Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • mikita5
    mikita5 Member Posts: 60
    edited March 2009

    Illinoislady: Of course I'm not offended. I LOVE animals too! My screen name, Mikita, is from a Gorgeous long haired himalayan / siamese cat we got from the shelter. She was soooo scared, hovering in the back of her cage. The lady told us she was very scared. She wasn't, ....she was wild! Got her home and she spent a little over a month mostly in our closet. We let her be, knowing she'd come out on her own time. Hubby got things and put on the end of fishing poles, trying to get her to play.She didn't know how to play.  Finally, one day, she came out and sat around us while we were on our computers. Then, one day, she got on hubby's lap. She never sat on mine, for some odd reason, but she let me pet her. Her hiding so much, we didn't know she was even gone. We think she got out the garage door one day and we never saw her again. If I can find a pix of her, I'll post it. That was one beautiful cat!! Beautiful blue eyes and gorgeous markings!

    My sis is a cat lady. She has 5 indoors right now. Her latest, she found on the side of the road. She has gorgeous eyes like my Mikita did. And she only has 3 legs. She'd been mauled by some animal and had maggots on her backside. Vet bill cost $500. A neighbor lady helped share the expense with my sis.

  • mikita5
    mikita5 Member Posts: 60
    edited March 2009

    marpatn: Soo sorry for your dx.  I'm 2 months past my dx and I'm still in shock. Decided to have a bilat mx and thought it wasn't such a hard decision. Scheduled for this surgery on March 30 and the closer it gets, the more nervous and terrified I become. It's a horrible thing to face, but we'll all get thru it. This site is amazing and these ladies are fabulistic!!! hang in there!

  • samedaynurseJan
    samedaynurseJan Member Posts: 162
    edited March 2009


    this is the first time I have ever tried to offer strength to anyone here.....I am only 2 1/2 months out of diagnosis.....about 2 months post op and about 6 weeks since radiation.....taking the famous belly fat producer Arimidex now. I rec'd my diagnosis in the middle of the Recovery Room where I work, from my surgeon who is also a friend, I nearly collapsed in front of Drs and patients and co workers....and from there it all just rolled and took on a life of its own. And here I am.....lots of it behind me now....and grateful for the friendship and support and love I have found here on these boards and *here* in my day to day life.....try to always have someone with to help you listen and remember....try to remember its almost never quite as bad as our imaginations would have us think it is.....there is hope, there is help and there is love and support for you every step of the way.....use us....we are all here for you

    with love


  • Maire67
    Maire67 Member Posts: 418
    edited July 2010

    tdbear ..I've been on AIs since June 06...and I'm have a hot flash now...sometimes I feel cold, then nauseous and then achy and sleepy...followed by a doozy...Not sure what that's all about.

    Marpatn...all of us here will always remember those first weeks of fear.  It will change over time. Come here and ask questions, share your feelings and know that we have all felt it in some way or another. 

    It is almost 4 years for me so you can get through this's not easy but you can do it with help and kindness you'll find here.  Hold on and take it slow.  Get yourself a notebook and start keeping all your appointments and questions in it.  Take it with you whenever you talk to doc on the phone or in person..   One step at a time.  Maire

  • cw89134
    cw89134 Member Posts: 62
    edited March 2009


    I just wanted to let you know that I'm in the same boat as you are, having been diagnosed on 2/23 with "invasive mammary carcinoma with ductal and lobular features". Is it ductal or lobular or both?

    Anyway, I was totally blindsided as the mammogram I had last July only showed calcifications that turned out to be in skin tissue, not breast tissue. I'm fortunate that for both procedures I went to a surgeon who specializes in breasts only. I call it "one stop shopping for breasts". This was on 2/18. He read the mammogram and said "I think we have a problem". He immediately then took an ultrasound and tried to aspirate the mass, hoping it was a cyst. No luck. He did a core needle biopsy right there and then (My breast is still black and blue). This whole process took less than two hours. The nurse told me, after he left the room, that she was 99% sure that it was malignant. Both she and the surgeon were correct.

    I'm scheduled for a lumpectomy on March 26 with radiation to follow. Yesterday, I went for a CT/PET scan and got the results this morning. Except for the mass in my left breast, there was no other cancer in my body. Whew! It could have been worse.

    All I can say is take "one day at a time" and make informed decisions. Don't get me wrong -- I'm scared too.

    Carol W.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2009

    Carol and Marpatn....hugs to both of you during this scary time. 

