Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010

    Oh MG Isabella!!!!!!  Your letter just cracked me up!  Man, that was hysterical!  PLEASE don't ever take time off from this board!  The whole time I was reading about your DH, I knew mine would have been right there with him!   If my funny little Husbands nose runs, or if he sneezes, he is positive he is catching something, Ha!  Even if it lasts just 15 minutes!  But ONE time, his back was hurting soooooo bad I had to practically drag him to a Chiropractor...then the bl**dy chiropractor hurt him so bad, we had to carry him back out to the car!   So think about the "chiropractor" option again! Wink  Isn't it funny how they just WON'T take anything for their pain, & even when they GO to the Doctor's & they are prescribed something, they will BUY it, & never take even one pill?  Just drives me NUTS!  Is it hard for you to keep your mouth shut when you are sitting in the Doctor's office with him, & he is complaining about his "ills" and your words just want to erupt all over the place!  

    I KNOW they hurt, but shutthef**** up!  DO something about it!  We are HERE for you, just HELP us help YOU!   Although I DO think the dogs on the floor were just too funny to keep from happening again!   Yes, that calls for a repeat!  We shouldn't laugh when these things happen, but it's either that or try so very very hard not to drop a cast iron skillet on them....even when they aren't complaining.

    Melissa....You are just the icing on the cake!  Your observations just add to our insanity!  I think we might scare the new girls off?  Naaah!  Damn, if we can't laugh once in awhile, we might get caught up in our OWN thoughts, & those could be quite scary!  

    Still Verticle....I'm so glad you still post, even as sick as you get!  How often do you have to do this?  Just remember we are all here waiting for you, and give you warm little hugs when you talk to us!    You gals that have gone through chemo.........  my heart is filled with so much admiration for you....I don't know what to say.... I just love you all......  Jeannette

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2010

    Okay pods, the mighty mighty pods...Just a good morning to you all! 

  • kayok
    kayok Member Posts: 40
    edited January 2010

    O My Gosh, what a boring life I lead.   Not sure if someone was to write all of your adventures down, Isabella, that they would want to rate it anything other than fiction.    The only problem is no one could imagine even one day of your life.   One thing for sure, God, must have really poured out a generous amount of a sense of humor on you.   What in heck was your life like before you met your DH???  You are one strong POD.  Maybe we could dub you, SUPER-POD. 

    Happy belated Birthday, Jo.  And how great it is that you reach another milestone in 3 months, what great news it is for all us newer folks to hear.  Hope you all know you bring a bit of sunshine to my day everytime I read your postings.   Thanks for helping us all in this sisterhood,

    Hugs, Carolyn 

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited January 2010

    My goodness my fellow podlings!  I was off the boards for 2 days due to flu and I had a hour's worth of reading just to catch up.

    Welcome newcomers!

    Melissa - just remember that sage advice - normal is overrated!

    Isabella - your ability to put up with life's troubles in such a quirky way is astonishing.  I think I have said before that you take everything with a grain of salt, let it pass over you like water and find humor in every situation.  Like other sisters have said, when I see a post from you I know I'm in for a good ride!  Everytime I read your posts I am transported to your farm.  I don't know if what imagine looks anything like your place but it gives me comfort and peace.  I am in complete empathy with both you and your DH.  I have had both problems - its just miserable.  I have also been in the doctor's office and had that "why are you bothering us" with your trivial problems.  Boy, you would just like to slap them in their little smug faces.

    Jo - my friend, my sister - Happy Belated Birthday

    happy birthday

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,327
    edited January 2010

    OMGosh --- I was having a sort of un-cheerful morning this a.m. and then I read Melissa and Isabella.  Just crack me up completely.  They are definitely a dynamic duo.  Actually Isabella, I have had the same thing happen -- be "out of sorts" with something and the minute you get around a "professional" that can help you much of the problem seems to disappear.  Your hubby must have spent enough time in that floor with the dogs that he accidentally "relieved" enough of the stress that one look at the Doc. was all it took. 

    Went to my sister-in-laws wake only to come home and find that two of my other friends had passed on.  Grew up with both of these people.  They are/were young, we were  in school together so it gives you pause for thought that is for sure.  That is what my lack of cheer was about, but I am much better now.

