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  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Good to read everyone's entries but was so glad Betrayal that your grandson got to visit the flea market today.

    Good for you as well. I'd have loved the Hummel's myself. When my mother and Aunt were in Germany, they visited the factory there. My Aunt got me a little chimney sweep and I have always adored it. My mother got me a young girl with kerchief holding a goose with three or so around her feet. It stands a lot taller than the chimney sweep. At the time, none of my Aunt's or Mom knew the money exchange system there — so they just held out their money and the clerk took the proper amt., and everyone was happy. I doubt these days that would be possible. That trip took place way back in the mid-70's if memory serves.

    Anyway, they are my treasures along with two wooden round carved wall plaques. I haven't seen anything like them for a long time, but they came from Germany as well. Something makes me think they are sort of standard fare for the time period, but I adore them as well. They have been on my wall since my mother gave them to me.

    Wasn't it Queen Elizabeth as well who jumped out of a plane on one of her later birthdays as well. I think that is far too exciting for me. I will have to be satisfied sharing other people's adventures while I'm in an armchair. I took chances when I was really young but by the time I was 25 I think I was ready to stay on solid ground and leave riskier events to others. I became a stick in the mud but no regrets in any way.

    Today is last day of Balloon Fest. In fact, by now I'm pretty sure the park will be empty. It winds down pretty good on Sunday afternoons and many of the vendors will give you good prices on things. We didn't bother even going. Because it sets up in the park, it can be difficult walking and I don't do real good in that dept. anymore. Also, the last few yrs. the sales booths have been rather un-exciting. The lady I used to get pottery from every yr. is no longer there. Also, the big tent that sold t-shirts and sweatshirts isn't either. I am not big on jewelry, homemade soap and candles (which you can get anyway at the street festivals in summer here) and the wood pieces are just so-so. I do hope they all did well though.

    We will be normal now until the big three-hour Halloween Parade. That is fun, but it can be cool. People take their lawn chairs downtown the day of the parade (which is at night) and sit them out. Then later when they go, they already have their spots. Usually, you need to take a lap robe and any snacks you might want. They have vendors, but it can be expensive. Years past we always got a very warm funnel cake and would share it. I'm sure it is not on my food list anymore — along with a lot of things of which I was quite fond.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    If you send out goodness from yourself, or if you share that which is happy or good within you, it will all come back to you multiplied ten thousand times. In the kingdom of love there is no competition; there is no possessiveness or control. The more love you give away, the more love you will have. -John O'Donohue

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    IllinoisLady, funny but I bought the Chimney Sweep today because he was so cute. I have the Goose Girl but the one I have has a girl with her hands behind her back and 2 geese reaching their necks towards her face. I also bought Feeding Time which is a girl holding a chick with chickens and chicks around her feet. The first one I ever got was bought by my parents when I graduated from nursing school and it is called Begging His Share which shows a Scottish Terrier begging from a boy holding his birthday cake just out of reach. I had a Scottie named Mac. I used gift money from that graduation to buy several more Hummel's and thus began my lifelong collection.

    The man who became my DH bought me Weary Traveler (a young girl with one shoe on and one off) in Ireland (a refueling layover) when we were returning from a trip we both had taken to Russia in 1974. I met him on this trip for the first time and he spent the week trying to impress me. Bought me black caviar as a surprise, not knowing that I do not like fish. So he kept trying and here we are 48 years later still together.

    I think the memories attached to the Hummel's are worth more than they are now. I have the Hummel plates which mark major events in our lives like the year we married, one marking my daughter's birth and then my son's, etc. Anyhow, I still love them and enjoy looking at them because they make me smile.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Mavericksmom - we watch all of the NATS games. DH records them if we’re going to be out. He also a Washington football fan (and happy the team was recently sold) and watches lots football and basketball, college and pro. I wasn’t a sports fan when we first met, but learned to enjoy.

    I’ve been enjoying hearing about others travels.

