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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • claireinaz
    claireinaz Member Posts: 710

    Hi betrayal! We use SafeAssign to detect plagiarism but AI use is undetectable since it writes the papers for the student.. it uses nothing from the global databases. That’s the horrifying part of this new technology-it is submitted as original work because it is, but not written by the author.. they just plug in a thesis and a bunch of keywords and citations, and push a button. Very difficult to detect unless the student owns up to it. And difficult to prove.

    We are lucky to be able to drive to Sedona in 45 min. It saves our life when we get hard winters like this past one… yikes 160 inches of snow.

    We’ve watched the condors being released north of the Canyon and seen many at the canyon and below the rim. They are quite friendly and aren’t too afraid of humans so got to see them pretty close at times!

    Good morning to everyone else! Here’s the sunflower photo I wanted to post and hope it lifts spirits.

    Off to a yoga class. I wish everyone a good weekend!

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    illinois, the reason you missed claireinaz's post was probably because she posted her comments while you were creating yours. That's happened to me before too.

    LOL at the big green dinosaur, Cindy! Happy to read you had so much fun! I love state fairs! Next year I would like to get to one or two. We planned to go to our local grange fair but the only day we could go it rained.

    I just found out my brother has a huge box of things from my parents and he wants my sisters and I to look and see if there is anything we want. Lots of genealogy items that I definitely want. Once I get the major part of decluttering done, I want to get back to working on our genealogy. I have completed quite a bit, and thankfully my father did a lot on his side of the family and my mother's side has a whole website created by one of my great uncles. I love researching the past. My DH had to submit a new sample for DNA testing via but they didn't charge him for the new testing. We think perhaps something happened in their lab because it did make it though the DNA extraction. They never told us what happened to the first sample. The website gave Sept 6 as the day results can be expected.

    Betrayal and claireinaz, your topic of plagiarism reminded me of one of my 6th grade students who had autism. He was a wonderful boy and was in a regular English class. The students had to write a poem and on this particular day, they were told to exchange their poems with a classmate for editing. The student he swapped poems with raised his hand and said he couldn't find anything in the poem to edit. Of course I couldn't believe that, so I asked the boy who wrote it if I could read it over, to which he said yes.

    Well, I looked at the poem and immediately recognized it. No wonder it couldn't be edited, it was a published poem! After explaining that copying someone's work wasn't acceptable, it was decided he would write a new poem with my help, in our resource room. He looked at me and said, "I told my grandmom I shouldn't copy that poem, but she said no one would recognize it!" On the grandmother's behalf, I did understand why she told him to plagiarize, because working with a child with autism takes all the patience one has, at times. They definitely think outside the box! I really miss working with the students, but love retirement.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    illinois, it just happened to me again, Claireinaz was typing the same time I was!LOL

    Claire, your photo is gorgeous! Huge thanks for sharing! Glad you are able to do yoga to help with your body and mind. I keep you and your DH in my thoughts and prayers! I understand the pain of losing a beloved pet. I don't think my DH and I are still over the loss of our last two furry kids who passed away over 5 years ago. Some day we might get another.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Even when walking in a party of three I can always be certain of learning from those I am with.  There will be good qualities that I can select for imitation and bad ones that will teach me what requires correction in myself.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Finally, a cool morning here. In part due to the rain. Cindy loved your post.

    Pets, and mainly the ones who have traveled to the Bridge. It it no wonder we are grief-stricken. These wonderful beings teach us to much about life. We are always perfect in their eyes. They put us on a pedestal and actually exhibit to us daily that we belong there, so great is their devotion and love for us.

    It is hard to find anyone in this world who is not in some way, even a tiny way, a bit judgmental. These beautiful beings forgive us everything. If we don't give them fresh water or remember to feed them on time. We miss taking them for a walk or throwing their favorite ball. So, what they say. You are still my hero.

    So, we always want more for them and are never ready for them to leave. We know they have much shorter life spans and it still is the saddest thing to say goodbye.

