Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010

    OMG, Marybe you are too funny and I think you have found your spot here. I love the t-shirt and I need to get one!! By the way, you look gorgeous with your post-chemo hair. I was stunned today because something was tickling my neck-IT WAS MY HAIR!!!! I can actually pull on it with two fingers and I am so excited. OK, I still look like a 'chia pet,' My hair is sticking out straight and is completely white so it looks as though I have no hair at all. I completely lost my taste buds after chemo, although tonight I was able to REALLY TASTE some Rocky Road Ice Cream. OHHH, it was so good!! And yes, I did storm my old ONC's office and I have a new ONC but I was without any help for almost a month. My old ONC did not want to hear about my SE's. I thought it was me, but thanks to the women on this Board who told me that was NOT OK, I got a backbone and got another doctor. Thank goodness he explained (along with ONC from Chapel Hill) that I am taking 4 drugs that stop metabolism of Taxotere and my liver is not functioning to discard the waste from the Chemo. They say I am not a good candidate for Chemical Tx including the Tomoxifen and are suggesting a double mastectomy. This despite ONLY having stage IIa BC and 0 node involvement. I am still quite ill but thanks MB- I have had to keep a sense of humor or go completely bonkers. I wanted to do so much today because it was gorgeous outside (first 63 degree day) but I could only do a few errands. My stamina is gone completely. The puppies were so puzzled about "Mom why aren't we at the beach?" i bought them huge soup bones to naw on and I had to come home and sleep for four hours. This makes me so angry and frustrated that I can hardly stand it! I am hearing it can take up to a year to recover from Tax-and I do not know the longterm damage-my heart is doing wierd things and BP is very high all of the time now (like I need to be medicated for it) and I know I have serious nerve and ?Brain damage. AS I am beginning to get more with it, I am truly afraid of what chemo has done to me. I meet with Chapel Hill Docs next Friday to begin brain and Neuro testing.

    Kathleen, I am so sorry that you are running in circles and suffering consequences and SE's. You had MAJOR SURGERY and anesthesia and that alone, takes time to recoup. Please be gentle with yourself. You keep downplaying the "no cancer thing" but you are just as impacted as the rest of us. This is a truly frightening event in our lives and I think it changes us forever. Sweetie, I am just so sorry.  yeah we are all getting older, but i think that BC and whatever treatments affect us in a terrible way-particularly for the intellegent and hard driving women we are. Please take care and easy does it!!

    Jackie, I love you just as you are and there is no magic cure that will blast us back to our hardworking selves. Truly, knowing what I now know about treatment of BC, man-to be frank, the chemical treatments and SE's are brutal and appear to be longlasting. Is it worth it?

     I am just praying for all of us! I want to just be able to sit in the dirt with flower pots all around and repack my giant outdoor pots and load them with beautiful wild flowers!! I have so much work to do in the studio this week-end and I want to PLAY!! I have gotten a bunch of 'wild horse t-shirts' in XL for all of those interested in getting a present-MISS KITTY AND CB AND DAR AND ALYSON!! I have addresses for some gals, but if you want a free T, please PM you address to me. We all need to be spoiled rotten!! Sweet Dreams PODS! (((((HUGS)))SV

  • dotti
    dotti Member Posts: 14
    edited March 2010

    Sorry, my last post was meant for barb k, apologies for getting the wrong name. Definitely meant the lady with Lhasa Apsos

    Good vibes and hugs for all, Dotti 

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited March 2010
    I had an exciting time at bingo - arm itches and I push up my sleeve to scratch to find it covered in hives.   Drove myself to the ER and was immediately rushed in for shot of epinefrine (? on the spelling) in my stomach - did not hurt.EKG, IV started with benedryl, steroids, pepcid and saline.   MY blood pressure was a bit high, but that was probably more anxiety than part of the reaction.  I am to   follow up with allergist to see if we can pin point it, but I already have a long list of allergies.   I ate nothing different except a Mc D vanilla shake from the drive thru.  They were out of Shamrock shakes, so I got vanilla and was knew I was already allergic to chocolate and strawberry.   There could have been residual in the machine but no one really knows.    Interesting info that pepcid helps anti histamines work better - according to ER doctor. Something about the acid in the stomach - too technical for me...   I was rushed in ahead of everyone else and I will begin another round with the medical profession to see if we can add a couple more things to my very long list of allergies.   I carry an epi pen in case I get a breathing problem, but this time I did not.   All's well that ends well, Nancy 
  • Unknown
    edited March 2010

