Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2010


    I have been meaning to ask you... with 26 nodes removed and all your physical activity HOW have you managed to escape LE?  And why did they take so many nodes? Was that common 5-10 years ago?


  • Darolyn
    Darolyn Member Posts: 63
    edited March 2010

    Is anyone taking FEMARA?  I have been on it a week and am having horrible hot flashes.  I have been to the point of tearing my clothes off.  I am wondering if this will go away or do I just have to tolerate it?  Love to all DAR

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited March 2010

    Spring seems to have arrived in south Louisiana.  And not a minute too soon!  We're tired of cold and rain.  I'm actually getting some roll on the fairway when I hit a golf ball instead of the ball plugging in mud.  Our oak trees are leafing out so fast it's incredible.  One day you see yellowish buds and two days later there's greenery on the branches.  The pine trees are loaded with those little worm-like pollen holders.  Soon the air will be yellow and all the furniture on the patio, too.  You have to take the good with the bad when it comes to spring.  I'm doubling up on the allergy meds.

    Rita, I hope you're able to get out soon and play golf.  My IL relatives who winter in Naples, FL, will be headed home to Decatur the middle of next month. 

    Hope all of you are enjoying some nice weather or will be soon.

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited March 2010

    Rita I love your Idea and sent a card intended to be a "Traveling Card" already- it is too funny and we all need a laugh. OK true confession- I told my boss (last year about this time) " blablabla and F.Y.- NO, NO, blablabla and F.Y. twice." YellYellYellYell I was so angry it was stupid and it was OUT- you would have thought he would have done something about it ---but NO.????????? I was active duty Navy and stationed with the Marines- Probably why I get along in the Fire Department so well- but I am trying to be better.

    Again, Rita I simply love your idea, I have mailed out some of my personal belongings as they are simply too nice for "Good Will" and I decided last year that the lovely things that would no longer fit in with  my style (hey I have only changed our home 4 or 5 times in 29 years), I  would to give to individuals that are meaningful to me. I think it would be great to have that available - Good thinking.

    Isabella - Pam is asking a VERY good question- I had 4 nodes on the right and 3 on the left and had cords on both sides and LE on the right. Went to a great therapist and was worked on until it was down considerably and now I can do this at home. Also I elected for NO recon and my scars are all but gone!

    Well I have a long drive again tonight so I need to sign off- Love to you all!

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited March 2010

    Oh, Rita, I would love to be a part of that list, I will PM you with my info. Also would anyone object if we also add the name of our S/O?

    I didn't know there was an arimidex thread, will have to check that out and add my 2 cents worth of had BETTER WORK  or I'll be extremely disappointed and po'd.

    I love the idea of sending some of the things I've bought to someone here as opposed to 'good will'.  Some of the things still have the tags on them and others I don't even remember buying them!  Now that is bad!!!! Chemo brain nailed me hard!

    Went to the orthopod this afternoon and the MRI of my shoulder looks bad. He was willing to give me another prednisone injection... ouch...but I was almost begging for it for some relief , it should take effect in about 5-7 days. It looks like surgery is on the horizon, I will have to take a week off work, wear a sling for 6 weeks, PT for at least 12 weeks....argh! etc. etc

    SV/ Melissa, how is your day going?  Hope all is well and Moby is treating you kindly. Is puss David back yet?

    gentle hugs to all

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited March 2010

    Hi Pam and Melissa...well, I don't know why I haven't had any signs of LE yet....I quake everytime I cut myself, almost get myself into panic mode, but I have no problem so far. I was ridiculous for the first year, gloves on all the time, scrubbing my hands if ever slightly dirty, but....nothing horrible happened.

    I am still ultra careful about scrubbing my hands, as thru the day they can be in any kind of doo dah you care to mention !! I have backed off from touching anything if the skin is broken, EVEN if DH yells at the top of his voice at me to do this or grab that ...I won't 'til I have got my gloves on. I find it hardest to put my gloves on to garden, I like to 'feel' the soil and the plants, it doesn't feel right to me not to be able to just jump in and scrabble away in the soil with my bare hands!