    Have a wonderful evening.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Cardplayer, Congrats on the Nationals win last night! I fell asleep so I didn't make it to the very end, but what a fun game with all the kids!!! I love children and anything involving them. Nice to see good role models interacting with them in such a positive way! I have attended World Series, as we had season tickets for the Phillies games years ago, but now I want to go up to Williamsport for a game and watch the kids compete. On my list for next year. I wasn't a fan of baseball until I met my DH, but like you, I came to enjoy it very much!

    I too have three small Hummel figures. I bought them in Germany when in 1970 and thought I would give them to others, but fell in love with them and kept them for myself! I agree, it isn't the money, the true worth of anything is the good feelings we get from them.

    Speaking of things, I have a matador cape from Spain. A man who trained matadors in Spain gave it to me because I was the daughter of the USA representative at the World Poultry Congress in Madrid that year. It is gorgeous and has signatures of many of the most famous Spanish matadors. I never had a place to put it so it was in covered up in my closet all these years. I want to contact the bull fighting museum in Madrid to see if I could donate it. I just want it to be appreciated. So unfair to be kept in a closet.

    I was surprised that being the animal lover I am, would not only go to a bullfight, but I would like it! I am not sure I would enjoy it today, but I still admire the beautiful cape. We went to an amazing restaurant after the bullfight. The man who gave me the cape invited us. We stood at a bar and ate langostinos, throwing the peels on the sawdust floor. They brought out a plate of peppers and I was offered the largest. Being17 and foolish, I ate it. Tears went down my face, it was soooo hot! I washed it down with Sangria which was a huge mistake. I remember being so dizzy I held on tight to the bar to prevent falling! Of course my dad and our host thought that was so funny. I did not!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    When you plant a seed of love, it is you that blossoms.

    Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Looks pretty outside today, but our hot weather is returning. Well, at least it was a lot more pleasant for Balloon Fest and didn't rain the whole time.

    I'm so enjoying hearing about people's treasures. I so agree — not what things cost but the level of the great memories and enjoyment still available when you look at them. I'm amazed about the Chimney Sweep, Betrayal.

    Likely something of a catch-up day here. We didn't go out as much (just a brief little walk-through of Goodwill yesterday) due to Balloon Fest and what we hope is the last street festival for the year. So, we do have to o to the store for a few things. Lately it has been difficult to get out of the store for less than $100.00. In my wildest dreams, but when we paid a lot less and got more, we had less overall in wages. I do see some things have not gone down. The price of eggs came down well, but the price of " I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" went way up. The big tub is now over $8.00 — at Walmart's. Just amazing. I use un-salted butter most of the time, but do keep margarine on hand as well.

    MM, hope you are able to find an entity that will treasure the Matador's Cape. It sounds like quite a magnificent gift.

    Hope you will all have a great Monday and hopefully no really bad weather to deal with.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Cardplayer - We had a lot of smoke in June, while we were in Ireland so we missed it. Then again in July but more of a haze, vs a yellow sky. Then on last nights news it says smoke is here in the upper atmosphere. Guessing as days go by it will become more visible.

    I enjoyed the talk about flea market and Hummel’s. My partners mom had a little girl sitting under an umbrella with a cat. We had it for a while but family wanted it back in her assisted living room after her move. Well later that year we were on the Cape and came across a tag sale at a church. It was the last day and many things were marked way down. I spied the figurine of that little girl under an umbrella with a cat, cost me $1 - I’ve kept the tag on the bottom. I don’t think it’s Hummel, it says Alpine Children under it. So Hummel or massed produced whatnot, it makes me smile.

    Fence - I’ve been busy so if I’ve already said all of this, skip it. I used my mini chain saw to cut a panel down the middle - the panels are dowled in - I cut down all the roses first. We held up the new panel and used long deck screws to secure it to the post. It is the worst wood ever seen. I had to go over quite a bit with more stain because in bright daylight I could see bare wood spots. Then we pulled out another panel to the front of the garage and I stained it.

