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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275
    edited August 2023

    puffin, thanks for the information on you dad's walker! I am going to get my husband one like your dad's. I think he will find it gives him a lot more mobility and a better quality of life! (mine too!😉)

    Betrayal, I am so happy you have "all your surgery ducks in a row!" That alone gives some relief to all the stress of having surgery! I assume you are having it done at a Rothman Hospital. I had my right shoulder done at Methodist Hospital in Philly, (Rothman has a whole floor there) but my left one was done closer to home, at their Bensalem hospital. I can't say enough good things about my doctors, but my stay at the Bensalem hospital left a lot to be desired. That was 7 years ago, so hopefully things have changed there for the better. I wouldn't use that hospital again unless I had out patient surgery. I do, however LOVE my Rothman doctors!

    Sunny today, 72 degrees. It is supposed to be cooler today and tomorrow but followed by higher temps later in the week.

    It seems strange not to be rushing to get things done before school starts again. But it also feels GREAT not to think about going back to work! I miss the $, but that's all. I am so looking forward to the fall, my favorite season! In early September, I plan to go with my sister to Peddler's Village, a quaint shopping area near my home. They focus on artisans and they offer very unique items, from foods, wine and craft beers, to home decor, to clothing and kitchen items, it is a fun, relaxing place to shop til we drop, and has great restaurants where we can sit and have a relaxing lunch. One store I particularly love is the Christmas store. I love Christmas and while I no longer need decorations, I still enjoy looking at their merchandise.

    Today I have wash to do, a grocery list to make, and I want to scub down my refrigerator on the outside. I have white appliances, which I will never have again! My new DW is fingerprint resistant stainless steel. Anyway, it is loaded with travel magnets and DGK's pictures and drawings, and it is in real need of a washing. I need to get the stool to wash the top but will feel better when it is cleaned. I also will vacuum under the refrigerator as I can't stand when dust collects on the coils! I really hate my oven as it has drip marks in between the glass window so I can't clean them off, and it looks a mess, but it still works fine, so I can't justify getting a new one at this time. I often hang a decretive kitchen towel from the handle just to hide the marks on the glass!

    Happy Friday to all!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    You can’t pursue happiness and catch it. Happiness comes upon you unawares while you are helping others. The philosophy of happiness is pointedly expressed in the old Hindu proverb, which reads: “Help thy brother’s boat across, and lo! thine own has reached the shore.” Happiness is like perfume—you can’t spray it on others without getting some on yourself.    -Wilferd A. Peterson

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Happy Friday. Looks nice for a change outside. I hope it won't get too hot. Today Balloon Fest starts, so lots of traffic the next three days in town. Won't be able to drive through the park either but that is okay.

    I doubt we will go this yr. Haven't gone for the last couple due to health issues and not much different this yr. I just couldn't do all the walking I don't think. Un-even ground and any standing around, so we will look for the balloons in the sky this yr. and enjoy it all that way.

    MM, I do think there is a way to clean the glass in your stove door. Dr. B and Jo did theirs once. That said, it was a truly difficult maneuver and I think they almost had to solicit help to get the glass back where it belonged. I just recall them talking about the hours of work. If all else fails, you likely could have an appliance repair person come, but it would be an expensive way to do it.

    I always wonder how stuff gets in between the glass — obviously there is some open spot, and the dirt finally finds it. Nothing special for today I don't think. The guys are still working on the new mower. Have a new carburetor coming. Hope that will do it. We are coming to the time when some leaves will start to come down from the trees. I'm hoping this yr. for sure that leaves are taken off the lawn by mulching with the mower. It is much faster and as efficient as blowing the leaves into the ravine. The work of using blowers and the ravine method seemed endless and needed careful timing — since leaves fall for a few weeks. We need to go entirely to tractor mulching.

    Hope you all have a really good day. hugs and warm thoughts to anyone not posting right now.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    Good morning. It has been raining all morning and I did not get my walk in. I had a lovely weekend with my niece and her friend. They stayed Saturday night at my house and then we went tubing on the Rainbow River. I think I was the oldest person on the river. LOL I kept up with those Gen X people just fine. Her friend would say things like "people our age" and I had to remind him I was over 20 years older. It was fun.

    I have all properties insured to "the estate of" and me. I have one more financial institution to change to "the estate of". The paperwork was finally completed, yesterday. I have completed the grief sequence, but I am going to continue to go for a while. It helps me.