    If I could be happy about anything it is that I've had the pleasure of having this love every day of my life since my friend came. I got to receive and enjoy this perfection. It is sad that there was so little time and I wanted so much for this beautiful love — but I knew this day would come. Perhaps God in perfection made it this way so that more of his companions. could find a place where they could be treasured as much as they treasure us. You sweet and beautiful friend have filled my life with the spirit of love. May I share it and pass it on - until I see you again.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    What a touching tribute to the pets who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. I, too, have felt honored to have had their companionship and love, but also experience the loss when they leave us. That hole never really heals but we do try to fill part of it by bringing another pet into the family circle. I can honestly say there have been pets I have loved and grieved over more than family members due to their loyalty and love.

    It's a humid day today and I really need to go do some gardening. So I will keep it brief but just need to get these plants into the bed by the large rock and then mulch around them. I have been procrastinating lately.

    claire, I am so glad I missed the AI papers and all that hassle. It was bad enough going toe to toe with the English department that students entering a science track needed to learn APA format for papers and not MLA. As Nursing faculty we did not feel it was our place to teach APA since our curriculum was already loaded with required content as dictated by the State Boards of Nursing, the NLN and ANA. Reading some of those papers was a nightmare even though we provided them with specific guidelines, access to APA online and even a review of their reference pages pre-submission (corrections provided to them but some still submitted with errors).

    We would on occasion have to do a second read for a colleague if they had a paper that was not passing to remove what students would feel was bias, etc. I had one 5 page paper submitted with no headings (required) and no punctuation (definitely required). The student felt I should be able to determine where punctuation should be as well as the headings. Got a colossal headache, but a laugh, too. Needless to say, they did not fare well. Another was 5 pages of direct quotes with no synthesis (required) and the student felt that we were being unjust with a poor grade (had a second and third read on that one). So glad I do not have to read 32 papers in my spare time ever again. No release time to read the papers offered by administration and expectation was we could read them over spring break which was unpaid time.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

  • claireinaz
    claireinaz Member Posts: 710

    I haven't had a day yet when I haven't cried, losing my fur baby. Yes, she was perfect, and I was perfect in her eyes. I appreciate the compassion and it helps to know that we all go through it if we choose to have a pet. It's the bargain we make when we adopt-to care for them, love them, and when the time comes to help them go peacefully. I miss waking up and seeing her in her bed next to mine, looking up at me. To know she'll be there when I get home. She comforted me all through BC tx, my mom's death, and other hard times. I told someone that her death actually hurt worse than a human one, and I don't think they understood what I meant. Of course I grieve when family members and friends die, but human-human relationships are complex and complicated, and leave us both with love and hurt at times. My girl never left me with anything but love and devotion. And I miss her so terribly.

    Loved the poem plagiarizing story! That student had strong ethics, but apparently grandma didn't! Grading essays (I'm a humanities prof) is about 90% of what we do outside the classroom. That's one task I will never, ever miss.

    The sunflowers in front of our house are short-lived but they are a real tourist attraction for a few weeks—people stop to take people/flower photos. It's kind of sweet!


  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Enjoyed reading the posts today. And loved the sunflower photo Claire.

    Glad your completed your fence Cindy. Hope you enjoyed the state fair. Brought back memories of going to the state fair when I was a kid. We use to go every summer; go see the farm animals, ride the rides, get cotton candy. What a treat.

    Your post about pets crossing over tugged at my heart Illinois. DH and I have lived with cats since we moved in together. Most have preferred the kids even though I’ve always fed the cats. But we had an orange tabby who decided I was his person. He was by my side during my treatment. I still miss him.

    We had a hot and humid day here today, but no rain. We’re still experiencing a drought, so I hope we get a good rain soon. I have noticed some leaves starting to turn yellow. Maybe because it’s dry vs seasonal change? Hope everyone has a nice evening.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 290

    Welcome Claire. The photo is fantastic and makes me want to come north again. We have lived in Surprise, northwest of Phoenix, for 25 years. Yes, it is as hot and dry as the newscasters say.

    I have found this group very supportive and willing to deal with a variety of issues related to aging as well as BC. And Illinoislady always supplies us with words of wisdom to ponder.

    I too am a pet owner - always shelter dogs. I like the slogan "I want to be as wonderful as my dog thinks I am". but know I can't live up to that.