    We went to a Wild animal place yesterday - it has a zoo; a Safari where you can drive through or pay even more for them to drive you and 20+ others; and we booked a private visit with a sloth. This was my grandnieces bday gift, a memory vs a thing. We had a blast, especially at the drive thru Safari. We were laughing and screaming like little girls. The private session was super too. We were able to hold a sloth as he cradled a pillow; then go into their enclosure with 5 sloths and one baby sloth, to feed them. Afterwards we drove into another town and had a great dinner, then on the road we stopped at soft ice cream stand for dessert. Great day!

    But the new fence panel is still in the garage. And we’re headed to a museum in a few minutes. The panel will be ready for me whenever I’m ready to do it. Still one more to stain after this one goes up.

    GFs coming here for lunch tomorrow. I’ve got to place an order for subs and salads. Sadly, the old fence panel is laying in the driveway- I’m waiting for the other 2 to come down before trying to get rid of them. Any way the ladies will understand, work in progress.

    Weather says 77 and partly sunny. Doesn’t seem too bad out. Enjoy your day!

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275
    edited August 2023

    Cindy, awesome about your zoo visit and time with your grandniece! You ARE a great aunt for sure! Reading all your fence stories, all I can say, is you are an energizer bunny! You do motivate me, but I will never be that energized.

    illinois, I took my DH to get his hearing checked today and he would benefit from a hearing aid. The doctor told him, since he's a Veteran, that he might benefit going to VA for that. He said the VA would likely pay the total cost rather than the small amount our insurance would pay. Any information, opinion on that, from you would be greatly appreciated. I am not sure if it is worth pursing, but I feel like we probably should.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 353

    Nice discussion on the Hummel figurines. I have one of a girl seated holding flowers with a lamb standing behind her. It was a gift from my Mom from her trip to Germany many, many years ago so it’s a sentimental reminder of my mom and how much I miss her.

    Illinois lady - the balloon fest sounds awesome. I’ve never been to one but would love to see the balloons light up. I didn’t know these events were held in the Midwest until recently. I think there is also one in central Wisconsin. Perhaps something to put on my to do list for the future.

    Cindy - you are a wonderful aunt. Sounds like a fun birthday for your grandniece was enjoyed by all.

    This week I’m starting a new volunteer opportunity (in addition to my Fridays at the food pantry). Once a week I will drive a senior who lacks transportation to a medical appointment. Tomorrow’s my first appointment and I think I’ll have a new person each week, but time will tell. Fingers crossed it goes well.

    Most of the time I think I’m figuring out this retirement gig pretty well but other times I feel kind of lazy, however I have no desire to work again. I don’t expect I will ever have grandchildren to spoil and that’s okay but I need to make sure I have something meaningful in my life. I spent 44 years in various roles in the tech industry and I’m very ready to not worry about meeting metrics and dealing with office politics. Looking back it wasn’t worth all the 60+ hour work weeks. On the other hand, I had some amazing experiences, the opportunity for international travel (and lots of frequent flyer miles which allowed my family to to take some pretty great vacations) and met some great people. For many years I thrived in my jobs - until I realized I was burnt out.

    Speaking of lazy, it’s time for me to sign off and get myself over to the gym. Have a great week everyone and stay cool and safe!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Oh my, Harley — I'm most definitely being lazy today. A lot is the heat and since I've enjoyed naps so much I'm beginning to think that while I still sleep fine at night — I may not be getting all the rest out of it that I need.

    Anyway, I wanted to come back to answer the hearing aid question. I have found it soooo worthwhile to go through the V.A. for my hearing aids. Since I started out cold (no other hearing tests performed for many, many yrs) I think my original diagnosis and finding I had a hole in one eardrum took time and slowed the process since they wanted an evaluation by an ear surgeon. The end result was that I could try and have the hole closed but I was going to need hearing aids anyway. I skipped the surgery and just let them adjust for the hole as well as overall loss.

    So, it turns out that not only do they provide the hearing aids, but they also provide all the batteries as well. They were sending me a year's worth at a time. Also, every four yrs. they call you in and provide brand new hearing aids for you. I've had about three sets now. So, it has been well worth it to me. I'm also told that they provide a very high grade (a local hearing specialist I talked to, told me my aids were of the " Cadillac " level) and she was impressed.

