordered the nut-grain pancakes and poured buckets of syrup on them.  Yum.  Yum.  They were so-o-o good and now I'm carrying them on my body!

    Hope everyone is having a good Monday.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2010

    Hey Northstar, I am in your age bracket and this is the first time I have been diagnosed with any kind of cancer, let alone breast cancer. I start chemo on Thursday and honestly I am dreading it-lots of fear. The problem I face being my age is that I don't have much family around for support,even to do things like grocery shopping. So I feel really alone with all of this. If you want, put meon your list. I am new to the discussion board too and don't know all of the 'rules and regs' so I feel like I am stumbling around (pardon any Pho-pahs). For me, being older brings a whole new set of complications, like I am not as physically fit as I need to be-ERRGH. But, do drop a line and let's set up our own forum for us "fossils." I'd be up for that but have no idea how to do it unless group is started inititally on the PM pages.:)) M

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited January 2010

    Welcome, StillVerticle.  You've come to the right place.  This IS a discussion forum for "mature" women with breast cancer.  Stick around and visit with us.  Some ladies have had chemo and will be able to commiserate and encourage you. 

    You live in a beautiful part of the US.  I love the Outer Banks of NC. 

    Good luck to you.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2010

    Hi Still Veritcle..I lead an exciting life also..yours sounds wonderful

    I am 67 and am a 9 year have come to the right place

    for help and support..


  • Maire67
    Maire67 Member Posts: 418
    edited July 2010


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2010

    Oh Carole..........I am SO VERY in January!  Wow!  Have a good round and think of me sitting up here still in the cold, cold MidWest feeling sorry for myself!   LOL glad you found us.  As everyone says, stick around with us and we will help you through this journey.  We've all been there or are currently in some type of treatment and we all understand.  I don't really know what your age is, but I am 62 and I went through the journey pretty much alone.  It's doable.....just not something we rush to sign up to do!   You will have lots of good days between the chemo treatments and will be able to get out and get groceries then and you'll be surprised at the people who offer to help you. Believe me, take any help that's offered.  They wouldn't offer if they didn't want to help!  Come back often and post. There is always somebody near on here that will be able to answer questions, listen to you vent, or just offer encouragement if it's needed.


  • claude1944
    claude1944 Member Posts: 47
    edited January 2010

    Hi gals,   Had labs this morning and feeling kind of down...they couldn't get blood out in my arm as they think I have scar tissue from all the past labs so by the time they got done poking around and took it our of my hand I was pretty faint...just wanted to touch base with all my bc friends to vent.....hubby just does not get it.....will come back later ...hopefully more ya, Claudia

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited January 2010

    Sheila, so happy for you to be having a grandbaby, there is nothing like it. 

    Melissa, thanks for youf encouragement and Patoo for letting me know.  I am getting better. 

    Welcome stillvertical, you'll stay that way, this is a great thread for us "mature"woman.  After some of our conversations I have to laugh at that though.

    JO, hoping that back is better.  thank you too for your encouragement.

    Will be back more often, am climbing out of the depression, family problems, and health problems.  Love you guys.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,303
    edited January 2010

    Spar ...  so good to see you back.  It's the pits being in the pits so I hope you keep climbing up.  We are all pulling for you. 

    Still Vertical --welcome aboard.  This is a great place to come to relax, vent, cry, ask all kinds of questions and just hang out.  I am a very young 64 and getting younger.  It has been a couple of years for me now, but this is not something to do do plan on sticking around with us. 

    Lisa -- count me in on loving those pictures.  I imagined myself there rather than here where it was frosted over but good.  Due to warm by Wednesday and then we will have a magical thaw and way too much mud.  Yikes.....I can't put away the mop just yet.

    Claude -- sorry about the labs.  Do you think they will have to use your hand all the time ??   Hope not.....Anyway, husbands seldom do get it -- but the rest of the time can be a blessing to have around. 

    Hi to the rest of you gorgeous ladies......I'll see you later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited January 2010

    Hi Verti, and welcome. As the others have said you've come to the right place. Here we can talk out anything that's bothering us. Someone will have gone thru it, and will give advice. I know you said you were a bit thin on family, but family very soon get sick of our worries, they expect us to bounce back to normal and not keep going on about things, thats why this forum is so easy to belong to, we are all either still going thru some treatment, or have finished up with the main treatment and on long term hormonal treatment, and some of us are completely out of treatment.

