Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?
It is a beautiful day with temp at 63 and very sunny. Agree that spring is popping up all over. Can see the dreaded flowers forming on the tulip poplars; they are pretty but messy when they are smashed.
Had MRI today and one tech wasn't so pleasant. I am tired of having to complete the echeck in MRI check list for the MRI and then being told I have to complete the same form for the tech to read. Really, can they not read and review what is in my record? Plus they have a whole verbal litany of repeat questions asked and answered on the forms. I am not a fan of excess duplication and need to find who to direct my displeasure at in this health system. The techs have no control but someone does.
The procedure itself is very uncomfortable so my chest and shoulders bore the brunt and were very sore afterwards. This will be the last one I will ever agree to so hopefully it is negative. Sent contract to restaurant for 50th anniversary party. First one was told we were canceling and they asked why? Reason, simply could not get a room that would hold more than 12 because it was the weekend so we needed to go elsewhere. Menu selection for second one is great and everyone will have a choice of entree course plus a choice of the pasta and sides we decided on. Will have the room for 4 hours though we feel it will not be needed for that long.
Niece diagnosed with BC is only 49 and has 4 children with the youngest probably in their late teens. She has 7 siblings so she will have a good support system since they are all close. Hope chemo is the answer.
Tomorrow is cardiology appointment after PT and I was able to land a teeth cleaning appointment from a cancellation. Mine was scheduled for April but had told hygienist I most likely would have to cancel but landed one at the end of March. After TKR surgery they insist you wait 3 months so July would have been next available, but they are already booking into September. I do think the dentist needs to hire more hygienists to cover her current patients that need quarterly cleanings since they are near impossible to schedule now.
My list of "to-do's" from this morning is done and I even added another task to it which is also done. Ran to Produce Junction after MRI to get cabbage and potatoes for St. Patrick's Day dinner plus got some other vegetables including asparagus, cauliflower and eggplant. I even picked up a calla lily. My wedding bouquet flowers were white calla lilies that at that time they had to "force grow" since they were out of season.
Hope everyone had a great day. I am just glad to be able to sit for a bit.
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Betrayal, how do you cook your eggplant? I thought it was mostly a southern vegetable in the US. I like it a lot and usually make eggplant lasagna. I made a couple of lasagna dishes recently and have one in the freezer.
I'm back from the 2 hr. dental appointment with a numb jaw. In my absence dh cooked beef stew. It smells really appetizing. He went to the supermarket this morning after his PT and bought the ingredients without mentioning his intention.
I see the DOW is down another big number. I hope we're not headed toward a recession.
Jackie, glad you're enjoying some spring weather. Raking leaves is good exercise.
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Betrayal - hoping for good results on your MRI. I’ve never had one and have no desire to have one at this point. When I was diagnosed with BC, I asked the BS about an MRI and she declined to order one. I was a bit disappointed because I really wanted a total picture of what was going on prior to surgery. After treatment was complete, the MO asked if I wanted one so I asked her reasoning and she responded that my insurance would cover it due to my genetic mutation. I asked if I needed one and she said no.
Illinoislady -I feel for you as sleepless nights are rough and usually take me a few days to recover.
Had quarterly visit with GYN Onc and all is well so that’s good news. I declined to be weighed as I typically do with any doctor unless I’m in active treatment . So he just noted on the visit notes that I am overweight. My BMI is 26 so it’s accurate but I sure didn’t need the reminder. I’ve kept off the 45# I lost a few years ago and it’s a struggle. No medical professional of mine has ever acknowledged that weight loss. Guess I’m just kind of down today.
Today’s weather is a cool mid 40’s and windy. Yesterday was close to 60 and I got in my first bike ride of the season. It felt great.
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Waiting for the phone call to tell me when to appear at the hospital door for my implant exchange surgery. Going to be nice to be rid of that huge water balloon and be able to run around the house without a bra.
Maintenance guy will check on Tippy if he starts barking too much.
Temperature peaked today at 49. Won't be until Friday when we will have 75 deg.