    I am very behind on all the postings.

    Taco, Happy Anniversary

    Puffin, Your trip sounds so wonderful. My mom, who passed at 98, had a 4 wheel walker with seat and basket. She loved it.

    Almost forgot. 4 year anniversary of my BC diagnosis is the 19th and surgery was the 23rd. I have my annual MO visit, labs and Prolia inject on the 31st. I am shrinking. I was 5'2" and now about 5'1". I can force myself to be a little taller, but it hurts. I am walking around with a book on my head and doing some exercises that are suppose to strengthen the back.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,923

    Puffin, You're so lucky that your father is suggesting changes rather than fighting them and insisting on using things that aren't working. Your birding trip sounds like fun. In Oregon there is a tidal seasick with lots of birds. In the summer and people who have scopes and are full go knowledge about the birds. Also sea stars and stuff in the tidal pools.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785
    edited August 2023

    Emailing with PCP made me aware that I had somehow missed second covid bivalent shot. Not sure why I was unaware of it but now am debating whether to get it or hold off for fall version for 2023. I had covid on our cruise in January so am leaning towards just waiting. Did sign up to get RSV vaccine today. Signed Dh up as well since he always relies on me to make that decision for him. So he's at 11 and I am at noon. We will both go together and see if they will administer both at the same time. Will get flu shot in early October to ensure it will last for October to May flu season. Can only use right arm for shots so do not relish getting 2 at the same time since I am right handed.

    Just returned from CVS pharmacy and received email that shot was given in LEFT arm even though it was administered in right. Called pharmacy to have correct document issued and received the same runaround I got last fall about flu shot. Would have to physically return to pharmacy to have it corrected, etc. Well, I pitched a fit because I learned they automatically click left arm when you pay for the vaccine (yes, Medicare doesn't cover it) because it is the first option! I asked what would happen if I did not have a left arm? No reply. She even admitted she had administered it in my right arm but didn't think I would mind that record was wrong because "it is in their system". She said she could write an amendment to the original but I told her that was not good enough because no one reads them since they are at bottom of the record and the site is what they see first.

    Why are they documenting before they administer? Was told to express my "preference" at the time of payment (don't pay for flu shots so how does that work?) and told her it was not just a preference but a medical necessity. So as we were pulling out of driveway to return to pharmacy my DD calls and says they were able to correct it without my returning. I just checked and I did receive the correct document via email. Funny how until I expressed my displeasure with her response and the annoyance with returning, they were unable to "fix" it.

    Did ask and new covid vaccine will be available in late September or early October. So I will hold off on bivalent shot.

    MM: Not going with Rothman for surgery since that surgeon took the patriarchal approach with "you will curse me when you realize how much post-op pain you'll be in" , "I want you to wait until the gel shots last just 3 months before you see me for surgery" and "you'll thank me for denying you surgery now". Nope, I am cursing him for treating me like I am a child, for the pain and mobility issues I am suffering now and the fact that I listened to him when I knew the gel shots were no longer working since I only got about 6 -7 months reprieve with the last ones. Admittedly, I was hoping they would work so my vacations would be less painful. Now realize my knees will hamper my mobility and I am mentally preparing for the disappointment of not seeing all I could have seen.

    Today is sunny, going to the 80's and with a nice breeze. Lovely day to work outside but with tea this afternoon, I will pass. Hopefully tomorrow will be as nice. DH says neighbor behind us lost some trees which are intruding on our property so I will have to check to see if we can handle removing enough that it is less intrusive. I do not want to pay to remove his trees. They should be able to see the trees are down.

    Hope everyone has a better day than mine started but I am hopeful it will be better now.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275
    edited August 2023

    (((((Betrayal))))) sending tons of Cyber hugs because I GET It! I don't know why you can only have vaccines in your right arm but I am the same due to lymphedema caused by my first BS not being able to do a sentinel node biopsy correctly thus taking out 24 perfectly fine lymph nodes instead! I am not a fan of breast surgeons!

    I go to Walgreens for my vaccines because CVS kept denying me Covid vaccines for stupid reasons. We do use CVS for prescriptions, and have no problems, but their vaccine dept sucks! Walgreens on the other hand is highly efficient, and reliable!

