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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,545

    Karen, please feel free to share with people whatever you feel comfortable. We all of course make decisions for our families based on our history and needs. There are many moms here, and we all think about the well-being of our children from our personal perspective. We hope that your daughter, and everyone's children, remain safe, wherever they are.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    I choose gentleness.  Nothing is won by force.  I choose to be gentle.
    If I raise my voice may it be only in praise.  If I clench my fist, may it
    be only in prayer.  If I make a demand, may it be only of myself.

    Max Lucado

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    I am so sorry this happened. I am usually a great one to phrase things in a way that causes the wrong kind of interpretation and then I do my best to apologize. It is difficult sometimes to sort out the 'real' thought that created something that could be misconstrued but this group of women are all great women in my book and I pray we can just pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and go on — like we have had to do millions of times already.

    Likely not surprising with so much turmoil in life (mothers seem quite prone with being generally the major ones creating home life, work life, rearing children and caring for our elderly family — not to mention stressing at times for all the others) and then we have breast cancer.

    Can't tell you how many times my mind raced ahead while I typed almost as fast, and I meant something in what seemed such a kind concerned way and found later that the written words did not actually convey the TRUE essence at all of what I felt at the time.

    Because I am poor at times with words and their concepts - here is what George Eliot has to say:

    “A friend is one to whom one may pour out the contents of one’s heart, chaff and grain together, knowing that gentle hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping, and with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away.” — George Eliot

    May we always be able to do this.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    So, you get two for the price of one today. I am on quite late since I had to go early to my appt. with PCP today. Only to Mt. Vernon this time but we had a great visit — nothing changed. Some of my sugar numbers were off slightly but one of the heart meds causes a sugar spill, so PCP is not concerned. They really weren't high anyway and other numbers were all well within normal range.

    This is going to happen again since I have to go on Friday morning to Marion V.A. Hospital to have my Echogram. So I'll be here late that day as well. I will get the results of that test on he 25th. when I'll see the Cardiologist for the results.

    In the meantime, I had some more blood drawn (somehow, they missed the CBC counts) and Dh and I had both our shots. Flu and covid. Since I've had so much done on the left (three sentinel nodes out from there yrs. ago) plus the bad break and the ICD insertion both shots were put in my right arm. It is really sore this afternoon and aches a bit on top of my shoulder, but it will only hurt for a little while. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Actually that is generally how things go with me. Going to be interesting tonight as since my broken arm (I think almost three yrs. ago now) I've pretty much only slept on the right side. Here's hoping.

    I hope you all have a beautiful day and happiness keeps landing on your shoulder to surprise you.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    Mammogram and ultrasound were this afternoon. Mammo on left breast, lx breast, was painful. I could feel some panic but all turned out well. They said they’ll see me in a year! They had a goodie bag for me too - “hope” pink bag with nail files in it, a few candies and a chip bag clip with BC sayings on it.

    The painter will be here tomorrow for the upstairs hall ceiling, including going down the stairwell- including my 6” baseboard. So a little while ago I got an old dish towel nice and soapy with hot water to clean the baseboards. No fun but necessary. Amazing how dirty they were (hate to admit!), but it was fast and I’m done.

    We had wanted to redo our bedroom - take down wallpaper, pull up carpet, and paint the entire room. After Ireland, during the summer, my partner said it was just too stressful trying to empty it between vacations and possible visitors staying. I agreed, so it’s been put off another year (back from FL in May).

    HUGS for all of us! We deserve them.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 940

    Been MIA of late due to moving but we're here in NC and getting settled. All the fuss and stress nd exertion has stirred up rashes and an itchy scalp and other minor woes. I've had an autoimmune ailment for nearly 40 years so using OTC treatment and watchful waiting. I've had no flare-up to speak of in about 15 years so I'm hoping this is all stress induced.

    I read much more than post but appreciate the caring, support (and quotes!) Of everyone here. Know that I think of you all and send prayers as well for the various difficulties everyone shares.

    Here's a beautiful beach sky in fall.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    I had good feedback on my blood work yesterday from Dr. Brown, the kidney dr. Why do I find her specialty so difficult to remember? Everything was good and normal and I see her again in a year. Before I return I will have an ultrasound of the kidneys, done every 5 years.

    I did floor stretches for my back pain yesterday and took Tylenol Arthritis. It is much better today. I will do more stretches, which I should do daily. I had already refused on golf today because of the back. Instead I will do some yard work.

