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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    MM: I don't belong to the square dancing group, we were there as their guests as breast cancer survivors since their fund raiser was for our support group. They had us join them in a couple line dances and square dances that they talked us through.

    Betrayal: I'm no longer licensed as a nurse and have been retired for 10 years. Living in a 55+ building I don't want to become the local health person so I'm selective in the advice and help I give.

    Yesterday was my 72nd birthday and I ate my way through it. Had a free brunch at Denny's (slice of french toast, an egg, sausage), played bingo with Dad (he's 97) at his building in the afternoon and then he and joined 3 friends at a Mexican restaurant and I got their free birthday entree which provided enough leftovers for 2 meals at home.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Puffin, happy belated birthday! You’re so fortunate to get to share your special day with your dad.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2023

    I've had a Nespresso Pixie since 2014, and when I don't have the time to fire up the "real" machine and wait 20 minutes for it to heat up sufficiently, the Pixie does fine. (Especially if I need a quick caffeine fix in the morning before leaving the house and I don't have the time for my daily pour-over ritual). The flavored capsules taste pretty good for those who aren't black-coffee fans; and the Aeroccino standalone frother can turn a shot into a passable cappuccino or latte. More and more companies are making Nespresso-compatible capsules: Metropolis (espresso—leaded & unleaded—and regular coffees), Lavazza, and now Peet's. All except the Metropolis are aluminum and therefore accepted by Nespresso's recycle program; but the Metropolis is compostable.

    Well, if ever there were any doubt it was Fri. the 13th, it was dispelled by afternoon. On Monday, I'd traded in my iPhone 12 Pro Max for a 15 Pro (they had only one 15 Pro Max left—512GB, as much storage as this laptop, and $1500 with my trade-in! Nope—especially since I'm not a pro nor even semi-pro photographer and the 15 Pro's camera is better than the 12 Pro Max's was). I did the upgrade to get the automatic crash detection/notification (my car is too old to have it but at only 46K miles on it I'm not about to replace it any time now) and satellite 911-calling capability. All went well until I wondered Thursday if my watch needed the latest OS update…but I couldn't download it. I went to the phone's "Watch" app to find out the version, and discovered instead I got the "Pair Your Watch" screen instead. I clicked on "Pair to existing watch" but I kept getting "Unable to Pair" messages. I went online to Support and saw I would have to erase the watch in order to pair it, and then try to download the software update—something I was afraid to try lest I screw it up, so I decided to head to the Apple Store and made a Genius Bar appointment.

    Well, first it took me 1/2 hr to go 1/2 a mile, due to rain, construction, & the like. Along the way, my car's infotainment system went black & silent twice (on Thurs. it did it four times). This has been happening since late spring. Normally, it reboots on its own; if it doesn't, pushing the power button sometimes works; but more and more often the only way to reboot it is to turn off the engine and restart the car. On the street I can pull over; if stuck at a red light I can do it fairly quickly; but if on a highway (as I was Thurs.) there's no safe way to do that. The nav system's maps are not only outdated but too old to be updated for love or money. Not a problem if I can use my phone for navigation, but without the car's system (aka "head unit") there's also no radio, USB connectivity, CD, nor handsfree calling. I find that unacceptable. So when I got to the Apple Store and waited for my turn, I called the Subaru dealership's service dept., which told me that installing a software & firmware update would not only cost >$200 but likely "brick" the system totally, as customers have found. So I will be out of pocket $2K to replace the head unit (which will have an updatable nav system and maybe even CarPlay, albeit wired). It's pricy, but a mere fraction (less than 5%) of the cost of an equivalent new car (a used one would likely have more miles on it than mine). Downside is that they won't get the unit in till next Friday.

    So my name was finally called, and my fear was confirmed: I would have to erase the watch and start over. I explained I wanted to do so only under professional supervision lest I screw up and get panicked. Well, it took an hour to erase and re-pair, and I had to enter my credit cards back into Apple Wallet—tedious, and not all card issuers could be contacted (it was already after hours back East). Then it took over another hour to download the watch OS update, including agonizingly slow "preparing" and "installing." By then it was raining harder and I realized I would never make the temple's special service led by our former rabbi, who'd retired to Israel in 2015 and was back in town to spend the holidays with their adult kids. (Services now start at 6:30). Got home, fired up the livestream—found that the service started late, but since there was also a bar mitzvah boy and all his out-of-town relatives, I'd have never been able to get into the parking lot anyway.