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I am so tired of the scanxiety caused by needing mammograms, bx and MRI's now. MRI's are painful because you have to lean on a slightly padded frame where weight distribution is on face, sternum and shoulders with breasts dependent. Plus it puts a lot of pressure on your knees and with a TKR kneeling is the last thing you want to agree to though arthritic knee doesn't like it either. Then remain immobile for 30-45 minutes.
MO told me that if I had recurrence it would most likely be from ILC which was part of my mixed dx and it is more likely to occur > 7 years after dx and tx. So while I appreciate the surveillance, I just want a year that doesn't have a reminder of BC.
Chris, what will your exchange surgery involve? I might have missed this while I was away. Good luck and enjoy being braless.
Carole, your eggplant lasagna sounds like my eggplant parmesan. I also use it in fried bread crumb covered slices with just ketchup on them or in ratatouille with zucchini, yellow squash, peppers, mushrooms and tomatoes. I had it roasted in Greece and it was delicious but have never been able to find a recipe for it. It was lengthwise slices with no herbs, just roasted in olive oil. I have also had it in Spaghetti Norma where there are plain eggplant cubes added to the tomato sauce.
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Just furious. They scheduled me for 5:30. My assigned transportation service doesn't run that early. I finally got the number for cancellation of surgery and left a message. The transportation service sent a request for a different service back to my insurance company.
Just remove the bag of water, put a smaller one in, then reduce skin size to match. Relatively simple.
I have to get up at five, call a certain number, and ask for an appointment later in the day. I then called the insurance company.
A nurse called the surgeon, who shuffled things around so I will report at 9:45. So I get to wake up at my usual time!!
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Chris — I needed an OMG button but wasn't one on here. Glad it is going to work out though.
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As you take a few minutes each day to quiet your mind, you will discover a nice benefit: your everyday, "ordinary" life will begin to seem far more extraordinary. Little things that previously went unnoticed will begin to please you. You'll be more easily satisfied, and happier all around. Rather than focusing on what's wrong with your life, you'll find yourself thinking about and more fully enjoying what's right with your life. The world won't change, but your perception of it will. You'll start to notice the little acts of kindness and caring from other people rather than the negativity and anger.
Jack Canfield
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Went to PT which went well and saw some patients I had encountered when I was post-op last year. It was like a reunion with all of us having various degrees of hobble.
Chris, hope surgery went well after the boondoggles with scheduling at a reasonable time. Hope you get to be perky again.
MRI results were normal so I escaped that bullet but due to mild SOB (residual from abdominal surgery recovery last year) cardiologist will not give clearance until I have a PET/CT stress test. I was able to wangle an appointment thanks to a cancellation but it is the week after my PAT appointment. So question is do I go through all the blood draws, etc and then have to cancel surgery due to stress test results or cross my fingers and hope all is well?
I really am tired of what seems to be a domino effect for medical issues like I had with Mammo=bx=MRI. Cardiologist did say if stress test explains SOB, it then means a cardiac catheterization. I think SOB is related to deconditioning from 2 surgeries with immobility, but knee not as much as almost 4 month recovery from abdominal surgery complications. My bilateral carpal tunnel issues are on the backplate for now even though my hands are painful. Wearing splints at night does help reduce pain. I haven't reached out to hand surgeon with latest EMG results and have to decide what is a priority. Just too much sometimes.
"To-do" list for today is shorter and it was mostly emails to physicians.
Lovely sunny day with temps in low 50's and a light breeze so cooler than yesterday. Liking this weather a lot.
Hope everyone has a great day.
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Chris - thinking of you and hoping surgery went well. Will someone be able to help with Tippy while you recover?
Betrayal - I really feel for you. The past year and a half has been really rough for you. Fingers crossed the PET/CT goes well and you get a break after the TKR surgery. The hand pain sounds miserable.
Hugs to both of you,
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Good afternoon. I've had a busy day so far so I'm really late today. I got up early (too early really) but did get a lot of my computer work done — which means I got my quotes put in on the web-sites where I leave them. I also had some personal emails from people who want the quote but that is all I ever do pretty much for them. My PCP wants it as well as her RN. I never say anything to them, just leave the quote. There are three others that I write to on occasion (but not too often) who prefer to get them on their private emails. I don't mind being accommodating.
