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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 940

    MM I echo Carole's comment about perhaps making another little space at home yours. As Virginia Wolfe said ' we all need a room of our own' (probably misattributed...)

    DH and I are both fairly introverted but when he gets too talkative sometimes I get drained and need my time afterwards. A small example but I get it.

    Carole they are lucky to have you both, keeping the common areas nice.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Having space you can get away is nice. DH has setup his workbench and basement area with weights. I have my laptop in the study, so I can get away to there when I want/need solitude. I use my HA as ear buds to listen to audiobooks and notice that DH has his ear buds in listening to something on his iPad. My DH is more of an introvert than me reader425, so he needs his downtime from me more than I do from him.

    The tribute bands were really entertaining last night. The woman who did the Janis Joplin covers had a great voice. She also sang 2 Jefferson Starship songs. I saw them in concert in the mid70s. The Doors cover band frontman was a young guy who had a great voice as well. Jumped around the stage, just like Jim Morrison did. Enjoyed 2 1/2 hours of live music.

    DD, SIL and DGD are on their way over for the visit. Nice comfortable day and low humidity. Have a wonder day today.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    cardplayer: Janis Joplin was one of my all time favorite female singers with the second one being Nina Simone. When we were at the U of PA Museum one of the young workers had a Nina Simone tee on and I remarked on it as well as sharing my love for her voice and songs. Never got to see either live but wish I could have.

    MM: Having a space that is yours only is a must and the suggestions others have given you are great. What purpose is your DH's former bedroom serving? Could this be a possible? Even if that room has to be multipurpose, you could carve out a section for yourself. As women we must have a room that is a sanctuary other than the bathroom.

    My knees have been not cooperative so I have been somewhat sedentary for the past few days and I am hating this. This is not my usual activity level considering last summer I constructed a fire pit in addition to mulching, weeding and planting in my garden. I am tired of having these limitations on my activity and the impact it is having on QOL.

    I reached out to the physician who does my injections asking what he would have to offer to get me more mobile with less pain and his assistant called to say that unless I would consider cortisone injections (which I won't because it was a colossal failure), I was SOL. Reached out to PCP and she offered a pain med I would not consider due to side effects and would sooner resort to taking Tramadol fully knowing that it will provoke vomiting. So I requested a PT consult and she also suggested a new orthopod given that I felt dismissed by the one I saw for possible knee replacement. I now realize he was patriarchal advising against replacement when I have been bone on bone for 3 years and xrays are worse now for both knees. It is the inner knee pain that is so debilitating. So I am getting a prescription for PT and hope they have something to offer.

    Still have a house full with DD, DSIL, DGS and DGD. It has been fun but it is tiring and I find my pain makes me less tolerant of the chaos at times. Normally I would just roll with the punches but it depends on the day. Hate being a grump.

    We have birthdays coming up. My DGS's is the 11th, his SB is on the 7th and I am on the 13th. We have a trip by rail to Jim Thorpe planned for my birthday and DGS is coming along. He wanted some new Tilly Santa Cruz t-shirts so we ordered them online and it looks like we may get them in time for his birthday.

    Our patio and front porch furniture was sent out for repainting in late February and they will be delivering it on Monday. The delay was caused by inability to find workers. I have used this company in the past with great results. They sandblast the furniture and then reapply paint. I had them last painted 18 years ago so it does hold up. I wanted to have them painted the year the tree hit our house but then Covid intervened so another delay in getting projects off my to do list. We tarp the patio furniture in the winter and the porch furniture is somewhat protected and out of the elements. I think I have bought new covers for all the furniture that we will use under the tarps for more protection. Looking forward to having "new" looking furniture on the realigned patio.

    Plan for today is to see if knees will permit working on cleared flower bed. I want to run to Home Depot to see if I can find the hydrangea I want and then working of filling in the depressed section with a soil mixture.

    Wishing everyone a good weekend. Attaching 2 photos for laughs.

    This is a small cat bed that none of the cats like.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2023

    ONJ is osteonecrosis of the jaw, in which part of the jawbone (usually mandible—lower—but not always) begins to die for lack of blood circulating to it. It is a rare (but being reported disturbingly more common these days) side effect of bone-preserving meds in those over 60. Usually from the bone-building "antiresorptives" (oral Fosamax, Boniva or the Reclast/Zometa infusions) because they stay in the bone permanently, but more common in those using denosumab (Prolia semi-annually for osteoporosis, Xgeva monthly for bone mets). And whew—I DON'T have it.