    My aging-hippie astrology-believing friends would have chalked all this up to "Mercury retrograde," which calls to mind an image of a car rolling backwards down a hill.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    My thought for the day. Tornados are like BC. It doesn't care how rich or poor you are, what race or religion. who you voted for or what you believe.

    I did wander out yesterday, to check on the clean up. Yes, I was a looky-loo. People are helping people. Clean up and repair everywhere. The big businesses are rushing to get back in business. Two banks were hit and they had major repairs and crews out there. The smaller private businesses, it was more neighbor helping neighbor. I am afraid some of those are definitely done.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    Sounds from the attic as I sit here in my chair in the living room. Yesterday when the temperature rose to 80 degrees, I turned on the a/c and heard a buzz from the attic, where the unit is located. The compressor fan outside was blowing but no cool air. So we called Vince our a/c man for 30 plus years. He installed the original unit and always responds to calls for help.

    Thank heavens it was cool enough to sleep last night with windows open and it's cool this morning. I won't be surprised if an upgrade is in the cards.

    I guess I'll go to the polls today but there's only one candidate I want to vote for, clerk of court. I live in a state controlled by the "other party." It's seldom that anyone I vote for is the winner.

    Time lapse….

    The a/c is working again and the bill was $165. Vince replaced a small part that starts the motor. He warned us that if anything major goes wrong with the unit, parts are no longer available. We had a good conversation about travel. He and his wife went to Italy for two weeks and travelled on their own, mostly in the countryside and small towns. He had such a different experience from ours. Of course, he's 65 years old, quite a bit younger.

    Looking like a very nice day. I have to make the chicken and sausage gumbo I put off making yesterday because the a/c wasn't working. Someone also needs to pick up prescriptions at Sam's. A trip to the polls. Yard work probably won't happen.

    Hope everyone has a good Saturday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    What choices are you making in your perception of the events around you?
    We choose how we view our times.  There is a pinch of pessimism in our
    culture now.  Counter it with small acts of optimism.
       Pick up a piece of litter that isn't yours.  Show some extra grace on the
    freeway.  Give to your food bank.  Smile at a child who is in your way.
    Help someone you know.  Help someone you don't know.
       The accumulation of small, optimistic acts produces quality in our culture
    and in your life.  Our culture resonates in tense times to individual acts of
    grace.  What's your choice?

    Jennifer James

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Sandy and Friday the 13th. I think it's just because. I mean who knows. These things were maybe going to happen anyway, but great to have something to put it all on. I'm only saying that because I was born on a Friday the 13th. For a few yrs. I jokingly said I didn't know if it were me or my mother who was having the "worst" of the 13ths.

    Anyway, I had to make it just another day since it is actually my birthday. Truth is, I still think about it when anything happens that is daunting at all.

    Close call Carole — about your ac issue. I know gone are the days when something could last into forever almost. Sad though. I guess now as homeowners we have to consider the possibility of NEW replacements of very expensive things every few yrs.

    I think I mentioned the story long ago of my first electric can opener. Got it from Montgomery Wards. That funny yellow plastic model. Maybe $10.00 but may have been a bit less. I used it and used it and used it. Always did an excellent job — except at the end. It was made with two little, long plastic "legs". I used it so long and in pressing down the cutting lever — those "legs" wore severely finally worn at the front till I had to physically hold the can opener from falling over when I opened a can. The funeral was sad. I never found another 'good' can opener till recently and I'm on my second one. An opener that takes the top off the can while leaving smooth edges all around to avoid accidents of getting cut with the sharp can lid. which I had time to time.

    Our deer are starting to venture back into our yard. All the commotion of the tree cutting seemed to have spooked them for a bit but I saw three or four out back towards the end of our property. I so enjoy them and this time of yr. with all the acorns, nuts and other falling tree debris we often have near herd sized visitations. Will be nice when it all goes back to normal.

    Puffin — what a wonderful birthday and as mentioned to get to share with your Dad. Great picture. Wishing you lots of other wonderful birthdays too. What fun to "dance" a bit on your birthday.

    Petite you are so right. About cancer and many other things that do not balk at selection — anyone will do and anything can and will happen. Here's hoping that we are all up to the challenges when they might come our way and can be supportive when it goes to others of our family, friends or neighborhood.

    Overcast. Didn't look at the forecast but it is not raining. The dust should be well settled now.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833
    edited October 2023

    Karen, thanks for forwarding the message!

