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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    We're not going to be much cooler here along the lakefront for a change, due to the winds coming in from the west. We'll see how well our window unit A/Cs and ceiling fans hold off the heat & humidity. Didn't water my plants today—I did yesterday morning, but in the afternoon it rained "cats & dogs." Fittingly, I was in Petsmart at the time. Will have to run the sprinkler tomorrow. Rescued one small tomato this morning ahead of the squirrels.

    Gonna bite the bullet tomorrow and bring this computer (2017 13" MBPro, 8GB RAM, Intel chip) in to the Apple Store for diagnostics—they have system analysis programs that consumers don't. I wasn't about to migrate its data to the new one (2023 14" MBPro, 16GB RAM, M2 chip) without backing it up, but I've been unable to complete a Time Machine backup since Dec. 22. (Had a devil of a time even getting my backup disks to mount anywhere but Disk Utility). After long chats with tech support at Western Digital and running their own diagnostics, I learned that both my external disks (MyPassport 2TB and G-Drive 1TB) are toast…and long past warranty expiration.

    Mainly, I fear that if I migrate this computer's data over to the new one, I'd be migrating all its problems, thus ruining my investment. Disk Utility's First Aid says its hard drive is OK (but it also said the same for those two externals). I need to find out what if anything is messed up on this computer before I buy a new portable drive to back it up—don't want to back up corrupted stuff. Only after I can get all that accomplished will I migrate this machine's data to the new one. I need to get this done by next weekend or I lose the chance to get a $250 gift card for trading it in (it'll probably cost that much to diagnose & fix). Odd thing is that the new computer actually cost less than this one did back in 2017—in real dollars, not adjusted for inflation.

    Had another tech adventure today. Bob's hospital has its annual Sox Park party for this Friday night's game against Cleveland—but the tickets were in an e-mail. Not even an attachment that could be opened & printed! Had to click several links to get to the Ballpark app (which I have but Bob doesn't) and then into a Ticketmaster account (again, which I have but Bob doesn't). Used my login info on his little iPhone 12 Mini, the tickets came up, with the option to add to AppleWallet (which he never set up—didn't set up Touch ID either). He insisted on that small a phone so it would fit in his shirt pocket (he won't wear shirts without pockets) without falling out if he bends over. Let me tell you—it's so small that my tiny mitts still fat-fingered the onscreen keyboard (he texts only by voice). So I clicked to add the tickets to the Wallet; then opened Wallet…and they're not in there. So I went through this all over again, this time on my own phone (12 Pro Max). They're safely in my AppleWallet now—but that means he'll have to take CTA to his Union Health job that day and I'll have to pick him up and pay through the nose to park at Sox Park (instead of our usual Red Line ride to both ballparks).

    E-tickets (and boarding passes) on one's smartphone are a convenience…but only for those comfortable with modern tech. I wonder how those who don't use their phones for anything but talk & text will cope—not to mention the even older ones who use flip phones. (I can see them begging for help from their grandkids). There should at least be an option to open an attachment & print out tickets, but more and more events & venues insist on e-ticketing on smartphones—not even showing the e-mail with the seats will suffice.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,884

    To honor and respect means to think of the land and water and plants and animals who live here as having a right equal to our own to be here. We are not the supreme and all-knowing beings, living at the top of the pinnacle of evolution, but in fact we are members of the sacred hoop of life, along with the trees and rocks, the coyotes and the eagles and fish and toads, that each fulfills its purpose. They each perform their given task in the sacred hoop, and we have one, too.    -Wolf Song

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,884

    Gorgeous looking day outside. Our evenings have been coolish, so likely not too hot right now. I do fear for those in other states as the continuing heat wave sounds like it intends on staying yet for some time. Carole, I imagine you are even happier to be where you are just now.

    To set minds at ease, I do think those of you who have mentioned it, that I am wearing on myself more than I should is right. I really felt a lot of exhaustion yesterday and had to come home and finish my work here. It is becoming more difficult to take care of two households. So, for the record, once I get the first bathroom (used almost exclusively before and will be now as well) done which I've started working on, I'm giving notice that anything I do going forward will be light duties until it comes time for final set-up and the hiring of someone to clean on a regular basis.