    Verticle -- I did not have quite your combination.....I had Adriamycin and Cytoxen --- this done a real number as far as nausea -- in fact, to the tune of losing 38 pounds.  Had Taxotere only my last four treatments and that made most of my bones hurt.  There was a cycle to it all.  The first two or three days after infusions I would feel a little off, but all was quite tolerable -- then pretty much downhill, nauseated and throwing up for the next four or five -- then the upswing would start and I would be in the kitchen whipping up tuna fish on toast which I always craved.  On just the Taxotere I would go through just about the same routine.....just have to deal with the bone pain which was very feel-able for four or five days at which time it would back off.  This is just what you do to help save your life and though it may seem so very rough at times --- there is a "time period" and it ends up being fairly short compared to the benefit.  I looked at it like having had 63 great years beforehand so was pretty willing to give up 6 mos. of not so great to get over everything and get back to living great years again.  Hang in there sweetie.  

    Will be checking in later.  See you then.

    Big hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,327
    edited January 2010

    Something I left on the other blog -- I like to share it here today as well:

    A pessimist sees only the dark side of the clouds, and mopes; a philosopher sees both sides, and shrugs; an optimist doesn't see the clouds at all - he's walking on them.  ~Leonard Louis Levinson

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2010

    JO....As usual, I'm late wishing you a happy birthday!  I didn't even log on yesterday so I apologize for the late greetings!  It sounds like you had a good day.  We certainly need to celebrate these birthdays!  They are indeed a gift!

    O.K. Jackie, if the gals come into the Chicago area in May, would you be up to driving to my house and riding on up with me to meet them?

    Pam, as for the trip south, we will play some golf but not as much as usual. The lady I'm travelling with broke her hip in November and isn't supposed to be golfing.  She is taking her clubs so she can chip and putt but I imagine that we'll be looking for several other forms of entertainment while we're there.  We are staying right on the beach so that in itself will be great!

    I need to get going but I'll check in later.  Everyone have a good Sunday!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,327
    edited January 2010


  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited January 2010

    I swear everytime I come here to read I am refreshed and tummy muscles get their exercise from laughter.  Isabella, the husband rolling over in the pee is just too much, I was cracking up but also thinking poor hubby.

    Melissa, maybe the psychitrist you went to was the one that was crazy.  You are one crazy lady and that is why we all love you so much.  Now JO she is the one that keeps me calm and from going crazy myself.

    My son in law hates cats and my son has 3 that live in the house and never are allowed outside.  When we all stay with my son on a vacation to DC one of my sons cats climbed on top of my son in law and peed on him when he was taking a nap.  He was NOT happy.  He must have sensed how much he disliked cats and "got him". 

    Jan 17 2004 was when I was diagnosed and Jan 17 2010 I will find out if the broken bone is finally healed.  Everyone say a little prayer for me. 

    Hoping the pod of smart whales has a great day.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited January 2010


    His son was doing his homework. He looked up.  Dad, he said, what do you call someone who always thinks the worst thing is going to happen?"  "A realist," the dad replied.  ~ Hagar the Horrible



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2010

    Hey Pam, I have managed to lift my head off of the pillow for a second or two. I was sleeping quite soundly and perfectly happy in a coma, when my 84 year old Dad (who is as deaf as a bag of hammers) waltz's in yellling at the top of his lungs (just to make sure I can hear him), "what's wrong with you...your not taking too much Oxy are seem so out of it" No Dad, the bottle of 10 OXY the ONC gave me is full. Dad." "WHAT...I CANNOT HEAR YOU SPEAK UP." Me, BARF, BARF." Jackie,so sorry about your loss. The major thing about getting "golder" is that I get to witness friends pass. S#CKS! And Spar, sending you my best "bone healing vibes" Melissa, gal' I do not know what to write about the shrink (been there done that). Still there and doing it but stable on depression meds for years-until now, having contracted Chemo Brain this week. Jo, If I said happy birthday a few times before, I have forgotten about it-so it is news to me again. Hey, at least I can hide my own Easter Eggs this year!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    Isabella and Melissa1518 - you gals have me in tears - soooooooooo funny.  And you're right, 'normal' is boring.  My trouble is I don't have a serious bone in the entire body.  Well, maybe one, somewhere but it rarely surfaces.  Gets me in trouble often because my attitude is life is too short and this too shall pass.  I simply can't hold on to serious stuff for more than a day.