    We had a nasty birth with one of my favorite cows about a month ago. Usually I'm in there with the vet squelching about in the goo....but this time I held back and went dashing in the house for my gloves before I would touch anything. We had the calf absolutely stuck , in a U shape, just wouldn't come out anyway. Vet arrived and used a sort of suction thingy, after he'd gone in up to his arm pits to alter the lie of the calf....very interesting to watch, but NOT from the cows view ! A lot of stitching to be done afterwards, lots of blood and mess, but I have learnt to hold back, and not be as enthusiastic as I used to be, so I don't get in as much mess as I would have done a few years ago (7 years this May) ! But while the stitching was going on I was getting the bloody, goo-y calf cleaned off and up on its feet, so couldn't avoid some mess, so I'm always first to be inside, and in the shower after an event like that !

    I had no knowledge 7 years ago of anything at all, was so overwhelmed by it all that I didn't ask a lot of questions....didn't know what to ask anyway, at that stage. I do know that over here they weren't doing sentinel node biopsy, at least at my hospital they weren't, so it just seemed to be a 'go in and get a big bunch out' job. I had 2 nodes out on the 'good ' side as well. 

    Nice quiet, peaceful night tonight DH has gone to the pub....he used to go every night, but since his siatica he has stayed in, it has driven me mad, he is so noisy , chattering, drinking cans of beer, munching chocolate, snoring, rattling newspapers....I have been so used to being in my own space each night , watching TV when I wanted to see something, and not on as a background ALL the time. I can't concentrate on reading, nor sewing, which I often sit and do, while this racket is going on !! I find myself waiting for him to drop off to sleep, so that I can escape to my PC without some comment about 'going on that thing AGAIN ? !!!  My laptop won't work in the sitting room, 'thick walls' various people tell me ( G/daughters laptops work fine in there, so why not mine ??) So no cowboys or football on TV to annoy me tonight..... just nice peace.

    I always say if I had 3 wishes they would  be for peace, peace and more peace !!!  maybe now that would be slightly modified to peace, peace and BC free !! What 3 wishes would you all have ??


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,344
    edited March 2010

    Hi everyone,

    Well, Rita....I am on the other thread so you already have my info though I will gladly pm you so you don't have to look it up for yourself.  So good to hear from so many. 

    Carole, your description of a Louisiana Spring was pure delight.  Hearing about spring anywhere is great right now.  We have a few assorted early Spring things, but it is still for the most part a ways away yet.  My time can get so busy that a few things sneak up on me...or maybe it is just that my eye-sight is not so sharp anymore ( sounds more like the thing to me ) so I usually look out my kitchen to find some of the tall tree like shrubs have a lot of green showing already.  Ah, the "weedy" things always come first. 

    Someone ( pardon my brain again ) mentioned honeysuckle and I so love the smell of it.  The kind with the white and yellow flowers.  That I think is the old fashioned kind and it grows wild around here.  One of these days I will find some and start it close to the house.  I love the heavy and heady fragrance it gives off though it does attract a  whole lot of bees, but they are so busy getting pollen they pay no mind to you. 

    I am like Lisa and style of getting up if I can't easily crawl to something I can brace myself on his pretty awful.  I somehow manage to get my hands on the floor and just grunt and force myself upward.  It works and gets me upright again, but I will only allow myself to do it around people I know really well.....and will apologize beforehand for the disgusting display.  I'm sure my face is red ( from the exertion ) and breathing is a bit un-natural for a short while.  I desperately need to start some sort of exercising but as is my usual keep putting it off.  Why ???  Good question.  Also need to start eating better....soon. 

    I think there was a couple of people on Femara that said that the heat and hot flashes back off after awhile.  Your body has to just get "adjusted" to it all.  Whether this time period is the same for everyone I don't know.   Well, I accidentally hit the submit button so that is all for now I guess.  See you all later.

    Warm, healing hugs to all,


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,344
    edited March 2010

    Health for all, happiness for all and peace for all.

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited March 2010

    I'm in Savannah, and it's St. Patrick's Day eve in town. The party is going on now. The parade starts tomorrow at 10, we generally start about 6 am, get everyone fed, lunches made, coolers and chairs packed and on the way to our destination square by 8 at the LATEST... on years where the parade falls on Thurs, Fri. or Sat.. we have to leave the house by 7. stake out our spot... well, we used to do that the night before, now we aren't allowed until 6 am day of parade... that means someone has to get downtown and miss the green grits and biscuits for breakfast and hold our location by staking it out.. seriously.