    Nancy,  I have found the older I get, the more I am susceptible to allergies.  I always was allergic to shellfish and supposedly apples and nuts (although I eat them and maybe that allergy went away with the shots) and have a bad mold allergic.  Because of the mold allergic I cannot eat certain things, like vegetables grown in a hothouse or dank dark place....I can, but they make me itch.  They always premedicated me for  CAT scans because of the IV contrast dye (guess that is the shellfish connection...iodine?), but the last time they used the dye the premad made no difference and I looked like I had a sunburn and itched for three days.  So no more CT contrast dye for me which doesn't make me sad at all.  Many evenings I will lie in bed and scratch and scratch, but have no idea what is it from since I pretty much eat the same things all the time and when this occurs have not been eating anything out of the ordinary.  I do think that since chemo and because my skin has just changed due to age and drugs that caused early menopause, I have much more sensitive skin than I used to.  It is sort of a catch 22 at this stage of the game....I am so very thankful to have made it to 60, but the things that are happening to my body sometimes absolutely amaze me.  I look at myself in the shower sometimes and think Is this really me?  My skin is far more creapy (like the paper you know...not creeepy although for sure, it is that also) than my mother's was when she died at 72 so I know a lot of this is premature (or so I tell myself). She called it chicken skin and I hate it.  Maybe you should keep a food journal and write down what you eat and it it causes a reaction.....could you be developing an intolerance to lactose since it was possibly your milkshake.  Are you allergic to bee stings....I have to use an epi pin for those.  Nothing that  happens to my body now surprises's sort of like OK, what now.  I hope they are able to pinpoint your allergies. Did you post on a forum about teeth and dry mouth a long time ago?...the Gram rings a bell with me.

    Dotti,  SInce that post was not meant for me, does that mean you don't like my Silky terrier?  The French bulldog that won two different events at the Westminster Dog Show this year came from my hometown of Portsmouth, OH.  I was so shocked. Normally the only reason the town makes the news is for a drug bust or for having the highest unemployment rate in the state.

    SV,  I hope you feel a little better and more energetic each day.  It's amazing how we take hair for granted when we have it, isn't it?  I think once you have lost it and it comes back it certainly makes you rethink those bad hair days. 

    Kathleen,  It takes a long time to snap back from just drains you body.  We aren't at that stage yet (at least I hope not), but I recall when my grandparents had to have surgeries late in life the anesthetic had them confused for the point of almost halucinating.

     I am up early and heading to my hometown today to visit with my soon to be 88 year old dad.  Redecorating his home is an ongoing project and today I plan on adding trim to a cabinet and want to paint it to match the other furniture in the  BR I have been working on. The silky will go with me in my car and my husband will come later in his truck with the rat terrier.  The cat is on his own, but the neighbor always comes over to make sure he has enough food and spends a little time with him.  If he didn't get upset and pee all over the place when he gets in his carrier, I would even take him along. 

    Have a good weekend all you PODS.    Marybe


  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited March 2010

    First, welcome Marybe and any other newbies.   I am 64 and have had allergies most of my life, the list just keeps growing.    Back in the days when little girls dresses were starched so stiff they stood on their own, I was allergic to the starch and to Ivory Snow, always used for baby clothes back then.    

    I may have posted on the teeth forum - you may notice I have over 3000 posts.   I had a crown break off, replaced, broke again and repaired again.   My dentist told me she does not like to work on people who take calcium and asks them to stop if she needs to do work.   Only one I ever heard with this, except if taking some of the bisphospates, can cause jaw necrosis (zometa for one).   I got my first of an annual zometa infusion back in September.  Mine is for osteoporosis prevention, not for mets.  

    A food journal is a good idea, as I live alone and cruise the grocery store and often come home with some odd combinations.   Currently - brussel sprouts, cottage cheese and pineapple.   VEry interesting about food grown in hot house - I also have mold allergy.   I got very upset here in this apartment when pink mold began growing in my shower.  Long story, but ONE reason I am moving to another apartment complex.   