    I've done some weeding today—of the science projects in my fridge & freezer. We tried to make it a game called "Guess What This Used to Be?" but I'm the only one who plays it.

    The squirrels continue to decimate our tomatoes—apparently a totally green one was undeterred by ths fumes of cayenne pepper, or perhaps he tried it anyway and hated it. Or so it seems when the single bite was in the part of the plant on which I sprinkled. Fortunately, the cayenne & coffee grounds worked for my HK—she has a bumper crop some of whch she brought here, and promises to brink some of her heirlooms once they ripen. I think I'll make a paper platter or two's worth rather than my usual large plastic tray. It's usually the first savory dish to run out. But I used to make it with a mix of a homegrown or two and a couple of yellow & purple purchased heirlooms. This year, the bulk of my crop ripened way too early, some of it still on the sill and the next wave on the vine, waiting to be devoured before I can pick them.

    It's drizzling, but will probably stop by the time I have to bring the Caprese over to the block party. (My HK came to the rescue with the overflow of her bumper crop, and my basil plants are producing like crazy). This of course throws Heidi's feeding schedule off course (supposed to be every 4 hrs., but she's begging (meowing and licking her chops) every 2 hours like a nursing newborn. Will also have to give her her anti-thyroid med either an hour early or 90 min. late too. Seeing "Tommy" tonight at the Goodman. We'll take CTA, as traffic will be a nightmare—as will parking—due to not only Lollapalooza (forgot to watch livestream) but the resumption of the Venetian Night river boat parade, which the then newly-elected Mayor Lightfoot canceled in 2019 due to budget cuts; and then was on hold in '20-22 due to…you know.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    An all-time favorite:

    Oh, the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all out, just as they are, chaff and grain together, certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away.

    .Dinah Maria Mulock Craik

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Rained a bit during the night again. We seem to be having night rains once more. Hope it isn't too humid today. The past couple of days have been much cooler — like very lo 80's, and day before that not even getting to 80. It seems as always hard to tell much since we are still in the flux of changing weather from the climate issues.

    I agree, heartily — many of us need our space. I had that before Dh had to take over the small bedroom. I should have made him take this space I have and left my computer in his bedroom. this room I'm in is a rather strange spot in the house. It was billed as a family room on the real estate papers, but isn't really. It it what I'd call more — a large entry room/foyer. It is open to the living room although there is a sort of huge French doorway. My desk is on the back window wall of this space. It means anyone who comes through our front door has to walk pass me. Anyone going to the kids bedroom is walking past me, and anyone using the laundry is going past me. Lots of temptations to stop and chat or ask me questions not taking into account I may be in the middle of any entry here, or doing bookwork or anything else that requires for me good concentration efforts.

    I'm wordy and talkative here, but not quite so much face to face. More of an introvert in that way. Chit-chat while okay sometimes, often annoys me. Love my SIL but he chatters almost constantly which makes me look for things I need to do — alone.

    I'm a Janis Jopling fan being she was more of my generation way back when. I'm very big on Bob Dylan as well. I so enjoyed dancing back in those days so kept up with music from the late the 50's and the 60's.

    The cat representations, plus one dog were visually perfect Betrayal. So glad you shared them. As is standard — all my cats are quite enamored of any box, any kind, any style — just bring it on, and leave it for us to take care of.

    I hope you can find some relief for your knees. As someone who shares huge losses of ability, I can fully sympathize. It is one of my fears — that I won't get enough improvement to make me feel better about my life as an older person, realizing it is not the age— just the medical factors.

    Anyway, I hope you all have a really good day. I plan to but I don't know for sure what we will be doing. I'll just make it all work out good no matter what.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Betrayal, the cat and dog pictures…….priceless!!!! Thank you for sharing! I do hope your knees feel better. I have had bone on bone on my right knee for years, but since the gel shots in 2021, I have only had one episode of pain. But I know what the pain feels like and it is horrible! I feel so bad for you!

    Thanks everyone for suggestions on creating a small home retreat for myself. I don't have room in my bedroom for a comfy chair and lamp, but I really wish I did! After I get the upstairs cleaned out sometime this fall, I could make a space up there, it is certainly large enough, two bedrooms and a full bath. I have trouble going upstairs, but I can do stairs. I don't feel like "locking myself away" very often, so yes, upstairs is definitely worth consideration.