    But Isabella, your DH is a keeper.  He makes life interesting.  (easy for me to say LOL)

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited January 2010

    I liked the shrink- very calm and quite concerned- I no longer hold on to anything-well maybe these stressed muscles that I earned at yoga today- maybe they will hang on for a bit.but not the "borrowed troubles", Isabella is a scream- I can just see her stepping over DH, pups in tow back and forth, back and forth- after all whats a little dog pee? especially when it is on DH! TEE HEE- You know at this point I must remind you ladies that" Everything  is in God's plan" so DH probably had the dose of dog pee coming!

    I want to come to Chicago- Spar you could get to Mo. and then we could ride together BUT I can't go in May because I will have just joined DH in Mo. around May 21ish. and have a wedding on June 26 = my dear niece whose mother keeps trying to figure out how she grew up to be some much like ME! Yeah! Maybe in between?

    MJ- I wish I could help you- I know nothing of chemo but there are some "wise ones" here that can guide you- My DMIL is deaf as a door knob- We are called the Scream Team by my family. Waitresses ask do want sides with that? And she screams "I don't want fries, I DON'T WANT FRIES!" I try to keep a straight face but sometimes give in to the grins.

    Jackie I am so sorry for you loses- too many at once, that is just not fair- one is enough but grieving for 3 within weeks is not right. Hopefully you are done for the year!

    Spar I will pray for bone healing Grace just as I have been- We MIGHTY PODS SHALL WILL IT HEALED! And WOW you have a anniversary of sorts coming up- DXed in 2004- I am so glad that you stuck around this web site until I got here! Thanks- and thanks to all of you Pre-PODS that hung around- we need you. each and everyone!

    I am giving in to a nap- I did too much yesterday and yoga killed my behind. Love ya all

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited January 2010

    Jackie, sorry about your losses, it seems to come with the territory as we get older.

    I used to laugh at one Grandma always ending a lot of her sentences with 'if I'm still here', and the other Grandma  'if I'm spared' but you get to feeling this way, especially when its someone you've been at school with, its a bit soul destroying. I must admit I always read the obits. each night, in our newspaper, and most weeks someone I know has died. I don't know if its bc that reminds us of our own mortality, or what....certainly I am more aware of deaths.

    Had a reasonably quiet day with DH today, his pain isn't as bad as yesterday, and he managed to get slowly round all the animals without help, though it took him nearly an extra hour. I took advantage of the fact that the snow has gone, and had a real scrubbing morning in my kennels. With everything being frozen up for a fortnight, and despite my G/son supposedly cleaning for me yesterday, lots of mess went unnoticed.( this is a 17 yr old G/son turning into a MAN, and we all know just how little mess men seem to see ) I had soap suds all over the place, lots of fur, dog biscuits, and old bones the dogs had been chewing, and managed to bung up one of my drains, so had to be poking around with draining rods to free it. I just hate this job, and it doesn't get easier when its murder to bend. I was done in when I got into the house, and was suprised to be met with bacon, eggs and beans. DH feeling a little guilty perhaps !? We just stoked up the log burner, and sat there, infront of it, all afternoon.dozing away. Not often we sit down until evening, felt guilty doing nothing, but neither of us could do anymore work.

    I see that one of my favorite programes, Greys Anatomy, is starting series 6 this next week, but its on a cable programe this time around, and a programe that I just cannot pick up. I am mad. I am still waiting for Amazon to come up with the box series of CDs for series 5, I missed a few of them, Its not yet on release in Europe, I joined Amazons waiting list months ago.

    I am hoping to have a days shopping tomorrow, so am aiming on getting up early, and off, for the whole day. Whether I will be able to stay the course with my walking....or non walking !!....I don't know. Have done my hair tonight, and am just off up to pop on some nail polish. My 13 yr. old G/D asked me why I still bother to put nail polish on my toes when I last saw her, I must look at least 100 to her !I I know when I was 13 anyone over about 25 was on their last legs ! 

    Has anyone heard or seen anything of Motherof7, haven't seen her around lately. If you're hiding in the woodwork MO7 come out.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2010

    One time my DH fell to the floor with sciatica ...I called the hospital and they

    came and got him..after working up his symptoms ...drove him home in an

    abulance..brought him in  with a bed pan on his stomach, and basically told me to take 

    care of him..hmmmm

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,327
    edited January 2010

    Morning everyone....gray as ever outside but due to get to 50's.  With the temps we have come through that will definitely qualify as a January heat wave. 