    Just came home from a truly gourmet dinner prepared by Ella's Mom as a thank you for my being the Monday carpool lady. Wonderful meal and lovely presentation. She just moved into her new home in July and invited us as soon as her table arrived. Ella made the dessert which was also a treat. I don't plan to step on the scale tomorrow.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

    Taco, aka, Marge

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    Recently a neighbor of ours took his two small children to the mountains for
    a vacation.  The very first morning the children woke him at daybreak,
    clamoring to go exploring.  Stifling an impulse to send them back to bed, he
    struggled into his clothes and took them for a walk.  At the edge of a pond
    they stopped to rest, and while they were sitting there quietly, a doe and
    her fawn came down to drink.
       "I watched my youngsters' faces," he said, "and suddenly it was as if I
    were seeing and feeling everything for the first time:  the hush of the woods,
    the mist over the water, the grace and gentleness of those lovely creatures,
    the kinship of all living things.  It only lasted a few seconds, but the thought
    came to me that happiness isn't something you have to strive and struggle for.
    It's simply an awareness of the beauty and harmony of existence.  And I said
    to myself:  remember this moment, put it away carefully in your mind--because
    you may need to draw strength and comfort from it someday."  Giving his
    children a new experience, that man also opened a door for himself.

    Arthur Gordon
    A Touch of Wonder

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861
    edited August 2023

    All of my animals have been "found", wandered up, or in ways like that got to my home. Let me assure you Marge — you are as wonderful as your dog thinks. If you did nothing else but provide a home, you have saved a furry friend from so many possible negative life events. Your friend has the sprinkles on the cake because he or she has not just a haven in your home, but your heart and soul as well.

    I had a good laugh on seeing that you don't plan to get on the scale after a tantalizing and obviously sinful dessert. I'm required to weigh every day, but under the same conditions as you describe I'd likely forget for a day or two as well.

    Going to be much cooler today, but no idea about humidity or heat index. We have just gotten over a lot of rain so a high chance of its being 'sultry' a bit. Have to see.

    Nothing special planned as is our usual for Sundays. I do often make a Goodwill run but try to be VERY cautious. My plan for some time is removal of items not used or loved much, rather than putting more here. In reality, if I do run across a GREAT find I will take it with the idea of happily giving up lots more from home in its place. I'm so hoping it works out that way.

    Time to start paying bills again tomorrow. How does that time manage to get here so soon all the time. Seems like I just got done. Still haven't done anything about getting a possible credit card for automatic payments. I am among the group of people who don't get social security on the 3rd. of every month. Makes it touchy to even consider automatic payments. I've missed a couple of payments before and had to pay double at once to catch up —- so the idea of a credit card that would allow me to get all paid, and then pay the card all at the same time after I get my check. I guess I'm not liking the idea of another card as such. It would never leave the house or be used in any other way, but just the idea bugs me.

    I'm past time for a couple of friend visits as well. Weather has been so awful that I've avoided being out if at all possible, to not go. The store and back home when the weather is awful.

    Hope you all have a fantastic day.

    Waving hi to Puffin, Carole and Chris. Hugs to Tippy.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    I think it is touches of wonder that help us through the tougher times. Sometimes it is hard to remember them but we taught students that guided imagery was a coping mechanism. It involves engaging as many senses as possible to escape a challenging situation. My example was always feeling the warm sun on my face (touch), breezes from the Bay of Naples mixing the salt air with the smell of the locally grown lemons (smell), the tart taste of Campari and orange juice cocktail (taste), being in the botanical garden with its subtropical trees (sight) and hearing the sounds of people from a distance (hearing). It is a short term coping mechanism but so effective because it does evoke those "touches of wonder" attached to sweet memories.

    I have others that I use, too. So thanks for sharing this wonderful story for today.

    Got all of the plants in to the garden by the rock, then mulched and watered them. Transplanted some Japanese irises from a bed closer to the house to the bed by the road and mulched that area. I just have a hibiscus left to plant. I have a place for it and then will erect a chicken wire enclosure around it and a new hydrangea I planted previously. The weeds have reigned supreme this year due to the rain we have had. We are still working on eradicating them before they go to seed in the next few weeks. However, the end is in sight.

