Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited May 2010

    Love your teacup kitty Jackie, how precious!

  • penelopejones
    penelopejones Member Posts: 3
    edited May 2010

    Amen, Northstar....  I am 74 and would like to communicate with women more my age too !

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,351
    edited May 2010


    Welcome to our little corner of the Internet.  You are young enough to join us so grab a cup of coffee or tea off the sideboard, sit down and just chat with us.  The door is always open for new friends.  Tell us a little about yourself.  I do see a few things in your diagnosis line. We are a friendly group and somehow is almost always here.   

    Julia,I found the picture on the "net", and it so reminded me of our long-tailed Manx, Happy Hoppy.  I had a crystal bowl that used to sit on a table by our window  in the dining room and Hoppy would curl up in it.  People would walk by and you could see the delight in their faces seeing this cat "ENJOY" his crystal bowl.  I think that is one of the major beauties of a cat ---  it is all for them -- and unlike us sometimes, they know how to enjoy to the fullest measure.  We often hold back without even being totally aware that we do -- like young children, the animals are able to display complete abandonment to the moment and what they are doing --- something I'd like to be able to do again, and hopefully will. 

    Lots to do today, but it is just a notmal day.  Going to s Strawberry festival tomorrow and a cook-out on Monday.  I will still be doing my job those days.  I am 7 days a week no matter what.  It is ok with me though.  You do what needs to be done and needs don't take a holiday.  See you all later.  I'll be checking inl.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • lebrecht
    lebrecht Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2010

    Okay my report mow on a few things that I was told by my Oncologist Friday.

    A positive attitude is good as it helps us to recover. However he does not like the Doctor's to lie. Patients need to know the truth to base their decisions. Cancer is NOT curable, but with treatment can be slowed up and life expectancy increased.

    He feels that Arimidex is a better drug for anyone after menopause. The results of longer life and less re bouts with breast cancer is far greater than with Tamoxifen.

    Soy is bad for BC patients as it can promote cancer growth. Read labels as it is in many products including bread, etc. Don't think it is only in Japanese food as it is used in MOST packaged foods. Eating more vegetables is better than any meats or fish of all kinds. In the USA we do not eat enough vegetables and fruits.

    Hormones in food, or creams we put on the skin is all bad as it also promotes cancer growth. Try to eat foods without this mas an additive and remember that any animal that is filled with hormones will also have this in products made from them. EX: eggs, milk, cheese, etc.

    Use caution. Read labels.

    Finally I am starting to feel more confident in my choice.

    The fact that I have had setbacks and will start radiation only 3 month after surgery and the pill four months after is a concern of the doctor BUT we must work with where we are now. Positive nodes would mean that more than likely some cancer cells are in the breast. The rest of the body is unknown. All of radiation and pills are intended to prevent a recurrence pf breast cancer. The rest is a unknown. Though the Pet Scan on me show all is okay. This gives me hope that I will be and do just fine.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited May 2010

    Thanks for sharing, lebrecht. Sounds like you have a good, communicative doctor. That's important. We can handle anything but need to know the facts. Best of luck with radiation.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,351
    edited May 2010

    Anne, that is pretty positive news for you I'd say too, and as Pam says any time you can get a Dr. to communicate well with you, you are in a very good place to be.  I think your Dr. has given you excellent advice for your diagnosis. 

    Most of the things you mentioned don't have to be a total no-no.  There are organic foods and health food stores and most of those have a section with creams and lotions etc.  Admittedly the price is going to be higher, but many things can be used as a treat to an extant, and you can make a list of things you feel you don't want to do without.  Some just don't feel they can go without deodorant for instance.  Here I do most of the time as it's hot and muggy and not unusual for me to have three or more showers a day when it is like this. 

    I'm glad you are ready to get started now with your txs and on to way to the rest of a good life.

    Big healing hugs,


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,351
    edited May 2010

    Good morning everyone,

    It is going to be pretty out -- small chance of a pop-up shower but I don't really mind as long as I get to feed the feral cats -- as well Rocky and Ricky Raccoon.  Never in my dreams would I have suspected I'd be doing that -- but I've given them their own bowls now.  I would not mind so much if they ate the cat food --- but I can't control the situation once I put the food down.  Now that I have gotten Rocky and Ricky used to their own bowl --- they go to it, and do not automatically seek out the bowls the cats are using.  That way --- I'm more sure that the cats get their fair share as they will eat together -- right next to one another actually -- just not out of the same bowl.  Guess that is a little too close.