    I feel bad for my old Ethan Allan chair which I replaced after 30 years. DH and I carried it out to the street along with our two large suitcases for street shoppers. The suitcases disappeared but the chair remains there. It's old-fashioned looking and the color is peach but surely someone out there could use it. It was very expensive in its day and still has some use left. This is the first time an item placed by the street hasn't been taken. No, the second time. There was one other item, a large net for practicing hitting golf balls. I doubt lookers could figure out what it was for.

    Thanks to the moderators for their efforts to smooth over the situation with MM and Karen. MM, I hope you continue to participate and, Karen, thank you for reaching out to MM. We all mean well here and try to support one another.

    Wishing all a good Tuesday.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    Good morning. It is cool this morning, 47 degrees. Probate is finally winding down. I go to the attorney this afternoon to sign the real estate deeds. Yay!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Service is closer to generosity than it is to duty. It connects us to one another and to life itself. When we experience our connectedness, serving others becomes the natural and joyful thing to do. Over the long run, fixing and helping are draining but service is renewing. When you serve, your work itself will sustain you, renew you, and bless you, often over many years.   -Rachel Naomi Remen

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Reader it is good to hear from you. Really glad you are getting settled in in North Carolina. I have a BIL and SIL that live in Salisbury. BIL was a diplomat specializing in international law. He married a lady from North Carolina and after his many yrs. of service that is where he retired. He has always loved it there.

    I do hope your right and your present issues are mainly the rigors of having to move. Never very easy at the best of times. Hope as well that OTC remedies will get everything in check.

    Carole, hopefully it won't rain, and someone will "find" your chair after all. Not sure if peach would fit everyone's color schemes and the hold-up may be something just that simple.

    Your concern for all of us staying connected is to be cherished. It has been a rugged world the last few yrs. and sticking a war in right now sure ups the stress. Age and health concerns and some iffy future outlooks and I believe we all need each other more than ever. Hopefully it will all work out.

    Petite Yay indeed. Forever has finally arrived and it is wonderful to not have to continue to consider this issue. I'm glad you will have the freedom to do what you feel needs to be done because your property is now yours legally w/o encumbrance. It would definitely rate as time for a Blizzard from DQ or something.

    Nothing going on today. I was able to sleep just fine last night. Based on the exact spots she put the shots, I had no discomfort laying on my right side. I did get up while it was still dark though and move out to the living room and my recliner. In the early morn I start waking and having to go — and this will happen four or five times. After the fourth time of struggling up I chose to end the struggle and use my recliner for the rest of my sleep, Took a bit to get back to sleep, but it worked.

    I'm sort of a ninny and could take a couple of aspirin, but I'm not good about too many pills and I do tend to tough out all but the 'worst' aches. Well, if I get tired of it later today. Well see.

    In the meantime, the PCP Nurse called me and asked if I could stay in Marion a bit extra and have a CT scan of my chest to check on nodule and aneurysm while I'm there for the echocardiogram. No problem. The CT won't take long so even though I'll stay longer than I wanted — this should be an at least yearly test since I was released from the Pulmonologist. Hopefully nothing much has changed.

    Hope you all have a good day. Sun here so far. I know it's cool out as the furnace keeps coming on.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Lost my post. Let see if I can recall what I wrote….

    Enjoy your new home reader.

    I’m sure you’re glad to be done with probate petite.

    Glad you got good feedback from the doctor Carole. Has anyone taken the chair?

    Illinois - I hope all of your testing goes smoothly.

    I had a wonderful sound bath earlier in the day. It washed all my anxiety away - for a little while. After lunch, DH and I took our usual 2 mile walk. It’s been breezy and overcast, but upper 50s. Still felt cold to me. Then I spent a hour or so looking at the updated Medicare drug plans. I’ve had the same one for the last 3 years, but looks like I’ll be selecting a new one for 2024. I’ll stay with my health plan since I’ve been happy with the coverage.

    I hope everyone is doing well. I guess I’ll root for the Phillies since they have several x-Nationals on their team. Enjoy your evening.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302
    edited October 2023

    Phillies rule in my house! I’m upstairs watching Frasier and I can tell how well they do based on shouts of joy from downstairs partner.

