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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    Cindy, your vacation location is splendid. A beautiful place to go.

    Sandy, glad you got your upgrade up and going. I am still doing fine with this hand-me-down laptop, but there are a few things I would like to add to it.

    Taco, Tippy and I went for a trike-walk yestermorn for a good distance. We sat in the yard three times, and walked around the block at bedtime. We have finally been getting some rain, but when it is not raining, we get steamed, not baked.

    Betrayal, that geode is beautiful. I like that band of crystals between the bands of agate. Amazing how they develop through millions of years. Did you know that they start with an air-filled hole in the dirt, then the hole's surface gradually gets encrusted from the mineral-bearing water that seeps in? I come from an area famous for its geodes.

    I consulted with a friend on the pants project. I had figured out the immediate problem, but then we discussed which of my other saris would do nicely as pants/kaftan combos.

    Time to get moving, I guess. I have been sleeping better, actually thinking which of my pain meds to drop. Probably my Celebrex with Nexium. I think my ice machine will be sitting out in my livingroom for months to come.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    Chris, you have such a wealth of knowledge and I am so happy you choose to share it with me. I did not know that about geodes but know I have loved them since the first one I purchased in Wales that was a small pendant necklace. It was later stolen from my luggage when we flew out of NYC (long story). I hope the new owner loves it as much as I did. Which area has famous geodes? I know this one came from Brazil. So glad to hear you are mobile, pain control is better and you are sleeping.

    Cindyny, love your photos but not your issues with your rental cottage. I would be discussing a discount on the rent for sure. You should not have to provide maintenance on that place unless it was rent to own, lol.

    Illinoislady, loving the quotes you have been posting lately. The messages all seem to be appropriate to what is occurring on the forum.

    Chisandy, now that the computer issue has been fixed, I hope your dental issues are not major. What does your dentist think caused the ONJ?

    Taco, I loved White Swan and think it reveals so much about how women were treated in China. I think this may continue today in rural villages there. I am sure what your friend has told you was eye opening. Take care in the heat wave you are experiencing.

    MM: you have been MIA. Is everything okay?

    Now that I have finished the new jewelry organization boxes, I have to clear space in the primary bedroom closet for them. I have a shelving unit in the closet organizer that will work but need to rehome the items that are currently there. I think a lot of these sweaters will be donated.

    petite1, so glad you had a good visit with your niece. I think there is a certain feeling of catharsis with purging and donating especially if you discover items that have not been seen, needed or remembered.

    carole, glad your back seems to have recovered.

    cardplayer, are you still experiencing the post-vacation euphoria? Planning early walks during this heat emergency is a good thing. DH walks dog every morning now rather than in the afternoon as he was. Safer for both of them.

    It is another hot, humid day with a heat emergency warning. DSIL wants to go to see The Haunted Mansion, so we will try to escape the heat that way. Still waiting for work to start on replacing their ac/heating units but this has been delayed again until next week. Seems workers don't want to work in the house because it is too hot! Meanwhile he is a WFH and is there everyday with just a box fan. Told him to contact insurance company about providing ac in the interim for at least his office.

    Hope everyone has a safe, and enjoyable day.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,128

    Chris, you're sounding more like your pre-op self, ready to live life.

    Cindy, that house will not be on my list of vacation rentals. Too many annoyances. I enjoyed seeing your photos.

    A crowded weekend here in the resort. One couple is having a re-do of their wedding vows over at Vacationaire resort, where their friends and relatives have reserved all the rooms. After the ceremony, there's a sit down dinner and then a band. Everyone here in this little resort is invited. Tonight there's a meal here and karaoke. The couple had two portable toilets brought in. DH and I, the managers, are looking forward to Monday when all the whoopla will be over. With luck, everyone here for the weekend will be participating in the celebration and no complaints. The quiet hour is 11 pm. We'll see how that holds up.

    The heat has been brutal this week but we're getting a break today and tomorrow, Saturday, just in time for the Farmers Market. Last week we sold the spectacular natural edge bowl that dh had priced high enough not to sell. It was our attention getter that drew people over to the booth. The buyer, of course, was a summer visitor to lake country, not a local. She and her dh did not blink at the price, $250.

    Yesterday we drove to Walker on Leech Lake to check out the farmers market there. It already has a wood turner and we hoped to meet him and see his bowls. Disappointingly, he was not there. The parking for the market was awful and the market itself is smaller. We left feeling glad that our situation in Park Rapids is so much better. A larger market and ample parking. One thing Walker has is a good lunch place since the market is behind a nice restaurant with patio seating.

