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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,258

    In the rush of daily living it’s easy to forget all the remarkable people, real or fictional, who have been a part of your life.  But if you just imagine they are near for a moment, you will realize that anyone who ever touched your heart is always with you, patiently waiting to emanate warmth and support whenever you remember to think of them.

    Barbara Sher

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,273

    Cindy, love the banana pictures.

    My eye is teary today. I have another follow up appointment this afternoon.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,833

    Yes, I am back!! Laptop was in the shop, waiting for a good quality refurbished. He hasn't found one yet, so I took it home. I am now learning to use the spacebar with my left thumb. He will call.

    Harley, I will be praying for you.

    I refuse to read through all those posts.

    My new bike Is almost ready for show and tell. My brother and sister's husband came up and did some things I didn't have the equipment or know-how- to do. Just waiting for a cart for Tippy and groceries.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Whew—scanxiety over. MRI unchanged from 6 months ago, "no indication of metastases or primary tumors." Harley & Puffin, sending out healing vibes to both of you.

    Didn't eat dinner till very late. Bob came home and informed me that the garage door wouldn't close—it'd get w/in 6" of the ground and then reverse. Couple of days ago, I pushed the opener button on the wall and didn't realize the door had stopped 2/3 of the way down before I backed out—and I hit it, slightly warping the bottom panel. (Serves me right for not being able to back into the garage). For two days afterward It opened and closed just fine, till tonight. So I called an emergency garage door repair place, and it took 4 hrs before the tech could get here, in a torrential storm. Turned out to be a worn-out roller that had wobbled its way out of its harness, causing both the partial opening that led to my backing into the door and then out of the track, which was why it refused to close. All is well now.

    Our neighborhood didn't see damage, but all over the city there were trees and power lines down, and the roof of a swim school in Lincoln Park partly collapsed due to the wind blowing the HVAC unit loose and smashing it. Fortunately, nobody was in the building at the time.

    The girls continue to settle in. BangBang is eating like a horse and extremely active. (Hope she's not hyperthyroid—her weight seems to be holding steady). Roxy is becoming less intimidated by her at mealtime. They both will eat practically anything that comes from a can as long as it's paté. We've had a "sugar-ant" infestation, so we can't leave their uneaten food out.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,283

    We got both cars washed and the area rug (5x8) we keep in the garage at our sitting area - washed and draped over chairs in the sun to dry. Full sun, 91 and the water from the hose did not feel cold.

    At the front edge of the garage we have 2 chairs with good cushions & pillows, a coffee table, a 14” (?) tv w a Fire Stick on it, magazines on the coffee table shelf and a small oscillating fan. The rug doesn’t get real dirty, but I’ve been known to run over the edge of it when pulling in our car.

    This area is where we are sitting right now. Humidity must be high because my bathing suit is still damp. We’re done for today. Cold drinks and plenty of them is on the agenda. I might grill scallops. Even though I love a good pan sear, but it’s messy. I have no energy left for anything messy.

    Enjoy your Friday!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,258

    Sandy, Whew — good to hear. There is a lot of anxiety having to be tested so often, but guess if there were something amiss you'd be right on it before it had much chance to pick up steam. Have to try and find the bright side which I'm usually fairly good at doing.

    Glad the kitties are coming around. They sound like a pretty good pair and I bet almost anyone could adore them. I have to remember since I have always taken in lots of un-wanteds for a variety of reasons. I love them all period.

    Hopefully though, we won't get anymore. Room and expenses are factors now that we have our adult kids with us as well as higher costs for everything — even the litter is far more now. The kind we use is about $26.00 for each cannister and we usually need two each time. It is not fancy litter either. Just Tidy Cats (half the weight of the regular). We get easy to digest food from Chewy for them. This is the hard kibble. Treats we get from Walmart.

    Good to see you again Chris. Hope it is not too long before you can get another computer. Murphy's Law it should be just about the time you are almost comfortable with using your left thumb to space. Glad you had someone (family) to work with your bike. The shops (if they will do it at all) get a bit pricey for things I think of as rather simple and normal for the most part. Maybe we just don't keep those kinds of tools. Bet Tippy will love the outing on the bike.

