Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited January 2010

    Hi All, First welcome to the newest gals. Second, I love you all. I don't post a lot, but I read and keep up with all of you. Most recently I had to wait over the Christmas weekend on results of a punch biopsy on the bc side. Results were negative, thank the Lord. I've got a necrotic cyst amongst scar tissue, but I still have most of my breasts. 

    Now, it's a new year and i've resolved to lose 20 pounds and make some positive changes in my activity level by joining the county swimming pool and going to do my own therapy for the overwhelming damage in my spine. I've read so many articles and stories about people who have constant back pain and there is apparently not a lot of hope to get relief from pain management (they push chemicals and return visits). Chiro's want the same. Injections are hugely expensive, largely a waste of time and money. Surgery would be my last choice. Physical Therapy provided temporary relief, but I wanted "back school" and in two different rounds of PT I never got it.

    WISH: I wish there was a Doctor that considered me a whole being. Amongst all the physicians that I've supported and received services from, not one focused on more than one body part at a time. I realize that they are over worked and thats not a good enough excuse. We really are responsible for our own selves. THATS why you all are so vitally important not just to me but to all who read, searching for answers, seeking others who really know the deals. When we know, we are less fearful making it easier to understand the processes, and thereby easier to heal.

    And that's all I have to say about that.


  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited January 2010

    This is a link to the book that saved my back, Connie. (I have some degenerated discs). The author is highly respectable here in Canada and, as you suggest, advocates that people can learn to take care of their own backs. He acknowledges that surgery is sometimes necessary and shows how that is in a minority of cases. Apologies if I have mentioned this before (can't recall) - I rarely read or recommend books on health care - this is one my father recommended and still (at 94) does the exercises that work for him.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    Hi all.

    Isabella - you are so funny!  Keep those stories coming.

    Melissa - you can PM Spar2 with your personal email addy and she will get an email.

    Connie - I think docs who practice Internal Medicine treat the whole body but then it seems to me they would only, because there's so much to know, have limited knowledge of all the specialties and have to refer you to a specialist anyway.  However, those specialists report everything back to them and so everything would be in one place.  But that is probably true for any PCP, whether Internal Medicine or General Physician.  Congrats on the neg report.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited January 2010

    Connie - well said!

    Isabella - I went through something similar when I rented a house in Pittsburgh.  There was a leak in the kitchen - the landlords are not quick to response, especially if it meant spending money.  The kitchen was "in transition" for 9 months!

    Spar - feel better soon.  I understand completely about not healing - I have had this ulcer on my foot for at least one year and probably closer to two.  Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.  Just hang in there - its all you can do.

    Pam - so sorry to hear about your neighbors' child.  How kind of you to offer a place to stay for the family coming in for the funeral.

    Lisa - sorry to hear you are not feeling well.  I pray you get better soon.

    As to "facebook" it is a no-go for me.  I don't even like talking on the phone, never learned fb or twitter or even texting and don't plan to - I would rather visit - you know, actually talk to someone face to face.  I know that it is terribly old-fashioned but thats me - just an old fashioned type of gal!

    All those "old wives tales" are turning out to be true.  Whatever your grandmother told you to do is probaby right.

    My youngest sister called last night.  This is really bazarre.  She  has never been overweight, has always eaten healthy foods and exercised all her life (yea, I know, obnoxious - right).  She suffers from Rayneu's disease and found that every morning upon arising she could not feel her hands - charging it up to Rayneud's disease.  She went to see a neurosurgeon yeaterday.  As her visit was ending she mentioned to the surgeon that she had been diagnosed years ago with 2 compressed disks in her neck.  The surgeon took an x-ray and when she came back into the exam room the first words out of her mouth was "you need surgery right away."  This surgeon is very, very conservative.  She told my sister she had NO cartiledge - it was just bone grinding against bone.  She also told her she has the cervical spine of a 90 year old.  She goes for a MRI next week and the following week a nerve conductivity test.  WTF!  Goes to show you - eat right, exercise, die anyway.  I'd rather enjoy life.  This sister is the "food police."  Always telling people what they shouldn't eat, don't use salt, use only olive oil, etc. ad nauseum