    I did finally get some very nice ear buds so I can listen to music via my phones blue tooth. I live on music! Many of my friends are musicians, a few, quite famous, but since my cancer in 2018 I have kind of fallen out of the loop so to speak. I used to make solo trips to Charlottsville, VA to meet up with my friends. Those were great times! There is a bar there, Millers. and my friends would play there. I love that town. There was a wonderful used book store there, on the mall, called the Blue Whale. I could spend endless hours in there. Being a big history buff, I picked up great books on Jefferson and Adams. Of course, I visited Monticello a number of times, and each time I learned something new. That is one place definitely worth visiting!

    I still am not feeling well. I am glad to put breast cancer in the rear view mirror! I was not only happy with my bone scan because it noted that I did NOT have metastasis, but because with that out of the way, my PCP can focus on other causes when I see her. I will see my plastic surgeon in September, but nothing else related to the cancer until January, or as I like to think of it, next year!

    I hope all goes well when my DH's siblings visit, mostly, I hope they here and home safely. I worry about them driving here from MI, but his one sister drives back and fourth to Florida twice a year by herself, so I guess I shouldn't worry. (But I do.) If I don't post for a while, it isn't because anything is wrong, just busy with company.

    My DD and family leave very early tomorrow for Hawaii. They will be there for two weeks. The first week they are staying in a house with my SIL's parents and his DS and her family. Always sounds so nice for families to all vacation together, but honestly, I don't think it works well for most families, and I'm not sure it will work well for them. My DD and her MIL don't exactly get along well. I told her to just try to go with the flow and not let his mom get to her. The second week they will stay on the other side of the island, by themselves. The other family members will only be there for one week.

    It is supposed to stay in the 80's this week and that is hot enough for me! I hope everyone has a wonderful, safe, and enjoyable weekend!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    It rained on the block party but we went ahead with it anyway. (Waited till I walked home to shower & do my hair, which does NOT like humidity no matter how I spray it). Good thing I made only the paper platter of Caprese, as I brought 1/3 of it home. Usually it disappears before I could get to it, but we had the smallest crowd in years. The little kids loved the slide & splash pool, because "wet is wet" anyway. I ate carbs I shouldn't have, but I don't care. (Tomorrow is another day). But this year there was no fire truck, bounce house, ball pit, police dog demo, bike parade or anything like that. There'll be a DJ at the BBQ (just a hot dog/burger grill-out, which we'll miss anyway) but the forecast calls for more showers for my already-wet neighbors. Ugh.

    I'm still plenty full (brunch lasted till 2), so a 10:15 dinner will be just right. Hate to have to carry an umbrella on the train to the theater (I've forgotten several under my seat over the years—in 3 cities on 2 continents). Not looking forward to the walks to & from the stations, either.

    Venetian Night may be a dud this year. (But just enough attendees to fill up the parking garages, already full from Lolla). And now they're calling for storms for Wed. night's Springsteen concert at Wrigley. Double-ugh—we'll have to wear ponchos because no umbrellas are allowed.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    We went to the opening of the NYS Baseball Hall of Fame (not the National one in Cooperstown). It was a nice experience. We were able to talk with locals who have coached some pros. Partner was in his element, and I enjoyed the exchange of stories.

    I have some Mets memorabilia from the 1969 World Series win that I believe I’ll donate. My dad took me and my cousin to our local mall where they (some team and managers) were greeting folks and handing out freebies. I still have a plastic drink tray, with Mets coasters (looks like a baseball); and some 3x5 b&w glossy photos with signatures on them.

    The seats are from the old Yankee stadium. I believe they were donated from a collector in St. Louis - but don’t quote me.

    We then tried to go out to an early dinner. It seemed like all places were closed in Gloversville except pizza joints. So we drove into Johnstown, next town over. We had the most delicious meals - a shrimp scampi for me and a stuffed pork tenderloin for my partner, who also had a seafood chowder. I’d definitely go back if we’re in that area again. Sam’s Seafood & Steakhouse.

    Beautiful weather and we went 40 miles away, when we could have been in the pool. Tomorrow we have a concert in Saratoga Performing Arts Center (SPAC) at 7:30, The Chicks, so maybe we’ll get in the pool early in the day.

    I set the robot vacuum to clean while we gone but upon our return I had forgot all about it. Until I saw the Willy Nilly pattern on my carpet! One good thing occurred to me with this one not mapping the rooms - I think I can bring it upstairs and just hit clean and let it go Willy Nilly up there too.

    Hope your night goes well and you enjoy your Sunday.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 353

    Sandy - good news that you do not have ONJ. The squirrels and birds are also enjoying our cherry tomato plants which are in raised planters. It’s a constant battle. We are getting some tomatoes but less than usual which may be due to the early summer drought. Enjoy the Springsteen concert!