    We did take our new shredder over with the stipulation that only Dh could run it. I must say it performed in beautiful fashion. Never got hot. If this is the case, it will be okay. It was said that I could have the one that 'they' purchased after all the shredding was done. I knew I would not like the 'replacement. 'before I saw it so chose to purchase my own. It is not a case of getting the most expensive, but rather the fact that if they were able to wreck the expensive one, I had — I needed to move up a bit which I did. The difference was about $10.00 or $12.00, which is understandable since my shredder was about 2&1/2 yrs. old. New one has better features — will give overheat warnings and special slot for shredding credit cards, etc. I felt it was well worth the extra $10.00.

    I do seem to have benefitted somewhat from the increased activities as of late. My blood pressures have actually been consistently better. I am still feeling more tiredness than I like but have hopes that over time that might get somewhat better. Also hoping as seems for the moment that my wt. (higher than I like) seems stable so that is good. I sure hope this will all go towards giving me a better or improving ejection fraction as well as numbers stable enough to be able to ditch Losartan and go on Entresto.

    So for now, I am looking forward to switching from difficult labors at BIL's house which was let go for yrs. to being able to expend the real energies in my own housel when needed and in the main to get back once again to de-cluttering and simplifying here.

    You know, I hate to admit it since I know I'm so fortunate to have been able to get most of anything I ever truly wanted, but in so many ways I miss the good old days when I had very little extra, but what I used every day and maybe one or two extra towels and sheet sets. I could pack up and move all in the same day because I really didn't have that much packing to do. Not sure why we complicate our existence with THINGS. I do know seeing others seem to exist well and have what they need when they seem to need it was an influence. I'm living proof that what is looking to fit so well on someone else may not fit so well for you. It is in the realm though of things you won't likely be able to know until after the fact and possibly LONG after the fact.

    Getting way too long here so will wish you all a beauty of a day.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    I had a fun weekend with my niece and her SO. We went canoeing and swam in the spring. After we got home, we hopped in the pool and then grilled out. I had a wonderful weekend. I didn't think about the estate at all. Of course, it flooded back today.

    Puffin, Loved your photo. I am glad you had a nice vacation.

    MM & Betrayal, I did a lot of purging and I am happy with the results. I did find a couple of spots of hidden junk that I forgot about. I guess, if I don't remember it, it can certainly go,

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Mavericksmom - sounds like you’ve made great progress in your decluttering. I always feel better donating things that I haven’t used for ages.

    Chris - hope you were able to get Tramadol to take at night.

    Sandy - Hope you have nice weather Friday for the baseball game.

    Illinois - glad you’re working at a good pace on the decluttering. It’s good that you’re not over doing it.

    Petite - glad you had a good weekend. Hopefully you’re ready to tackle the estate issues.

    For those experiences temperatures in the 90s+ stay safe. We’re going to see upper 90s later this week. 🥵

    I did some clothing decluttering. Starting a pile of clothing that we can drop off at the local hospice. I had PT this afternoon for my back, which didn’t bother me most of the time during vacation. Today it was really sore, so I was glad to have PT. After doing exercises, my therapist set me up with traction. My back feels better this evening. I’ve been icing / tens unit after walking and home exercises, which helps.

    Have a nice evening.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Was going to set up PT for my shoulder issues today, but stuff got in the way. First I woke up with that telltale tired feeling in my throat, plus postnasal drip—in color. Uh-oh. (No fever, though).

    Then a call from the vet—Heidi's thyroid is a bit higher, but she's not concerned because she's gaining weight; if I increase the methimazole dose, it could impact her kidney levels. Everything else looks good. Her sneezing? Bad AQI and high pollen and mold counts (just like her mama). The head-bobbing is to compensate for her fading hearing & vision.

    Then hit the farmers' market, where I pretty much struck out: no BBQ or any of the produce I was looking for. Got home, put away my purchases, and felt kinda warm. Uh-oh: 99.5. (Chalked it up to having spent 30 min. out in the heat and smog). O2 sats 95%—not great. Decided to re-test, but as I was unboxing the components I asked myself how I would respond to the results: if positive, would have to call my PCP (or Bob) for Paxlovid…but it might be too late by now because I've had symptoms for a week (and home-testing negative twice); but if negative, I probably wouldn't trust it (because the two times I had COVID I'd also home-tested negative) and would go to Urgent Care for a PCR test. So I put the test kit back into the cupboard and drove to Urgent Care. Hoping for a negative COVID test but a 'script for what is obviously a bacterial sinusitis (which is usually the next step after a cold).

