Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    edited March 2010
    Ladies - Well, the good news is that my colonoscopy was clean! Great! The bad news, my 80 year old sister is in the hospital and doing poorly. Prognosis is not good. She has many chronic ailments/diseases and is also a BC survivor. Taking off the tubes today (except oxygen). Her DH  is going by her wishes. Gotta go. Hugs to everyone. Chris
  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited March 2010


    Good news on you colonoscopy!!!

    Best wishes for your sister and your family.

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited March 2010
    Chris more power to you on the colonoscopy.  May your sister go sorry.
  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2010

    Dear Chris,

    This is a hard time for your family. It takes a lot of strength to carry out the wishes of a beloved relative in this situation.  But it is the right thing to do. Prays go out to you all.


  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited March 2010

    Chris, saying a prayer for your sister, glad your colon test was clear

    Rita, anyday you should receive the traveling card that MissKitty started, her address is in the inside cover when ever one has received it, the last one can send it back to her.

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited March 2010

    Chris: glad your colonoscopy was clear.  I had a clear breast MRI this week. Such a relief.

    But I am so sorry to hear about your sister. Your family and your sister are in my heart and prayers.


  • barb_k
    barb_k Member Posts: 38
    edited March 2010

    pj12345: I don't let to much get me down. I've been through a lot in the last 5 yrs. And people say they don't know how i do it. I won't go into detail but most people would be in the loony bin with what i've been through. I just keep on trucken. One Day At A Time. that is my motto; I can't change what has already happen, but I can make the best of it. It will not help me to cry or worry. So I lean alot on my Lord. So far the only SE I have are a headache, heartburn, and light headedness. But I want to eat!!!!! now I know why my husband wanted to eat all the time. He was on high dosed of decadron for 2 months for the brain tumor to try to keep him from having siezures, It worked but he wanted everything in site to eat.

    mandy1313: Glad your test was clear.But very sorry about your sister. I will put you in my prayers. My sister is ill also and keeps telling me she should be here for me and I tell her she needs to take care of herself. not to worry about me, But i am the little sister. so she thinks she should be my mother. Any way I hope she goes easy and does not suffer to much. It's very hard on every one is it isn't easy. Just remember you have your sisters here if you need any of us.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,344
    edited March 2010

    Chris add me in for being thrilled your test went so well, but sad that this victory came at the same time your sister got so ill.  It is a sad time, but how great that her choices are being respected.  Much love and care to you and to the rest of your family as well.  It is in Gods hands.

    Jo, wonderful news that the mammo came out good.  That is what we all like to hear. 

    Barb....glad the first chemo was ok.  Many of us were in panic mode on the first one only to find that it turned out to be rather anti-climatic.  All the se's generally have a fix so if something becomes really troublesome be sure and call you oncology team and get some help with it.  Glad things went well though.

    Long day for me so I'm going to go get jammied up and find my chair.  See you tomorrow.

    Warm hugs, Jackie

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2010

    Chris....sending big hugs your way for your sister and your family. 

    Big YEAS for all of you who have just received good test results.  We need to celebrate our good news!

    Spar...I'll look for the card. 

    The sun is shining today.  It's a bit misleading because the temps are still very cool but it's so nice to see it brightening up the day.

    I'm off to get something accomplished around here before the mood escapes me!  Everyone have a good Friday!


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2010


    Your "sun shining" comment made me remember the story about the businessman in Chicago some years ago who leased a plane to take his employees up above the clouds so they could see the sun... it had been overcast and cloudy so long!  My cousins from Chicago came to visit years ago and were amazed how you could see the stars at night... guess there is so much city light at night it cancels out the starlight. I don't think it was pollution.

    Congratulations to everyone with good test results. I wish it for every one of us.

    I'm off to the pharmacy to pick up my Arimidex RX. I think it is our highest monthly recurring expense, very slightly more than my insurance premium! I hope it is worth it!!!


  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited March 2010

    Hugs and prayers and blessings and good vibes for all.  TGIF.    Nancy

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,344
    edited March 2010

    Happy Friday.....Hope everyone has a good day and something nice happens to everyone.  Something nice is happening to me.  I'm getting to say hi to all my friends. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited March 2010

    Hugs all.  Chris, great about the clear; sorry about your sis.

    Marybe, that dx is similar to mine - I'm 17 months out.  Are they going to do the Oncotype test?  Mine came in low (13) so I did not have to do chemo, only rads.

    JO - great news about your mammo.

    Great Friday to all my friends.  Everyone have a wonderful weekend.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited March 2010

    Pleased your tests were ok Chris, sorry about your sister...families , always one or the other of us having a problem.