    Cindy, I loved your description of not wanting to pan sear because it was messy, and you had no energy left for messy. In fact, I sort of chuckled recalling all the recent times we have had 'easy peasey' for the same reason. Good for you. So many of you here just don't stop — and just give the Energizer Bunny a run for the money if you ask me.

    Saying hi to all. Spent the afternoon at the dealership getting my car inspected and a print out of things needed attention. Well, that would be about $2500.00 worth. Well, no. I will have my SIL do most of what is needed. I did let them deal with the a/c freon injection. My compression is getting tired they say and I say, hmmm. It's been tired for a couple of yrs. It is not that it costs sooo much, but it is a 2011 and has 160,000 miles on it. I'm inclined to cut back on repairs. Likely I'll start thinking in another few thousand miles of starting to look for another car. I love this one all right and it looks nearly new. I had a cover for the back storage/hailing area and one on the back seat. As well, I have a waste basket that fits in the back floor so nothing is left that doesn't belong. I generally never allowed ANY food or beverages in the car, but Covid changed my rules and they haven't really changed back. We will see. Dealership was hoping I'd decide to do a trade-in — nope. Just too much money although I did get them to come down on the price of the 2023 Equinox they had left over. From $28.000 to $25,000. Still a no.

    Hope you have all had a good day. See you tomorrow.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,609

    Plan to put more ferns in today went the way of the great dodos. I had PT this morning and my final visit with my surgeon. Had some questions for her so decided to keep the appointment even though wound is now healed. She did do last check and told me that it has been such a long haul for me to reach this point. We did discuss what she had to do, what a future abdominal surgery would entail and what my various tender areas were related to. So we mutually agreed to a "divorce" on good terms and in spite of all that happened, I still like her and would refer others to her because she visited me every day while I was in the hospital including New Year's eve and New Year's day plus offered to do a home visit when unfortunately we were snowed in. I declined the latter because our driveway wasn't cleared and is very steep. Last physician I had who offered a home visit was my DD's pediatrician when she had a high fever and that was over 40 years ago.

    Since I was dressed I decided DH could take me out to dinner so we went to an Italian restaurant we haven't visited since pre-Covid. It was once one we went to on at least a monthly basis. Food is still excellent and our waiter was just a really cute college student.

    cindyny, loved the bananas photo. I freeze overripe bananas to make banana bread and realize I made more banana bread when I worked full-time than I make now I am retired. Made it for our level meetings which were monthly and it was always a hit.

    Weather permitting, I will garden tomorrow even though temps today were ideal because it was in the mid-60's and comfortable after yesterday's 90 degrees. I have one more pot of grape hyacinths to plant under the lilac bush (which smells divine and I wish I could bottle it) and then 3 buckets of ferns to plant. I still need to deadhead the daffodils and need to do that before they get the large seed pods. It is supposed to rain on Sunday so I will work on housework which gets put on pause when I can garden. DH says he will work on junipers so I can get to mulching.

    On Monday I have PT and leg ultrasound so won't be able to do much gardening but Tuesday is free. Was waiting to schedule back (thoracic and lumbar) MRI's until I received authorization which I found out today was wrong info (was told MRI scheduling would call me after that got authorization) provided by pain management office. So scheduled lumbar x-ray and MRI's on same day so I don't have to make multiple trips to MOB. Scheduled for late afternoon and evening so have afternoon free after PT.

    Today I saw the Eastern Towhee at the feeder. Another shy bird but I do get occasional glimpses at feeder. Returns every year so I look forward to seeing it. The hummingbird usually shows up around Mother's day.

    Harley, hope chemo is kind to you. Puffin, radiation will cause inflammation so SE's are not uncommon and Decadron should help reduce them but effects are not immediate. Hoping you recover some of the function on your right side soon. ((Hugs)) to both of you.

    petite1, hope vision improves soon.

    Chris, nice to see you back. Glad you will have your bike soon.

