Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited May 2010

    thanks for entertaining me. i am so uncomfortable but at least a little distracted. i think flight is about 40 more minutes... i may survive. 


  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited May 2010

    Pam...hope you landed safely!  I love the fact that you posted in-flight!! I love technologic advances.  Have a good time with GS.  How old is he?

    So-Cal-- welcome home, I missed you!  Flights  can be so boring and cramped.  Thanks for sharing nature's beauty with us. I'm still waiting for my lilacs to bloom, lol!

    GramE -- TaiChi?  I'm go girl!

    Jackie--so glad DH seems to be doing ok and you now have the backing of a Doc to go DASH!  A new mattress...hope it continues to give you comfort and full night's sleep.

    Julie and Jackie--I can identify with the intuitive sensations.  I used to be extremely intuitive. While going through chemo I lost it all and really missed the cues. Now that I am over chemo for more than 4years my sensitivity seems to be returning slowly, thank you, God.

    Melissa SV -- how are you doing? That poor little polar bear...yes an em- bare-assing moment!!  Loved it. Hope you are continuing to enjoy the beauty of nature in your corner of the world. Give your puppies hugs for me.  How is your Dad doing? Hope he isn't laying his crankiness on you.

     MARYBE --How are you feeling today?? Has the navelbine side effects whomped you yet?  Hope not!! Don't be a stranger, miss you.

    Gentle hugs to all

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2010

    Sitting on that plane was worth it though

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited May 2010

    Today is my 7 year milestone .....hallelujah.

    Seven years ago right now, I was just round from anaesthetic, pain drip in, 2 more drips in, I can't remember what they were,  line in for my expected chemo (which luckily didn't materialise ) not a lot of pain, just feeling as if I had run into a wall and was tired out. I confounded the nurses by not sleeping a wink all night, they kept peeping in on me and I could hear them whispering  'she's not off YET '  My mind was just racing, and I never expected to get to this day, I was only looking another 6 months ahead !!!


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2010

    Hi Isabella!  After your appointment tomorrow, let us know what they said.  My Grandson, works for Depuy Spine...It is a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson....He works along-side the surgeons because he brings all the "hard-ware" from his company, depending on the surgery.  I could send you the web-site, later on, so you can "see" what they will use...if they use any titanium implants.  I had a double-laminectomy about 15 years ago, when I was about 58....The Doctor was a neuro-surgeon, which worked out great.  He didn't "fuse" or use any titanium rods or "cage", because I don't think they were using them at the time.    They have come sooooo far, with back surgery now....& it has become "minimally invasive"  recently  also!   Just familiarize yourself with the "procedure" they plan, if you have surgery.    I know you are probably so apprensive about all this, & I don't blame you....And every back surgery is different, & performed for different reasons for each patient & their symptoms!     I would never tell anyone, "Oh sure, just do it!"..... Just because it helped me live a normal life, doesn't mean the same surgery would work for some other patient.    And even SOME people had an easier time than I, even!    It's just hard to tell.  But I climbed up on the hospital bed the day after the surgery....The Doctor didn't think that was normal....Wink but we were both happy!   And that PAIN from the Sciatica was gone!I had physical therapy & traction after the surgery takes awhile, but like I say, the pain was gone....& I just had to "work on getting better"......

    Man, Good Luck with your counter-tops, Ha!  Wouldn't you just like to smack these Husbands along side the head?  Good for You!  It's YOUR what you want!  Do we always have to ask permission first before we DO anything?   That drives me nuts!  I know we love them, but just pretend that we have a brain of our own!  Sheeesh!!!!!!!!

    Melissa SV.....are you behaving little one?  Your floor sounds a mess.....along with your computer!!!!  What next?  I wish I were there to help you!  And yes, I loved to see your BEAR on this link.....Ha!   

    My mammogram & ultra-sound was perfect!  I am so proud.....I feel like I did this myself...Wink Now on to the Radiologist next Tuesday....I am just wanting to think that I have beaten this.

