Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited May 2010

    Oh great! I have TWO drippy women as friends.  Seriously, I hope all goes well.


  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited May 2010

    Thanks Sheky, I resemble that remark!  Back at you babe,  Luv ya

  • kane744
    kane744 Member Posts: 52
    edited May 2010

    Ha ha.  Just came downstairs to find that the two of my dogs who supposedly HATE each other were wrapped together on the couch asleep.  It's gonna be a good day.  Especially since they're acting sooo embarrassed.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,350
    edited May 2010

    Great Morning.

    Well, it is starting out that way.  We may get another pop-up shower of some kind.  Had one yesterday.  I stopped in the store to pick up a few things....sun bright, all well, a little over an hr later when I was paying to leave the store it was quite ominous.  I rushed to my car, pouring down rain, lighting crashing all around with lots of loud thunder.  Very mindful I had a hold of a steel basket -- pushed it away from me at one point the lighting seemed so close.  In addition to Maggie's "adventure" I'd have to say it was quite the day all around.  I think I'll be glad when things settle down.  My life most of the time would be a crashing bore to a rock --- but now and then we do liven up a bit. 

    Barb and Julia you are in my thoughts for your last chemo.  Hooray - Hooray - Hooray.

    See yu all later....

    Many hugs,Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2010

    Morning girlfriends!  And GS, We used to have our little beloved dog....First, my Husband had a 57' chevy, that he "built" & rebuilt, & we just sold it about 7 years ago, and it was his "baby"....(He sold it to his Nephew, because he didn't want to keep it anymore)... 

    But years ago, our Daughters thought that when they moved out to go to college, that Mom & Dad needed a "replacement"... SO they brought home this little rag-tag morsel of a thing, sooooooo CUTE!  And after a little "on no, we can't keep him" stuff from DH...we of course kept him!  He was "our boy"....and I know you gals understand this........  His name was "Chevy"....our "boy"...DH named him!  Wink  And I still miss the guy...It's been at least 20 years since I held him in my arms at the Vet's, & we said "so long cowboy"... But NOW the girls... 7 years ago.....said to themselves.....SELVES?  It's about time we get them another dog to keep them home!!!!  So same thing.....Little Lacee Jayne is our "other" Daughter, & I also have a screen name with her....ha!   That's why I'm memory of our little guy...

    Husband is much better!   That pain from where they tromped around on that pacemaker trying to get it to "seat" is not so bad....He is still asleep, but at least he sounds so much better!  And all he took last night was 1/2 of a Tylenol PM.....

    Kane....that was funny....I can just see them....Did you take a picture? 

    Gotta go run over to the neighbors to set their hose, feed their cats, etc!  Later Gaters! xoxoxo

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited May 2010

    Barb and!  Tomorrow's the day!  After that...........NO MO' CHEMO!  I'll be thinking of both of you tomorrow and hoping your last one is very uneventful, complete with no side effects.  Go get 'em gals!

    Kane, it sure is a small world, isn't it?  We were in your fair city over Easter.  We went out to Keeneland for the off-track breakfast (but didn't stay for the races because of our little guys, and then went over to Boonesborough to see the fort and play a game of miniature golf, as well as hike a few trails.  Such lovely country!

    I hope everyone is doing well today.  I need to get off this computer and get moving!


  • lebrecht
    lebrecht Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2010

    I am just starting to get acquainted with you all. I send you  all best wishes and hope to be able to say something that adds to this topic. Right now I am just watching and reading and feeling sorry for myself.  Three months after surgery and some complications but will be set up for radiation on Friday. I will also start on Arimidex as well. I may wait awhile to adjust to the radiation first then start the pill.