    It was too early for lunch so we drove back to Park Rapids and had lunch there. First we tried the Royal, a bar that's known for its hamburgers but it was chockablock crowded. We walked a couple of blocks to the Good Life Cafe which has more upscale offerings. I had the turkey avocado club on rye and brought half of it home.

    My container plants on the deck have been neglected during this heat so I have to dead head the flowers today. I have kept them watered.

    Happy Friday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    To live is not merely to breathe, it is to act; it is to make use of our organs, senses, faculties, of all those parts of ourselves which give us the feeling of existence. The person who has lived the longest is not the one who has counted most years, but who has enjoyed life most.     -Jean-Jacques Rousseau

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Cindy, I feel bad hearing about your rental problems. Would be nice if the landlord would give you something of a rebate which I'm sure is quite doubtful. Despite its being a nice house, NO renter should be left, even warned that they are being asked in a way to o do the things that should have been high on the list to handle before anyone else signed on the dotted line. An exterminator for the laundry area sounds like something of a must as well.

    Always something of a surprise to me that 'owners' just want to keep raking in funds w/o the expenses sure to come and seeing to them in a timely manner. I think there will always be another renter standing in line who won't complain too much — so owners can sort of pretend it is not a business.

    Long day yesterday but not a difficult one. I think it had more to do with the heat and humidity. It will be 100 degrees today. I'm hoping the heat wave will finally break and tomorrow (moving day for BIL) will be a bit better — but mainly to the degree hopefully that we stay out of triple digits with the same humidity. I have very minor things to do today.

    Hoping the guys will take anything left over out to store in the empty garage. We are hopefully going to bring home the zero-turn mower that no one has used for several yrs. so there will be virtually nothing in that garage. Lots of room for things that don't need to be in the house — if I can budge those guys. They seem to NOT enjoy too many open spaces. Less is more doesn't make sense to them. BIL with short term memory issues recognizes much of the old in his house and feels he can't do w/o — and it is all the things he has done w/o for well over three yrs. Old mail and little trinkets of some kind of advertising. When no one is looking I dump it in the trash.

    I'm looking forward now to getting back to mine and only giving up some spare time now and then to refine BIL's surroundings. He is quite anxious to have his new tv installed in the house, so he won't be doing much but utilizing that most of the time. It is exactly what he most did at the Sr. living apt. he had.

    The shore pics were fantastic as were Betrayal geodes. Just beauty in blue.

    Hope you all have a really good day. Watch out for the heat.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051
    edited July 2023

    Sandy - glad you got your PC updated and in working order.

    Love the photos Cindy. Sounds like the rental owner relied on you to do some of the maintenance he needed to do. Glad you’re getting a chance to see the dunes and see some sites you haven’t visited before. We had smoke alarms go off at a rental one year when my daughter and I were the only ones home. I got a broom and knocked it off the ceiling, since there was no ladder and we are both short. Left if on the dresser and let the rental agency know they needed to replace the batteries.

    Enjoy the festivities this weekend Carole. Sounds like you had good luck at the farmers market last week.

    Glad you’re getting out and about Chris. Are you still doing PT?

    Betrayal - vacation euphoria is over and I’m back to a normal routine. Sounds like you’ve been busy decluttering.

    Mavericksmom - hope everything is okay.

    Had foot reflexology yesterday and my feet feel pretty good today. I’ve scheduled another session in a month and a facial in two weeks. This will my first facial. DIL said that I would like it. I have some facial numbness on the left side of my face (from chemo they think), so I’ll be curious to see if the facial helps.

    DH and I have been walking early in the morning to avoid the heat. It was already 72 at 6:30, so I’m glad we got out early. There was lots of other people out walking. Hope everyone stays safe for the heat today.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    Betrayal, at the intersection of Illinois, Iowa, and Missouri. The river above and below has extensive bottomlands, but there used to be rapids there, and there are bluffs on either side of the river. The same kind of rock that makes geodes makes it hard for the river to make its way through there.

    Thank you, Carole. I am looking forward to many things. This knee has limited my life for quite a few years.

    Sandy, I did not want to look up ONJ. Now I did, and that sounds scary. Hope you get the deterioration stopped in its tracks.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,923

    I saw a geode exhibit once. The collector owned a mine in Brazil and would pay the workers extra for geodes. Some of them had jewels inside including emeralds. Really a magnificent collection. Many were truly beautiful.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    Will be dismissed from PT early. Soon.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    We can cultivate an inner solitude and silence that sets us free
    from loneliness and fear.  Loneliness is inner emptiness.  Solitude
    is inner fulfillment.  Solitude is not first a place but a state of mind
    and heart.  There is a solitude of heart that can be maintained at
    all times.  Crowds or the lack of them have little to do with this inward
    attentiveness.  It is quite possible to be a desert hermit and never
    experience solitude.  But if we possess inward solitude we will not fear
    being alone, for we know that we are not alone.  Neither do we fear
    being with others, for they do not control us.  In the midst of noise
    and confusion we are settled into a deep inner silence.