    Painter was fast, and I’m super satisfied. Everything is bright and clean. We’re both glad he was able to complete everything in one visit.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2023

    Went to podiatrist today for followup on the nail-removal he had to do on my broken toe last month. It healed well, and the new nail is beginning to grow in. He was able to shave off quite a bit of the calllused plantar wart at its tip. Stings a bit, but I can change the dressing tomorrow. Says I should wait to fix the bunion until it really, really bothers me; and also that the custom orthotics were doing me (and my ankle) more harm than good. I don't have to see him again unless there's another injury,

    Tomorrow is my heme-onc appt. Had the bloodwork drawn last Wed., and there doesn't seem to be any change. But the other day a painless bruise popped up on my arm, seemingly out of nowhere. Hope it's just aging. Will also ask her why I'm anemic again (as well as low MCHC & ferritin levels) and what I can do about it. Maybe more red meat and less fish? More leafy greens…but if I get as much calcium as my endocrinologist wants me to, that can interfere with iron absorption. I guess I should have learned by now that there is no such thing as a perfect solution to everything…maybe anything.

    After going through my bra drawer and realizing the newest one is almost four years old—and with my weight fluctuating so much that I have to use band extenders again on some of them—I went bra-shopping. First I hit the new Third Love boutique, reasoning that maybe the reason I couldn't get any of theirs to fit me was that I needed a human fitter, not just an online chart. No luck—they don't carry my cup size and the bands were either too loose or tight. Then I went to the store—Bras Galore—that worked so well back in 2020 and found it was taken over by a Detroit chain called Busted. It has a much smaller inventory and carries fewer lines. The fitter at Bras Galore knew exactly what to pick by looking at what I was wearing and how well or poorly it fit; at Busted, just like Third Love, a less-experienced salesperson used a tape measure. I was able to find a couple bras that fit and looked good, albeit not in the colors I wanted. Might have to bite the bullet and go back to Rigby & Peller ($$$), which used to be Intimacy and whose fitters didn't need tape measures. So tomorrow evening I'll be weeding out the old bras (a couple of which go back to 2008) to make room for the new ones (was able to go online to HerRoom and find the ones today that fit in the colors I wanted…well, for the most part).

    I am trying to resist buying any new clothes, but am reluctant to unearth the larger stuff I stored away after losing weight. At least I don't have to hit the plus-size stuff…yet.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    The chair is gone. So are the tops of trees in the azalea beds. I got quite a bit done yesterday and dh didn't even notice the piles of young tree tops when he got home from golf. I've been guilty of not "noticing" things myself.

    When I was outside, I noticed my neighbor Linda out in her yard. I have a 2 acre property and she has a 1 acre lot so we aren't as close as subdivision neighbors. I walked over and we chatted. She wanted me to go inside her house and see a picture taken when she and her dh, now deceased, made a trip to Ireland. We went through her garage, which was full of empty bins. Her garage had been full of "stuff" since they moved in 30 years ago. They had to park their car in the driveway. A couple of friends had helped her empty the bins. I don't know what they did with the contents.

    Inside her house was a scene of piles of papers and "stuff" everywhere. Every surface was full of pictures and whatever. I thought my house was bad, needing things put away but my house is orderly compared to hers. She couldn't find the photo in all the piles.

    My back is much improved thanks to the stretches. I plan to go to senior exercise class today at 11:30. I also plan to clean and straighten the house, room by room. Visiting Linda's house inspired me. LOL.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Life's lessons come through failures probably more than successes. Through our failures we learn humility. We learn to look to others for help and guidance. We learn how to let others fail, too. We fail because we are human. When we no longer fear failure, we are free to attempt greater feats. We dare to learn more, and life is fuller for it--not just our own lives, but the lives that we touch. unattributed

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Starting out cool as usual, but a lovely sunshiny day. Fall is soooo here. Hope soon someone gets out the mowers to mulch the leaves out of the yard and 'catch' stray tall grass here and there.

    Carole, your neighbor sounds a little hmmmm. Also, I was taken with your reaction which is so like mine. I get inspired to get busy, but so far, seems every time I do something comes along to show me down to the point of forgetting the "inspiration". Here's hoping soon I get over that terrible hump. I keep up around here but it is nothing to get excited about that's for sure.

    Need to make our trek to Walmart for groceries. Wow !! No matter how careful I try to be seemed like I don't much get out of the store for under $100.00. I generally do have to include some cleaning supplies, but they are not many and not too often. I know things go up, but I still almost hate going — just knowing the caution I have to exercise. We don't have to get paper goods since our friend got us paper supplies in bulk when they went to Costco last time. That is what really gets to me — what I don't have to buy and I still can't seem to leave the store w/o being over. Sigh!!

    Hope you all have a really good day.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    My bloodwork results were posted to my portal today. My A1C went down, but my cholesterol went up - but ratio 3.3:1 is still good. Dr notes exercise can help lower cholesterol. Everything else is good, in normal ranges.