    There is a board further up in the forum index specifically for chemo. The girls get together and compare notes on their treatment, as they are actually going thru it. I have a problem finding this whole section on the main index. The sub heading is Tests, Treatments and Side Effects, and the chemo thread is the third topic . My PC completely misses out the whole section. One or two others have agreed with me that they can't see this section either. If you go to the main index page, go up to the right hand corner and click on the drop down box there, which says Jump to a Forum you will get to the chemo thread that way if your pc isn't showing it when you log on.

    Carole, enjoy your golf, the excercise will help you lose the pounds ! I am supposed to have started being much more careful in what I eat....I really have to shed some pounds....I started my 'new' eating regime Jan 2nd, already we have been out for 2 meals, I was banning meals out, to only once a month, and then in 8 days we go out twice, and I ordered apple pie and cream, and raspberry trifle to round off the meals, completely without thinking. 

    Still cannot get my car out, I am beginning to feel a bit 'itchy' I want a trip round the shops, without DH in tow, nothing specific I need, but just to get out, see whats left in the January sales, and buy a magazine would be nice. 

    Our local TV station tells me tonight "we have had 3" of snow today, and the conditions are atrocious"  Not in my corner of the world we haven't, I don't know what they are talking about !! The TV station is only about 5 or 6 miles from my home ! We are melting now, everywhere is running wet and dripping and the temperature has been well above freezing, all day, and still is now at nearly midnight. Maybe someone has come along and moved my house somewhere else and not told me.

    DHs siatica is now driving ME mad, I know its bad, but oooing and aaahhing all day won't help. He won't go see a doctor, and he won't take painkillers..... if men had to have babies etc etc !!  He has been trotting in and out all day giving me updates. I have been sick of hearing the back door opening, letting in the cold air, and assorted cats, just to tell me yet again how bad it is. I counted 3 times in and out in 2 hours this afternoon. I can hear doors opening and shutting thru the house as he looks to see where I am, to moan at me, I feel like hiding sometimes when I hear him coming !! He tells me "doctors will not know how to treat him", and "painkillers will be useless" I have told him he'll be sent for a course of physiotherapy, and he says he won't go because " they're all young, and have no idea what siatica feels like, so won't be able to help him" gggggrrrrhhhhh. 


  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited January 2010

    Ok wow I was missing you guys all day! You are the best and Still Vertical- welcome to the most undesired but most appreciated club ever born, we have the cream of the crop here- and everyone here will help in some way , if only to listen. But honestly we do commiserate well together. Even if we have a DH, sis , children- whatever , there are many times when we too are alone as families get tired of us, don't want to hear it or expect us to "get over it" before it is our time- so we all come here at times alone. You will fit in and we love to say it like it is!

    Jackie I think you are one of the most beautiful women I have ever met- you have enriched my life, comforted me and you have the best quotes ever. Any day with hair is a good day - mine is fine as frog hair and there are worse things to have or not have so I am excepting it. (ah for curls!)

    Carole have a GREAT golf game- enjoy every minute.

    Kathleen that is the funnest thing every- something might happen while you are not worrying! WOOTWOOT! me too- at least the BF BC me-man I could lay in bed and worry because I had nothing to worry about- just really sure I was missing something- and I was, a good nights sleep- I empathize and have turned a new leaf!

    Love you all- keep on keeping on- as Churchill said "If you are going through HELL, just keep going!" Love, Melissa

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2010

    Jo, I hope your back heals up quickly.  I started to feel some slight pain right after Christmas.  I think I over did the lifting of the baby.  I went back to my naturalist chiropractor and he took care of me so I'm feeling pretty good right now.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed because as you know you can have no back problems one day and then wake up all stooped over the next day!

    So was the golf game?

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited January 2010


    local weather report: warming as the week progresses, still cool but sunny.  chance of showers on the weekend.

    When are you coming to Florida?  And what part?  I'll order good weather up for you.