    Will go this afternoon to a Strawberry Festival -- that is about all that is on for today....except getting the washer and dryer hooked up and ready for the repairman.  I bought those new ones at greatly reduced price $600.00 -- because they were floor models.  Would have cost me $1,400.00 more -- and dh just bought the protection agreement so I can have five years of free service on them --- starting with a knob that was missing.  These are the times when I am so glad my hubby still works at Sears.  You can get too many good bargains sometimes -- but I don't complain too much about that. 

    I hope you are all going to have a fantastic Sunday. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited May 2010

    Lebrecht, thanks for sharing the info from you doctor.  We all need to be reminded about those fruits and veggies every so often.  I still catch myself heading for the cookie jar or for crackers instead of the grapes that in the frig!

    It's a beautiful day here in Illinois today and I'm getting ready to go out and play a round of golf. Then I need to head for the grocery and find something good to throw on the grill for this evening!  Everyone enjoy the holiday weekend.  That Strawberry Festival sounds fun, Jackie!


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2010

    We went to a birthday party for my grandson at one of those family fun type

    places with miniature golf, ferris wheel, go carts, etc and indoor million

    machines to play and lots of know the scene

    at any rate, in the middle of all that was a rose...

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited May 2010
    SoCalLisa  - once again - beautiful. I think your photos are the best advertisement for your area of the country ever! Roses are only in bloom here for a short time and are difficult to keep because they are not so fond of winter- my peonies are blooming now.
  • lebrecht
    lebrecht Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2010

    Hi Lisa:

    How beautiful..

    You stopped to smell the roses!

    Yes we are so lucky with our weather here in So. California.


  • KayNYC
    KayNYC Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2010

    Thank you all for the warm welcome. I have completed 12 of 21 radiation treatments and except for breast redness and some arm/breast swelling and sensitivity, I feel great. You could say I am half baked or medium well done at this point.

    I have been very busy at work and very thankful that I can work through my treatment. Hubby is enjoying his new job, so different from working in a small office. He gets to talk to new and interesting people everyday and he brings home funny stories to share over dinner.

     I have been using two work-out DVDs created for BC survivors, as well as my Yoga DVD's almost every evening. Last weekend, one of my former coworkers (an RN and cancer survivor) came to visit. We had a great time and enjoyed a lovely lunch at a local restaurant.I am enjoying the holiday weekend. My husband is working today and tomorrow so I have plenty of time to catch up on my emailing and blogging.It is such a beautiful day. No plans, but going out this afternoon for a walk and maybe treat myself to a mango gelato.

    Isn't it strange what you miss? Boy, do I miss wearing my underwire bra. A camisole or sports bra (aka uniboob), just isn't enough control for my D-cup girls. All that jiggling in a 60 year old isn't  attractive (I say so ,but hubby says he sure doesn't mind it). I told him that it is like letting your puppies jump and bounce in youth, it's not a bad thing (the guys  love it) but after midlife, people look as though they might be thinking: "lady, get those old dogs on a lease". On days when I start feeling a little sorry for myself, I think,  it is almost summer and it seems all the ladies are letting there pups free in their skimpy tops whle I "cover up" to avoid damage to the already sensitive skin and try to hide the bouncing. However, I have to admit, over  the last two weeks, I have gotten a little more comfortable with the twins on the trampoline on my chest but I certainly try to avoid jogging or running for fear of black and blues! So glad no one is watching when I am on the yoga mat! Ah, enough breast humor...

    Looking forward to a long weekend in Florida with my in-laws by the end of the summer. Just the thought of walking on the beach makes me smile...Have a great weekend ladies. Thanks for the laugh about DR Oz and the soaking nuts.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,091
    edited May 2010

    Welcome, Kane.  LE sounds like a horrible affliction.  I've been following a new thread on this website about women who had SNB and have developed LE.  Apparently any disruption of the lymphatic system can possibly cause LE.  So I'm at risk, too, with the removal of 4 nodes.

