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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Nothing can produce so great a serenity of life as a mind free from guilt and kept untainted, not only from actions, but purposes that are wicked.  By this means the soul will be not only unpolluted but also undisturbed. The fountain will run clear and unsullied.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Overcast outside today. It rosined during the wee hrs. and still doing it when I got up around 7 a.m. We could have had a later storm this morning, but it never showed. Don't know what it will do today yet or if we will have more nighttime rains.

    Dh and SIL got the water heater back together and working somewhat again. It is still not quite right though. My thought is that Dh did not follow the instructions as given and I don't know if there is a fix for that or not. He is going to try and find out. My vote (being ignored right now) is to have a plumber who KNOWS tankless heaters to assess the extent of the problem and any fixes possible. The people at Menards while they may know quite a bit, really only sell them. Not sure if they could HIT on the full scope of the issue and an answer or not. There are no professionals in this house, and I think it would be just 'luck' (which I don't much believe in anyhow) if there were someone at Menards to guide us.

    So nothing else much going on. Got a few things done this morning. Sadly, I opened the pantry door to find the cooked chicken left over from supper that I left in there to cool, still there this morning. Well, I see more chicken cooking in my future soon.

    I hope you all have a fantastic day.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    I leave stuff like plumbing & HVAC to the pros. Highly recommend you overrule DH and SIL and call a plumber. Mine steered me away from a tankless because of the lack of wall space (basement walls are brick). Forget what other reason, besides price, he gave me. Now, we have natural gas, so running out of fuel for the pilot light is not an issue.

    After reading the reports of long-term (>4 yrs) PPI use raising dementia risk, I got spooked—been taking Dexilant (dual-stage lansoprazole) for over 20 years now (and started on Prilosec back in the mid-'90s). So I figured I'd wean myself off it, and didn't take it last night. Bad idea: bending over while pet-store shopping gave me that "pre-heartburn" discomfort that presages a full-blown reflux attack. So I've been hitting the Pepcid, and will do so as needed before I resume the Dexilant tonight. I figure if I'm not demented by now, if & when I do lose my marbles it'll be from something other than trying to control my GERD.

    Chris, from the sound of it you really DID need that knee replacement. Keep up with the PT and stay ahead of the pain. Ice, ice, baby—whenever you get home from your "travels with Tippy." I did a number on my L gastroc "head" (at the bottom of the back of my thigh, just above the back of the knee and next to the end of the hamstring) from hiking in Vail a year after my L TKR.

    Betrayal, you're where I was 6 mos. before my R TKR—always used my cane, had to get a handicap-parking permit. (I still use a cane when I know I'll be on uneven terrain, but for balance rather than pain). And I carry a collapsible Leki hiking cane (not a clunky folding one) in my carry-on, where it fits diagonally so I needn't remember to haul it out of the overhead bins at the end of the flight. Wish I'd used it in NOLA last March—it'd have kept me from twisting my foot on a cobblestone. I used to carry the full-length one (too long to fit in any suitcase even at its shortest) when I flew, but it's truly a PITA at airports that use staircases rather than jetways—have to dangle it from my wrist in order to grip the banister with one hand and haul my carryon with the other…or play the "little old lady card" and ask for help carrying the bag. Downstairs is worse than up. I've found that a spinner suitcase makes a great one-handed rolling walker (except on carpeted floors).

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Oh—had my RSV shot yesterday. Hurt going in (the needle may have been heavier gauge than what they used for flu & COVID shots). Arm was a little sore by bedtime—but fine this morning. That was the extent of the reaction.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2023

    Spoke a little too soon about RSV vax reaction: by tonight, got a bit of a bump on the injection site, mild headache, low-grade fever (98.9 oral, 100 ear). A little tired but not much more than usual. Not worried, and neither is Bob. Nothing planned for tomorrow other than cat-feeding and litterbox-scooping, maybe an online voice lesson if my teacher gets his s**t together (he is in a "sober living" facility downstate and doesn't always get time to use his cell—had to leave his laptop home). Glad I didn't combine it with the flu shot, though: when both are given at the same time, Arexvy is a little less effective. And I can't use the R arm, so I'll wait till Sept. for the flu shot.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    Sandy, I have been drinking kefir (I bought the grains and make my own) for several weeks now. My stomach is happy. About a pint a day, and food cravings are much more manageable.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275
    edited August 2023

    Wow, so much to catch up on!

    illinois, we have a tankless water heater too. Even though my husband remodeled our kitchen years ago, we call professionals for plumbing and electric issues! The only thing we replaced was the coil inside it, but I know nothing about how they work, don't care to know, I am glad to let that up to experts! I am a safety nut, so the money spent is worth it in peace of mind alone.