    And this year is just not looking good. I would bet that we haven't missed a parade in over 25 years. But they are calling for rain as early as noon, 80% chance. and I swore that I was not going to do it again in the rain. I would just hate to miss it and have it not rain.. That's just as likely, it could be a beautiful day like today.

    Gotta do a weather check and call in. I believe I will be missing the festivities tomorrow.

    Oh well, Erin go bragh, ya'll.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010

    Sorry Ladies, but there is an elephant in the living room! I am so sorry because I made the mistake of writing "Fuck it" in one of my posts. And I feel like I was taken to the public outhouse for a severe flogging by Spar and a few other of the gals. Spar chose not to PM me but to do a really passive agressive spin on 'taking names and hostages.' And finally in a PM she told me that in effect, 'we are all pretty evil' and she has to move to another thread-but that 'people love me here so I should stay here." HUH? Frankly IT IS none of anyone's business where I am and if you have complaints about me, please PM me or simply report the post. No need to 'split, divide and conquer." And to try to create enormous crisis (out of a selfish need, I think) and to split the Board and 'find out who is on your side." How righteous! That is 'addict behavior" it is manipulative and it does not belong in a place where women are fighting for their lives. For those who care, I did give a "mea culpa" to SPAR and to Lisa but it has fallen on deaf ears. So be prepared as several of the women appear to be packing up their toys and heading to play in another play house. OKADOKAY! The word "fuck" is out of my vocabulary for the most part, but I am trying to work with a damaged brain and I am emotionally crippled right now. I am baffled that there are no cures or options for women with BC who's treatment falls outside of the standard methods.The fact that these doctors think that I must remove my breasts to survive; and that I cannot take chemo or Tamoxifin because of poor liver function-sort of hit me between the eyes.There is no treatment for me and I will likely die of BC in the next five years. I think the F-word quite appropriate for MY situation. Having written this, I did not understand there was such a strong 'Christian thing?' going on here. Let's see, "judge not lest ye be judged" and yes I am a Christian woman. So for any one offended by the language, please know that I have not used the word "FUCK" in donkey's years and if you don't like it, oh well. I think there are more mature ways to deal with things but who am I. Spar wants no part of an open dialogue and an "I am so sorry' so I think she has chosen to leave the POD Squad." And for the next while, instead of posting PM's to folks, I predict that we will be hit with a barrage of "naner-naners-I am now on another thread and here is my phone, email, face page, tweet, twitter, skype, etc that is loaded in my tree house and only the people I pick can come out and play with me." I do not roll that way-pretty much an open book focused on trying to live with cancer. I will monitor my writing as honestly I hate the word Fuck! And let's touch the other subject, when I write of David as the "Pussy Man" (I truly hate the word pussy and the C word). Dave and I are very clear in our own little world that this means he is a 'fraidy cat' and there is no double entendre. For those of you still not satisfied, let me walk out onto the beach and shout 'I'M SO SORRY!" for all of the world to hear. ((((BIG HUGS))) SV

  • Unknown
    edited March 2010

         Yesterday was my day off and I spent a good part of it, reading the posts of you ladies....I am afraid I didn't read each and every one as I was getting a stiff neck and thought I was seeing floaters from reading so much, but from what I did read, I have a huge amount of respect for all of you and cannot believe all that some of you have been through.  And I am not just talking about cancer, but other problems and issues you have had to deal with.  You are stong inspiring women and it is wonderful that you have each other for support.   A few of you I have seen post on other forums on this board.  I used to post more than I have lately, but just haven't had much to say.

        Anyway, I considered myself to be middle aged ( although I even thought Wow Am I really that old when I said parents were always middleaged), but in Dec. I  hit the big 60 so guess I am now officially an "older woman" and if you all don't mind from time to time, I would like to join in your conversations.I guess I am not totally over the hill since I do still have middleaged memories and love that topic.  One thing I noted however on this forum , there don't seem to be many Stage lV women on here.  I hope that isn't because they don't make it to old age.  I have been there since 98.  