    Good Luck to all,


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,350
    edited May 2010

    Hi Anne,

    How wonderful that you have joined us.  This is an excellent place for resources, to let it all hang whatever you need to do --- cry - be mad - vent till you have no words left, someone will be here to hold your hand and support you.  How lucky we all are to find a new friends.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited May 2010

    Hi Anne!  Welcome to this thread.  I think we have all felt pretty sorry for ourselves somewhere along this journey, so you're going to fit in just fine.  I hope the radiation goes well for you.  I had no trouble at all with it so I'll send good vibes your way!  In fact, I think it takes longer to get you positioned under the machines than it does for the treatments!  I am also on Arimidex.  I didn't start to take it until after the radiation (and also the chemo, which I had to take) was done.

    Hugs to you!  Hang in there.  We will be there for you if you need us, and if you don't need us, we'll provide some humor each day to help you through!


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited May 2010

    Hi Duchess....yeah, I know all that, I am considered 'out of touch' with the young ones.....'things have changed Mother !!!!! ' Not at all they haven't, these things were always an issue !!!

    Actually 'it' is allowed over here at 16, so I am out of my depth. I went thru all this 4 years ago with my No1 g/son, my DD and SIL were taking him and his G/F of 15 away on holiday and allowing then to share a that IS against our laws, but would DD listen, no she would not. She is a senior social worker for a very big charity over here, looks after youngsters in trouble with drugs, and unmarried mothers, would you believe !!! So you see, she knows EVER SO much more than me !!!!!!!! AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHH.

    Hi Anne, don't just sit there and read, come on and join us.

    Pam, glad you had such a nice time with G/son, they are so cute at that age, but they change so much when they grow up.They just grow up so darn fast, and yet they're still children....I just heard if a friends daughter starting her periods at EIGHT last week, now that is just so stupid, poor kid, having to cope with all that at that age, she should be playing with her dolls, not rolling around with belly ache !


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited May 2010

    Dearest Isabella, you are such a hoot. the 'moral' standards in the UK shocked me and I was drinking and using when I was over there in merry old england. but 16-nah, i cannot say anything because i was doing everything-i just did not have anyone who cared. i am so glad that your son does-but let GF know that i paid a very high price for my sexual antics when i got older. i was just too young to be having S-E-X! my body rocked but my brain was run by hormones and stupid ones at that. Tell her that i so wish i had waited-of course your DS will hate you forever if anything changes-nah-isn't going to change!!! we are hardwired. hope all is well in your world my dear. i have not kept up as i should with the boards. i went out inot the ozone for a bit but found out i was a few quarts low and was i the ER to get some fluids in me. my brain is lurching to the get go. welcome to all newbies!! i hope you find that you are i the right place. there is so much support and wisdom here. ok, i need to change positions on the couch-oh i did have a question-i am having terrible bone pain in my legs, but not sure i want to go there with any answers. i get a mammogram-1st since surgery-on thursday bec i am having terrible pain in my breast. errrgh! so not happy-ok tonight i am going to try to tune in the end of american idol which is the dumbest show ever-i mean it did turn out one or two incredible talents but this year-ughhh-neither of these kids is going to get a record contract and a start like 'what's her face' the country star who has rocketed to fame. i am really being terrible-i would give my eye teeth to be on stage performing-i shouold have been a rock star!!! XOOOOO to all and blessing and congrats to everyone moving forward or backward with issues and treatments. My love to all SV

  • kane744
    kane744 Member Posts: 52
    edited May 2010

    I think the problem today is (here we go)...parents want to be friends and not life preparers.  My niece is 18 (a young 18 at that) and has just gotten an apt with her 23 year old boyfriend.  I was stunned and let me tell you, in my day, I was WILD.  Of course, my dh and I chose not to have children but we do have a sideline business called "A-One Parental Consultants.  We Don't Have Children, But We'll Be Happy to Tell You How to Raise Yours."  As you can imagine, it's a raving success!  

    Anne, I'm a newbie on this forum as well, and in Sept. two years out from my bc journey.  It's scary but you will find plenty of support here.  Please post regularly and don't feel bad when you feel sorry for yourself.  It's perfectly natural considering what you're going through. 