    Sandy, glad to read about your experience with the RSV vax. I am so tired of vaccines due to Covid boosters! If it isn't one thing, it's another. RSV has been around since the 1950's, but only recently had a vaccine. I too can only have vaccines in my right arm due to stage two lymphedema in the left. I am not sure I will get the RSV vax. I still haven't gotten the shingles vax. I had the one they gave years ago, but not Shingrix. I will get newest Covid booster and flu shot, but not sure about the others. Years ago I got all my vaccines at my PCP doctor office. I relied on my doctor to tell me what I needed and when. Now they don't even talk about vaccines and I have to go to a pharmacy to get vaccinated. Vaccines are no longer automatically part of my medical history, and feels more like a money making busines than health concern. I am not saying it is, just that having pharmacies give all the vaccines makes it feel less important. My doctors don't ask me about my vaccines so I don't think about them.

    I'm still trying to recuperate from my in-laws visit. I love them, but I was glad to see them go. It was evident from their visit, that lack of communication and planning runs in my DH's family, which explained a lot! LOL

    Except for two PT sessions for my DH, this coming week will be medical appointment free, I won't see another doctor until the 28th! Woohoo!!! I am beyond thankful that from Oct thru Dec, neither my husband nor I have any medical visits scheduled! I am looking forward to fall, my very favorite season! Thrilled to be retired and able to fully enjoy it!

    I'm still not feeling well, but I wonder if much of it is just due to having had two major surgeries within 5 months. I always needed a year after surgery to feel like myself again. I am not worrying about it anymore and will continue to push myself to move forward.

    Wishing everyone a great day! Betrayal, have fun on Jim Thorpe train ride and your DGS!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,128

    I have been taking med for reflux for many years, too. I will discuss the risks for dementia with my PCP at my next appointment.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Way back when I had my bathroom gutted I looked into tankless water heater. It wasn’t feasible then. My suggestion is, if they still won’t call a plumber, is to google the brand and see if they post videos of maintenance. Or even go to YouTube and enter the brand with maintenance.

    YouTube has helped me decide I couldn’t tackle something. Most recently was the TomTom GPS port. All through Ireland I had to hold the GPS just right or it would start to power down. Looked it up and on YouTube there was a video of taking it apart and doing some teeny tiny weld. Well, that’s not in my wheelhouse. Good luck with that, and enjoy the rest of the day.

    We’re finally getting 2 days in a row without rain. They called for a bad storm yesterday, but it skirted us north and south. The other day we were in the pool, after putting up the screen house - finally, and I’d have sworn it was September. The crisp clean air, not a high temperature but hot sun, felt nothing like mid August. It’s like we skipped the high heat & humidity of August, and I was ok with that.

    No rain means I need to water plants today. I need to get the little tv with the Fire stick set up in the screen house. I think it’s a putter around day. Yesterday I dusted every surface in the place, you’d think we sprinkle dust around for the heck of it. I’ve been running the robot vacuum and even with its willy nilly pattern, I’m good with it too.

    I hope everyone’s Sunday is enjoyable.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    People are ethical only when life, as such, is sacred to them, that
    of plants and animals as that of their fellow people, and when they
    devote themselves helpfully to all life that is in need of help.

    Albert Schweitzer

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Good morning. I think we didn't have rain last night/early morning. The ground (but it's mainly shady there) outside my window looks pretty damp still. Hoping we have an okay day. I will I guess drive Dh to Menards although I can't imagine him getting much help. Guess we can check it off the list and hopefully then do the reasonable thing and call an experienced plumber. I think he might want to go to Lowes as well to ask more questions in general. I know the people who "sell" at these places generally attend yearly training sessions on most of what they sell.

    Dh always had to go to these for Sears as he was an appliance salesman for many yrs. for them. I'm also sure these men hear many things from customers and get updates at times. I still don't see them as qualified to diagnose and repair something not working correctly. So fingers crossed we at least get to an agreement on how to actually handle this - which at this time is either call a professional or go buy a new water heater. Sounds like the price will be commiserate no matter what you do for what we have heard so far.

    Nothing much planned.

