Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2010

    WHAT?????  Okay, what did you just say?  I think you lost me somewhere between the "One Breasted woman" ..."the ideological dream" and the "judeo Christian" thing!   Now little Miss is questioning your religion....I don't even know what you just said!  You and ANY of us can believe what we want to!   But we are all Sisters here!   It sounds like we all are trying to save your sorry butt from all this depression!    I don't care WHAT all else we are!  We are all "friends" here....& no-one wants to see ANYone this depressed!  Haven't I helped you at all?  Didn't I make you laugh somewhere?   Kat..... you say some very profound things there....& they mean a lot! 

    And Marybe is right too!  You ARE a warrier!  Look at what you have come through!  I don't even understand HALF the things wrong with you....but when you get down, just come back here & look to us to pick you up again! 

    Besides you can't go lay down on the ice somewhere like the Eskimo's.....there ain't any ice left!  Now just put on your smiley face, & take your dogs for a walk!   Love you, little red-neck, hard head!  GEEZ, you make me crazy!


  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited May 2010
    OMG, SV, I DITTO EVERYTHING THAT CB SAID.  Don't give up, girl, you still have so much to give to all of us and everyone whose lives you touch.  We need you.....gentle hugs..
  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited May 2010

    SV, I get it. Fighting what you think (today) is a losing battle makes you confused after you reached higher levels of spirituality.. Just because you did that doesn't make you invincible, actually just the opposite. The more goodness you express, the harder you have to defend yourself. You KNOW that there is light and love and goodness and you have built your lifes understanding on that.  When you express your feelings, I feel it too. You feel so bad and down because your body has betrayed you. There must be a grieving period for what you have lost, from the personal freedom to the actual physical pain. IT SUCKS. And I'm sure that you are no where near ready to lie down and die. You've got plenty more mornings to wake up and hear the ocean that you love.

    I'm not done, but dh is ....waiting.... on me to go to dinner, he doesn't like to wait and I don't really care, except that I am hungry. So I'll pick this up later.. Just know, right now that tomorrow is another day and sleep is a good thing. A very good thing. Feel better, SV.

    Love, Connie

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited May 2010

    SV...pull yer sox up....we need you , your dogs need you, and you are needed to whip your brother into shape, and sort out your father.

    Seriously I am sorry you have fallen into such a pit of depression. it hits most of us at some stage, some it never bothers. Myself hit me about 18 months post dx, it was awful, not as bad as you're going thru, but I was really down. Saw 2 psychotherapists, both a waste of my time. One gave me a cd to listen to, of the ocean, and told me to relax with this tape, and I would be back to normal in no time. I wasn't. Second therapist got me doing tapping therapy, well she thought she had, I only did it in her office as I felt a prize twit tapping the side of my head, and chanting 'I do not have cancer' oh, it was pure theatre, but the stupid woman believed herself....I made a quick exit ! These brushes with psychotherapy made me look long and hard at these 2 stupid women who were being paid to do this (not by me, all free, attatched to my doctors practice ) I told my Dr that I thought they were not too far removed from witches...and she wasn't too pleased with my doubt put it down on my record as a complete waster of everyones time, but I really did need help, only I couldn't get it from psychotherapy, and had to gradually pull myself up in my own time. It took me a couple of years to sort of shake myself down, but I can still have my bad days. Like you, I accept the fact that there is no cure for bc. It is hard as my family just don't seem to get it, and I'm sure they compare bc to a bad case of chickenpox, (I had shingles 3 times !! ) and think after all this time I am home and dry.....if only.

    I have had a double mast. and it isn't bad. I have had no recon, and am not bothered one looks at my boobs anymore, perky or otherwise ! I do wear prostheses, but only when I am dressed up......but I hate them, but am too much of a coward to go out with a flat shape. ( No-one knows I have bc, when I was in hospital and convalescing I put the word out that I'd had a hysterectomy, to shut the nosey parkers up !!!! ) If it comes to a double mast. for you, go for it. There must be a good reason to put this in the balance, and if its going to help you then get on with it. I know you have been thru the mill, but this is not such a biggie, very little pain....worst part is the damned drains, much more painful than the dirty great slashes across your chest. What is the reasoning behind this suggestion ?