    Teresa of Avila

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Had another long day, but actually a fairly easy one. 10 p.m. and I just got out of the shower. Didn't do a whole lot at BIL's. They finished most of the living room and since the tv had been turned on thru the service BIL was chomping to have all the Electonics including new tv set up and working. Rather than wait for SIL to come home from work with the truck I finally cleaned out the back of my SUV (cleaning and emergency supplies) and picked up the new TV at the other BIL's. They had it delivered there. 55 inch so had to go thru their idiotic song and dance about whether it would fit. My tv was 55 and I used the same car to get it to my house — but they were sure their sister-in-law just couldn't know something like that. Dave even brought out a measure. Grrr.

    Got back home to finish paying bills, clean the cat boxes including washing everything including the floor where they sit and the clear plexiglass they sit on. Cleaned the bathroom and changed the mop bucket we keep nearby for fur balls and other spills or whatever happens in the kitchen. Got my car back together. Also, a load of clothes and now some computer time. Very soon I will get to bed and leave the rest of what I might have done for tomorrow.

    I hope you are all being careful if you have to go out in the heat. I stay out as short a time as I possibly can and I must admit, I don't have to be out long before I'm plodding, not walking. Hoping today was the worst day and that it will start to break for a while tomorrow. I doubt the temps will go down so much but if a lot of the humidity lifts we all will likely feel a wee bit better. See you all some time tomorrow.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    I am sorry I haven't been posting, just trying to keep up reading everyone's comments. I love reading what all of you are doing!

    I haven't been feeling well at all. I have moments where I think I am ok and then my body reminds me that I am not.

    It doesn't help that one year ago, August 2, was when I had my biopsy and August 4th is when I learned I had breast cancer for the third time. I try not to think of that, but I can't stop those memories from flooding back. I am not depressed by it, but those are memories I would rather not think about.

    I saw my MO on Thursday and it was a good appointment. Because I have bone pain, he ordered a bone scan which I will have Tuesday. He doesn't believe it will show bone mets but wants to be sure. I don't know what I think at this point. I need to know what is causing my issues, which is more than bone pain, whether or not it has anything to do with cancer. I have an echocardiogram scheduled for August 29th ordered by my cardiologist. I tried to move my August 28th visit with my PCP up, but no openings, so I have resigned to the fact that I will just have to wait. I feel as if I spend way too much time waiting for doctor appointments and test results. I feel I am wasting my life, so as hard as it is pushing myself to do things, that is what I will do. No worries, I won't over-do, but I refuse to sit silently and watch the world go by while waiting for appointments and test results!

    It is supposed to storm today, then get cooler. DH and I are having lunch tomorrow with my DS's and their DH's. It will be the first time getting together since my BIL's stroke. We are getting take out and having it at their house. I think he is really looking forward to seeing all of us. Their son received his new eye last week. He sent us a picture and I can't tell which one is real and which is not! The medical world never ceases to amaze me!

    Enjoy the weekend everyone and stay safe from the heat!

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    Good morning, ladies. I survived my busy week and look forward to this weekend. Nothing special planned, but selling stuff on ebay. My BFF with throat cancer will be going to Moffitt for treatment. It is a long drive, but is where her ENT wants her to go. She is such a dear friend, I will help her out anyway I can.

    Betrayal, the geode is beautiful. I recently sold a geode bolo slide on ebay. It was in some estate stuff I bought.

    Cindy, I love the pictures, especially the dune house.

    Jackie, Love the quote from a few days ago, the one on Faith.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051
    edited July 2023

    Good Morning. Spent a little bit of my morning getting DH setup for the Alzheimer's Walk at the end of September. I’m already setup and have been collecting donations. The walk will be at the Museum of Shenandoah Valley. MIL died from dementia and SIL has Alzheimer’s. A cause close to our hearts.

    Illinois - sounds like you’re glad to be done with the decluttering at BIL home. I hope he was grateful for all the hard work. Hope you’re able to relax today.

    Mavericksmom - glad you’re able to get some testing scheduled. I hope you get good results.

    Petite - I hope you got all of your issues resolved. Will you be able to go with your BFF to any of her treatment or appointments?

    Like many, we had a thunderstorm last night. It cooled things off considerably. We expect today to be more of the same. Next week, we see cooler (80s) temperatures. Still taking early morning walks to beat the heat. I just hope once the weather cools off, I’ll be able to sleep in.