    Do we ever?  Can they tell us in 5 years that it is done?  That we are cancer-free?  I just feel beaten down sometimes, and I have suffered NOTHING next to some of you gals, & what you have gone through!  You all just give me courage, reading what YOU go through to get to another day!    So thanks, Y'all!  xoxoxoxoxo

  • Lindae911
    Lindae911 Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2010

    Oh my gosh!  I busted out laughing when you came back with let's remove the testicles!  Men!

    I'm an older woman -soon to be 62 in Oct.  I was diagnosed in June of 09 - completed my chemo and radiation was finished last month - April 7 -  I'm now looking at reconstructive maybe in July.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited May 2010

    Hi Linda.....welcome to the thread!!!  Sounds like you are doing fairly well -- though sometimes the enormity of it all will give you a reality check when you least expect it.  I hope things continue to go good for you.  We come here to ask questions, help others, and just relax while we get away from all we went thru after learning and hearing those awful words -- you have cancer. 

    I'll see you all later.  I'm bushed, trying to eat some dinner and have a bunch of stuff I should do afterward.  Your all in my thoughts though -- be assured.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited May 2010
    What is the DASH diet?
  • Unknown
    edited May 2010

    Suzie, I think I am doing fine.  Had the navelbine on Wed AM and went to work from there.....slept better that night than I have for a long time.  Slept last night also,but not as well.   This morning after my usual coffee, I broke out in a sweat....most unusual for me as I am almost always cold...then I thought ah ha, this is how the hot flashes felt, would get wet under my bangs.  Also my eyes burn like when I have a fever and this afternoon I fell asleep on the couch because I just felt really tired.  My eyes are still burning. I rode to Portsmouth today with my girlfriend who also has a parent here and I am now at my Dad's and got his front door painted before it got dark.Trying to get his place renovated and my husband will come on Sunday and take me back home with him on Monday.  He gets antsy and doesn't like to be here for more than a day. 

    Isabella, Congratulations on your anniversary.  As the saying goes You've come a long way, Baby.  Remember Virginia Slims?  Did your hubby get over the counter tops....if not tell him to grow up....there are bigger things in life to worry about.  And Congrats to you Chevy on the good reports.  Hope you have fun in CA,Pam

    Goodnight to all of you.  Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.   Marybe

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2010

    I was on the DASH can download it from Mayo on line and maybe

    NIH site...basically it is a good healthy diet for heart patients but good for all...

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited May 2010

    Way to go Isabella, congratulations!  Wishing you many happy returns of this wonderful milestone.

    Thank you SoCalLisa, for the great shots of Charleston.

    Hi Chevy, congratulations!  What's better than hearing mam and ultrasound - PERFECT!!!  And my very best wishes that you'll hear another PERFECT on Tuesday.  How can you say you've suffered nothing (as compared...)?  When we hear that ugly word, we are each unfortunately permanently scarred, no matter what the treatment, no matter how much indelible ink on our souls.  We are all equal sufferers after that no matter the physical pain or lack thereof in the eradication process.  The good news is that revolting word can be cast waaaaaay back in our consciousness and a new appreciative, happy, compassionate, energetic perspective can emerge, if you let it, and this is also indelible.  Then our new journey in life is even better than the one before.  Wishing all my fellow sisters the healthiest and best of good journeys.  Julia

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2010

    Good Morning Julia!  And yes, you are sooooooo right...Someday I'll maybe quit being afraid of it coming back.... I just heard a friend who has had a terrible time, for about 5 years, with mets to her bones, is now CANCER FREE!!!!!!    I just admire & congratulate her, for being so brave!  She had a Pet scan, my Daughter said....Can that really show that you are cancer free?     Or is this  like a "state of mind that I can do?   My life really IS happy, and I never talk about this to my DH or Daughters, unless asked....just to you guys..... And I only have one more appointment next Tuesday with Radiologist....I know it's just the 6 month exam, & that it's all going to be good!  And then the Oncologist in June....for a check-up.......After that, I can relax, ha!    Thanks again for the pep-talk Julia!  Your post was inspirational! xoxoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited May 2010

    Yes -- we are here to sometimes gripe, sometimes rant, sometimes cry but also to accentuate the positive.  Way to go Julia, as it is going to be what it is as they say -- and so making the best of it along the way will help so much. 