    I can sympathise with your spinal pain, but my pain is no-where near what you will be putting up with if you can't get up and walk. We women will put up with a hell of a lot, I find walking very painful, and climbing up flights of stairs pretty well a no-no. I am hoping when I do get my op. this should all be sorted out, but until then I have to plan my routes carefully !

    On a lighter note we have had a plague of greenfly, they have been everywhere, people talking about swallowing then as they walked thru the clouds of shifting greenfly. I just look on it as good food for my swallows and the little birds who come into my garden. I am more bothered by  a sudden increase in I have 2 big square holes in my kitchen wall, awaiting new windows going in, and the flys are everywhere. I have had these 2 holes, 4'x4',  nearly a month now...all burglars are welcome...I said to DH tonight 'don't drink all the beer tonight, save some for when the burglars come visit us'  He was not pleased.

     I did tell him DO NOT take out the old windows out until you intend to put the new ones in, a perfectly normal request I would have thought...but, did he he did here I am Mr Burgler, come on in and help yourself, as at the moment the security lights are on the blink as well, so its nice and dark in my garden for you to get in unseen ( again, another DH 'getting round to it as soon as I can'  thing.)..we got nice new ones 3 weeks ago, and THEY all blew, as DH is NO electrician, and has no idea what he is about.  Oh, and he is afraid of heights so get him up a ladder and he freezes !!!! the lights are all hung in precarious state, bulbs missing, wires showing, open to the elements, and will probably require even MORE new fittings before I get outside security lights again !!!  Take the TVs, the computers, the small antiques, well, the not so small antiques will go thru a 4' x 4' hole quite easily I would have thought....then creep upstairs and nick my jewellery. If you wake me I will lift my tshirt and flash you, then you'll certainly be off back to where you come from !!!!! 

    Man, I am getting so fed up of DHs escapades they are no longer funny....I will be putting him on eBay before much longer !!  Years and years ago I put my 1st DH up for sale in the local free ad paper...I can't remember why now, but it was a joke, he got absolutely loads of replies, and I got the blooming press at my door, well, on my 'phone, but I wouldn't talk to them !!!  DH no1, was such a quiet guy, too quiet for me really, but I always got my jobs done around the house to perfection, and always on time ! I could have done with DH no2 first, while I was young and had fire in my belly to come back at him, and quiet DH no1 now, now I am old and grey (well, under the dye ), and can do without all these shenannigans going on around me !!  Well, I can dream.


  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited May 2010

    Melissa,  Life isn't fair.  One of my really Orthodox religious friends (I obviously am not one or I wouldn't be writting on my Sabbath) said that she believes it is a sin to use electricity on the Sabbath ie:against God's law.  But if that is God's law and he made it so that if the house exploded when we turned on a light switch we wouldn't get any brownie points for not turning on electricity,  I don't get why but we all know evil people who succeeded take Bernie Madoff or Adolph Hitler and good people who lead crappy lives or who are poor.  I am glad and proudto know that you have done such wonderful things with your life.  But if goodness was rewarded and evil punished in this present world everyone would be good and bad fortune and illness would not exist.  There is a psalm to this effect but I can't find it.  The good you can do that will be rewarded is fighting your hardest to get well and stay part of our family.  If you need to PM me please do so.  I will give you my number that you can call day or night.  We all need someone to talk to at 3 AM when there is no one there. I bet others in our group will make you the same offer of PMing you their phone number so you can call them when they read this.  Then you can choose one or many shoulders to lean on.

     I need you in my life.


    Side note to Isabella:  I hope all you get is insects.  My brother's landlord took out the regular windows and waited a week to put in storm windows.  In the interim a family of bats moved in!!!!  I know they'd eat the insects but Yuck-----I would have moved out.  My brother actually stayed there,  and after the new windows were put in caught the bats with a butterfly net and let them loose outside.  I guess anyone with me for a sister is bound to be a nut, BUT really!!!!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited May 2010

    My dear sisters, Something is wrong and I am just not thinkig clearly-could be dehydration but man, i cannot get one more ounce of gatorade in me!!! Truly, your loving support is making me take another look at why i have gone off into the ozone-may need to hit the ER tomorrow just to get labs checked out. i know what i am trying to say when it comes to 'life choices', i just wish i had a better way of expressing myself. Connie, thank you so much for your post and Flying Dutch, thanks to you too. This is not like depression, it is like i am backin that fog again. And Isabella, oh my the green flies. Put DH out there and see how many he can suck up to save the neighborhood!! And good grief, the DH taking the windows out first-oh my!! i was trying to write before about "Terry Tempest Williams" and old teacher of mine who wrote "Clan of the One Breasted Women." Her female line was wiped out by BC. She was a downwinder from the Nevada nuclear test sites and traced the damage done in her family,including her, to the open air nuclear testing in nevada.  ERRGH, enuf from me. LOVE to ALL, SV