    I am moaning away about my arm, and , believe me, I never moan quietly !! Its my 'bad' side arm, numb underneath,and at the back, and like a lump of pain just hung by my side. Have tried Neurontin, no good. Went onto Gabapentin , THOUGHT it wasn't much good, but now a locum Dr, reviewing my tablets said 'let's try without them'. Silly me agreed, now have run out, in a lot of pain, and can't get appointment with my own Dr 'til after am moaning to all who ask how I am !!

    I have been trying to sew this afternoon, but its been gnawing away at me, so that I gave up, and went and sat in a hot bath. That helped for an hour or so, but was bothering me by evening again, so that I have done nothing at all tonight but curl up on the sofa, and try to sleep. This is going to be a long wait to see my Dr ! I suppose I didn't help myself planting 24 violas and 24 Sweet William young plants at lunchtime. Thats probably what set it off !!!!

    Our weather is looking up..... aaagghh... shouldn't have said that ! a bit of sunny  showery  coolish weather for the last 2 days, hopefully good growing weather. It could be weeks before its  Tshirt weather !

    Spare a thought for Dotti....I know she doesn't post here very often, but is having a hip replacement today, she's just nicely got over a spine fusion. I don't know, we do go thru some  poo poo as we get older. I see my neurosurgeon next week to see what way they are planning to attack my 4 slipped discs. I know it will be an op. but keep reading so many bad reports that I keep getting a touch of the cold feet !! We have a new thing now. We have to be seen and operation all done within 16 weeks from the first appointment. I was expecting a very long wait, maybe even into next year, and was a bit shocked when they wrote to me yesterday !! Quite a shock to my system.

    Hope everyone has a good w/end.


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2010

    Dear Isabella,

    So sorry you are in such pain. It sounds like nerve pain which can be brutal. Can't you call the old doctor and get him to call in an RX  for something to tide you over? I guess every system has its rules but hate to see you suffer. The flower planting may have made it worse but probably took your mind off of it for a few hours.  At least the new time line  for your back is a good thing. Do you have emergency rooms? Could you go to one and get an RX for something to help get you by? Just a thought.

    Tomorrow is my day for working in the garden. Lots of clean up to start and dead plants to be cut back. Things are beginning to green up and the garden shops are full of spring plants to tempt us. So off to bed now for a bright start tomorrow.


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited March 2010

    Pam, lovely post with description of your Florida spring day.  Enjoyed reading it.  Alyson, I'm with you.  I came out openly and told EVERYONE, including the poor guy at the produce stand, that I had BC.  Normally a very private person, I shared my bad health news with the outside world.  Somehow it felt good to do so.  I think it makes it easier on other people not to adopt a hush-hush attitude but to be matter-of-fact.  On the plus side, I get to share stories with other women who are also BC survivors.  I don't watch reality shows so the term survivor doesn't hold any meaning about being evicted from islands. 

    Happy weekend to all!  We're off to the Fairgrounds today for Louisiana Derby day.

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited March 2010

    Isabella, is your pain from Lymphadema?   You should be evaluated by a certified therapist and should get some relief.  Having to wait for doctors is a pita.   I am still trying to find an allergist with an opening for "new" patients before the middle of April.   I have a referral from the ER after my latest hives outbreak, but no one has an opening sooner.   

    More packing today and tomorrow some friends with a house and nice back yard patio area are taking my pots of hosta.   I brought one small pot when I moved and they have expanded to one HUGE pot and six medium size ones and need to be divided again.   Although there is a balcony in the new place, I am going to try for some annuals and continuously blooming flowers.  

    Hugs for all, Nancy 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,344
    edited March 2010

    This is for PJ:

    Did you know...

    ... that today is Florida Discovery Day? Juan Ponce de Leon, a
    Spanish explorer, sighted Florida in 1513. He named the land
    Pascua Florida, which means "flowery Easter."

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2010


    I did know that. Living just south of St. Augustine it is part of our "where to take visitors" agenda. There is a huge cross overlooking the bay where Ponce de Leon came ashore and where the first Christian service in America took place. Easter 1513. St Augustine is the oldest city in America but mostly gets overlooked due to the English influence in our history books. That, and the fact that the Spanish were not colonizers like the English. They established forts and outposts with soldiers but did not bring families. There was a brief period in the early 1800s when the English had control of NE Florida and they established  plantations (sugar for Savannah and Charleston) and tried to build roads, etc. But there was a big Indian uprising that drove the English out and the Spanish took control again... so the plantation culture failed here. I can only imagine the living conditions were brutal so no surprise.

    I'm must realizing 2013 will be a 500 yr anniversary. Bet there are big plans being made. St Augustine is a great place to visit. Totally walkable.  Lots of school field trips of course. The fort is still there. Lots of B&Bs. Wonderful restaurants. Not totally Disneyized... not that there is anything wrong with that. :-)


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited March 2010

    Good Day everyone!  So refreshing to hear great test results and we should celebrate:

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2010

    For all us grandmas....


