Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited May 2010

    Here are some pretty flowers just for you flyingduchess.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited May 2010

    Also, I hope you know that I'll be praying all goes well on Tues..  Like Susie,I hope the hematoma removal is less stressful on you and your body.  I'm amazed at that tech.  It sounds to me like she was surprised herself that she had done some damage to you.  Why would anyone presume to tell you how much pain you should or should not feel.  They have no way of knowing though I would imagine many people do not feel any pain.  I do hope this will be the end of it as you have had a lot of surgeries.  I hope you will have an un-eventful recovery and from your description of what it is like.....I hope that soon you are sleeping through the night enjoying wonderful dreams of great health and no pains. The flowers are small, but they are all yours.

    Warm Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited May 2010

    Jeanette,as to your question....I would have been ending any smoking habit yesterday if I found I had spots in my lung.  While I can't dictate to anyone else, I think anytime you have weakened lungs from anything --- you need to consider any habits that might cause your lungs to have to work through pollutants directly as in smoking. 

    I had 2 Uncles -- and one of their wives as well that had C.O.P.D.  I think all three never completely quit smoking. I think they would remove the oxygen to enjoy a smoke.  I guess ( just surmising this is it ) knowing they would assuredly die without a lung transplant and knowing they would not get that , just figured they might as well be happy and fulfilled until the end came. 

    I also had another younger friend who got kidney cancer and eventually he too ( he had quit about 3 yrs. before ) went back to smoking.  He was not going to make it, and he knew it.  So figured I guess all in all that he would have less stress along the way if he could do something he had always enjoyed. 

    I think this person's son must be a smoker too --- and sure sounds like a bit of denial to me -- on his mother's behalf. That way he would feel safer about himself.  I can't imagine any Dr. telling a person ( most seem quite adamant that you stop -- even if they are only seeing you for routine check-ups ) telling anyone to help themselves to their cigarettes.  There is more to this story than meets the eye  None of it sounds quite right to me. 

    I do know that smoking is a powerful addiction and has been said it is sometimes worse than trying to give up heroin.  I do believe this.  I personally think this woman is making a big mistake but she has not only her son, but her Dr. cheering her on, so I can't see that she has much reason to change her behaviors for now.  This is a sad thing. 

    I'm going to go find my recliner because I'm rapidly reaching a point where I'm probabbly not going to make any sense.  See you all some time tomorrow.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited May 2010

    Hi Flyingduchess, here's a big (((((((((((((((((((hug)))))))))))))))))))))) from me, all my best wishes that this, the 4th goes perfectly, time at all and that they leave this poor baby alone.  Congratulations on the echocardiogram!

    Thank you Jackie for the great shot of your sweet kittens, It's on my desktop as we speak.  It's so kind of you to take care of so many cats, goodness...I can't would mean joy abondanza to me to be surrounded by so many precious ones.

    My other daily visit is to and  For those not trivia question re cats and dogs and whether or not your answer is correct, 10 pieces of kibble are donated.  Have a great day!  J

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2010

    Morning girls!  And Jackie, you said what I had been thinking!  I know her Son chews tobacco, which I think, is even worse than smoking...maybe not....

    But about "going on with their wishes" is right too!  I guess if they think, they would rather smoke than face the fear of never having one again, is stronger than their desire to take care of themselves, is why they refuse to give it up.   And yes, I think it is the "Son" telling us this, & maybe not the Doctor telling her "it isn't hurting her!"    Yes, he probably is in denial.....because of his chewing, & thinking "well, it hasn't hurt me!"  He doesn't do it in front of us....But man, it is just such a dirty habit....even smoking!    And I did it when I was a young gal....(not chewing of course)  Wink

    Flying Dutchess.....sounds like you need a whole boat-load of new Doctors & technicians!!!  If they hurt you like THAT, I would scream too!  just had a Mammogram, (6 month) & my "Seroma" is not near as big as yours, but yes, it DID hurt when smashed! 