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited May 2010

    Dear SV, I'm praying that you are encouraged and inspired by your friends who have written so eloquently in these previous posts.  There's so much wisdom and loving kindness here to hoist you over this "challenge".  There's always hope, even when we have nothing left, there's hope.  We all hope for the best possible results and remedies for you.  God bless.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2010

    Good Morning gals!  SHeesh Isabella, You have been THROUGH the dark side, & came out on the bright side, with the best sense of humor I have ever heard!  (I mean breast sense of humor) Wink You will be my mentor!  You & your DH remind me so much of mine.......  He tries so hard to do things around the house, & does NOT like any "suggestions" as on how to do it!  So I understand!  Mine really is a whiz though at anything related to cars & engines, or ANY kind of engine!   But the yard work & planting is mine!  He builds me "potters benches" and shelves, & hangs things, & takes care of the mowing & trimming, but the gardens are "mine!"  

    I remember my Dad at one time had extension cords, probably about 5 of them, running & hanging from the back of the house, up through their back yard, their Lanai, & connected to their little garden shed....for a hanging light bulb!   It's a wonder they didn't start the whole neighborhood on fire!  I don't think he used it too often, because that was where he had his whiskey stored, & Mom got too snoopy!   Wink She dragged all his bottles out from under their house once, & poured them all down the sink!   Those two were a trip.....I miss them though, even if my Dad did hang around the raggedy fringes of  normal folk!  

    SV....honey....... Are you feeling a little better today?  What are we going to DO with you?  See how it helps when you KNOW that we are all here for you too?   And you don't know "nothin" about your situation with your boobs yet, do you?  Have they taken enough tests & figured out what they can do to help you? 

    You will drive yourself crazy just thinking about what "might" be wrong with you, & what they have to do to "fix" you!   So there will be plenty of time to worry, when you find out...Ha!   Just not yet.

    I know you read what Isabella talked about.....These gals know what they are talking about.... so just sit back & "listen' to what you are reading, & listen  to how much we all care.  You are going to get through this....

    xoxoxoxoxo ((((SV))))

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,350
    edited May 2010

    Good morning everyone,

    I hope everyone has a great day today.  I found something this morning and I'd like to share it.  Sometimes the things I read are so uplifting and full of inspiration.  I'm sure it helps me maintain my viewpoints and attitudes.  This is a little poem written by Douglas Malloch  and the title is:

    Whatever You Are

    If you can't be a pine on the top of the hill
    Be a scrub in the valley--but be
    The best little scrub by the side of the rill;
    Be a bush if you can't be a tree.

    If you can't be a bush be a bit of the grass,
    And some highway some happier make;
    If you can't be a muskie then just be a bass--
    But the liveliest bass in the lake!

    We can't all be captains, we've got to be crew,
    There's something for all of us here.
    There's big work to do and there's lesser to do,
    And the task we must do is the near.

    If you can't be a highway then just be a trail,
    If you can't be the sun be a star;
    It isn't by size that you win or you fail--
    Be the best of whatever you are!

    For many years I fell heir to the idea that I was not very much and felt very in-consequential -- un-needed.  Later on I did come to see that it is not who you are that actually matters so much -- though I still feel it would be wonderful to be a sage or spiritual master.  It is rather the fact that whoever you are, you put your best foot forward with the energy of love and do the best you can for right now.  Every rock along the shoreline knows it is susposed to be there and is content to be. 

    I wish great contentment for all of you.  There is a lot of energy connected to just allowing ourselves to be.

    Healing hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,350
    edited May 2010
    "To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly."        Simran Khurana
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2010
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2010

    Actually I didn't write anything...but I found the CUTEST picture that I wanted to post, & it wouldn't come out!  Darn thing! 

    So tomorrow we are going in for DH "new" pace-maker....He is really worried, so I'm trying to make him laugh!  I told him he has to be "pretty" when he goes in!  He is afraid of not coming out of it.....I know....I felt the same way when I had my breast surgery.  I hate these things....  And Jackie....that was beautiful!  Thanks!

