Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • cindyny
    cindyny Posts: 1,366

    Harley, your yard is beautiful! Like Sandy, I too would be over in a heartbeat.

    MM, reach out to the realtor and ask when the yard sale will be. She might be wondering if there is any interest.

    Petite, beautiful lily! I’ve got 5-6 here, but they won’t bloom until I’m gone. Glad your eye is improving.

    Kind of quiet day. Got my running done early - PO, BJs, gas and ALDIs. I’ve got beach bags full, computer bag and workout bag (not used once!), ready to go in the trunk. Even when I don’t think I’m taking back a lot, I’m taking back a lot!

    I did find time today to dye my roots. The sun bleaches the daylights out of my hair, and toss in white roots. I was holding off doing it, trying to get home without white roots knowing multiple doctor appointments are back to back. I should be ok.

    We’re headed to a friend’s home on the river at 6:30, for a drink and to watch the sunset from their balcony. I think they’re leaving Wednesday for Maryland.

    It’s hot as could be here. I went in our car up to the main gate and my car said 99. When I got back it said 94. Wee oh, I think actual temp was 91 today.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    Sandy, I am having the right knees done because of the 2 shot knees, it is the most painful. So driving will be out for awhile. I have GERD and opioid intolerance with only Dilaudid (doesn't last; but when I had shoulder done, nurse told me to double q2h dose and take every 4 hours which worked better), and Vicodin left. They are talking about supplementing with ES Tylenol, Gabapentin and Meloxicam. So we'll see what potions they come up with when I meet with them at PAT. They also said no rollator with a seat but also said no cooking, housework, etc. for the first 2 weeks post-op. Not sure what progression is after that but did tell them I want home care nurse, PT and OT at discharge.

    DH doesn't cook but is ready, willing and able to do takeout in a heartbeat. I usually have no appetite post-op (especially when in pain) so I have Protein shakes on hand and DH did make breakfast (bagel or yogurt), lunch (Ellio's pizza or 1/2 sandwich) and dinner (salad, soup or takeout) after my last surgery. I also have some frozen meals that he can throw in the oven and preparation is limited to taking out of box, removing cover and putting on tray to go in oven. I am so glad we hung on to our oak TV tables (wedding present so 49 years old) because they allowed me to have a place to put items and the second was used for meals. Do have first floor powder room.

    Most likely will go to same place for post-op knee PT but really haven't seen anyone there for this. So I may either try their other clinic or try another recommended by the CV doc I am seeing.

    Ugly day with persistent gray after rain on both Saturday and Sunday. Maybe some showers tomorrow and Wednesday. Cuts into the time I have to accomplish garden chores so I am annoyed. If it is light I might just work in it to get the ferns and perennials in the ground. I am also trying to find a paint color for the interior of the garage for when my DB is available to complete it. I will not get to organizing all of it but had started on it so those areas will remain the same.

    I wanted to declutter and rehome some items, toss others and consolidate the items my DH kept buying every time he went to the Dollar Store without checking to see what we had. I think we have 12 bottles of Awesome degreaser/cleaner which is full strength and can be diluted for cleaning. BTW, it is a wonderful cleaner so cindyny buy some for your grill and you could just soak the grill pieces, rinse and dry. I used it recently to clean an item (brain fart as to what it was but will remember at 2 AM) and it was amazing because I barely had to exert any effort to clean it.

    petite1, glad your eye has stopped tearing.

    harley, what a beautiful backyard. I have lots of hosta and just love how the different varieties add interest to the yard. Mine need to be split but they are deer salad so I have to keep them close to the foundation. Loved the pool and the seating area. Hope chemo is gentle on you.

    puffin, so glad to hear you are starting to feel better and able to make decisions about timesavers for you to cook. Take one day at a time (advice from someone who is not always patient) because you need time to recover from the radiation.