    To all my breast friends - stay warm, stay inside, enjoy the enforced respite.  LIke we have a choice.  Have I mentioned I HATE WINTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited January 2010

    Almost forgot - JO - I would go berserk if someone put my picture on the internet without first getting my permission (which they won't ever get).  I, too, am a private person - its bad enough one side of the family constantly has a camera in your face.  I do not like having my photo taken unless the photographer can photoshop it!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2010

    Hey Kathleen....We have something in common.  I HATE WINTER, TOO!!!

  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited January 2010

    MELISSA this is whimp DAR.  I told you I was tough but today I scheduled my mastectomy and dont feel very tough.  Knew it was coming but didnt want to face it.  Had 2 lumpectomies with dirty margins so have to do it.  Not having reconstrction unless I decide to enter the wet tee shirt contest at our local bar.  ritajean and Kathleen count me in for the hating winter.  I already have cabin fever.  Love to all DAR

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited January 2010

    Wow, I missed a couple of days of checking in to read this thread.  You ladies have been very vocal during my absence!  It took me some reading to catch up.   Carolyn's account of her foray into being a hairdresser gave me a good laugh.  I wonder what happened to that lady with her hair in pincurls. 

    If Big Brother reads this post, he'll yawn because I spent most of my day catching up on ironing.  The rack in the laundry room was full.  More than half of the clothes were Dh's.  So I'm good now for another couple of months.  And didn't trip over the ironing board or burn myself on the iron! 

    Like the other southern states, we have frigid temperatures, thanks to the "Arctic Blast" sweeping the country.  It was too cold for me to walk today.  Dh has been watching Rachel Raye cooking programs and went out yesterday to buy ingredients for some of her recipes.  Meanwhile I have re-subscribed to WW online and must drop some lbs.  My clothes are getting very snug.

    Isabel, you've been quiet.  What's going on in your part of England?  Heard on the tv that England hasn't been this cold for quite a few years.  

    Healing vibes to those who are healing.  And a happy Friday to all.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2010

    Isabella!  Your post just cracked me up!  You should be a comedy writer, Ha!  I know how frustating your situation must be...Geez!

    And Melissa...You mentioned your Sis!  Was the surgery she had called a Sacrospinus Ligament Suspension?  To hold her bladder up?  I had that YEARS ago, & I thought it was the most painful thing I ever went through.  My bladder just had a terrible time trying to stay in one place, & THAT surgery was the 2nd one, for the same thing!  I guess it worked, but I know it still isn't where it SHOULD be.

    And who was it that said they were dumping their Oncologist too?  Man, I DID it!  Easier than I thought...So now I go to this new gal next month!   I've never "not liked" anybody in my life, but THIS guy acted like since I had cancer, I should do every treatment available, no matter what my Surgeon or Radiologist said!   Oh well....he's toast!

    DAR!  Sorry about your continuing saga with this cancer....But you sound like you can do it if ANYbody can!   And I'm soooooooo with you gals!  My wimpy breast just stays COLD all the time, it seems!  It "tingles" when I get the chills...I have a soft little piece I crochet??? (what is the plural for that?)  Anyway that little boob cover is inside my bra, trying to keep it warm!  It's either that or running around with a heating pad on my chest!   It was 2 degrees when I got up this morning!  But actually it's almost up to "freezing" right now!  Wink  I HAVE to complain because I can't do anything about it.

    I love you glad to see you posting here....Jeannette

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited January 2010

    Dar, have you decided on a double or a single mastectomy ??

    Carole, its just too cold to get into much mischief here. I am holed up, only going out when I have to. Everywhere is in the grip of a BIG freeze, but our newscasters are going overboard, you'd think nothing else was happening in the world besides snow and ice.

