Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited May 2010

    Jackie, I also iron, but only what I wear to leave the house in. I stopped ironing PJs,tshirts a few years ago, then jeans, working shirts and working sweaters went in and out of the dryer without an iron touching them.

    On dx, nearly 7 years ago I stopped doing all DHs ironing....well, was wasting my time anyway, because he always found fault, so on dx quickly ditched cooking and ironing, as I say to DH 'there are TWO people in this house, both working fulltime, but only 1 person doing the cooking washing and ironing.' He wouldn't agree with me that it was unfair, but said it was womens work....that put my back right up, and up its stayed, he does his own. I will only iron for him if I am going out with him !!  

    He almost did my new steam iron in about a month ago. Went to it whilst sewing to press something, and it was all melted black plastic all over the sole plate...I threw a fit, but needless to say HE DIDN'T DO IT  aaarrrggghh  we MUST have fairies living in this house. Men.


  • Unknown
    edited May 2010

      Suzie,  If you need some warmth and sunshine, you should go visit The Outer Banks....SV has extended an invitation to all, and I am thinking I may just do it.  I am going to start trying to see more places that I have always wanted to go to, but just haven't made it to for one reason or another.  Tomorrow I start my new chemo and will see how I feel after a few treatments before making any reservations to anywhere, but I am thinking this may just be a good year to travel.  Marybe

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited May 2010

    only time for a quickie- 6 month MRI Clear!

  • Unknown
    edited May 2010

    Melissa, Wonderful news!! 

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited May 2010

    Melissa -5-19---Fantastic news!!  thanks for sharing!

     Marybe-great idea! I will certainly consider it, believe me.

    Hope all goes well with the new chemo.  What kind of schedule will you be on? It's navelbine, isn't it? or am I wrong. Prayers that it works beyond all expectations.

    gentle hugs

  • susanmary
    susanmary Member Posts: 8
    edited May 2010


    Is 56 classed as older?!!!!!!!!

    I must admit after 5 years on Aromasin, I feel like a 100 on the bad days. And to crown it all, I will be carrying on with Aromasin for the next 5 years. Apparently, trials have "proved" that 10 years on the sh*t will drop the recurrence rate. I had recurrence on Tamoxifen (13 mths) and Arimidex (15 mths) and so far Aromasin has helped keep this at bay. May the good fortune continue.

    I usually hang out on the Stage 4 site as I have mets in the ribs, but I came across this site on the off chance and find it interesting.

    Cyberhugs to all the ladies. Take care

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited May 2010

    susanmary--Welcome, glad you found this thread. So good to hear that the aromasin is helping you.

    Stick around we'd love to get to know you.

    gentle hugs..........

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited May 2010

    Hooray  Miss Kitty.

    Love, Jackie

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited May 2010

    I am 56 atleast for a few more days-LOL-WELCOME -age is a number anyway.

    Isabella do you have something on Thursday--- your back  appointment?

    Well wishes to Marybe foir starting chemo tomorrow- I could do the Outer Banks - I am sure we would get in trouble.........

    Jackie I PMed you.

    missing some of the others but they bare probably LIVING_HOORAY Bfor them! MissKitty

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited May 2010

    hi ladies, Got news today that the UTI infection that I've been fighting since early April is resistent to ALL the meds that my Urologist had it tested for. He wants a CT of my kidneys and will be referring me to an Infectious Diseases doc.and THAT is scaring me. I couldn't stand not fighting it with something so went to the health food store & got Uva Ursi, golden seal & Echinacea along with 2 bottles of cranberry juice. There has got to be some truth to using herbals in addition to traditional western medicine.


  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited May 2010

    Hi Connie, my hope and prayer that UTI is kicked to the curb asap.  Sounds like you're doing all the right things, keep up the good work!

    I feel honored, inspired, educated, a million feelings, blown away by the loving kindness in this forum.  I'm so happy to be here.  My very best wishes to each of you for a speedy recovery and the best of good health in no time at all.  There are so many serious and horrible SE's in our plight.  I wonder if I might be so trivial and talk about strange goings on within and would love to hear if anyone else has experienced weirdness.  The past few weeks, (one more infusion to go) I've noticed a constant white noise.  Could be wax I suppose, I like to think I'm getting the audio on my progress.  Julia   (edited for typo)

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2010

    Thank you dear Rita!.....Yes, "little" Rosie, had such a terrible life growing up...I think she is about 51 now, same as my oldest Daughter...But hearing her tell us of her life as a little girl, just brought tears to my eyes....And we STILL can hardly understand her, Ha!   Our youngest Daughter was in her wedding, many years ago...& she is still married!!!!!  And so happy.  Both she & my Daughter met at King Soopers, she is now a Deli manager, & my Daughter is a Floral manager....But lifelong friends!  When I read "Memoirs' of a Geisha"  I thought of Rosie....Not the same, but the life little girls live in these countries is heart-breaking.  I am so proud of her!  Sometimes just she & I go to lunch.....just to talk!   Yes, she is a little star in my heart!  I'm glad you had the same experience!  It just fulfills both our lives! 