    A Hematoma is a pocket filled with blood right?  And a "Seroma" is one filled with fluid....Sorry for the extra surgery for you!  Let us know what they say!   And more flowers for you!  Jeannette

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited May 2010

    Jeanette,chewing tobacco is a good lead-in for mouth or  esophageal cancers.  I was a smoker and quit -- so I know how really difficult it can be.  I also know that most smokers only pay very scant lip service -- if any, to the possibility of getting cancer.  We all would like to think these things will never happen to us, but they do.  Most of us were certainly caught off-guard and most of us were not engaging in really risky behaviors on a consistent daily basis.  I hate to say it -- I guess because I was that foolish, but I did hear or read something to the effect -- how smart do you have to be to figure out putting something in your mouth everyday that is on fire is not a healthy thing to do. 

    I still have relatives that smoke and they are not real enticing to be around.  I have also heard it said there is nothing worse than a reformed smoker --- guess meaning that we find it even more distressing ( could be true ) to be exposed to the second-hand smoke and smells that go with it. 

    I am glad I quit...could not afford it now anyway.  I saw a sign -- gas mart or somewhere....and it was $5.25 for just one package of cigarettes.  I remember when it was less than that for a whole carton.  How can people afford to do this and buy food too --- another one of my silly questions. 

    I'm off to Marion and an Oncology check-up.  See you all later. 

    Hugs, Jackie

    P.S. Very pretty flowers for flyingduchess.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited May 2010

    Oops, Julia,forgot to say that I go to ( well I signed up so they just send it to me every day ) for dogs and cats so that they get the donated food.  Some of the "facts" are quite interesting so you learn things as well......and the kibble is given even if you get the question wrong.  It only matters that you go.  Hope more of you animal lovers will put this on your machine.  It is such a small thing with such a huge reward to the animals. 

    Julia, this is a part of my heaven on earth --- being able to have so many animals of my own and help the feral cat colonies ( four of them ) around town.  At two of them we have raccoons.  I leave a bowl of puppy chow for them -- Rocky at one site and Ricky Raccoon at the other, so they hopefully leave the cat food alone.  Raccoons and cats have a high tolerance for each other, but won't always eat out of the same plate --- so I always worried that the cats would not get a fair share of the food ( a bit more expensive than the puppy chow ) which is why I came up with giving them their own food.  So far, so good.  All are happy, including me.  Rocky now comes out while I am filling the water dish after putting the food down.  Does not make me real comfortable --- raccoons have vicous teeth and claws and I would not want to startle Rocky into bad behavior.  Fortunately --- if they are older, they are somewhat shy of people and do not really care to interact.  If I make a sudden lurch...Rocky will often run behind the fence -- but there is need for caution and not complacency here.   

    See you.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited May 2010

    Thanks all of you for the hugs and flowers.  Amazingly the closer I get to surgery the more nervous I get and it is supposed to be a nothing of a surgery.

     I saw all the replies to Jeanette about smoking, but not the original posting.  When was it done? Was it under Jeanette?  My SIL smoked for years.  We are 6 months apart and she looks at least 20 years older than me.  I know health is the most important but maybe vanity will get Jeanette to stop.

     I won't "talk" to you tomorrow as the surgery is at 530AM!!! Yikes they won't even have to anethticise (spelling) me as I'll sleep right through it--at that hour.  I'm glad all of you are in my life.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited May 2010

    Hi flyingdutchess,which I think I was spelling wrong -- that sounds like me.  Anyway. Jeanette is not the smoker.  It is a friend of hers.

    You are quite right about how smoking ages you.  My SIL who is younger than me is always thought of as 12 to 15 years older.  More wrinkles and deeper and skin that jus does not look healthy at all.  Truthfully, I don't think she is able to honestly assess and process this fact  - that older people than she look so much younger. 

    Jeanette just had some of that old cancer like we did and that is her claim to fame here -- just like the rest of us. 