    Enjoy the weekend.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    Productive day with starting to organize main bedroom closet again. I want to store jewelry that I organized on shelving unit in the back of the closet so it meant deciding what to do with content of those shelves which consisted of boxed sweaters and other miscellaneous items. So some sweaters were adopted by DD and some will go to Purple Heart including my collection of Christmas sweaters. Sorted through t-shirts and decided to keep everyday ones separate from better ones so that meant rearranging 2 hanging areas. Boxed up good sneakers, labeled them and reorganized that area. Sorted through dressier blouses and will donate some that do not fit since I had my surgery in 2021. Kept thinking my belly would stay post-op size or decrease in size but now realize it is a pipe dream; it was a temporary state for a short while. DD took some and the rest go to Purple Heart. Sorted through shoe storage units and have quite a few pairs to donate. Some were just tossed due to having seen better days. Kept those I know I can wear comfortably with my midfoot arthritis and bum knees. It seems I am also a shoe junkie.

    Put sandals that are in storage boxes on upper shelf in closet where they are more visible than they were on the larger shelves of this closet organizer system. So lots of sorting, lots of donatable clothing and shoes and I am only about 50% done. Quitting for today though because I am tired and hot.

    DGS had to go home because his other GM was having a family party that he had to attend. He is already planning his return. I had wanted to take him to a high British tea next week but will save it for later in August.

    Rained this morning, the heat index is 104, and severe thunderstorms are predicted for this evening. The rain has been keeping my flowers alive but also means the weeds proliferate as well. My science project (given to DD by a school teacher) tomatoes are full of small tomatoes and I look forward to being able to eat some of them soon. Changed hummingbird nectar, added cooler water to bird bath since birds have been using it and enjoy seeing them use it. With all this rain, I am wondering if I am actually in Ireland but they don't seem to get the severe rain we get. Wish I could send some to the drought areas.

    The knee itself is not as painful as the inner aspects of them. So this is what is giving me the pain and I will have to resume icing in addition to use of Voltaren gel and Tylenol arthritis. Sleep is the biggest challenge and last night was not a good one between back spasm and knees. Hope tonight is better.

    DB notified me that my cousin's husband died Thursday night. He was dx several months ago with stage 4 cancer that had metastasized so prognosis was poor. I do think they opted for chemo hoping to buy some more time. They have no children and this will be very hard on her because she has been disabled since a car accident over 20 years ago. Her only nearby relative is her sister and they have not gotten along since my cousin and I were in HS. She was good to my parents when they were alive. I hope she can find some close by support because I live nearly an hour away.

    DB also shared that he had targeted catching (and releasing in some cases) a number of fish equivalent to the age he turned the other day. He made it today after starting in April when we was in FL for a Navy reunion and then resuming the challenge on June 20th when they went to FL for the summer. Congrats to him. He takes photos of the trophy fish and releases and eats some of the smaller ones.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2023

    (Edited to add that I thought I'd posted this late last night but forgot to click "Save Comment" when Heidi came to nag me for bedtime cuddles).

    My dentist hasn't actually seen the ONJ (I had to cancel my 4-month cleaning/appt. when I thought I had a bad cold, before I knew it was strep). I did describe it to him—especially the gum getting soft just below the bone spur and the piece of bacon getting painfully imbedded in it (and bleeding when I pulled it out). He said to definitely see the oral surgeon he recommended. I'm hoping it's still stage 0, where the bone's not visible. because I'm not having any pain, swelling or further bleeding. If so, a prescription antiseptic rinse (stronger than Listerine) may keep it at bay. Just freaked out at the prospect of perhaps having to have bone debridement. (Part of my "cheats" of late have been of the "what if I can no longer eat" variety).

    The Sox party was sorta meh. This is the first one they've held since 2019, and both budget constraints and COVID considerations have come into play. The food was plainer and more boring—especially to appeal to young families. We were just about the only geezers there. We saw only one colleague of Bob's. No more Italian beef, burgers, nachos, or make-your-own sundae bar. Just potato chips, hot dogs, Greek salad, cheesy corn kernels, and the kind of boring sandwiches & wraps they put out for focus groups. Dessert was fruit (people kept hogging it, piling dinner plates high), brownies (nut-free), and cookies. No popcorn or CrackerJack. Ice cream novelties (off-brand) were handed out. At least the Sox won. We did leave after the 7th inning (didn't stay for the country concert—Jake Owen—that replaced the post-game fireworks) in order to get home ahead of the predicted storms (and flooded underpasses). Just made it with 15 min. to spare—the lightning had begun when we hit the garage.