    Betrayal- the pictures of your fur babies are adorable. I had quite a chuckle at the dog squeezing into the too small cat bed.

    Cardplayer - the tribute bands sound wonderful. Glad you were able to attend

    MM - alone time is a requirement for me and I need lots of it. Hope you can figure out a solution. I know when my DH retires at the end of the year it will be an adjustment and we will have to work something out. I’m hoping that since our living room is separate from the family room plus a finished basement that we can each have some individual space.

    We went to the Wisconsin State Fair on Thursday which was opening day. Ate lots of unhealthy food like fried cheese curds. It was really hot and humid so we skipped the animal barns as I was concerned the smell would be overwhelming. In 2020 the fair was cancelled due to C19, however, they had a drive thru option for the food vendors so we did a drive thru and picked up food and went to a nearby park for a picnic. Other than that I don’t believe we’ve been to the fair in over 20 years.

    Had my weekly phone call with brother #1 today. We are both concerned about brother #2 who lives about 6 hours away from me and further from brother#1. He was transferred to that area due to a job about 10 years ago. However, now that he is retired there is nothing to tie him to the area and he has few friends. He’s divorced, no kids and makes no effort to get outside. He typically doesn’t leave his home for weeks at a time. Doesn’t even go to the grocery store as he orders online for delivery. Not interested in joining a gym, doing volunteer work or going to a senior’s center for activities. I FaceTime with him every few weeks and he sends a text once a day telling me he is OK. The two brothers only text with each other. We are concerned about his health and worried he may be depressed yet he rejects any of our inquiries or suggestions. Has no interest in moving closer to us in case he needs some type of assistance. I have the POA if he is incapacitated but as long as he is of sound mind and health there is nothing we can do. He’s only 69 but has difficulty walking because he sits in his recliner all day every day. I guess we will just continue to monitor his well being through daily texts and monthly FT calls, but I’m concerned he could hit a tipping point soon where independent living may not be possible. Brother#1 is mid 70’s and was widowed 18 months ago but is in daily contact with his kids and grandkids and does some childcare for the great grandkids. He has 5 acres of land and always has an outside project in the works so I’m less worried about him.

    Have a good Sunday!

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Harley, I'm so glad I am not the only one who need substantial alone time! I am so sorry to read about your brother. I too am 69, soon to be 70 in 18 days! Yikes! My DH spends a lot of time sitting too and it is worrisome. At least during most of the year he does go outside and putters around in the gardens. I feel sorry for your DB. Any chance you could talk him into moving close to you? I would at least put that out there. It is great having family close. They say even for those who move into active adult communities, that moving at a younger age is better. As we age it is harder to move, change our surroundings. Even if he moved near your other brother, he would have family close by.

    The Wisconsin State fair sounds fun! We have a local grange fair the week of Aug 16th so DH and I plan to go at least one day. I sure hope the weather co-operates! Too bad it isn't this week as my DH's siblings would have liked going there.

    Cindy, NYS baseball hall of fame sounds like a lot of fun! DH was just saying he wants to go to Cooperstown to see the National baseball hall of fame. I know spring/summer is the best time to visit so maybe next year. I think it is awesome that you can donate items to the museum.

    Sandy, sorry your block party was a washout this year. The cool thing about kids is they can find fun in the most unusual settings and yes, anything with water, rides or rain, adds to children's fun!

    I need to pick up an order from BJ's this morning. Standard things that don't require "picking out" so no fruits, veggies or meats. Then I want to do a good cleaning of the kitchen, wipe down all the cabinet doors and wash the entire counters. I am short and can't reach the back of the counters so when I wipe them off daily, after making lunch etc, I never get the back 1/4 of the counters. I will dust the living room again, maybe polish some of the furniture. Tomorrow all I will do is run the vacuum and wipe down the bathroom sink area, which I do every day anyway.

    Beautiful warm, sunny, summer day! Natures' gift!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    I believe in the immortality of the soul, not in the sense in which
    I accept the demonstrable truths of science, but as
    a supreme act of faith in the reasonableness of God's work.

    John Fiske

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Sorry your knees are giving you issues Betrayal. I hope PT will provide some relief. Love the pictures. Seems like Regan and Misty have both adjusted nicely.

    Sorry your block party had rain Sandy, it wasn’t a total washout. Hope the forecast is wrong for Wednesday evening and it’s clear skies for Springsteen concert.

    Cindy - NYS baseball hall of fame sounded fun. Glad you had a good visit. Enjoy the Chicks concert.