    SoCalLisa,  thanks for the Dash diet info.  It also usually lowers blood pressure too -- and that is mainly why I wanted to go with it.  Also, the fact that you can utilize lots of fresh food.  Somehow, after my "chemo experience" I gained a stronger desire for fresh, raw foods -- or maybe I just hit that 7 yr. cycle where your tastes change.  But raw vegetables are more platable to me than they once were. 

    Marybe, there are such bigger things in life to worry about -- and the less you worry, the more freedom you have to enjoy life and the marvelous things that are going on around you all the time.  Interesting that you are getting hot flashes....that Navelbine is definitely doing something.  I get a few now on my 5 yr. pill....but they are few and far between usually and pretty mild. 

    Raining here today so I will have the gray blahs, but I have lots of inside work so I'll get by.  I'll be checking in see you all then.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited May 2010

    Hi to everyone and welcome to all newcomers.  We're already into summer with temps in the upper 80's and humid conditions.  When I go for my 3-mile walk in the morning, I'm drenched with perspiration by the time I get back home.  Have to peel off down to the skin.  Lots of laundry this time of year.

    Today I'm driving my 87-yr-old mom to Tylertown, MS, to visit her cousin Marie, who is also in the 80's.  My mother has very few relatives of her generation left.

    My new passion is learning to play bridge.  I'm playing online with robots!  I pay $1 for a robot partner for one week.  Isn't that a hoot!

    Isabella, I envy you the new counter tops.  Mine are 18 yrs. old and need to be replaced, but it seems like a major upheaval, not to mention the expense.

    Have a great Saturday.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited May 2010

    Hey, Carole, send some of that 80 degree weather north!  I'm ready for that!  Have a great day with your Mom and her cousin.  So how are you and the robot bridge partner doing?  LOL  That sounds like fun.  I've considered learning the game but thought it might be too mind-boggling for me!

    SoCal Lisa.........I loved your pictures, as always.  They always add some interest and beauty to my day!  Thanks for posting them.

    Isabella........CONGRATS on the 7 years!  SUPER!  And now you've already started working on the next 7 years!  You go, gal!

    Jackie, you mentioned having a few hot flashes while on the Arimidex.  I have a few, too but not too many.  Have you had any of the joint pain?

    Well, we're about ready to plant the garden and I need to get out there and help.  Dave has built a fence around it with a gate to keep out the rabbits and the deer so it looks like he's about ready for some help.  We don't have a very big area that isn't shaded so we limit our "goodies" to radishes, onions, green beans, cucumbers, zuchinni, tomatoes and green peppers.  They sure do taste good right out of the garden!

    I'm off to help.  Catch you all later.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2010

    I just got home from my volunteer work at our museum...

    spend more time volunteering than I did working for money

    stopped along the way home to take some pix..

    Hi Rita..good to see your smiling face..

    hugs all around

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2010

    Lisa.......All I can say is WOW!!!!!  Such beautiful roses!    You know I save them on my computer, by R. clicking, then "save as' and then I can use them as my "desk-top" thank you! 

    Hey gals, do any of you know, can a Pet Scan tell you that you do not have any cancer in your body?  In your lungs, or breasts, or anywhere?     Just wondered....

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited May 2010

    WOW... I was just spending time looking for information on PET scans!!!! 

    And, I think one of the best things about being a woman is the intuitiveness. It's really cool to be able to "know" something before it happens. Once in a while it's overwhelming, one time I prevented a potentially fatal auto accident after getting an image. When it actually happened,I knew I needed to be paying more attention. I wonder why I haven't been able to use it to win the lottery?