    A lot of people (and a few are other veterans I know) complain about the V.A. — I understand. There are complaints that have merit, but for me and owning to the fact that a lot of my care has been local or close to it, the V.A. has been a Godsend. They saw me through my original breast cancer. My severely broken arm. My next bout of ureter cancer requiring taking ureter and kidney on that side out. Then three more bouts of bladder cancer that likely escaped from the earlier surgery.

    Add to that was the bad mitral valve which required the 8 hr. open heart surgery and then just of late, the ICD which as a 4-hr. surgery. They have kept me going and provided so much. I did find the V.A. Hospital in St. Louis not as good with their care, but they see far more people and are in general much bigger than ours in Marion. The surgeons and other Dr.'s there seem to be excellent and only when we got down to ward care did some of it fall apart. So, I have little to say about the V.A. that is negative.

    I still remain amazed that they not only test your hearing, but if needed provide you with high quality hearing aids and to boot — give you the batteries. It can't get much better than that.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 290

    Sounds like good flea market finds but I'm trying to avoid them. We need less, not more stuff.

    What fun Hummel stories. I got rid of mine during the last move but I recognized several that were mentioned, including the girl with the umbrella and the one with the duck. Just didn't have the shelf space and DD didn't want them because she was sure her cats would knock them off whatever she put them on. Still have several Llardo pieces and Ken has quite a collection of doctor figurines.

    Sounds like a wonderful birthday adventure. I too will never have grandchildren and wish I was closer to my great nieces and nephew but…

    I have taken a 12 year old under my wing. Her grandmother was my BFF and Larry's new love has never warmed up to Ella. I find it sad. Debbie has no grandchildren of her own but she and Ella's mother definitely got off to the wrong start. I always wanted my own children to have a significant adult in their lives that they could go to when they felt they couldn't confide in us.

    Harley - sounds like another great volunteer opportunity. My mother took people grocery shopping and/or doctor's appointments for a number of years. She had several regulars and really enjoyed it.

    Took my car in this morning for what I thought was going to be routine servcicing but they wanted to keep it. Thank goodness, they gave me a loaner as Ken's AC is out. It goes in next week.

    No rain for us from the CA storm although it is cooler and cloudy. We certainly need the rain but looks like it went to LV. Another climate mess.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    I spoke too soon about smoke in the air. We came back from the museum and it looked like a fog, but we knew it was smoke.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    illinois, THANK YOU SO MUCH for the information on VA and hearing aids. I don't know if my DH will qualify, but I am going to look into it.

    Harley, I love that you are doing volunteer work. What a great service to do for others! I never knew if I would ever have grandchildren, but I didn't care if I did or not. I wanted children, we had two who grew up to be wonderful, smart, adults and both eventually gave us adorable grandchildren. That was their choice and while I am over-the-moon in love with all of them, I would have been fine it their choice was different. The world has changed so much since my grandbabies were born, and not for the better, that I fear what the world will be for them as adults, or if the world will even allow them to become adults.

    taco, my parents had several Lladro figures. Very different from Hummels, but gorgeous! l collected dolls when I was young. I have a doll from Russia that I love the most. It was given to my father in the early 1960's when he took small groups to Russia for the People to People organization. I have dolls from all around the world, but they are all packed away and I plan to give them to my granddaughter when she gets older. My DD always loved them, but I never got to pass them on to her directly, not sure why. So very kind of you to take the 12-yr-old girl under your wing! I agree, we all need that type of love and guidance.

    Cindy, sorry you spoke too soon. I do hope the smoke clears up for you today! Another reason to count our blessings. So many going through unimaginable stress after fires, floods, natures wrath. Reminder to all to appreciate every day, even the mundane ones!

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    Good morning. I am working on creating a wildflower, native to Florida, garden. I am going to put it a the rear of my property at the edge of the woods. I have sprayed weed killer and will wait 30 days to plant. We, the wonderful lady that helps me, are getting rid of the invasive weed trees, today. I don't have a green thumb, but if it is native Florida plants, I think it might have a chance. My BFF with throat cancer will be doing radiation, chemo and immune therapy. It sounds like a long journey.