    Thanks, Rita, for missing me!  I've been playing a lot of golf, chauffeuring my mother here and there, and as if I weren't busy enough, I'm taking bridge lessons.  It's a challenging card game, for sure.  Today was the first day in weeks I haven't had to be somewhere.  I'm enjoying being at home.  This morning I walked 3 miles and cleaned my patio and porch and porch furniture with a nifty little power washer that DH bought.  It's very easy to use, like a more forceful garden hose. 

    The fresh veggies are available now at the produce markets.  I'm enjoying the yellow squash, cucumbers, eggplant, and especially the tomatoes.  There's nothing better than a garden-grown tomato. 

    Isabella, I'm shaking my head with disbelief at the idea of someone removing windows and leaving the openings uncovered.  At the very least your DH could have stapled heavy plastic over the openings.  In our climate and with our insect population, the whole house would be full of bugs and lizards and, yes, bats. 

    DH is watching the Indy 500 on tv this afternoon.  I think I'll play some bridge with robots!  Hope everyone is having a good day.

  • kane744
    kane744 Member Posts: 52
    edited May 2010

    Am looking forward to a reunion of old friends this coming July.  We all used to hang together when we lived in San Francisco and gradually left, couple by couple, due to job transfers.  One couple now lives right on the beach on an island in NC in the most adorable cottage and they host all of us every year.  It's my first time back since having breast cancer.  We have so much fun pretending we're young again, telling the same stories and laughing like we never heard 'em before.  Yesterday I went shopping for sun protection clothing and found a great sale going on.  Got two shirts and a pair of crops to add to my protective wardrobe.  I always enjoy early morning walks on the beach but will no longer be able to lay out since getting lymphedema.  At least these clothes will let me enjoy without being concerned about the sun.  I think I'm going to leave my bathing suits at home just so I'm not tempted!  My best girlfriend said she'll sit on the porch with me and drink lemon martinis!!!  Like I said, pretending we're still young, but we all end up falling asleep at 10:00!       

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited May 2010

    Kane - how is lymphedema affected by the sun? I know that both the Femara and Herceptin that I'm on cause sun sensitivity; thus I try to stay covered or wear sun block, but I don't know why my lymphedema would care about the sun. I went swimming with it when I was in Florida and think the exercise was valuable. I don't just lie out in the sun, but that's a decision I made years ago, well before BC and the legacies it has left me.

     KayNYC - I have found that since I started wearing a sports bra with a very light weight "foob" my lyphedema seems happier. Me too since I am no longer grabbing at straps that never stayed up.

    CaroleHalston - isn't it surprising how much time that bridge habit can fill? I'm playing this coming Friday in a world wide game - will be interesting to see how my partner and I rank. We have joked about becoming world wide queens of bridge but really no one is going to be unseated by us!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2010

    You guys, I saw you talking about your bras, & how uncomfortable the under-wires are!  I broke a couple ribs once, coughing, when I had pneumonia..Those underwires are nice, until you try something better!  I have ordered 3 bras from the internet...only $12 I think...& they are so comfortable!  Even with straps that have hooks over the shoulders.  I'm still wearing them, & have been since I had the surgery the first of December. I think they are the "Gelmart" back support.. & I even sleep in one!   They helped hold the tubes from the MammoSite Device next to my skin. I also order larger than what I normally would wear.  I ordered them from Amazon...Here is the link, I hope... Just copy & paste. are a guardian angel for all if your "pets"...I love that!

    Okay, I tried it, & it worked!  Amazing!  Ha! 

    We are going to Orlando Wednesday!  I'm so excited!  And my Husband's pacemaker ordeal is done & forgotten...sorf of!  Just one more check-up before we leave on Tuesday!  But he feels great!   Nah, I guess it will never be forgotten.... but we live with it!  We are sooooo lucky we have each other!

    Kane...did you know that Melissa (SV) Lives on the Outer Banks of NC?  She lives in Duck NC!    It sounds so beautiful there! 