    And Susanmary.....Man, I hope I have better luck with the Tamoxifen than you did......Maybe our cancers are all different, & some treatment won't work for every woman, depending on the "type"?

    Geez, Connie....and Julia!  If I could just WISH you over all these problems, you would just be cured!   I can't help you Julia, because I didn't have that type of Radiation....but can you check the other threads for the radiation?  Maybe they could help!   But stay here too! 

    Susanmary...I just read your post better....stage 1V?  I think we all could really learn a lot from you on this thread, so maybe you can "play" here too?  If nothing else, we will support you & take care of you!    There are bunch of fun-loving gals on here....& always ready to help or "chime" in with their lives!  You'll see Isabella is always a joy to read!  If you "go back" several pages, or even a lot here, you can read some of her posts!  They always make me laugh....well most of the time.  And sometimes we go off somewhere, on some subject that has nothing to do with cancer....but we do, because we can!  Wink you are cold?  Yes, me too!  DANG!!!!  It rained & snowed last night!  So cold here now!  T'was 32 a bit ago!   I want Spring to find us, & just stay awhile!   I had to shake the snow off our little Aspen tree, because the branches were leaning to the ground!     My tomato & pepper plants are all bundled up in their pots under layers of plastic!  I'm afraid to look!  I'm afraid to go OUT again, for that matter!    Later Gaters!  xoxoxoxoxo

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited May 2010

    Hi Susanmary..........welcome to this thread.  We're glad you found us and hope you'll stick around.  There are some pretty awesome women on this site!  Please come back often and tell us more about yourself.


  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited May 2010

    Suanmary and Julia WELCOME- we talk about everything CA related or not, pretty much if it is on our minds we bring it up. Their are wise woman here and not just about BC but about a huge variety of life subjects. When it is too personal or touchy just PM the person that you think may know and if they don't at least you will be told in a loving way and can try another. Pretty  much though we just lay it out there and laugh at a lot, which helps me and others too, I am sure.

    I have 5 more days of work before retiring and have been encouraged to apply for disability due to rt LE (upper arm and trunk) which is triggered by packing and lifting -anything over 25-30 pounds and my job requires me to lift 50 pounds. I feel a little lame about it but then I looked at part-time nursing jobs (want to work 2 days) and discovered there was only one that I could apply for under that restriction. We will see, I guess the worse that will happen is they say NO and I get straight retirement pay.

    Better go- we are missing SV- I heard she is feeling better but would love to see her show up for a post. Good Luck Marybe today with your first "kinder" chemo, you know we are all pulling for you top have a great day and send gentle hugs your direction. Isabella do you have a doctors appointment tomorrow? Is DH going along?

    Rita is the weather conducive to golf yet? I hope I can play again after retirement. I am pretty bad but when you play against yourself it doesn't matter-was once a member of a ladies league and was bad then too! Chevyboy and Rita I had a self adopted Grandmother, Mrs Pope. She lived two doors up and I would spend hours with her- right in the house! I would never stand for kids to do that now as my parents did not know her (we were on our own), and I can't tell you how much pleasure, warmth, and education came from Dear Mrs Pope.

    Jackie hope you have a great day and to anyone I have missed please know you are included in my good intension's and prayers. Miss Kitty

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited May 2010

    Julia-besides the 'white noise', what other "strange goings on" are you having?  Sure hope your last infusion comes and goes quickly so you can get all that out of your way.

    Connie-hope the herbals prove to be helpful. I am a believer in homeopathics. There has to be somthing that will clear up that UTI.

    gentle hugs...........

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    edited May 2010

    That is wonderful news!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited May 2010

    Melissa...........So glad your results were good!  YEA!!!!!   We've had several good golf days but today is cold, windy, and dreary.  Everyone in my group cancelled for this morning's round of golf because it was so threatening.  I can't say that I minded.  I am a fair weather golfer and prefer to golf when the weather is good.  I'm not very good at golf, either.  There are others MUCH better than me but I just like being outside on the golf course.   The companionship and is so good out there.  I hope that you can get back into the game when you retire.  It's a neat activity and I've discovered that nobody cares how you golf.  They are all too worried about their own scores!