    I probably should add here that I hope anyone who smokes does not take offense to my viewpoints.  I am a former smoker, and I will say that I did enjoy smoking for the long while I did smoke --- but I did reach a point where I felt I really needed to change this habit and I thank the good Lord that I was able to do so.  I feel very much for those who would like to and can' I don't think it is at all easy.  Also as the good Lord said....." I did not say it would be easy, I said it would be worth it ".  It has been so very worth it to me and sometimes I have been known to get perhaps a little over enthusiastic about it. 

    Will be thinking of and praying for you tomorrow flyingdutchess.  Fill your mind with all the calm, serene, happy pictures you can think of --- then float yourself on a cloud with them.  You are going to do just fine.  We will all be there with you to make sure.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited May 2010

    Thinking of you Duchess, as you go for your surgery....Good Luck. Hope its not a long surgery, and you can get back home quickly.

    I am a non smoker, tried it, of course, when I was a teen, it was disgusting !! Cannot understand how people feel the need to draw smoke into their bodies.

    I am locked into a perpetual war with my DD and DS, plus DIL and SIL... THEY DRIVE ME NUTS. I will not allow them to smoke in my house, they have to go stand in the garden, I'm damned if I am having their smoke hanging in my soft furnishings !! I continue to get at them about flicking tab ends into my flower borders, and behind my trash bins, if I catch them I ask them to pick up their mess.....have become somewhat of a dragon on this problem. They have all smoked for all the years my G/sons and G/daughters were growing up.....3 of them are already smokers. I used to make a really big thing of pulling off my G/sons babygros when he came to stay with me, while DD worked, and throwing them in the washing basket, before I would look after him, but it did no good !!!!

    DD is acting so stupid at the moment, her life revolves around her w/ends of partying and nightclubbing. She is out Friday Saturday and Sunday nights. She called in to see me this Saturday am, looking like death warmed up. She had a big bruise on the side of her nose...she fell out of a nightclub, was her explantion, and I read her Facebook on Sunday evening and she said had gone full length in a beer garden somewhere and had bruised all her behind and back.

    She has taken to the open road now the weather is a bit more favourable, on a Hells  Angels trike, complete with all the weird clothing and bandanas !! I often wonder where I got her from !!!!!She has a heart of gold and will do anything for me, but she just drives me nuts ! On Saturday morning she had on a pair of the shortest shorts you could imagine, over black tights, and a biker jacket....she is 42 for goodness sakes ! SIL is at his wits end with her, he often has a moan to me. He doesn't go out with her, she goes with her g/friends, and he is worried what she might get up to. They argue about her clothing, which is always about 10 sizes too small, and her excess drinking. She has been told never to drink at all, due to her horseshoe kidney....she has one large horseshoe shaped kidney, instead of the normal 2 kidneys everyone else has. She has been told its not safe to ride her horse, in case of a fall and damage to her kidney. What does she do ?? go out and buy a second horse, and a back protecter !

    I think, trying to get her to stop smoking is a complete waste of time ! She is already looking lined round her mouth and cheeks, and is on about a facelift now, that's her latest fad. She went for a chemical peel last year, in fact I went with her, but it did neither of us any good !!! We just looked like red indians for a fortnight !! Lined some doctors pocket and never made any difference ! I had seen very good results on TV programes about chemical peels, but it seems that we had a very mild one, and should have gone for a much stronger one, to get results. I might be persuaded this summer to go again, if DD suggests it again, for a stonger one.

    Hi to Julia....come on in and tell us about yourself.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2010

    flyingdutchess....No, it wasn't me that smoked....I had brought up how my "friend" smoked, & I was told by her son that "her Doctor said she shouldn't quit, because it would be too hard on her!"  I had never heard of such a thing!  But her Son is a tobacco chewer...& that, we think is even worse!  I quit in 1964, only because I couldn't breathe!  Wink  My Friend had cancer, plus all the treatments, but her Pet scan came back all guess she will NEVER quit smoking!   I quit when it cost 35 cents a pack!  And I couldn't hardly afford it THEN!!!!   But I have had a terrible time with allergies & asthma for so many years....but getting older has helped that....Maybe I have outgrown it?  Ha! 