    We've decided that this is the last such party we'll attend: we'll go to the dinner-dances and fundraisers, of course; but the golf/bowling outings and ball game parties are best left to the younger generation (not even Gen-X but millennials & their kids). Sobering to realize that when we started attending these parties, the stadium was still called Comiskey Park and we were the age Gordy is now. We'll still go to ball games, but on our own, via public transit, both Cubs & Sox.

    Now, on to today. Lovely, sunny, much cooler. Bob is off but I slept in and didn't have lunch till 3—the strep symptoms have abated, but it (and likely the amoxicillin) are knocking the pep out of my step. I don't really feel like going anywhere, but Bob wants to go out for an early dinner because he has to work tomorrow, so I will look to see what's available—likely steak or Greek. (Wanted to see Oppenheimer, but that would keep him up too late—perhaps we should save that for a matinee on a day off when the weather is not that great).

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 353

    Whoa! I am seriously behind on reading the updates.

    Chisandy - fingers crossed the ONJ can be dealt with minimal intervention. Glad you made it home safely from the Sox game. I have to agree the food sounds boring - almost like the hospital dietician planned it 😀

    Chris - good news on the early release from PT - I presume this means you are progressing well and hopefully the pain is under control.

    Illinoislady - I love that you take the time to post inspirational quotes each day. Several of them have really spoken to me.

    Cindy - your vacation pictures are beautiful but I’d be leaving your rental host a very poor online review. The maintenance issues are unacceptable

    Betrayal - the geode book ends are stunning.

    Petite - sorry to hear about your BFF’s throat cancer. One of my BIL’s was diagnosed with stage 1 neck and tonsil cancer earlier this year. The chemo radiation was brutal however, he is recovering and a recent PET scan indicated he is cancer free. The entire family is greatly relieved.

    MM - I’m sorry the upcoming cancer anniversary dates are weighing on your mind, but it is certainly understandable. Keeping you in my thoughts for good results from the upcoming bone scan. Pain is exhausting and draining so please take care of yourself.

    DH was on vacation this past week. We returned home from Green Bay on Monday with a side trip to a state park for a < 2 mile hike which allowed us to stretch our legs. Weather was really hot and humid this week as it has been for much of the country. On Wednesday we went to the Milwaukee Art Museum. Milwaukee is my hometown but I had never been to the art museum. The building itself is architecturally interesting with sections designed by Eero Saarinen, David Kahler and the newest portion by Santiago Calatrava. Calatrava’s white soaring sail like architecture is visually stunning with Lake Michigan as the backdrop. After we saw as much art as we could absorb we went for a short walk along the Lake Michigan shore. We then headed to the historic third ward for dinner at an outdoor cafe. Sitting in the shade with a light breeze was quite comfortable.

    Food pantry yesterday was very busy as it is the end of month. It was also brutally hot. I came right home and took a cool shower. I really enjoy this although I think I am getting more out of it than I am giving. I like helping and I like being part of a group with a purpose.

    Tomorrow we are getting together with a group of our college friends that we have known for 47+ years. I treasure the fact that we still see them 1-2x per year. Friends are hosting at their house but we will all bring food to share. Monday I’m meeting up with an old work friend from 40 years ago. We’ve kept I touch over the years and it will be good to see him again and catch up.

    Have a good week everyone! Stay cool.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Our society is founded on a very limited definition of power, namely
    wealth, professional success, fame, physical strength, military might,
    and political control. My dear friends, I suggest that there is another
    kind of power, a greater power: the power to be happy right in the
    present moment, free from addiction, fear, despair, discrimination,
    anger, and ignorance. This power is the birthright of every human
    being, whether celebrated or unknown, rich or poor, strong or weak.

    Thich Nhat Hanh
    The Art of Power

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    We left the Cape rental on time, before 10 AM. After dropping the keys off in a box at the realtors office I called the owner from the parking lot. I told him all about the smoke detectors low battery beeps going off at 4 AM for each of the 3 devices over 3 different nights; told him about ants in all rooms, I said he needs ant traps; and about the weird AC splits - they kept us damp more than cool (my clothes felt like I hadn’t dried them, as well as canvas totes feeling damp) and suggested they need service. The split in the living/dining/kitchen area when we lowered it to 72 because we were all hot, it started leaking/dripping water into the house. We immediately turned it back to 74 and spent an hour watching it drip onto a pile of paper towels we constantly changed. I googled it and believe a drain tube is clogged, but who knows - I’m not an HVAC guy/gal.

    I almost forgot: my niece with the kidney stone is on some medicine, it looks like a potassium pill but even bigger. The pills she had set them up in a weekly Sat-Fri med tray; they blew up and looked exploded from the moisture. Unsure what she’ll have to do to get replaced. I told her to take them to the pharmacy and show what happened.