    We, collectively, are not going to work, industry is grinding to a halt, airports are shutting, buses and trains keep suspending services, shops are empty, bread, milk and eggs are flying out of the shops. I have always been a hoarder, DH mutters to me about freezers and cupboards full ( WHY else would you have kitchen store cupboards and freezers ???) If pushed I bet we could live 4,5 maybe 6 months from what I have in store. We also produce eggs and milk. I draw the line at eating any of my own animals, we keep cows and sheep, so beef and lamb is an absolute no no for me, I will never buy either. I would feel like I was eating my animals cousins !!!

    I have had a very quiet day today. I was going to go and sew, but I can't get into my sewing room for a massive pile of clothes. I have some of my wardrobes (closets??) with double rails, horizontally, for short things like shirts and sweaters, so I can get 2 rows in each wardrobe. I threw a hissy fit just after Christmas. With my slipped discs I cannot reach to unhook the clotheshangers from the top rail anymore. I fetched a pair of steps so that I could climb up and reach, only to find the pain was sooo bad when I was reaching, even from somewhere higher, that I had to abandon the idea. I still wanted clothes down to try on, to go out in, so rang DD to ask if she would come over for an afternoon to help me get clothes in and out of my wardrobe....she was going to work, so had to end up asking DH. Of course, men have no idea at all about 'looking thru the wardrobe, to try and find something to wear'  He thought I just wanted 1 thing lifting down, when, in fact 20 or 30 would have been nearer the mark. So he was off within minutes, and no help at all. I got myself in a bit of a temper, and yanked at my clothes, and down came the rail, bending as it did, throwing my clothes all over the floor. I cannot straighten the rail to put it back, and have nowhere to put the clothes. I cannot shut either wardrobe door.  Everytime I try and step over them I hear another coathanger go 'snap' so I shut the door on it all , and can't be bothered to try and clamber over it all to get to my sewing machine.

    I have decided I will try and put some things on ebay. I did use to sell a fair bit of my unwanted clothes, shoes and bags, but I have completely forgotten how I use to put photos on. It did seem to be easy, and there was a 'walk thru' sequence to help you do it. But I am 3 years older now, than when I last did this ! I shall have to ask my 13 year old g/daughter to come sort me out !!!

    Jeanette, can't think of a plural for crochet, any idea what the plural for mastectomy is??... he he he.....mastectomi, mastectomas....there just MIGHT be a word for both !!!

    Kathleen, you're right about Old Wives Tales....both my grandmothers used to preach away to me all the time. I just used to ignore them, but now find myself echoing their words to my own g/children ! and I KNOW they're not listening to me either.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    Isabella, you're a hoot about your clothes.  But you may want to try and lift them up - may find DH down under them!  And if you haven't been on ebay for 3 years you will find a lot of changes, some good, some really annoying - good luck with that.

    Count me in for HATING WINTER as well.  Have a good evening and weekend all.

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited January 2010

    DAR- you can'tbe a wimp- you are here. We all have made our decisions and appointments and have wished we didn't have to. But we don't get to pick. We love you and you will get through this like we have-you might even do better than some . I wished I had cooked ahead and fronzen some of "our" own food- people provided evening meals for us for 3 weeks- which was very nice and needed as I was down hard.

    DS had a vaginal reconstruction of the pelvic wall as bowel was slipping -her bladder was done years ago- no incisions! I take credit for that as I found her a GREAT GYN-MINE!

    Love you guys- hope everyone has a sweet week-end! Pain and worry free! Love you all, M

    PS DAR- I aint doin' recon OR a wet tee shirt contest- LOL they would run!

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited January 2010

    I LUV, LUV, LUV our winters here and hate the opposite season.  It is 30deg C (approx 90F) here and we are dripping wet, due to the high humidity.  Winter is 15-20deg (60-70F) days and night cool enough to snuggle under the doona.  If I was a millionaire, I would have a summer home in Alaska.