  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited January 2010

    STILLVERTICLE  This is DARIndentOutdentUnordered listOrdered listPaste as Plain TextInsert/edit linkUnlinkInsert/edit imageEmotionsUndo (Ctrl+Z)Redo (Ctrl+Y)
    I have only been on this board for approx. a week.  I am very new and still fumbling.  These women have given me courage,comfort and even having me thinking I am going to make it.  I can feel the caring, and compassion in every paragraph.  I refer to myself as a whimp, but am starting to believe I am not because I am on this site.  I cant believe Things I have learned also.  ISABELLA I am having a single mastectomy(my radiologist encoughed that.  I have been told so many different things.  I was told it is a myth that removing both breasts means you are free of cancer.  My radiologist told me that.  My surgeon said there is a 3%chance of cancer returning in my other breast.  Now they have found a spot on my pelvis.  Have to go for a bone scan. MELISSA  trying to get rid of the whimp image and be a TOB.  IllinoisLady you give me encouragement.  All of these decisions(reminds me when I was a teenager and who should I date what decisions.  I scheduled my surgery for February lst.  Did anyone have a singleBold (Ctrl+B)Italic (Ctrl+I)IndentOutdentUnordered listOrdered listPaste as Plain TextInsert/edit linkUnlinkInsert/edit imageEmotionsUndo (Ctrl+Z)Redo (Ctrl+Y)
     mastectomy with out chemo or radiation?  Love to all you are the greatest

  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited January 2010

    I have only been on this board for approx. a week.  I am very new and still fumbling.  These women have given me courage,comfort and even having me thinking I am going to make it.  I can feel the caring, and compassion in every paragraph.  I refer to myself as a whimp, but am starting to believe I am not because I am on this site.  I cant believe Things I have learned also.  ISABELLA I am having a single mastectomy(my radiologist encoughed that.  I have been told so many different things.  I was told it is a myth that removing both breasts means you are free of cancer.  My radiologist told me that.  My surgeon said there is a 3%chance of cancer returning in my other breast.  Now they have found a spot on my pelvis.  Have to go for a bone scan. MELISSA  trying to get rid of the whimp image and be a TOB.  IllinoisLady you give me encouragement.  All of these decisions(reminds me when I was a teenager and who should I date what decisions.  I scheduled my surgery for February lst.  Did anyone have a single mastectomy?  (I am having so much trouble posting to this board. I'm learning the computer as I go, so... please be patient with me.)  Love to all!  DAR

  • Maire67
    Maire67 Member Posts: 418
    edited July 2010


  • controlfreak
    controlfreak Member Posts: 4
    edited January 2010

    I'm not sure why I'm posting.  Perhaps just in need of support or advise.  My mother is 70 and has stage 3B cancer.  She had breast cancer some 28 years ago and it recurred or started again.  She was one who had pursued a very unorthodox course many years ago- no treatment, macrobiotic diet, coffee enemas, etc.  She likely had an early cancer.  Now she has an advanced cancer and has chosen to proceed with chemotherapy - cytoxan and taxotere.  Her first course of treatment was complicated by pneumonia and hospitalization.  Her second round, delivered this last Tuesday, seemed to go smoothly until yesterday when she had diarrhea, and now today when her fever has returned. I fear that she acquired c. diff while in the hospital.  Unfortunately I am in the medical field, albeit not oncology, and so worry and go to all the what if places.  I'm just wondering whether it wouldn't make more sense to move on to radiation and arimidex rather than constantly risk signficant infection in an older woman so dear to my heart.

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited January 2010

    Listen DAR everything Marie said is true- I was afraid to admit I was afraid, I was afraid that time was passing , I was a worry wart and so afraid of ca that I did not consider the pain,the anesthetic or the LE- just figured it was less scary to have the ca removed than to wait even one more day. Believe me I have been afraid. These woman who are so brave, compassionate, willing to share and knowledgeable who got me through it. I am healthy today and will be tomorrow, and so will you, we just have to get through the rough spots, together. Be easy on yourself and patient learning with the computer- I learned after I enrolled in a college program! What a dummy!

    Isabella I am laughing so hard at your DH running you down to give you a complete report on HIS misery---as if you do not know what back pain is!!!! He just wants your attention just like all men- it is all about them! They make worse patients than nurses!

    controlfreak- would it help you to have a second oncologist opinion? I can't advise you as I had only surgery-but I can empathize with your heart as my dear mother had 2 cancers and it nearly killed me.

    nightie-night ladies.

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited January 2010

    controlfreak - love your name. First of all, in this thread, 70 is not old, nope, not at all!  Have you checked the likely side effects of the drugs your mother is on? They aren't the ones I was on so I don't know, but it is quite possible that diarrhea and fever are side effects of the drugs. I know that either constipation or diarrhea or both were side effects of my drugs. Pneumonia is just plain bad luck - and the fact that chemo reduces your immune system so whatever is going by is there to be picked up easily. Chemo doesn't go on forever and the side effects sometimes kick in a few days after infusion. If your mother can tolerate the few months it lasts, and if it is going to increase her chances of lasting another decade or two then maybe it is worth doing. My aunt had breast cancer in the 1960s (her 40s) when surgery was the treatment and again in her 60s. She now at 85 plus is the only one of six siblings alive.