    We sometimes "introduce" ourselves -- I am 64, dx at age 62.  dose dense A/C, taxol and herceptin, tumor shrunk to nothing, lumpectomy Nov 2007, herceptin for total of one year.   No other treatment, as I declined radiation for many reasons.   Widowed 4/2/03, coming up on 7 years.  One son, who had a premmie girl, 3 pounds, 3 ounces, in February.   She is doing very well, A+ from the doctor last week.  

    I lived in the same house in Pittsburgh for 36 yrs. sold it in 2006, son engaged to be married, dx with BC 3 weeks before the wedding.   Reason I moved to virginia is he is my one and only and tired of house responsibilities.  

    And my Mom, April 25 she will be 97 years old - BC survivor since 1962.   I am glad to meet you and get to know you, although this is not the place I would have wished for any of us.

    Hugs and Blessings, Nancy 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010

    Good morning PODs! Nancy and Marybe and allergies. I don't have enough hand to type and scratch. I have broken out with terrible candida infection all over my body (never had that before). It hit me when I first had surgery by infecting the surgical wounds. Now it has a house and has moved in. "Shamrock shakes???" Oh you girls are having way too much fun. And so gald to get more personal background on each of you. This si a short post-just sending ((((BIG POD HUGS))) to all of my gals. I love you all very much, and do something special for yourselves today-you are worht it. SV

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited March 2010

    Since allergic to choc and strawberry, shamrock shakes - milk shakes at Mc D, only available around St. pat's day - green in color, minty and a change from plain old vanilla.   

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited March 2010

    SV, I had bilateral Mx (both breasts) and it wasn't a walk in the park, but lots of people go through much worse.  I chose the immediate reconstruction, which made recovery more difficult but I was back to playing golf in about 12 weeks.  Now I feel fine except for not having the same level of stamina that I had before BC.  I'm experiencing aging symptoms that are the result of stopping HRT and taking Arimidex.  The SE I mind the most is loss of cognitive function.  I seem to get "stupider" and "stupider."  It's awful to run into someone I know and not be able to think of his or her name.

    Many women don't opt for reconstruction, but I was much happier going into the hospital with breasts and coming out of the hospital with breasts that are actually fuller than my natural breasts.  I look nicer in my clothes now because I'm tall with a medium to large frame and my A-cup breasts were always too small for my build.

    I met a woman about my age this week who had 5 by-pass heart surgery in 2009.  She's petite and you would never peg her for a heart patient.  Her cholesterol wasn't high and she kept going to the dr. saying how bad she felt and nothing was done for her.  Finally her PCP sent her to a gastroenterologist and he diagnosed her problem right off the bat.  She was lucky she didn't die from a heart attack while all this was going on.

    I don't minimize what I've been through and mets might be in my future but so many people deal with serious health problems.  I try to enjoy each day and be thankful for my blessings. 

    Since BC, I'm not as conscientious about getting my chores done and then goofing off.  Today I have a whole list of jobs I could/should accomplish, but DH is playing in a golf tournament and I'm going to go browsing in the stores.  House work, yard work, whatever can wait.

    Wishing everyone a good Saturday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,344
    edited March 2010

    Good morning everyone,

    Connie, I was struck about something you said about a Divine plan.  I do think it is a plan and that it is made with our Creator -- bad and good.  When I was young I did not recognize this -- life actually seemed to be a random garble of different events -- no rhyme or reason showing up much anywhere. 

    Then, at some point,( can't tell you just where as it didn't just jump out ) apparently in MY plan anyway was a time for me to see that all these life events had some meaning to them --  a need to happen, and an order of a sorts became noticeable. For a number of reasons ( not least of which was doing a lot of spiritual studies ) I came to deeply sense that there are no co-incidences, no chance, no happenstance, no accidents, gool luck, fortune -- all those somewhat nebulous out of your control items. Everything is put into place and has some meaning that we need to help us greatly at another time.  So bad things or good things --- and so many of the good things are so delightful, we included in our plan.  The negative part of it ( if you want to look at it that way ) is that we don't remember this plan.....even though we live it daily. 