    Marpatn....When you go to your next appointment, ask for a copy of your biopsy report and as Jan suggested, take somebody with you who can take some notes  You can't believe how little I actually remembered at that first consultation.  Luckily my son had gone along and taken notes.  I think the decision-making part is the hardest.  Once my treatment plan was decided, I felt better and felt like I was doing something to combat the beast.  Like Carol says, go one day at a time and you will make it through.  We will be here for you!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,324
    edited March 2009

    Hi again Mikita.....interesting....we have a feral ( feral just means wild ) Himalayan.  She was a rescue.  Lady who originally caught her said she thought it was a male.  We named him Ole' Frankie Blue Eyes.  Had him in a crate for a long time and finally every day I would force Frankie to let me pet him.  About three weeks into my 'work" Frankie who always got in the farthest corner of the crate rolled over on his back.  I'm a brave soul so I started to pet the tummy ( no cat will let you do this unless they have total trust for you ) and I encountered a set of bumps, then another and another.  Frankie had a name change right then and there  to Fancy Girl and less than a week the middle wee hours of the morning Fancy had six baby kittens in my walk in closet.  Fancy never really warmed to us....but she is still with us almost 8 years later.  We were able to get her "fixed" as all our cats and dogs are.....they make better pets by far.   Fancy Girl's children...Nee-Nee ( which means silly goose I think in Hawaiian ) Beau Freckles, Spike ( deceased ) Doddy,Sharlene, Gracie Mae.  I have been a rescuer since the age of 11 much to my parents chagrin. Dh always says, hmmm seems God is always looking when we lose one and before you know it for some reason another shows up.  Our census stays about the same......even though like kids growing up and leaving home we keep hoping that the numbers will dwindle and not go back up.  

    Wondering how I missed that you were so recently diagnosed.  Guess my newness here as one of the new seasoned old/'young timers.  I would have to say that my surgery was probably the easiest part for me.  I had a lumpectomy with sentinel node biopsy.  Only had 3 sentinel nodes and all were clean as could be.  Clean margins all around.  Did not need any pain meds at all.  I was told to bring a tight bra with me and I wore that 24/7 for the first week.  I had a 45 minute surgery and about 45 minutes after I woke up.....I was on my way home 75 miles away.  Had all my chemo via I.V. 4 rds. Adriamycin & Cytoxin @ three week intervals and then 4 rds. Taxotere @ three week intervals.  After that came the 7 weeks of radiation which was a walk in the park.  My hubby insisted on being there for every treatment and every test.  It made most of it easier for me though now and then I threw a fit.  He sees me as a very strong person but there were times I really needed to give into my fear and despair and thinking he was helping---he kept trying to coach bravery from me.  He was afraid I was giving in I guess....but in order to get over those feelings....I had to be allowed to recognize and have them.  We reached a meeting of the minds on this and did fine after that. 

    I hope all of you will be here when and if the path gets bumpy.  I well remember my first blog entry ( I had never done such a thing before ) yet something in me made me feel almost from the first that it would be my salvation, my Rock of Gibraltar, and exactly what I needed to help me fight the only monster that ever actually scared the breath right out of me.  The monster is much smaller now.


  • Gramof3
    Gramof3 Member Posts: 111
    edited March 2009

    SamedaynurseJan:  Maybe we should come up with an anthem--Tiiime Is On Our Side, yessss it is...." is good; or it could be "Needles and Pins" by the Searchers "That's how it beginza, needles and pinza"  Anyone have suggestions for the "Seasoned Chemo Babes Anthem"??

     Marpatn:  I believe being scared is part of this whole uncertain journey.  You have friends here--we truly are in the same boat, so row with us.  

    Hmm, maybe the anthem could be "Leaaan on Me" or "Row, Row, Row Your Boat"??  Now I have many songs floating around in my chemo brain.  Nite all.  Helen

  • Gramof3
    Gramof3 Member Posts: 111
    edited March 2009

    One (or two) more things and then I'm really signing off:

    It may have already been mentioned earlier on this forum, but here is a website that is definitely worth checking into   You can sign up and be assigned an angel(s) who will send cards and small surprises--a friend of mine had a chemo angel last year and it was such a neat thing.  I'm going to try it.

    JO-5:  I think it's a great idea to list dates, results, etc. 

    I'm turning in...yawn.  Later.

  • kate0414
    kate0414 Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2009

    Hi All,

    So glad to meet all of you. I am going to be 64 next month. Just got dx two weeks ago. Still in shock. So glad I found this website. I had so many questions and few answers. The women have been so supportive.