    Illinoislady, hope you can discover why you have outlets that decide to "give up the ghost". In our last house, it had been built during the 60's when aluminum wiring was permitted in new builds. It would do things like break in the ceiling meaning my chandelier in the dining room didn't work. TG DH is an electrical engineer and could fish new wire through the ceiling to fix it. Do you have aluminum wiring?

    When we went to sell, the city inspector told us that the switch for the garbage disposal could not remain behind the kitchen faucet, the wiring for the window AC could not be run on the outside of the house, etc. and we would have to hire an electrician to replace it. The previous owner had left us a folder containing all the receipts she had for contract work in her house. Seems the inspector had been the original installer and I had the receipts to show him. He signed off on the work as they were because by law he would have had to replace them.

    MM, sounds like the First Holy Communion went well. Good luck with the decluttering.

    Had PT this morning and then US of legs this afternoon. So just had time to grab lunch before I had to report for US. Annoyed that they aske you to be 15 minutes early for appointment (was 25 minutes early because traffic was light) and then waited for another 30 minutes until she came to get me. Was told procedure would be 90 minutes (not true) and she actually completed procedure in less time than I spent waiting. Do not like the long waits at this office so may switch to his other office. Plus they permit people to be on their phones while waiting so it is like being in a phone booth. They have a TV but you can't hear it because of all the talking and phone ringing. Torture to sit there for 55 minutes waiting.

    Hope everyone had a great day. Need to get passport renewed so may go this week with DH.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Posts: 979
    My home health nurse came this morning and after measuring both my legs decided that I need compression socks on both legs for my swelling.
    A master gardener friend came over today and cut down the dead hydrangea stocks in our flowerbeds for me, which counts as volunteer time for her so it helped both of us. 
    I stripped my two week, dirty bedding and got it washed and dried. One of the residents pushed me in the wheelchair to our monthly birthday party, and I had a nice visit with the ladies at my table. Afterward, she and another lady came back to the apartment and made up my bed for me.
    I got a call from Lew’s sister that his brother-in-law has had two heart attacks and is in Duluth waiting for 
    bypass surgery.
    The manager of Riverside Cemetery took a photo of the sheet where  they keep track of  burials that they’ve done this past month and today I got them all updated on my laptop on findagrave, with memorials added for each of them. Typing with one hand on my laptop took a while, but it’s a project I would like to try and continue.
  • 1946taco
    1946taco Posts: 319

    Puffin, so glad you are doing better! And how nice that you could go to the DAR luncheon. Haley, the yard looks so inviting.

    Travel safely and have a good week everyone.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463

    Betrayal, the best-tasting shakes I've found are FairLife CorePower chocolate (26 gm protein), their CorePower Elite chocolate (42 gm), Premier Protein caramel (30 gm—in the plastic bottles, not cartons) and cafe latte (also 30 gm—has caffeine, so I drink them only at breakfast). All other chocolate protein shakes taste weird to me, as do most vanilla ones too. Couple of years ago I got a 12-pack of FairLife Nutrition Plan chocolate shakes (30 gm) at Costco—but they tasted horrible. Must have been a bad batch. Vital Proteins makes an unflavored collagen/protein powder that has 20 gm/scoop.

    Puffin, having trouble reading your post, as the right side is cut off.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191
    edited May 2024

    Sandy, just scroll on your computer using arrows underneath the post and you can read Puffin's lines all the way. You are doing well Puffin. I know it has to difficult and frustrating. My thoughts and prayers, with lots of hope mixed in remain so much with you.

    So glad you have found some understanding and caring help from some of your neighbors and family.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    Sandy, I used the Premier chocolate shake which I like and then found their strawberry and cream one which is really delicious. Need to stay with ones that are low glucose content. My DSIL found them at her Sam's club with the best prices. I have a stash for this upcoming surgery knowing my appetite will be poor post-op.