    As to water heaters, I do think the newer ones as far as pilot lights are much mor efficient. My thing is having enough hot water to do all the things I like to do (including five showers one right after the other) whenever I want to do it, along with all the laundry etc. I spoiled myself and I'm not willing to go back.

    Dh says we have a storm on the way. I think I will eat a quick breakfast and then run down to Goodwill which is something of a Sunday morning routine for me. He will go to Menards. Whatever!! Just get it off the list so we can move on.

    I am wondering Carole, if there is a difference in your question about reflux medications and long-term use if they are liquid, pill form, chewable or what. Some work for some people it sounds like taken once every 24 hrs. Another factor to consider I think.

    MM, likely wise to consider having had those TWO major operations in short order of each other. That is a lot of catching up for a body to do. I do think age is always a factor in later yrs. when we need a lot of medical/surgical interventions. Just speaking in part about how difficult it has been for me. Like no longer bouncing when I fall — being older has its own set of 'rules'. Maybe we like the rules in place when we were a bit younger. That said, don't know about you, but even though I'll be 78 on my birthday — it is still more of just a number to me. In some ways bodily I sometimes feel it, but mentally I'm still about 59. In other words, I don't get some of the reactions and abilities it still seems like I should have. Guess that means my mind hasn't caught up to my body or vice versa. We are just not in sync. Like you, I will take that off my list of issues and worries and plod on.

    I hope you are all going to have a wonderful day.

    Hugs and prayers for Hawaii.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    I too saw the article about PPI and dementia risk. I take Nexium twice a day and a Pepcid before bed. I’ve probably been on PPI meds for close to 30 years. I plan on checking in with my PCP about reducing my Nexium to once a day to see how that goes. I eat a bland diet (Greek yogurt every day, nothing spicy, no caffeine, no alcohol, no fun). My acid reflux had been really bad in the past, but haven’t checked lately.

    My DH is pretty handy and in the past he has watched YouTube videos to fix ice maker, old dryer and washing machine. But with our newer appliances, we’ve called service people.

    Went to an outdoor concert Friday night - Beatles tribute band. It was a nice evening- warm to start, but cooled once the sun went down. Music was good. We enjoyed the evening.

    Yesterday I went to one of my cancer support groups. We put together succulent plants in glass planters. They gave us cuttings, rocks and cactus soil and told us how to care for them. I planted one jade and two hen and chicks plants. My cats had other ideas last night. Played hockey with one of the rocks. I had to repot one of the hen and chick plants and clean up dirt this morning.

    Mavericksmom - Illinois is right about how hard it is to recover from multiple surgeries, especially as we age. I had issues last year, feeling exhausted. My PCP said it could take a year to heal and feel better after my surgeries (mastectomy, implant, hip replacement) that I had in 2022. Take care of yourself and pace yourself.

    Not much rain here lately and we’re finally starting to feel August heat. Have a wonderful afternoon.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 353

    My DH is handy but we call in the pros for electrical and plumbing as well as any major repairs to make sure it is done safely and correctly. DB#1 is very much DIY and uses YouTube videos for help. It works for him most of the time but other times it has cost him additional time and money when he delayed calling in the pros. His son is much the same and I cringed when I saw a picture of him standing on a ladder planted in the bed of his truck so that he could reach some tree branches to cut down. If he had fallen it would have been about a 20 foot drop and likely serious injury. I realize they want to save money however it wouldn’t be worth the risk for me.

    Sounds like a few of you are enduring joint issues and I hope you can find a way to manage the pain. Betrayal - I Can’t imagine having to wait 6 months for a knee replacement.

    We are supposed to get rain this afternoon and tomorrow and I hope we do as we need it. The last couple of forecasted rain events dried up before the rain fell. Have a great week everyone.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 290

    Betrayal - I use a fold-up cane when I'm traveling. It fits in my rather small backpack. I also have one that has a seat which I have used for traveling when I knew we would be touring with a lot of walking and standing. It's a little heavier but it fits in the suitcase I take if we were going to be gone for more than a week with no laundry facilities.

    MM - you need to be good to yourself. You have had a terrible year and many worries. You will get stronger and have more pep. What you and some of the other ladies do each day just wears me out just thinking about it.

    I'm going to try to post a couple of pictures. We'll see if I am techie enough to succeed.

    Have a good week everyone.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 290

    Aug. 14, 1966. I think we'll make it.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Gorgeous picture Taco. So young. Still going strong. Couldn't ask for more. Happy Anniversary

    and lots more to you both.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 353

    Taco - Happy Anniversary!