    Again, this is why I wish doctor offices would still administer vaccines! They always sent me a reminder card to set up an appointment with their nurse whenever I was due for a vaccine. Don't ever expect them to do that now. Vaccines = All Patients are on their own!

    The only doctors who seem to still care about vaccines and do keep their patients up to date, are pediatricians! Betrayal, you likely would not have missed the last Covid booster if your doctor gave the vaccines or simply sent out an email reminder! Really there is NO excuse for doctors not at least sending patient portal vaccine reminders to patients. There are computer programs for that!

    Betrayal, I am also sorry to hear about your experience with the Rothman Knee doctor. My Rothman shoulder doctors were amazing! The Rothman doctor I had for my knee was a sports medicine doctor. My original doctor was great, but I wasn't crazy about the one who took over his case load when he retired, mostly because I feel he was more interested in treating athletes than an old lady. Thankfully I haven't needed to go back to see him. After your experience, I might see the Jefferson doctors up the street from where I live if I have future knee issues.

    Petite, please tell me that the Rainbow River isn't a real river! I am deathly afraid of alligators and no way would I swim or tube in any river or lake in the south! It sounds like you had a really nice time, and you deserve it! Happy to hear your grief counseling is working well for you! I can't imagine what you have gone through or continue to go through. ((((Petite)))) Hugs to you too!

    Illinois. I too don't know how the drip lines got in between the oven window glass! I am not doing anything about it because I won't put money into it. It is old and I will likely need a new stove in the not too distant future.

    Cardplayer and Harley, I know you both brought up things I wanted to ask about, but just realized the page changed and if I go back, I will lose this post. 🙄

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Mavericksmom - somewhere I read about how to clean the glass windows in the oven. I’ve never tried it, but recall that it involved baking soda and aluminum foil. If I come across it, I’ll post. That reminds me, I do need to clean the inside of my oven one of these day. Probably in the fall, when I call start the self cleaning and open the windows. I have all stainless steel appliances (GE).

    I’ve never been to a balloon festival Illinois. Must be interesting to see lots in one place. We must be nearby a place for hot air balloon rides though, as we often see them overhead. A couple of years ago, one did an emergency landing in one of our neighbors yard.

    Glad you had fun tubing Petite. And it sounds like you’ve gotten your insurance matters all taken care of.

    Betrayal - good reminder for me to schedule my vaccinations.

    Had my first PT for my plantar fasciitis. The PT mostly did an evaluation, suggested exercises, therapeutic ultrasound and ice. I had an appointment after to see my orthopedic surgeon to check my hip replacement. She did X-rays and said all looked good. I don’t need to see her for 5 years, unless I have issues.

    No rain in the forecast here. We’ve had a nice, clear sunny day. Hope everyone has a nice afternoon.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Cardplayer, the hot air balloons are fascinating. We have a big pond in our park and that is where they hold the balloon glow — first night of the Fest. All the balloons are aligned around the pond and at deep dusk they fill them up and, on a count, turn on the burners while being held down to the ground. They all glow in the pond. It is really, really pretty. You can go right up to the balloons and pilots, and they will kindly answer any question you might have. That made our first few for me really exciting.

    First night after that they have fireworks and many yrs., we mainly went just to see them. Not sure why our little town does so much every yr. with the Fest as well as usually about 3 hr. Halloween Parade and decorating a whole entire huge park for Christmas. It just has always been — and likely the best way to get as many as possible coming from other areas to enjoy these things and spend some cash here.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833
    edited August 2023

    I just got back from the vet clinic. Had called her to ask about an interpersonal issue, and made an appt for another shot, but that was a clerical error. However, he is on meds for crystals in his urine, and I wanted a urinalysis to make sure he was doing OK. Doing fine, but very concentrated. I got a water fountain for him, but he still prefers the dish. Will try some distilled water, since he seems to prefer rainwater. Neon yellow can be a problem, but his kidneys are working fine.

    Going to make zucchini bread when I get done with this.

    My daughter visited, and we went on a spending spree. Last time she visited, I had no hair. That has been a long time.

    Glad you got a date, betrayal. I had the same doctor from my injury right through surgery. I got my most recent shots in the Dr. office.

    I have an audi appt next week for a full test—with COVID they got too complicated. Will probably need a major retuning.

    I turned the AC off a week ago, but it looks like I will be turning it on for at least another week.