    MM, Yes there is a Rainbow River. It is in Dunnellon, Florida.

    Betrayal, What a nice romantic story. I collect little crystal Manatees.

    Chris, Hope you can get Tippy to drink more.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785
    edited August 2023

    petite1: love that you are trying to create a native wildflower garden at the edge of your woods. Do you have a local nursery that could assist you with what would grow best in what will most likely be shadier ground and weather tolerant? Weeds seem to do well no matter what the light available is. I find digging holes and adding plants very therapeutic and the fact that the outcome will mirror your efforts is very rewarding.

    DB is here to do some household repairs that are beyond our skill set. He replaced sill under sliders yesterday and installed the Dalmatian weather vane we had purchased probably 15 years ago. It got stuck in crawl space in basement and was one of those out of sight, out of mind happenstance. It is now mounted on the roof of the shed and looks great. He discovered that the restoration company that repaired roof did a crap job and he has some repairs to effect there due to their nail placement in the shingles. I have a list of things that he will address for us.

    Regan is acting hostile to him with excessive barking and growling and it is that male response due to lack of experience rearing its ugly head. I use a water squirt bottle to try to break her focus and it does work but when she's fixated, I feel like I need the garden hose. Not doing that but she is out of character here and it is something I hope we can address when she resumes classes in the future.

    I had purchased some concrete paint that is supposed to be nontoxic for the concrete birdbath we have. The original finish was worn so it was no longer holding water and I enjoy watching the birds use it. We have a matching fountain, too. DH has been spray painting them and some small garden ornaments we have. They look really good. DH said he cleaned the local hardware store out of the last 4 cans of paint over the past few days. The cans did not go as far as I had expected but the cost is negligible when you consider the labor required or replacement costs. So now the patio is all spruced up and finally done.

    I hope to get some plants in the ground today now that knees feel a bit better. I find if I let them rest in between tasks I make out better.

    cindyny: Glad you have spent time with niece and she had a wonderful time.

    taco1946: so nice you have taken a young girl under your wing. I had an older neighbor that I talked to when I was young and loved her for the time she spent with me.

    MM: cost of hearing aids can be in the thousands and the average life is about 5 years. I need tinnitus muffling in mine and that is not really available in the ones from Costco or other discount sources so it makes them more costly. I did find a deal on mine but even then they were still costly. So if you can go the VA route, do so. My insurance would not pay for them and Medicare won't either.

    Illinoislady: loved the balloon fest stories. Watching the balloons in flight is mesmerizing. You have been through a lot medically and surgically in the past few years and that takes such a toll on our bodies. I know I do not bounce back like I used to and the thoughts of another surgery next year gives me pause. I think as long as I can remain vertical and get one foot in front of another I will keep going until I can't. Not caving in and it sounds like you are the same.

    Chris: hope all is well with you and Tippy.

    harley: retirement is another learning curve and you will find a new routine that is so much better paced than that old work one. I thought I would hate retirement because I was always on the go but find that I now don't feel that way. I can putter when I want to, be as busy as I want and totally chill, too. Initially I was going to volunteer and also buy a monthly movie pass but Covid and house restoration had other plans for my time. I still plan to volunteer possibly with a pet rescue but want to get my house organized and clutter cleared before I make outside commitments. My knees are an obstacle too but that fix is in my plans. Admire you for all you do.

    It is mid-70's now and less humid than yesterday. So heading out to weed and may get those plants in the ground. Have a good day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Enthusiasm is the thing which makes the world go round. Without its driving power, nothing worth doing has ever been done. Love, friendship, religion, altruism, devotion to career or hobby—all these, and most of the other good things of life, are forms of enthusiasm. Robert H. Schauffler

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Wow !! What a difference a day can make. Yesterday was hot but fairly bearable. Today, is a few degrees hotter and almost hard to breather outside. Dh went out and put coolant in his truck a/c. Hope it took off since he didn't seem to have much left last time I was in the truck.