    Good news: negative for both COVID & flu. So just a secondary bacterial sinus infection after a cold, right? Not so fast. Tested positive for…wait for it…STREP!!! Who gets strep in the summertime? (Season is usually March-April). And how? Well, the PA told me they're seeing 10x as much strep as they are COVID in Chicago—in fact, the highest incidence since they began keeping records. So I did get my amoxicillin 'script after all—but for a primary, not secondary infection. By this time tomorrow I should no longer be contagious. Nevertheless, I have to pick up my Hooked on Fish order tomorrow before 5pm…so I'll call ahead and do it curbside, through my car window.

    Oh, and I found out my tonsils—which I had removed at age 6—have partially regenerated. The nurse saw the white spots on them, which was why she swabbed my throat to test for strep.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    It's overcast this morning and our high temperature will be in the mid 80's today. I hope to do our laundry, which involves walking back and forth to the laundry room and using the one washer and one dryer. Two of my neighbors use their golf carts and drive back and forth but I'm a believer in the "use or lose" philosophy. The walking is exercise. To be fair, my walking distance is a little less than theirs.

    I also want to catch up on some computer chores like reading the renewal policy for our two automobiles, which are older, 2013 and 2014. The insurance premium seems very high.

    My back issue has eased, I'm thankful to say.

    Hope today is as good as possible for everyone.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,884

    This we know. The Earth does not belong to people; people belong to theEarth. This we know. All things are connected like blood which unites onefamily. All things are connected. Whatever befalls the Earth befalls the sons and daughters of the Earth. People did not weave the web of life; we are merely strands in it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.

    attributed to Chief Seattle

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,884

    Good morning. And for starters, just wow and that is about the strep throat, Sandy. Who'da thought for sure. I presume much of that could be all the irritations by what is in the air lately along with the changing weather patterns. At least it is good to know what is really going on but just weird. Also, good to hear Heidi is pretty much still on the same level so far.

    Carole, I am with you. Walking when you can id good exercise and doing it when you can just adds to any planned exercise. You do need to use what you have so you can keep it for as long as possible. Perhaps some of the other ladies find it too cumbersome to carry baskets and laundry products.

    Interesting about your vehicle policies. I think ours has stayed about the same. Some prices I thin might have been adjusted during the covid lockdowns and people weren't going anywhere. I think we actually got rebates in the form of having some of our Ins. reabsorbed. Just wondering if some companies are now catching up by going back to what they would in fact be charging now.

    Some of our costs are inexplicably going down. Our propane this next round will be almost cut in half from what it has been as well as our budget electric chgs. I think most suppliers had higher costs from the covid issues and many of those things have settled back to a more normal price range. My viewpoint has been that once prices are up, they don't seem to drift back to what they were but stay higher by some. We seem to have gone back to original, before covid pricing. Well I have to admit that when pricing is good like this, it is not repeated for a while and so we shall see how long we can go this time.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,804

    Rained early yesterday so I decided to work on organizing jewelry box drawers and some satellite containers I had. Walmart sells these stackable clear bins with drawers from Home Edit that were perfect for what I wanted to do. I have a lot of jewelry I have amassed over travels and time so it was time to try to maximize wear-ability by taking inventory. I will most like donate most of the costume jewelry since I prefer wearing more meaningful pieces that have memories attached. I labeled each box (tg for an older Casio label maker). I still have other smaller drawers that need to be organized that contain pins and earrings but the large ones are done. Each bin has also been labeled as to contents so that makes finding what I want easier. Being clean means I can also see contents from sides as well as top making locating items easier. Being in the drawers meant I was most likely to just skim the top and not dig down. It was also a good way to rediscover some forgotten pieces. I am partial to natural stone and Navajo jewelry, pearls, and Murano glass necklaces.

    DGS has been helpful in willingness to bring the drawers down and then take the empty drawers and filled bins upstairs. Now I just need to home the bins which means rearranging a closet. So dominos effect in progress since I will most likely then work on closet contents.

    Today is in the 80's and supposed to be humid. I am staying inside when it gets like this and it doesn't look like I will get much weeding done this week. We may head to the U of PA Museum tomorrow since DSIL and DD want to go as does DGS.