    I love your pictures Lisa!  Thanks for adding beauty to our days!  Okay, bye girls! xoxoxo

  • binney4
    binney4 Member Posts: 1,466
    edited May 2010

    Yikes! I haven't been over to this thread in a while and it's already on page 197! The thing about being "older" is you just have so much more to talk about.Wink

    Carol, in our part of the country we have a produce co-op called, where early in the week we can order a "basket" of fresh, local produce on-line (it's actually TWO laundry baskets, one of fruits and one of veggies) for $15 total. You print out your order receipt, then early Saturday morning you go to a park near your home and pick up your produce. It's plenty for our family of four, but some of our neighbors go together and split an order. You don't get to choose what's in it, but it's always in season and fresh. I don't know if other parts of the country have anything similar (this covers AZ, UT, and NV), but if so it's well worth looking into.

    Lassie, swimming is considered to be the best kind of exercise for lymphedema -- the added pressure of the water and the flow of it over your skin is helpful for moving lymph fluid. Heat causes more swelling with lymphedema, but beyond that the danger from the sun is sunburn, which could lead to both more swelling and (if the skin is compromised from burning) to infection. Even though our clunky compression garments look like they'd protect us, they don't, and you can get a burn right through your garments.Tongue out 

    Kane, take the suits and get in the water! Then again, perhaps staying well hydrated with lemon matinis has more appeal...Cool

    Happy summertime!

    edited to add: I just made it page 198!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited May 2010

    Hi everyone remember me?

    its hard to believe that we have been travelling for four weeks now and what a time we have had. And what things everyone has been up to. Jeanette, Denver is so beautiful, I will be back. Time was just so short there. We are now in Guernsey, one of the Channel Islands with our son having been to Ireland, Scotland and Spain.

    Binney, like you I have had to read a lot. And I have a couple of stories I will put on the Lymphoedema board.

    One funny incident was leaving Spain as I went through the Xray machine. This time I made it ring, hadn't previously. Woman Officer beckoned me over and started to pat me down. Moved her hand across my chest and into the centre front of my bra. She realised there was a gap, looked horrified, almost upset, and said sorry, sorry. Still don't know what made the xray go off, but her reaction was wonderful. Another time in the states they got very funny about my sleeve.

    The trip has been great but have had not so good news about family members. DS, one we are with has to have tests on his heart- looks like hereditary  troubles poor lad. Then heard that my sister has bowel cancer, thankfully my DDs have taken over things until I get home. My sister lives with us. Then when I was talking to our brother he told me that his BiL who is a friend of ours has secondary cancer and is not given long. Its hard getting such news when you are a long way away.

    Must go, get breakfast and see what we are doing today.

    Big hugs to all.


  • Julia257
    Julia257 Member Posts: 203
    edited May 2010

    Setting off the xray...brings to mind at the goodwill shop, I bought a really nice pair of docker pants, I altered to 3/4 length.  I went to my usual cvs, walgreens, etc and set off the security alarms, I was sure it was the new heavy metal within.  Who new, the security label was still on, I guess there's a Robin Hood in our midst.  #4 is the biggest mac truck of them all.  Immobilized on the couch since Wed, I sure concur it's cumulative.  When I came on board 3 weeks ago, I went on a bit about what I was thinking and hearing apres 3.  I've paid attention, Jackie, the white noise had disappeared and reappeared upon infusion.  I'd like to think this time, it's the ocean's roar beckoning,  I want to thank you all so was such a pleasure to come here today and hear of the golf, the walks on the beach, the peonies (what greater elegance), the bridge, the plans for reunion, the trip to Orlando...all so uplifting to hear.  Lisa, thank you for sharing the profound...amidst the noise, a rose.  Never mind a tv show...I can only imagine the glee in the hearts of Rocky, Ricky and cats when they see you, Jackie, hope you had a lovely time at the Strawberry Festival.  You made my day, K, thank you so much, I'm so glad you laughed, I think I need to thank Dr. Oz, I hope he's not offended.   Love you all, hope you only have wonderful, happy and healthy times to share. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,351
    edited May 2010
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,351
    edited May 2010

    Alyson, how great to hear from you, but I'm so sorry that you are having so much illness in your midst as you travel here.  Glad you have DD's to see to your sis at home.  I hope the rest of your time goes smoothly and that you are able to enjoy it.