    I'm sad and shocked at a phone call this afternoon from my only Sister. She and her dh have been married 30 years. Thursday, their home was robbed!!!! I've heard that theres a lot more crime lately, due to the economy, this looks like professionals. They were at work all day, as usual, and her dh discovered it when he came home from work. So many valuables, gonel So many valuable and sentimental things, all the jewelry her dh has given her over the years. OMG, why do some think they can just take and take without consequence?? So wrong.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2010

    Gee Connie..that robbery is sorry to hear it

    I missed you earlier this week

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited May 2010

    Dear Chevyboy, such wonderful news about your friend!  I wish her continued success.  I know you've asked twice now about pet scans and I wish I weren't the one to tell the person who has so kindly given me the greatest compliment I think I've ever received what my onc told me.  I asked for a pet scan after mx and before chemo and he said it would make no difference in the treatment he had in mind for me as it doesn't always reveal microscopic cells.   I so wish I could tell you otherwise.  Best regards, Julia

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited May 2010

    Dear Chevyboy, such wonderful news about your friend!  I wish her continued success.  I know you've asked twice now about pet scans and I wish I weren't the one to tell the person who has so kindly given me the greatest compliment I think I've ever received what my onc told me.  I asked for a pet scan after mx and before chemo and he said it would make no difference in the treatment he had in mind for me as it doesn't always reveal microscopic cells.   I so wish I could tell you otherwise.  Best regards, Julia

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited May 2010

    Good morning everyone, and as usual, you can always count me in Lisafor loving those pictures you favor all of with when you take them.  My mother loved needless to say I really enjoy it when they are your subject.

    Jeanette,interesting question.  I have heard some people ( on a couple other bc sites I use ) say that their Dr.'s don't like to use Pet scans as there are lots of false positives with them.  Still, it is just one of the tools in the arsenal and so I see it as valuable.  Also if 'the' cancer was microscopic ....  then I think there are many tests that might not reveal it --- and I also think that is one of the major reasons for chemo.  All the tests I had before my lumpectomy indicated that I did not have any cancer anywhere other than my left breast.  I had three Sentinel lymph nodes removed and they were NED --- but since my second ( had two different cancerous tumors in the same breast ) tumor was far larger than the well as aggressive type.....I had 6 mos. of chemo. and 7 wks. of radiation.  So, I think we have to look at all the things that COULD be done as just a tool to be used --- and we hope that these "tools" bring good news --- but any of them could possibly put in a category of a false reading.  Labs as well I'm sure do make mistakes....and that is a factor as well to think about when you are having things done. 

    I still say that we get nearly paranoid about life after we get the wind kocked from our sails with a cancer diagnosis ( very understandable by me ) and then I tell myself --- but why am I not just as worried about all the major BIG, health issues that can be just as deadly if not looked after.  Some of them too sneak up on you --- like blocked arteries etc.  They too can take several years to fully develop -- like cancer.  Not sure on this answer except that you do have to do strange things like poison yourself with chemicals and radiation to attempt a recovery -- and most of the time you start these procedures feeling quite well -- and it is usually downhill from then on out.  Just something else to ponder as you try to lighten your stress load somehow.   

    Connie,I am so sorry to hear about your sister and her hubby.  When this happens not only are our precious, sentimental items and other things taken that took a lifetime to gather, but our sense of security and safety.  I also think the thought of someone rifling through your house is very distasteful in the invasive sense.  It is after all your sanctuary -- your fortress against the world, and a place where evil is not meant o exist or happen.  I hope these people get caught.  It does not sound promising.  Now I guess is a good time to think alarm system.  I'd say big loud dog but I think a nice juicy steak could handle that. 

    We are fortunate ( ok -- I'm knocking on wood ) that we never lock our door.  I'm not totally sure I even have a key.  It's not a bad thing and I am fortunate.....but I do know if it happened the first thing my Insurance man would ask me is :  Was the door locked????  I could fudge and say yes as the front door always is --  it is one of those handles that push down.  My screen room cats figured this out --- so to keep them in the screen room I had to lock the front door.  The side door is a different matter --- sigh!!!!  I'm not going to stop living my life the way I do unless it is proved to me that I really have too.  I don't have much that is valuable to take here....what are they going to of my 21 rescued ( no one wanted me ) cats.  If so, please treat them well.