    I got my laptop back. I asked him about the coroner's report, but he knows my financial situation, and refused to declare it deceased. It suits my needs. He cleaned out some stuff left by my sister and BIL. Did some snooping, but he is on my list of trustworthy people.

    MM. DCIS is not all that easy. Just a few weeks can give it an opportunity to turn. And usually all it takes is waiting for insurance approvals. But maybe they were waiting to see how fast it was growing to get approval for computerized tomography (I think that is what they call it).

    More later. Tippy wants to walk, now!! Sun is dim. And shadows under trees are similar shapes. Peaking here.

    Sandy, Indian Casinos often pay excellent dividends to stakeholders. Not necessarily charity, although it could be considered generational recompense. I enjoyed your nuanced discussion on Hamas.

    I had an appointment for a lung scan, but had to cancel it. I was putting off reserving transportation because the service they usually assign me to is Muslim. I like them, but was afraid of conversation going south. But if they know enough to stay off of that topic, then all will be OK. I know that any abnormalities on the scan are probably histoplasmosis, because my Irish twin brother had it.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051
    edited October 2023

    Cindy - I hope the injections are effective for you and give you pain relief. Sorry that your niece has Gastroparesis. I hope that she’s a pole to easily manage the condition.

    Happy Birthday Puffin. Sounds like you had a nice celebration.

    Glad fixing the AC could have been much worse Carole. Glad it was taken care of quickly.

    Too bad about the destruction that the tornado did on some of the smaller businesses Petite. Glad that you were safe.

    Pairing should be easy Sandy. Sorry you had to make an extra trip to the Apple store to get it resolved.

    I don’t drink coffee. When my old 4-cup Mr Coffee broke Christmas Eve 15 years ago, I ran out to CVS and purchased a coffee maker that they had available. I’m not sure of the brand. It makes 10 cups. I trot it out whenever I have people over who drink coffee. DD tells me what kind of coffee to buy.(medium blend something), so at least the coffee won’t taste bad.

    Sure wish I had my old sears can opener Illinois.

    Good to see you back online Chris.

    I had an MRI of my hand Thursday afternoon . They wanted me to lay on my stomach, but with the implants, it was too uncomfortable. So I laid on my back with my left arm stretched overhead. My rheumatologist ordered it to see if I had any deterioration. Nothing major showed up on the MRI and my blood work was unremarkable (other than my ANA). So she’ll probably keep me on my current medication. I also had a chest X-ray, which was also normal. More tests coming up.

    Today I attended my monthly cancer support group. We had two speakers today. The first person, taught us chair yoga for the first hour. Really enjoyed it. There’s a place in town that offers it, but I think I can probably find it on YouTube. The next person was an integrated health coach. She offers some really good services - health gaps for those who need the services. I feel like I’ve got my self care and medical care situation in good shape. Really enjoyed today’s meeting.

    An overcast, rainy day today. A good inside day. Tomorrow evening we’re going to listen to a Linda Ronstadt tribute band. DH was lucky enough to see her in concert.

    Have a wonderful evening.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Chris, so glad to see you back! Glad you were able to get your laptop back! I am interested in why you think you have histoplasmosis. My uncle died of it before I was born and his case was written up in the medical journals. For my entire childhood, my parents blamed it on a cat he took in. When I was in college, I asked the veterinarian from Merk, Sharp and Dohme about it, showed him the medical journal write up, and he said it was much more likely he got it from a cow than a cat. How would you have gotten it? I am also wondering why you were worried about conversation during transportation to a medical appointment? Simply say you aren't feeling well and aren't in the mood for conversation. I hope you get your scan and get good results!

    Petite, I am deathly afraid of tornados! I am so sorry your community is dealing with so much destruction!

    Puffin, I am so happy you could celebrate your birthday with your father! How lucky you are! He certainly doesn't look like he is in his 90's! I would love to have even one hour with my father again! He and my mom would be 103 if they were still alive.

    Carole, I am adopting you and your husband as my role models! I can't believe you are both in your 80's! I love that you are both so active and live life to its fullest! Also, glad you got your AC fixed! I love NOLA, love the food!

    Illinois, so glad your tree was removed. I too am fascinated at how quickly and efficiently they can bring down a tree! We have had three large trees removed and most of our neighbors have too. I miss the shade, but glad not to worry during storms. I hope you are feeling better. I have a battery operated can opener like you described. It is the second in as many years. I was disappointed that my other one broke almost a year to the day I got it! I thought it just needed new batteries, but it was broken!