    I think I am getting 'old' old, if you know what I mean . . . .

    Last Monday, I was in a flap due to receiving a letter from my hospital saying I had an app't with a rad Onc the next day at 9am. It was sent the previous Tuesday!  Journey takes three hours each way, so I was trying to get stuff done that I would have done the next day.

    Wouldn't you know it but newly married son and wife rock up about 3pm.

    Out comes the uncut Christmas cake and a platter of crackers and cheese as post Xmas diet breakers. Innocent

    Sitting down with coffee and tea made, I offered the platter around.

    Son and wife take one look at the platter and start to giggle.

    I looked at DH, he looked at me Surprised while I wondered if there was mouse poo in the cheese or something equally nasty.

    I turned the platter on the lazy Susan towards myself to have a look, while son and d-i-law got into manic-monkey chitter mode.

    DH and I were starting to get a bit 'cheesed off' by this behaviour, when son calmed down enough to state that he didn't think they could eat 'grandparents' cheese.

    We looked at each other speculatively, was this some slang interpretation we weren't up to date with?

    Didn't they like cheese? Frown

    Didn't they know that old cheese was the best kind of cheese?

    What . . . . ?

    They were laughing so hard by now that DH and I were feeling really stupid.Embarassed

    Asked again what was the matter with the cheese, we were told, "It's not the cheese we're laughing at, it's the GRANDPARENTS!'  Laughing

    Wellll . . . . . . . . I never!

    Nope, I've never truly been called a grandparent before!  Cool



    We are the first to know, darling d-i-law hasn't told her own mother yet, (yeah, yeah, I know.) I went to the shops later that evening and bought the first stupid little 'baby' thing I saw.

    I gave it to the mum-to-be the next afternoon, after our trip so that it will always be remembered I gave the new family member his/her first gift.  Laughing

    Something else I learned too; pregnant mums aren't allowed to eat cheese these days.

    Especially 'grandparents' cheese!

    How cheesy is that?  Smile

    Gotta go empty my phone of cat and dog photos to make some space for some 'real' photos.



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2010

    Oh Isabella!  You just make my day!  I can just see you trying to fool around with your clothes!  I love to putter around in my closet too...just to find things I haven't worn in a zillion years, & swear I will wear them soon!   But it's easier to just go find something else on sale, then add that to the collection! 

    I think the plural for crochet is 

    And I remember my Grandmother telling me that if I "teased my hair, it would soon fall out!"  Ha!  Still teasing, & it's still there...Wink  I know...I'm 72, & too old for teased hair, but I look too "flat" without it, so I'll keep doing it, along with "putting my face on" until I can't move my arms! 

    It's warming up here in Denver...16 degrees right now!   Till later!

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited January 2010


    Teasing only works for you smooth hair people.   I am a frizzy-top and teasing just lets each individual hair curl in its own special way.  :(  This unusually cold weather combined with a knitted cap actually has my hair laying down, kind of.   After a year of thinning and falling out... no chemo, just stress I think... my hair seems to be recovering.  I read Arimidex can thin your hair but does not seem to be in my case.  Could life be returning to normal?  Too much to hope for!


  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited January 2010


     I'm with you on the flat look, I just can't get dressed up without giving the hair a lift.  Being born with the straightest hair on earth and vertically challenged (5ft 2in) to boot, I need every advantage I can get height-wise.  I get a short layered cut and then set it into soft waves for this effect but I don't need to tease it into submission.

     When I had chemo it grew back with nice little curls but then it went straight again. It probably would have gone into tight springy curls if it stayed and I don't like hair that's too curly; would have ended up having it straightened in that event.


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited January 2010

    Isabella - you are one crazy lady.  I love your escapades!  BTW, I am a vegetarian so I understand you not eating your animals' cousins.  I stopped eating meat when my rabbit died.  I had a pet rabbit that got pasturella and died.  That day I decided a cow, a pig, or a chicken are living beings as was my rabbit and vowed never to eat meat, fowl, etc. again - that was about 25 years ago!