    Carole, I think insurance increases on older cars (as their value decreases) due to cost of repairs and/or replacement. I think other southern states, in addition to FL, will see increases in other insurance policies due to destructive storms hitting those areas. cindyny and petite1 were just discussing changes in FL.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Well, just when I was adjusting to having strep, I found out I may also have ONJ. (Despite no extractions or root planing). So had to cancel my next Prolia shot (8/1) because my DDS wants me to see his oral/maxillofacial surgeon, the earliest appt. with whom I could get is 8/3.

    We're also due for some nasty storms tomorrow (that, plus the heat & bad AQI). My HK had to stay home today to await basement appliance repair/delivery, and I doubt she'd be willing to brave a deluge tomorrow morning. Worst case scenario is that her basement floods AGAIN. Even if all is well, won't have her Friday either, as she needs to take her BFF in for cataract surgery.

    As of an hour from now, I should no longer be contagious (thank you, amoxicillin). Taking probiotics and eating Greek yogurt (plus honey for the throat). Got an endless supply of KN95s and (knock wood) my A/Cs are working. Even if the heat weren't an issue, the smoke is, so I can't open the windows.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,884

    Betrayal you are still producing, even if it is not a weed free yard area. Glad you chose to stay in. It was a mite miserable here. Not only a little humid, but 95 as well. I had no idea since I was inside most of the day working. Found out as we had to go pick up daughter Kate from work. Don't usually have too. Anyway, there is a little drive-thru restaurant very close, and we stopped there to get a bite and some ice cream after.

    We were fortunate to get the only table in shade outside. It was also fortunate that in that area for some reason there is almost always a heavy breeze. It was tolerable but not much else.

    I am glad to report though quite difficult and wearing, I did complete the bathroom at BIL's today. The hard work for me is over. There is still plenty of work, but for me it won't be so intense and un-relenting. Much more on the order of regular cleaning cycles now. Need to finish some of the arrangements of kitchen cabinet items and Windex a few areas — all easy. Pictures and some mirrors, mainly just more along the line of piddle things that need doing - not hard, more annoying than anything.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    About 6pm Bob called me from Union Health—he couldn't find his car key fob. Not in his pockets, his office nor even the bathroom. He might have lost it at Sbarro next door when he was getting lunch (why do men always put their wallets & keys in the same pocket)? He was about to take CTA or a taxi home when he realized that by then his was the last car remaining in the parking lot—and whoever found the key fob would easily put two & two together. I grabbed the spare, and drove all the way down there (40 min. in traffic). He will call Union Health & Sbarro tomorrow, hoping someone had found it and turned it in; if not, he will have to go to the dealership to get new keys issued & re-coded. And that Hyundai dealership's service dept. is dreadful—they probably won't give him an appointment till at least next week. He refuses to drive my car, so we'd have to keep his in the garage and rent a car (he can't take CTA to his hospitals, which are in southwest suburban Oak Park & Evergreen Park, and taxis would cost an arm and a leg) until the Hyundai dealership can take "us"…which would, of course be ME.

    I'm used to him losing his phone, but this is ridiculous…and scary.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,884

    Faith is not only daring to believe, it is also daring to act.  When I believe
    in myself as a son of God, I attribute to all people the same quality. This
    goes for people of every class, creed and color. The proof that I believe
    this way will be measured by the way I act towards others. . . .  To me God
    is all the goodness in the universe, available to me here and now, and it is
    up to me to help convert that goodness into action.  "God is love," but He
    is infinitely more than that. God is love, hope, courage, good will, peace--
    He is all the eternal, everlasting, indestructible values of ongoing creative
    life.  With God underneath my life I have the faith to build toward the stars.

    Wilferd A. Peterson

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,884

    Wow Sandy. I'm in total agreement with you. I guess one of the best reasons ever for the purses we women carry. It is a bit harder to lose things so WELL. I am sympathetic though. Guess thinking too, incidents like this get us a bit more use to having to be a bit more watchful and diligent as we age. We don't seem able to work on automatic all the time as we use too.

    Here's hoping it doesn't take quite as long as it seems to get things right.

    Will go once more to DIL's. I think this Monday is moving to home day. So, only a week to get the general living quarters in acceptable shape. Of course, some of my suggestions are being ignored which I suspected would happen. I'm all for storing furnishings that won't be used into the empty garage built a few yrs. ago since BIL is no longer allowed to drive. Outvoted. I really don't know why. There is a watch repair bench and a couple of other misc. which will constantly have to be 'policed' for things tossed there that don't belong.

