Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited May 2010
    So Connie, have you steeped yourself in tea?  Herbal or regular?  That suggestion came just as I was going to say that bathing seems to increase the frequency ot UTIs for me.  I only shower.  I think when you sit in a tub the ecoli and other germs from your anus migrate to your urethera.
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2010

    Good Grief Gerti!  What are you gals DOING?  I mean, Connie & SV....I just wish we could all help you.....try this.....((((((hugs)))))  !!    The tea bath sounds great!  Does the tea stain ever come out of the tub, Ha!  But I know tea will help a LOT of things!  (What is UTI)  Did I miss something here?  As usual? 

     I might interject a little good news, for me, anyway...Mammogram for one side turned into both ultra-sound....checking on that little "goom-ba"....(Seroma)....And a stubborn lymph node that is being obstinate...But all turned out to be no problem....So I thanked God, & went to Mothers Day Lunch with DD after the appointment!  Laughing  Man I was so scared, waiting for "other shoe to drop!"  But "Seroma will go down"....if not, no big deal!  

    Wish better days for you gals trying to get better.....xoxooxo Jeannette

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited May 2010

    Duchess....what a horrible thought !! But true, I suppose !

    I take a bath about once a week, then only really to sit there and soak away the pain in my Arimidex raddled bones !!!! I have to shower every morning, or I couldn't function....and then again at night, I love a nice warm shower at bedtime, and then crisp clean sheets....pure heaven.

    Well. yesterday was a real day. DH and I had to go to town to see our bank manager, (I am sick of these meetings, telling us what our investments and savings have lost THIS time) We used to have a nice bit of extra each month from this, but now it is zero, all going South. I would love to know when it is all going to stop. Myself, I have mainly worked in cash over the last few years, at least I can bargain for a discount with cash in my hand, and I haven't been seeing the value of my cash dropping. (Plus DH has no idea what I have squirrelled away !!!!!! ) We parked in a multi storey carpark, and coming down the 'corkscrew' exit the 4WD conked  two thirds of the way down !!! We blocked the place up, as it was the only exit for cars. We couldn't shift, and got loads of angry honks from those blocked in behind us. Then 2 men saw sense and got out and helped DH push it the last bit out of the carpark and into a safe place. We then had to ring for breakdown service, who sent the wrong kind of truck, so had to wait again for a bigger truck to carry the 4WD and us home. It took 4 hours to get back, I was really tired out when we eventually made it home, and was in the shower and in bed with my lap top in half an hour.

    Today I go visit my Aunt, who is now in hospital, with a broken hip. The hip has been pinned, and she is in intensive care. I am just so mad at the way these things have been happening while she has been in this temporary home. She has had 4 falls, 3 black eyes, that I KNOW about, she scalded herself last week, a cup of tea fell out of her hand, and now she's had such a bad fall that its done her hip in. I don't know if I can be bothered to go thru enquiries and complaints, they all stick together, tell the same story, and I know they must be covering up, as she never had this amount of falls in years of being in care.I am just upset that the broken hip could progress to pneumonia, and then that could be happens to old people. I have tried twice to complain, but all the staff, even the visiting Dr, had the exact same story,even their words almost exactly matched, so how do I argue with that when my Aunt can't tell me what is happening to her, and all the staff won't tell the truth.... I am hitting my head against a wall.

    Lots to do today, and no energy to do anything ! First on my list is a visit to see my Aunt, then to a supermarket for some food, then I am looking after my G/daughter all night....I hope she will be quiet and go thru the night without waking me up ! The house will be a wreck after she goes home, she is 18 months and into everything, I need eyes in my backside to keep her from touching the dogs. I would almost stake my life on it they'd never touch her, but you never know. I have 4 or 5 quite old dogs who love peace and quiet, and if a toddler suddenly grabs out and pulls their coat, they MAY just turn round and grab her, as non of them see too good ! I've also got a few youngsters who are giddy, and don't encounter very small children very often, so everything needs a close eye.