    Illinoislady, glad you are converting to new higher toilets which should also be water saving models. As far as cars, I held onto my 1998 Buick Regal for nearly 20 years and it only had 100,000 miles when I sold it to a mechanic. The body was in great shape, the leather interior was perfect and the buyer was a young mechanic who was thrilled to be buying a car "which looked new". The master brake cylinder went and I did not want to spend that much money. I had it so long that it had been discontinued, recalled several times and then the Regal was brought back 12 years after it was discontinued. I even got a recall letter shortly after I sold it and forwarded it to the new owner. Loved that car and really hated to part with it. So I can understand your attachment to your car. My current car is 6 years young and I only have about 8,800 miles on it. Love this one and my son has dibs on it when I decide to stop driving.

    Hope everyone had a great day.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    today was the first day I started showing improvement since radiation. I can do a little more with my hand today. OT was here today and brought a lightweight compression sock for my swollen right foot, and added several new hand exercises to the routine,

    A neighbor lent me a cushion to use in my wheelchair.

    Another friend brought meatloaf and mashed potatoes for the weekend.

    Today was a good day

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,258

    If your day was good then so was mine. Congratulations Puffin. Hope this is just the beginning of something good for you. Wonderful to hear. Your neighbors are fantastic.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088

    Puffin, you inspire me with your strong spirit. Good news that you're seeing improvement.

    My 2014 Prius is approaching 50,000 miles. Most of our travel during the eight months at home is short distance. But we have made a few trips with the Prius. I have never been sorry I bought it. We use the 2013 Tundra pickup during the four months in MN. It takes me weeks to adjust to having to use a key. I usually park in an uncrowded area of a parking lot with room to back out of the spot.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,258

    Remember, what you possess in the world will be found at the day of your death to belong to someone else, but what you are will be yours forever.

    Henry van Dyke

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,258

    Wow !! I'm sure like you I'd be trying to find a parking lot spot far away from anyone else if I had to drive a big Tundra Toyota after a Prius. I'd likely even have to do that with our much smaller S-10 pick-up. I always drove Dh's truck before but the last few years the 4-wheel drive that he has is hard for me to get into and I've avoided even wanting to be a passenger let alone the driver. Hate to complain too much but it smells like an old truck too. I think it is not likely to have a cabin filter in it.

    I talk like I might be a pro but I didn't know that my car had a cabin filter and only found it so when it started to not be so fragrant either. Dh says — lets check the filter and it was on. So, we did it automatically before we took it to the dealership. Anyway all to say I'm not into trucks much anymore.

    Looking forward to today. It is already 71 degrees this early so will be nice outside. The outlet behind my desk just suddenly failed night before last so I'm plugged in elsewhere now. We will have our friend Dave come over and check it out. Grrr. I think slight settling and other factors and maybe the wires become disconnected. Anyway, it is dead. SIL would have fixed it but I needed the electric on last night as appliances were going — so we will call Dave. SIL put in Dh's new toilet instead. Had some issues with it but I don't recall what they were. It is all good now. I stayed out of the way since I feel so fortunate to have someone who can tackle most anything that goes on here. Reminds me how Dh and I were when we first got the house. Never had to call anyone except the guy who cleans the septic tank.

    Hope you are all going to have a really good day and pretty week-end.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,283

    Puffin, you’re moving in the right direction! Good to hear of all those helping you out.

    Jackie, it’s always something. Honoring the electric outlet is an easy fix. And super your SIL was able to install the new toilet.

    Carole, you’re heading up north soon too. We leave on Wednesday to start the journey. If I had a truck to pack, I’d probably still overpack. We stuff the car, thankful for the large trunk.

    Sandy, good news on your MRI. Kitties seem to be settling in.

    Chris, good to hear from you. And glad your family helped out with your bike.

    Petite , I hope your eye is healing nicely and the tearing has stopped.

    Harley, you’re in my thoughts.

    I’m sitting out on the front lanai, because a gf called to yak. I’m headed back in because it’s 82 already, and headed to 89. It’s too hot, even though I’m just sitting.

    Enjoy your Saturday!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088

    The pickup truck tows a cargo trailer with standing room. It isn't happy towing all that weight and complains by emptying the gas tank! LOL.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited May 4

    Glad to hear things are starting to turn around for you, Puffin!