    The truth is --- if we didn't learn these things here -- and we learn them much faster in an earth life because there is so much negativity to get through, we would learn them in our eternal home taking much, much longer because we would not have the DEEP physical reality.  So there is rhyme and reason...we just don't recognize what it is.  It does make my time here infinitely easier because even though I find myself fighting against some it, when I notice that I try to relax and go with the flow a bit until I can figure it out better and work with it. 

    Marybe -- I love all the dogs -- no matter what they are.  Makes me love Kathleen's avatar.  Her pooch looks a lot like a Maltese though I can't remember.  I may have to put on one of my dog pictures back or heck surprise everyone and put my pic back on.

    I surely do feel for those of you who have allergies.  Mine kick up right about now ( springtime ) and may have to get prescriptions renewed from V.A.  Not driving me daffy yet, but starting to need double Kleen-X's in the a.m. to empty my nose.  When I start needing to do this more than once I'll be yelling for the pills I imagine.  Not allergic that I know of to much else but of all thing tetanus toxoid.  I try never to step on rusty nails. 

    Well, it is getting late and I need to have some breakfast.  Hope you all have a glorious day.  You are all always on my mind.....mainly with me as I go throughout my day....and you thought you were getting tired just because of what you did -- and you are having to help me out as I do my work.  Now we know, don't we ???

    Warm hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,344
    edited March 2010

    Carole -- great attitude.  In the first half of our life --- especially while teaching our children, we have to work -- often fairly hard and consistent.  It is time to play now.  Especially when you have had to undergo seious medical events of any kind. 

    Use the good china....spill some gravy on your clothes, get a little dent in the car -- Life really is for the living and no one should stop living before they have too.  Your a hero.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2010
  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited March 2010

    Nancy ... I really sympathize with your allergies because my sister has them and I see how she struggles with them.  If, for example, she sneezes just once she will go into a 'sneezing' fit and sneeze about 20 more times (no exaggeration!).  Its like living with a little snot machine (her words).

    Carole - add me to the bag of getting more and more stupid.  It is interesting how the family dynamics have changed.  I used to be the 'go to person' for all problems now, since I lost my job, especially to my two youngest sisters, I don't seem to do anything right.  This, in NO way means they do more for me!

    SV ... I had my surgery 14 months ago - I shouldn't still be suffering with surgical SEs!  I really don't know what to think.  I realize I had a rocky start with by bilateral mastectomies.  First, they were having trouble bringing me out of the anestesia.  At that time they put tissue expanders in as I did not want to wake up with no boobs.  While still in the recovery room I experienced a "bleed."  The tissues swells up and the surgeon must go in again and stop the bleed.  Prior to the second surgery my sister said they looked pretty good.  I don't know because I had no memory of anything that happened after I changed to a hospital gown until I woke up in my room in an awful lot of pain.  In so much pain I wanted them to put a feeding tube in, catharize me and leave me alone!  So, I had two surgical procedures and two doses of anethesia.  A month later I had to undergo surgery a third time to remove the tissue expanders as they were somehow infected.  Then just four months later I fell (in the hospital visiting my aunt) and shattered my shoulder.  It had to be replaced; however I can now set off metal detectors.  I have never experienced that kind of pain before and never want to experience it again!!  I have diabetes and have had a foot ulcer for at least one year.  I shattered my shoulder at the very end of June 2009.  June 23 had me back in the hospital to treat the stupid foot ulcer that had now developed MRSA.  Went to a rehab center because they were giving me really strong IV antibiotics (thank the Lord they put a pic line in) three times a day until the infection cleared.  You almost couldn't see it when I left rehab and now it is as big as it always was.  It right on the sole of my foot under the big toe.  There is no way I can stay off it since I came home.  I left rehab on July 29, 2009.  I was at the hospital so much I was thinking of changing my home address to that of the hospital!

    This year I had two major falls.  The first one I was not injured which is amazing because I fell forward in the bathroom and hit the toilet tank so hard, it broke.  Then, yet again very recently I fell in the bathroom right on the litter box!  While my knees are shot I now have to sore shoulders.