    Puffin, thank you for being a contributor to the Findagrave record keepers because as an amateur genealogist they are a big help to me. It is really important where there is no grave marker and I have many of those in my tree. My paternal ggf died the year I was born and never had a grave marker until I located his grave site. My DF wanted to place a head stone and asked me to do this for him. I was able to get the local grave marker company to give me a great deal on a stone (my brother had worked for them when he was young) and now the grave has a head stone.

    It is good you were evaluated for compression stockings. If you can perform ankle pumps (from flat foot, raise toes towards ceiling) hourly this will help, too. Glad you were able to attend luncheon and what a nice thing to look forward to: monthly birthday celebrations.

    Plan on running to tailor this AM with the pants I need hemmed. I have been putting this off forever due to having to try them on with dodgy knees but today is the day. I buy petites and still have to hem them because I have short legs and am not 5'4". I also want to buy all the birthday cards I will need for May, June, July and August to save myself trips while I am hearing. My BFF's birthday is next Saturday. DH and DD are in June, 2 DB's in July and DGS x 2 in August. So tailor first and then card store.

    Will go for passport application since current one will be less than 6 months left on it for our trip in September. I looked at the itinerary last night and was happy to see there is a lot of free time meaning possible rest time for me after we tour cities, sites, or objects of interest. The first trip starts in Zurich and we explore Switzerland. For our next tour, we fly to Paris, travel around France including Normandy Beach (my DF fought in France and Germany during WWII) and the trip ends in London 2 days after a trip through the chunnel. We will stay in London for a few more days so we can catch some shows if I can find ones we haven't seen (or have no desire to see such as Frozen or Hamilton (which I tried watching the movie and wasn't impressed)). Les Mis, Phantom and The Lion King are playing but are ones we have already seen, some multiple times (the first 2). Hotel in London is approximately 2 blocks from out favorite pub which serves the best Cottage Pie and is one we try to hit every time we are there. They also serve sticky toffee pudding (Princess Kate's favorite and mine, too).

    Waiting for DH. Today is sunny finally, will hit high 70's and after my errand runs, I should be able to plant ferns and perennials to finish that job. Have to remember to plant dahlia bulbs I bought at Costco in planters and start the Clematis I got there as well. If I can get them done then later this week I can run to Produce Junction for patio plants. So plan on being busy today.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day and that anyone struggling finds that each new day means less of a struggle.

  • harley07
    harley07 Posts: 409

    Betrayal - the itinerary for your September trip sounds fabulous. I would love to visit Normandy Beach. Having rest time between touring is always important to me as I can only absorb so much history, culture and nature. We have a cruise to the Arctic Circle in Norway planned for next February to see the Northern Lights. If we don’t see the Lights that’s OK as we saw them last year in Iceland. The cruise ends in London so I will also be researching shows as we plan to stay 2-3 nights. In your pocket for the knee surgery.

    Puffin - I’m amazed at how you have adapted and am glad to see you are able to continue your hobbies. Your neighbors sound wonderful.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    The Toltec tradition tells us that we surrender a portion of our life force when we dwell on any unhealed wounding event from our past.  The unprocessed emotions surrounding these events burden us and weigh heavily on our hearts.  They must be dealt with if we want access to all of our vitality.  Ultimately, what we will find is that forgiveness is the key to reclaiming all the life force locked in past hurt.

    Debbie Ford

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Had a lot of overnight rain and tornado warnings till 8 a.m. this morning. The ground outside is really soaked. It is partly sunny right now, but this time of year it so iffy and I think will stay that way yet for some time. It is the prelude to getting past spring.

    Betrayal, you are back in almost your normal swing of things. Planning the sights and sounds of great trips while accomplishing good things at home. Busy, busy, busy. I feel like a real slug.

    Puffin and all who have healing to do, you are in my thoughts with great hope for continued improvement for all of you. It is hard work to be in ill health at times and trying to rehab.

    Chris, hope things are well with you and Harley, Taco and others who I'm sure are welcoming warmer months. Some like Carole and Cindy traveling to 'summer' homes for the season.