    Feeling more like posting again. Interpersonal BS IRL, would have loved posting the bizarre details, but could have gotten myself in trouble. Asphalt pavement at 104 degrees would have burned Tippy's feet terribly, don't you know.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Chris, can't say I understand, but just glad you feel able to post more. You are one of us and we likely all worry when you are away. Glad you checked on Tippy and is doing okay too.

    What a delight that your daughter got to visit. It sounds like the two of you did it up right in retail therapy. Good for you both.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Sandy I had allergy shots as a kid too, 8-18. Ragweed was a killer! Then married at 18 and had insurance that was only major medical. My first visit was out of pocket and I barely had pockets! Back again in my 30’s, felt like I had the flu I was dragging so badly - all from allergies.

    I’ve gotten the Shingrix vaccine, and the whooping cough one, about 6 years ago prior to the birth of grandkids.

    RSV - my grand niece had as an infant and had to be hospitalized. Very scary seeing her gasping for air. I see my PCP on 9/22 and I’ll ask her if I should get it.
    COVID is making a comeback in NY. The Syracuse area, specifically Upstate Medical Center is requiring masks again. I will get the next booster as I’m eligible. And definitely get my flu shot at least 2 weeks before we leave for FL in early November.

    Circular saw update, I didn’t use it. I was gung-ho but I finally realized I’d never get the angle right for the stair hand rails. And my partner said he’d prefer if I just called my cousin, who had probably forgot about it. Cousin text tonight to say he’ll be here tomorrow morning. I can leave that saw on the shelf

    Today I planned to stain 3 privacy fence panels I purchased near 2 years ago. We purchased them right before we left for FL and stuffed them in our garage. The “hurry” was a lumber shortage - contractors were trying to get out of contracts because the price of wood had increased so much, they’d lose money on jobs.

    Anyway, I figured it was a good time with cooler weather to start them. I got my old painters cloths on - lucky I could get my big butt in the shorts. Then I went for the stain and saw only about 1/3 left in the can. Paint brush, stain, my painting clothes on - I went to the garage and needed help pulling out one panel. I put cardboard under the edge so not to stain the garage floor, and lean it upright. I started doing the tops of 4 pickets, then sit on an upside down bucket with an old cushion thrown on it. As I was doing them it occurred to me these were the worst rough cut pickets I’ve ever seen. I was almost done with one panel when I looked out at the others. The newest 2 are smooth, not rough saw. The very old ones are even nicer. So I went out into the garden, with rose bushes to eat your legs up - I put down a big piece of cardboard and stood on it - and I slapped on some stain. Not bad but there are spots rotting away, especially at ground level. Back inside the garage, I finished up the panel and used up all the stain in that can. One more can in the house.

    So even though I don’t really like them, I believe being behind the garden I won’t focus on them and life will carry on. Tomorrow I’ll take the hedge trimmer out and knock down all the roses - wild ones that you can’t kill. Then I’ll remove one old panel and put up the one I stained. If I hate it, I’ll have to come up with a plan B.

    A gf and I went to the Park Playhouse last night to see Secret Garden. Little drizzle when I was parking but it stopped. I carried my purse, bag chair, fleece, umbrella and a seltzer. We were enjoying the first half when it was getting very windy, so on went my fleece. Intermission and we were enjoying the play & catching up. About 1/2 hour into the 2nd half, it started raining. Light at first and then more so, up went my umbrella. Maybe 10 minutes later they came out on stage to say the stage was very slippery; we’ll wait 10 minutes to see where this is heading…within 5 minutes they called it.

    I’m sick of this rain. I drained out 2” from the pool before I started the fence work. Hawaii destroyed by fire; tropical storm headed for California; Rhode Island had a tornado whip through. I’m hoping your all safe from weather disruptions/ disasters.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    Chris, glad to see you back. Sorry you are having some BS IRL issues. There are days I prefer my pets over dealing with other humans and after my dealing with a difficult pharmacist today, today started out that way. Sorry that Tippy is having some urinary issues.