    Lisa  -- sciatica must be something the medical profession can't get much mileage out of if they just gave hubby back to you.  From the description though I sure hope I never get anything like that.  Sort of reminds me of when I was 8 and had rheumatic fever.  Went to the Pediatrician to get diagnosed.  Before going my mom told me I would not get a shot -- and said it with a fair amt. of confidence.  Well for diagnostic purposes the Dr. had to take blood so little tears are coming as I childishly chastise my mom for lying to me.....but she says --- with a very straight face -- your not getting a shot -- they are only going to take blood and I said oh, ok and calmly shut up. All just meaning that in many ways we cope with what comes -- it is how we view it after it arrives that makes the difference. 

    Ok Melissa -- here is my addled brain not at work.  Where in Mo. did you say you would be?  I am about an hrs. drive east of St. Louis Mo. and the river in Illinois. 

    Well, off to start my day.  Hope you all have a wonderful one.  Hi to everyone

    Hugs, Jackie

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    About 18 years ago I was walking into a psychiatric hospital (no, not a patient - I worked there!) and my boss, a psychiatrist, was walking next to me and I said to him that I have a pain in my butt.  Used that exact word.  He told me to call my doc immediately.  Within 30 minutes it was all I could do to move.  Don't know how I drove to the doctor as the pain was up and down my right leg.  He gave me a strong muscle relaxer.  While I've had pangs there over the years, nothing like that again.

    Hope everyone is enjoying this "warm" weather.

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited January 2010

     Jackie HOW EXCITING! DH and I will be outside of Salem, physically closer to Montauk State Park- 1 hour 40 minutes (and very easy to drive) out side of St Louis- Look on the map for Rolla ( on 44 southwest) follow state rd 72 to Salem. We are between 19 south leaving Salem and (to the west) 137- if you see when 119 and E are you are as close as you can get on the map. That is hardtop or paved E and we are on gravel E which forks off to the left. I still have 2 DS in ST Louis-  the reason for our move.

    Who mentioned "NORMAL"? I watched this documentary called "The Secret"- one of the speakers said "85% of the American population comes from a dysfunctional family so that is normal" that means if you come from the 85% well, it is basically WHATEVER" meaning we are the norm. Tee Hee that is almost as funny as the geeks ruling the world, which is not giving them much credit in todays current economy! Anyone heard from SPAR?

    I checked back in  and no one has posted - I met my goals for the weekend- went to yoga, mopped the entire house, cleaned out my second (over stuffed ) closet AND went through the kitchen cabinets.

    good night fair madens

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited January 2010

    Jackie - my condolences on the loss of your SIL and friends.  Its so sad.  The husband of an old friend of mine died Sunday of lung cancer (Yes - he was a smoker).  And yesterday, my sister's roommate (actually she is the mother of her roommate but they all live together) died.  She was 92, bless her little heart.  She was so dear and sweet.  It will not be the same going to their house.

    Jo - I have had sciatica too.  It is miserable.  I realize no one likes pain but I take it as a personal affront!

    Melissa - I think the figure is higher than 85% - I don't think I have met a "normal" person!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2010

    Morning little Pods!  I had a couple ruptured disks years ago...I somehow twisted my back, with one leg on the bed, trying to throw the covers back over to the top, while holding the phone on my opposite shoulder....The pain that happened, just made me slide off the bed onto my knees.... It gradually felt better after about a week, but came back whenever I moved even slightly.  Physical therapy, "Well-back" classes, muscle relaxers, a "wanna-be"  "Chiropractor?".. and after a year of this, I was worse.....  The sciatica was relentless....No matter what I did, or didn't do, that pain was down the back of my leg, into my foot, causing me to "drag" my foot.  The 600mg of Ibuprofen every 3 hours helped me get through the days...And when I was sleeping, and  woke up, I knew if I even moved an inch, it would start.....It just takes the life out of you.

    I finally had surgery by a Neurologist...a "Double Laminectomy"...The sciatic nerve was pinched between the bones, with "coagulated blood & bulging disks"...So it didn't matter what we did before, the pain could not leave...until the surgery.   He didn't fuse it, because he said it would gradually grow together anyway. 

     So sometimes, no matter how you try & fight this, even after all the physical therapy & muscle relaxers, it just won't go away......And surgery is a last resort, but it worked for me.

    That was all 15 years ago, and I very rarely have back pain, & never wouldn't dare! 