    After my conversation with the owner he apologized saying he’d get right over to change out the batteries. I told him they were already changed by me, up on a chair at 4 AM on 3 different days. And that’s that. He says well that’s a lot. Ok then, we said good by and I hung up. I didn’t request thru the agency to rent it again next season, 2024. The place isn’t truly that bad, because everything there is fixable.

    We shopped in a few places on our way off the Cape. Filled our gas tank up at a BJ’s in Hyannis and our GPS kept us on Rt 28. We were off the Cape and on our way without a problem; sometimes it’s torture in bumper to bumper traffic. As we pulled in our driveway we heard thunder, so we hustled unloading the car. Sure enough a major downpour (again or always? HAHA!) hit just after we finished. Temps dropped dramatically; its 63 now.

    Sorry, I’m rambling. I took an hour nap because I was awake way too early again, slept about 5 hours. A little while ago I looked out and saw the moon with 3/4 of it surrounded by a big “C” of clouds. Very cool moon tonight. Enjoy a peek at it if you can.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Cindy, so glad you are home safe and sound. Also, that you were able to get some rest. We too had a major storm. Heard reports there was a tornado close to us but I haven't confirmed that. There were though trees down all over. We were trapped at my BIL's (house we were cleaning) after going over to the apt. and loading boxes full of kitchen items and other things to move. Unfortunately, BIL goes into overwhelm easily (probably due to his short-term memory issues) and really had not done much for getting ready. Good for us he had not been in the apt. a longer time. His other brother allows him to buy too many groceries at once I think — but then I realize they never expected the Dr. to release him to live at home alone again. Anyhow, we were trapped for some times and the wind was quite strong, very hearable and the trees were bending quite a bit. Finally backed off so we could come home. Always a little breath-taking as we get closer to home. We are surrounded by trees.

    We did have to have someone get out of our truck (I was in back in our car) and pick up all the branches that were in the long lane that leads to our driveway and the one other house beyond us. We lost our umbrella off the glass table on the big deck. Also, a couple of branches (thankfully not too big) in the yard. One wedged between the back deck stairs and the house but didn't bother either. Landed in the space just right.

    I'm sure none of the animals were thrilled but all but one was inside. Buddy is used to the outdoors and knows where to go to stay out of harm's way. He did fine but came immediately when called, ready to come in.

    Hope no one else was in the way of the storms.

    MM, sure wish you were feeling better. I had a note (pm) started and didn't get to finish. I should get it updated and sent.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Jackie, I was watching "weather-porn" (NBC5 Storm Team and ABC7 Weather) late into the night till our flood warning expired—the radar showed the tornado passing from just north of Effingham to south of Manteno & Aroma Park. There was no visual confirmation (eyewitnesses) due to it being rain-wrapped in the dark of night, but the rotation tracker and airborne debris signals confirmed it. We got drenched but only for half an hour or so. The winds got some more smaller branches from our honey-locust tree and a tomato from our vine…which Bob saw a squirrel chomp down on before I could snatch it up. We have switched from tomato-growers to squirrel & rabbit ranchers.

    Cindy, glad you made it back safely. My mom's condo in Delray had an in-unit A/C in the ceiling that dripped like crazy.

    Harley, I always wondered what that sail-like thing on the Milwaukee skyline was! Haven't been back since the last time I played the downtown farmers' market in 2018

    We went out to dinner in Evanston tonight (Bob prefers to sit indoors because the 'skeeters zero in on him). It was a French brasserie with Moroccan influences, by the same woman who owns the Barn steakhouse (and is the daughter of the owner-founder of the Morton's steakhouse chain). So Bob got his steak frites after all (I'd been serving him various fishes all week and we were both ready for some red meat).

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833
    edited July 2023

    Jackie, you are doing a great service for your BIL. So much work!! Exhausting.

    Last night Tippy crawled up and under my arm. I saw a bit of lightning. Both signs of a storm. WunderGround says over an inch. A bit late for the crops, but the drought has definitely broken.

    Yes, I have an appointment with my audiologist this week. Eager to get the adjustments, not eager to know how much loss. We had a daytime fire alarm last week, and the sound was not as intensely irritating as it ought to be.

    Cindy, a lot of problems with that rental. Did he offer anything moneywise for the inconveniences?

    Yesterday was predicted to be cooler, so I turned off the aircon and dehumidifier and opened the windows. It was awfully steamy. I think I will allow the aircon to stay on.

    Harley, do you live in Wisconsin?

    Betrayal, all the clothing we have from working in the schools seems to have multiplied after retirement. I know a retired nurse who dresses comfortably with a very limited wardrobe, and who hasn't bought any clothing for years.