    SV, I have had pain in my breast ever since my surgery.  I do all my exercises faithfully but I guess this is part of my lymphedema.  Sometimes I wish I hadn't been so vain and cut the damned thing off!  Have you discussed your leg pains with your dr?  No?  I'm gonna watch AI, too.  And I love Lee.  However. I think the show has run it's course.

    Had a good day.  Have been having tremendous pain in the web of my thumb due to the gauntlet I must wear daily.  Emailed the manufacturer who had a suggestion.  Tried it and it worked!  Tomorrow am gonna cook my dh dinner.  Isn't it wonderful when pain goes away!!!!!    

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited May 2010

    OHHH, I just got SO PUNKED! I thought they were going to pick the winner of American Idol tonight-but nooooo-they gotta drag it out to tomorrow night. i just cannot believe that dweeb ryan seeless is making so much money doing what he does. i saw some clips of him whe he was doing 'donkeykong' or some really old show and now i am listening to lee absolutely trash my heros S&G-oh man that used to be my favorite song!!!!I am being such a brat I know but i think i have some talent and why have i not made a gazillion dollars off of it?? ok, maybe not talented-crusty and old but not talented at least not in the coinage of the age of today. Good lord, i don't even own a blackberry-i don't even have paypal!!! I tried to bid on a camera on ebay and paypal is it-no CASH!!!!! OMG i am living in the stone age-i don't even know how to text-well i do but i can't see the keyboard. and no, i am ignoring my leg pains-i don't want to know anything else! kane, i had no idea that so many issues came with lymphodemia!!!! Lordy, i am worried that i have low grade version of it as one side is swollen-it doesn't pit-but it is always swollen under my arm and down to my elbow. the doc ruled it out yesterday but he was a youngster and not sure he knows wha'd is up. after reading your incredible story i am so freaked-how can we end up with so many issues and SE's after treatment for CANCER!! That is so not right! XXOOOO, SV PS OK CRYSTAL ROCKS IT!!

  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited May 2010

    Kane I love your sense of humor.

    Isabella I hope you don't think I was critcizing you.  Mores all over the world have changed in a way I don't like.  I still think parents should parent and not be palls.  Of course I don't know if my grandkids would agree with me.  One of my sons has 10 children.  The house is chaotic as he and DIL actually ask the kids "do you think its time to go to bed?"  I mean who is the boss?

    Anne welcome.  Here is where you get to turn to friends for support when no one else understands.

    Melissa  How delightful that you are moaning over American Idol and not ready to give up on life.  What a difference a day makes to quote and old song.


  • kane744
    kane744 Member Posts: 52
    edited May 2010

    SV, I changed my mind--it's Crystal.  Listen, girl, I think I'M still hip and I don't have a Blackberry or Paypal.  OK, I have a techie dh which helps save me from cave woman status, but still...and I have a cell phone which I hardly ever use cause the battery always is dead cause I forget to recharge it, so there.  But I cannot text or refuse to.  Whatever happened to real communication instead of bad spelling and shortcuts for words.  Please find out if you have lymphedema from someone specializing in it.  Find a lymphedema therapist in your area which you can do the National Lymphedema Network or something.  Don't just worry about what if and make yourself crazy.  Find out and you can learn how to manage it.  It's a pain but it ain't cancer, honey.  If you got through that you can do ANYTHING.  (Except become rich and famous as an entertainer, maybe.)  As a matter of fact, I think my le doctor was trained somewhere in NC, so there are places there.  Whoa, the Outer Banks.  How lucky you are to live in such a fabulous place!   Gotta self-massage and read till I fall asleep.  

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,350
    edited May 2010

    Good Evening to everyone,

    I once again had a major day.....Maggie back in the hospital and I had to do some shopping for her this afternoon along with a delivery.    Huge number of pets -- hers and mine to care for and feed, litter boxes to change out and dogs to handle.  Then on to the feral cats.  They are so sweet and always are so happy to see me come.  They sort of prance and dance and wiggle all over.