    Loved the sunflowers and remember seeing them grow along the roadsides as we traveled in the west. I can remember seeing mile upon mile of the larger sunflowers as we traveled from Budapest to Vienna by train. Lovely and always evoke a smile.

    It is sunny today with light breezes but not sure if it is humid since I haven't been out yet. According to the weather prediction humidity should be 55% which means it should be tolerable if we hit the 80's.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Sunny and low 70's today. I tried to work upstairs a bit today, but it was still too hot. I was able to get some things sorted out and I now have two more bags to donate. I will wait until I have 4-6 before I take them to be donated. I had filled one bag the other day. I don't know why is it so hard for me to part with things that I rarely ever think about? I am one who gets very attached to my "things," and I have to keep asking myself how long I want to keep doing this. While it is true, decluttering is an on-going process, it should be more of a routine closets and drawers clean out, not major piles of things compiled for years and never used or displayed.

    It seems ever since "throws" became a thing, I was getting a very nice one as a gift from someone every year. One can only have so many throws! I bought my DM one back in the 90's and it matched her home decor. Of course, when she passed, I inherited the throw. While I instantly think of her whenever I look at it, do I really want to keep it as it does not match my decor? I decided this morning I don't, especially since someone I am dure someone else will enjoy it. I am already keeping one I don't particularly like, but it was from my hometown and has different historical buildings on it. This too will pass….eventually!

    Betrayal, I want you to know I am taking your advice and I reached out to both my children and asked if there is anything they would be interested in inheriting. I hope to give them those items while I am still alive. I will make a list and label things with their names.

    My DD got back to me immediately with a lengthy list. Dear son, only asked for one thing but said he really doesn't know what else we have. He lives in NE. I told him I will send him pictures of heirlooms I think he might be interested in. My only BIG problem is I promised him the one thing he asked for many years ago. It is the picture of my DF shaking hands with President Johnson in the Whitehouse when DF was invited to have lunch with the President after a Congressional meeting. The problem is my DD also wants that. I am going to take it to a photographer with the hope that it can be taken out of the elaborate frame and copied. If push comes to shove, I will have to keep my promise to my DS. My DD is getting our piano and my China dish set, which she wants because it is beautiful and has a story attached to it. She still hosts formal dinners around the holidays.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Love the story for today Illinois. Seeing the wonder and enjoyment though the eyes of a child is amazing.

    Our first cats appeared on our doorstep, strays that we took in. The next cats from a friend who had taken in the mother. Next from a shelter and our current cats from the SPCA.

    I setup most of my bills to auto pay - either by credit card or recurring check. I find it much easier to manage that way and setup alerts on my credit card and banking activity. Many years ago we had some significant check fraud and since that time I’ve been very cautious.

    Other than grocery shopping been kind of lazy today. Hope everyone has a wonderful afternoon.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Cardplayer, I too pay all my bills on Bill Pay via my bank. I have two that are automatically paid, but it makes it so easy to pay all the rest and never miss a payment.

    Illinois, I too loved the story today!

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Illinois my SS check is usually here by the 27th of the month. I can’t remember how they figure it out, based on birthday or first initial of my last name. Always the end of the month, just ahead of my pension deposit. I go online and make payments for bills; some times I’ll call the 800 number if we’re on the road.

    MM I hear you on throws! One my sister crocheted 30+ years ago; one a dear friend who has since passed gave me; another sent to me by a friend after bc dx, knowing I was staying in cold NY vs leaving for hot FL. Every nook & corner has one tucked in. I’m like you, I like my “things!”

    Well today would have been my mothers 103 birthday. I bought some yellow spray roses at Trader Joe’s and visited the cemetery. I spread them out nicely on her headstone. Then I traveled thru the cemetery to leave roses on her sisters graves. Mom passed 21 years ago, her sisters 17 & 15 years ago. I can still hear them, in my memory, as they sat together in our kitchen having coffee and gabbing. Good memories. Only one family member left, a sister who turned 95 this past April

    It was humid here today, cemetery was very warm. I ran into Lowe’s and thought they must not have turned the AC on, my neck was wet from wearing my hair down. Hoping all you had decent weather for the day!