    Hope all have a good w/end.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited May 2010

    Lost my first post.Isabella, hope things are getting sorted out for you.  I know the situation with your Auntie is difficult as you are not and seems will not get a straight story ( truth ) from her care takers.  It is not much for consolation but I know that the Lord sees all that goes on and what you cannot do about it he will.  He sees and knows your love for your family members and while you may feel ineffective about this, it is only the love that matters.  Things I think are unfolding as they were meant ( the reason for it we don't know ) but your caring, trying and love is recognized and noted just as if you were being as effective as it is possible to be.   Still we tend to fret over it all because that is our humanity. 

    I do hope things get sorted as well as they can.  Will your Dh fix the car or will you have to have a mechanic?  Hope all goes well with the wee one this evening or maybe that was yesterday evening.  They are a handful at that age, but have wonderful little spirits so the joy is great. 

    See you all later. 

    Hugs, Jackie

    P.S.  SV, Connie & Jeanette....hope you all get to feeling loads better.  You are in my thoughts.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited May 2010

    Good morning y'all,

    So sorry for your troubles with your aunt, Isabella. It's just a sad truth that bad things happen and you can't be there 24/7. I don't know what the solution is. When my mom moved from a retirement apartment to nursing care for the last 3 months of her life I realized I could not leave her there alone. But neither could I bring her home where I would have no help. My solution was to "move in" to her room and stay there. I slept on a blanket on the floor and showered in the pool facility.  This was 10 years ago and I was young enough to do what I had to. The alternative would have been to hire a private duty aide to stay with her. But of course she preferred family and hiring round the clock help would have been so expensive. 

    I am planning to slip off quietly in my sleep after my Italian lover has just left. :-)  At age 99, naturally. Gosh, I don't want to be a burden to my children! But how do you prevent it? Maybe there really will be Medicare "death panels" to speed us along? Might not be a bad thing!

    On a happier note... I am going to So. California next week to stay with five year old GS while DD and SIL go to Hawaii for a week. It should be interesting as his parents have never been away overenight before. But we have lots of plans.... if I don't get lost on the the freeways!

    Happy Mothers' Day to all.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited May 2010

    HAPPY MOM'S DAY TO ALL-CELEBRATE YOURSELVES (OURSELVES)!!! I am not a Mom but bought a huge carrot cake just for me!!

    And Jeanette, you poor thing-UTI means urinary tract infections-the fact that you don't knw that means you are one of the lucky women who doesn't get them!!! AND SO GLAD YOUR MAMMO IS OK!!!! YEAH YOU-CELEBRATE!!!!

    and OMG FDuchess-great-we get old and decrepit and now share bathwater with e coli!!! i am NOT taking a bath again!

    and MB, did you know that navelbine is made from the periwinkle plant?

    And Isabella, Lordy there are no words for the negligence that goes on with eldercare.i am SO sorry.i have worked in the field for over ten years and have my masters in geriatrcs. Only the wealthiest get the kind of care that any human being should get. Even in the U.S. nursing homes are understaffed and way overpopulated with elders who have such multi issues that they really belong in hospitals! Instead they are stuck with a few untrained and underpaid CNA's; one doc that comes in once a week and a few nurses-all to cover a ward of 150 or so patients. it is sickening! I work several unit including Alzheimer (private pay) at $10,000 a day-for real. The care they got was unbelievable! I just feel so bad for your aunt and this is no way for her to live thru her final years! and on man, your life is beyond belief-only you and DH could bring traffic to a halt in a parking garage!! you poor thing-enuf is enuf!

    Connie, is your breast swelling up because mine is too. My BC breast is healed from surgery but it is like I did something to injured it, and it is swollen and it hurts like heck! My arm feels like it is asleep. What is up with that? And you know you don't feel well enough to go to the beach!!!! Plus sun and dehydration is not good idea! go when you can really enjoy it-i know these trips are important but post cancer/chemo and all, we have to live much different lives and I hate it!!