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833
    edited October 2023

    Our grandparents had a farm, and his brother had an adjoining farm. I was told the offending animals were pigeons. I am sure the spots have not changed.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    I'll forget if I leave it for tomorrow, but we drink all medium roast coffee here. Usually Folgers although for many yrs. I wouldn't touch anything but Uban. I find the dark roasts always taste just slightly bitter to me and the light breakfast roasts just don't have much kick.

    I do put Kalua creamer in my coffee now. Used to drink it black.

    As for Kalua I have a funny story about that. Yrs. and yrs. ago now when I was separated from my first husband (we knew we were divorcing), I dated a man for a bit over a yr. He knew how to make homemade Kalua and made some for me. He brought it over on a Saturday morning and told me I could try it, but that I needed to let it set in the fringe after that. We always went dancing at a local bar on Saturday nights.

    Well, I tried it, wasn't sure so I tried a bit more. By the time my date picked me up I had drunk all of it. We went out that night and I had my customary number of drinks — maybe 8 or so. It was closing time and I needed to use the ladies' room first. You might know there was a huge line. I did the best I could but barely made it in before the diarrhea hit. All that green Kalua I drank all through the day caught up with me. I had to leave my underwear in the bathroom wastebasket. WE can leave it at that. John and I laughed about it later but he never made any more Kalua for me. I also was keenly aware I was walking around with no underwear on which was a first for me. I really had no wish for a repeat performance either. It was highly embarrassing, and I needed a bottle of 'Pouf' for that bathroom as well.

    My can opener is electric as was the first one. First one lasted five or 6 yrs. Hoping this one will as well. They cost a bit more but are easy to operate and I did get tired of cutting my hands at times on the sharp lids. Also, I sometimes (when only using some of the can contents, can put the lid back on and store in my fridge to use in a day or two.

    Card, glad the test on your hand turned out all right. This is a testing and seeing Dr.'s month for me (mainly since some things had to be put off that were due to come a bit earlier in the yr.) so I'm hoping once I get through everything that the next several months will have me seeing less and less of Dr.'s.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    I am switching from 2-3 cups of coffee in the morning to none— but a few small cups of chai in the morning. Preparing the concentrated spices and tea the day before is pleasant. Cleaned out the coffee grinder for ues with spices.

    I have used the replaceable lids can openers for several years. Much better. I have an electric one, but the manual one keeps working.

  • lilyfrombeppu
    lilyfrombeppu Member Posts: 29

    Cardplayer : I was interested to read about the MRI of your hand since I had the same thing 3 weeks ago.  I had to lie on my stomach with one arm stretched forward into the machine.  I had 4 level Anterior Cervical Discectomy Fusion surgery 3 months ago and although I was able to turn my neck, it was extremely painful to maintain that position for that length of time.  I wasn’t offered the option of lying on my back. That would have made a big difference!  It turns out that I have a partial ligament tear in my forefinger in my dominant hand (of course).  

    Hi to everyone else!  I read all these posts every day  and try to keep up with how everyone is doing, but it’s more than I can manage to respond regularly.  I care!

    I got that cold that is going around here (tested negative for Covid, flu and strep) and it took 2 weeks to get back to normal.  I had to reschedule the PT for my neck and now I've added OT for my finger.  

    Oh, by the way, my cervical fusion is doing so well that I don’t have to see the doctor for a year!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    lilyfrombeppu, how interesting there are two of you here with the same ailment and apparently happening very close to each other. Sure, hope it is not too tedious getting everything working together.

    Glad you can at least read and keep up with us. When you feel better you can then just jump in again.

    Sorry you have that cold but if you had to get something, likely it was better the cold than Covid.

    Take care and we all send healing hugs.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 290

    So much here since my last visit - I really need to come more often. MM - I have really appreciated your description of your "philosophy of life and death." I find myself getting very annoyed with all the articles about "how to life longer." How about living with more joy for whatever time one has. I fully expected to be a widow before I was 60, and have tried to treat each day since then as a gift. I pay attention to my health but try not to obsess about it.

    Karen, I knew Israel was "home" for your daughter. I just was under the impression that she had left earlier, probably because of her trip to see her sister. Is her flight still planned or being postponed again? I'm certain it will be hard for you when she is able to go.

    Happy belated birthday, Petite. How nice you were able to celebrate with your Dad. Don't imagine that many of us still have one living.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Good morning! I see some blue sky, but thought it was supposed to rain. Looks like it will be a gorgeous day!