     Ultimately, your mother will have to make that decision. She is lucky to have such a caring daughter.

  • Alpal
    Alpal Member Posts: 112
    edited January 2010

    Control - I don't usually post on this forum, but wanted to respond to your question. Is there a chance that your mother's WBCs are tanking, resulting in neutrepenia (sp?) ? The pneumonia, fever and diarrhea are all known symptoms. I also had TC chemo and had a Neulasta shot the day after each treatment to keep my WBCs up. Just a suggestion. I was 61 when I had chemo, and it was surprisingly easy for me. No horrible SEs, except for exhaustion. Good luck to her. She is lucky to have you for an advocate.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,303
    edited January 2010

    Control Freak -- Allison and Leslie have it right.  All the chemo regimens have side effects.  The Oncology team usually  can readily find good meds that will alleviate most of those so I would try to get through the chemo.  Usually it would not last for longer than 6 months and if se's are handled I would think it would increase her chances for getting through this with many more years of a hopefully cancer-free life.  70 to me ( I am 64 ) seems fairly young and I have heard that often the more mature women actually have less strong side effects then the much younger ones.  I chose to do all I could to free myself of the cancer I had ( two different kinds in one breast ) one fast growing tumor and one slow growing -- and had 4 rounds of Adriamycin and Cytoxan and 4 rounds of Taxotere  --  if I had too --- I'd do it all again tomorrow.  I also had 7 weeks of radiation and an currently taking Arimidex.  No two people are ever alike -- and the same chemo regimen will bring different se's to everyone.  IMHO -- this regimen has been shown to save lives. 

    I would definitely consider a second opinion, but usually the se's ebb and flow and have a pattern.  I also gave myself Neupogin shots for my white blood cells ( keep infection risks down ) for five days after every chemo infusion.  It was tiresome to do so, but I stayed well and only had one infection, esophageal thrush. the whole time which responded extremely well to Magic Mouthwash.  Hope this is not too much information.  You sound like a fantastic daughter.  It is hard to watch someone go through this ...  hats off to you for caring.  Maybe you could go with your Mom and ask some questions to help for your understanding.  Good luck to you and your Mom. 

    Well, I'm off to the recliner.  See you all in the morning

    Hugs, Jackie

  • dotti
    dotti Member Posts: 14
    edited January 2010

    Hi, I am posting from the bottom of the world, Wellington, New Zealand. I know I am sort of asking a difficult question, but 4 weeks after lumpectomy I am not able to get any guide as to how long my nice usually B cup will be a very bruised D cup?

    Can anyone give me any idea, I like to set goals,and as a dog groomer this is affecting my ability to work. 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2010

    Hi all

    Just checking in on everyone while waiting for DD to collect one sleeping baby. 

    Dar - I had a single mastectomy, actually was going to have a lumpectomy until moments before the op but that's another story and like the majority here did not have a reconstruction. BS said we could think about it later but wouldn't bother now.

    Dotti, glad to see another Kiwi posting. Can't help about the lumpectomy sorry but others will be able to.  are you have chemo and/or radiation? That will probably have more affect on your return to work.

    Must get ready for bed. Hope your day has been fine.


  • dotti
    dotti Member Posts: 14
    edited January 2010

    Hi Alyson, never know where you will find a Kiwi ! Appoinment with oncologist next week, only radiation at this stage. My problem is I am self employed and work by appointment, not sure how long my customer list will last if I keep deferring their dates,  most of us dog owners are like over protective mothers about our fluffies.


  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited January 2010

    dottie:  I had a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy - 3 nodes removed.  At my doctor follow up, a week after the lumpectomy, there was a little swelling, very little, and some fading purple bruising. I was told to wear a bra 24/7 for at least 2 weeks, only remove to take a shower.     

    4 weeks sounds like a long time for such swelling to still be there.  If the area is warm and red, it can be the start of an infection.   I forget what they call fluid build up, but that can be easily drained at the doctor's office.  I would have the doctor check it out - no harm in getting a "this is normal" response from the doctor.   

    Have you done any post lumpectomy exercises?  I was given a sheet of very simple "stretching" exercises to regain range of motion - walk the wall and arm circles.  And I had almost no pain, except day or 2 after the procedure.  