    And speaking about retirement, that's right around the corner, isn't it?  After a couple months of freedom, you will wonder when you ever had the time to work!   LOL


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited May 2010

    Melissa, yes, I have a drs appointment tomorrow, Thursday. Its for pre assessment for my spinal op. And yes DH will be coming. He just changes into Mr Concerned when I go for my appointments, no bad thing really !!!!

    My new kitchen counters were delivered this morning. I had new ones put on in Feb, but just could NOT live with them. DH is hopping, but I got what I want !! I actually picked out these tops way back in Feb., DH said he hated them, and totally out of character , I'd listened to him, and told him to get what he fancied, so mad was I at him for poking his nose in MY kitchen ! He did, they were horrible, but he went ahead and put them on. I just got more and more upset each time I looked at them. They were royal blue, his favorite colour, but didn't go with my new kitchen scheme of hand painted cream cupboard doors, and14 new high gloss aubergine doors I had bought , as an accent wall, and a cream tiled floor.

    I have been getting hotter and hotter under the collar each time I looked at these damned royal blue counters, so I just went ahead and ordered what I wanted in the first place. DH blew a gasket ( another one !! ) when the delivery was made this morning. He hadn't believed me when I said I was changing them, and says no way will he put on another lot of counters. ( No need to, I have in hand a joiner who will come and change them for me ) but I will have to wait a week or so for DH to cool off, he will probably run my joiner out of town if he comes this week !

    I am in DHs very baddest of the bad books...I am going to ruin us, bankrupt us, show everyone we have money to burn, am a total spendthrift, absolutely do not understand the value of money etc etc, he has not shut up all day, I went out of his way to the garden center this afternoon, just to get some peace, and took refuge in the bathroom for an hour this evening. He will cool off, but it just takes a bit longer these days...I bet my BP is over the top, and I have to have it checked tomorrow ! Best of it is I have not spent one penny of his or 'our' money, so he has no reason to complain.

    I just hope he doesn't carry on tomorrow before I go for my hospital appointment, he will wind me up, and I won't be able to get myself ready....I still have my clothes to press, and hair and nails to do, NOT easy with a ranting DH in one ear.

    It will be 7 years out for me on Friday, we were going out to celebrate, but I don't suppose I dare broach the subject, so will have to miss out this year, I will take myself out somewhere nice, or ring DD and take her with me. Actually DH is in no position to get the wrong side of me for the next 2/3 days. His 4WD is still out of action from our breakdown earlier this week, and today he took his box van in for what he thought would be a 1 day job, and the garage is telling him it could be up to 3 days before its back, it needs a fair bit of work apart from a push bike he has no transport !!! UNLESS of course he talks to me nicely, and takes my car.

    The garage where he has his vehicles is DDs business, so I shall tell her not to hurry up with his jobs if he continues to rant at me !!

    Right, off for a quick shower now, and try and get some sleep ready for my appointment tomorrow, I need a clear head, lots of questions to ask. I keep seeing on Dr Google there is quite a failure rate with the op. I am going for. I did mention this to my neurosurgeon last week, but he blew me off and told me NOT to believe what I see on the internet. I have been doing my homework since last week, and there is even a support group for people who have had to go 2 , sometimes 3 times for this op, so I shall be ready with my questions.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited May 2010

    Hey ladies and welcome to S and J!! And MB OK I HAVEN'T HEARD FROM YOU AND WANT TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR NEW TREATMENT!!! How did today go-worried about you. Connie already sent you a long PM-gees, we are a special group of old farts-how could you have a UTI that noone has heard of or knows about? Whatever you have, keep it in Georgia!!! Love you dearest. Hey to everyone, Isabella-new stuff coming up with you? Crikey, i need a calendar to keep up with all. Hey CB and Miss Kitty. OK, regardless of political correctness I am soing to post this pix anyway. I have had a very cranky day and cancelled my Mammorgram-sick of doctors and cancer and getting squish and poked and want to do other things - ANYTHING BUT THIS!!! MKitty, you know I am thrilled about your Mammo and your strong stand on 'NO MORE CANCER EVER!"

    Ok, Ok , so here is the pixt that CB dared me to post so this is her fault!!