    Made it to the bank and Walmart yesterday. My life story right there. Going to Walmart about every other day. The first day is for my current needs and the second trip is usually for the things I forgot because I forgot to grab my list on the way out the door. 😁

    Next trip towards town and I will get gas. It is going down again which is nice.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day and stay safe if there are any storms where you are.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275

    Betrayal, your trip sounds like so much fun! I love Zurich. I spent my 17th birthday in Zurich while traveling with my father on government business. We had friends who lived in Nussbaum. Best avoid touring castles if you aren't good at stairs at that point. I saw so many castles I was getting tired of them and they all had hundreds of stairs! I remember getting the worst "charlie horse" after climbing stairs in a castle, and that was when I was a very fit teenager! The city, however, is very walkable! I am not a fan of beer or brats, didn't like the Swiss cooking, but the chocolate and desserts, well, they were to die for!

    Illinois, glad you didn't get a tornado!

    Puffin, so glad you are able to do more now than before. Health is something we all take for granted until it's gone. You are in my thoughts every day!

    Harley, your cruise sounds amazing! Nice to have something to look forward to!

    Petite, glad your eye is doing better!

    Cindy, I literally LOL at your comment, "even though I think I am not taking a lot back, I'm taking a lot back!" Sounds like me when I travel, even for a few weeks! My sister covers all her furniture with sheets when they leave their condo to come back to PA. I never actually thought about all that is involved with living in two areas.

    Sandy, sounds like the kitties are settling in well. It is an adjustment for sure! My biggest hurdle is taking the dog outside at 9:30/10:00pm. I haven't had to do that since I had a dog in an apartment in the 1970's! I have to change my routine but it is well worth it to have her.

    Beautiful day today, dh and I went to BJ's, then did some house chores and played with Kelce. She is such a bundle of cuteness!

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Posts: 979

    My PT Supervisor did an eval today to compare with my pre radiation condition. She really put me through my paces. She adjusted my walker height, and added a couple new exercises to build up my quads and right butt muscle.

    One of my friends brought me a baggie of oyster crackers. It's an exercise to get my fingers to work to pick up a cracker and get it to my mouth without dropping it!

  • cindyny
    cindyny Posts: 1,366

    Puffin it’s nice to hear how well your doing.

    Here’s my 2 funny things for the day:

    The car was gassed up; packing clothes started. We’ve got 2 large suitcases full of clothes, not needed to use on the trip home, packed in the trunk. I took the vacuum to the 2 bags that were squished small, then took in air. As I did each one, I had to run to the trunk because I could hear air sucking back in. Within a short time one was full of air - total waste of time. The other is stuck on top of a suitcase hitting the top inside of the trunk and although expanding, it can’t go anywhere.

    Then tonight partner started packing foods - he looks at expiration dates and if it’s soon, and something we can use on the road, he’ll take it with us. Usually two bags full of odds and ends. This year he has an abundance of chocolate! I was telling him to be wary because it will melt in the car. So it’s packed in his suitcase that we bring into the hotel nightly. Yes, he has his clothes etc in there, along with a ton of chocolate. I might add, it’s all very good chocolate. But still … I told him he has to stop buying so much.

    Hoping you all had a good Tuesday. Heat here is awful and getting hotter. We’ll be in the Jacksonville area tomorrow and it should be 96!

    I’ve read all the posts but took no notes, which will probably be the same over the next 7 days. Like Willie Nelson…we’ll be on the road again.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463

    Jackie, thanks for the scrolling tip on Puffin's post. Hadn't realized she was typing one-handed. My bad. Puffin, consider those oyster crackers edible OT. Glad you have such helpful neighbors!