    British high tea was a success with DGS who loved it. Wasn't crazy about all the sandwich choices offered but he is the bottomless pit with food so he enjoyed his cookies and cream scone and the fancy pastry desserts. They have a store that sells food from the UK so he was buying crisps (chips) and candy bars that his Dad loved when we visited Ireland an the UK. He is going home tomorrow after being here for a very busy week with the trips we arranged and those that his aunt and uncle planned as well. We picked up some other items we all liked including some sticky toffee pudding for me and some scones plus clotted cream for tomorrow. Fun day for all.

    petite1: glad to see you had a fun day with family as well.

    cindyny: you seem to keep busy with house related projects. I have a few I would really like to do but mine have been curtailed to those where sitting is kinder to my knees. I am itching to do the yard related ones as knees permit. Rain has kept me from resuming work on flower bed by the road. We have those wild roses, too, and even when we have cut them down to the ground, they recover with a vengeance.

    MM: when I had my rotator cuff repair surgery it was at Penn Presbyterian and I loved the surgeon. Unfortunately he doesn't do knees or I would have gone back to him.

    I have the same issue with the glass in my oven door. They are not fully sealed to prevent them from cracking or blowing out at extreme temps (mine is a self clean oven so temp gets high) which means steam gets in and makes streak marks. I had to replace a hinge on my door so the repairman had to dismantle the entire door to replace it. He cleaned the glass for me then but it has streaked up again. It was expensive to have the repairs done so I am learning to just accept the glass as streaked. I am unwilling to take the door apart because I watched him and it wasn't easy to put back together. I hang a towel on the door and it covers the glass.

    Illinoislady: When we were in Tanzania, I gave my DH a hot air balloon ride over the Masai Mara for his birthday. He was reluctant at first but it was breathtakingly beautiful to fly over giraffes, see crocodiles and hippos in the rivers from the air, an elephant herd walking from above and then to land miles away for a breakfast in the bush. They had a chef there to make eggs to order, mimosas, etc, and a herd of giraffes was grazing on trees close by. The pilot of our balloon, Sebastian, told us he had trained in New Mexico at the balloon school there. One of the other balloons was piloted by the first woman pilot in Tanzania and she had trained in New Mexico as well. We had to be in the balloon by 4 am so it was was pitch black when we arrived at the balloon site and we saw the sun rise while we were taking off. It was a once in a lifetime experience and DH raved about it afterwards.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,299

    MM & all - weighing in on shots. Like MM, I have breast & truncal LE. I will not allow shots in either arm since I don't want it to spread. Kroger pharmacist used to give shots in my hip, but they are no longer allowed. Luckily my PCP will give almost all shots - and in my butt or hip. Only Shingles had to be done at a "infusion center". I won't allow anyone to draw blood from my arms either. It took me awhile to find a place that would do ankle draws. I go to the blood bank/transplant center at my local hospital every 6 months. You all may think I'm over cautious, but it works for me.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    Tippy had a bladder infection maybe six months after I got him. He got real whiney. He chronically does not drink enough water. As male dogs do, he loses a bit of urine in the house on occasion, but it smells. So his urine is neon yellow, which can be a sign of infection. He is on meds to prevent his urine from getting crystals in it, which can cause serious bladder and kidney problems. We decided that he needs at least yearly urinalysis in order to stay on top of this problem. One placement failed because of it, and I strongly believe that he was abused because of it. I got him a water fountain, but so far he prefers the bowl.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    Chris, Dalmatians have urinary systems that are more like that of a bird than another dog. They are prone to developing kidney stones so their diet is usually lower in animal protein. Our first Dal had kidney stones in the 60's, they were cleared but reoccurred and given his age, the vet recommended euthanasia since he was not responding to treatment. TBH, my parents really did not have the money to keep treating him either. Knock on wood, our Dals have been exclusively female, since our first male, and most have lived into their teens without urinary issues. My one cat developed crystals in his urine and was on low ash food for many years. Adding a very small amount of salt to his food got him to drink more.

    I have had mild truncal lymphedema with swelling up into my neck, so I do not take any risks with my left arm: no BP, no injections and no IV's. Have to remind people repeatedly even though it is plastered all over my chart. So I was not about to let this pharmacist think her half-assed correction to an incorrect document was going to fly. No one would make it past the "left deltoid" part to read an addendum at the very bottom of a 2 page document. So the next person would think my left arm was fair game. My chart is plastered with "allergic to adhesive tape" and I cannot tell you the times I have had to re-enforce this verbally and then they act offended!