    Two days ago I met with the surgeon. The dx was cancer in the right breast and atypical cells in the left. Decided to have blmx and not take any chances. I also need to have a hysterectomy possibly at the same time. Surgery probably in a couple of weeks.

    I was so shocked at the dx. No cancer in our immediate family. I always worried about heart disease.

    I think it would be great to have a Forum for the older generation. I am retired, but have to pay for my insurance myself. Right now I'm certainly glad I at least have insurance. I haven't told my daughter (28) yet. Her b'day was yesterday and I couldn't do that to her. She is so close to me and she lives out of state. I live in Michigan. If any of you are around me I'd love to hear from you. I use the computer a lot, but I don't text a lot and don't know abbreviations like the younger set does. Even here I wasn't sure of what some meant.

    Hugs to everyone,


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,324
    edited March 2009

    Rita, you have a new's sooo you and it' fantastic. Had to run out and replace my keyboard tonight.  It's always something with these computers....but like Wendy says.....I love it because all my friends are in it.  See ya'll later.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,324
    edited March 2009

    How about " I Will Survive"

    Kate....there is always room for one more  and you will learn the abbreviations.   Please come often. 


  • kate0414
    kate0414 Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2009

    Somehow I deleted my message instead of editing it. I started reading at the beginning and was so excited that I had to reply. It's late now, so I'll have to send another later. I'm new to this, but the Forums have been my lifeline.

    I am going to be 64 next month so this Forum is a godsend.

    To Jo and Jackie - thank you for the welcome.


  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited March 2009

    Congratulations ladies on establishing this page as a forum topic.  It seems that the old adage, "united we stand etc.," is holding true for us all, even in our dotage. Boy, do I sound like my grandmother now.  

    Apart from the fact that it's good to find 'sisters' with the same cause, I find this particular forum a joy to read due to the marvelous fact that I can read it without having 'brain pharts,' every few seconds, where I have to stop reading to try to decipher the written words and sentences.  I know this will sound pedantic but, I can't help myself, I get this urge to correct all the mistakes on some forum posts and repost them back at the poster.  Oh such joy, to be able to read a post straight through from go to whoa, without one of my eyes twitching or my hands convulsively trying to start a quick reply which, if I started, would turn into a book. It must be that 'old time education,' huh? We have a term we use down here for older ladies that relates to not so young chickens and that is, "Chook!"  as in 'You silly old chook' when oldtimers manifests itself in some peculiar way. I'm not sure where it originated from, but I think it has something to do with the sound made by chickens when they are going about their chooky lives. So I am now a designated old chook with  BC mets, who is becoming even sillier due to medications ad infinitum.

    Sheila, who is 62 yrs and 18 days old and, although she is the mother of four children, has not one grandchild to boast of, yet. Can a staffy dog which has lived in-house for eight years, and which belongs to one of her sons, be classified as a grandkid 'by proxy?'

    P.S. Have a giggle on me ladies, this is not a link, Mozilla won't allow me to c & p so you will have to do it at your end.                                                                                                                                                                              4:46pm Thurs 5th Mar.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,324
    edited March 2009

    Welcome Sheila, and I say the pooch counts.  You have a fantastic sense of humor which I think can see you through what is otherwise a trip no one would willingly choose to take. 

    I'm working today so won't be back till quite late.  All be well and know your in my thoughts and prayers.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2009

    RitaJean, I just love your new

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2009

    Good morning, gals!  Thanks Lisa for the compliment on the picture.  My avatar was long overdue for a change and Laura GTO from the Illinois gals site helped me get a new one on here.  I am technology impaired!  LOL

    I will be thinking of you today and tomorrow, Jo, and praying that the foggy film turns out crispy clear and uneventful!  LOL about the sledge hammer!  You might just want to use something a little smaller. Sledge hammers take a lot of energy to swing!  LOL  All kidding aside, I'm sending prayers and good vibes in there with you tomorrow.

    I had my blood work done today and will meet with the onc next Thursday to go over it and have my regular check with him.  How many of you get the tumor marker test and do you know what your numbers are?  I know that some oncs don't think that they are reliable and do not do them, but mine does.  My tumor marker was a 14 last time.  That was the first that I asked about it.  When I asked him what it was the time before, he said that it didn't matter because it was still under 35.  That worried me a little (being the queen worrier, I'm sure on this thread) as I read into it that perhaps it was less the first time and on the rise.  I've got a good week to "stew" here.  In the meantime, I need to get to my hair appointment.  Some things you just can't miss!