    Illinois - I hope you’re enjoying having your time back. Is BIL all settled?

    Harley - WI state fair sounds fun. Haven’t been to one in a long time, probably since I was a kid. I keep in touch with DB#2, talking 2-3 times per week and meeting for lunch monthly. DB#1 lives in Hong Kong. With 13 hour time difference and his work schedule, it’s been hard to keep in touch. He and my SIL will be moving to Toronto in January, so it’ll be easier to keep in touch.

    Mavericksmom - I hope your PCP can help you find out why you haven’t been feeling well lately. Enjoy your family’s visit.

    Have a nice time with DD, SIL and DGD yesterday. We went to the outdoor Lego exhibit and walked through the bamboo and flower gardens. Then we went to our downtown pedestrian mall for lunch. The baby did really well, despite not having a morning nap. It was nice having a busy weekend, but I was exhausted last night. Good article from the Washington Post.

    Enjoy your afternoon.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 290

    I think having a space of one's own is especially important as we age as we are actually together more than before retirement. I can't tell you the number of couples who came to our real estate agency saying they were tired of the big house in ______ and wanted to downsize. I always asked them to think it through - not only for personal space but because, especially in age restricted communities, there is lots of in-home entertaining. Some didn't and were back in few years to upsize again.

    Betrayal - I have found acupuncture very helpful for my arthritic joints. Unfortunately, Medicare won't cover it but I have delayed shots and surgery several times because of it. I have 8-10 sessions and can go 6-10 months before I go again.

    Harley - would you brother at least consider a dog? Or do you sense his needing to not live alone quite soon? Ken admits that he wouldn't get out if he didn't have one to walk. He has become a real recluse in the last several years.

    Just finished "Mad Honey" by Jodi Picolt. She takes on serious social issues in her novels but I always leave them having learned much and having lots to think about. This one was no exception.

    Reading "Switchboard Soldiers" next for my book club. I'm interested to know how Chiaverini treats the subject compared to "Girls on the Line" by Anne Runyon which I read several years ago.

    Hope everyone had a good weekend. My golf score was awful and it is hot but I played with a wonderful friend who makes me laugh.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Can we recognize our oneness, though?  And what will happen if we
    not only start to see that we are connected to the other human beings
    in our lives, but also start to live as if that were true?  Would we
    become more compassionate if we were to recognize the same hopes
    and dreams that we have, there in someone else?  Would we be able
    to help someone else feel more hope in their lives?  Would we feel
    more at home and at peace in our own places in this world if we were
    to keep in mind that we are an important part of the human race, and
    that we have many chances every day to improve the lot of humanity
    by improving the life of a fellow human being, even in tiny ways?

    tom walsh

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Taco I enjoyed “Mad Honey” too.

    Betrayal, I loved seeing Regan curled up in her too small cat bed. My dalmatian was cat like. He always laid next to a radiator in winter, and curled up in any sunshine that came through the windows. In fact, he cleaned himself like a cat! Sometimes his paws would be so wet as he washed his face down. Part cat for sure.

    The Chicks concert last night was great. They’re still spunky as all get out. And Natalie’s son played with them for some songs. Very enjoyable time.

    The camera on my phone isn’t the best.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Late with an entry this morning. Didn't have a great night. Went to bed at 10:30 p.m. which was good but awake about 1:30 a.m. Something was on my arm which I think was possibly a carpenter ant, but not completely sure. Since I felt it in the dark and grabbed it and tossed it in the floor I'll never know for sure.

    Anyway, I really felt the bite/sting or whatever it is they do. I think I felt more since it is my 'bad' arm. First the serious break, then having temp. issues always with it, and then having the ICD in my chest wall quite close to where the original break was so I am very touchy there. I'm still feeling it this morning actually.

    Anyway, I got up and came to the living room and my recliner but never got comfy and tired enough to sleep until about 4:30 a.m. Dh got me awake about 6:45. I'm a bit grouchy but better than I thought I'd be.

    Dixie Chicks are great. I've got two or three tapes of them, and I get them out every now and then to listen to.

    Tomorrow we will go to Marion in the morning. I hate having to go all the way, but I really think I need to give the 'new' heart clinic a chance to see if I can refine things, I do to make things better for myself. In all honesty I'm still in a tiny bit of denial that I'm a heart patient. I'm not sure what can be done but if there are things, I can adjust then I need to. I do continue to struggle with my having to force and push myself. I am dragging a bit and I'd like to work on getting some of the old verve and enthusiasm to return.