    1) No matter how hard you try, you can't baptize cats.. 
    2) When your Mom is mad at your Dad, don't let her brush your hair.
    3) If your sister hits you, don't hit her back. They always catch the second person. 
    4) Never ask your 3-year old brother to hold a tomato.
    5) You can't trust dogs to watch your food..
    6) Don't sneeze when someone is cutting your hair..
    7) Never hold a Dust-Buster and a cat at the same time. 
    8) You can't hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk. 
    9) Don't wear polka-dot underwear under white shorts.

    10) The best place to be when you're sad is Grandma's lap. 

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited March 2010

    That is the best Pam about the grandkids.  So true.

    Thinking of Dottie and praying her surgery went smoothly and she will let us know soon.

  • barb_k
    barb_k Member Posts: 38
    edited March 2010

    Great about the grandkids. My 6 yr old grand son fell and broke his arm on the playground last yr. and said when he looked at his arm it was poking up so he poked it down. Tough one, I could not have done it.

     Thinking and praying for all. especially dottie.

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited March 2010

    Good grief! Poked it down? What a tough minded little guy.  I hope his arm is A-OK.

  • flossy20
    flossy20 Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2010

    I am 55 and posted today about whether to do mammosite or full breast radiation. I have to make a decision by this next week. My only concern was the difference in time both had been out ! Sounds like you are satisfied with your decision to use mammosite! I had ER positive 75%, 1.3 cm, Stag1 , grade 2/3. If you have any other info to tell me about mammosite I would be very interested in seeing it. Thanks

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited March 2010

    Ooooo, still asleep here, VERY asleep !

    We put our clocks forward an hour overnight, for Summertime, I didn't get to bed 'til 2am, and had set my alarm for 6am so I could catch the Australian Grand Prix. I woke up, very bleary eyed, put on the TV, and as soon as the race started I fell asleep, so have missed all but the last quarter hour.

    I am off on a sheep buying expedition today, and am praying I don't have to drive, or I will be tipping us over !!! I also hope to call in on a battle re-enactment, looks as if it will be very interesting. Lots of people , and horses, in costume . Whether I will be able to park, with a cattle trailer on I don't know !

    Have been asked to call in on my nieces 21st celebrations tonight, so a very full day infront of me !! I shall have to take the rest of the week off to get over this little lot !

    Off for a shower to wake myself up, still sitting around in my jim jams !!


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2010
    Hi flossy20......I had the MammoSite device also, & I truly recommend it for anyone that can GET it!  It does only take 5 actual days of radiation, compared to 5-6 weeks.....  There is a thread on here, & I posted a picture of the Device....

    MammoSite Device

    I just sent you a PM also.....So if you have any other questions, we're all here for you!       Jeannette
  • mardee
    mardee Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2010

    Oh man.  I love your attitude.  Made me laugh.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2010


    What is it with 6 yr olds and playgrounds? DGS, age 6, was pushed off the balance beam and broke his arm. I was angry at the child who pushed him until I learned the "balance beam" was a board laying on the ground! Then his sister, when she turned 6, fell off the jungle gym and broke her arm! I surely do hope this does not mean this generation of children are deficit in some kind of bone building nutrient.  Waiting to see what happens next year to 5 yr old GS :-)

    When are we all going to do away with daylight saving time? I am still not adjusted. It is harder and harder for me to make the conversion each year.  It's really terrible in the fall.. so dark so early in the evening. And which is the real time, summer or winter? I am all mixed up.

    DH saw a PBS program about controlling your blood sugar by dramatically changing your diet, mostly going vegan. We already watch our diet very closely, count carbs. He is borderline diabetic, well controlled with diet only. We are both quite slim, thin, and exercise one hour a day or more. Going totally vegetarian seems really  extreme to me. He is talking no fish or poultry,no eggs, no dairy! I don't feel qualified to  see that we are eating a balanced diet that way.  He has ordered two books and made one trip to the grocery store.. came home with lots of beans. He is in shock over food prices, has not been his job to shop nor cook. This diet program says you can have all the carbohydrates you want which is the total opposite of what we have been doing for the last couple years. I am not happy about this. I  question how healthy it is for him and am not thrilled about the trickle down effect it will have on me.  ARGH! 

    pam, the disgruntled cook.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2010

    |Hi Pam!  That's funny!  Ha!  Well, not actually, but the way you describe your "planned" diet, was funny!  Just have your DH eat the way he wants, & you eat the way you want!    My DH & I usually don't eat the same things anyway!  I fix what I like & he eats what he wants!  And it's really not that hard......I love beans, AND mashed potatoes with gravy, & I don't like a lot of meat, but once in awhile, I eat a little.  I have a couple pork chops, & instead of just frying them, I'm going to cut them all up, fry with a little oil, then mix that with some boiled potato cubes, & roll in a tortilla with chopped scallions & jalapeno's....Could even throw a lightly fried egg in there.  

    Let us know how it's going!  Wink Jeannette