  • kane744
    kane744 Member Posts: 52
    edited May 2010

    Geez, where HAVE I been.  Apparently missing out on joining all you crazy "old" gals, that's where.  Hope I can join in.  In 9/08 was diagnosed after routine mamo.  T'was then I discovered that I didn't care if they were hanging down to my waist, if I were a candidate for a lumpectomy I was going for it.  I was and did.  My SNB failed so I got an axillary dissection along with the lumpectomy.  Went through 4 chemos, and 33 rads.  Kept waiting to feel better but was denied.  Kept complaining until all the drs were sick to death of me.  Had pain under my arm and in my breast, which exists till now, but getting better slowly.  Then my arm swelled.  Then my hand swelled.  Was finally sent to a lymphedema/pain specialist and turns out that's what I had.  That was diagnosed 4/1/10.  April Fool's.  Have been in lymphedema therapy, learned to self massage, learned to bandage layer after layer of bandages, and now wear a sleeve and gauntlet daily.  Bummer.  Hot.  Ugly.  HOWEVER, I have loads of good things in my life.  My dh, who is absolutely wonderful and supportive even though his idea of a clean house is WAY different from mine.  Am 65 and have been retired since 62.  A fabulous condition to be in.  Am kept busy with volunteering and trying to keep up with everything as I slowly regain my energy.  And I wanna join your group!

  • Unknown
    edited May 2010

      As you have probably gathered from reading some of the posts are here, this thread has a lot of great women on it, smart, funny and always supportive.....and we are all in the same boat, older and dealing with breast cancer.  I am sure you will be welcomed with open arms.  Sorry you are having to deal with lymphedema...I thank my lucky stars that is one thing I have managed to avoid, but I do have a sleeve I wear whenever I fly or do something to stress my arm.   

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,350
    edited May 2010

    Kane,how fantastic you found us.  I'm sure many more will welcome you soon.  This is a place where we wish we could be like the lonely little petunia in the onion patch, but unfortunately  we are a big group getting bigger.  We always have all the room needed to commiserate with someone walking on our path in our shoes.  Please come in, sit down, grab a glass of ice tea and we will talk, and laugh, and cry, and vent and just otherwise share a journey that is easier to take when we do it together.  Welcome, welcome and many

    Hugs, Jackie

  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited May 2010

    Chevyboy   I have not had pacemaker surgery, but my SIL has.  She said it was very simple and she felt so much better afterwards.  I know as we all do how scary any surgery is.  I am sure he will be fine.  But he will be in my prayers.  (Of course in synagogue when they ask for names for the mishabera-prayer for the sick and I say "Chevyboy's husband" they will think I have lost it but what the heck!).

    Kane--welcome. Its wonderful to have you in our group though I am sorry you are qualified thru BC to join us.


  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited May 2010

    Kane-- let me welcome you as well...stick around, you will fit in well

    gentle hugs

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited May 2010

    Good morning Kane, welcome to the group.  Sorry to hear about that awful lymphedema.  I hope it's gone asap and that you are in the best of health in no time.

    All my best wishes CB, think Orlando!

    Thank you for the beautiful poem Jackie, I love it.

    A big week for some of us...Wednesday is my last gig at the "infusion lounge".  I've been so looking forward to putting this nightmare behind me, this I hope is THE step toward recovering my good health.  Good health and all the best, friends ((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))

  • kane744
    kane744 Member Posts: 52
    edited May 2010

    Thank you, gals, for welcoming me to the group.  So I will start off with my morning complaints!  My breast is hurtin' real bad today.  It's that bugger lymphedema.  That means no bra today and no gardening.  And with all the rain we've had, it's like a jungle out there.  My dh was going to do it, but he has several volunteer projects to take care of.  I so wish he'd volunteer here, no what I mean? 

    Thanks for wishing my le (lymphedema) away, but once you have it that's it.  You can only manage it and it's a daily nuisance, believe me.  

    Julia, you're last week of chemo!  How wonderful.  It's a bugger, no?  No matter how many people we talk to, what we read, etc., it still comes as a shock.  At least it did for me.  The worst was the total, complete, lack of energy.  I sat like a lox for months.  But all better now.  Hope the poison worked for those of us who've gone through it.  But it's all over for you and soon you'll be more like your old self.  Not quite but almost!  My advice is not to push it, just recover.