    This is our last weekend of being able to look forward to our HK coming in Monday. After next Friday, it will be our first time in almost 40 years (except for 7 weeks during the pandemic) without household help! We were young(er) & strong(er) back then. I'm beginning to stress out about finding periodic (not daily, of course) cleaning and laundry services I can trust to pick up the slack—which will be mostly on me, since Bob still works and has no independent living skills beyond taking out the trash (had to teach him several times how to set a table), heating up a can of soup (using the wrong utensils & bowls), and making a sandwich (messily, and also using the wrong dishes & utensils, grabbing whatever's on hand)? Getting a reliable cat-sitter to feed the girls & scoop the litter daily when Gordy or our friends can't is also giving me agita.

    The plumber, after having had to repair our HK's wastewater system sufficiently for her house sale to proceed, is coming over here Wed. to inspect and do the recommended routine maintenance on our pricy flood control system installed in the wake of the disastrous 9/11/22 flooding—especially now that "rain" here always means "severe storms." From the quoted price, I fear that means breaking up the concrete in that part of the basement—which BangBang likes to explore—and then pouring new wet concrete back over it. Only now have they gotten "the lay of the land" here and if I have to move the litterbox upstairs (or even use a disposable one) they will get quite discombobulated and start hiding all over again. They've finally gotten to the point where I can throw a towel over them and get them into carriers to go see a vet—we've been unable to make appointments because we can never be sure of being able to get them there. Roxy needs a nail trim, and BangBang is constantly hungry, active, and insists on forcibly monopolizing me when I try to type—and when she face-marks me her breath is foul. I want to be able to rule out gingivitis, IBD (unlike Happy, she'd never take a consistent dose of pill crushed into her food) or hyperthyroidism (which I can at least treat with transdermal gel on the inner surface of her ear like I did with Heidi). Neither of them have had bloodwork or dentistry.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,273

    Chris, good to hear from you

    Sandy, your kitties sound like a lot of fun.

    Jackie, I love my little truck. I was going to get a Titan Ridgeway, but it didn't fit in the garage. Little truck is just fine.

    Puffin, good to hear

    Harley ((((hugs))))

  • malleemiss251
    malleemiss251 Member Posts: 551

    @chisandy thank you for the image I have of you stalking kitties with a towel so you can get them into a carrier. I am still giggling. I have been there and done that. I learned that they are masters at hiding when they don't want to be found but towels are very effective aids.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    I've started doing some of my exercises in bed before I get up in the morning. This morning I was able to wave my arm back and forth and in big circles while maintaining a straight wrist, instead of flopping like a dead fish. The hardest is having my hand lie flat on the table while lifting each finger up one at a time, or trying to touch my thumb to each finger.

    I did have a nice outing today. Our DAR chapter had their spring luncheon at the Holiday Inn and a member took me in my wheelchair. The walleye fish sticks were easy to eat with my left hand and I had them put the wild rice soup in a mug with a handle to just drink it.

    My thrush is back so we stopped at CVS for my second bottle of nystatin.

    Took a nap when I got home and will now chill the rest of the evening.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 2,609

    Today stormy and at 53 degrees feels cold after 90 degree weather this week. Gray with drizzly type rain so not much chance of getting yardwork done. I did empty one more fern bucket before the rain started and will probably use 1/2 of another bucket to finish this bed. We needed the rain but it is also predicted it for tomorrow as well and that cuts into the time I have to complete gardening before surgery,

    Decided to iron and catch a movie on Netflix while I did this. I like to iron and usually like a distraction like a movie while I am doing it.

    Will sweep and straighten up the kitchen and family room to keep on top of household chores.

    Pulled out ortho folder with all the information about upcoming surgery and will review it since I last read it in December. I will need to stop some medications apparently 10 days before surgery, one of which I take for knee mobility so that timeframe without it will mean mobility challenges. Not looking forward to that.