    Age is just a number.  I was 62 at diagnosis, live alone, and although I would not want to do this all over again, it is doable.  If there was another way to treat this, we would be first in line.  One way to look at it is BC has attacked our bodies, now we attack it (fight back) with chemo, radiation, surgery and/or drugs.   There will be battle scars along the way - or side effects.  Keep an open communication with your doctors - no question is dumb.  NOT asking is dumb.

    Hugs, Nancy 

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited January 2010

    Oh, my goodness - we certainly are a chatty group and I won't remember everyone but I had some comments, observations, whatever!

    Carole - I went to I-Hop yesterday too!  If you want to start a life style adjustment I will too!  Have a great day golfing.

    Rita - sorry about your weather that keeps you from your beloved golf.

    Welcome to the newcomers.  This site will give you great information, fantastic friends and a place to go when the rest of the world would like to tell you to "shut up, already."  My experience was one of family telling me to "stop obsessing - it was the good kiind of cancer."  Okay, I will stop obsessing if you let me obsess for a day at least!  I am already on two antidepressants.  If it weren't for this site I would have to be committed!

    Isabella - your ds, along with millions of men, think you should just suck it up but when they are sick or injured they want 24 hour a day nursing.  They don't want to do anything about it - just complain.

    JO and Melissa - I have to worry about it - e.g. if I am flying, I have to stay awake or the plane will go down - I so hope the other passengers appreciate my sacrifice for them!  I am not as bad as I used to be.   If I heard a noise in the car engine, I went, quite rapidly, from I have to take the car in, the repair will be thousands of dollars, I can't afford to get the car fixed, now I have no transportation to get to work, I'll lose my job and be out on the street and what am I going to do with all these cats?

    Jackie - hi sister!  How you doing?

    To all the rest of my "breast friends" good morning!

    I elected to have both breasts removed (good thing too - the so-called healthy breast had bc too).  I elected immediate reconstruction.  I just didn't want to see myself carved up - because at 62 I was waiting for Playboy to be calling any minute for my shooting date.  Do they have a senior playboy edition of their magazine?  What with all the complications I encountered, it has been over a year now and I still haven't had reconstruction.  It is not as terrible as I thought.  As a matter of fact, I wore the fluffies with a mx bra and remember thinking, these things really get in your way!

    happy tuesday my friend dog

    Love you - everyone!

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited January 2010

    Mandy, as a mother of four, I was starting to give up on ever becoming a 'Grandma.'  Now at 62, I find that it is going to happen for me in August!  My mother-in-law was whinging to all and sundry in her 40's that she would never make it either.  She finally made it at 47, or should I say we made 'it' for her.

    Isabella, Is your DH named Oscar by any chance?  He sounds like he enjoys being a 'grouch.' 

    I have attended a local cancer support group for years as I was like the 'poster' girl of survival for awhile.  Mostly women attend the meetings which are held for people with all types of cancers.

    Naturally, men attend at times and, boy, do they take the cake for taking over the meeting?  We go around one by one and state our cancer type and current tx status.  When it's the blokes turn they give the impression they have it worse than all the women combined.  One old guy gave up his prostate cancer tx because he couldn't stand the hot flushes! He reckoned that was the worst thing he had ever experienced and a close second was the 'boobs' he acquired due to his hormone treatments.  He wasn't backward about showing them to us either. 

     Maybe he wanted us to return the favour?Embarassed


  • claude1944
    claude1944 Member Posts: 47
    edited January 2010

    Good morning gals,  New day and I am feeling better...always get in a bad way when I do labs...hubby came home from fishing and treated me like a queen...he doesn't like it when I go into my quiet  mode....I looked at a thread talking about iodine and it really interested me...what is the connection between iodine and bc? Jackie,  I am not sure I will need to use my hand for labs quess is that if there is scar tissue in my arm that I probably will have to.  Have a great day all...Claudia

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited January 2010

    Dotti in NZ,

    I had a lumpectomy and SNB in March 2009.  For a month, right off, I was telling my drs my op'd breast was swollen and warm.  Everyone said that was normal.  Finally my skin broke out in big red splotches and I had an infection.  Not in the incision... deep inside.  A month of strong antibiotics took care of it.  So keep after them!

    Having said that, my op'd breast is still slightly fuller than the other side.  I can wear the same bra cup but the op'd breast fills it out more.  And I thought that side would be smaller!  But the difference between a B cup and a D cup is a lot and I would be suspicious that something is going on.

    Keep complaining.  It was a nurse who finally listened to me and pointed things out to the doctor.