    I’ve got a pile of books, from last years clear out to paint upstairs bedrooms, stored on the front porch. We haven’t looked at them once. I may start to move them out, under the cover of darkness so partner doesn’t lay claim to keep them.

    Talking about clothes in different sizes, I let my larger sizes go quite a while ago. I ran into Kohl’s with coupon, intent on deals in clearance on summer clothes to take to Florida. Well I saw a pair of shorts that would have been $5-$6, vs $36 in season, but I thought they’re going to be big on me. I tried them on and they are NOT big on me. Surprised, not real happy they fit, but I do now have a new pair of shorts to take to FL.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    Illinois - hope you’re doing well. Fall has arrive here too. I miss the sun. It’s been overcast for too long. At least today it was less breezy.

    Carole - sounds like your neighbor is hoarding stuff. Is it a fire hazard? Glad your back is better.

    Sandy - glad your bra shopping was successful. Hope your checkup with the heme-onc goes well.

    Cindy - Glad Philly won. I got my cholesterol to go down by taking Salmon Oil. My rheumatologist suggested it to help with aches and pains. It didn’t help my aches and pains, but I noticed my cholesterol went down. I make DH take it and it’s helped lower his numbers too. Exercise helps too.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Have a nice evening.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    My heme-onc is very happy with the "monogam" panel (no change) and (by & large) the CBC. I asked about the anemia (hemoglobin back down to 11.7) and she pointed out in a graph that I've been hovering on either side of 12 since I had radiation back in Nov. 2015. She says that the numbers don't suggest iron deficiency or a GI bleed (my hematocrit is w/in normal limits), and this is probably my "new normal." She says I don't have to see her till this time next year, unless my bloodwork goes blooey &/or I feel fatigued beyond the usual "blahs." She also says that (for continuity's sake) rather than go with a new neuro at N.Shore (I was supposed to see mine last week but she left the system & moved to U of I Health), I should contact my neuro at U of I Health (with which I already have a patient-portal account because that's where I see my ocular-onc ).

    My endocrinologist wants me to do a Vitamin D level, but Kellogg cancer center's lab can't do it (they will draw only oncologist-ordered labs). They sent me to N.Shore's lab at their Lincolnwood office—but they closed their lab because they were down to a single tech; they sent me to their Niles office. (I was headed that way to get gas & Halloween candy at Costco). Got there, the phlebotomist found a vein…but couldn't get enough blood out of it because I'm dehydrated; I admitted I hadn't drunk enough water yesterday or today. Here's the thing, though: everywhere I go I need to make a beeline for the restroom because after my UTI I was warned never to "hold it in." I drank 24 oz. in the car on the way home (4 oz. on the way to Kellogg). Another 24 oz. tonight (not because I'm thirsty—which I'm not—but because I should). Seems I'm always going to the bathroom, at least every hour or two. I hope it's not a harbinger of T2DM or another UTI.

    Bought 22 lbs. of candy at Costco—we have a migrant-family shelter in the neighborhood so we're expecting more kids than usual this Halloween.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130

    After a lapse of 5 months, I'm enjoying the senior exercise classes at the gym, which is a YMCA. We're fortunate to have three good instructors, all a little different. This afternoon I hope to go to chair yoga for the first time since our return. We join an Anytime Fitness gym in MN but the only class is a little too strenuous for me. It involves floor work.

    Today I have an appointment for a hair trim. I could go another week but I schedule the appointments every 5 weeks in advance.

    MM, how are things with you? Same question to Karen and Chris and others who aren't posting. I hope all of you are doing well.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Do not abandon trust when your ego thinks things should be different than they are. It is better to embrace trust when darkness is present, knowing that light will follow. Begin to look for the lesson in darkness rather than cursing it. Trust allows you simply to observe the dark and unhappy times rather than identifying totally with those aspects of your life.   -Wayne Dyer

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Sun it out so hopefully we will have a nice Fall Day. Sun should warm up any coolness. Reminding everyone that I'll be gone early tomorrow — and going to Marion V.A. for tests. The people there worked in an extra test for me, but it means I won't turn around after the first one and come home.

    Likely will have some lunch and then the CT. It will be quick, but still after I'd be home if I could from the first test which is around 10a.m. Grrr. Good to get the second test done through and glad I won't have to make a second trip to Marion. We have to turn up there enough as is.