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    Our tour group chartered a boat that took us close to the cliffs where thousands of Northern Gannets nest on the ledges. The captain threw herring out into the water to bring the birds (and a Grey Seal) right up close to our boat.

    After the boat ride we walked around Lerwick. For anyone that has watched the British show Shetland, this is the house that the main character, Jimmy Perez, lived in on the series.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    What a delight Puffin. I feel like I could have been standing right beside you. Those are wondaful pictures. Thank You for sharing.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Puffin, love the pictures!

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 353

    Welcome to Claireinaz - the sunflower photo is amazing. I could stare at that scene for hours. I’m sorry to hear you are waiting on another health issue - hopefully you will get a quick and good result. Dealing with AI and ChatGPT in the education field sounds like a nightmare. I’m glad my son is grown because as a parent I would hate to be monitoring my student to make sure they are submitting original work.

    Puffin - thanks for posting more pictures. I love seeing travel photos. I likely won’t get to visit everywhere on my list but I sure enjoy seeing other’s photos.

    Lovely weather today so I’m enjoying it before it heats up next weekend. A nice 2 mile walk in the park followed by floating in our pool. My lower back and right hip is still an issue. Walking seems to be OK but sitting, standing and sleeping can be an issue. It get better late in the day and then starts again partway through the night. It takes most of the day to loosen up. I’ve stopped going to yoga class for now because I think I aggravated the hip by overdoing it in class. I’m sticking with walking, biking and elliptical as any type of cross leg motion with my right leg is causing significant pain. I’m trying to decide if I should make an appointment with an ortho doc. I’ve had low back problems for over 40 years but have not ever had a diagnosis (OTOH I haven’t sought out a diagnosis). But the pain the past 2 months is really wearing me down. Most days I have some mild discomfort with moments of significant pain and shooting down into my foot. I’m just not very optimistic that I can get an appointment in a reasonable time frame and that they would work with me on a conservative treatment of OTC meds and PT. Maybe it will feel better this week.

    Sorry for the whining. Have a great week everyone.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    Puffin, I wrote a post and have no idea where it went but obviously not here. I loved the photos of the Shetlands and I have been in Lerwick. It is a pretty town. I am not familiar with the series Shetland but will look for it now to watch.

    The birds are so beautiful and to see their rookery must have been fun. They appear to be quite large and I would love to hear their cries.

  • claireinaz
    claireinaz Member Posts: 710

    Good morning chicas,

    Puffin, great photos! I loved watching the series Shetland. Have you seen Happy Valley or Broadchurch? Those are both fabulous crime series with strong women characters in them, which is a bonus. The Brits do TV and film so well, but I'm probably biased.

    Everyone, hope your week will be good. I begin my 17th year teaching at our local university today. This will be my last full year on faculty but if hubby and I don't downsize a bit and relocate next year I'll be adjuncting for my same college. I both love, and get exhausted by, my work. Mostly students lift me up, and give me a break from worrying about the threat of recurrence or other cancers. I've been in therapy tx for 3 years for long term PTSD brought on by unresolved medical trauma (don't know if I mentioned it but I lost my late husband to a very aggressive form of oral cancer after we had been married 3 months-I was 37). With my dx, and now my DH's dx, it's a struggle to keep trauma triggers from pushing me over the edge. Having a support group helps too, and of course has been such a help.

    I'm grateful for all of you and like reading about what everyone is doing. Illinoislady, your "wonder" story was spot on. The small wonders are often the most special, and we miss so much by not acknowledging them. My wonder today is that I slept 7 hours and only got up once at 5 a.m. to pee (which is quite the improvement when I was taking exemestane which I believe now was contributing to bladder urgency and incontinence). I was shocked when I woke up having slept really all night through. I haven't done that in months. ☺️