    I will catch you all later.  I want to tell you my story about Illinois state workers that can't spell!


  • Unknown
    edited March 2009

    Hi Girls....

    I'm back after a week hiatis.  Never had and still have a tremendous sinus head cold.  On top of chemo I've been pretty miserable.  Anyhow.....looks like alot of things have happened!  Yea!! Our own thread!!     But I have to admit.... I couldn't find you all for awhile!   I couldn't remember where this was and finally found it!!

    Helen - See you are just down the road from me!  And I am still teaching as well only at the middle school level.   Good for you sharing the b/c.  I too decided to share with the kids and they have been amazing.    Even though it is push some days, I am glad when I finally get to my classroom.

    I'm not going to attempt to remember who has said what here.  Catching up is wow!  But I will say that this is a wonderful thread and glad we have each other!


  • karol61
    karol61 Member Posts: 36
    edited March 2009

    Jo-5 hope all went well. Hair appts are great things for all of us. LOL a sledge hammer,that's a great fantasy! Prayers and positive thoughts to you,dear.

    Rita-jean, you are very strong,I had a hair cut +face wax today,I feel human, hairy face is gone for awhile.

    Debbie,way to go keep teaching. I'm a nurse and I went to work after radiation treatments. Whew,glad that's over. It'll be two years March 21 since I was diagnosed and so far I've been NED No Evidence of Disease. Cool


  • samedaynurseJan
    samedaynurseJan Member Posts: 162
    edited March 2009

    As always its nice to come and find all of you here and the notes you have left.....the ones that make me laugh and the ones that me feel introspective.....Im very happy to meet the new ladies but sorry they have just had to face their diagnosis.....I feel ridiculous saying that things do get much better after you have your treatment plan and have begun since I am barely able to say those words , just having finished....but its true and even now, a couple of months down the road I am so much more in control and so much calmer about everything ( except on my weepy days.....which already arent as frequent)

    OH MY !!!!! look HOT HOT HOT :)

    As usual my source of *stuff* Jackie comes up with * I will survive* , the most logical of all anthems.....

    JO I will be thinking about you tomorrow afternoon even though I am sure we are going to smile and celebrate when its over.....

    We had spring weather here today.....and I SO WANT this week to be week I go back to the oncologist for the first time , not on my list of things I cant wait to do.

    Love to all


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,324
    edited March 2009

    Stopping in to say hi after work.  I used to be an ace speller but afraid, thyroid, stroke and cancer put a very large crimp in the ability and were it not for the spell check feature here I would be much more embarrassed than I am.  I still find mistakes....but not nearly as many thank goodness. Karol.....good for you to be NED so far....we are all waiting for our count-down and turn to share thrilling news like that.  Hope you stay that way till forever. 

    Debbie it must be so difficult to have sinus going on with your chemo.  I did all my chemo in winter and was spared sinus infections.  Did have a esophageal thrush infection that wasn't at all fun though.  My throat was about to close off.  Hope you are soon past the side effects of the chemo or the sinus very soon.  These quick weather changes don't help at all do they?

    Jo, you will have all of us thinking positive thoughts and sending lots of positive energy with you tomorrow.  Lots of prayers tonight. 

    All I haven't mentioned.....hope your are well and doing things that please you. 


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited March 2009

    The temperature here is heading for the 70s over the weekend!  Spring! Yea!Cool

  • mzmiller99
    mzmiller99 Member Posts: 220
    edited March 2009

    Jan - Thanks for asking about Jade (my daughter).  She doesn't go until Tue.  She's set up for an ultrasound, too, of course!  Those young, big, dense breasts, of course!!  The worst kind!! 

    Welcome to all the "newbies" , especially those of you wandering around in shock.  Do start a notebook!!  Make sure you get a copy of everything and keep the copies in your book.  Take it with you to every appointment, even to the gp. 

     Make a list of all previous surgeries and dates,

    All meds, of course, OTC and 'script, the length of time you've been on them, and dosage

    All your doctor's phone numbers and appointment dates

    Side effects and symptoms

    Questions about your treatment - present and future, from all of your docs, rads onco, med onco, surgeon, etc.

    Copies of studies, etc. that you want to ask your docs about

     I hope I'm helping and not just preaching to the choir!

    Jo - I hope you have some news by now.