    Carole, I have to make an appt. for a haircut as well. I put a reminder on my calendar and then call Beth. If I let her make the appt. for me weeks in advance somehow, I always seem to miss them. I think it is because even though I mark my calendar, I have a habit of not looking at it until the day comes — and usually past the time of most appts. That is one of those little issues I have noticed about myself that I'm trying to work on. Only started I think when the load of medical things caused me to finally retire much earlier than I intended.

    I hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    I went to PCP today. Thyroid TS4 was low and Cholesterol was high. He was not concerned about me shrinking. He said it makes me too cute. I told him first time I met him, his wife and his children, 26 years ago, they were "too cute." We got a laugh out of that. So, waiting for the bone density scan on Nov. 2. I also had grief support group today. It was good. We talked about what we have done good for ourselves since our spouses died. The similarities were amazing. Nothing planned for Friday, other than laundry.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Member Posts: 2,051

    I saw the Orofacial Pain Specialist today. It’s a 70 mile drive from my home, but I give myself extra time since part of the drive is on the DC area beltway. Made it there with enough time to eat a quick yogurt in the car. She fitted me with a new retainer and then sent me on my way. The beltway on the way home was backed up, but I was only in the backup a short time before hitting the toll road home.

    Sandy - sounds like a real run around to get blood work. Glad things are normal for you though. Hope you don’t have another UTI.

    Chair yoga sounds fun Carole. I tried it for the first time this weekend at support group. Just a sample. Enjoy your new exercise routine.

    Glad your PCP has a sense of humor Petite. I once complained to my PCP that I was taking taking too much medication. His response was that I had too many things wrong with me. Sorry to hear you're shrinking.

    Illinois - I hope your appointment tomorrow goes well and that you get good results.

    I hope everyone is doing well. We had a beautiful fall day today. The sun finally came out. DH and I took our walk around the neighborhood and enjoyed the fall colors. This is a tree in our neighbors yard. Really pretty colors. Enjoy your evening.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,886

    Cardplayer, that tree is gorgeous. It is what makes Fall so welcome. Just a shame those beautiful colors don't last a wee bit longer. During winter the road through our park is closed — but thank goodness they do not close until all the trees have put on their Fall/Autumn best display.

    Even I often take the way home using the road through the park. Glad you are still enjoying your walks. I had hoped to walk more but didn't get to it. Ups and downs for the whole family and some rotten weather in the middle. We don't get the deep reds normally till our first good frost which hasn't happened yet.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    It sounds like everyone is doing ok and dealing with drs as they come along.

    Our trees in the area have already peaked, next is the raking. Today we set the mower to 1, with the bagger on, to vacuum up long pine needles. We had 3 full bags. Within minutes the yard was full again with pine cones and more dead needles. It was beautiful out, 65 full sun, great day.

    I also went to the foot dr to get my new orthotics. I can’t remember if I whined to you ladies before about having to buy size 9 sneakers. Anyway, it all worked out. The orthotics fit well, size 9 and all.

    We were able to grill salmon tonight, with my nieces for dinner. Soon, too soon, I won’t want to be out there. Dark & cold are knocking in the door. We’re expecting rain over the next 5 days. UGH.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Member Posts: 290

    Fall - what's that? It's been over 100 every day this week. Expecting a cool-down next week - maybe mid-80's. Loving the pics of the fall colors in your neighborhoods though.

    DH is a Diamondbacks fan. Can't say I've ever really gotten into baseball but he enjoys it. I'm usually reading a book but this afternoon's 9th inning was exciting.

    Saw my BS yesteray. I discovered a bruise (about 3 inches in diameter) and a lump in my non-surgical breast about 10 days ago. Needless to say, anxiety set in. She was impressed with the bruise (Ken said he could see her eyes get wider) but thinks the lump is just related to it. Did an ultrasound and will do another one in 5 weeks. It was literally 7 years ago that I was called in for a second mammogram and ultrasound. The rest is history.

    If you're looking for a "think about" book, I recommend "Our Missing Hearts" by Celeste Ng. Good book club discussion.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,286

    Good morning. I have started the first load of laundry and it is too dark for my morning walk. Today I need to pick up a prescription and get with Charles Schwab to get DH's account out of "Estate of" and into my name. They have been complicated to work with, so I am sure this will be as well. I think I will call my friends and plan to go out this evening. Hope everyone has a pleasant day.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,302

    My eyes are still dilated from my exam this morning, still big as saucers. I hate getting them dilated so early in the day. Wrecks my whole day.