    Betrayal, your cruise itinerary sounds wonderful. (We did a Viking river cruise 12 weeks after my R TKR—I let Bob do the castle tours, as I don't do stairs without handrails (descending is downright terrifying for me). We visited Normandy & its beaches in 2014 for the 70th anniv. of D-Day, and our British docent was terrific. The cemetery visit at the end was touching and emotional. I've been to Switzerland twice—first in 1993 on a medical society trip (stayed in a chalet in Verbier) and then in Lausanne in 2016 for an intensive continuing legal ed course on DEI. That one course gave me half my biennial CLE required hours, with a music law conference in NOLA the previous fall providing the other half. (Beats watching 30 hours of boring legal videos, which I must complete by the end of June—was easy during pandemic lockdown, of course). The Alpine cuisine in the towns we visited was mostly carbs & fat—with some anemic shredded carrot slaw passing for vegetables. (Fondue & raclette were delicious, but they should have come with a side of angioplasty). In Lausanne, the cuisine was amazing—we stayed at a resort hotel on Lake Geneva and had a sumptuous banquet on the final night. (The hotel breakfast buffet even featured carve-your-own jamon Iberico: the leg and the knife were provided for doing it on the honor system).

    And thanks for the reminder about renewing passports—mine expires Feb. 1, 2025 so I'd better get cracking.

    We were supposed to be in the "marginal" severe risk zone today, but not even till this afternoon. Awoke at 7 this morning to lightning & thunder—didn't stop storming till after 10am. The cats were freaked out and didn't eat a morsel till 11. By 1pm we were bumped up to level 2 risk and all of the tri-state area was under tornado watch. In the far NW suburbs (right on the WI line in Harvard), straight line winds destroyed a 2-story barn, trapping several dozen cattle, sheep & goats. All but 12 sheep & 4 goats were rescued. There was golf-ball-sized hail in the SW suburbs. And a confirmed EF-3 touched down across the lake in Portage, MI. Here in the city we just got rain, and it ended pretty quickly. But starting tomorrow evening? Lather, rinse, repeat…

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Awoke to sun (a little muted) again this morning. Likely had some rain during the night. It looks quite wet outside again. So, I think like Sandy our iffy weather continues. Glad you had no damage Sandy, but sure sounds like it was a bit nerve-wracking. Even more for your felines. Straight line winds are as bad as tornados and that is what we had here several yrs. ago and the only time since we have lived here in the woods. We didn't have as much damage around our house, but it took the power lines in the ravines so had a week of no power. Big sighs of relief when several power trucks showed up.

    Cindy I was chuckling a bit at the thought of a lot of chocolate in a suitcase. You may be sick of chocolate by the time you get home to New York. Hope it all comes out in the wash — if need be.

    Same old thing today — catch-up, but that is okay. I had an appt. to go to Marion that I cancelled and remade for the end of the month. It is just paperwork which annoys me as I feel like it could be done over the phone, but I will have to go in for it.

    I remain happy for you Puffin that you are making some progress now. I am thankful you have friends (family too) who are stepping in to give you a hand with all of this. A beautiful blessing.

    Hope you all have a really good day and good weather as well.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    Yesterday was busy and oh, so hot when working outside. I did get one bucket of ferns in, 3 down and 1 to go, planted the dahlias in patio pots and the clematis have been put into a pot to start them while I determine where I will plant them. We just added the privacy screens around the propane tanks so they may be where the clematis goes when they have sprouted more.

    Even managed to stop at SW's yesterday for more paint chip choices for garage interior. It was painted over 30 years ago with MAB paint (gone now but absorbed by SW) and while lasting well, needs a refresh. DB will do the painting and SW paint goes on sale at the end of the month so need to get him to determine how much we'll need for 3 full walls, ceiling and small area above garage doors.

    Today I have PT, a return to get passport photos since shirt was too light and photo will not pass scrutiny and a stop at CVS for a prescription. Doing laundry but will try to get some gardening in before it hits the high 80's.