    Had an early dinner with my DS's and BIL's and Dh last night at a local German Restaurant. It was nice, food was exceptional, but long downhill walk into the restaurant was daunting for my husband and BIL who have difficulty walking. We won't be going there again for that reason. Always nice to get together, but this gathering was on the anniversary of my nephew's passing. It has been two years and still very hard on my DS who misses her son terribly.

    Sandy, I felt sorry for your phone woes. I hate switching phones. I am definitely technology challenged. DH and I have Apple SE's and I have no desire to get the upgraded 15. Nope, don't need it, don't want it! My SE gives me sufficient aggravation.

    taco, I agree that life is to be lived and not worry about what lies ahead. I also agree with whoever mentioned not taking a lot of pictures because it distracts from living in the moment! I once went to hear a friend's band play and video taped the whole thing. Afterwards I felt I didn't get to enjoy any of it. Never recorded an event again.

    Why does each and every US news station feel the need to send their reporters to dangerous sites where there are already capable local reporters? Stupidity in real time! Israel, Gaza, hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, fires, you name it, they all send their reporters as if those areas need more people using up precious resources!

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Sounds like an interesting date Illinois. That’d keep me from drinking kalua. Yikes! I hope your tests this month go well.

    lilyfrombeppu - A partial tear sounds painful. I had OT for trigger finger two years ago. I wasn’t too bad. They did paraffin wax treatment first, which was quite nice and the exercises weren’t too painful. Hope you feel better.

    A breezy, overcast day. Good day to watch football. Then out tonight. Have a wonderful day ladies.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Since the beginning of time, never has there been another with my mind,
    my heart, my eyes, my ears, my hands, my hair, my mouth.  None that came
    before, none that live today, and none that come tomorrow can walk and
    talk and move and think exactly like me.  All people are my brothers
    and sisters yet I am different from each.  I am a unique creature.

    Og Mandino

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    We will have to see what the day brings. We have some overcast skies, but some sun peeking through. I hope that means that yesterday's non-rain but lots of mist will not be happening. Hope the sun gets out a bit stronger. I think we may warm a little again tomorrow or next day. Not sure, but last week ( in fact tree cutting day) felt like maybe it could have been last day of Indian summer. I hope I'm wrong and it is still coming. We will have to wait and see.

    Slept a little late this morning, but I'll get my sea legs soon. That may mean a trip to my favorite Sunday morning store — Goodwill. It has become a habit, but as habits go, I don't think a bad one. It does keep me exchanging things somewhat. Of course, I'm laughing at myself. I have to get to the point where I'm doing more than just exchanging — I need to lighten the load. My sense of balance is a bit skewered. Sometimes we don't change all that much. I think it was Popeye who said " I yam' who I yam" or something akin to that.

    Going to try cooking my chicken in the oven in butter. Recipe says it is crispier and juicer than when done in a skillet on the stove. We shall see. Of course, I use no salt and un-salted butter, but it's okay.

    I don't really carry my cell phone much. It is my first ????swipe phone which I resisted as strongly as possible. Only reason I went for it is the available 'flip' phones were not like my first one of those. I would carry it if I was going somewhere alone in my car, but otherwise it sits on the end-table and dh clears it of "junk" every morning. I'm fairly hopeless with electronic gadgetry. Anything can be conquered if you really desire or NEED to. I just never had the energy or desire and now being the 'older' dog that I am I'm even less inclined. I think it is enough for me to be able to just call for help if needed and not be tied to a phone to operate my life. No offense to people who are proficient. I do admire that, but it is just not me.

    I hope you all have a great Sunday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886
    edited October 2023

    Just for fun:

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Illinois, I Love that picture/saying! I am going to remember that! I forgot to say I also got a kick out of your Kulua story!

    I put a hamloaf in the oven. It is a family favorite of my DH and is a family recipe. I only made it once before, but I didn't know it wasn't supposed to be shaped like a meatloaf, but rather the ham/ground beef mixture is spread in a roasting pan, then the sauce is poured on top and spread out to cover all of it. I can tell by the smell that it should be delicious!.

    Cardplayer, we are watching football today too. I am really looking forward to watching the Phillies tomorrow night. How many Diamondback fans are here? I know many on here are from AZ.

    Karen, I am secretly hoping your DD can't get a flight home to Israel. Sorry, but I can't imagine life will be anywhere close to norma there for a very long time. I doubt classes have resumed as normal and with so many of her friends called back into service, it is not the same home she left.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2023

    We won't talk about football today.