    Isabella....I don't think it would do you any good to even try & get your Daughter to quit smoking, drinking & partying....She just wants to do it....I know how you feel....We never quit worrying about them, do we?   I just have to tell you, I LOVE reading your posts!  No matter what you are going through, you can see some humor in it!  How are you feeling?  How is your back?

    Jackie.....I so appreciate your comments!  You are a gem!  I know about us EX-smokers....but I don't say anything to my SIL, or anyone for that matter.....But they sure do look a lot older than they should.  So don't feel bad for saying anything about smokers....Don't you love those new TV commercials now?  And it's true...."no one can make me quit......except me".....So Okay, guess we could start on "drinkers"  now?  Ha!   Just kidding!    Night all!  Jeannette

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited May 2010

    Hi Isabella, thanks for asking.  I'm pretty much isolated in the world, my mother, father and sister have passed on.  Since I lost my mother 27 months ago, I have not been able to sleep through the night.  I have two dear aunts and cousins many continents away.  I never see my boyfriend of 30 years, he lives about 60 miles away and doesn't drive.  As I'm going through it right now, I'm not too anxious to drive out his way.  He calls everyday.  I keep in touch by email with girlfriends who also live a good distance away.  I lost my little cat last year, as the vet said, she outlived her kidneys.  This sweet little one sat on my lap every day for 17 years.  This is the second time around for me in the bc business.  The first, 18 years ago a .5 cm idc - lumpectomy and radiation.  This time, same breast and of the rarified mucinous variety, no nodes to examine, they were all removed the first time around.  I thought I was home free...normal mams every year but I neglected to self exam until the pain, then felt the 3 cm lump.  If I could get on a world wide soapbox, this would be THE message...please fellow sisters and spread the word do breast self exam each and every month without fail.  I know there are many different ways to describe oneself but at the moment and because you asked Isabella, this is what comes to mind.  Thanks for listening.  Best wishes. J           (edited for clarity)

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited May 2010

    Julia - good choice coming here - you just added a whole lot of women as friends - women who have been where (or somewhere near to where) you are.

    I'm on my second round of this too - self exam wouldn't have helped me because both times the thing was not palpable so I shout out for regular mammograms.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited May 2010

    Good morning everyone, and I think we have covered that smoking thing pretty good.  Julia, I am glad you are here too.  Can't recall if you mentioned where you lived, but if close enough -- I know some ladies get together for lunch now and then.  Just bringing this up as it couldbe an outlet for you while you are doing your txs. and don't want to go to see your boyfriend. 

    Dh has, I think anyway, done a rather neat thing.  He built ( I know you can buy some sort of kit, I think ) a hydrogen generator and installed it in his truck ( he is still making some modifications ) but is already getting 7 to 9 miles more per gallon of gas.  At first I did not want him fooling around with my car which is actually a Chevy Blazer.....but may have to re-think that as I'm lucky to get 17 miles to the gal. around town.....which is most of my driving.  We will see. 

    I'm going to run along and see what I can get accomplished.  We should be dry today and that should improve my mood greatly.  I will see you all later when I check in during my travels of the day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited May 2010

    Welcome Joycek, and glad you found us.  This is a great group of women and we do feel this is a great support structure for those with our diagnosis.  Sorry for all who must be here, but we--like you, try I think to see how to learn and grow and make life better and very worthwhile again after the black cloud of cancer. 

    I'm sure many more will chime in to welcome you.  I hope you have a wonderful day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2010

    Welcome JoyceK...glad you found our "older" group

    I love New husband went to Dartmouth

    so we are there quite often for reunions etc. It is so green

    in the summer compared to Southern California..

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2010

    Welcome Joycek!  yes, you will have fun here, & lots of advice and carrying's on!!!!  Mostly we get on some sort of rampage about SOMEthing, but we are just all here for each other!    I am 12 years older than you....& was quite perturbed at the thought of CANCER!!!!!!  Yikes all mighty!  So we are sort of in the same boat....more or less!  