    BTW, in October 2003 I had a small stroke and was hospitalized over night, given Plavix and Aspirin so that any time I think something is wrong with my mind I think stroke.  And in August 2004, while at the cardiologist on the treadmill my heart stopped -had emergency angioplasty and was in the hospital for 3 days.  So I am on blood thinners, 2 kinds of pills to lower my blood pressure, insulin for the diabetes and two drugs for depression.

    Isn't life fun?  Getting old is not for sissies.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,344
    edited March 2010

    Kathleen....nothing much wrong with your attitude either for all you have been through, but that is how we get by.....sometimes it is day by day and once in awhile it is hour by hour when things are really rough --- but falling down ( mean nothing by this by the way --- is not and never was the problem --- it is getting back up and charging forward again willing to meet life on just about any terms it presents.  For most of the seasoned women -- quit is not a part of the vocabulary. 

    See you all later.

    Many hugs, Jackie

    not my dog but a cute heart all the same.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,497
    edited March 2010

    Hi All, 

    I know that there have been a number of issues on this incredible thread. I would truly hate to have to close the thread. I understand that private messages have been sent, and disagreements running rampant. I ask you all to please, please stop now, and/or take a break from the discussion boards, need be. 

    Let's work together to make this a supportive, and safe place. If not, we'll need to take further action.

    Many, many thanks,

    Melissa and team 

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2010

     Excuse me?

    I am highly offended by the moderators insinuation that disagreements are "running rampant" on our thread. I believe that two members had a disagreement and spoke out publicly and perhaps privately, how would we know what transpired in "private messages?"  I have felt that we all have tried to forge on and keep a civil dialogue going in the public forum, discussing the ordinary issues of our lives, interests and families. Such a vague and accusatory threat seems demeaning to a wonderful group of mature, supportive, funny, and smart women.

    Have I missed something here?  If inflammatory private messages are running rampant how are we, civil and courteous, members of this thread who post our messages in a public  forum responsible?  If the moderators find members' communications offensive they should speak directly to those persons and not suggest everyone on this forum is creating chaos.

    I can't figure out how to write to the moderators... hopefully they are monitoring this thread.. although their remarks would make me think not. 



  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited March 2010

    Carole - Way to go , girl. Yes, we all have responsibilities/chores and have spent a lifetime making sure everything was taken care of yesterday leaving no time for today. That is something I am just coming to grips with in trying to cope w/BC. I make my list of shoulds/coulds and choose the one that absolutely has to be done now and do it. The others may wait. I'm learning that things will wait, they don't go away, but they will wait. When time and energy allows, I attend to them. There were things I wanted to do and I grew tired of always putting them on the back burner and, ultimately, not getting to them. My list of shoulds/coulds always were taken care of leaving my wants by the wayside. Well, I'm learning now to set some different priorities. There are still times when the shoulds/coulds win out, BUT  not all the time and I like that.

    I hope everyone is doing as well as can be and enjoying the beautiful weather. Spring has arrived and it makes me smileSmile. Good night. Hugs and prayers, Chris 

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited March 2010

    PAM I agree, but will go one step further- it should have ALL been handled in PM's

    Maybe the moderators have been told it is running rampant- which it is NOT- but I thought they could read what we posted and there fore would know. Undecided confused.

    Kathleen I am so sorry for the rough road you have been on- There should be a LAW against this extreme suffering as your plate has overflowed a long time ago. Please let me know if there is any thing I can do to help, I wish I were there to baby you. You ladies are all in my prayers- Kathleen , you get 2! SWAK

    ( I moved this post  to a more appropriate place)

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,344
    edited March 2010

    I am in agreement with Pam and Melissa. I too feel like we are all being taken to task and I do not feel that it is warranted.  This is a wonderful thread/forum and I look forward to it.  I think rather than making all of us wrong, this should be handled quietly by the moderators who can just let us know they are dealing with it. 