    How EM-BEAR-ASS-ING!! TEEHEE, Everyone blame CB for this especialy those of you too sensitive for such X-rated materialTongue out!!!! Love ya-Wow all of a sudden we are having a huge storm-lots of thunder and lightening-the kind of dry lightening that cracks so incredibly loud. I expect a 'frog strangler' shortly-hopefully it will be a quick shower. Of course, means the Satelllite will go down along with everything else-time to fire up the genny. I tore up the bathroom today after discovering that the shower is leaking through the bottom of its gorgeous decorative stand, under the wood and under the tile on the floor. When I tore it up, the floor was black with mold-eewwwooo-so bleach has been put everywhere!! have no idea how much it will cost to fix this!!! but the water damage is flooding under the wall into the next room-ERRGH! (((BIG HUGS)))) SV

  • Unknown
    edited May 2010

      Good evening, Ladies,  So far as my new chemo, navelbine, the treatment went well other than the fact they were really running behind.  This one only takes about the same amount of time as my since I got both of them today the actual IV time along with the premed, aloxi for nausea and the saline inbetween should not have added up to more than an hour.  But I was in the treatment room for 2 1/2 hours....fortunately there are good magazines, lots of nice patients to talk to and sleep is always an option also since the chairs are comfortable and they hand out warmed blankets.  I told the onco I was nervous about this and he asked why and I said because it is new for me and he patted me on the shoulder and told me he was sure I would handle it just as I have all my treatments.  I think I am one of his prize patients since I know all of the other Stage lV breast cancer patients who started with him in 98 when I did are no longer here.....I have been extremely fortunate, I know that.  Anyway, the only thing I am feeling at all is wide awake and can say that I am actually not hungry for a change.  I was hungry all the time on megace.  So we shall see....normally I don't experience SEs right away.

        Isabella,  I will be thinking about you tomorrow.  Do you think you should consult more than one surgeon and go with the one with the highest success rate?  Maybe your hubby will get over the countertops sooner than later since he goes into caring husband mode when you go to the doctor.  This isn't one of those surgeries where they put cement in your spine, is it?

        Connie,  I certainly hope they find something that will give you some relief. 

        Susanmary,  Aromasin was one of the hormonal treatments that really worked for me and it sounds as if it is for you also.

          SV, I said it before, but will say it again,am just so happy you are once again able to get about and do things.  I have been encouraging people to take you up on your invite to come to the beach....won't you be surprised if we all show up with our fishing poles. 

           Melissa, You won't really be will be training your new dogs. 

           Hope everyone is having a good evening.    Marybe

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited May 2010

    Thank you so much for welcoming me and it feels great to be in the company of such interesting, funny, informed and caring ladies.  And thank you Suzie for your kindness and interest in my sounds from within.  I'm starting to wonder if it might be more significant than I thought.  I should research hearing damage as a SE.  Not such a stretch, everything else is affected.  As far as other strangeness, I seem to alternate between your typical chemo fog...going out and leaving the door open, forgetting what I'm in the middle of and all of that and on the other hand more intuned than ever, kinda psychic in my encounters.  I've always felt that I had an ability to observe and feel another's emotions, and this seems to be heightened.  In the past I've fainted while visiting family and friends in the hospital.  Many years ago my friend asked me to be in the delivery room with her...well they took me away in a stretcher before her.  My best cyber-vibes to all of you  ((((((((((hugs))))))))))  Julia

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited May 2010

    Julia,glad you are having a good time hanging out here with us.  It is a nice place to be.  I must have missed the question about"noises" in the head.  My ears ring all the time.  I think it is age however; it could have gotten a little worse with has been with me long enough that I don't really know.  Hmmm, psychic --- most of the time that is a good thing.  Actually, I think the majority of us have the ability - we just have lost touch with it and can't tune into it anymore.  Just as we all know much more than we think we do, but again, tuning in is difficult.  Sometimes things will just come.  Long ago my first husband ( hoping to prove to himself I guess that I was not too bright ) ask me what was being played on this field as we were driving around in Canada.  Instantly I just knew it was Jai Alai.  I thought he was going to fall out of the car and he was driving.  It just sort of came into my head and I had never seen or knew anything about the game up to that just falling out of my mouth. 

    I never seem to faint with things.  I don't know why, but worked in the medical field as a Corpsman so guess it was a good thing.  I enjoyed the work and only thing that got to me was giving a rabies shot to a little 3 yr. old.  Last one and he was so stoic and brave.  I'm almost certain it hurt me more than it did him. 

    The up-side for me was that I gave myself ( through all 8 chemo txs ) my own Neupogin shots but it was getting tiresome -- series of 7 each time -- 1 per night for the whole week.  Was glad to be done with them. 