    The inside of a damaged knee is the source of much of the pain. Very sensitive area. I quit wearing jeans and switched to skirts, wide-leg pants, and shorts about a year ago. Tried a pair of jeans yestermorn, and they were reasonably comfortable, but had to switch later because of the heat.

    I slept 7 3/4 hr last night with the help of 100 mg of Trazodone. This will be good for healing.

    Extension is 0, flexion is 130. All good except for pain, and the more active I am, the more of a problem it is. I have had some digestive disturbances and orthostatic hypotension, so I think I have developed a stomach bleed from the Celebrex, even with the Nexium. Dropped that. Will have to resume diclofenac gel, in moderation. Doubling down on homemade kefir to help the healing.

    My sister returned from a Mediterranean cruise with covid. This is her second time, and she has asthma. Her husband has not had it at all, but I suspect he has had it subclinically. I have not had it either, but much less out and about.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,128

    Wow. 17 posts this morning thanks to no computer time yesterday. I missed Wordle so a break in my current streak. I think Wordle has been/is a good brain exercise. I seem to get better at solving the puzzles with some successful 2nd and 3rd guesses.

    Yesterday was a lovely, maybe perfect, day with highs in the 70's and sunshine, also a breeze. We had a successful farmers market. DH had "discovered" some bowls in a storage bin we hadn't opened. We put them out and three of them sold. I'm glad for the sales, glad that beautiful bowls find appreciative owners, but hate to see them go because they are no longer on display. All of dh's bowls are nice but some are like art work for people to admire. He has several customers who have become collectors. They come by our booth to visit and can't resist buying another bowl. Obviously money isn't an issue.

    We attended the wedding re-do at Vacationaire Resort, driving our golf cart the one-mile distance at 5 pm. We had cocktails on the deck overlooking the lake, Island lake. At 6 pm the wedding party arrived by pontoon boat. It's a short distance from our resort dock over to Vacationaire's dock. It was cool watching the bride and the rest of the wedding party climb the steep lawn up to a sandy area that is used for volleyball. The ceremony had humor and a lot of sentiment.

    Then all the wedding guests went to an indoor dining room that was beautifully decorated. The buffet dinner was familiar fare for those of us who eat regularly or occasionally at Clancy's Restaurant. The meats were broasted chicken and barbecued ribs, both very popular and good. I especially like the chicken. Then a two-person "band" began playing and floor space was cleared for dancing. As soon as possible dh and I made our exit. Sadly dh does not dance and the music was not to our liking. We drove our golf cart home.

    Goodness knows what this wedding repeat cost Leslie and Dave, the couple. But it was probably worth the cost to them. Most of the people in their first wedding, 23 years ago, attended and their combined families were there, her sons and his daughters and spouses and grandkids. They all participated in the ceremony.

    I'm looking forward to a restful day today and this afternoon the weekenders will depart and we fulltimers will reclaim our peaceful campground until next weekend.

    Happy Sunday to all.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 353

    Chris - I live in the Chicago suburbs. However, both DH and I grew up and went to college in Wisconsin. Most of our families and many of our friends still live there so we visit often. We considered moving back to Wisconsin once we retired but we really like our home and neighborhood and I’m reluctant to move away from our son who lives in Chicago. Glad to hear you had a good nights rest and hope you can get the pain under control

    Carole - I’m sure the bowls are beautiful and are most appreciated by the new owners. The wedding sounds lovely and very down to the earth rather than an over the top extravaganza.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2023

    Chris, fantastic ROM post-op! You've obviously been diligent in your rehab. I agree that at this point NSAIDs, even the gentler COX-2 inhibitors like Celebrex, are no longer a good idea, as inflammation is no longer the main cause of your pain. Acetaminophen, elevation, ice & topicals are a better bet now, plus whatever other post-op Rxs you're gradually weaning off (e.g., Tramadol, Gabapentin, and any opioid your doc thinks you still need).

    Nexium is a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) that makes your stomach less able to secrete gastric acid. NSAIDs, on the other hand, can cause a sort of chemical burn even if you don't secrete your own stomach acid—but you still need the Nexium (or whatever other PPI or H2 blocker—like Pepcid) after you ditch them to give your gut a chance to heal from the damage they're causing. I got anemic after several months of taking ibuprofen when I weaned off the pain meds prescribed for me after my second knee replacement. An EGD (upper endoscopy) ordered by my primary showed "a small gastric lesion of probable chemical origin," or as the GI doc called it, an "ulcerette." That was the source of the slow bleed. When I stopped NSAIDs and began taking daily iron (in a form that doesn't require stomach acid for absorption), my hemoglobin gradually returned to normal or nearly normal, where it remains.