    As an can hit the moderators block and directly pm Moderator Melissa Pam.  Hopefully, they are keeping an eye on us right now.  See you all later

    Hugs, Jackie

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010
    Dearest PODS, I had an absolutely wonderful day!!!! The weather turned into gorgeous gardening weather and i was able to haul my 'whiter than bread' carcass outside and get all of the lawn toys started. I love motors that chop things up!!!! I had the stamina to mow the lawn and "pull it up" from its soggy bed, exposing all of the baby plants to the sunshine. I took the weedwhacker and rampaged through all of the old forest growth that was in the way. Good Grief, I filled three large dumpsters with lawn and pine cuttings and old dead limbs! I washed anything I could reach with a power hose, including Max and Angus my two pooches!!! They smell so good right now. TEEHEE!, I washed most of the gook down the street (hey it's gravity) to Rick's driveway. And yes, he gets so mad at me, but it would not be spring with a rampage or two. I was able to clean out the concrete dog pen (get leaves and stuff out-the dogs don't mess in there) and powerwash the front of the house. It shines like a new penny. The deck needs a serious powerwash! And I bought a huge two decker teak planter bench for potting my new flowers. I am trying not to get too excited and plant too early-Mid May is the rule of thumb as we always get hit with a major cold blast before then!!! But it is so tempting!!  I want to see color and pretty wildflowers like CB's fairy garden!! And I DO PLANT them in huge pots so I can move them into the garage-snicker!! It was so wonderful to hear the geese and wild swans squawking at me from the sound side. The big birdies can see us and the doggies love romping down to scatter the bunch until the swans realize they are really big and really mad and come after the dogs! Man, they can bite (the birds that is)!! I was supposed to get a ton of greeting cards done today-NOT HAPPENING. So I really have to jam tomorrow if I do not find another diversion. Stocked racks of cards have to be in the shop on Monday-ERRGH! Now, as to the moderators, they only know what has been REPORTED to them and I personally know from several copied PM's...sent to me. that the "fanatic fringe" is reporting me to the moderators anytime I post.(OH NO WE NOT..OH  YES YOU R!) So I am being called a nutcase and a "lunatic" in the back halls of the fringe (Hey, I just might be the lunatic UR looking for!)! OPPS, I NOT MAKING NICE R I-oh well. Watch your back gals and get each other email in case we get shut down. I need to go to church again tomorrow-RATS, I THOUGHT I HAD IT DOWN. OOWEEE, my body is beginning to scream at me, I would give ANYTHING to have a hot tub right now. I need to go lie flat-Isabella, I would love to have had you here to REALLY get some cuttin' and choppin' done around the old place! How is that baby moo-cow who came out folded in half and then blew up? OK, now I really need to lie down and I know I will not be able to get up-UNLESS, there Is RockyRoad in the freezer-YUM! Ladies, I love you all  dearly in my very own whacky way! ((((BIG POD HUGS))))) SVTongue out KissInnocent
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2010

    I thought this was going to be handled with PM's?  (and no, I have not "reported" anything).  I have posted on the new Christian thread but don't remember seeing anything about a nutcase or lunatic.  I am, however, disappointed here and just hope you will all let it rest and return to mutual respect.  To do that, please don't respond to this as that may only perpetuate it.  I just wanted to say that posts prior to this suggested PMs.

    Blessings to all.

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited March 2010

    JACKIE I did PM them before I  posted but since Pam said it so well I wanted to back her up. Thanks for the encouragement and lets keep this a great place to come.

     I don't know about the rest of the group but I have learned a ton here, met so many nice people and LOVE YOU GUYS!

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited March 2010

    you girls are right- I just really do not agree with the way it was handled.Forgiveness was very hard for me to learn and I got it finally- Jackie like you said there is no luck etc, it is Gods plan. So  I am choosing to lay low about it and keep all my friends it at all possible.

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited March 2010

    This was old news until the moderators stuck that awful post on this thread. Let's make it old news again.  Keep any future comments for PM's to the moderators.

    BRING ON the LOLCats!!!!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,344
    edited March 2010

    I so agree with you notself, Pam, Melissa and all the rest who were just trying to get along and thought we were.  In the words of the most famous Rodney King " Can't we all just get along".