    Am coaxing DH to get juniper surrounds done so I can mulch and time is getting short. We have 7 for a privacy screen and have the surrounds to prevent predation by deer. They ignored them in the first year and second year ate their way through them leaving them looking top heavy because the scalped the centers. He needs to go to Home Depot for more chicken wire so I asked him to get 10 bags of black mulch. It will take about 30 bags to do the juniper area but he can only transport 10 at a time. Plus he loves to run errands like this.

    It is sunny. low 70's and I can already feel the humidity creeping up. Too early to be this hot in the season since it seems our spring lasts at most about 48 hours before we evolve into summer.

    My home was subjected to the negative effects of straight winds when it toppled 2 cherry trees into the primary bedroom and attic. The more areas are developed and tree breakers are removed the worse they get. Since the property next door was cleared for a new home to be built we have had very high winds hit our house. They estimated the winds which zig zagged through our neighborhood were in excess of 80 mph. One new development miles from us was decimated with over 30 houses damaged and in my neighborhood it was about 10 damaged homes but damage was severe.

    puffin, glad you are making progress and I love oyster crackers so an OT exercises and a mouth treat.

    cindyny, do you truck clothes back and forth between your houses? My DB and DSIL are reverse snowbirds at present and leave clothes appropriate to the area at each house since they like to travel light: so FL wardrobe vs. NJ wardrobe. I sure hope the chocolate doesn't melt all over the contents of the luggage. Safe travels to you and to Carole.

    MM, glad Kelce has blessed you with such joy.

    Illinoislady, did you get CT results yet?

    The results from my Leg US were posted yesterday and while right leg has no issues, the left leg does which explains the edema. Not going to read into it but not sure of what he will say at our Zoom meeting on Monday. The price I am paying for being a nurse for all those years and the effects of hard hospital floors on legs, knees and feet. So skeletal issues including back and vascular issues due to those years.

    Sandy, don't think I will be doing stairs in castles and to be honest, once you have seen one, you've probably seen them all. I am looking forward to getting away especially since we had to cancel the Panama canal cruise in January. These are bucket list trips. I was in Paris in the mid-70's when the French were very rude to Americans and am hoping that attitude doesn't persist. I am doing homage to my DF who was present at the liberation of Paris when he w sin the Army and was made a Chevalier of France posthumously in 2010. He landed in France after D-Day but served in both France and Germany so visiting this area is important to me. He was stationed in England so we have visited the areas where he was billeted (Honiton, in Devon) and where he shipped out (Bournemouth). We visited Honiton with him shortly before his 40th Army reunion so he was able to take photos and recent stories to the reunion from these places.

    Hope everyone has a great day.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466

    My big accomplishment for the day, a trip to the Outpatient Center for bloodwork and urine sample. LOL.

    I was going to treat myself with a sausage/egg biscuit from McD's but passed up the turnoff so home to cereal and berries. My health angel must have been looking out for me but I sure would have enjoyed a breakfast sandwich.

    DH is playing golf so I am taking my time about getting daily chores done. Later I may go walk around Belk's department store.

    Puffin, you are in my thoughts and so are you, Harley. Both of you have a lot of spirit.

    Yesterday was six weeks since my explant and revision surgery. I'm very grateful that all seems to be going well in recovery. I even did some yard work a couple of mornings and experienced no pain or soreness afterwards.

    Happy Wednesday.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Posts: 979

    We had our monthly resident meeting today and I took the opportunity to address the group to clear up rumors I'd been hearing: I am not terminal, I am not on chemo, yes I'm stage 4 but my test showed the tumor is shrinking and I have no other tumors at this time. And after the meeting could someone open up my big bottle of V8 juice for me?

    My big accomplishment today was figuring out a way to trim/file my fingernails, which I couldn't do last week

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Good for you Puffin. Not sure why people tend to see things in the worst way, but I do understand — for many people getting a cancer dx. is frightening, but drastic changes have come along and most stages including Stage IV, are handled in ways that generally enhance and or extend life pretty good. It is just a shame that people speak often (possibly out of fright and distress) without the 'real' facts. You have set them straight and should hear no more.