    I feel so bad for all of you & your Husbands that are fighting this.....It just ain't easy!   Geez, we could have a new topic here!  Ha!  Love you girls!  xoxoxxoxo

  • DaylilyFan
    DaylilyFan Member Posts: 12
    edited January 2010

    From what I have read on other threads, if you are on an AI, there's a test to measure your response (how well it metabolizes perhaps) that should be standard practice.

    I'm 61, and my surgeon ordered an Oncotype genetic test which measures the likelihood of recurrence.  Mine was very low (less than 10% chance) but I don't know if that includes radiation treatment.  At any rate, the med onc has ruled out chemo but wants to start some type of hormone therapy after I finish rads.  How much expense and side effects am I willing to tolerate to reduce my risk?  I don't know and am still grappling with this issue.  (Well, it gives me something else to think about besides rads!)

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,327
    edited January 2010

    Hey -- good foggy morning.  I think I'm ready to beg the universe almost on bended knee -- please no bad back for me.  It sounds so massively debilitating and horribly painful.  I'm thrilled to hear that many were able to get relief and hope those still facing the problem find the "right" solution.

    I am going to have to sit myself down with a map and figure out just where Salem is in a while.  I was stationed at Ft. Leonard Wood and spent many Sunday afternoons in Rolla.  I don't recall how it was spelled....but used to go often to the Ruby Deaux River.  I am a water lover --  give me a lake, river, even a fair sized pond and I am a happy person. 

    Normal -- let me see.  Probably 20 minutes after birth.  Downhill since then.  Wouldn't I lose my ability to be spontaneous if I were normal -- always doing what is expected and totally accepted.  As Joanne Whorley would say ----   BOOOORING !!!!!

    Hope you all have a magnificent day -- ok a fantastic day -- or all right....a great day -- ok have a good day then -- but do have it.

    Hugs, Jackie

    VIP -- one of the very important pods.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,327
    edited January 2010

    Welcome Daylily Fan --- someone will chime in with some info for you.  Glad you are here, but sorry for the reason we are all here.  It is a great place to get some answers though....being able to hear from all these women if like having a hundred doctors on your case instead of just a couple. 

    See you later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    Daylily, welcome to our club, although we would have preferred to meet elswehere - Hawaii perhaps!

    Oncotype testing is usually to decide chemo or not; not rads.  But rads is very doable - a few minutes a day for 6 weeks, or it could be the shorter (I forget right now the name) rads tx which I think is only a week or two.  Thousands have gone through it, many with no se's at all.  Depending on your hormone would dictate se's, if any, and expense.  For instance, Arimidex is still under patent, some say ending this year, some say next but is very pricey if you don't have a good prescription plan.

    What are you willing to tolerate:  as our most esteemed JO says - treatment se's are easier to fight than BC. 

    This disease, treatment options, etc. is very individual, so whatever you decide to do, know that we are all here to offer support. 

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited January 2010

    DaylilyFan - a lot of us are on hormone therapy of some sort. I am on Femara which is intended for post menopausal women. As I am also on Herceptin, it is sort of tricky to sort out which one is causing what side effects - and each of us reacts differently.  It is almost five months since I started Femara and longer for the Herceptin (it started during chemo). My side effects include some soreness when getting up or getting going, but once I get going, all is well.

    The cost? I don't know what it would cost you for Femara in the US. It is about $500 for a three month supply here  (my extended health care plan pays for most of it). My concern would be the cost of not doing it. I had DCIS five years before this round and if I get it again, I want to know that I did everything on offer to try to keep it away. There are things I still want to see and do in this life!

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited January 2010

    Hi Daylilly fan,

    There is a test to see how one metabolizes Tamoxifen but I havenot heard of one for the AIs.  Even for the Stage IV girls they just have to wait to see if their tumors shrinks.   I guess the rest of us just have to wait and see if we recur. :(

    I suppose the percentage of how ER+ you are might be a clue, the higher the better.

    The oncotype assumes radiation followed by Tamoxifen for 5 years.  AI's are supposed to gi ve slightly better odds. 

    Do all the good things... diet, exercise, medication, whatever and hope for the best.  

    The AIs are expensive, hope your insurance will help you out,


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited January 2010

    Hi, Daylily.  Welcome to our discussion.  I'm on Arimidex, an Aromatase Inhibitor.  Hope that's spelled correctly or I'll have to go back and circle it in red, since I'm an ex-English teacher!  Full price for Arimidex is expensive, $300 or more.  I pay $35 for 30 pills.  Sides effects vary from person to person.  The most common SE is joint pain.  Good luck to you!  Most of all, good health.

