Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,707

    Puffin, fingers crossed that this new regimen works. You are in my prayers.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,402

    Oh Puffin - I sure hope this new plan works!!!!!

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,348

    Puffin, things are moving so fast. I hope the pre authorization goes through quickly and you can start the new regimen as soon as possible. Fingers crossed this is the trick to shrink it!

    Harley, my mom had CLL and a few times her platelets were too low as well. We’d get to the office, they’d spin out her blood and send us back home. I’m hoping your week off allows the platelets to get up to acceptable levels. Get this treatment over with.

    Betrayal you’re a trooper. I was out planting black eyed Susan’s today, sweating, thinking I’d need a break but I thought you’d probably just carry on, so I did.

    A funny story, after planting 6 good clumps of the black eyed Susan’s I had to water them in. As I was out in my front yard, what did I see…

    I let out a yell, like a 12 year old, the weiner mobile! The things that make me smile.

    Sandy - I too would have tossed that cat carrier! Do they have the big cardboard ones anymore? Less expensive to toss. Hoping you’re settling in. My aunt had a carpenter build a wooden step - so the drop down from her door way to the first step was halved. Nothing permanent. Good luck.

    Jackie, I’m a card sender too. My aunt that just passed, I always sent her cards and post cards too. My cousins used to tell me to save the money spent on flowers, because she really liked getting mail.

    Taco, never fails required paperwork ending up in spam! Hoping you get a date.

    Petite, enjoy your mini vacation! Any vaca is a good vacation.

    Carole, your temps sound good. I found my town golf pass today. Who knows, maybe I’ll dig out the clubs.

    MM, reader, wren, and any others I’ve missed- hope you’re all doing ok and have some good weather too.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Puffin, I am so very sorry to hear about your tumor growth. I have hope that the new medicine plan will turn things around for you. Miracles do happen, but I want you to know that you have made such a positive impact on everyone you crossed paths with, including me! Your love of nature, in particular, birds, was such a gift that you shared with all of us here. Regardless of whether you have one day or one thousand days, I have no doubt you will live each day in the best possible way!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,507

    Good Morning. Muted sun this morning but I think it is just some morning cloud cover. I don't recall any news of rain. We will see. In our little pocket we are never completely sure. I think it definitely is staying a mite cooler the past couple of days.

    I received some negative news last night. Beth, my good friend and beautician passed away Tuesday night. She had a first case of BC about 4 &1/2 yrs. ago. At the time, she had chemo first to shrink her tumor and then her lumpectomy. I was so hoping that all would be fine but less than a yr. ago her cancer returned. She was doing therapies for it, lost her hair again, but whatever therapy she had this time just did almost nothing for her and seems she just kept going downhill. She was very religious and quite stoic in all of it. It is hard to think of a world without Beth, smiling in the salon she helped open in 2012. You are as always A Step Ahead, Beth.

    I hope you all have a good day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,507

    Life is made up not necessarily of great sacrifices or high-level duties
    but of little things.  The smiles, the kindnesses, the commitments and
    obligations and responsibilities that are given habitually and lovingly
    are the blessings that win and preserve the heart and bring comfort
    to one's self as we as to others.  This is the ministry
    of service performed by every useful life.

    John Marks Templeton
    Worldwide Laws of Life

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    puffin, I've been scrolling the posts, looking for your name. I'm so sorry you got sucky news. I hope whatever treatment they decide at least helps you stay comfortable.


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,306
  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,306

    The little Santa is a bought item.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,306
  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,306
  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,306

    The color is layers of blue and green dye. Top coat of lacquer. About 14 inches diameter.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,953

    best wishes for good results. The alternative is not what you want to hear. Hugs

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,306

    Oak burl bowl with holes filled with colored epoxy. I kept this one and use it for wrapped candy.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,306

    Grinders with ceramic mechanisms. Good for salt, pepper or dried herbs.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,707

    Illinoislady, so sorry to read about the untimely death of your friend and hairdresser, Beth. You had mentioned she had had to cancel one appointment with you, but I am sure this was a shock to you. May she rest in peace and her memory be a blessing to you.

    Today was day 3 of PT and I went in with a really sore leg. My PT is on vacation so the head PT took care of me today. She had a whole new barrage of exercises for me including leg stretches, use of a metal blade (Graston) to loosen quads, massage of the knee cap and a few others. The best was having me walk forwards and backwards independently which was a bit of a challenge but I was able to repeat it several times. Using a band, I was able to get knee flexed to 110 degrees which was better than the 95 degrees I had last week. Goal is to reach 120 degrees by September.