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited March 2010

    SV  and Spar.

    Consider your heads banged together.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,344
    edited March 2010

    Welcome to you Marybe.  I think we don't have too many Stage IV's here as I think there may be a thread/forum just for those people, however, we have an open door here and unless you have some specific question there is no reason why you should not join we very seasoned ladies.  We do discuss lots of things here  --  not just Bc all the continues to happen and we continue to have many issues that intertwine with our medical issues. 

    I went to Mt. Vernon today and had blood drawn....this one has the ( or at least was supposed too ) Vit D test included.  I have been wondering about it, even though I feel like there is no indication that I have a problem.  Dh had his done a while back and his turned out  I did come home with a blood pressure monitor to do my own blood pressure -- compliments of the V.A.  Seems the last time ( just this past Saturday ) that I was there my BP was high.  Odd, because it usually runs about right....and has been really good lately.  Anyway, since they were drawing blood today....nurse told me to have the BP done again afterward.  Same problem -- it was high.  So she pulled out a brand new BP monitor and cuff -- cuff inflates itself -- and when she hooked me up to show me how to use it.....lo and behold...the BP was already going down.  Took it tonight and it is almost perfect.  I now am starting to really think I have developed "white coat syndrome" or their machines at the clinic should be re-calibrated again or something.  We will see.

    I need to go feed myself something.  Will check back later. 

    Glad you are still here SV.  See you later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2010


    I am on Arimidex but I think all the AIs have similar SEs. I had serious hot flashes for the first 3 or 4 months, like break out in a dripping sweat. But they have certainly abated and now I have warm flashes instead. I hope you will find yours ease off too. On the other hand, my skin has gotten drier and crepe-ier. And I have begun to have dry eyes. I hope that the heat in the house is making that worse and maybe warmer moister weather will help. Need to get some eye drops in the meantime as it is fairly irritating. It helps if I close my eyes tightly and rub the closed lids. 


    You really are like All Creatures Great and Small! You could be a PBS weekly series! We just watched Coming Home (Rosamund Pilcher)... loved the scenery. And is it really that warm in December along the coast? Oh, the wildflowers! Just lovely. Isn't it amazing how fast things move in the medical world? I suppose SNB is as common in England as it is here now. I had never heard of it until I had to have it. Thank goodness my dr was up to date. You must have been on the front wave of Arimidex. BTW, what happened to the shortage you mentioned a few weeks ago? I too hate to have to wear gloves for yard work. I have skinny fingers and gardening gloves are always too big and floppy. I buy Thinsulate gloves at garage sales and wear them. Hate to ruin them but they work better.

    Hi Carole,

    Have missed reading you. Sounds like you have been busy on the golf course!  if it is spring in Louisiana it cannot be far behind here.  On the news a day or so ago they were saying shrimping in the Gulf is really suffering. The cold water makes the shrimp very lethargic and they die quickly when pulled in. Between no shrimp and no tomatoes things are going to be bad :(

    What would I wish for? Well, peace of course but doesn't seem possible so maybe a wasted wish, sad to admit.  Good health but maybe that horse is out of the barn. Happy lives for children and grandchildren but who gets to define happy? Prosperity... I'm not sure; certainly not winning the lottery. Seems that only brings grief. Right now I'd like a piece of cherry pie :-) I have simple desires.

    Good Grief is about as profane as I get. My mother did not tolerate any form of teenage slang... no doggonit or drat or hang it all. Not religiously motivated really. In fact, some biblical oaths would have been considered as bad as heck. Anyway, my husband laughs at me when he hears me turn the air blue with a shoot or darn if I break a precious item. I have been known to slam a door if pushed to my limit.  Usually the madder I get the quieter I am. And if I am really mad... my house will be spotless! Only time it is really clean :) 

    So here's a wish... wishing you all a good night.


  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited March 2010

    Marybe, Welcome to the POD. it's a family of wonderfully witty and wise women...  Its almost like virtually living together. Like the sorority house most of us didn't get to live in.  It's sisters. And once in a while we go off chasing chickens but we all check in as often as possible. And once in a while someone vents whatever they need to, however they need to and if you are within reading distance you will read, see and feel the pain too. So Be Forewarned. It gets REAL in here as often as it's fun. 