    Julia, I am so sorry about the truck.  The last chemo is always the ambivalent one.  You are so happy it is the last that you are glad to be going -- then wham-o.  For me, it hung on and on it seemed.  Still, you do reach that day when you look back to the brief past and think.....oh my gosh, look what I was able to do.  Be proud of yourself -- chemo is not for sissies.  It can be rough for many.  I spoke with a couple of gals that barely seemed to notice they were even having it, and continued to work all through it -- others like me for instance, just struggled with the whole thing.  I tried not to complain much -- too stoic I guess, but it definitely stole the starch out of my sails. 

    I hope it does not take too long to feel better.  I was terribly impatient --- after 6 months of the stuff I was ready for the high and lows to be over -- but they lingered -- longer than I thought they should -- teasing just a bit I guess.  .Then finally I realized -- I'm really me again.....and when I decide ( which is generally every day ) to have a good day, it is going to stay that way.  I want all your days soon to STAY good too.   

    Binny, sure wish we had a Bountiful Basket here.  It sounds amazing.  We do have Farmer's Market, but in the past three or so years the prices have gotten so high.  Still, you do know it's fresh produce which is a plus. 

    I should have added above I want for all of us never to have to do chemo again, but I would do so if need be.  I think all of us get there -- knowing that we needed to do this to continue our existence on this earthly plane and that there was no real other way.  Of course, my heart and soul's desire is that a cure be found tomorrow thus eradicating any need for chemo at all, or if so that it is much more specialized/tailored than it is now. 

    Hope you all have a glorious Memorial Day.  I give my very, very humble thanks to all the service people who are in the war, as we speak, to all those thru the years and the wars, to all the departed.  How can we ever say thank you.  Because of all of you I sit her today -- in the comfort of my home feeling secure. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • kane744
    kane744 Member Posts: 52
    edited May 2010

    Gee, Binney, never thought of  you as one of us older gals!  So I'm telling dh this and what you said about getting in the water.  First he says, I agree with her, go in the water and you can even go in without your sleeve and gauntlet for while.  Is this true?? 

    Funny thing, when we got married over 28 years ago now, we went on a cruise for our honeymoon.  It was the first of many revelations about one another over the years.  He thought I could swim.  I thought he could dance.  We're still tryin' to get each other to do that!

    Illinois Lady, I agree about the Farmers' Markets.  Now that it's the in thing to "eat locally", the prices have skyrocketed.  We often take drives into the countryside and stop at farm stands along the road.  Much, much better prices and great quality too.  There's even a farm that converted from tobacco to raising shrimp.  A boon considering what's going on in the Gulf these days.  

  • lebrecht
    lebrecht Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2010

    That bra on Amazon  looks perfect BUT does not come in my size...48 D  the bra only goes up to 44...I looked at the bra and then tried to get back to where I was on the forum and cannot find my place and who sent the web site. I swear I will never learn how to navigate this. I am hopeless. Was it Kane? 

    It skips to the last two posts?

    This sure takes patience.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2010

    In Memory

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited May 2010

    Oh Kane, where are you headed too-Ocracoke Island???? That is my favorite place in all of the world! There is the most incredible 'local art' store there that I spend DAYS in, exploring. They have everything from wind instruments to pottery to anything from the south that is handmade that you can think of. Oh i hope you are going there!! There is a natural hemp store on the island that has the most gorgeous smelling soap made with hemp oils. The fishing is awesome-or is it Hatteras island that you are headed too-OK, I am excited to find out obviously. OK gals, today is my birthday!!! I am creeping up on 60 years old and simply cannot believe it. Have had a great day so far. So Cal that photo of the bluebird is absolutely stunning!! you need to start doing artwork girl!! There is a great website called "Photographer's Edge" that lets you do just about any thing from making framed art to making gorgeous greeting cards. i use them a lot for my work. It hit 90 here today and time to wrestle the AC into the window in my apartment. Oh, I am in heaven-the cool air feels wonderful. Need to close ((((BIG HUGS))) SV AND OH UH, ALYSON-JUST WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN AND WHA'D UP?

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited June 2010


     HAPPY BIRTHDAY...kept that quiet, didn't you ?

    You do sound a little more settled with yourself, are you ?