    Well, it's gonna be a beautiful, hot, day in Kentucky.  I will enjoy it to the max while that garden keeps calling my name.

    Thanks for including me. 

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited May 2010

    Welcome, Kane.  You've come to the right place.  The women on this thread are awesome!  It's sounds like you've been through alot with the lymphodema.  That's bad stuff, to be sure, so I'm glad that you're learning how to manage it.

    My son and his family live in Lexington, KY so we visit your lovely state every so often!  Are you located anywhere near them?

    Well, I'm off to get flowers for my pots today!  Summer has finally arrived in Illinois and I am thrilled!  This sunshine and warm weather energizes me.

    Caroline and Pam.............where are you?  I'm missin' you gals!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,350
    edited May 2010

    Good morning ladies,

    First, I'd like to share what I put on Rita's thread for the quote today just because I love it so much and as I'm 1/8th Cherokee...I identify just a bit more with it:

    "When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced.
    Live your life so that when you die, the world cries
    and you rejoice."

    -- Cherokee Expression

    Kane, just a question since I don't have lymphedema and hope I never do --- would a sports-type bra or one of those sleep bras do you any good.  I keep thinking whatever might be able to keep a little more tension out of the area.  I may have just shown yo how little I know about this problem. 

    Chevy/Jeanette,I am hoping and praying all goes fine today for you and Dh.  Your deep in my thoughts.

    flyinydutchess - What the hey !!!  I love that.  Almost nothing can replace a great attitude.  We know how much is in  your glass

    Julia, so wonderful to be getting your last chemo treatment.  They are a bit rugged since they are cumulative, but I think since they have been  ( at least for many ) somewhat difficult, you do get a little feeling of euphoria going that you have seen the last of the chemo lounge.  I've heard some say that they felt cut adrift to suddenly have nothing left to do where chemo is concerned.  Almost as though you have quit fighting -- but you graduate the need for the harsh drugs. I'm sure our bodies are quite grateful to make those new cells and have them stay in place.  Doesn't it make you think.....if the inside of our bodies could talk, what might they have to say about all this.  This is the start of your freedom.  I personally felt a tiny bit dismayed -- thinking my se's held on for a bit longer than I liked.  I now just think I was over anxious after 6 months to be done with it and moving on to the next plateau.  Patience has never been a really strong point of mine.  Here's wishing you a glorious transition into no more chemo. 

    It is once again going to be a fabulous day and I will be thinking of each of you as I travel through it.  Healing prayers for all who need them.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • kane744
    kane744 Member Posts: 52
    edited May 2010

    Hi Rita.  We live in Lexington!  Moved here seven years ago from the Chicago area when my dh was transferred to a job here.  Decided this is where we'd like to retire and so we did.  Only after dh got laid off after 32 years with the company, who shall remain nameless.  Luckily, he has a pension and it's a very reasonable cost of living area. 

    To those who have asked about lymphedema or are concerned about it, everyone should be!!  My doctors all told me I had nothing to worry about even after full axillary dissection.  I was told as long as I didn't get my blood pressure taken, or shots, or IVs done on that arm, I'd be OK.  Hardly happens anymore, they said!  Well, 1 1/2 years later, here I am.  Plus when I first called my onc saying I was swelling, I was told I probably over used my muscles!  As the swelling spread and the pain increased, I kept calling and kept complaining until AT LAST I was referred to a newly-hired lymphedema specialist who diagnosed me as soon as she walked into the room.  Now I am stage 2 and that's it for the rest of my life.  

    There is a very educational site which explains everything about le.  Explains clearly what it is and why bc patients are so at risk.  If you don't have it, how to proceed to make sure you lessen your chances.  Explains wrapping, garments, etc.  It's Step Up-Speak  Wish I'd have found it before I got le, but it's been very helpful since, as is the Lymphedema Discussion Board on this site.

    Illinois Lady, I wear light compression garments instead of bras most days.  I've progressed to the point where I can even wear a bra when we go out.  Makes me happy.  Me, the burn your bra gal of the 70s!