    We are going to Orlando June 2nd!  Going to see our most gorgeous Grand-sons....21 & 24!!!  Geez, I miss those kids!  Our Daughter & Husband have been there for aboutj 10 years now!  I know it will be hot & humid, but we will stay inside somewhere....most of the time!  Except we are going to Melbourne Beach one night to "watch the Loggerhead turtles lay their eggs!"   So I just finished packing!!!!!!!  Wink  I just can't wait!  Bye y'all!  xoxoxoxo

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited May 2010

    Julia.... thanks for telling us about yourself, you must feel isolated at the moment. How about thinking about another little kitty, they bring so much into our lives, aren't a lot of trouble to look after, and theres just something in the house with you all the time. I am a great one for pets, cannot live without them at all.

    Welcome Joyce, we are doing well for new ladies this week ! As Chevvyboy says we go off on a rampage about things lots of the time, its our sort of support group to take the mind off whats going on...tho' we can get serious should we need to.

    I am all in tonight, I hit the supermarket, and did a big shop middle of the day, then had a slow walk round a garden centre, then stopped by a fabric warehouse...then went for gold and decided to have a haircut. I have been growing my hair since last October, to get it cut, if that makes sense ! I got a very good stylist, she made a real good job, if a little shorter than I really wanted. will grow, and the weathers getting better. I have been sick to get my hair back into a bob for 2 years, but kept cutting chunks out, as it grew and annoyed me, I managed to leave it completely alone for 5 months. Must admit it looked like rats tails, and made me look quite haggard, but I have put up with it, and its been worth it.

    I'm not a regular go to the hairdresser sort of person, never have had the time while I was working to go sit in a hairdressers shop for an afternoon. I just used to get it permed, into a curly mop, it would last me 14 weeks, and was easy to manage. Of course, not a good word from DH....'too short, and how much did it cost?' was his comment. I put my full makeup on today, and felt good about myself. ( I did my nails last night, filled some hanging baskets up tonight, and they look such a mess now, will have to do them again when I get to bed !)

    I was soooo tired tonight I fell asleep watching TV, and dreamed I was covered in fleas, they were jumping all over my clothes, and all over my furniture, it was so damned real, DH thought I had lost it, yet again, when I woke up, and was dusting myself down !!! Its 9 years since I had fleas in my dogs, it was a nightmare trying to clear them all away, the cats got them, and they were all in the dogs' beds. They came from DDs.... I nearly killed her on this one. She had bought  G/son a large mongrel dog, of dubious origin, and told me in a joke the thing was covered in fleas. Then one G/son who worked for me on a Saturday, came to work in his old jeans....the same jeans he had had on to play with his flea ridden dog, so they transfered to my dogs via the jeans.

    I had a very busy boarding kennels at that time, and the damned fleas got into the boarding kennels. Each pen had to be scrubbed out by ME, of course, couldn't have the kennels fumigated, as I hadn't got 60 spare kennels to put the boarding dogs in, that really gave me some work. The flippin' things even transferred into litters of puppies I had at the time. Since that episode I have provided a complete change of clothes for G/son, and anyone else who worked for me as they entered the premises, plus a shower room, so cost me a bit of money !!

    Oh I am itching now , just thinking about it. I laugh now about it, with DD, but at the time I was soooo mad at her, and she never even offered to come and help me scrub.!!!

    Off for a shower now, and some clean jim jams.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited May 2010

    Joyce,you hit the nail quite squarely on the head.  You can do everything right and still get cancer....and as I am fond of saying -- whether there is any truth to it at all ..... for some reason getting this diagnosis seems to strike way more terror in our hearts and souls while there are many things -- heart attacks, strokes, un-controlled diabetes, that cause often much devastation and turmoil and long lingering health routines etc. etc. etc. 

    I have lots of ideas as to why these things happen to us and most of it to me is  --  when you finally eliminate as much else as you possibly can, tucked into our spiritual side.  