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010

    Isabella, you are a hoot. Thanks for putting ME into perspective-OUCH-that was my head hitting a brick wall. And welcome Marybe, glad you are here to get your toes wet. I hope you stay and join and come to love, the POD'sters that we are. Feelings are what count. There is a Stage 4 thread but many women write on more than one thread. Dar, two good friends are on Femera and it rocketed them into menopause. They are miserable right now ::((( but it will get better from what I hear.  Pam, please come clean my house!! Jackie, I am feeling like I am having a 'different kind of white coat syndrome' going on. Man, I need to get my psych meds tweeked or something. Emotionally, I have launched myself over their theraputic values. Jackie, I am really curious about the Vit D. I am feeling really awful physically and my labs are perfect right now. Very Tired! (((HUGS))))) SV

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2010

    I have just re-organised part of my pantry - can't you see my halo!! Haven't done the vacuuming yet but must.

    Was just popping in while trying to find hotels in Denver, must get that sorted as well.

    Dar, I have been on femara for nearly three years. The hot flushes returned but not so bad now. My main problem is joint pain. 

    must fly


  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited March 2010

    Ladies, I am in a state of shock.  Still Verical is lying, I said nothing about anyone being evil.  I have the pm and will post it here so you can make your own judgements.  I have now lost all respect for her and will not be back to what USE to be a really good thread.  This is riduculous.

    Date:11 hours ago

    Thank you for keeping me in your prayers,  I just didn't think, just posted on impulse but you keep enjoying the older forum, you have a lot of friends there that love you dearly. 

    StillVerticle said:

    Hey Spar, a quick note to me would have solved the issue for you. But if you need to head to another thread to try to avoid things, then blessings, and I will keep you in my prayers. Melissa

    This is the whole conversation.  What a drama queen.
  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited March 2010


    Try gardening with these latex and powder free gloves,

    I use them in the garden and they are remarkably strong.  Buy the large size so you can get them on and off easily.  I can't stand not feeling when I am weeding and I can when I wear gloves like these.   I am careful when I take them off and can often use on pair two or three times.


    I completely understand you use of Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo.  The word causes a great release of tension.  It can be ugly when specifically aimed at a person, as in "Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo You!", but as a expression of of frustration and exasperation nothing compares to the clarity and comfort of the "F" word.   It has been around for over 700 years.  There are a string of puns in Scene IV of Merry Wives of Windsor by Shakespeare that allude to the word but it has always been disapproved of by many people. 

    It is a shame that this whole thing couldn't have been handled by the moderators rather than on this thread.

    Let's all get back to being old ladies and talk about LOLcats and LOLdogs.

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited March 2010

    A quick fly by and HUGS for all.   I used to use rubber gloves for gardening, with a hefty dose of hand lotion before I put them on.  It was like a "treatment".   

    You know you can't please all the people all the time?  " I am what I am and that's all that I am."  (Popeye the Sailor quote)...    

    I have read that depression is anger (such as using the F word) turned inward.   Is is a trade off? keep it inside or let it out?   Angry, depressed, stressed out, frustrated - all are very valid feelings and the BC journey is a tough one.   Add the other problems that pop into our lives and no wonder an outburst is needed.   This is not a validation to use the F word, but it is not a criticism either.   You gotta do what you gotta do --- MY opinion.  

    Rest well, heal quickly, take it easy on yourselves.  Happy St. Pat's day.    Nancy 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2010

    OK ladies just let it go...

    I just feel we should all go with the rules of the community we agreed to do to post here..