    Sheila - what a great way to announce such good news  - congradulations!!!!!!!

    DAR - I know what you mean - for a couple of months I knew I was going to have a bilateral mastectomy but when the date was set for surgery, it became real.  You can make it Sweetie.  As Faith says strenth and courage.

    Hair - mine was once curly, now I have cowlicks, COWLICKS - what's up with that?  It seems straighter - just kind of wavy as opposed to curly - remember, my bimax took care of my cancer so I did not have chemo or rads and I started having these problems since 1996.

    Getting old ain't for sissies!  I swear, even with the complications of my bimx, I have more problems with arthritis, diabetes, broken shoulder, etc!

    Try to stay warm everyone.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,289
    edited January 2010

    Hi everyone.....brrrrr is about all I can say.  Will be so glad when our warmer weather comes.  I did see on the weather map that many are getting this that are far from use to it.  Pam,  maybe someone should drive out to a normally cold state and bring back real "winter" coats.  You would  make a bundle selling them.

    Dar -- you are far from a wimp, or maybe we all have felt that way during this disease process.  I was in a kind of shock I think for my first three or four months -- you are treading through so many un-certainties -- hoping to make the proper decision.  If we are or seem really strong to you --- it is only because we started at the same point where you are and waded through the process.  You will look back later and SEE your strength. You just need some time.

    Isabella -- you are just too funny. I do relate to your frustration though with the closets episode.  It is amazing that I can go from ok with things to totally frustrated in 2 seconds flat sometimes.....I am trying to work on that.

    Carole -- yes -- I have been shocked a couple of times about just being gone for one day here.  Always interesting though to come back and find so many events and be able to pick up where things left off.  Can't say the ironing sounded like too much fun....but a great accomplishment.  I don't know who said it  ---   but someone talked about the fact ( maybe it was WW ) that just about everything that you like/cook can be slimmed down for the calorie conscious.  That is good news to me.  In the first half or more of my life -- food took so long to prepare....and too long to eat after --- now that I'm 64 --- it is all about the food.  I look forward to mealtimes and don't see the planning, prep etc. as time away from other things.  It is a nice break away from other things.

    Well, talking about breaks...need to think about starting my load for today -- have to get to town to the bank with a check....I'm out of funds.  See you all later.

    Hugs and keep warm,


    P.S.  A.Sheila --- what great news and love how you were told.  It is a wonderful thing.  Grandchildren are God's way of saying the world will go on.  Ok....a little cheesy, but seems it was the last thing you were thinking about ---- for a while at least.  Big congratulations.

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited January 2010

    Congratulations Sheila - what great news it is to become a grandparent.  Certainly being "Amma" has been a total delight, especially since my daughter and her family live one street away. This afternoon I'll pick up the almost six year old so that he can have an overnight here. Great fun - although he does get up a bit earlier than I do. He thinks the TV in my bedroom is wonderful and will watch it quietly til I come conscious.

    One thing I like about living here in Ontario is that whatever weather you like from cripsy snow to sweltering heat and everything in between - it will be here sometime in the year. Today it is a bit chilly at -12C (9F) but sunny and lovely. Now that I've ditched the wig, my short hair seems to like a warm hat on days like this.

  • kayok
    kayok Member Posts: 40
    edited January 2010

    Shelia,  so glad to talk about Grands instead of ironing.  Don't know why they keep bringing up such a horrid subject.   One thing I do know is that most of us that even remember what an iron is have to be over 60.   Sometimes I think I would rather see my sons in a polyester leisure suit than the way their rumbpled clothes look. (Ha Ha)   Use to think I had to keep my ironing up but have learned to think better of it and only do it once in awhile.