After that I took care of the doggie potty papers that he gets to use during the night and as well the kitty boxes. Then I got in my recliner and whoops — fell asleep for a while. Got up and did breakfast. Then got busy with paying some more bills. Then took the dog out for a bit. Getting SIL and his son to try and decide what my car needs. I think we have finally settled on doing some repairs and hoping we GET the issues which are some strange noises — like ?struts, or?bearings, ?tye rod or??? I had the same noise before and it quit after SIL worked on the car — so hopefully. The parts will not cost near as much as trying to find another car. And I love my car. It has the electronics, but not quite as much as the newer ones — so I'm going to see how long I can nurse this one. I do worry with our current government and tariffs and other things. If that finally hits — new cars will definitely be un-affordable and older used ones quite scare and a premium price for them if even found. A bit of a dilemma but as I don't go too far or very often (mainly the round trip to Marion VA ) I may be able to keep this car going ok. It has about 160,000 miles on it.
I also washed the windows in the living room — outside and in and have some curtains in the washer while the other panels are in the dryer. Also something to do to keep busy and that was in addition to paying some bills on line too.
I'm thinking about you Chris and hoping all went well for you. Hoping Tippy isn't too lonesome for you too.
Betrayal so good that the MRI was a winner for you. I do hate it wasn't sufficient to clear you with your Cardiologist. I think though for your safety and his record, he likely doesn't feel he can sign a release with comfort. You understand even if it's frustrating.
You know it really does seem (same has happened to me) that once you get to certain spots it seemed much harder to stay totally well. Mine started innocently with a broken arm and it does seem like I've had a lot of issues sort of one right after the other. I seem to be on a roll right now though so I've got my fingers crossed. I hope soon you can say the same — Chris too and anyone else with issues. We all want to get on a GOOD roll and stay there for as long as possible. I know for that reason, being busy at times is good for me. I may not like it, but sometimes I sit a bit much.
Anyway, wishing you all a good day, good health, good celebrations if you are having any, and just good in your life everywhere.
Cindy — I'm thinking about you and family member.
Hmmm, love eggplant. My mother usually fried it in flour. I grew up and made Eggplant Parmigiana which I still adore completely.
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Wanted to share some humor.
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betrayal I love granny! I inhaled and then read the caption below. Hahahahahahah. I got my three tattoos today. Lol. Had my fasting bloodwork done. It’s been a chore as Lifelabs is doing job action. You never know which location is closed until the morning and it’s a two hour wait at hospital lab. Ugh.
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They didn't take me in until 1:30. The previous surgery was more complicated than they thought it would be. I'll be praying for her. I didn't get home until nearly five.
He spent quite a while widening the pocket, since I wanted my boobs to be flatter as befits a 75-year-old woman.
I guess my problem was not using my right arm much because of my thumb. Which caused the chest muscles to get thinner, which caused problems with the attachment points, and pain. He put cortisone in my thumb to get that moving once I get the clearance to give the arm more exercise. I hear you on deconditioned, betrayal. And because the body is a whole, the cascade effect, Jackie. I was very worried about you for a while.
Tippy survived. I left a note on my door. He was cuddly during the night, and I appreciated it. I can use this as an opportunity to teach him the word "pain". That can be very important as we get older.
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The more authentic you become, the more genuine in your expression, particularly regarding personal experiences and even self-doubts, the more people can relate to your expression and the safer it makes them feel to express themselves. That expression in turn feeds back on the other person's spirit, and genuine creative empathy takes place, producing new insights and learnings.
Stephen Covey
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Good morning. 51 outside already. Will be a nice day with a wind advisory. No wind right now. That may pull in some rain — not real sure. We are always iffy this time of year.
Well the hip bone is connected huh Chris. I hear you on that. I do think it also happens a little quicker with those of us who have aging as a factor. I guess that means I likely need to exert myself more than I do.
My last hosp. visit was a previous case longer than expected as well. Glad you were able though to get it accomplished. Good for Tippy showing appreciation you were home again Chris. Hope all is a great success.