    Hope everyone has a good day. petite1, puffin and anyone else facing recovery challenges, I hope each new day gets better for you.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    T-storms right now and for the next hour, so we're staying in and I did Amazon Fresh/Amazon for most of what I'd planned to buy. Tomorrow much chillier (turn the heat back on), but dry—so will hit Petsmart for individual cans of what the kitties seem to like and another box of clumping litter (this one's lasted 3.5 wks and our HK will empty, clean the pan, and refill on Thurs). Forecast for May here will be intermittently stormy, and as the week wears on, getting cooler.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,258

    To desire and strive to be of some service to the world,
    to aim at doing something which shall really increase the
    happiness and welfare and virtue of humankind--this
    is a choice which is possible for all of us; and surely
    it is a good haven to sail for.

    Henry Van Dyke

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,258

    (((((Puffin)))). Betrayal, you are doing so much, especially thinking on the gardening end of things. I do hope you are able to do all you had hoped before you have to give up your meds for your up-coming TKR. That would put a real crimp on things.

    Sandy, hope all was well for you in the storms. We are having a few as well. SIL said in order to get down our lane last night he had to get out in the rain and remove big limbs from the road. This happens almost every yr. It looks fine this morning, but then we do seem to be in the pattern where most of the rain comes right before or right after dark.

    Not too much on the plate for today — just my ever-present list that I whittle on all the time it seems. Still haven't talked to Dave (our electrician friend) about dealing with our dead socket behind my desk. When we get tired of the cord stretched across the floor to this area, I guess.

    I hope you are all going to have a wonderful day ahead. Good weather, good healing, and successful outcomes whatever you do.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    Having a good day today, able to do a little more with my right hand, even was able to work the putty a bit.

    I have an instant pot that's now too big and heavy to deal with. A friend visited this morning and suggested I order a small ricer since it's hard to pour boiling water with one hand, I found one at Home Depot with free delivery.

    Tomorrow a neighbor is going to remake my bed for me. I think I can get the bedding washed myself.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,283

    We’ve had big rainstorms last evening and tonight too. I was steaming the tiles and bam, you couldn’t hear yourself think there was such a downpour on the roof.

    I started cleaning our gas grill last evening. Boy oh boy, I think I must not have cleaned it last year. What a mess. I cleaned what I could, but the grate and the metal tent things I don’t know the name of, went into the dishwasher. Then I had to clean the dishwasher out from chunks of black grilled who knows what. It’s all back together and I won’t use it again before we leave.

    I think I’m on par for leaving. Still need to pack clothes but that’s not too overwhelming. I have my list to check off things so I don’t leave important things behind.

    Tomorrow I’m making a run to the post office to mail books to a gf. Then filling up the gas tank at BJ’s. Lastly ALDIs for yogurt. I’ll end up with some left to take on the road, which is ok.

    Puffin, you’re getting improvements and work arounds, which is good to hear.
    Harley, thinking of you too.

    Everyone else, hoping you had a great weekend.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 344
    edited May 6

    Illinoislady - sorry to hear about the issue with the electrical sockets in your home -the ‘joys of home ownership’. I think you were having a PET scan. Did that happen? Or am I thinking of someone else?

    Sandy - great news on the scan results.

    Puffin - so happy to hear you are making forward progress. I admire your determination.

    Cindy and Carole - safe travels up north.

    Petite - is your eye feeling better? Or is it still tearing up?

    MM - so happy to hear Kelce is settling in nicely.

    We had gorgeous weather over the weekend except for a storm on Saturday around dinner time. It was lovely to take a short walk in the neighborhood and sit in the backyard enjoying the weather. Our grass is green and lush, the trees have leafed out and plants are starting to grow (picture above). Our plan is to head to the garden store this week to pick out flowering plants for our three large planters - one by the front door and two on the back patio.

    Tomorrow I have a follow up appointment with the GYN Onc. This is just the follow up to my April surgery. I expect it to be routine as he approved me for chemo two weeks ago. And I have a few questions. DH is going with me because it’s almost an hour drive and by the time I come home I may be too tired to safely navigate the Chicago area tollway traffic. I have more energy but it’s a ‘big’ day for me if I do laundry and clean up after dinner. DH is doing 95% of the cooking. He is a good cook so I told him he has won the spot permanently however it appears he would like to share the chore once I recover. LOL.

    Enjoy the week!