    Jackie thanks for the healing thoughts and prayers

    Love to all


  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited May 2010
    Stillverticle you had me laughing at you reponse to my comment.  But I worked managing a MD's office for years and this was his first advice to women who had recurrent UTIs.
  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited May 2010

    Happy Mother's Day to all the moms on our thread.  I'm not a mom, but I am a daughter with a living mom.  So DH and I will be joining four of my five siblings tomorrow at my mother's house.  Spouses will also be present, plus a granddaughter (of my mom's, of course!) with 3 small children.  My mother isn't able to do a lot of cooking any more, so the meal will arrive in separate vehicles along with the guests.  I will provide a large pot of seafood gumbo, one of her favorite foods. 

    Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited May 2010

    FDutchess-BUMMER! Teehee-SV

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited May 2010

    OK, WHERE IS SOCAL AND her flowers!!! AND JEANETTE and her fairy garden??? the competition is on....seriously, we all should be bathed in flowers!!! I am being a terrible board hog-must be the vit B-12 shot and sugar from 2 pieces of carrot cake!! ((((XXOOO))) SV

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2010

    Melissa!  SV!  Did you GROW those beautiful flowers?  The photography is Beautiful!  Thank you!  I'm still waiting for Spring!  I think it is still Winter here in Denver!   I have to cover what plants I put out, every night!   I just gotta tell you ......I LOVE you posting again!

    Happy Mothers day to all of us Gals!  We are either a Mom, or we have one....or we are loving the memories of our Mom's!   xoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited May 2010

    Even though my mother passed on in October 1998....I still think of her daily and thank God she was mine.  She was such a loving, warm, special person and if there is wholeness to me it is she who planted the seeds deeply.  She taught me from the time I can remember to her final hours.  Not only how to attempt to live fully, and to help those along the path I might encounter, but she also taught me to let go of my life when the time comes with dignity and grace -- always thankful, always humble -- forever loving.  I am so proud and blessed she was my Mom.  I feel the warmth from the touch of her hand, her strength, and her cute little lop-sided grin whenever I need her.  She is not far -- only in heaven and she knows I am coming when it's time.  Happy Mother's Day Mom.  You are and always will be the greatest.  I am deeply blessed. 

    Love, Jackie

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited May 2010

    Oh-opps-I wrote the real name not code-CB, thank you so much for the ego boost! my friend and neighbor (a doctor) grows these flowers-well his wife did until he dumped her for someone on a year ago. i love her-he came home and she had a moving van there with crew and hauled everything out of the house. all that is left is her flowers and i shot these pix about a year ago.

    And JACKIE, you made me cry!!! I MISS my Mom so much-she passed April 13, 2009-and this is the first Mum's day without her! And I too know that her face will be the first face i see in heaven. i remember when I was learning to walk, I saw this beautiful woman with bright blue eyes and a huge smile and she was bent at the waist with her arms outstretched toward me and i know she was saying "come on, you can do it." i know because that is what she has said to me all of my life. She is the only one, no matter what I did, who ever said "you can do it!"

    MY MOM AND A GIFT FROM GOD! Her name was "Joy", XXOOO, SV

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited May 2010

    Thanks for all your comments and concerns about my Aunt. I am into picking brains now.

    My Aunt had her hip pinned 5 days ago, she was straight into intensive care, where she was expected to be for 2 days. She is still there. She has just not woken up.

     OK so she couldn't hold a proper conversation before all this, but I could understand what she wanted, and to make her still feel she was normal, conversed with her in some sort of 'gobbledegook', pretending to answer her 'inside out' language. She was always pleased that we could 'chat', and smiled and gesticulated as if all was quite normal, and we were locked in riviting conversation. She would say my name, and told me to bring 'him' to see her (DH) the last time I actually spoke to her. My god, if anyone had heard what we were 'saying' I think I might have been locked up with her immediately.