    Still have hopes that many of the vinyl record albums in covers and lg. boxes can go into a nearby closet. I have a feeling BIL won't listen to many, if any of them. He will get lost in his tv. He has already insisted on getting a new tv although there is nothing wrong with the one, he has which my kids will take for their room. He has purchased Samsung for the past few yrs. which i highly approve of — not that he ever asked me what I thought. Dh and I have purchased them most often the past few yrs. so I'm okay with it — just that I don't' see the real need. Guess I should just keep quiet. The tv the kids use is on its way to being useless soon, so it does help them.

    Anyway, I think we are now at the start of some rally yucky weather. If not storms, then heat and humidity. It seemed (thank goodness) a bit slow in coming so we did have it okay way long than I expected. So close to August now though. Best one can say is that the storms and the rain with it will help keep us a little greener, a little longer. Still though it is the time of yr. when things start to turn different shades of brown and soon enough, we could even see a few leaves dethatch from the trees. Not really looking forward to all this.

    Hope you all have a good day.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    We had a thunderstorm last night, the first one this summer. Tippy was very scared. Went to Quik Trip to get some ice, and saw bunches of branches down, awnings down.

    I need to make some wide leg pants from sari fabric. I have a bunch of knee-length shorts but need more protection on my scar.

    Low profile is OK. LOL!!

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Hoping everything works out for all of you. Sandy, the key fob; Jackie, the BIL; and others. I’ve read posts but vacation mode I’m not taking notes.

    Weather has been beautiful. Trips to multiple beaches, night games for the Cape Cod baseball league, and today we’re off to Provincetown for a dunes tour, shopping and we’ll have dinner out there too.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2023

    Great pix, Cindy! Been 36 years since I last visited Cape Cod. I can feel the breeze as I look at the photos (can’t taste the belly clams, though). What is that little shirt-shaped “Anglers” thing—a Onesie? A cookie?

    Security at Union Health had Bob’s key fob, thank goodness. We had a nasty T-storm this morning blow through and knock a tomato off the vine…but it already had tooth marks on it, courtesy of a squirrel. It also blew open our attic window and tore the heavy plastic sheeting off it as well. Have to get a screen for it (and put a hook & eye on it to at least keep it closed temporarily). Another round of storms is predicted for afternoon rush hour, but will be more to the south. HK’s basement is holding up, so far. Turns out her BFF’s surgery Friday isn’t cataract but more serious: to break up abdominal adhesions that may be causing partial obstruction. Amazing that they’re doing this at a surgicenter rather than a hospital ER. (Anything to slash budgets these days, I guess).

    Called AppleCare this morning—they suggested I go ahead and perform the data migration, then bring the new computer in for a dx if it misbehaves like the old one. Because it would be on the new one, with 3 years of AppleCare+, that’d be free. Then I’ll wipe the old one and trade it in w/in the 2-wk window to get my $250.

    (Typing this on my iPad).

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 290

    Jackie - I appreciated the 24th and 25th quotes.

    Sandy - lucky find. I realized after I got home from my carpool duties that I had left my Kindle in the restroom in the mall where I often hang out while Ella is skating. Called and some wonderful soul had turned it in. Drove back yesterday and picked it up. Reminds me to put address labels on more items.

    Petite, now that you've had a restful weekend, I hope tackling the paperwork will seem less daunting. Sending hugs.

    A plug for AirTag. Ken and I each carry one and can track each other. I was getting concerned about his walking the dog and having health issues. His is on his key chain which he always has because he also has his nitro bottle on it. Since they never take the same walk, at least I now know where he is and if he is moving. They are very specific. If he's on one of our lovely walking trails, I can see him on a map. If he's in the neighborhood, I actually get the address of the home he is in front of. (I know Carole, I shouldn't end a sentence with "of.")

    I admit that I had to have 12 year old Ella set them up but they really are good. We put them in our suitcases when we traveled after people were reporting so many problems with lost luggage.

    The CC golf barn was broken into and they were able to track the thief because two of the members had AirTags in their golf bags. Since we got 4 in our package, I immediately put one in my golf bag and another in the back of my jewelry box.