    I'll be checking in later.  See you then. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited May 2010
  • jsmart
    jsmart Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2010


    I just turned 64 May 10. and was dianoised with breast cancer.  I go to the Dr. Tuesday to find out test results.  I do know that it was not in my limnoise so I am very lucky.  I start Rad. Wed. twice a day for 5 days and than Chemo.  Would like to get a 2nd opion on Chemo treatment.  My friend had  chemo, and wish she would of gotten a 2nd opion due to she got lukimery from it.

    At first they tought it was just a fatty tissue, but was wrong. They think  My age also I took estrogen for 10 years.  Cancer does not run in my family.

    Great to hear from someone my age.

    Hope to hear soon from you


    Hope to hear from you


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited May 2010

    Joyce, welcome to the club that no one really wants to join, but we mainly get forced too.  I'm not sure what to say about your treatment plan. Sounds a lot different  than the majority of ladies here.  Great that you have no node involvement -- but I admit, I don't understand why the radiation would come first, nor chemo second.  It is normally done the other way around. 

    Generally I think chemo is done because of the aggressiveness of the cancer, the size, or where located.  I'm assuming you had a lumpectomy and that the test results you are speaking about is the pathology report from that.  Anyway, that is usually what is used to figure out a treatment plan.  You can always get a second or even third opinion.  All chemo, as well as radiation can have side effects so it is a big decision.  I chose since I had a larger aggressive cancer ( along with a different cancer that was non-aggressive in the same breast ) to go with everything I could get to eliminate any little minuscule portion that might have slipped away during my operation.  You do have choices and you have time for opinions, and for researching all your options. 

    Most Dr.'s will tell you the cancer has been there a long time --- probably close to 7 years.  Also, we all react differently to the prescribed treatments and as well to radiation. Even though your friend got induced Leukemia????  this probably only occurs to an extremely small percentage of people ( will not make your friend feel any better ) but you have to weigh the possibilities against the likelihood of NOT doing things that will clear you of your cancer and keep you free of it...hopefully for the rest of your life. 

    We all hope one day that they will know enough about this awful disease to be able to easily cure it, but in the meantime to understand exactly who will benefit from which treatment. 

    Please come often....tell us a bit more about yourself and know that someone is always here to help, to soothe, to laugh or cry or whatever is needed.  It seems much easier to talk/vent/laugh/cry/ or sometimes just visit with others who have undergone the same diagnosis you have.  A lot of people still don't understand the ups and downs, terrific mood swings and fear that seem present once we learn what we have.  We are here for you.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,346
    edited May 2010

    Rita,hope the garden is going in really well.  We have some brief hard showers but seems to be looking a lot better now.  I think I forgot to answer a question you ask about that old' Arimidex.  I said 5 yr. pill in the post because try as I might ( I knew it started with an A ) I could not remember that the name was Arimidex.  Really hate that when it happens.  Anyway.    I don't know that my joints hurt so much as it seems like they stiffen slightly.  Heck, it could be more than slightly I guess.  I just get so determined sometimes that nothing is going to stop me  ( I hear mules are really stubborn too ) that I ignore certain things and just pretend they are not happening....before long they often quit bothering me.  I think that is also called " Mind over matter".  If you don't have a mind --  it's not going to matter.  Oops, did I say that. 

    Sometimes,there is a bunch of work to be done and living to get accomplished and I just have to ignore anything that has the power to get in the way.  It works quite well until I go to the Dr. and he says something like -- and how long have you had this pain -- and I have to say....Gee Doc, I don't know -- could be a week, maybe 6 months.  I've only just now found enough time and energy to be bothered by it.  Did I ever try to interest you in  the book I wrote " Ten Easy Ways to Look Like a Blithering Idiot ". ?  

    Joyce,hope I am not scaring you away.  We do take cancer very seriously -- but this is one of the ways we do it.  Stick with us.  Most of us really are sane.

    See you all later.  Got to go feed my feral cats. 

    Hugs & Hugs, Jackie

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited May 2010

    OW.. Traci, are you being ripped off for health insurance because you have had a cancer dx and nobody else will cover you?  OUR SYSTEM SUCKS... HOW IS ANYONE SUPPOSED TO PAY that much every month? Then the co-pays. Then the Meds. Heaven help you if you have to have something scanned.You wind up working yourself to death while you are still trying to recover.