    Saying that....I don't feel too terribly guilty about so many of the things I did wrong -- always felt my use of Premarin had a bit to do with it, but who knows.  One medical professional says yes, the other no.  In the end --- while it would be nice to "have" a reason ( then you'd know which part of your behavior to adjust totally ) I think it is how we respond and what we learn from and through all of this.  I am convinced that the things that occur to us in this world are preparing us for the next one rather big time.  So, I move on hoping to adjust well enough to never have to do this again.  I guess I adopted a little motto that goes something like this:  Tried it, didn't like it, so never going to do it again.  Just praying the powers that be are with me on this. 

    I am in the middle of a hundred and one things....but hey, it keeps me off the streets until time to feed the feral cats.  Another long story and I won't bore you.  Be checking in later.  See you ladies then

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited May 2010

    One of my friends to share with all of you.  Enjoy,


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2010

    I can't believe my primary care doctor's appointment today

    I went in to change my blood pressure medicine, he did that

    and then proceded to tell me I had not had a mammogram this has been 16 months...ooopppssss....maybe it is my

    brain in free fall...yikes...well, best make an appointment..

    saw this on the way home

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited May 2010

    joycek welcome to this little corner of the world. The thing I like about it is that having BC seems almost routine when we are here. Everyone has it! Nothing special at all - I like being ordinary!

    There are no good reasons for any of us to get this. I never used hormones, birthed and nursed three children, have only a tiny family history (a cousin and an aunt on one side, an aunt on the other side) and here I am. Is it because I am overweight? An acquaintance who had it thought it was because she is underweight. I think the official reason should just be getting this old   -  and bad luck.

  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited May 2010

    Thank you for the flowers and hugs. Laughing  My schedule is upside down.  I couldn't sleep all last night due to anxiety about todays surgery.  Then due to lack of sleep and the anesthesia I slept all day.  So now it is after midnight and my body won't shut down.  The surgery went well. The doctor sent  a hard area for biopsy but says she thinks it is just scar tissue from the prior 3 surgeries.  I worked in the medical field for years so my brain is saying this is just routine after every surgery, but my gut is saying "OMG a biopsy" with heart poundings!  I have no pain except for the compression band around my breasts which doesn't let me expand my lungs fully.  I got through this emotionally as I know all of you were there. Thank youLaughing

    Joyce welcome.  You could be me a year ago.  I wish I had found this great group of women sooner.

     Julia if you feel isolated and can't get out have you thought of Facebook.  I recently joined and have been messaging back and forth with friends from HS I lost contact with from 1960!! til now.  It is wonderful to reconnect and nice to hear"the rest of the story" ie: what happened between the time we were 18 and 68.  It would be a wonderful thing for you to do to end your isolation make new friends out of old acquaintances.

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited May 2010

    Hello Joycek, welcome to the forum, I'm glad you're here.  My best wishes to you.

    OMG Jackie, 'kitten on guitar' is off the wall gorgeous!  You should enter it in a contest or put it on the cover of your next book.  Everyone has to see it, no kidding.  You said something I'm not sure I understand... "when you finally eliminate as much else as you possibly can, tucked into our spiritual side."...would really like to know your idea (one of them at least) of why this happens,  thanks.

    Hi SoCalLisa, thank you for such a beautiful flower.  Good luck when you make that appt.

    Hi Isabella, I would love to care for another cat or many.  When I sentenced Cookie Cat to home confinement because of the coyote in the back yard, she was so unhappy.  I know vets, maybe not all, recommend that your cat be kept in the house, I think it's unnatural.  I've never had the pleasure of a dog's company, other than friends' dogs.  When I'm over treatment and my immunity and strength return, I would love to adopt one. I agree it's hard to live without a pet.  Does whatever is scratching around right now over my head count?