    It is sunny, with temps now in the high 70's, slight breeze and a pleasant day.

    cindyny, loved the weiner mobile. I haven't seen that since I was a kid and would love to see it again. Thanks for the photo. And you were right about the black eyed Susans, I would have persisted like I did with those buckets of ferns.

    Had to chase a doe I caught eating the hostas next to the house. DH sprayed them with coyote urine and I just saw her walking through the yard. The poor thing was covered with flies and looked like she needed a drink of water. The squirrels have been drinking out of our patio fountain which I never noted before this year. We need some rain and it is coming but not soon enough. We do have the stream at the front of the property but it is a steep access from our property and best accessed from my neighbor's side.

    DD reports Banjo has worms and will be contacting the SPCA since she should have been adequately treated prior to adoption.

    Spent the morning looking for Tawny (one of the cats) who failed to respond to food and to us calling her. Searched all over and then DH found her sleeping on the couch in the basement. I don't want to tell you how many times he must have walked past her while searching the closets down there.

    Hope everyone has a great day.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,953

    those are gorgeous!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,507

    Carole, thank you for sharing pictures of the bowls/woodworking your Dh does. The pieces are all very, very pretty as well as highly functional I'm sure. I was quite taken in fact with the Oak bowl w/epoxy you kept for yourself. You both are talented people to be sure.

    I think that weiner mobile was in Centralia once, but I could be confused just for having seen pictures of it more than once. It is FUN to see though for sure.

    Betrayal, despite setbacks (sounds mainly minor) you are it seems well on the way to gaining back great use of a knee and the abilities that come with that. Here's hoping it is a nice upward trail that brings much satisfaction in functioning almost as well as you once did.

    Sun is out but only 87 with small breeze. Not too bad today.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Carole, WOW, your DH makes gorgeous bowls and items! Also, I would NEVER come close to guessing his age! I particularly love the bowl that was a beautiful wood center and blue/green around the sides! I do hope he is sharing his craft with the younger generation, perhaps present his skills to students at a tech school studying carpentry, restoration, woodworking? Or, he could do videos showing his crafting skills. I just hate the thought of not passing such an awesome craft on to the younger generation. My DGS, who is 10 would love spending time with someone like your DH!

    illinois, I am so very sorry to hear about the passing of your hairdresser & friend.

    Betrayal, worms are to be expected in puppies, and require more than one worming. When I did fecal samples in the vet. hospital I never reported it as "negative" but as NOS (No ovum seen), due to the life cycles of the worms. Not a big deal at all, very common. Hook, whips, round worms are so common in puppies, I never tested a pup that didn't have them. Tapeworms are more likely noticed by owners as "grains of rice" on the feces. My vet doesn't even do fecal tests anymore because so many of the new chewable heartworm and flea/tick medications come with anthelmintics in them.

    Harley, Puffin, thinking of you both!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 383

    Puffin - you are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope the Avastin is approved quickly. (((HUGS)))

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 383

    Carole - your DH;s woodworking is stunning. I concur with MM that it would be wonderful if he could teach the skill to the younger generation .

    Illinoislady- my sympathies on the passing of your hairdresser.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,402

    Carole - thanks for sharing the gorgeous items your DH made. Beautiful.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 967

    Puffin you continue in my prayers.

    Carole, your husband has an amazing talent!

    Illinois I am so sorry on the passing of your friend and hairdresser.

    Cindy, I was shopping in Old Town Alexandria, VA once and quite non chalantly it seemed, the Batmobile went by...I love when stuff like that happens.

    Hello 👋 to anyone I missed. We have company this week and went kayaking on the river today. It was amazing. My DH did all the work in a tandem as my shoulders aren't up for it. Lovely day with our friends.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,316

    Good morning. I am up early.

    Puffin and Harley (((HUG)))))

    Carole, beautiful wood work

    Cindy, LOL love the pic

    Jackie, sorry to hear about your loss

    Sandy, How long will you be living in that rental?

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,348

    Jackie, sympathies on the loss of your friend and hairdresser. I know you enjoyed her talent and friendship.

    Carole, I’m with Jackie - that bowl with the blue resin is stunning. All of his work looks great!

    It’s raining, and it’s predicted to rain through tomorrow afternoon. I made sure last night that everything outside was put away or covered up.

    I’ve been looking for a tiny card with my birth weight, length and time of birth, I think it had the baby wrist band on it too. It had almost been in my way multiple times over the years and I put it away. Where I put it is the problem. I’ve looked in all the spots I can think of but nothing so far.