    DGS goes home today and will start school on 8/28. He has a "date" on Tuesday to go miniature golfing and for ice cream afterwards. He is excited and bought a bouquet of flowers for the girl. It is so cute and both will be "ubered" by their respective parents. It's been fun to have him around even though he has spent more time with DD and DSIL. I think he needed a break from his dad who can be hard on him though DGS does "poke the bear" on occasion. He's the middle child, so I do think he gets attention he is craving sometimes by exhibiting negative behaviors. I do intervene when I think DS is being irrational but most of the time try to defuse the situation. Both need time outs on occasion.

    Today is lovely so I may try to finish painting the butterfly so I can hang it back up. The paint on the concrete elf worked so I am hoping it will work on this metal butterfly. I'll post photos when it is done.

    Hope everyone has a great day.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    minustwo, so good to see you here! Hey, whatever works for you, that's how I roll too! My worst experience was for my Exchange Surgery in March. They tried to put the IV in my feet and it hurt worse than any I can remember an IV ever hurting! The anesthesiologist tried numerous times in both feet before giving up and going into my neck, which is what I told her to do all along! No one ever believes me when I tell them where they can and can't get an IV in me. Hopefully I am done forever with IV's! Thankfully I had a port put in when I had chemo! My local LabCorp has been excellent for getting regular blood draws on my right arm. They are the only ones who can get my blood in one stick, albeit with a butterfly catheter, but one stick, I am fine with! My left arm is off limits!

    Betrayal, I think we are twins, LOL! I too am allergic to adhesive tape! Honestly, I have lost count of the things you talk about and I think "me too!" That said, your life is far more exciting than mine! I would have loved to have visited Africa! To see wildlife actually in the wild, there is nothing better! I enjoyed your description of your balloon ride! I could picture it in my mind! Thanks so much for sharing!

    I admit, you couldn't get me in a hot air balloon, ever! When I was in HS a local restaurant had a grand opening with a hot air balloon. They had important local politicians, business owners etc there to take a ride to launch the opening. The balloon ran into electrical wires due to seriously stupid planning, and the balloon burst into flames, and all aboard died. Logically, I know the risk is there, yet so many people enjoy riding in them, and we never hear those numbers, just the ones that have accidents. Still the fear I have is too great to ever fly in one, even if someone offered me a million dollars to do it! Then again, I don't like flying in a plane either! LOL

    Illinois, the balloon festival sounds wonderful! Years ago some balloons flew over our house from a show, one was like "Tony the Tiger" and others were in various shapes. I can't imagine how beautiful it was to see the balloons reflections in the pond! I am also a bit jealous that your town goes to great lengths to do fun things like your Halloween Parade and Christmas decorations in the park! I do miss a hometown charm! When I was little I lived in the town of Ephrata PA and the stores would have high school kids paint Halloween scenes in their store windows. They had a fair/farm show down Main Street every fall and a Christmas Parade. We walked most everywhere, even to church. I do miss that part of living in a town!

    DD and family are on their way home from their two weeks in Hawaii. They boarded their flight to Phoenix yesterday at 9:30 PM Hawaiian time, which was 3:30 AM where I live. They were supposed to have a two-hour delay between flights in Phoenix, so it will be a LONG day for them. Thankfully they will have some of today and tomorrow to deal with the jetlag before the work week starts.

    Chris, I do hope Tippy is feeling better. You are such a good pet-parent! I hope today is a good day for you as well!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Joy is what we are, not what we must get.  Joy is the realization that all we want or need in life has been etched into our souls.  Joy helps us see not what we are "going through," but what we are "growing to"--a greater sense of understanding, accomplishment, and enlightenment.  Joy reveals to us the calm at the end of the storm, the peace that surpasses the momentary happiness of pleasure.  If we keep our minds centered on joy, joy becomes a state of mind.     -Iyanla Vanzant

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Haven't been outside yet, but the day looks pretty. I would imagine the balloons have already been up as they normally schedule early morning flights every day of the Fest. I'm no longer that early of a riser although I did get up and leave my bedroom for my recliner in the living room this morning before it was light.

    Betrayal, I think New Mexico is likely the biggest area for Hot Air Balloons. We are one of the few places that allow real close encounters with them. I have to admit, I have no desire to fly in one even if I find them fascinating. I've heard that for most people it is truly a GREAT experience. I have been told that for some reason the people up in the balloon can easily hear noises or talking coming from the ground below, so you need to watch what you say. My mother always wanted to ride in one, but never got to. She was much more of an adventuress than I ever was.