    Trazodone is a vastly underrated sleep med—it is an antidepressant (brand name Desyrel)—that 35 yrs ago was a bridge between the older tricyclics and the newer SSRI class. I was on it for postpartum depression, as none of the tricyclics worked. Bob says it's his sleep med of choice for seniors, especially since it's readily available and reasonably priced as a generic (and doesn't have the somnambulism side effect of the newer more heavily-advertised sleep meds). As psychoactive drugs go, it's about as "transparent" as it gets. And sleep is one of the best things you can do for healing (as well as getting enough protein in your diet).

    Carole, the wedding renewal and celebration sounds wonderful. Broasted chicken sounds delicious—mouth is watering as I type this. Can you post pictures of your DH's bowls?

    Harley, I texted my friend down in Minooka, where there was an EF-1 that stretched northeast to Joliet and an EF-0 that moved into Kankakee county and across the IN state line. Haven't heard back. She lives in a relatively new development of mostly ranch-style homes adjacent to Channahon. Likely not much tree damage, as the trees are still too young to have developed a canopy of leaves that catch the wind like sails.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833
    edited July 2023

    I wouldn't say I was diligent. I got on a friend's trike and tried pedaling. The problem is, he had the seat set way low. So I gave myself a MUA without anesthetic. Way ahead of the game.

    OK. Will resume the Nexium to get that little bugger healed up yet again. Been off the Tramadol for a week. Been on Gabapentin for years, but might wean myself down in a while.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    It is something to be able to paint a particular picture, or to carve a statue, and so make a few objects beautiful; but it is far more glorious to carve and paint the very atmosphere and medium through which we look. To affect the quality of the day--that is the highest of arts. Henry David Thoreau

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Carole, I’d love to see your husbands bowls too. I’ve seen some beautiful ones that are very pricey but always draw my eye.

    Chris it sounds like you’re coming along in healing from your knee replacement.

    As for a money rebate from the Cape house owner, it’s not likely. I rent it through a realtor. Usually you never meet the owner but he showed up soon after we arrived. The realty company usually sends a follow up email asking how your rental was. I plan on being honest.

    Jackie I’m glad no one was injured during or after that storm. Yesterday, although our storm wasn’t too bad, apparently it stalled over a city west of us and did a lot of damage.

    I didn’t take notes, apologies. Petite I’m glad you enjoyed time with your family; I’m hoping the estate and homeowners issues have lessened. MM I hope you’re feeling better. Harley, location to your son is important.

    It’s 62 here now, a tad of a chill in the air. Hoping your temperatures tomorrow are suitable to enjoying life.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Remember, if all life is sacred, then today is sacred. Ask yourself, What am I doing to feel joy today? A wonderful way to start the day is to bless it:Blessings on this day, may I make it special in some way.
    Blessings on my life, may I treat it with love and care.
    Blessings on all people, may I see the goodness in everyone.
    Blessings on nature, may I notice its beauty and wonder.
    Blessings on the truth, may it be my constant companion.
    -Charlotte Davis Kasl

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Another long day yesterday, but it was a smidgen cooler with less humidity. In some places even a bit of a nice breeze.

    I too would love to see those bowls, Carole. I still have fond memories of the Walnut Wood Salad Bowl Set I had (gift) from first marriage. He got it because I could not fit it into my suitcases when I finally left with both babies and 4 suitcases only. Long story and likely only need to say alcoholics do not make great partners.

    Chris, I hope your recovery with the knee continues to go fairly well. Do I recall you had a lot of dread about it. I do believe things many times do seem much better in the rear-view mirror than beforehand.

    It is a shame that you likely can't get any rebates back from your rental Cindy. Glad the realtor (rental agent) will follow up. They really do need to know how bad it can be and while you were 'able', what if you had not been. They should maybe check out what they are "renting" to people just to be sure that all the 'normal' issues are handled.

    Got BIL who directs and cares for the brother moving back into his house all set up with a generator yesterday afternoon. The storm aftermath was much worse in his neighborhood. So he will likely be w/o power for maybe a week. We are mainly taking a break from house mover today to handle some of our own things. That means maybe a half hour over there but not much more. The important thing is all the BIG stuff id done and it will all be refining and defining. Still a lot to do, but my house is going to have to get a lot more time now.

    Bood pressure seems to be doing okay. It starts out a bit low — but usually in the 80's now where it was in the 60's before — so the sustained work at BIL's house while quite wearing, I do think helped to give me a blood pressure boost. I'm still having to put some force to what I do, but at least there have been rewards when I do.

    I hope you are all going to have a good Monday and not have excessive heat or harsh problems to deal with.