    Stay safe in this crazy weather.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,884

    Loving those Cape Cod pictures. Is some of that seaweed piled on the beach. Sure, reminded me of so many of my walks on the beach in Ventura and Santa Barbara. You can smell the air and it is so interesting to me since it is all the smells coming from the water. Often walked a couple of miles and back on those beaches. I miss the spiritual lift I always got while walking there.

    Had a good day as it was easy. Did more of the minor arranging items and clearing off the washer and dryer in the hall. I may take tomorrow off as I have a couple of things backed up here. Funny — there are three men working in the living room and they have a lot more work to go. I've done the kitchen and bath alone as well as a way too full pantry. Guess that is the difference between male and female cleaning. Hmmm.

    Glad your Bob was able to locate his car keys. Going to save you a lot of trouble.

    Taco, glad you were taken with the quotes. I generally pay a lot of attention to any that are from the Indian world/tribe/chiefs. Our family has Cherokee in it. For me it works out to be about 1/8th. so, a bit on the thinnish side. My Aunt told me we were related to Sacajawea (Sp?) who is on one of our coins. I have no idea if it is true, but would be okay with me. I don't mind an Indian heritage, even a light one.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2023

    I put AirTags in two of my suitcases. I have one more, plus a keychain holder for it. Debating whether to put it on Bob’s key fob or house-key chain—probably the latter, because there have been reports of thieves scoping out cars left with valets, and then using their phones to track where the valets have parked them. If the AirTag is already on the key, the thieves don’t even have to plant their own in the wheel-well when the valet isn’t looking. (Of course, putting one on his phone would be futile, because he’d have to use the phone itself to find it; and putting one on his glasses would look ultra-dorky).

    Speaking of all things Apple, I tried migrating my old computer to the new one, but both computers kept hanging—the old one on “now discoverable as…” and the new one on “checking” the old one. Called AppleCare again, they walked me through it and were surprised that the computers were taking so long—whether by wi-fi or connected by USB-C. Advised me to pack both up and bring them in, so I did. They will do the migration, diagnose & fix any problems with the data, and then wipe the old one and give me a $250 gift card. It’ll take 2-3 days so I’ll pick the new one up Saturday (Bob will be working). Meanwhile, I’m using my cellular IPadPro with a keyboard folio with trackpad, so it’s almost like a laptop. In fact, it’s what I travel with, so I’ll just pretend I’m taking a vacation (even if only a staycation). Between the $150 gift card they offered me for the “education discount” (they asked me if I teach anything, and I truthfully answered dulcimer & beginning guitar) and the $250 trade-in, I can get a new backup drive, plastic shell case protector, and some more AirTags. Maybe even the oral surgeon’s consult fee.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,804

    Chisandy, so glad you are out of isolation for strep, that Bob found his key fob and you do not have that hassle or expense to deal with and that your computer woes will be handled by the pros. Seems like your luck is getting a due change.

    Illinoislady: just let the guys handle the living room and I would definitely not go behind them to ensure it is done to your satisfaction. My DH was always assigned vacuuming because he could spend 45 minutes doing a 9 x 12 rug that you could virtually eat off when he was finished. It kept him out of my way for house cleaning and I was able to accomplish so much more without him underfoot. Could not ask him to dust because he did, but only around objects, moving them never occurred to him. If BIL is not satisfied with cleaning outcome, I would have info on a cleaning service on hand. Occasional assistance is one thing, but if the expectation is that it will continue on a regular basis, is quite another.

    I found a set of pale blue geode book ends on ebay for a decent cost but it had the option of making an offer. So I did and it essentially would cancel the cost of the postage. I was notified it also had 2 others watching when I placed my offer, but I took the plunge and the seller accepted. They arrived yesterday and are absolutely beautiful. They weigh about 4 lb apiece and will work well for the books I need supported. 2 aspects are polished and the other is still rough. Love the look.

    DB#1 turns 73 today. I will call to wish him a happy birthday later. They are currently at their FL lake home. DSIL is a school nurse at a school for disabled and medically fragile children and plans on retiring in December. She is younger than he so she was determining when it would be best to apply for SSI. She will miss the interaction with the children but not administration which keeps expecting them to do more with less which places the children at risk.

    Today is predicted to feel like 104 degrees and a heat warning is in effect. So we will stay indoors. I have laundry and just straightening up to do. Each room has something that is out of place and needs to be either rehomed or put back into original space.