Have a few items on the list today. Dh says we need a new coffeepot — the electronics in ours is making it NOT happy about turning on in the morning. Sigh. I dislike breaking in new pots but guess we will. What else can you do. The thought of no fresh coffee in the morning is almost terrifying. Some odds and ends and along with yesterdays windows I also need to wash my kitchen cabinets with Murphy's as well as re-do the pantry. It's only bad in a few spots (no one wants to follow the pattern) but if I take it all apart then I can re-wash the shelves as well as the wood floor too and make sure all the items going back in are clean and tidy.
At least, family seems to be a bit more respectful of the fridge I did a while back. That was another space where things were being shoved into any empty spot - no rhyme or reason and often going into a reserved space only empty because that item was out and in use. I'm thrilled my kids live here with us because I don't think we could make it on our own now — way too much work that was easy before, but I still do a lot of the major kitchen and bath cleaning and re-arranging of shelves etc. It is easier to "keep" it neat when you go through all the work — sometimes quite time consuming. Ah — maybe this time — which is what I usually say.
Hope you all have an outstanding day.
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I made my message on flat boobs stronger. I am reading Teresa d'Avila's "Interior Castle". At the initial surgery, we had a minor discussion about flat boobs, but he had already submitted insurance for high profile. Maybe a bit more than minor given the fact that they remembered.
Like a nurse said, because of the emotional abuse from my parents, I refuse to allow people who try to make me into a person other than who I am. And have a hissy when they do try. Only God has the right to change me.
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Chris, I hear you about defending who you are and refusing to let them reshape you. I am not familiar with the book but will research it online. Glad your surgery went well and hope your outcome is the one you wanted and not what they wanted. It would be nice if Tippy gets to know how to recognize pain. He is so smart.
Had a dental cleaning this am since appointment was abruptly changed late yesterday but forgot to take prophylactic AB so they could only take full mouth x-rays. Love my hygienist who rescheduled me for an appointment on 3/25. She is booting her DD out of that appointment so I can get this done pre-op. Will take her a present, probably some flowers, for being so kind. I am kicking myself because I just checked the other day to see what I am supposed to take and the dosage but totally skipped my mind this morning. My alarm did not go off so I had to rush to get ready and out of the house. Will need to see why it didn't work.
Landscaper was just here. He was the one who did our walkway several years ago. The hill in front of the house is covered with pachysandra and had several mature rhododendrons and pieris japonica growing there. They decided to give up the ghost in the past year or so and I am no longer able to dig holes on an incline to replant bushes. Need bushes that are self maintenance as well as deer proof (these are few and far between) for the most part and he can erect a fence around the bed.
It is overcast and only 46 degrees so significant change from the past few days. It is definitely chilly and coat time. Ran to supermarket after dentist to get a corned beef to cook on Sunday. I am ready for St. Patrick's day now. Love corned beef but don't cook it that often.
canarycat, your cat is beautiful. I have 2 cats, Leo who is 13, small around 9 lb. and gray with a few very small white patches and Misty who is a silvery gray and seems to be part Maine Coon. She is currently dainty and weighs in around 8 lb. She has a long coat with tufted ears and feet. She doesn't purr but is quite vocal. We also have a Dalmatian named Regan who is liver and white, not black and white; 3 parakeets: mom, dad and daughter; and a yellow and black canary (red factor according to breeder) named Bumblebee who sings his heart out daily.
Illinoislady, sounds like you are in to spring cleaning. We have to take up an area rug in the guest room to send to the cleaners to be cleaned and moth proofed. So I will clean that room when we get the rug out. DH can drop rug off later. I know once I start one room it will spread to the others and I am on a timeline to get them done pre-surgery.
I am so happy that when I am struggling I have such a supportive group here. Since Dec. 2023, I have had so many challenges and setbacks that are just hard to deal with without this support. harley07, thank you and I know that you too have had your share of challenges. I just keep hoping that eventually I will get a break from these medical dominoes. Illinoislady, your grace through your challenges is admirable and puts me into perspective when I start to whine. I keep on trucking because to be honest, I can't quit. Just too darn stubborn due to my Irish heritage.
Just received a call from the dentist that they had a 2 pm cancellation so I can take my meds at 1 pm and get my teeth cleaned today. As Sandy would say, I planned and God laughed but this time he was benevolent it seems.
So my day is getting better and I hope everyone has a great day.