    Made a big salad with home grown veggies I was given from a friends garden.  I put some olives and pasta in the bottom with leaf lettuce and spinach, little onions, red and green peppers and a few pieces of sliced egg.'s all gone. Now I need the dishes and the kitchen cleaned, my kitty boxes here cleaned -- and then a nice shower.  Better get going it's 9 p.m.

    I hope you all had a fantastic day and as well that it's been a great evening too.  Tomorrow another long day --- be glad when they don't have to be quite so full.  See you all in the morning.

    Hugs, Jackie

    and just to let you know.....I too wish to be known as my daughter and son's mother -- not their friend.  I have all sorts of friends -- I do not count my children among them.  I have a much different relationship with my friends than I do my adult children.  I'm sure not seeing them as friends has not done one iota of damage to them.  We respect one another and each others role in life. 

  • kane744
    kane744 Member Posts: 52
    edited May 2010

    Gee, Jackie, glad to hear your parenting attitude.  Would you like to serve on our board of directors???  I recall visiting my brother-in-law and his family when they were very young.  I saw one of the girls doing something I considered dangerous.  I go "no no no."  My SIL comes rushing in and told me flat out that they don't believe in saying no; that it stifles creativity.  Let me tell you, it's been interesting watching them grow up.  The whole family.  And bless you for taking care of all the animals, human and otherwise.

    Today my hand feels pretty good.  Am going to do laundry, make some healthy grub for tonight's dinner and study for my docent training.  Right now I'm way behind.  Shouldn't have sat down at my computer.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,350
    edited May 2010

    Good morning everyone,

    Kane & Jo, this subject does bring back a lot of thoughts and memories.  I think we learn from our elders since they raised us.  I felt my parents were great parents, though I did not do it all just like they did.  It flashed on me that I did have some flexibility with my children, but my son was "the monster" of the two...first-born.  He knew there were limits and I had a special phrase -- if he got me to that point he knew he had best make a choice quick. 

    One day I had to run into the pharmacy.  My Aunt took me and told me to leave the kids in the car with her.  Jeff, my son, immediately starting crying and Auntie told me just to go ahead....and I did.  She told me that after I got into the store she turned around and looked at Jeff in the back seat.....he immediately got quiet, sniffed a couple of times and said " I got to knock it off now, don't I " !!  She said yes you do and that is just what he did.  That was my bottom line.....and push buttons past that and there would be consequences.  He was probably about 2 1/2 then. 

    It would be wonderful to never have to say no, but that is a fairy tale.  From the day your child takes their first step generally.....there are no's turning up in the picture.  Maybe before that, but certainly when they are able to GO where THEY want. 

    I'll be checking in with all of you later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • tgood02
    tgood02 Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2010

    I am 70 years old and after two surgeries for ADH have just been diagnosed with IDC.  I live alone, aside for a few friends, whom I talk to and see on occasions, there is no one to talk to. My family lives in another state, so they also aren't readily available to me. I feel so alone and scared. No one wants to hear about it, everyone is so busy with their own lives. I am so very glad to have found this. Finally a place where old hens like me can connect.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited May 2010


    You have found the right place to "talk." Whether we have family and friends close or not, we all love our breast friends here! No one else understands.


  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited May 2010

    toogood welcome.  You can join us for a coffe-klatch every morning.  OK for me its more like herbal tea.  But you have found a great place for friends and support here.  I am glad you found us.


  • lebrecht
    lebrecht Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2010

    Hi Everyone!

    So life continues and we move on...

    Today my daughter leaves to move on to Boulder Co.,  I will miss her so much. We always met once a week for lunch and catch up talk. Now I will need to do this by cell phone and or the computer. This means less daughter and less granddaughter so today feels a bit sad. BUT our children must live their lives and we all must let go,....... My daughter is middle age so I really did let go ages ago, but I do enjoy her company. My other daughter lives in Paso Robles Ca., so I adjusted to her living far away and so I will adjust to this one living far  away as well.

    The only important issue is GOOD HEALTH!


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited May 2010

    I know what you mean, Anne. My youngest got married and moved to so. CA. I want her to be happy and have a full life but sure to miss her. Use Skype to computer talk... makes it more real.