    Enough of my grumbling. At any rate, before I went to bed, we had a huge honking thunderstorm along with some real cloudburst downpours. Don't know where it went after it left here although there are still puddles outside so I think it rained most of the night. Just amazing. May yet rain more today. Hope it is over by tomorrow, but I have to admit it sure it nice and cool outside right. now.

    I hope you all have a good day.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    I am joining the sleepless nights club since the past 3 nights I have awakened around 3 and can't fall immediately back to sleep due to unrelenting knee pain. Change position constantly and still can't find one of comfort. PCP is sending me prescription for PT to see if they can help with both mobility and pain issues. She referred me to an orthopedic surgeon that has an office close by. I called today to see if I could get an appointment and was lucky because she doesn't use this office weekly but had a cancellation for this Thursday morning at 10:20. It works! So I will see what she has to offer for mobility and pain issues and discuss replacement at a future date. I just need to be mobile for Sicily and Italy trip in October.

    Porch and patio furniture was returned from refinisher today. The furniture is about 35 years old and is wrought iron with mesh for seats and table tops. It was good furniture when we purchased it then and after repainting it myself I was glad to find this restoration company 18 years ago. The tree strike then, damaged one of the legs on one end table (it was bent and shortened) and we had to use a piece of slate under it to level it. That tree strike destroyed a glass top table we had (we had 2 dining areas since patio is 45 feet long) and 2 of the 4 chairs. I replaced that table and we still use the leftover chairs by the firepit.

    It also destroyed a glider we had. I replaced the glider and we added the porch furniture (from same company) about 25 years ago. They sand blast the furniture and then paint it like it was an auto. Well, they fixed the end table leg and it no longer wobbles. The delivery guy said he thought the furniture was beautiful and that they don't make furniture like this anymore. He asked about the age and when I told him he was surprised at the condition it was in and asked how we stored it over the winter. We use tarps since it is large and doesn't fit in the shed. I have new covers for all of the pieces for this year's storage. He said he sat in my "peacock" chair because he had never seen one like it and I told him that it was my "throne". I think the furniture is older than he is. So now the exterior of my house looks almost back to normal.

    The dark pink crepe myrtle is in full bloom as is my Starry, Starry Night hibiscus. The flowers on the hibiscus are the size of salad plates and it is packed with buds. Lovely. I am hoping that on Wednesday or maybe even tomorrow I'll be able to work on cleared flower bed at the road. I have the 2 dwarf hydrangeas to plant there and once they are in I will add plugs of periwinkle ground cover.

    I got 10 tomatoes from my 2 tomato plants today. They are the size of grape tomatoes and quite tasty. I will have to take them off sooner since they were starting to split. I still have more green ones on both plants and another plant is getting ready to produce tomatoes. These were from a grade school science project from a neighbor of DD. She has so many she begs people to take the plants grown from seeds.

    Today is sunny, hot and very humid. Like Jackie, I am being sidelined by medical issues beyond my control and frustrated at the limitations they are imposing. For Pete's sake, last year I built a fire pit from scratch, walked 10-13,000 steps per day on average and now can't even do 5,000 per day. What a difference a year makes and I am not taking this well since I am used to being quite active.

    cindyny: loved the photos and glad you enjoyed the concert. Growing up we had a Dalmatian that got skunked late at night. Dad threw him in basement, opened windows and was going to get tomato juice in AM. When he went to basement in AM neither the dog nor the basement smelled like skunk. Dal's are like cats when it comes to cleaning their fur.

    Chisandy: Saw Bruce in Hershey, PA several years ago before the price of his tickets got to the $5,000 mark. He puts on a great show and would love to see him again when he returns to Philly but not willing to pay that much to see anyone. Enjoy your concert.

    Taco: I used acupuncture years ago for hip bursitis and it was better than any shot. It wasn't covered by my insurance then so it was OOP expense. She had the office in her house and cost was less. I should see if she is still in practice. She is an RN that was recommended by my rheumatologist then.

    Shout out to Harley, MM, cardplayer and anyone else I missed. Hope everyone ahs a good day today and tomorrow.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    DH's siblings still have not arrived. We don't know where they are, just that they are somewhere on the PA turnpike, and are having severe storms now with tornado warnings and watches. I made dinner, but we ate without them, didn't know what else to do. We text them, no answer. I would be upset with just a bad weather forecast, but with them somewhere out there in unfamiliar territory, I am totally frazzled!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Hugs and prayers, MM.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 353

    MM - keeping your family in my thoughts with prayers for a safe arrival.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Finally 10:00 they called from hotel, just got in, super tired, but arrived safely! We will see them in the morning. So glad they are all OK!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Plesant dreams MM and rest well to enjoy your great day tomorrow.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Pam, glad your family made it safe & sound to the hotel. Partly cloudy all day up here today, but downstate (Springfield on south) was a different story. A town in that area had an EF-2 touch down. We had rain all day Sat., heavier at night, but not a storm.