    It is a S-10 Chevy and while nice enough — the trucks, especially if four-wheel drive has always been something of a challenge for me to get into. I am a lot weaker on the left side so lots of time I sort of fall into the truck trying to get my leg far enough up to get in. Not a comfy way to do it. Then, partly I'm sure due to 4/wheel dr. it sort of rides like a truck with some of the accompanying sounds. I use to love our trucks but since we moved in this house, they are a pain for me and I try not to have to be in it if possible. Partly why my car is much higher mileage….we just use it so much more.

    Petite, I think your 'garden' project sounds delightful too. We could grow a lot of things here in the woods, but if it is in the yard Dh and the lawn mower look on it as fair game. I hope you might be able to take some before/after and share the garden project.

    To be kind to myself though, this yard is difficult. There is a lot of clay here so it can be challenging. Maybe that is why I gave up so easily. Hard with all the work, extra 'fancy' soil and careful tending to go out after the yard is mowed and nothing much left. I've put up all sorts of barriers with no luck. So, I have to enjoy what little I see in the woods and other people's yards or pictures of what they have done.

    The a/c has really been running today and as is my usual — I'm already tired of it. I've no idea how long the heat wave is to last, but I'd guess close to a week and could be more. Yucky-eee

    Hope you all have a good day, weather that is kind to you, health that is kinder if possible, a great rest overnight and a great morning tomorrow. Hmm, did I get it all.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    I finally have my Scotland photos organized and will start posting some of them. We stayed two nights at the Virgin Hotel in Edinburgh, very old exterior but modern inside. We took a guided tour through Edinburgh Castle, luckily had a sunny day and got clear views overlooking Edinburgh. We flew to Sumburgh on the Shetland Island mainland. Sheep everywhere, often fenced in with rock walls. The last photo was from a hike at the Sumburgh Head Reserve

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    Puffin: Lovely photos. We saw the Tattoo at Edinburgh castle when we were in Scotland many moons ago. The scenes from Shetland are breathtaking. Thanks for posting.

    Got 3/4 of the weeding done since it was more than I realized and will address it tomorrow weather permitting. I need to prop up one of the rhododendrons and trim some scrub bushes in the woods. The area actually looks good for what I did accomplish today.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    What fantastic pictures. The buildings/architecture is just so stunning. I can imagine my having at least 20 pictures of that alone.

    The two hillsides down to the water below are stunning as well. The one on the left looks like just grass, while the one on the right looks more like some sort of ground cover plant. I could get lost in those for some time as well. I'm looking forward to more.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Love the photos Puffin. Thank you for sharing.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    I too love the photos, Puffin! Beautiful and breathtaking!

    Petite, the gardens sound amazing, I too hope you post photos when they are in bloom.

    illinois, sorry the heat is back. Today was cool here, gorgeous day, I opened the windows and turned off the A/C.

    More hermit crab drama today. I was in tears, feeling like the absolute worst Grammy in the world! Hermie had been in one spot for quite some time. I saw him moving and drinking a number of days ago, but not since so I picked up his shell and claws and all fell out! I was beside myself. There appears to be small claws still stuck in the shell. I was so upset, I texted my daughter immediately. She works from home and it was around 3:30 so I didn't want to call. When she texted me back she said, "mom, are you sure he died and didn't just molt?" I asked if they shed their claws too, to which she responded yes, they shed it all! OMG!

    She said he is in the shell behind the tiny claws, which are his new claws. She was secretly hoping he was dead as she is responsible for caring for him ( or her, how does one tell?) and the novelty wore off years ago. While they are interesting to watch, they aren't furry or interactive. So, perhaps he didn't die and I was totally PRANKED by a hermit crab! I hope they aren't planning another long vacation anytime soon!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    OMG. Who'da thought.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,923

    We had one when the kids were in grade school. It managed to get out the door and was missing. Weeks later a kid showed up at our front door with it and asked if it was ours. It was. See if you can google a photo of them in the wild. They exchange shells and move to a different one that fits better as they grow.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    MM: Your stories about the hermit crab have had me in stitches. By the time it goes home you will be an expert in the care, feeding and maintenance enough to write a manual on them. That is one pet we have managed to not have, TG. We have had those pets that really do not provide much interaction such as a box turtle and a red eared slider, tropical fish and goldfish won at local fairs including one that lived for nearly 15 years and many iterations of fish tanks as it grew.