    As you were saying you were in ER 4 days ago, so was I, same day.

    I have been having a 'quiverring' heart for want of a better description, for a few months now, and, as you do, well as I DO, I thought it would go away !!! Well, it didn't, it got worse very suddenly....MY BP shot up. When it got to 180/110 and my heart rate was 130. I rang my GP, who said ring an ambulance....again. not one for a fuss I got DH in the house and cleaned up, and got him to take me ! I was whisked in and out of what seemed like everywhere for various tests. I do not like hospitals, and I refused a blood test, I have a terrible fear of needles. ECG showed I had some sort of arrhythmia, have to go in for more tests next week, and an overnighter, then in and out for various things for the next 2 weeks.

    I know its coming up to our holiday season, but at the end of this next 2 weeks of tests I am taking some time out and taking myself off to do some research in records offices and old churches. I have been promising myself this trip for 5 years, I want to go to where my paternal g/parents come from, and try and find out some things I just cannot find emailing people. Its not too far away, about 300 miles, and I enjoy driving, and I love my own company, so I am off ! My family are driving me nutty, the 'phone just doesn't stop, DD or one or other of G/sons and G/daughters seem to have sorted out some system among themselves so one of them is here morning. noon and night. As one leaves, another one 'just' happens to be in the area....I know they are tale telling between one another as well, by what is being said to me. DD is on about giving up her job to look after me aaaarrrrgggghhh.... (She is being dramatic now !!!) I don't need all this, just leave me alone please !!  I just want some peace and quiet, and be able to pad round my own house and garden without someone always being here. I can't even go sit in the sunshine in the garden now with a cup of coffee, and the papers, there's always one or other of them here. I have unplugged the 'phone for the last 2 evenings, to get some peace !! 

    I have an Onc appointment tomorrow pm, and NEED to take the morning to get my clothes sorted out and my hair done, and my questions written out ! If anyone turns up in the morning I shall be downright rude to them, and carry on with my preparations.

    I have all I need right here, sat at my feet, a great big pile of little dogs snoring away as I type.....I can't move my feet anywhere for them all !!!


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited June 2010

    Dear Isabella,

    I feel as if we should be taking turns in looking in on you too.  Can't have anything happening to our most interesting sister across the sea! Just turn all the work over to them and use your free time to do all the things you want. Families mean well but, my goodness, they can drive us nuts. I want consideration but really don't want to be treated like I am a sickie! It's a fine line they have to walk! Well, we are worried about you too. Please take care.


  • binney4
    binney4 Member Posts: 1,466
    edited June 2010

    Julia, treatment really does end! And then you can actually start to heal. I know you already know that, but I say it because when I was in active treatment I kept on forgetting, and my DH had to keep reminding me. For some reason in the middle of treatment it's hard to remember there's light at the end of the tunnel.

    Alyson, do come over to the LE board and share your adventures. LE can get to feeling so restrictive, and we all need the inspiration. I'm really sorry about all the bad news -- the distance makes you feel so helpless, and it's hard to get all the details straight. Oof!

    Kane, swimming is wonderful for LE. (The only better exercise for LE is scuba diving, but I'm not going there!) You don't need your compression garments, so it's also the height of freedom. When you get out of the water, dry off and put the garments back on (and don't expect them to provide sun protection). In the ocean you'll want to be careful not to come scraping into shore and scratch up your arms (and if you do, clean 'em up and put some topical antibiotic on 'em), but other than that, for goodness sake go play!

    Isabella, your "trip of discovery" sounds marvelous -- go for it! Hope you uncover lots of warm and wonderful tidbits of your family's past.

    Be well!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2010

    Isabella, I also have a routine appt with my oncologist tomorrow...but in the morning so I have to zip to get up and get there, just enough time to shower...

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited June 2010

    Lisa....hope your appointment goes well, the build up is terrible, isn't it ? Mine is in 3 hours, and I am really getting stressed ! I have been trying to think straight about what I want to say to my onc, but there's been someone in my house now almost constantly for 5 days, I just can't take an hour to calm myself down and think what my questions will be......if I thought I'd get another appointment fairly quickly I would cancel, and try again next week, but no chance..... if I miss this one they'll make me wait weeks before I get in again.