    Her drs now do not have any idea why she isn't waking up, or so I am being told....I don't always care to believe what I hear from any of her drs nowadays. She is just laying there looking like a ghost, a feeding tube was set up yesterday, the nurses appear very caring and worried about her condition. She has been for 2 MRIs this week, nothing wrong there, and everything is working AOK. Shes had 2 bags of blood, staight after her operation, but now its like the lights are on but no-ones home.....apart from the occasional twitch. I am so worried that pneumonia will set in if she doesn't get moving.

    Any nurses amongst us that may have worked with geriatrics and may have encountered a situation like this before, or anyone at all with any imput. Her nurse told me today she has never come across a patient not coming round to an alert state. Would anaesthetics have shot her deeper and further into Alzheimers, which she has had about 6/7 years ? This is unsettling me...set to go for a spine op. at the same hospital in 2/3 months. Does anyone remember the film of my all time favorite films, and all coming horribly true before my eyes.

    I am coping with G/daughter quite well, the house is a wreck, and I couldn't care less. I managed to get her to bed just after 8, and am hoping she will know its Sunday tomorrow, and let me sleep on a bit.....hoping, but not expecting. Apparently she's an early riser....just after 7am...I have the TV at the ready near her bed, in the hope she will just lay there ever so quiet watching cartoons, ( bad, bad Grandma) and wait 'til I surface about 9am.....some hope.... then I have to start the ' I need eyes in my backside to watch this child doesn't get eaten by my dogs, feed my cats, and make some breakfast ' dance 'til DD picks her up, early I hope.

    I wish I were 30 years younger, 20 would do !


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited May 2010

    Oh Isabella, I feel like I am being such a Board hog but I SO worry about you. Honey, you cannot do everything!! Enjoy your GD and play with her like you are her age-have tea parties; play hide and seek; build a 'hobbit house' and just PLAY!! I hate to give direct advice, but try to get your mind off of your aunt for a bit. I know how much you care but not sure how much you can do. Your aunt is in ICU and obviously very serious. I am just going to throw this out because I had this happen with my Mom when she broke her pelvis and was in ICU for too many days. There is what is called "ICU Psychosis". It results from an elderly person not being able to hear or see the normal things of daily life-like hearing bird chirping; a TV or a radio.But in my experience with this with elderly people in ICU, they have had a time where they awoke, were able to do a few things, and then began to regress.I had to work hard to get my Mom out of ICU and into a normal room. She came around very quickly but was still quite ill. She needed to have normal stimulation going on around her-even to be able to hear the tele. or to hear someone vacumming-it was all important to her recovery. But please know that anything could have happened during her surgery-she may have had a stroke (I know she had an MRI) but....; she may have a UTI-in the elderly a UTI can put them in a coma-any number of things can be going on, including a blood infection. Is she being medicated for pain or have there been any med changes? I had to work hard to 'normalize Mom's stay in ICU' but there is onnly so much one can do until the person is moved. I had to comb my mom's hair and give her a bed bath and use the time to give her a lot of tactile stimluation (like putting lotion all over her). I always assume the person can hear me regardless and I read magazines and books out loud.But you are most important-and I know you hate it but you have to come first. Your aunt is in the care of ICU docs and staff and I would hope they know what they are doing so you can get some rest!! Please Isabella take care of yourself and have some fun-that is prescribed for tomorrow-or whatever day it is in the UK. If you just need to dump feelings, PLEASE PM any of us. We love you!! (((((XXXOOOO))))) SV

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited May 2010

    LORDY!! ME TOO Isabella, my DD likes to sleep in the mornings when she can, and now that she and her 14 month old share the room. She puts a small box of dry cereal out in the bed and lets the  baby play and eat quietly til she gets up. It's worth a try.  she also places books and toys at the foot of the bed.I like to sleep in too. Do NOT like early morning appointments. My parents liked to sleep in too. Why, some Sundays I'm not sure they got out of bed!! You better keep that baby safe from those dogs. My old cat 19+ slapped the baby and cut her, not bad and I was almost on top of it, but not close enough, that cat scratched her face and I felt SO bad. Still do, the scar is fading now but I still see it.