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    harley, your back yard is gorgeous! I wish we had a pool, but now it would just be one more thing for me to take care of. I also love the fire pit area! Glad you are doing well. Wishing you the best for your doctor visit tomorrow. Good to have your dh for an extra set of ears as well as driving home.

    Puffin, wonderful to hear you had a good day! Such a blessing to have great friends! Nice that there was free shipping on the small rice pot, those costs add up to big savings! You are an inspiration!

    illinois, I do hope you get your electrical socket fixed soon. We really need to rewire our home, or at least have it checked out. The home was built in the mid 1950's when people didn't have as many electrical appliances. Our electric was upgraded and we don't run many things at once, so we haven't had issues that warrant immediate attention. Still, something on my long "to do" list.

    Cindy and Carole I hope you both have safe journeys moving up north for the summer!

    Petite, I hope your eye is doing better!

    Betrayal, I hope things are moving forward with your TKR surgery. Have you found solutions to your issue of stairs? I feel fortunate to live in a home that has multiple bedrooms and bathrooms on both floors and no steps to get inside our home. That is something we never thought about when we bought the house in 1980, but sure appreciate it now!

    Our granddaughter's First Holy Communion service was lovely. We gathered at their house afterwards. Their basement had flooded (several inches of water), but they had the basement waterproofed and completely redone and it is gorgeous! They just completed the renovation so it was great to finally see it completed.

    Dreary with scattered rain, supposed to be like this all week. We really needed the rain, but it makes it hard to get motivated to do much. I want to go back upstairs and organize the items that I am giving to certain people in piles in order to make what I want, two guest bedrooms with a bathroom! We have a relator who sponsors a neighborhood yard sale twice a year. I hope she plans to do one soon, but haven't heard anything yet, so maybe not. She will probably send out notices about one after I give all my unwanted items away, LOL. I don't care really, I just want to get things out of the house!

    I best be getting busy if I want to accomplish anything today. I hope everyone has a great day!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,258

    I believe that life is given us so we may grow in love, and I believe that God is in me as the sun is in the color and fragrance of a flower--the Light in my darkness, the Voice in my silence. Helen Keller

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,273

    Harley, beautiful yard.

    Puffin, good to hear you are doing better

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,273

    My eye is doing a little better.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Harley, your backyard is magnificent! Love the landscaping (those hostas!), pergola, pool. If I lived anywhere near you I'd be over there in a heartbeat (helping you out with chores, of course). Tollway traffic is brutal—timing is crucial but we don't always get the choice as to when to hit the road. Hope chemo is gentle on you. For nausea, ginger (any form) works great for me.

    Betrayal, your PT will likely start you on stair-climbing practice. Unlike with broken-leg surgery, TKRs require weightbearing as soon as you are clearheaded enough after the general anesthesia wears off. I would inquire about visiting OTs as well, to help you deal with the (temporary) mobility adjustments. If you don't have one, I suggest you get a Rollator with a fold-down seat. The seat is great for holding stuff like your coffee cup and dinner plate, and also if you get a little winded by standing at the stove. A wheeled gardening stool might help you outdoors so you can quickly resume maintaining your green thumb. And there is no dishonor in delivery: groceries, meals, household stuff, etc. Depending on which knee you're getting replaced (and whether or not your car is manual with a clutch pedal), you may be able to drive sooner rather than later and transition to a PT center like Athletico or your local health system's clinics.

    Don't be too proud or stubborn to avail yourself of Rx pain control for as long as you need it. It may help to set up a weaning-off calendar too. There is a website, (founded by a rather quirky & opinionated but experienced British ortho surgery nurse) with forums for various ortho surgery patients as well as other resources. The founder suggests a non-opioid pain regimen she calls the "Bonesmart Cocktail:" 2 extra-strength acetaminophen + 4 ibuprofen q. 6hr. My ortho surgeon and endodontist both say it gives analgesia comparable to oral opioids. (Downside is that the ibuprofen, an NSAID, can cause GI irritation, so it's not for GERD sufferers). Whatever you choose, stay ahead of the pain, as it's easier and more effective than trying to relieve it once it spikes.