    Glad to hear about some of the pets and the urinary issues. It has been a long while since any of ours has had those types of problems, so fingers crossed. Seems like more may be known and understood now too. Always a good thing.

    Nothing special on for today. I did accomplish some things I had been wanting to do yesterday. Maybe a couple more will get crossed off the list today. We will see.

    Cindy, you have sure been busy. I'm a horror at painting projects, although we did most of our house when we moved here several yrs. ago. It could use an update. That was 20 yrs. ago and we are a bit on the shabby side of things now. Our flooring could be up-dated as well. Sigh!!! There is always the lottery, huh !! One really needs to play though. Dh does buy a couple of tickets per week, but you know it is not super likely. I rarely have bothered to do it since the odds are pretty much against you ALL the time.

    I hope you all have a fine Saturday.

    Feeling sad for Maui and praying for them.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    Thanks for that tip, betrayal. Will check with the doctor if the fountain does not improve the situation by itself. I was thinking about beef bouillon, but thought that the salt would be a bad thing.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    My vet at the time suggested the salt and I used a minimal amount. His favorite place to drink from was the "throne" and I still have one who will use it as a source on occasion. He likes his bowl but moves it around and spills the water. Make sure the beef bouillon doesn't have garlic or onion added if you decide to use it. I think most broths, etc, do.

    There were no power lines in Tanzania to worry about since we were over the Masai Mara which is a nature preserve park. We could also see zebra herds, Cape buffalo and vast numbers of wildebeests. We were fortunate enough, too, that we got to see the tail end of the great migration from Tanzania to Kenya (the Serengeti) when we were in Kenya. There were miles of wildebeests moving across the river and the savannahs.

    I wasn't the least bit afraid and I hate heights but this was spellbinding. The pilot could turn the balloon at will so we could all see what was below us especially if there was something of interest. We traveled about 25-30 miles and I was in a position close enough to the pilot that I could talk to him. Getting in was easier than trying to get out since I am short and short legged. Two of the porters helped me get out once I got my legs over the side of the basket since it was a good distance to the ground and for that I was thankful.

    Our African trips were 2 bucket list items that it took me 10 years to convince DH to go on. I finally got tired of waiting and said I would go by myself if he didn't want to go but I was done with postponing it. The first was to South Africa to a game preserve and then to Zimbabwe to see Victoria Falls. We enjoyed it so much we booked a trip to Kenya, Tanzania and Zanzibar a year later. Our summer is their winter but it was only cold early in the AM (40's) and once the sun went down later at night. So we dressed in layers and like an onion peeled during the day. We would be in tee shirts and they would still have heavier jackets on because they are more acclimated to their summer heat. Being up close to the animals in their natural habitats has more or less turned me off to zoos. Elephants would brush up against our jeeps and we could see the hairs on their hides. Lion cubs have spots and I am not sure everyone knows that. Their coats are not a solid color. They were trips I will never forget taking and will forever remember. I was kissed by a giraffe at a sanctuary, petted baby elephants at another and saw a giraffe being born. Watched a leopard drag a kill into a tree, was downwind of a farting male lion (not a place to be), saw baby warthogs walking single file and being guided by 2 females which reminded me of kids at a daycare taking a walk, had Cape buffalo right by our dining table (there was a fence) and many other snapshots. As you can see I could talk for days about these trips, LOL.

    DGS just asked permission to stay one more night because there is a flea market tomorrow he wants to go to. Not a problem unless his parents want him back. We'll see.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Illinois - that hot air balloon festival sounds amazing. Thank you for describing it.

    Chris - sorry to hear about Tippy’s urinary issues. Hope his issue is quickly resolved. Hope you’re able to get home to drink more.

    Counts like you have lots of outdoor chores that you’re handling Cindy. Sorry to hear your play was cancelled due to rain. We haven’t had much rain lately and none in the forecast. Are you getting much smoke from the fires?

    Glad you enjoyed your DGS visit betrayal and that he enjoyed high tea.

    I never had seasonal anllergies until I moved to Virginia. They’re not bad enough for me to do shots though. My Mom was allergic to adhesive, but thankfully I’m not. I did inherit her allergy to sulfa drugs and I’m also allergic to penicillin.