  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited May 2010

    First I'm sorry I neglected to thank Jackie, Kane, ritajean and of course Kat Sheky who is appearing nightly at the comedy club.  Your kind words and support got me through it and yes ritajean..NO MO CHEMO...yaaaaaaa!!!. My biggest fear at the final rodeo was another anaphylactic reaction, it had occurred twice #2 and #3.  Thank God it didn't happen this time, in fact it was like a party...there was a very funny lady in the next chair and she had us all in stitches.  I wish I could remember all the funny things she said, she sure is a natural born comic.  One thing she said was that I need to celebrate the end of chemo..."c'mon everybody let's burn those socks!"  Jackie, it has been my experience also that the SE's are cumulative but I can cope I have my friends here to make it better.  Welcome Anne, it's great that you are here, I'll be starting Arimidex also.  My best wishes to you.  And welcome tgood02.  I hope you find all the support, information, and comfort you desire.  We definitely want to hear from you, anything at all you want to talk about is aok at this country club.  Hugs all around.

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited May 2010

    Hi Everyone, Wow, what a rush of new members. Welcome all, glad to see all the good news. End of chemo being the best.

    Hey Pam, I know you had a terrific time in CA with your new grandson. I hope you got all the granny time you could stand.

    I've been busy, but in a weird way. I have had a UTI since early april, no oral antibiotics will kill it. Yesterday I saw my PCP about the rash/shingles - raw open wound on my breast that got infected. It's doing a LOT better, beginning to look like normal skin growing back, but the whole thing is still bright red. (allergic skin eruption caused by Macrobid). Then I went to the hospital to have a PICC line installed. Basically, it's an IV line that goes deep inside, from the inner upper arm over to near the heart where theres a larger vein to accept this new antibiotic. That SUCKED. It hurt and took what seemed forever and I've got a plastic line with attachments sticking out of my arm. Hoping for cool weather so I can at least wear 3/4 sleeves to cover it. I do have a open weave stretchy wrap, like a bungee sock to cover the parts. Third, I went to an infusion place that for all the world looked and felt like a chemo lounge. I sat in a big comfy recliner and was instructed on how to hook up and infuse at home. So, today, I did it all by myself. It timed right and no leaks. So, this will be a 7 day course, recheck, possibly another 7 days. I'm very glad to be getting treated now, just wonder what it's accumulative effects might be. I took 4 doses of the Macrobid before I broke out in hives and they all said that was normal, well, as normal as an allergic reaction can be. And that if I'm allergic or reactive to this one it will be after 3 or 4 doses as well. Hope the hives stay in hibernation.

    The grandbaby has been sick. We treated it as a cold with no fever and after 5 days she took a turn for the worse. Wheezing. OMG. DD had a test at school so I took baby to Ped where they gave her a breathing treatment while she screamed. But it was almost an instant relief and within minutes she was smiling and playing again. Babies. How wonderfully blissful they are.

    I believe that children want and need rules and boundaries. If you don't tell them NO sometimes they won't have any respect for you at all. I wasn't as strict as my parents were, but when they needed it,... my kids got disciplined. They are all grown up now and contributing members of society and none of them are in therapy, although sometimes I would recommend it.


  • kane744
    kane744 Member Posts: 52
    edited May 2010

    TG2, welcome to the biddie club.  You are right, your friends will listen for a bit but then fear that you might be catching takes over and that's that.  So you've found the right place.  I'm sorry you are so alone in this, but you will find many friends, much understanding and a few laughs here.  And everyone knows, laughter kills cancer!

  • KayNYC
    KayNYC Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2010

    I am a young boomer. I turned 60 the week I had my mammography,  1/2010. My husband was downsized out of his job the same week.Three weeks later ,I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer of the left breast. The lumpectomy was done on St Patrick's day and I am half way through my radiation treatment with the start of Arimidex planned in mid to late June. I am a retired RN who went back to school and earned a doctorate 12 years ago. I am working  full time as a therapist, working  with children and families with chronic illness. Husband found a job in a different, lower paying field. He  started back to work last week.I am the carrier of the medical insurance so I can certainly identify with so many of you and others of our generation in regard to the insurance issues.It has been quite a start to the new year but I am hopeful about the rest of the year.