    SV, yes my breast is swollen, and has a set of blistered spots.It's the OTHER side, not the BC side. I have to keep a gauze dressing on it and the tape won't hold it in place. I borrowed a sleep bra from DD and she went to the Maternity shop and bought one in my size today, that holds the bandage where I need it. I was going to post a pic but the flowers are so much better to look at, I'm not going to ruin that.

    Happy Mothers Day to all who have mothered and all the sons & daughters that benefited by having a kind and caring Mom.


  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited May 2010
    It dawned on me today when DH and I were in the swimming pool as we are about 3 to 4 days a week, that I have been avoiding the tub to avoid UTIs and telling you to do so to. Meanwhile I have  been in the pool.  I guess I have a good case of "do as I say and not as I do!Embarassed" Whoops!
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited May 2010

    This is a Swedish proverb I thought you might all enjoy.  It made sense to me.

    Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited May 2010

    HAPPY MOTHR'S DAY TO ALL YOU WONDERFUL LADIES!  After a nice brunch today, my family took off back to KY.  It's back to work and school for them tomorrow.  How wonderful it was to spend the weekend with them and how lucky I feel!  Although they came with Mother's Day packages, their company was the greatest gift they brought!  I hope all of you are sharing your day with those you love.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited May 2010

    Dearest RitaJ., I am so glad you had a wonderful Mom's day-what a gift!!! And IL, I love the proverb-so true for me!! HOPE ALL OF YOU HAVE A WONDERFUL MOM'S DAY!! My puppies treated me to gourmet carrot cake and coffee ice cream with chocolate on top!! And wow, i think the med routine they put me on two weeks ago is kcicking in-FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FOUR MONTHS I FEEL LIKE A HUMAN BEING!!! I was able to walk the pups and it is a GORGEOUS day here on the Outer Banks. MOM (me) has been so ill the poor pups have not gotten out for playtime in literally weeks!! So today they got a good run and then both got new hairdoos with my new doggie clippers! ((((BIG POD HUGS)))) SV

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited May 2010

    SV I hope you can handle those doggy clippers....I just can't.

    I have 2 prs doggy clippers, 1 pr human hair clippers, and make a real dogs dinner of clipping any of my dogs when it gets warm. I usually revert to scissors, takes ages, looks choppy, but gets the dogs feeling easier when the sun shines. I dread anyone seeing my dogs for about a month after I clip them they're such a mess !!

    We had our mothers day some weeks ago. I ask my children NOT to acknowledge it at all, to me its so false, it goes back to when most young girls were away from home 'in service' in the big houses. Once a year their employers released them on a Sunday in March....Mothering go back home, see their mother and pick a posy of flowers from the hedgerow on the way.

    Just Soooo different from the commercialised Mothers Day now. But, my DIL always sends me a card, my G/sons G/fs do as well. I have to accept them with good grace, but I am mad they are going against something I feel strongly about. Can't these girls make the effort with their mothers all year round? My DD does, so I wouldn't expect anything from her. She, on the other hand, makes a big effort for her MIL, taking her out for a meal etc, as the other mother expects it ! DD always tells me she feels bad doing for one and not the other ! 


    Diagnosis: 5/14/2003, IDC, 1cm, Stage I, Grade 1, 0/26 nodes, ER+/PR+, HER2-

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited May 2010

    This is our Mother's Day here in the States, Isabella.

    Mother's Day was declared a national holiday on May 9, 1914, by President Woodrow Wilson. However, it was seven years earlier that Anna Jarvis started putting the wheels in motion. Ms. Jarvis persuaded her Mother's church in Grafton, West Virginia, to celebrate a special day for mothers on the anniversary of her own Mother's death, which was the second Sunday in May. Support for Anna's sentiments blossomed and she was able to persuade ministers, businessmen, and politicians all across the country to honor all mothers on this specific day.

    Anna's efforts reached all the way to the White House, where President Wilson declared:

    "Now, Therefore, I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the said Joint Resolution, do hereby direct the government officials to display the United States flag on all government buildings and do invite the people of the United States to display the flag at their homes or other suitable places on the second Sunday in May as a public expression of our love and reverence for the mothers of our country."