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    Hi, my friends. We are under a hurricane warning for Idalia, scheduled to become a Cat 3. My BFF has to evacuate, so she and her SO will be staying with me. Another widowed friend will probably stay here as well. I find it a little scary. It is the first hurricane I have gone through by myself. I am glad they will be staying with me. This won't be pleasant and the power will probably be off for a long time. 11 foot storm surge is expected and it is a Full Moon. Glad I am 85 feet above sea level. If I have power, I will let you know what happens Weds. night.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    petite1, glad you will have the company of BFF, her SO and another friend to ride out the storm. Hope you are spared but if not, then please stay safe.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    It’s easy to feel motivated when we’re listening to an inspiring sermon, or the choir is praising God in song, but the real work begins when the temple doors close behind you. You must become the guardian of your thoughts and actions. It’s imperative that you surround yourself with positive people—those who affirm you and show by their words and deeds that they like you and believe in your dreams. Don’t even allow yourself to utter the words “I can’t.” Delete them from your vocabulary. And every time a negative thought comes into your mind, pluck it out, toss it away and replace it with a positive idea.    -Susan L. Taylor

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,861

    ((((Petite))))) So happy you won't be alone in the storms. We all will be deeply concerned for you and your friends as well. We are having such scary weather this yr. Boiling hot or tornadoes, straight line winds or flooding rains. All so much and my heart goes out to you.

    Claire I am so sorry to hear about the PTSD. How horrid and how helpless in the experience watching a loved one. A great part of the time our trials make us stronger, but I do see this one is fraught with triggers. I hope you continue to be able to mainly keep it at bay.

    Downsizing — I'm so often ruing the day when I 'noticed' I could have more things. Truth is, I actually was a lot happier when I didn't have so much to take care of and now I'm continually trying to figure how to get rid of more. Sure, hope I win the battle.

    Here late today so I'll just say I hope all have had a good day and looking forward to seeing you all again tomorrow.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 353

    (((Petite))) - thinking of you and prayers to keep you and your friends safe.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Long day today, saw new PCP and like her very much. Echocardiogram early tomorrow morning, routine via my cardiologist. PCP ordered abdominal US and more bloodwork. I am not expecting anything to show up to explain my pain, but that's OK. She agreed that if all is well, it was ok for me to push myself more and hit the gym. I asked about vaccines, since no doctor discusses them with me anymore, and she said she heard that the next Covid booster will be a combination of both Covid vax and flu vax. Good news for those of us who only have on arm available for vax. She said if not, get the new Covid when it comes out in October and the flu vax two weeks later. She said they are predicting a late flu season this year. She also told me to get the RSV vax anytime now. She said it tends to make arms sore so good to have it with weeks prior to other vax. She said I can get Shingrix later.

    Cindy, our parents were born the same year! Mine passed in the early 2000's. I miss them terribly. I found your comment about Lowes and A/C funny because I thought the same about Home Depot when we were there a few weeks ago. I wondered if they ever have A/C?

    Puffin, AMAZING PHOTOS!!!! WOW! The birds were so beautiful, the seal remined me of my black lab minus the long ears! Too cute!

    Claire, I am so sorry to read about your first DH and your PTSD! Your current health issues and those of your DH, add unimaginable stress! So unfair for some people to get slammed with bad things and others seem to never have any life challenges, although I am sure they have some, they pale in comparison. I believe your broken heart over loss of you dog has made things even harder for you. Your dog was also a therapy dog even thought that might not have been the reason it became a furry member of your family. It is so cool that you teach college students. My DB was a professor at PSU. He has been retired for years. I wanted to teach social studies at either HS or college level, but I never did. I will say, interacting with 6,7, and 8th graders was what I miss most about being retired. I absolutely loved the students and I think I learned more from them than they ever did from me.

    Petite, I too am so thankful you have people coming to stay with you during the hurricane. You are on the ocean side not the gulf, right? Forgive my ignorance, I didn't know there was any place in Florida that was 85ft above sea level! That is very important! You will be in my thoughts for sure. I hope you are surprised and don't lose power!

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,785

    MM: Got RSV vaccine and did not experience any arm discomfort. Not sure of your PCP source for info but no SE.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 290

    Great pictures, Puffin!

    Betrayal, did your insurance pay for the RSV shot? Last time Ken checked, many weren't doing so.

    Be safe, Petite!