    Dar, we are all here for you.  You will get through this, you are just as tough as any woman out there and we all know it even if you don't.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2010

    Hi AussieSheila !!! That was funny...!  Yeah I'm 5 ' 1 inch!  So not very "tall" at all!  And I not only tease my hair, I cut it myself, & color it about every 6 weeks!  I think that comes from not having any money when we were "kids!"  Ha!  I still cut ("style") my Husbands hair also!  And no complaints yet...he wouldn't dare!   Wink

    I had to put this in....I just figured out how to do it.....again! 

    When you guys talk about Grand-kids, I so miss "our" boys in Orlando!  We talk to them a lot, but I just wish they were 10 years old again, & we could go "play" like we used to!    We might get to go the last of February!  DD is going to fly us "kids" out there, ha!  

    I'm just so thankful everyday that you girls are "here!"  My Husband just thinks this cancer is all done!  The Surgery, Radiation, a couple follow-up Doctor visits...MAYbe an Oncologist, & I should be as good as new!   But I don't think I will never quit being afraid of this coming back...And it's just a pain to talk to the family about it!   So it just helps so much to know you are all here!  Love you all....Jeannette

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited January 2010

    Sheila, many'll NEVER have any money just HAVE to go in baby clothes stores and toy shops...and its usually the tradition over here for one set of g/parents to fork out for the big fancy pram that the young ones MUST have, then use for about 4 months, and sell, aaarrrggh (I got caught TWICE with this little scam.)..gotta have the biggest, bestest pram to outdo their friends, then suddenly its too big, too cumbersome, and won't go in the car, and is sold....and there goes all your hard earned cash....well, the young ones think money grows on trees anyway !

    Kathleen, I'm not a veggie, I will eat pork, BUT that was before DD got 2 little piggies for Christmas, and before I picked them up and said sweet nothings into their I think pork now is going to be out of fashion here very, very soon.

    Jeanette, I cut my DSs ear when he was a little boy, so was never allowed near him again. I did the same to DH years ago, trying to save cash, honestly you'd have thought I'd cut half his head off the fuss he made, now he won't even let me near him to clip unruly bits off his eyebrows (WHY do mens eyebrows go like big thorn hedges as they get older??) I think I have plucked my eyebrows into oblivion over the years, and I'm still at it, wonder when we stop taking care of ourselves ?? I won't go out without my full slap on, well, its slightly modified now as I don't want to look like Sylvester Stallones mother !!!! I have always loved make up and hair do's. Can't walk past a makeup counter without stopping.

    I have coloured my hair since I was 14, have had quite a few disasters, but what the heck, it adds to life. I once cut my mothers hair SOOOO short she had to wear a scarf. She worked in a shop at the time, and mainly had her back to the customers, and the back was the worst bit, extra short and steppy would describe it !! so she tied on a scarf 'til it grew. I was in hot water for that for ages. Just about the same time as this disaster, as if 1 disaster wasn't enough for me, I chopped my own hair, I couldn't see the back, made a real hash of it, and was frogmarched to my Grandfathers house, where he ran the shears right up the whole of the back of my head !!!!  I had to go to school the next day. We wore dark green berets. We hated those berets and wouldn't put them on 'til we were within a whisker of the school. I kept mine firmly on my head on the school bus that day, and then kept it on as we all went into the assembly hall for morning service. My friends were by then looking sideways at me, wondering what the heck I was doing, wearing a hated beret IN the school, and somebody flicked it off. Well, all the girls around me collapsed in fits of giggles, and just everyone looked over at me. I can't remember now whether I went red (which I most certainly would have done) ran out, or stood my ground ( I DON'T think so on this one !!!!) I wish I could remember he he he. But that didn't stop me chopping away for years at my sister and brothers hair, and at my own to this day. I now and then go to a hairdresser, but I am an "impulse hair style changer", I can't wait 4 or 5 days for an appointment, so usually if I can't get in to a "walk in" hairdresser, when the fit takes me to change my style, I start to chop away ! 