    I do many of the things you mentioned before I ever had chemo so can't blame it on that.  I'm too young for it to be old age --- I'm only 64 which is a lot younger now than it use to be when I was 20 or so.  In fact, though I keep adding years  --   I don't feel it and often would think I'm closer to 45 or 50.  I guess I do many things in opposites....when I was really young --- up to 10 or 12 I felt very, very old and there was no reason for me to feel that way ---- except generally we all have oldsouls and when you are may be able to "feel/sense" that --- but as time progresses that feeling becomes less noticeable.  It just made such an impression on me that I have not forgotten at old I was when I was "young" and now that I'm getting old in years, how young I am. 

    Hope you all have a stunning day.  I'm thinking about all of you.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited May 2010

    I wonder how old we are and how old we feel.  I just turned 68 and feel 34.  Maybe I just age slowly.

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited May 2010

    Hi, Hugs and Blessings to everyone.   Nothing much going on here.   Little irritations from time to time but all "doable".    Today was my second Tai Chi class and the only thing it is at 8 am. and I forgot to add time for the school busses.   I noticed that the class size is half what it was last week.   All are "older" - at the senior center.   

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2010

    Hi everyone..I have been gone for quite a while home late Tuesday night and

    went on a garden tour Wednesday am..still on east coast time so I was in a daze most of

    the day, and I was driving...

    but we did see some pretty flowers and then some drought reisistant ones too

    I was out all day today too, so I am in gaga land..have not read back 

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited May 2010

    SoCalLisa - thank you one more time for your gorgeous photography - I loved scrolling down and finding more, then more, then even more wonderful photos! It's hard to imagine all those varieties of blooms out at once. I'm excited that the grass is green again here!

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited May 2010

    What a treat!  Yes thank you SoCalLisa, for the beautiful flowers and wonderful photography. 

    Hi Jackie, your post is so interesting.  The Jai ALai incident is totally bizarre.  No wonder your husband was blown away.  I have had a rare psychic experience like when I knew something was wrong and had to reach my mother...turned out she had fallen.  But I think I mis-spoke, my condition isn't exacty psychic, I would say more a long the lines of highly empathetic.  Maybe I'm not unique but I'm so aware of everyone's feelings around me, more so than ever, like a Mr. Spock mind meld.  Perhaps you're right about the age thing relating to the hearing situation.  We are the same age so I guess now is as good a time as ever to hear things that aren't there.  And I agree how strange it all is about time and 9 years old I was very mature, babysitting, travelling by bus to go shopping, etc. but now at this age (gulp), feel super-sensitive, insecure, vulnerable, blubbering at the drop of a hat.  I need medication!  Take care all, have a great weekend.  Julia

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited May 2010

    Good morning everyone, and hope it will be a good one for all.  Mine is starting out wonderful.  I got a new mattress and wow.....did not even wake up to go to the b-room all night long.  That was great. 

    Dh's cardiology visit went well.  He will have to have another stress test but the Dr. felt it was more a reaction ( hmmm, men ) to his not taking his BP meds than anything else.  The real up-side of it for me is that the Dr. recommended the Dash diet -- something I've wanted around our house for a long time, but knew he would not go for it.  Now that his Dr. has said he needs it...I'm home free.  I doubt we will be ( strict ) all the time, but hopefully at least 5 days a week.  It would help us both. 

    Julia,  you are right....traveling or doing many of the previous things I did before now strike a little terror in my heart. 

    I bet you too, maybe several times as I have -- get a sudden jolt of intuition or what ever you call a couple of blocks before a stop sign ( only on the intersecting street ) feeling you need to slow down.  Good thing as the person on the intersecting street apparently didn't see the stop sign and came barreling through.  Just things like that.  A great benefit, obviously.

    Well, I'm at work and have to give up the computer.  I'll be checking back in later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited May 2010

    Hi All,

    This is so cool... I am in the middle of my flight from Florida to California and ponied up the $12.95 to have in flight WiFI. I was sooooo bored and very cramped. Can hardly type, my arms are folded up so only fingers can move. But I can read my FAV people here. I need to stand up and stretch my Arimidex stiff legs and my back is killing me... no padding in this seat :-(

    Going to CA to babysit GS for a week. Worth the pain of the trip!


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2010

    Pam, that is very cool

    we traveled this week for 12 hours coming back to the west coast

    with nothing to do, or eat...I admit I did read, but that gets old too..