    Another beautiful day - warm and sunny. We had a nice walk this morning, I was able to do some cleaning and now we’re getting ready to watch some baseball (which we do most days). The NATS are playing much better since the all-star break. Have a wonderful evening.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Ummm, Cardplayer, I just watched the game and the Phillies beat the Nationals,12-3. Sorry, as a Phillies fan I just had to say that! Actually, when they play at Nationals Stadium it is almost like a Phillies home game, so many Phillies fans in the crowd! I hope you know I am just kidding you, definitely not saying it to be mean. I love sports, Football, Hockey, Soccer and Baseball, but not enough to ever get angry over losing a game. I just like watching them, and actually would rather see my team lose an exciting game, than win a boring one. Of course winning after an exciting game is always the most fun. Now for tomorrow night's game, I will be watching!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Hmm Betrayal, now I want to go to Africa. Just don't know whether before or after the Alps.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 290

    We went on a cruise from South Africa to Kenya and had a short safari after our landing in Kenya. It was migration season and was fantastic. My mother was with us and the guides treated her like a queen - front seat and all.

    When I had my brain surgery, Ken said he would take me anywhere I wanted to (assuming I even got off the table). People on another cruise had described a trip to Tanzania which I chose. I found visualizing the migrating herds very calming both prior to and after surgery.

    Great trip but the balloon ride was totally disappointing. Just wasn't much to see. Wrong time of year I'm sure. Most exciting event was a zebra kill just outside our tent. We could hear the lions eating all night. Two guards came to get us for the morning excursion, both with loaded rifles. I loved the herding elephants, especially how they cared for their young. The flamingos were pretty spectacular too.

    I would do another balloon ride and plan on parachuting for my 80th birthday. On the other hand, I really don't like caves.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend. We are although the AZ Cardinals are getting killed.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Taco, awesome adventures! Thanks for sharing! My FIL went on a balloon ride for his 75th birthday. I would NEVER ride in a balloon, let alone jump out of a perfectly good plane, especially at 80! 😂 But, I am very glad you want to do that. If I recall, President Bush did that when he was 80! Nice to know the desire for adventure does not end when one gets older!

    Chris, do you still stay in contact with Karen? I think about her a lot and wonder how she is, but assume she no longer visits BCO. I think that happens for most once they get past the breast cancer, probably more so with those who have other major health issues like Karen had.

    Sunny today, but warmer. DD and family got home safely from Hawaii. In spite of the horrors on Maui, they had a wonderful vacation and were able to participate in helping baby sea turtles get to the ocean. I actually think that was the highlight of their trip.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    No, I don't keep in contact with her. I am content to see that she is frequently online. Don't want to intrude on her privacy. Just asked her a question, though.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    Went to a flea market with DD and DGS after they returned from their first foray. I should have stayed home because I wasn't planning on buying anything. DD had sent a photo of a woman selling Hummel's and I am an avid collector. I don't care if they are no longer in vogue or not, I find them captivating. So I ended up purchasing 7 new ones (to me, since they were previously owned) and spent enough she gave me a bargain price for the last one. I spent less for all 7 than I would have paid for 1 when they were at the height of popularity. Now I need to find a space for them on the etageres plus add them to my inventory list. Most have an animal such as a rabbit, a cat, sheep and lamb, piglet and chickens with the children so the once more expensive pieces due to the animal presence.

    I also found a striking large Chinese vase with peonies and gold handles and trim. It was so beautiful and the seller offered me a deal I could not refuse. The last item I bought was 4 English Staffordshire (with pink and red roses) tea cups and saucers that complement the pink and red rose English tea pot I already had. So we had Kenya blend tea with lunch.

    Some vendors were willing to haggle and others not. Most of the ones I dealt with were hagglers so I felt good about deals that worked for both of us. My DD found some Chinese plant pots that I was able to get a good price for her. DGS made out well since his aunt and uncle paid for his finds including a new fishing pole. One vendor he had gotten a sports jersey from gave him a signed baseball and some other memorabilia for free when we came back. So everyone got something they liked today.

    It is sunny and much warmer than yesterday. I did a lot of walking so I will ice knees but think it did me some good. Will try to increase steps this week and call for a PT appointment. Hope everyone has a great day.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Mavericksmom - ready for the final game tonight in Williamsport to see who wins the series. Phillies are favored of course.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Cardplayer, we have it on now and I came online just to say I hoped you and your DH were going to watch the game. This is going to be fun to watch regardless of who wins! Now this is baseball at its best!!!!