    And, one last word, you subversive wenches...this site has been blocked at school  - like the porn sites and entertainment sites, etc.  You must be doing something right to be in such wonderful company!! 

    Maybe they thought we were showing pictures of our fabulous boobettes and foobs!!??



  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2009

    Good evening gals!  The weather was quite mild today and I'm looking forward to those rising temperatures this weekend, too.

    Like many of you, I hate misspelled words.  Maybe it's the teacher in me, but it drives me crazy.  For several years I drove to work past a grain elevator.  The highway sign (made by the state of Illinois) near the grain elevator said:  ELEVATUR ENTRANCE.  This sign was up for over two years and then one day I noticed a change.....finally, a new sign.  It said:  ELEVATOR ENTERANCE.  Since I'm retired now, I don't travel this road anymore so I don't know if they've put up another new sign or not.  I really wish I would have taken a before and after picture.  LOL

    Good luck tomorrow, JO.


  • Gramof3
    Gramof3 Member Posts: 111
    edited March 2009

    Hi All,

    Debbie from Clinton: 

    Nice to meet you.  If I could figure out how to send a personal message, I would ask about some people that I think still live up there.  I've tried to send a PM, but, although I can type in a message, I don't understand how to put in the addressee. 

    Jo:  I'll be thinking about you tomorrow.  Good luck and get back to us as soon as you can.  We're all pulling for you.

    Sheila:  So we could be Chemo Chooks whose anthem is "I Will Survive" (hummming) "Cancer, you're not welcome anymore!"  I like it--has a certain ring to it.

    I'm going for my second chemo tomorrow.  I got a MP3 player and have tried for two days to figure out how to use it.  I downloaded an audio book and some music with the idea that I could listen to it as I'm infused.  I absolutely cannot get the book to play and I think I've about worn out the "Menu" button (which won't budge off of "Music.")  I think tomorrow is going to be a long day--wonder how many times I can listen to Ray Stevens' "Mississippi Squirrel Revival" and "The Streak"?   The only alternative is some Babbling Brook relaxation music that was already on the gadget.   

    O.K. Chemo Chooks, hang tough.  "The strongest steel is forged in the hottest flame."

    Catch you later.  Nite.


  • junie
    junie Member Posts: 784
    edited March 2009

    really glad to find this thread/topic... don't like to think of myself as OLD--but I am...My head can'r get past the thought that I'm not in my...20's;  30's; 50s' next birthday, I'll be 62...but only chronologically!!

    I hang out here because I have met/loved so any bc sisters...and maybe, just in case, someone will post something that will be of help if the other shoe drops on me...everyone here is so fantastic and supportive.    ...all the hugs I have to give!!!!....... to all of you!!!!!!!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2009


    To send a personal message, log onto the site.  Come right to this thread. Click on that person's name above their picture or to the left of their posting.  You will be taken to another page.  On the right side of that page their is a heading that says "Send a personal message."  Click on this and you're ready to go.  You don't have to put in the address yourself.

    Have a good day everyone.  I'll be back later.  I'm off to walk.


  • Joyce-PA
    Joyce-PA Member Posts: 53
    edited March 2009

    I don't have an oncologist, only breast surgeon who is very knowledgeable in breast cancer - she has written papers, has been on talk shows, etc.  I still see her every six month and she is the one who sends me for mammos, mri's, etc.  I had a radiologist oncologist but after I finished rads, there was no need to see him.  

    Question:  I am post-menopausal and still on tamoxifen (a little over a year).  Has anyone stayed on tamoxifen for 5 years while they were menopausal?  My doc said she is going to keep me on it for at least 3 years before making a switch.  My tumor was 91% estrogen, 98% progesterone.

  • Joyce-PA
    Joyce-PA Member Posts: 53
    edited March 2009

    I don't have an oncologist, only breast surgeon who is very knowledgeable in breast cancer - she has written papers, has been on talk shows, etc.  I still see her every six month and she is the one who sends me for mammos, mri's, etc.  I had a radiologist oncologist but after I finished rads, there was no need to see him.  

    Question:  I am post-menopausal and still on tamoxifen (a little over a year).  Has anyone stayed on tamoxifen for 5 years while they were menopausal?  My doc said she is going to keep me on it for at least 3 years before making a switch.  My tumor was 91% estrogen, 98% progesterone.

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited March 2009

    Good morning everyone.   TGIF !!!   Don't forget to turn your clocks forward tomorrow night.