    Love you all dearly,

    Warm healing hugs, Jackie

  • barb_k
    barb_k Member Posts: 38
    edited March 2010

    Dotti; Hope your dog show went well. I never showed mine just raised and bred them. Mine are alot older than yours, The oldest is 15 yrs. old and youngest is 7. 3 are brown wi black tips and 1 is solid white. It's time to groom now and it's a chore without having full use of my right arm yet. I always cut them short due to the fleas and tick around here plus the stickers. BTW what is your diagnosis? I haven't seen one on the post?

    I got my short do today. Have gotton so many compliments on it I should have done it a long time ago. I really like it also. so my post chemo hair will probably stay short.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010

    I think everyone wants to believe it old news, but the attacks on me continue. I ran across this post today

    "I'm so glad that only nice, intelligent women have joined our thread, making it better and better as time goes along.  One of my regular threads, Older BC'ers, has been invaded by a woman who is foul-mouthed and writes these long posts with ranting and raving.  I think she must be a nut case.  Many of the regulars have pulled out and gone elsewhere because a lot of the women are very religious.  I suspect this invader makes up things about herself because any problem anyone has had, past or present, she can top it.  Weird.  I would drop out but I guess the fiction writer in me is a little fascinated!  If I weren't so lazy I would weave a plot and write a story!" End of this quote which is accurate because it is a cut and paste.

    And, I am not the only one on this thread being targeted. Food for thought. As to my "Mea Culpa" if I have offended anyone with my 'ranting and raving' and my apprarant use of foul language,  I am truly so very sorry.Much of my distress has been due to "chemo brain", enormous personal frustration, depression, fear and just trying to find my way in this new and devestating diagnosis of BC. NOW, I DO NOT LIE, so I will not adress that accusation with an apology. Normally, I will not be abused or bullied by anyone, but my emotional state is pretty fragile, I would see no reason for making exceptions here. But don't run for the china.. AS I say good bye and good luck to all of you. I will no longer post on because it is not a safe place to be, not for me nor for anyone, I think. Now, if I am gone I wonder who will be next? SV PS, feel free to 'report this post.' i will simply keep posting it as it is. I feel it important that the women here victimized by BC not be vicitmized again by two-faced hypocrites.

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited March 2010

    I want to brag up my pekes as Spar2 posted them on page 166 of this thread- I am "picture posting delaied" , Please you new folks take a look and you longer established folks allow me to brag- they are just too cute.

  • dotti
    dotti Member Posts: 14
    edited March 2010

    Hi Barb k, I only mentioned 2 of mine because they were being shown this weekend,  Yes we had alovely weekend, the wee girl got Best of Breed today which is pretty good for her age. We have owned and loved Lhasas for over 30 years, Currently we have 3  x15 year olds ,1 x 10 yr old, 2x 7 yr olds, 1x 3yr old and Dotti

    The dogs have helped me through lots of things, after a  major car accident in 1986 they were my way of setting goals, and through this journey they give me an extra reason to stay on top of things.

    We are expecting a litter in about three weeks so that will keep me busy for at least 3 months.

    I will post a pic of Dotti for you to see and will have to figure out how to post my diagnosis

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,344
    edited March 2010


    I think if you go to my home where all the information ( I should have  gone in before I started typing ) and biographical info is I think you will find lines that indicate the ability to make your diagnosis a part of your signature line.  I not real literate on the computer and sometimes still can't believe some of the things I manage to do.

    Not surprised to hear that you have attribute much of your wellness many times to the animals you had around you.   Not sure why that is....but there is something so non-judgemental about pets and they sense your conditions and respond accordingly.  I too feel things went much better for me as I had to go out everyday and feed feral cats and no matter ( and it was pretty rotten ) how bad I felt when I left, I always came home feeling better. 

    It's raining outside today and we knew it was coming.  seemed warmer outside than they indicated it would be.  Hope we don't totally lose the warmth we have waited so long for.  I am so ready for Spring. 

    Hope you all have a wonderful day -- even if there is some moisture to it. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited March 2010

    Dotti and Jackie

    Dotti you dog is lovely- I love to see them walk fast when they have a coat as lovely as yours.

    Jackie I believe  what you say about the animals- my saddest day (the day before my surgery) I finally cried, sobbed laid on the floor and both my dear pekes , one one each side licked my tears. How comforting can you get?

    Off to an early start today- will check in later and of course wishing all the best day ever!