    Tommy was amazing. Best version we've seen: we saw the original on B'way the month it opened, the national tour that came through Chicago, and the 10th anniv. tour (so minimalist there were no sets, just something that looked like a scaffold or playground monkey bars, hardly any choreography, no costumes—everyone in black with huge headset mics that made them look like nightclub bouncers or big-box-store floorwalkers. We won't discuss the horrid movie version, other than to say that Tina Turner was the Acid Queen against whom all other ones will be measured). This time, co-rewritten by Townsend & McAnuff, there was much more exposition (especially during the overture) than even the original production. Plot gaps filled in (finally!), characters better-developed & consistent (especially the adult Tommy), production numbers lengthened to accommodate vastly improved choreography, reprises with lyric tweaks to drive the plot (and reflect its development). Quite a different ending (no, not to be "woke"), but it makes perfect sense, especially reflecting the modern societal trends at which the original barely hinted. (Remember, the album's story ended in 1969, and things were quite different 30 years ago when the show opened on B'way in 1993).

    After the curtain call(s), Townsend came out onstage and addressed us, as it was the last evening of the run—Saturday's matinee was the first time he'd actually seen the show, beginning to end, seated in the audience. He declared it "the definitive version" and got choked up as he described how much he loves the Goodman Theater and the city of Chicago. The show evolved to mature with its creator, now 78, who wrote it at 23!

    Weather forecast for Wed. night has changed, to move most of the rain to south of the city. Still gonna pack ponchos for the Springsteen concert.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    taco - I did acupuncture for my neuropathy and had moderate success. I think Medicare provides coverage for acupuncture for lower back pain, but most acupuncturists don’t file the paperwork for you.

    Cindy - glad you enjoyed The Chicks concert.

    Illinois - hope your trip to the heart clinic today was helpful. Hope you’re able to sleep better this evening.

    Betrayal - glad you’re able to get in to see PT quickly. Hope they’re able to provide some relief to you. Glad you’re getting your patio furniture repaired and back. I’m jealous that your hibiscus is doing so well. Ours turned out to be a dud this year.

    Mavericksmom - glad DH family arrived safely. Enjoy their visit.

    Sandy - glad you enjoyed Tommy. DH and I love The Who and had tickets to see them when they had their residency in Las Vegas in early 2020. Of course, Covid cancelled the show and the residency. We saw them in the late 1970s or early 1980s in the DC area. Great show.

    We had lots of rain last night, but nine of the high winds that had been predicted. Hope everyone else was safe from the storms last night. This morning, I saw my dentist. I’ve been having a toothache. He’s sending me to see an endodontist, but thinks I may have a cracked tooth under the crown and need the tooth extracted. Ugh. Then had facial reflexology, which was much needed.

    Hope everyone has a good rest of the afternoon.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    Looks like a lot of bad weather going on. I hope all are safe.

    I wen to Tarpon Springs - sponge docks, with my niece. We had a wonderful time eating and shopping. I was out of sorts all day Sunday and felt like I was getting ill, but was OK on Monday.

    Good news. I have home owner's insurance on all involved properties. Yay.

    Today is the anniversary of finding the lump. 8/8/2019. 8/19/19 was the diagnosis and 8/23/19 was surgery.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    Betrayal, if you are dedicated to doing the exercises before knee replacement surgery, recovery is generally smoother.

    We are going to extend my PT. I need to work on strength in right ankle, and balance.

    Exciting night, Sandy!!

    I have one set of wide leg pants and kaftan finished, and another in process.

    Tippy now is enjoying sleeping between my right leg and the recliner arm. He is much cuddlier nowadays.

    Still keeping a low profile on the internet.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 353

    Taco - I’ve put “Mad Honey” on my list of potential books - thanks for the recommendation.

    MM - glad your family safely arrived. Enjoy your visit.

    Sandy - happy to hear you enjoyed “Tommy”. Back in the day I saw the movie several times.