    Anna Jarvis also started the custom of wearing white carnations on Mother's Day as a symbol of a Mother's sweetness, beauty, purity, and the endurance of her love. Later on, red carnations became the accepted symbol of a living mother, while white carnations followed Ms. Jarvis' example of honoring a mother who has passed away.

    I had a really fantastic day, but then I have looked on every day as rather special for a long time and everyone that knows me, knows this about there is no burden on me or on them.  My son did call and wish me a good day -- he is much like me and just celebrates every day as a wonderful one.  Has a strong spiritual streak like me -- as does my daughter.  I am fortunate that we all see eye to eye about something that is close to my heart. 

    We are having rain today and for the next week.  I'd like to think I can keep on celebrating those days but too much gray and I get into the doldrums.  It passes as soon as the sun comes back, but I do get "moody" and cantankerous for a short time.  

    Hi to all Jeanette, Rita, S.V.Pan, Carole, Dutch, Connie and all of you.  See you later.  Have a splendid day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2010

    And a Happy Mother's Day to you Jackie!  And to all of us great women!  I talked to both my Daughter's yesterday, but missed the call from 24 year old Grandson!  I was out working in my front garden!  My heart just drops when I miss those Grandson's calls....but they'll call back.

    Youngest Daughter took me to lunch at Red Lobster after my Mammogram/Ultra-sound on Thursday, for lunch, for Sunday, because she had to work....  And then our "other Daughter" born in Viet Nam, & our friend forever, came by to bring me a beautiful flower arrangement & various creams & body washes!  I'm her "other Mother".....She lost her Mom when she was brought to the States.... 

    I love Mother's Day too...Started in 1914?  the year my Mom was born.....Just still miss my Mom....but she's "up there" & watching down on me, I know....Wish I could have been closer to her when she had her breast cancer.....I need her to talk to, when I had my surgery.....guess we always miss our Mom's....Cry happy you are feeling better!!!!!!!  Man, you have been THROUGH it girl! 

    Talk to you gals later! xoxoxoxoxoxo

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited May 2010

    Good Morning ladies! Wow, what histories on Mother's Day=I had NO idea! And Isabella, I just love the info that you posted on M-day. I absolutely love to hear of old English beginnings of things!! And it sounds so true to those of us with English origin-I will never look at M-day the same since your history input. And IL, wow I love your history input-I am not a mom but very jaded on US holidays.I am so sorry! Yeah, I know that US version, but think it designed to sell greeting cards and flowers or some other commercial reason. i am terrible but nothing is done in the US without a ton of lobbying from people who want $$$$$ from us consumers!! My Bad! Weather is gorgeous but cold today-I even have my felt hat on as my hair has not grown back. Decided I might just tatoo my bald head!!! Have a wonderful day all!! SV

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited May 2010


    I just heard Isabella is the most popular name for a girl baby in the US!  Boy = Jacob


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited May 2010

    Oh ladies-ok I a being a board hog again-but i had the most incredible day. I went to my art gallery first hanging my head bec i have totally ignored it (THANK YOU GOD FOR MY BIZ PARTER) AND just wanted to make an appearance and found that all of my art has sold-so what a thrill. Now time to hunker down in the studio and fill the racks!! THE TOURONS ARE HERE! I figured 'what the hay' and decided to load up and try to get down to the beach for my first time surf fishing since my diagnosis in September. AND OH WOW, I HAD SO MUCH FUN!!!! It is not a huge deal (to normal people) because I live on the beach, so i grabbed a rod and some bait and walked down the steps from our deck. i have just been so afraid too try it bec i have felt so badly for so very long. Took the pups and WOW we had the best afternoon!!!! I caught a bucket of fish out of the surf and had a blast-and the puppies weer so happy that Mom was doing something NORMAL to them! GEESSUS are we a whipped little group tonight. BUT WOW-DID I SAY WOW??!!!! BUT i forgot that one side of my chest is deflated and i had my bathing suit on and my strap fell off (unknown to me) and I am flying free in the wind-the only 'uniboob surf angler' on the beach. I told MB that I kept wondering why all of these old men kept coming up and asking for fishing tips-teehee-for real! HOW EMBARASSING-oh heck who cares!!! So my face and bald head are fried from the sun and the dolphins were out playing in the surf rounding up dinner for themselves-it was so gorgeous!!!! oh man, I am so proud of myself for doing that-what a gift from God. ladies, please anyone who wants to come to the beach-WOW-i would love to make it an annual thing for us to get together and hang out at my house and watch the waves roll in and the dolphins play-i know you all would love it and and you all (we) are so deserving of all of the fun we can grab in this world! I can just see us all tromping up and down the beach and setting up camp under our umbrellas!!! what a treat that would be. if i had the $$$$ i would fly all of you here and share all of this with you!!!! Thank you God for today! It has been such a long time! XXXOOOO to all, SV