    You are slowly learning how to adapt to doing things and I am amazed and delighted. You are definitely not a quitter. You have a great spirit and with that much desire you will continue to do well. Hats off to you. Also hugs and hope the rest of the evening is a joy to you.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    True forgiveness will become easier when we learn to empathize and
    apologize; when we admit we are human too, capable of wrongdoing;
    when we make allowances for circumstances we may not understand;
    when we have faith in the basic good of personkind, when we are
    willing to start again with compassion and without grudges.  The
    Hebrew word for compassion is derived from rechem, meaning
    womb.  The inference is a new birth, suggesting a fresh start.  This
    fresh start brings with it a deeper understanding of the futility of
    grudges, expectations, and unresolved hate and anger
    and renews our hope in the power of love.

    Leo Buscaglia

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,191

    Some muted sun this morning after something of a wild night. Lots of thunder and lightning. Our Buddy was outdoors and I was standing at the door holding the screen door open hoping he would come in — he didn't but the biggest clap of thunder and bolt of lightning came just then and I thought I was a goner. Good reminder of why we shouldn't be outside during a serious storm. He did later show up to come in, but not w/o playing hard to get on the first round.

    Hope all who were in the path of the storm were safe. We were/are fine. I think we have more to go through but again likely to come later rather than earlier in the day. It is mainly early evening and after dark storms that are showing up for Spring.

    Working again on my list today and need to make a couple of overdue visits. I don't keep up well with those anymore, but sure hope to do better. I have a key to Jo's house and even if she is not home I can visit with my little furry friends there. I hope to get back in the visiting mode because I miss having a puppy around here knowing I'm not really ready at the moment. We need to focus on getting some of the important home fixes (like the electric issues) taken care of I think.

    Hope you all have a great day. Betrayal, thinking of you and the upcoming surgery. It is at times like these I wish I was wealthy so I could just jump on a plane and come help. Taco and Puffin too.

    MM hugs to you and Kelce as well.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    Overcast today with rain expected this afternoon. Yesterday I planted the last bucket of ferns in what I call my secret garden since it is not visible to most. I had planted ferns there that I took from the undeveloped property next door about 30 plus years ago and it is a good thing I did, because when they developed the property, they killed off all the ferns. I filled in gaps in those ferns with the ostrich ones and discovered bags of garden debris from last year that DH never removed. I ended up trimming an invasive vine off my one lilac.

    Today I filled another bag with the leaf debris from this year, I deadheaded the hyacinths in the lower portion of the garden and did some weed pulling so I can officially cross that area off my list for this year. So DH had to haul out 4 large leaf bags for trash tomorrow. In the juniper bed, I repositioned a large slab of slate we use as a stepping stone, dug up another and repositioned it, transplanted some lilies of the valley and called it quits. DH got 8 bags of mulch so once he finishes last 2 juniper coverings, I can begin to mulch this area.

    DD had gotten some perennials at a garden sale and did not realize in addition to the 4 ferns, an azalea, several heucheras and a pink dogwood she had also gotten me 2 oak leaf hydrangeas. I had ordered them last year but they sold out and didn't realize she had gotten them this year. So the perennials go in the bed by the large rock, the ferns in the bed by the stream, but need to decide where to put the oak leaf hydrangeas, the azalea (the hill?), and the dogwood. Forgot to mention the acclimated hibiscus. Right now it is just the cut down stems but they do not come out until late June/early July. I have 2 and they produce flowers the size of salad plates.

    Rain is predicted for the next 4 days including Mother's day which is my traditional planting day with dinner from a Chinese restaurant. So I will focus on getting household chores done since post-op I was ordered not to do any cooking, cleaning or other household activities.

    Was told to purchase Skechers for post-op and was able to find some on Poshmark (new with tags) for less than half price. Plus they are machine washable.

    Sandy and Illinoislady, hope the severe weather misses your areas.