    Betrayal - sorry to hear your pain level is interfering with sleep. I hope that PT can resolve the issue sufficiently so that you can get good restorative sleep. My tomato plants are producing as well. However, I am battling the squirrels to see who is quicker at picking the ripe tomatoes. We have two elevated pots of cherry tomatoes and one enterprising squirrel is able to jump into the 30” high pots and will sit there picking and eating the fruit. Ugh.

    Cindy -thanks for sharing the pictures of the “Chicks”. Concert looks amazing.

    Illinoislady - sorry to hear about the heart issues. As we get older it seems that if it isn’t one thing it’s another. I hope the new heart clinic works out for you.

    Cardplayer - good luck with the cracked tooth. Are you in pain? If so, I hope the endodontist can see you quickly. I’ve never had facial reflexology. Is it similar to a massage?

    Petite - thinking of you on this cancer anniversary. Seems like we can’t escape the bad memories

    Chris - glad you are continuing with PT. I didn’t realize how critical ankle stability is to our overall balance and to keep our knees and hip supported until a recent yoga class where the instructor talked about it.

    Thanks to all for letting me vent about DB#2. I do not believe he is worried about living alone but rather that DB#1 and I are concerned that he is declining due to a lack of activity and social interaction. He has two cats to keep him company and is not interested in moving closer to either one of us.

    Yesterday was low 70’s and overcast which is a perfect day for a bike ride so I got in 14 miles. I’m no athlete, however, the terrain is flat where I live and I’m slow but walking and biking has allowed me to keep some of my sanity through the BC diagnosis and the pandemic. It’s my time to sort through all the stuff running through my head. I sometimes wonder if I am riding around with a scowl on my face as I’m thinking through life’s issues. 😀

    A shoutout to anyone I’ve missed. Have a good week!

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    Chris: Got PCP to order PT for knees and I will be dedicated in doing exercises because I am tired of constant pain, mobility issues and inability to fully extend legs. This is tiresome to say the least. I don't sleep well and have been cranky on occasion from the pain. My biggest concern is falling because knees will buckle and I don't feel safe when they do. Have an appointment with new ortho surgeon this Thursday and eager to see what she can offer. Glad to hear you are extending PT for ankle and balance. Nice to see Tippy is cuddling.

    Spent 3 hours working on the flower bed near the road. I am still finding weeds we missed but the rain last night which was a gully washer, meant low temps and humidity with nice breezes today so it was enjoyable to dig holes. We planted the 2 dwarf hydrangeas I planted, dug up and relocated some periwinkle and ajuga plants, and added topsoil mixed with peat moss to the low lying area. We found remnants of the oak tree we had removed 40 years ago. Also some treasures: an intact glass bottle, rusted scraps of metal, a piece of a dish and other items from when this was used as a dumping ground by the farm manager. Our property was once part of a large farm over 150 years ago. No oyster or clam shells today. I still need to dig up some of the Japanese irises for transplant since they will naturalize. The front and left side of this is the daffodil naturalized bed so we left that alone and replanted some bulbs that had surfaced. It was weeded when we did the entire bed. Once all is done I will add more periwinkle ground cover removed from a dense packed area and the mulch the bed. So DSIL and DH did a lot of the digging and mixing of the soil and peat moss while I raked soil to cover.

    Tired now and dinner will be from the local Indian/Thai restaurant. Haven't had that in awhile.

    Had gyn appointment scheduled for today and showed up at office to find that the physician I was to see had retired and my appointment had been canceled. Surprise to me since the email they supposedly sent was not received nor was it in their portal. So not sent! Said they texted me also. Really how many home phone (not cell phone) numbers receive text messages? So I was able to reschedule with yet another new MD for this Friday. Medicare limits to every 2 years for visit so I am not concerned about a new doc, it won't matter much if I don't like her because I may decide it's not worth the visit at my age.

    As a child and even adult, never knew my GF's birthday was today. So another August birthday; he would He have been 130. He died in his 80's. Good man that I really loved.

    Storms last night were dark with tornado threats that did not happen in our area. Lots of leaves and tree branches down and a neighbor lost a tree. High winds and heavy downpours. Lights flickered but we did not lose power but have a full house back up generator anyhow. Hope the next few days remain cooler with less humidity. Today was so pleasant for a change. Hope your day was as well.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    We can do anything for one day. So, just for today, let us be unafraid of life, unafraid of death which is the shadow of life; unafraid to be happy, to enjoy the beautiful, to believe the best. . . . Just for today, let us be agreeable, responsive, cheerful, charitable; be our best , dress our best, walk softly, praise people for what they do, not criticize them for what they cannot do. And if we find fault, let us forgive and forget it. -Joseph Fort Newton