    Thank you for your kind words Lassie, friend has to be the sweetest word of them all.  I'm very grateful and my best wishes to you.   Have a great day friends. J 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited May 2010

    Julie.I'll be sending you a pm ( private message ) so watch for it.  flyingdutchess, glad it is all over -- but the waiting of course.  Still praying it is all b-9 and all will be fine.  Worry ( unfortunately )  gives us a lot to do while we wait for test results.  No amt. of it will change the test results, so why can't we just go for a walk, enjoy birds singing, listen to waves hitting the shore or some rocks, take total pleasure in a sunrise.  Worry is a really bad habit that most of us just can't shake....just hope one of these days we can at least lighten it up a little. 

    Julia,I don't know what sort of computer system you have or how new, but sometimes you can click on a picture anywhere.....even in a blog and a menu will allow you to take the picture and use it yourself.  I do like that picture, but if you can take a copy -- please do. 

    Not sure what today will bring....other than the ever present sorting out of my house and trying to get it where it takes only a short while to clean and care for it.  Thank goodness I do not have a large house, but lack of inside storage has been one of the problems, along with the L shape of lg. foyer, living room, dining area and kitchen which is the end of L.  Always something to focus on that while maybe not bad is just not quite right either. 

    Hope you all will have a stunning day.  I'll be checking back later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited May 2010
    The hematoma can  not be cancerous.  What they biopsied was a hard area just outside of the hematoma "as long as they were in my breast".  I clarify only so you don't worry that your hematoma could be cancerous.
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited May 2010

    Just checking in quickly on my way to do laundry and other fun things.  I have to get ready for work if I haven't been working all  along anyway.  It is just more formalized work with stated hours I must be there, and the other 7 days of work I do have a fair amt. of flexibility.  Also -- though not to confuse them I do try to make it the same time, I go out daily and feed the feral cats.  Hope you are all doing well.

    Julia, hope you found my PM to you. 

    Lots going on as I'm also trying to get as much laundry done as I can so Dh can change my machines to the new HE ones he got for a mere pittance.  He is going to build me some wooden pedestals for them.  The ones they sell are just too expensive.  So along with that I'm changing out a dresser in my is very old fashioned and I have a newer one with a mirror --- so have to try and get that finished.  .  It is nice to stay busy but sometimes I look forward to my "formal" job as I get to sit a little more.  .

    Hope you all had a wonderful day.  See you later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • dsa-deb
    dsa-deb Member Posts: 49
    edited May 2010

    Hello...I'm not sure if what I'm doing to actually join this thread, but, I will try anyway.  This is my 1st hit on any board because I've been spending the last 3 weeks, since I was diagnosed, reading everything on the web that I could find about the cancer type I have.  So at the moment I'm more than overwhelmed and honestly in disbelief about what's been told to me and what's happened with 3 weeks!  I've got so much swirling around in my head that I believe my head will explode!

    Before I rant and rave anymore maybe I should hit the submit button to see if this even makes the board :)   

  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited May 2010

    DSA you are feeling like we all felt in the beginning like you are stuck on a roller coaster speeding out of control.  After awhile it slows down and you are in control of the car.  Just hang on and believe It will get better.


  • dsa-deb
    dsa-deb Member Posts: 49
    edited May 2010

    Kat....So you are the flyingdutchess!  So nice to meet you -- I've read so many of your comments and love 'em!  Thanks for replying to me and for verifying that I have not already lost my senses before treatments even begin!  Am hoping I can find the time each day to visit the thread and make sure i don't miss anything :)  Am divorced 59 year old w/2 grown daughters & grandsons, ages 7,6,4.  I currently work at a state university and looking forward to retirement....the picture that has been in my mind for awhile about retirement will be altered now.  Dx w/metaplastic carcinoma....still undergoing scans, tests, etc before final dx to be finalized, which i figure will be in early June.  Think am stage IIA, T2, N0, M0---beyond that, I'm still somewhat clueless.  Only visited w/oncologist 1x but am scheduled w/him 1st wk of June.  Can't seem to locate anyone who has reported same type of you know?  Again, thanks for your encouragement.  I hope I can converse w/others in days ahead.  Deborah