    Isabella, my Dh knows you by name because I sometimes read aloud to him your posts.  He got a real laugh out of the recent post about your poor Dh down on the floor with the dogs.  Glad to hear he's doing better.

    Jo, sorry I didn't know you were having a birthday.  Hope it was a happy one!

    Today was a lovely day once the morning fog lifted.  Dh and I went to the driving range and hit some golf balls.  Then we played/walked 9 holes.  The course was wet, and it isn't pretty this time of year.  Fairways a golden brown much like a wheat field with muddy patches.  But as always I loved being outdoors on a golf course. 

    Jackie, that was such a good description of undergoing chemo.  I'm so grateful I was spared that suffering.  StillVerticle, I'll be thinking about you and sending healing vibes. 

    Best wishes to all.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited January 2010

    Hi Daylilyfan....welcome...ARE you a fan of daylilies !?? One of my favorite plants.

    Just starting to think about plants for my garden this year...I know its very early...but I like to look at the catalogs and see what I fancy. My garden is quite big, I love gardening, but this year am thinking I might need some help. I really don't think I shall be able to do the heavy things, but don't want to get a 'butcher' who doesn't know which plant is which. I would describe myself as a plantswoman rather than a gardener, have had an enormous interest in plants since I was about 10/11 yrs old. At one time I could have spouted the latin name of any plant you cared to throw at me, but not now. Now and then something will pop up into my head as I'm wandering round garden centres, and see something wrongly labelled, but most of the latin has just evaporated.

    I did buy 6 lovely white hellebores, about 8" high, from our local supermarket of all places, in absolute full bloom. I've popped them into my tubs outside the back door, to rejuvenate them. They look really well, all it needs now is DH to come crashing up with a basket of logs, plonk them down carelessly, as he usually does, and my hellebores will be beheaded.  If I give him a warning I will be "nagging " if I don't say anything it'll be "why didn't you say"  can't win !!

    DHs siatica is bothering him again, he isn't taking tablets as he was told to. He was told to take them regularly, to try and keep a constant level of painkillers in his body. He is taking them when the pain gets really bad, as he "'isn't a pill taker" so... he is suffering. He has been out all day delivering (thank you lord !! ). We have a free range egg round, I used to do this until I had my mast, but just cannot lift anymore...boxes of eggs are heavy ! So I have had a nice easy quiet day, just me and lots of dogs. You'd have thought a hurricane had hit  just after 5pm when DH got in, he was beside himself with the pain, and had gone right from 9am without taking anything, I hadn't the heart to say "told you so", but I was mad at him as it doesn't just impact on him. The dogs and I have to put up with him like a bear with a sore head until the painkillers kick in. I only stuck around about 15 mins then went off to wash my hair !    

    We have 2 more days of snow forecast this week, but not such a lot that I can't get out (I hope) The snow and ice that blocked me in for 2 weeks has done a real number on our drive, its all holes now, so will be an expensive job to repair, but we can't do it until all the bad weather is gone.  I start about this time of year counting off the weeks to Spring, and a bit warmer weather, and being able to get out into my garden. The only thing I do in winter outside is go hang up loads of birdfood in my trees. I have birdfeeders fixed on my conservatory windows, and I can watch the antics of the birds when I'm having my wakeup coffee on a morning.

    Hope all are OK, and keeping warm.


  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited January 2010

    Hello everyone this is DAR, Normal, can anyone explain normal.  Was a psyche nurse ions ago and when a new admission would come in the first words out of their mouth was (Im not crazy).  Then we would discuss normal.  My response what is normal and I never found one patient who could tell me whats normal.  Does anyone like to go to the casino?  I love the adrenalin rush and thought I would love to meet friends in vegas.   I have to have my single mastectomy on Feb lst and see what follows .  I had 3 different opinions.  Hoping to just have to take ;pills but through this journey nothing has turned out the way it was planned  Love to all

  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited January 2010

    Hi. It's me, Dar, (ernie877). I changed my sign on name. 

    Here's a cute poem about living in Ohio:

    It's winter in Ohio and the gentle breezes blow,

    Seventy miles an hour at thirty-five below.

    Ohio how I love Ohio when the snow's up to your butt;

    You take a breath of winter and your nose gets frozen shut.

    Yes, the weather here is wonderful so I guess I'll hang around.

    I could never leave Ohio, I'm frozen to the ground!