    I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. While they send med to this doc and that doc and none of them know me, nor I them. More accounts, more bills. Still have a mean and irritable UTI, d still am not being treated by traditional meds. I am however, popping Echinacea 4x, Goldenseal Root 2x, Uva Ursi 3x a day. Drinking lots of cranberry juice, even tea and water by the bottlefull. I've written everything down and have an appt with my real actual PCP tomorrow, not his PA who messed with my Cholesterol meds and played doctor with this UTI.

    Its an absolutely beautiful day today and I'm sitting out on the patio, but I feel like crap. THAT SUCKSSSSSS!!!!!  Hope everyone elses weekend is swimming in good fortune.

    Barbe, I love your directness. You don't put up with much crap, do you? I try not to, but these doctors are wearing down my sarcastic sense of humor. And THAT SUCKS!!!!!!!!


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2010

    Jackie, you are so funny!  Wink  You always have good advice!  And you say most of us are mostly "sane?"  Ha!  Well, sometimes, maybe...........mostly...........  But if all that we go through doesn't drive us crazy, we deserve a medal!   Or at least friends like we find here!  ((((hugs)))).....

    Joyce....Welcome!  What did your friend get from the chemo?  I know it helps some us us beat the cancer, depending on our diagnosis, and we look at it as helping save our life.  I know it is a hard road to be on, but just thinking, that without it, our chances increase....especially if our Oncotype score is high!  Write down all of your questions, & don't be afraid to ask all of your Doctors anything you can think of....Then write the answers down, or take someone with you!   So did you say you already had your surgery?    If you want to know anything, just ask us gals....and sometimes we can must make you laugh, if all else fails!  Wink

    And yes, Jackie, I looked up Pet scans also....& found out they show a lot from the head down to the hips.....My friend had not only breast cancer, with a mastectomy, plus spots in her lungs.  But evidently, after her radiation, & chemo, she has "no more cancer"......I just pray they are right.    I have to ask this....Has anyone been so addicted to smoking, that even through this diagnosis, plus lung problems, with the treatments, that the Doctor told them to just keep on smoking, that it wasn't hurting her?  Even being on oxygen?  This just boggles my mind.  I just can't see how, continuing to smoke, is "alright"........  God, it nearly killed me, & I quit smoking when I was just 24.     I think the "Son" is kind of "supporting" her, because he knows she can't quit.  He says it doesn't hurt her.    I KNOW you can't quit, unless you want to, but I also know if my health depended on me stopping, I would do it.  And did!

    Okay, I'm off my soap-box...... till later Alligators!  Jeannette

  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited May 2010
    I'm having surgery on Tuesday.  4th breast surgery.  3 lumpectomies last summer.  This one is for a hematoma the size of an orange.  A VERY UNPROFESSIONAL tech did an echocardiogram on me about 6 to 9 months ago.  (results normal)  I told her ahead that I had 3 surgeries  on my breast recently and to move my breast aside to visualize the heart or at least avoid the incision area.  She promply pushed on that area so hard that I screamed.  She acted like I was ready for the loony bin and said that it couldn't have hurt at all.  The next day I had the huge lump.  Although I knew it wasn't CA as it grew overnight I saw my breast surgeon within the week.  She told me that she'd see me every 3 months to see if if went away.  It has not and is turning to scar tissue.  This means that the US and MRI can't neccessarily dx a reoccurance.  I can't have a mammo as the breast is too tender and it intefers with my sleep as it feels like there is a huge rock in my bra--so every time I turn on my left side I awaken.  I know this is not the worst surgery or diagnosis I could be coping with, but I am sure not looking forward to another surgery.  In fact I am a little scared.  Could use some hugs or those georgeous flowers.
  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited May 2010

    flyingduchess -- i have difficulty posting photos so all I can send is a boatload of

    (((((((((((((gentle hugs)))))))))))))))))   I hope the surgery to remove the hematoma is less traumatic for you and ends all your surgeries FOR GOOD.  Please keep us posted on how you are doing, ok?