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    Happy anniversary, taco!!!

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TACO! You were a beautiful bride, and your groom was quite handsome! Thanks for sharing that photo!

    I realized last night as I was lying in bed, that I really do need time to heal from breast cancer. I feel I will get better physically far quicker than I will mentally.

    My breast surgeon told me not to examine myself, to let that up to the experts. He also said that he doesn't want to scare me, but that recurrence is a real thing, and he needs to examine me every six months to check for recurrence.

    He clearly doesn't understand, I am NOT afraid of breast cancer, it never hurt me, I never knew it was in me prior to mammograms or US. I am very afraid of breast cancer doctors and the treatments for the cancer, which for me was so much worse than the cancer itself!

    Medical doctors call it, "surgery, chemo, and radiation." I call it what it is, Mutilated, Poisoned and Burned! I just can't express how important it will be for me to have no doctor appointments from the end of September to January! I REALLY need to have that break. Thankfully my first appointment in Jan will be with the dentist and I feel zero stress when I see him! I am more than ready to put this latest round of cancer behind me…..for good!

    I am having coffee with my sister today. I always love that, we support each other, we understand each other. She is my BFF! We are close with our other sister too, but she lives two hours away and that makes a difference. Other than my DH's PT today and Thurs, we have no appointments and that feels great!

    My 70th birthday is coming up next week and I am not sure how I feel about it. Why is it when we change decades, it feels like we will suddenly be ten years older! In that respect, age really is just a number! But, I can't help that it makes me feel VERY old! Mentally, I feel no different than I did in my 50's.

    Yesterday I had a big scare. I checked my DGS's hermit crab's aquarium and there was no water in the dishes! I had been very good at keeping food and water available for "Hermie," while my DD and family are on vacation in Hawaii. I picked up the shell and he didn't move! I was sure he was dead and I was beside myself as to how I would tell my DGS! Turns out he was not dead, thank goodness! I guess I just surprised him and woke him up from a deep sleep. Yes, life gives us small miracles, even if they come in the form of a living hermit crab! LOL

    Have a great day everyone!

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    MM: my experience with BC was surgery, mutilation and more mutilation from radiation with lots of lies told by professionals providing care. Not one I would ever wish on anyone or want to experience ever again. So I hear you and you do need to give yourself time to heal. They used to say it took 9 months to make a baby and to allow yourself 9 months to recover, so I think the same holds true here. Take a year to heal yourself and don't focus on the minutiae.

    Illinoislady: I agree the difference between my chronological age and mental age are miles apart. I try to keep engaged mentally by doing crossword puzzles (in ink), reading and focusing on keeping abreast of some current events.

    We took the Iron Horse Ramble from Reading to Jim Thorpe, PA yesterday for my birthday. This steam engine ramble only runs 3 times per summer and it is quite the event since the train was full of RR enthusiasts and every stop had avid photographers and videographers recording the event. We could see the true enthusiasts racing in their cars from stop to stop both going and returning from Jim Thorpe. People would line up at the stations with their children and all the waving that entails. It was a sunny and hot day so perfect in all respects. DSIL decided to stay at home with pets but drove to Jim Thorpe to meet us for lunch at Molly Maguires. It was packed and had an Irish bagpiper as entertainment. He brought me a sweater because we were in the one AC car and even the guys said they were freezing so they turned off the AC for awhile. It is only a 58 mile journey each way but we left at 9 and arrived at 11:50 and pretty much the same from return trip, left at 3:45 and arrived at 6:30.

    Limited mobility meant I did not see as much of the town as I would have liked but we did get to walk about 4 blocks before I had to call it quits. Very pretty town with old architecture that was a step back in time. Hilly so that also put kibosh on further walking. There was a gentleman in a ghillie suit collecting donations for vets. He would sit still and then lean out and say something like "having a good time" or jump out at passerbys and scare the bejesus out of them. I had found a chair in front of the 5 &10 and was watching this. It was funny and even those who jumped had a good laugh about it. They had a lovely Irish store that I visited and found a lovely gray blue zippered embroidered hoodie that I will use in the fall. DD bought several items but also picked out a hoodie as well for mom to purchase. DGS seemed to enjoy the trip and spent his entire time eating. 13 year old's are bottomless pits. His lunch was 1/2 lb. peel 'n eat shrimp and half my Shepherd's pie plus 1/2 a Chocolate lava cake. m

    The 2 hummingbirds are at it hammer and tongs over the feeder. It is a large feeder so plenty of nectar but a matter of territorial rights. It's like watching Star Wars battle scenes from the comfort of my kitchen. The male is chasing a female who is not his partner.