    Regan was very reactive to DB yesterday and today which was upsetting. Hoping her trainer recovers soon so we can return to behavior classes. He is an animal lover so it looks like I would never be able to have another contractor come in the house to do any work.

    Hoping knees will let me sleep tonight.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Puffin those photos are beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

    MM that hermit crab is keeping you on your toes! I wouldn’t want to be responsible for it nor it’s demise.

    I had good news and crazy news today. Results on the CT with contrast for my salivary gland came back “no path” there is no tumor, nothing on the floor of my mouth. Now here’s the crazy part - the Dr saw a nodule on my thyroid and “lung findings” a nodule in my chest. I need an ultrasound on my thyroid and a CT chest scan. They sent the script to the closest imaging place and said I should hear back in 2-3 days. I googled everything, and even text my gastroenterologist step son. It seems they’re both common but geeze Louise, I wasn’t expecting that information 8:30 this morning.

    It was beautiful weather today, sunny but about 77. I had gf’s come over for lunch, staying out doors in the screen house. I ordered a sub platter and salads, as well as Italian cookies. We had a great time catching up.

    Tomorrow I need to plant some smaller sun flowers and orange cone flowers one of my gf dug up from her house and brought over for me today. And then I’ve got to cut down the next fence panel and the roses in front of it, to get the next panel - old down/new up. Then I’ll start to stain the 3rd and final panel. By the time I get it up, I’ll be doing the end zone dance! I can’t wait to check this off my projects list.

    Petite your plan to plant a garden at the back tree line sounds great. Natives always grow best. I’ve noticed in FL anything I stick in the ground grows.

    Hoping we all have a great Wednesday.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,128

    Puffin, your photos make me look forward to visiting Scotland in a few weeks.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Humanity’s attempts to override nature have separated us from our source and destroyed what can save us.  A camera can point to the glory of a pristine forest, but cannot create it.  No smartphone is smart enough to spin a planet into orbit.  God speaks to us daily, but we rarely take the time to listen.  Nature is my church.  When I walk in nature I know the Tao.  No building, altar, or ritual is necessary.  Human beings have created magnificent, awe-inspiring cathedrals, but none can surpass the wonder of a starry night.

    Alan Cohen

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Glad Hermi is still in the land of the living. If we'd have ever thought about the things we might become nursemaids to maybe, we could have prepared better. Hmm, well, alls well that ends well. Herm is just doin' what comes natural after all.

    Another extremely sultry day here. Which makes me think of Owen and his momma yelling at him. That movie " Throw Momma From The Train " was a real long time ago now. But it is pretty warm and humid here and so I'm not bothering with much outside. I doubt whether anyone much is out of doors. Not unless they just have to be. I feel for the people who take care of lawns for a living. One of the positive things for us is that living where we do, we can be a bit more relaxed about when the lawn gets done — and it is definitively in waiting on better weather mode right now. Also, since Dh customarily ran down all the great plantings I once tried to keep in the yard, I do not have to pay for excessive water usage when the weather tends to do plantings in. What we do have is a lot of ground cover that is "tolerant." It is cordoned off by some brickwork so Dh really can't get too it. It is also in the front where the hand mower has to be used so it is much harder to get flamboyant with the mowing.

    Having my afternoon snack of Crackers (salted on one side only) and Aged Swiss Cheese which I separate in four little squares. One slice only has 35 mgs. of salt so is perfect for me. I also put a small dollop of Sweet Hot Mustard on each one. It is Sweet Horseradish mustard and I'm totally addicted to it. I've been doing it so long now I don't even remember what I used to have. I can surmise though — likely to have been a couple of brownies (iced of course) with a cup or two of coffee. Waistline suffers way less and I can have a small piece of dessert for supper if I want.

    Hope you are all having a really good day.