    I did find a pile of credit cards, store membership cards & gift type cards ($5 @Blockbuster!), casino cards, and old ID cards too. Trashed many. Some odd ball stuff we put in our fire safe - who would want to steal half this stuff! I think partner cleaned out vs threw out.

    I pulled out a shoebox that had wedding invitations from gf’s and family that are 40+ years old. Some still married, some not. Birthday cards from the 80’s too. I put them all back on the shelf.

    I also found old tax records & returns. Paranoia from (or because of) my ex husband has caused me to keep them. Today’s rainy day may be a shred the taxes day.

    And I’ll keep looking for that baby card. It started because my sister had wished me a happy 65th at midnight (6/26) and I promptly told her I wasn’t born until 6:03 AM, so I wasn’t 65 YET. Sisters! LOL I need to find the card.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,507

    If you're able to be yourself, then you have no competition.
    All you have to do is get closer and closer to that essence.

    Barbara Cook

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,507

    Good Morning. It may rain or it may not. That is our little pocket of Illinois. There is some muted sun peeking out a wee bit. Have to see if it increases or not. Doesn't mean it still won't maybe rain later, but only that we could do a thing or two outside and not get wet.

    Cindy, I'm laughing a bit but mind you not too hard. I too, along with likely many here have put away things thinking at the time I could go right back to them the very minute I wanted them. "Nope" not even close. Fortunately, I think after many hours of frustrations and 'finding' many other "gems", I have finally run across what was to be so easy to find.

    I guess our minds — not really being static which is a good thing since we can continue to take in facts, changes just enough that once what was a perfect, easy common-sense choice doesn't seem like it after a good amt. of time has passed.

    I think the rule of thumb for keeping most records (like tax type) is 7 yrs. but I haven't checked in a long time. I know we don't un-load many of them. For the last few years, we haven't had to file taxes as we don't make enough. Well, that's makes it easy for us — noting to save or throw out. That's real space-saving, huh ?

    Reader, that water looks gorgeous, but then I'm a huge fan of lakes, ponds, oceans — water = the spiritual to me so I'm generally never disappointed. Looks like a pretty nice sized lake. The lake we live on (sort of since it is not directly behind our house anymore) is a fair size. It was designed and has been used as a drinking water lake but has needed dredging from long time past or it would be bigger than it is and it is a pretty fair size anyway. The time and cost to dredge (quite a procedure to undertake) has been prohibitive to the city sadly. We had a lake association for a long time (mainly inactive now) trying to figure ways to do the lake and work with the city, but never able to get it done. The clouds in your picture look close enough to touch almost and they are lovely too.

    Hope everyone has a great Saturday.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,707

    Had a rough night, I think due to new PT exercises. Inner aspect of knee was very painful so finding comfortable position was difficult. Used ice several times and actually took Norco before bedtime and when I woke for second time at 4 AM. Took again at 8 AM and now am just really tired. Pain is better and will do daily exercises to keep on track. It was muscular in nature and not the joint itself. PT said muscle pain will start to increase now. Will ice after completion of exercises.

    DD and DSIL took Banjo back to rescue for treatment for worms and stopped by here on their way home. DSIL brought her inside and with treats I was able to demo how to get her to roll over. She climbed in Regan's bed and when I was taking her picture, I told her to say cheese and she began to bark. It was funny since her bark is big in comparison to her size. They are really happy with her and are getting compliments from others about her.

    Loved the photos. Family records are the hardest thing to declutter so I don't bother. I have files and some boxes with genealogy information that I do need to purge of non-family related records to just keep what is relevant. Will save that for colder weather when I am house bound.

    Warm and muggy today. Overcast with thunderstorms predicted for this evening. We need the rain since the ponds down the street are green with what appears to be algae. They get like this when the water is somewhat stagnant.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,507

    All the kindness which a person puts out into the world works on the heart and thoughts of humankind.

    Albert Schweitzer

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,507

    Good Morning. It is starting out dreary looking. Dh says it is going to be a lot cooler — like around maybe 77 degrees or so. Well, I'll be loving it.

    Betrayal, hope your nights get better for you. Your PT specialist seems to know it will be muscles straining to adjust to all that has taken place with your knee. Perhaps some comfort in knowing it is indeed an expected occurrence and one that sounds like with a bit of time and continued therapy will end up just being a part of the overall process and not a lasting feature.

    Hope we can see a picture of Banjo one of these days. She sounds like she is cute and loads of fun and also, not too hard to train. Sounds at the time like everyone, including Banjo is going to come out a winner. When you mentioned her getting into Regan's bed I immediately though — hmmm, whose been sleeping in my bed.

    You are all on my mind today and I'm hoping all have a good day. Happy Sunday.