    Taco1946: loved the wedding picture. What a handsome couple you made. Happy 57th anniversary and many more.

    Hazy today and only 74 now. Not sure of weather for today because I was so tired last night I was in bed by 10. Hardly slept the night before because of back spasm and knees. Still have remnants of back spasm that started on Saturday after mopping the floors (another reason to hate mopping) and knees, well I am sure you are all as tired of hearing about them as I am with experiencing them. See pain management PA today hopefully for some relief.

    Hope everyone has a great day.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Betrayal, wow, sounds like you had an amazing day yesterday!

    I couldn't help but feel a tug at my "history buff heart strings" when you mentioned you ate lunch at Molly Maguire. I wondered how many here know what "Molly Maguire" was. For anyone interested, the Molly Maguires were a secret ring of miners, who supposedly were coordinating violence against mine officials. The accusations were based on Pinkerton agent, James McPharlan who claimed to have infiltrated the group. In 1875, 24 alleged Mollies were arrested and convicted, and 10 were sentenced to death. In later trials, 10 more were sentenced to death. This was all the doing of Franklin P. Gowen, president of the driving economic force in the area at the time, the Philadelphia and Reading Railroads. (My grandfather worked for the Reading RR in Ephrata, PA, where I was born.) Much of the truth will never be known as Gowen was out to destroy unions in the area, and even though there was never evidence linking the Mollies to the unions, that didn't stop him.

    Just a bit of a history lesson for those interested.🍀😉

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    4 of the hangings were done in Mauch Chunk the name of Jim Thorpe before 1954. Jim Thorpe was to be buried in his native OK, which would not give him a heroes funeral or burial, so his widow "sold" him to Mauch Chunk with the stipulation the town be renamed to honor him. His family was still trying to take him back to OK in the '70's but lost the court battle to do so. His grave, which I did not visit, is quite an elaborate and much revered monument to him.

    harley07: the 6 month wait seems long but that was first available. If we had NHS like Canada or the UK it might mean a year wait. Due to my 2 planned trips if I could have had it performed in July, I would have since it would not interfere. Now, February means it gives me a longer recovery and time to plan my next bucket list vacation which will include France and Switzerland. I just need to be able to walk longer distances than now. Doing over 13,000 steps last summer and only being able to do 5-6,000 max (with lot of pain) is really hobbling me.

    Get to appointment today to learn I was given incorrect info by scheduler. Appointment is for 9/18 but this is not what I was told and I did confirm the date when I spoke to the scheduler. Waste of time.

    Stopped at hardware store which had produce from Lancaster farms and left with can of paint I needed, fresh yellow peaches and a seedless watermelon. Cafe next door had cherry pie and that came home with me as well. So not a waste of time for an errand, just the appointment.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    When we appreciate the true nature of self-esteem, we see that it is not competitive or comparative. It is not about making myself higher by making you lower. It has nothing to do with you. It is joy in my own being.     -Nathaniel Branden

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Sure, had a rocky night going on here. I didn't open my eyes, but wow did I hear a lot of thunder. I'm sure there was plenty of water with it. It is rather gray outside today so hoping it is not too hot and likely isn't. Later we plan to go to Express Care in Mt. Vernon. I'm having many problems with my ear again. It is so stopped up I have no hearing at the moment I have no hearing on the rt. side. Have to turn up the other hearing aid which causes some sound distortions.

    Taco, wow!! Even though it didn't last, my first wedding was on 7//2/1966. Second one was 7/19/75.

    Betrayal, how interesting. I too do crossword puzzles and in ballpoint. From my hometown paper, and the New York Times and puzzle books that generally only feature crosswords. I can do word search and others, but my preference has always been for crosswords. I also play Three-Dimensional Mahjong on the computer and a game called Solitaired on computer. I do others now and then, but mostly just the two mentioned.

    MM — ah yes. I was taking care of some kind of gecko for a friend. It needed lots of water and live worms for food. I too forgot the water one day, but while I was just as scared as you — turns out all was okay. It was the only time I was not grossed out a little bit with the worms. Was so glad when my friends came home, and I was instantly relieved of having to take care of the lizard. He had to have a warm light on at all times as well.