    Puffin, am amazed at how fast rumors start and then flourish. Glad you were able to address that and then get help with your V-8 bottle.

    Harley, hope all continues well with you.

    Taco, waving hello and to anyone else I have overlooked, I hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466

    I accomplished a hated chore today, cleaning off the pile of papers on my desk. It involves filing and making new folders and separating what is throwaway from what has to be shredded. It always feels good to get the job done and working indoors today is almost a necessity since the outdoors is like an oven. Tomorrow is supposed to be lower humidity so I may get outside for a little more yard work.

    Betrayal, when your garden is at its best, maybe you can post some pictures. You do come across as an accomplished gardener, and a dedicated one.

    Jackie, you seem to get a lot of rain.

    Puffin, I admire the way you addressed your fellow residents and corrected their misconceptions.

    I talked to a woman who also spends the summer at Pine Hollow Resort. She and her dh went up early because they had to attend his sister's funeral. Mary was complaining because the temperature during the day is in the 60's and gets down to 40's at night. I said, "Break my heart!" I could live year round with daytime temperatures in the 60's or low 70's, at the highest. And cold nights mean good sleeping.

    Happy Thursday to all.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Posts: 979

    My OT came today, did some testing. I wasn't surprised at my dismal grip strength, but both of us were surprised when I got the 8 little pegs in their holes in less than a minute.

    She brought me my compression socks, but the package contained black socks instead of the white ones shown on the package,

    We talked about adaptive aides and I've ordered a container to pour my half gallon of milk with, and a ring to put on the back of my cell phone to make it easier to hold.

    Just finished washing a couple loads of clothes, trying to decide if I should have someone come to put them on the hangers for me

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463

    Puffin, glad to see the progress you're making. How are you managing to done those compression socks? We used to have an accessibility/fitness/supplement superstore in the nearby Village Crossing strip mall: you could buy vites, adaptive clothing, utensils & pens, resistance bands, hand weights, back supports and knee braces all in one stop (with a free 10-minute Shiatsu chair massage on your way out).

    Nasty raw day here: rain off & on, wind and high temp barely cracking the low 50s. And we had a thunderstorm around 6 a.m. Driving home along Lake Shore Drive from my mani-pedi, I could see the lake riddled with angry whitecaps. Mother's Day looks to be the only dry warm(ish) day on tap for at least the next week.

  • harley07
    harley07 Posts: 409

    Puffin - glad to see your determination is paying off and you are able to do more things. You are an inspiration

    Betrayal - Holy Cow ! Your gardening efforts are tiring just reading about it. I would love to see pictures.

    Carole - the reported temperatures from Pine Hollow would be right in my ‘sweet’ spot. I don’t do well in heat and humidity and would happily live with high daytime temps in the 60’s or 70’s. I love when it’s cooler at night.

    Cindy - your description of the space saver bag expanding in the trunk gave me a good chuckle. I have a vision of your arrival in NY, opening the trunk and like a cartoon, the bag has taken on a life of its own and is expanding out of the car and down the driveway.

    Jackie - thank you for the daily quotes. I look forward to them.

    My weather is the same as Sandy’s - gray, rainy and cold. The GYN Onc gave me the green light to resume using the elliptical. So I went to the gym on Tuesday and today and started on the elliptical very slow. Most of my time at the gym is spent walking on the indoor track (also very slow). It does feel good to get some mild exercise. I have to wait another four weeks to resume riding my bicycle which also be slow and short rides.

    Other than fatigue and night sweats like I’ve never previously experienced, I feel ok. Next Wednesday is round 2 so it’s moving along. Our 44th wedding anniversary is two days later. It’s unlikely I’ll feel up to going out for a celebratory meal, so we plan to go out next Monday and celebrate a few days early.

    Enjoy your evening!

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    Carole: My DSIL has been asking for photos of my garden now but it is transitioning from dogwoods that had bloomed and some of the azaleas are also done but here is what's happening now.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015
  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015
  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015