    Yesterday we went to the U of PA museum and had early admission tickets. It is a fascinating place with divisions into Asia, Africa, Egypt, the Middle East, Native America, Central and South America, etc presenting archeological finds unearthed by archeologists based at Penn. The collection began in 1888 and in the entire museum, there is only one artefact that is a copy (a large Mayan wall fresco) because the original was left intact at its origins in Central America. My DD and DSIL had not been there before and it was also a first for DGS. Both DH and I had been there previously and once were guests at a banquet held in the grand hall of the Egyptian wing. The Egyptian section is due for a major renovation so we will revisit once it is completed. We left at 4 pm, having spent 6 hours exploring and listening to a docent talk about the Native American presence in the US with emphasis on how poorly we have and continue to treat them. Dinner was at Chipotle on the way home since DGS wanted Mexican food. It was a nice day out. Next plan is to go to a Taste of Britain for a high tea. DSIL has already planned his dessert, a scone with clotted cream and strawberry jelly.

    Wasp exterminator just dusted 2 nests and hopefully they are gone for now. Guarantees his work for a year so that is good. They were quite aggressive and near the gazebo so we were unable to use it without exciting them. Very nice man who performs the work and hardly charged us for the second nest which was found by accident. So glad he was able to find it on this visit. We knew of the one but not the second.

    Hope everyone has a great day.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Never a dull moment around here. Bob left for work at 6:30am, I rolled over and went back to sleep. Heidi came to wake me up at 9, but I figured it was too early so rolled over again. (I sleep with earplugs, and sometimes forget to take them out after Bob gets up). HK came in at 10, and had the shock of her life: a huge limb had snapped off our locust tree and crashed on to our deck. Amazing that it didn’t destroy anything, not the power or cable lines nor even the tomato or herb plants—just fell on our patio furniture. Crew is out there right now, stripping the leaves and sawing up the wood to take to the chipper. We have no idea what caused this, as there were no storms overnight nor even high winds predicted. Perhaps the limb got weakened in yesterday morning’s storm, and gradually gravity did its thing.

    Betrayal, those bookends sound spectacular! We have one small amethyst geode (a souvenir from Nova Scotia) and a tan banded agate slice—but that blue agate must be gorgeous.

    Here by the lake we’re getting a break from the heat emergency—we may hit 90, with high humidity, but inland they’re expected to have heat indexes (indices?) of 105. Tomorrow will be worse, with storms early morning and then predicted towards the tail end of the Sox-Guardians game we’ll be attending in the evening. It’s the annual Advocate Christ hospital baseball party & buffet—we get the huge party room at the left field end of the suite floor, and can stay indoors rather than going out to the adjacent section of the stands. Going home? I don’t wanna think about it.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Sorry to hear about your strep and ONJ Sandy. Hope the oral/maxillofacial surgeon can solve the issue for you. I developed osteonecrosis (AVN) in my hips in 2007. Glad Bob was able to find his key FOB. Glad nothing was damaged by your tree limb.

    Carole - glad your back is improving. Our car insurance is pretty reasonable. DH car is a 2005 and he only uses it around town. I have a 2015, but rarely put 5000 per year on it. We’ve been with GEICO for close to 50 years.

    Illinois - I have noticed some costs dropping. Just wish food costs would start to drop. Are you starting to see light at the end of the tunnel with the cleanup at BIL home?

    Hope your recovery is going well Chris. It’ll be nice for you to get back to sewing.

    Nice pictures from Cape Cod Cindy. I’ve never been up to that area, but it looks lovely. Glad you’re enjoying your vacation.

    Betrayal - sounds like you’ve had fun organizing your jewelry and visiting the museum. Sounds like you found quite a treasure on eBay. Sounds like indoor activities are necessary in this heat.

    Taco - hope you’re doing okay in the heat.

    Back to my normal routine after vacation. I had a wonderful sound bath on Tuesday morning followed by an afternoon get together at one of my friends home in the neighborhood. Yesterday I had PT. My reward for working hard at PT is traction. Really alleviates some of the pain. My back is still giving me some discomfort but I’ve been icing after our morning walks and when I do the exercises at home.

    Heading to foot reflexology soon. I’m hoping it helps my CIPN. I hope everyone is doing OK in this uncomfortable heat. Stay safe.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,804

    Here is the right half of the geode book end pair. The left side has a small indentation which contain crystals from the divot in the right side. They are quite heavy so I had to carry one at a time to their final destination the book shelf in my DD's former room where I keep some prized books.