    At the moment I am growing my hair, so that I can go and get a 'proper' cut...but...I am starting to get annoyed at it. It gets a bit witch like if I get it wet, its almost shoulder length, but is growing very uneven. I have been putting it up this last week, into a sort of scrunchie, just to get it off my face, and to make myself sit it out another 3/4 weeks to go and have a really decent bob. I have quite thick hair, so am hoping it will suit me, I keep looking with envy at the young ones with their shiny bobs, but with all the gunk and dyes I heap on my hair I can never see me making shiny !

    Right...shower time.


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited January 2010


    What a joy to become a grandmother.  It was the one thing missing in my life until my children, finally in their 30s, began to have babies.  Honestly, I worry over the grands more than I did my own!  Such happy days, enjoy!


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited January 2010

    Is there anything more precious than a newborn?


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2010

    CONGRATS SHEILA!   Grandkids are WONDERFUL!  I had more fun shopping for my three little guys this Christmas.  Just when I thought I was done, I spotted something that I just couldn't resist for one of them.  Then I had to purchase something else for the other two to keep it as even as possible.  I only wish that they lived closer so I could be more involved in some of their day-to-day activities.

    Jeannette, I think we're all a little scared of it coming back but we all handle it in different ways and have different outlooks on it.  I tend to be a worrier.  I've found that it doesn't help one bit but I still find myself worrying about this ache and that pain.  Lately, I think I'm doing better at just getting on with life.

    The hair issue.........sometimes I wonder how many women are really happy with their hair.  I have always had kinky, natural curly hair and fought it for years.  Although I'm still not fond of it, I finally cut it in layers and just let it curl.  It's so much easier!

    Well, I have some things to do around here this afernoon so I'd better get moving.  Catch you all later.  Pam, our weather channel says that your area will be warming back up  by the end of the week.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2010

    Went to a meeting yesterday..nice surrounding

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited January 2010

    Hair- don't we all want what we didn't get? Mine is straight as a wall and all my sisters have lots of body- ALWAYS wished I had some of their curls, meanwhile my sis is having me iron her hair! OH well- it is what it is. Rita I have been a worrier all my life and have now given it up- "Borrowed trouble" is what someone here called it , yet when I got on it, there was absolutely no stopping me. I empathize with you totally.

    Babies- there are the best- a clean slate and a bundle of joy- enjoy them all. I was very protective over my grand(who is a step) and found that I was so protective that I would be ugly if anyone said anything as he has sever CP and can't ever be like other kids.

    Love you ladies. My sis is doing well- Thank Heaven!! They have been here 10 + days and I have cooked, cleaned, cooked more and washed sheets, towels etc. I am tired and will take a nap!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2010

    Lisa....beautiful pictures!  The area looks so much more inviting that the mounds of "white" that I'm looking at from my dining room window!  Just gorgeous!

    Melissa...I like your term "borrowed trouble!"  That's just what it is and I'm working diligently to keep from worrying so much.  Glad your sis is doing well.  She's lucky to have you for a sister! 

    It's 14 degrees on our thermometer.......a real heatwave!  LOL 

    Well, the outside cats have shown up for breakfast and I need to get moving today.  I hope you all have a good start to your week.  I'll be back later.  Today's a "work around the house" type of day so that I can play tomorrow and Wednesday!  LOL


  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited January 2010

    I have been away for a few days and boy did I miss alot.  My younger daughter is home from college and I have been spending time with her.  It is a real treat for me.  I was an older parent so my daughters are both in their 20s and I while I hope for grandchildren, not for a long time. 

    Have a nice day.


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited January 2010

    Rita & Melissa - not to make things worse but I always worry that if I stop worrying something will happen!  I know that is not rational but so what.

    Lisa - beautiful pics - a relief from, as Rita said, mounds of piled up snow!  Thank you.

    Melissa - yes, we all want the exact opposite of what we have when it comes to hair!