    That Thorpe trip sounded like a lot of fun. Great stories as well. Sorry you couldn't walk any farther, but I understand. I don't do well in that department either, but not due to knees, but just my overall condition. Going up and down hills too wearing now. I'm trying to start exercises for stamina but disciplining myself is a bit difficult. The nurse suggested the peddler under my computer here. I already know the likelihood of my using a peddler and typing at the same time is quite an un-likely possibility. At least I don't mind using it.

    Hope you are all having a good day

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Happy Anniversary Taco!

    Sounds like you had a nice visit to some historic places in PA to celebrate your birthday Betrayal. Glad you were able to enjoy the day, despite the knee pain.

    Maverickmom - DD had a hermit crab when she was younger. They’re not very active and she was diligent about taking care of it. We didn’t realize it had died until it hadn’t moved for a couple of days. I’m glad she had a cat growing up; something she could snuggle.

    I do online games and small crosswords. Still a Wordle fan.

    I guess knee replacements are more popular than hip replacements. I had 2 hip core decompression, but only waited a couple of weeks since they don’t need the ER for too long. I had to wait 4 months for my first hip replacement and only 2 days for my 2nd replacement six years later. My orthopedic surgeon had a cancellation and I was able to get all of the pre-testing done in 1 1/2 days.

    I saw the endodontist earlier today. He recommends doing a root canal to see if that resolves my pain. I have a crown on that tooth, so he’ll just go through it do do another root canal. My appointment is Wednesday. Hopefully that'll take care of the pain. Mush easier than an extraction.

    Afternoon thunderstorms have popped up as I’m typing this post. We need the rain, so I’m not complaining. Hope everyone has a nice evening.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,128

    I'm an avid Wordle solver, too. Have lately started doing Spelling Bee and Crossword in the NYT. I have an online subscription. I have gotten much better at Wordle than when I first started.

    Interesting history on Mollie McGuire. Thanks, MM.

    DH can never pass up a ride on a steam train. We've done them in Colorado, NM and some other places.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 290

    Thanks for your best wishes. I tried to post a "today" picture but wasn't as successful. Quiet celebration. We do have a Caribbean cruise planned over the holidays.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Just lost a very long post……..ok now, stop cheering! LOL🤣

    Will write later, have a great day everyone!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Giving love, attention, and respect to the individuals who share our lives and to the people who cross our paths by chance will smooth our own passage day by day. The effects of our goodness will often be felt quickly. A smile elicits a smile. Kind thoughts bless us as well as the receiver. Life events do come full circle.    -unattributed

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    So sorry you lost your post MM. If it be consolation I have as well a couple of times recently. The worst part aside from the loss itself was that I wasn't at all just sure what I did to encourage that result. I have though put it under the heading of I never learned much about the workings of a computer and generally feel fortunate to be able to use one at all.

    It hardly erases much of the frustration though when you put your heart into sharing with your friends only to see it disappear without a trace into the ether. We step out of the moment of each second of time and will likely never, ever have the same feelings, intents, and meanings converge correctly to rebuild a post adequately. Hugs to all my fellow travelers who have lost a post. It's not fun.

    The day is looking overcast, but it doesn't look like it got wet overnight. We do seem to be in a time warp of getting inclement weather though — if not during the day, then during the night. Caught up in it. So we will see. The Balloon Fest is coming so that will be interesting. They don't set up the balloons if it is wet so we could have an almost balloonless (my word) Balloon Fest as happened one other year. It does keep us a bit cooler when it is gray, but gray has never been my color.

    Went to Urgent Care yesterday with my ear issue. Thought it was full of wax but there was none. Turns out there is some infection there. She thought it was from my ear not getting enough "rest" from the hearing aid. Apparently being without overnight isn't quite enough. I think maybe it has something to do with just getting irritated at a bad time which then allowed an infection to build up. I do not have any symptoms at all other than just having seemingly lost ALL hearing in that ear. Anyway, I am now the proud owner of over $50.00 worth of antibiotics and ear drops that I will take for 10 days. Hopefully then I'll be back in business and hearing fine again.

    Carole, I did have some word games on my computer as well but lost them and never recalled the exact name to try and get them back. I was always pretty good in literature — so always a fondness for words as in reading — not dissecting a sentence. Most of the games I did gave you a choice out of four words and that was always pretty easy for me.

    Nothing special today other than paying a couple of bills. Hope you all have a really nice and safe, calm, cool, productive day.