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I am so in agreement Betrayal. All the ladies here and I AM including you very much are marvelous at support. And I find they too led me to want to cut out a door if I can't find a window to go through. I was surprised to find BC. Org never having any idea how much it would come to mean to me. And it has turned out to be this very special group of women. I am blessed.
I'm all in on the flat boobs. I hope that it does come out well Chris. When I had my open heart work I think all my chest muscles were badly disturbed and I find I am rather droopy — don't much care for it, but it has been long enough and at almost 80 I've decided not to enter any more beauty contests, so I've adjusted. In reality — I've learned to soooo appreciate a mitral valve that actually works I became willing to fully accept the trade. To be sure —- I NEVER qualified in any way to be a beauty contestant.
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83 degrees and sunny here. Surprisingly, I haven't had to turn on the a/c. The house is considerably cooler than outside.
I made a tee time this morning for 11:10 am. A spur of the moment decision. When dh came in from his walk, I invited him to go with me. He was on the verge of saying no, then reconsidered. He hasn't been to the golf course for months, thanks to knee surgeries and recoveries. Our club has two 18 hole courses. On one a big outside tournament was in progress. There were other players on the course we played but the pacing was good with no one pushing us or holding us up. It turned out to be quite an enjoyable 9 hole round. DH hit the ball well, considering he hadn't played in so long and I did well for my level of play. It's unusual for us to play together in recent years.
So a change of routine that worked out well.
Back at home I ordered a rain jacket and a henley shirt from Appleseed. I've been searching for a hooded rain jacket for our trip in April. I didn't want a warm coat because the weather in Europe is supposed to be 40 degrees to 50's. I showed dh the colors and he picked navy. I would have liked a pretty green but that wasn't an option.
Chris, glad your exchange went well. My new implants are already enclosed in contracture but not to a painful extent. My surgeon isn't happy with the outcome but it is what it is. I'm not interested in revision.
Jackie, you are making me feel guilty with all your house cleaning. You and Betrayal both are models of house cleaning.
The state of current events is astounding. I have to wonder if this country will be changed forever by what is happening on a national level. Hoping for the best.
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Thou that has given so much to me, give one thing more--a grateful heart; Not thankful when it pleases me, as if Thy blessings had spare days. But such a heart, whose pulse may be Thy praise.
George Herbert
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Had PT this morning and now both knees are registering their protest. She is really pushing me and I do appreciate it because we have so little time to prepare. I had to reschedule next Friday's appointment because they called today with a new appointment for the PET/CT stress test. It's at 9 am and I had PT for 11 but pushed it back because I can't eat until after the test and I don't know how I will feel. Has anyone had this test and can offer some advice? I have some concerns about my ability to keep my arms up for prolonged periods. I am hoping there is an alternative.
I will try to finish cleaning the guest room today. I want to damp mop the wood floor, wipe down the furniture, and put everything back where it belongs. Unfortunately this room has a tendency to collect overflow or items that have no home. So today, they find a home or will be donated. Next will be DD's old room which needs a deep cleaning as well. The rugs have been sent to the cleaners for moth proofing and deodorizing. Some need some wear repairs and I am trying to get that done as well.
The deer herd was just here and one of last year's babies has a bad limp on its right back leg. It looks like the injury is around where their knee is. It can lift the leg at the hip so that's good. I love to watch the mammas groom their babies and this one was getting attention from what appeared to be its mamma and an older sibling. It's face must be really clean by now since that was the primary focus. Who knew they were so affectionate? As destructive as they have been to my garden, especially the hosta, I still do love seeing them and feel privileged they visit.
Spring is officially here in my yard since the tete a tete daffodils and grape hyacinths are in bloom under the Japanese maple. Such a nice sight for today. It was supposed to be in the 60's but has only reached 51. It is sunny and very pleasant outside but you do need a jacket.
Hope everyone has a great day.
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83 degrees would be nice about now. It was sunny until 1 pm then the weather became bitter cold here walking to catch the bus home at dinner break felt like snow in the air. Noooo. Fortunately we didn’t get any but friends on the lower mainland did. Eep. It’s time for spring. My cherry blossoms are blooming. Not full yet but soon.