    It was drizzling when I left to go, and raining full bore by time I got out. Damp cool day.

    Hoping we all have a good day!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2023

    Drank another 24 oz. of water yesterday. Went to Evanston Hosp.'s lab for the Vit. D level—"Lady Dracula" hit the vein first try and it was a gusher. Had I been fasting, I would have told her to go ahead and draw another tube for a lipid panel (ordered by the wgt. mgmt. NP, but since I'd had breakfast too recently the results would've been inaccurate (LDL likely too high). Will try that next week. Got the D result last night: dead-bang normal, right in the middle of the graph. No need to alter my vites.

    I've been having ear pain on the L while chewing. By process of elimination, we've determined it's my TMJ. Not an ear or sinus infection: normal temp, no toothache, neither swollen gum nor lymph nodes; there are "clicking" noises & grinding sensations when I move my jaw; and when I press on the joint while chewing there's no pain. The last time this happened was way back when I was a "3L" and I'd eaten a stale bagel right before a mock trial. So it's likely to go away. If not, I may have to do an Invisalign for my lower teeth.

    Last night was Bob's 74th birthday. Per his wish, the kids & I took him to Fogo de Chao Brazilian steakhouse. (Rained like crazy last night—tricky driving downtown). Hypercarnivorous—another reason to wait a week before doing a lipid panel.

    This morning was my appt. at the Subaru dealership to troubleshoot my misbehaving infotainment system (dunno if I'd described it before, but last year when the car was 9 yrs old it began suddenly turning off randomy—screen going black, sometimes after a loud "pop" and no audio). At first, it would reboot itself; then I'd be able to reboot it by pressing the "power" button knob; eventually, I could reboot it only by turning the engine off and restarting the car. Also found out that after its nav system kept routing me to roads that had since been reconfigured or no longer existed, the maps could no longer be updated (the mfr. stopped selling updates in 2021), so I had to use my phone for navigation. BUT with the random "crashes" (especially when I'd be on the highway unable to pull over to shut down), I was left with a phone I could access only manually, which is illegal in IL (and inadvisable anywhere). Its audio wouldn't play through a dead (or hibernating) system screen, and I was not about to go back to the days when we were all sporting Bluetooth hands-free earpieces—much less back to 1972, when my little econo-box lacked even an AM radio, I needed paper maps or a road atlas to navigate, and I'd drive around with a portable radio/cassette player on the passenger seat.

    Yesterday I called to make sure that my head-unit install appt. today was still on. After spending an hour yesterday trying to get a straight answer, I learned the guy who'd made the appt. last week was indeed blowing smoke out his butt and had no idea what he was talking about. The service mgr. told me to come in this morning and he'd troubleshoot. If he couldn't get the system to crash while testing it, he'd install the software/firmware update free of charge.

    Got there, he went through the troubleshooting and tried to install the update. Alas, no luck—the system rejected it (as I was warned last month it likely would). So they're ordering a new head unit, and will call me when it comes in. (Actually, a "refurb," as Subaru is no longer making them and there's only ONE new unused unit in the entire country). It won't have Apple CarPlay (Subaru didn't introduce it till the 2017 models), and I'd be shocked if its nav system could be updated. (I have Maps on my phone and a clip mount for it). But I am not willing to drive around without even a radio, much less hands-free phone capability. At $2300, it's a huge expense—but necessary for me. And at 46,000 miles and running like a top, it'd be stupid to trade it in. (I hope to wait till I can find a plug-in hybrid that also has four features my car lacks: blind spot monitors, cross-traffic alert, automatic crash notification and AEB with pedestrian alert…and Subaru no longer makes hybrids of any kind, just a new as-yet-untested EV, for which I lack a charger anyway).

    Our next-door neighbor bought a Hyundai Ioniq 6, which came with a free charger and discount installation, He also replaced his A/C & furnace with a heat pump (we have no ductwork), and is currently installing solar on both his home & garage roof. I wouldn't do the latter on a 15-yr-old roof; besides, before we do any of that we'll need new windows, re-paint inside & out, upgraded insulation, and (most critically) a new staircase to the 2d floor—as long ago as 2015 a CFD paramedic warned us, as it creaked while he carried Bob downstairs after a colonoscopy-gone-wrong, that it was in danger of collapsing. (Maybe a new garage too). All of that would probably cost north of $100K (which would allow us to sell for the half-million for which it was appraised)—and that wouldn't include the solar or EV charger. The kids don't want the house, and we may need to downsize to a condo anyway—like several households on our street are in the process of doing.