    You can see how big it is. It is nearly as tall as my cell phone. Replaced the bottom bumpers on the other half since 2 were missing and will replace on this as well since the green felt ones always seem to bleed on furniture. The crystal divot goes through the bottom of this piece. Always hard to judge from a photo on ebay but this was not a disappointment at all.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Wow! Very cool Betrayal.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 290

    Lovely piece, Betrayal. Thanks for sharing. "White Swan" was particularly meaningful for me as I have a first generation Chinese friend. She has shared some experiences including her time in a "re-education" camp. I'm currently reading Lisa See's new book. Quite good so far.

    We're doing OK, cardplayer. Thanks for asking. Bad wind storm last night but no rain here although some nearby communities got quite a bit. The summer storms come from the east and we always get less rain than the east side of the valley.

    Days seem long and monotonous. I have to get an earlier start than I would like to to get anything done. As I've mentioned before I seem to not have much energy for things I should do on shut in days. Also feeling some resistance from DH for a clean-out.

    It is hardest for our poor dog. We have limited grasses areas. He gets a good walk early morning but the rest are shortened. He's a terrier so loves to walk when the weather is good.

    Jackie, I have considerably less Native American heritage than you, but I am always calmed by the spirituality of their words you share.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    I got a surprise e-mail from the Apple Store this morning that my computers were ready! They were able to do a clean data transfer and then wipe my old machine. I got $280 for it, which more than covered (twice over) the new external backup hard drive I bought. (And I still have the $150 educational discount gift card). Had a bit of a scare when I got home, booted up, and found I had no new e-mail, and couldn't recover any of my mail account passwords; but I figured it out in a sort of rabbit-warren of Preferences pages. All is good now—and I've completed two backups. This new M2 chip and twice the RAM made a dramatic difference.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,884

    Compassion is both teacher and student.
    When we show it, we teach it to others.
    When we feel it, we learn how it heals.

    Leslie Levine

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Sandy, the picture was indeed a cookie. We split it up between us, after our hotdogs. Good luck with your jaw.

    Betrayal, that geode is beautiful!

    I’m awake watching the sun come up because our rental house smoke detector on our bedroom went off at 4:10 or so. Partner, he really does not hear it. I got up and grabbed a new battery & a chair to change it. SO far all 3 now have needed changing. By the by, owner met us as we checked in and mentioned the 3 batteries in case they go off. I’d bet the Brooklyn bridge he knew they were old and should have replaced them at the beginning if this rental season!! I’m not a happy camper, as after changing it …oh 30-40 minutes later it triple beeped and is fast blinking red with a solid green. I’m giving him until 6 AM before I call him.

    This house is nice, don’t get me wrong but geeze Louise I don’t want to be awakened 3 nights out of 7 to do your maintenance. Also an issue with a Fijitsu split AC units. He told us the last renter had turned it in the living/dining/kitchen area to 66 and it was dripping… inside the house. I was aghast anyone would drop it that low. But alas, it’s at 74 and yesterday was windy & very humid. Partner says it’s hot, I say let’s turn it down to 72. The water poured from it for at least an hour. Drip, drip, fast drip, super fast drip. I google it because 72 is not earth shattering cold. It says there is a clog in the line and it needs service.

    Did I mention the washer and dryer are in the basement? You have to go outside to the bulk head doors, down a deep super steep set of concrete stairs, not hit your head as you open the regular door. It’s a great super sized washer and dryer in a 5x10 area where the spiders live. Son of a gun, I’ve hit my head 2x.

    I’m not an early riser, can you tell? LOL Wednesday we went into Provincetown for a Dunes tour. Oh what fun it was and super informative. There are Dune Shacks out there, a federal park since 1961, JFK preserved acres and acres. We’ve been coming to the Cape for years and this is the first time we’ve toured it. You can enter a lottery to stay in one of the shacks; I believe 1 or poissibly 2 are overseen by an artist group - you’d submit your portfolio requesting to stay. Famous authors have stayed out there, different artists too. Too early for me up recall the names but you can google it. I’d last 1 or 2 nights at most. Absolutely nothing but sand and sea, as well as solitude. (Animals roam at night too)

    Cape Cod National Sea Shore

    Enjoy your day ladies!