    Sorry, if I preach.  But this chronic condition is a horror.   Almost worse than the cancer, just not so deadly.  It's completely changed my life.  No riding horses, no even grooming them, minimal gardening, very little sun, and on and on and on.  But I'm new at the whole thing and will learn along the way what causes me to swell.  Oh, and one more thing, if I make loads of typos, etc. it means I'm bandaged! 

    Thanks for welcoming me.  Be strong.  Fight hard!

  • barb_k
    barb_k Member Posts: 38
    edited May 2010

    I was told the same thing about LE. no chance it's not going to happen. I started to swell and nobody really care.  So made and appt. with a PT that specializes in Le for a free consult, I don't have le but on the verge. recommeded a compression bra as mine is in my back shoulder and under arm. was also told to wear 2 sleeves and the compression bra if I ever flew. I feel so much better with the compressiong bra. I sleep in it every night. My last Chemo is coming up on Wed the 26th and the week after I will be going to Ga. for my stepgrandaughters graduation. If every thing gois as planned which it usually does not with bc.

  • kane744
    kane744 Member Posts: 52
    edited May 2010

    Sept will be my two year diagnosis anniversary and I know how you feel, Joycek, because it all still seems so surreal.  The worst and the best times of my life.  The worst because I feel like it put me into old age before I was ready and the best because I've met such wonderful, strong, women.  The worst because it totally sapped my energy.  The best cause I learned I could be very strong.  The worst because this control-freak person lost total control.  The best because after 28 years, dh FINALLY learned how to do laundry!  From what I've been reading here, some of you feel that BC puts you into depression.  Well, duh!  Why wouldn't it?  It's a horrible thing to go through.  They cut you, they poison you, they burn you and all the while tell you to think positively.  Well crap to that.  If I want to feel lousy I will because lots of times I DO feel lousy.  But the further away I get from the treatment, the longer it goes between feeling lousy and feeling good.  Know what I mean?  OK, so I'm not really thin anymore, so what.  OK, so my hair did grow out funky with one part curly, the other part straight.  I can surely deal with that after what I've been through.  I'm just trying to talk myself into this, ladies, cause I'm having a rough boob hurting day and just want to sit on my rump.  We all have bad days, we all have good days.  That's how we know joy.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2010

    Thanks you guys....Thanks Kat....The surgery for his replacement pacemaker went well the surgeon said, but he has been so sick!  The nurse finally gave him a shot, brought some juice & crackers, then we ordered some soup, because he hadn't eaten....But THEN she gave him a Percocet, which just knocked him on his butt.  He slept for about an hour at the hospital, & we finally got him up, more or less, & we got him to the car, then home, & he is still asleep!   I guess this is normal, & I'm trying to be quiet so he can sleep....finally.  He has been so afraid ever since we heard that he was getting this pacemaker today!   So I thank God  that I got to bring him home!  I was afraid too.......just watching him sleep makes me so proud & so happy....And I'll try & remember that when he comes around & yells.....Ha!    I'm just glad it's over!   What a DAY this has been! 

    Kane....welcome have been through it haven't you?  But we will all help you!  So sorry about the lymphedema!  I had been warned about this maybe happening, but it didn't!  I hope they can help you!

    All of you gals are great....I feel like I am talking to my "breast friends' here.....because you all are.  So thank you.....Wish I could hug you all!  xoxoxoxoxo

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited May 2010

    Chevvyboy, just so pleased your DH came thru surgery OK....I think they're more scared than we are when there's something up with them !!!!

    Kane....welcome...sorry about the lymphodema...something I just don't think I could get my head around....especially when I love my garden so much.

    We have had a spell of very warm weather, 4 days, and thank goodness its cooling down tomorrow for us, much too heat for me. I have to work for one and threequarters,  sometimes two hours cleaning out my dog kennels, every day....all outside in the sun....and I really hate the heat. I cover up so I don't burn then sweat because I am so warm. I prefer the cooler, even rainy weather. My garden is crying out for water. I have no energy to pull out the hosepipe and water everything.

    I have just had 2 invitations to parties, one to my G/sons 18th, in 2 weeks, and one to a 'summer BBQ' this coming w/end. I shall go to both !!! I like to go to parties when I don't need to shop, or cook, or do anything at all towards the preparation.