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited May 2010

    Chilly and rainy day and not at all what I wanted.  Will rain all week....ok, so we are now having April showers.....hmmmm.  Seems this summer is starting out a mite weird like last summer did.   Sure hope we have a better one this year but I'm already a bit nervous  with the strange weather's flower time -- not shower time. 

    Despite this, hope you all had a wonderful day.  I'm off to my recliner for the rest of the night.  See all you lovely ladies in the a.m.

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited May 2010

    Hey Jackie, it's been raining here most of the night.  Right now it's just dark and looking pretty threatening.  It appears that golf is off for today and tonight unless things change greatly!  I guess I can always go to the grocery store instead.............YUCK!  I really hate grocery shopping....getting everything selected, through the check-out lane, carried into the house and put away.  BUT, since I love to eat, I think it's something I still need to do! LOL  Perhaps if I was a gourmet cook I'd really enjoy it.  I've been trying a few new recipes off the internet every few weeks to add a little spice to our meals.  A few have been pretty good and then some of them have been worse than what I usually serve!   LOL glad you had a nice day and that you're feeling more like yourself now.  Isn't it great to get back into life?'ll probably never know how very important you are to the gal you "adopted" as a daughter after she lost her mother.  I had an adopted mother also....even when my mom was alive.  She lived two doors down from me for 18 years when I raising my son.  My real mom lived three hours away, so I couldn't just hop in the car and drive over everytime I had the need to talk, so this loving lady "adopted" me.  We became very close over the years.  She just died this past year and I miss her just about as much as I miss my real mom.  I was truly blessed to have had them both.  Her son and I still keep in touch.  I used to get her a little something too at Mother's Day because she was so very special to me!  I'm sure your "adopted daughter" feels the same about you. 

    Well, I need to get moving this morning.  I have a few things that I need to touch up with the iron....I know....some of you don't believe in that but this ol' gal will probably never change!  LOL

    Catch you all later.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited May 2010

    Morning everyone, and I too must admit that I use my iron fairly frequently.  I don't mind if I get fairly wrinkled as I wear the clothes, but years and years ago....I saw someone wearing  the ( this is how many years ) same maternity blouse I was wearing.  Mine was ironed and hers was not.  Talk about a real eye opener -- and since that day that is the picture that comes into my head when I even am just wishing I did not have to iron something.  So I too just have to try as somehow I always think it is evident that clothes have been pressed -- even if they end up with a really **well used today** look. 

    A little cloudy out today and some wind....storm will not come till after nightfall.  At least warmer temps are back.  70's which is good for me.  Our little I-heater has come on so keeps us plenty warn enough....but I did not like the chilly feel of it all -- like winter weather could almost return. 

    Not a lot going today.  Dh has today off and that means don't plan anything as you never know what he will come up with and will totally upset my apple on his days off, I just don't make plans. 

    Hope you are all going to have a good day - whatever you do. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited May 2010

    It's still 39 degrees and cold, rainy and windy here in Wisconsin...oh dear Lord, I need some warmth and sunshine!!