  • KayNYC
    KayNYC Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2010

    I am a young boomer. I turned 60 the week I had my mammography,  1/2010. My husband was downsized out of his job the same week.Three weeks later ,I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer of the left breast. The lumpectomy was done on St Patrick's day and I am half way through my radiation treatment with the start of Arimidex planned in mid to late June. I am a retired RN who went back to school and earned a doctorate 12 years ago. I am working  full time as a therapist, working  with children and families with chronic illness. Husband found a job in a different, lower paying field. He  started back to work last week.I am the carrier of the medical insurance so I can certainly identify with so many of you and others of our generation in regard to the insurance issues.It has been quite a start to the new year but I am hopeful about the rest of the year.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,350
    edited May 2010

    Kay -- a big hearty welcome to you.  Reading your entry I couldn't help but be reminded of that saying -- if it wasn't for bad  luck, I wouldn't have any at all.  I'm so thrilled things seem to be turning around for you and for your husband too.  We come here and hang out because as was so aptly put by Kane  --  your friends seem to often find YOUR cancer too heavy of a burden.  That is sad, but my suspicion for a long time has been they are so relieved it is you and not them, that they lose whatever ability they once had to relate to you out of the guilt of their feelings.  No one much agrees with me I think but that is ok. 

    tgood02 - let me add my welcome to the others.  Great place.  We don't want anyone to feel alone and if you are scared we will gather around and talk you out of it.  As hard as it may seem -- life will go on.  Not quite like before -- who knows, it may be better. 

    Julia,I think you have a touch of a funny streak residing in you and you certainly have a compassionate heart.  Beautiful attributes. 

    Lets hear it for the youngest old gals here. 

    Another long day for me --hmmmm -- have to go cook for my friends dogs and get ready for work tomorrow.  Hope today was great and tomorrow will be far better.  Don't know who I'm working with so may not get the computer during the day...just have to see. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • barb_k
    barb_k Member Posts: 38
    edited May 2010

    Hi ladies been catchaing up on the post.It is going to real interesting when this new generation grows up since they have no dicipline. They will be out leaders if we are still here. at least the parents will have to pay for it.

    Joyce; my dogs are Lhassa Apso's. I have 4 of them, I used to breed them. now they are all fixed and fat and sassy. I don't know what I would do without them. and I don't know what would happen to them if something happened to me. My oldest is 15 years old and the youngest is 7 yrs. The vet is amazed at the 15 year old. She is blind and deaf, and real slow but pretty healthy.

    Chevyboy: Glad your hubby id doing alright. I don't think there is anything worse than a sick husband. we sure do spoil them.

    Julia : congrats on your last chemo. They gave me a little celebration today with whistles , plant and a card they all signed. nice to be acknowledged like that. Hope yours went well.

    Flyingdutch: I love being drippy, Ha!! yu gotta be crazy to survive this life especially when you are hit with the cancer word. When I found out I had Cancer, I went straight to the cemetery and yelled and raved at my husband for leaving me, after all, I had stuck by his side when he had cancer. finally after about an hour of crying and yelling, I told myself to sucke it up and face it. It was not going away unless I did something about it.

    Stillvetticle: alot of phys ther places have Le specialist. and give you a free consult, and then get the script from your Dr. for the ins. and then ins will pay most of the time. This is the rout I went and My Pe said I was lucky I came in when I did as I did not have it yet but if I flew or anything it would come into it. she got me a compression bra which has helped wonders.

    I will be leaving for Dallas Tue. if every thing goes okay. I am going to my Step grandaughers Graduation. will stop in ft worth and visit with my brother both ways

    well good night ladies. heres wishing every one well and a blessed day tomorrow and all week.