    My G/son isn't expecting a party, DD is trying to keep it secret from him. He thinks DD and SIL are paying for him to go on a short holiday over his party w/end. He has been building up to his birthday for months now...he comes into some money...and he is hell bent on spending the lot on a car. Everytime I see him, which is every w/end as he works for me, I have a go at him to do something useful with it like set himself up in something that will bring him some money back. I think I am beginning to get thru to him at long last, as he is now talking about buying a cheaper car, and doing 'something useful' with the rest. I know if I were 18 again I would probably just want to blow the lot as well !! He isn't a young man with an old head on his shoulders, as I expect most 18 year olds aren't, so he just sees cash as a way to getting himself a decent car....but....the value of a car doesn't last.

    I just had a very profound chat about contraception with him and his G/F this last w/end. She is 16, and a very young 16, and they've just had a 'scare'. I find it hard to comment as I just believe they are way too young to be into all that. She is going for a contraceptive implant next week...I am dead against it... but I suppose its better than the inevitable abortion if she doesn't ! DD allows them to share a room, and G/F stays 6 nights a something will happen sure as eggs is eggs. I have come to think a lot about her, she's been around for 8 months, and often accompanies G/son when he comes to work, so we find ourselved chatting away for 2/3 hours sometimes. This last w/end I have been helping her make herself a skirt. of course, about 6" long !! She was bemoaning the fact that she doesn't have much cash for all the clothes she wants, so I suggested she start and make her own, as I did many years ago. Of course I forgot they don't teach cooking and sewing anymore at school, so I had to get my machine out, show her how to use it, and get her going. She is so slim and tiny, like a little stick insect, and does look lovely in short skirts, but without her makeup looks about 12 ! 


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited May 2010

    Hi Ladies of a certain age,

    I have been in So. California staying with dear GS (age 4 3/4)  while DD and SIL went to Hawaii. Parents had a great time and so did GS and i... only one not happy was DH who stayed home alone. He hates to travel anymore and I feel guilty leaving him alone but need to visit DD and family a couple times a year. He is a totally dependent man of the generation where they went to work and wife did everything at home. It still works for us... unless I am gone :-)

    Wow, traffic in So. Ca. is a killer. I was using a GPS to get around but had to occasionally rely on little GS to find things. He was amazingly good at directions, thank goodness. We went to see Furry Vengeance.... a movie only a 4 year old boy could love! Yes, that bad.

    Thankfully none of my grands are old enough to have to face your situation, Isabella! So glad to not be parenting in these permissive times! Mine were teenagers during the Reagan "Just Say No" era. Even then, there were some difficult days. But they grew up to be good people, great parents so far. 

    HOT in Florida. My walk time is shifting earlier and it is still a killer. Trying to get some gardening in too before sun stroke is a danger! But it is almost June... so what do I expect, it's Florida!

    Hope everyone is feeling good. God bless us all!


  • flyingdutchess
    flyingdutchess Member Posts: 107
    edited May 2010

    Hey Kane  you sound like the beiginning of the "Tale of 2 Cities"  .".it was the worst of times, the best of times".  Next thing you'll know you'll be Snoopy "It was a dark and stormy night". 

    Chevyboy I am glad to hear about your husband's results.  How did you choose your screen name or whatever you call it?  I get the Chevy, what about the boy?

    Isabella is DD aware that if GS's GF splits with him he could be accused of statuatory rape and DD could be considered and accomplice and go to jail.  You might not be able to get GS and GF to stop but DD should know better than to faciliate this!  I am not judging you but am DD and GS.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,350
    edited May 2010

    Hi everyone,

    Jeanette, good news about your hubby.  I'm sure your feeling a great good deal of relief as well. 

    I had an interesting if long day.  Met Maggie for our no-no breakfast at McDonalds.  I could not stay long as had to get Dh back home as he had to go to work.  Maggie asked me if I thought it wa hot in the restaurant...and it really wasn't.  Should have tipped me off.

    Some time after I left, an ambulance had to be called.....she could not breathe.  She is back in the hospital again....hopefully not for too long, but will now have a lung specialist which I hope will be the key to getting her on her feet.  Going on  10 p.m. so I'm going to go find my recliner and veg out.  Back to being knee deep in animals.  See you all in the morning.  Sleep tight.  I'm thinking of all of you.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited May 2010

    Hi Barb_k, I hope all goes well with your last treatment tomorrow.  We'll be under the final drip together and I'm sure you'll agree that it will be such a relief to close this chapter and look forward to recovering good health.  Best wishes to you.