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited March 2010

    2) NO ca OF ANY KIND



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010

    Spar, Clearly you are not getting what you need here so this is an important move for you. Defocus off of your leg (we have all had broken legs and yes I was in a cast for over a year) and work on real issues. Fact is, you struck a match and you wanted to play with your own little bonfire-sorry you caught the woods ablaze. I have never been called is liar, because I simply am not a liar and I have no reason to lie, especially over this. Spar, you edited the PM posts-I tried to apologize to you and to mend fences. You declined! I am over your hissie fit! I find it odd that you keep coming back here to taunt.You are fighting an old battle that has nothing to do with me. Your rage has nothing to do with me or the other women on this thread. Yet, over and over you associated my 'satanic behavior' with them. There is no excuse for abusing these women. But if you are that invested in acting out in your behavior, then you go gal. Again, none of this is about me- you don't even know me (for which you are probably thrilled) but apparently I have hit a very old nerve. For your own health, I encourage you to work on yourself. While I work on my relationship with the Lord everyday, I will not tolerate any abuse from you. I apologize to the other ladies for putting this on the Board but feel that much is hidden in PM's. 

    Spar, I have supported you more times than I can count and I truly mean it. To get this kind of backlash from you, once again tells me this is an ingrained pattern of behavior for you. Now, this is the last post I will make on this issue. You can keep trying to manipulate me and/or an image you believe you have crafted here or you can move on to other things and get healthy. That is your choice. But you do need to look at the great black wand with which you painted me and the other incredibly fabulous women on this Thread with, by their 'association' with me. Your rantings about me (and them) are revealed in your posts. These women, who have very painful personal issues going on, have given you their blessed time to support you whenever you have had a worry. This little hissy fit you are endulging in is a real slap in the face to them. But again, the demons you are fighting have nothing to do with what is on this Board. No one person powerful enough to set you off like this. So, Spar truly, from my heart, best of luck in all you do and I hope you get to the bottom of what is driving some really destructive behavior, (my personal opinion). I am over your apparent need to hurt people (with public comments like 'oh girls thanks so much for PM'ing me and supporting ME), Cowgirl up and either rejoin the group and try to work on resolving our personal differences in a constructive manner without personal attacks, or do what you are chosing to do and that is to stomp off and create as much wreckage as possible.  

    It is easy for anyone with cancer to do a lot of 'transferrance' of emotions like rage, shame and fear. I did not come on this thread to sit around and sing "Kumbaya." I came here to learn from incredibly strong women of my era how to deal with BC. I want to know if and how you all are coping with the 'humiliations' that I am suffering in trying to recover from breast cancer. The disease itself is terrible enough, but the medical community and its treatments are something else. I truly thought we had a cure for BC if I did what I was told to do. I was wrong. Regardless of that issue, without doubt, there are women on this Board that I want to grow old with.   

    In my residential community alone, we have about 200 breast cancer survivors in and up to the five year range in remission. Then it all seems to change. I only know of two women in my communty who have gotten to 30 years as BC survivors. The rest are dead or are in the process of dying. I hope to always remember that BC should be the focus of my posts on this board. I am not 13 years old, I have led a hard life and I make no pretense about who I am. My question is, how do I use my survival skills to beat this terrible disease? And how do I empower other women to do the same? (((BIG HUGS))) SV

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010


  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited March 2010

    Happy St.Patrick's Day! Money mouth

    Remember, you don't have to be Irish to be Irish!!!! Laughing

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2010

    Morning Girls!  I kind of feell like I am in the middle of the room where the "elephant" is, & am watching a "can of worms" wiggling all over the floor!  And I just feel so sad over all of this.  

    What's done, is done..... Wish we could all just forgive & forget. 

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited March 2010

    I think I will just go clean house.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,344
    edited March 2010

    The best solution seldom requires that someone be right and someone else be wrong."

    Robert Brealt.

    Hey...Happy St. Padddy's Day to all.  I probably have some Irish stuck in me somewhere as I have so many, many other things.  One I am most particularly fond about is the 1/8th. Cherokee.  I can't tell you why except that in so many cases I feel like the Indians felt sacred about so many things -- especially mother Earth and in that sense.....I think they were so much more "in tune" with themselves and therefore with their life.  When you are like that your instincts are stronger and your soul, mind and body are working in harmony.  That is what I really desire -- if the soul, mind and body are together we will be making our life easier to live while enhancing their lives of all those around us.

    I have some things to do, but I will be checking back in later.  Onward and upward.........I hope you all have a really fantastic day.

    Warm healing hugs, Jackie

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited March 2010

    LOLcats! I want LOLcats!!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited March 2010