    Pairing a new iPhone (fully restored from its predecessor's cloud backup) with an existing Apple Watch should be easy—as it was for my three previous iPhones and two Apple Watches. But the 15 series runs on the new iOS 17, and the update that solved the rapid-charge and overheating problems caused this further glitch. It's not just me: one of the "Geniuses" at the Apple Store had it happen to her and many other customers.

    I fondly remember a time when the "Genius Bar" was an actual long counter where you sat on one side while a tech (in a special T-shirt identifying them as such) stood or sat behind it—answering your questions, investigating the hardware or software problem, and either fixing or sending it to Apple's repair facility (which shipped it back to you in less than a week, sometimes overnight, problem solved). Techs were techs, sales people were salespeople, checkout clerks were checkout clerks. Nowadays AppleStores are total fusterclucks. Crowded, no actual Genius Bar nor checkout desk; all employees are "Geniuses" (all wearing the same T-shirt) standing around, iPads in hand, multitasking as salespeople, techs and cashiers ("ringing you up" via their handheld devices). Noisy, crowded—and the more people in there, the weaker and slower the store's wi-fi signal, which my assigned "Genius" (handed off to me by the first "Genius") said was responsible for the insanely slow WatchOS update's download & install. The only reason I didn't try to rectify my problem by calling AppleCare (as with my computer, whose screen can be "mirrored" by the support tech) was that I needed step by step guidance, and visual observation of glitches; and explanations for them and either reassuring or suggesting alternative steps.

    AppleCare's phone-call techs all used to be based in America, speaking clearly understandable English; but lately I get someone obviously "offshored" just as with credit card, cable TV, or assignment customer-support techs.

    The Golden Age of service died half a decade ago, replaced by DIY.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Sandy, what you say is soooo true. Many times (over relatively simple things) we need to call Hulu, Amazon Prime or whatever (usually something with streaming lately) and we have found we need to almost always have two of us on the call. It is voices from we are not sure where with accents that often have us looking at each other and asking if either of us knows what was said or asked.

    We can usually find enough patience to hang in until we complete the call and "fix" our issue but sometimes its a real exercise in frustration. Sigh !!!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    MM - I'm sorry but I have not polite words to describe my feelings to your most inappropriate response. You are welcome to your feelings.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130
    edited October 2023

    Karen, an outsider's point of view—I don't think MM meant any insult. Sorry you are offended. Trying to be a peace keeper here.

    On can openers, I use a good manual can opener and have no need for an electric model.

    Yesterday dh and I worked all day in the woodworkers tent at the Wooden Boat Festival. The woodworkers make small parts and children file through and pick boat parts for each woodworker to assemble into the child's self-designed boat. My job is to install masts with colored sails on those boats that have a sail or sails. Dh was chuckling about one little girl who was dressed all in pink. DH commented that pink must be her favorite color. She said yes. "My underwear is pink, too," she added.

    We both were exhausted last night and today I have a back ache. There wasn't enough help and I worked nonstop but don't understand why my back was affected. I deliberately parked my car in a location that required a good walk both ways and walking didn't bother me. Oh, well, hopefully Tylenol Arthritis will do the trick.

    Nothing on my schedule today except an annual checkup with my kidney specialist. I'll have to miss the senior exercise class but wouldn't be able to attend anyway with the back ailment.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833
    edited October 2023

    If you and your ancestors prayed yearly for 2000 years on one of their highest holidays that they would be in Jerusalem the next year, that would be offensive.

    Similarly, many of the best journalists sign up for hazardous duty when they enter that profession. If some die, that is part of the job, just as for soldiers and disaster relief workers.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Karen, I am so sorry to have offended you, as a mother, I just wanted your daughter to be safe. I will take a break from BCO as it probably isn't a good thing to share with people I really don't know.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,545
    edited October 2023

    Mavericksmom, no need to take a break. It is often difficult in writing to understand the nuances. It happens, and just warrants further conversations and clarifications. It's such a difficult and tragic situation for so, so many. We are all here to support each other wherever we are.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606

    MM - no reason to leave. I'm the mother and its between my DD and her dad and I. We all know its a difficult situation there but we know what is best for our family. Sorry to be harsh, but when I read the post to my daughter she was upset as well. I'm sensitive to criticism, which is how I perceived your comments.

    I will stay away from the topic of Israel and the war, including her travel plans/arrangements. I hope this is the end of the discussion and I apologize for any hurt feelings